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Document Release Date: 
June 13, 2005
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Publication Date: 
March 23, 1974
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? 1~11SIiIi;G:iO:f PU~7t Approved For Release 2005/07/01 :CIA-RDP91-00901800 STAN` ~tront., Bal;cr h: sieves the CIA ~brated excursion to Denver in a ecs, and instructions were is- ~kept close tat;.., :in hunt even af- ~;udicrous CIA ~t?ig to talk to Dita I~ sued to R'F'0 (iti'ashint;ton I"field 13~',~a c1:.,4rnl erso t, For tmouths, Sen. Iloward Baker (R'L'enn.) has been piec- ing togetlicr evidence that the Central intelligence Agency ?sontehow was involved in' the ;Watergate break-in. Now tie. is p"reparing' a de- ~failed report, backed up with se- ~cret d~ocumen[s. The report will d'cliend for explosive effect, however, more on the yucstions it asks titan on the answers it 'gives, ' The report. wit[ focus largely on.formcr Clr1 agent L. Iloward Hunt, who retired from the CIA in 1970. joined a C1A cover or- gan}Lationnnd rhea went on the White I[ouse payroll in .tiny, 1971. A year later, he helped plan the 1t'atergate break-in. In Baker's study of the CIA `rote in the case, he has made these tentative findings: ? Lleputy CIA Director Ver- c/non Walters' repeated claim. that the CIA grew wary of hunt and broke contact with hirn by August 31, 1971, is false. The GL4 now admits its top psychia- ~itrist, 17 r. Bernard Malloy, mcl sc?cretiy with Bunt on the Dan- iel hllsbet?g case as late as Octo- ber 27, 3.971. ;Cer, he sul;posrdly "refired.' Crom the CI:1. o While hunt w;,s working for licard. The CIA reportedly was +;?orried tehethcr u?c got the fa- mous ITT-Oita Y.eard memo the CIA front company, .heFfr-om tile same source rr?Ito gave nought out an old Bay of I'i,^,s~us t'nc ITT Chile mcruos impli- sidekick, Y,ernr.rd L'arker. Tire ~c,atittg thG Cl:'~ in a plot to block senatorsusl,ecrs 1lunt mayltaCCjt:ie iuaut;ural.of the late Salva- beeu plannin~? exploits ~vith~ilore:~llende. Parker on behalf of the CIA. The k ~ Baker suspects, but cannot senator tcould like to prove, but ~ prove, flint Hunt's plan to break cannot, that h:.o of the exp}oits'rrao the safe oI Las Vegas pub- were the \b'ater ate and Ells- .tislter hank Grcenspun muy berg psychiatrist been}.-ins: a]so have had some CIA under-I 14 hat Baker can show, however, tones. The safe contained hillio- isthat hunt contacted Barker in nair.e Iloward litiglies' private April, 1971, mcinths before go}ng P;rpers. Hughes not only was an- on the 1,'hite House payroll. sociated with the lrlttllen CIA ? :liter hunt vent to work for front but .had also employed the ll'hitc house, he got a tip Hobert ~;,fahett, another CIA from Robert?Iiennelt, head of [rontman. the 3fullcn Ci:1 cover company, * After the \5'atei?gate break= ,that otte of Bennett's ex-employ- `in was discovered, hunt fled to cos in Vow ~En;;land Karl sontc ` alifornia to a man identified as 'fresh information on the Chap- ~?1lort Jackson;'. who has close paquiddickepisode.Huntcottld C'}A connections, Baker has have obtained the' information~lcarned. by making a sir?pie call to the ~ 't'hese bits o{ evidence-have cx-employee.7nstead, lIun? ob- feel Baler to suspect that hunt stained from +,he CIA's deputydi- may never have broken off ltis 'rector a"wig, false.' ID cards, a tics with the CIA, despite state- voice tnodu!ator, a camcrver-itp ryas far more ex- tensive than has been revealed in public testimony. ~"Baker's documents also in- dicale that former CIA Director Richard ]tetras helped place: Li u,nt with Mullen and Co., a CIA. pose. o Baker has received indica- tors that 4lt:nt. ses rchortiug'in- direcUv to the CIA even after he had' moved info the