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The Photochamical and Speatral PMertiao of Bacteriardridin of Green Sulfur Bactariap by A o A. Xzwnoyakiy, a -1 V. pwohim, 4 p. RWIM, per, Dok A Wauk SSSR# Vol CWJJ, No 4, 1959p pp 93-3-- Amer IrAt of B*oI Sci scl Feb 60 /0 7. 774? The LiGht Roactivation of Plant Tioaue C~rtochrane C~ddase Activity in the Pmoonee and Absence of Chiorophyn, by X. M Siaalq-an, A. A. 10manovskly, R* Sw utkhailovap Go P. Brine, RU581M., per, BickbImlys., Vol MMs No 1, 1959, .PP OB Dat 5 9 L V.3 on, the 1 1 8j 0 R km- OE PI o' P mduied of - I ~ Its ba*MUVIO andludagontp bV 7u. 1. A* JU M mm' 9 IV* --------------- RMIMP WIP melzibas va vlt a 41, *a* mile! , - - Pub. OC6 Bcd Jul 62 MJD5 S-psectral and Photochemdoal ftv"rties of Protochlo- rophyll Figumits in Nodal Sptmop A, A. M~~vs~kiy and M. Is Bystrovap Pe ? RUSMM,t pert 4 a Vol XXV # So 59 S6p-Oat 1962v pp. 958 .0 OB s0i i r/O / Aug 63 A S~'-udy of Chlorophyll Photoreduction in 'Che 2= Fresence o-f Electron Acceptors, by A. A. Krasnovskiy, N. 'N. Drozdova, 10 pp. EUSSIAN, per, Biokhiia, Vol XYTI, 1,10 5, 1961, pp 859-371. CB Sci Jul t:)2 2 0 4 , 3 310 Electron Paremspetic Pasoname SVectm Observed When Leaves of Plmts Are MusImted., ezA the Photoredliction Reactlow oC CUorophyU and Its Analopesp by.N. N. Budnov.. A. A..SrMDQMLk p 4y A* V. Umrikbinny Vw RvIbegalows' V* Va. BblMlntokb: 3,9 pp. mssm, pero BWItIMj Vol To 1960s pp ia-326~ A= um-mrwm -560 SCI - rho 9 Tan 61 ~ USSR/Sci Oxidation -Reduition Reactions Photosensitized by Chlorophyll and Magnesium Phthalocyanin, and e4inS with nr- Inarease in Free Energy of the System, by A.A. KrasnoviLkly T, per, Reports of the Academy of Sciences, Vo RUSSIA1, 1 1948- -F,4- 611(q) A. A. GUREVICH, . N. Photocatalytic Action Of Some Metal oxides. DOKLADY AMEMII NAIIK SSSR, vol 75p 1950, No 5., PP 715-8; 2300 words. Brutcher No 2791, $ 6, Hmralble Phatoreftetion of Chlorophyll, and sensitiad Reasu=a in &W Best by L - M. Vorob I yens A. A. Arjm~kW U pp RMIAN.. pw Kokb1m. Vol MM 0 No 59 19580 VP 760-171 DWMM Sol -3101 Apr Action eli Ileavy Water on the Reaction of I'Llutca,elaction eL Ch,'.oropbvU and the ph-otm-hcutea). Activity of the Subste=e of Grean Leavesf by A* A. Kmmwskly., G. P. Breen) 6 pp. RUSSIG,, tbrice-m per# Dak Ak Hauk SSSR,, Vol xall 19~4, pp 1025-W. Ape Tr 2456 Biolomr IftY 56 =A= Bffect of UltropVlolot ftys ow-Pboto-ChadmI~ AOILTIty of ~ObloropUatm bF X V VftVMhCb4DAW A. A. -mm~-Tv 17 PP. RMSUlt port MoWdmVit Vol Ult No 6s 19519 pp 6n-M. Sai Tr Ouftr 12-2U? Apr el .17 A Study of the Decolmstion of Nrtkgm Bbo Ubftr tbo Unuenm ot UM*Vu Agal by 1. X, makuUmno A.A. and L V, Vameldnabl, F%LU MW PW Dak Abod ft* -SM Vol =7,, No pp W-Ko J%Wi,. AM Tv 2215 14 61/7 KRASNCVSKIY, A. A. Desorption of Gases From I'le'uted Fcw6ers, A. Ii. Kr,amlovSkii and T. E. Gurevich, EqUoid Zhur, US-2111~ Vol 11, No 7, 1712 - 175, 194,9. C.A. 7289h (1940). Arprox 1825 words; 2 tables, 1 ~;raph. Price .... '~W'5.75 (,'1.75) A,,Isocd Tech Lcerv~cc.,- Jersey RJ_1 I .1 . ... --- --- . ...... --- A -61,1-/-1 ..- - - -, 11 1=estigation of the Intermediate Stages of Formation of Chlorophyll in Etiolated Leaves by the Fluorew-ence Spectrum, by F~ F. Utvin and A. A. Krasnovskiy, 5 PP. RMSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVII,. No 1, 1957, PP 1Wk- - / 6 6 - - Conmatants Bureau Aug 58 ,o up per) I,-, !:k Fauk BSB3p Ncl:!l ITS No 5$ 19631, 19-26. JPM 22A8 Sh v Influence of Oxygen on the Absorytico Spectrum and Fb=Wcas of C~J=ybyU Soluticaev by V. B. MM Rvatigaqw.'V. A. Gavrilma., A., 5 PP. JU91M# tbr:LCe-MO Wj, Dok Ak Nduk SM; Vol MI, 0# 1049v " 1133-1336a Sci Tr Ceatw RT-37o6 BalentifIc - Chozdetry Jim 56/d= Di;tferant MUG a CUIMMpbyU iu Le&vesp by A. A. ~~~kq!_Lq No Koldrutem7up 4 vp 0 MWIMA tAwlea-m per,, Dok Ak lauk SMs, Vol =.v No 9,p Ima vp 345-3h6. // Ll Bel Tr Cuvt-ex RT-3M Scientific - Chosdat37 .y= 56/daz The Activatina Tmilnews of Bwas on the Reversible Pbotocbmdaa ReductUn at Waroft2l I UNIMM 9=1milm and Pheopbartinj, by A, A. MmswmUys, Go Pa Briap 5 yps EUBSTMO tbrice-mo pers Dak Ak Nmk 8=0 Vol L==$ No 3m 1953j, Pp 52T-5309 3~,~ 0 ~ SCI Tr Cauter RT-3M Scientific - Cbemistry Jun 56/dex influence of Foreign Holeculea on the Abscarption Spectrum and Fluorescence of Magnesium Phthalocyanine and ChUwopby3I In Solution,, by U. B. RvatignWev., V. A. Gavrilova, A. A._~F.~,GUWws 4 -Pp. RUBBIMp thrice-w yerg Dok Ak Wauk SM., Vol TAX., Ito 2. 19500 pp 261-264. Scl Tr Center RT-3707 A 1-5 Scloutific - Chemistry Jun 56/dex exidation A Study of Phot&dtallm Sensitized by Chlorophyll and Pheophytin, by G. P. Brin, A. A. Krasnovsky, 11 pp. RUSSIM, per, Blokhim, Vol XXII, No 5, 1957, pp 776- 788- Consultants Bureau Sci - Med Jul 58 4L Partialpatim of BacteriochlaroplWU wA maavftu 1 In Rftotims of Phoftebmi asl 2mnsfer Of ftftoo= in 0 by A.'A.. K. K. voinoubspo 10 PP a RUSSWj tbrice-m per# Dok Ak Bank GM# Vol LUKM No i's"Awo yp 109-132. IJ Sol Tra= c4mter an-1470 11 811 US-4 US-5 US-8 KRASNOVSM A. A., DROZDOVA N. N., PAKSHINA E. V. Effect of carotene on the photochemical properties of chloro- Phyll *Biokhimiya, 25, 288-295 (1960) UCRL-Trans-562. $ 4. 60 (ph), $ 2.70 (mf) (US-4 US-5) - Enghsh TIC! a. Rome= Factoobadml Reductlon of,MaaroplWil and Its Amfl.Mm =d DWIUUMo by A. A. &amwwskiyx, 13 PP. mmu* rw.. 94okh md2kp so 6* iggo, pp T36-ng. Sol of: Osew Prm lktted PovdWa,, by A. nvzwvskiy* T. N. OMWICh- btw,VWO Mold ZbWq VOL Us. NO 3v mms vp 172-175. Ando Tab Ov W-1 45-75 01-75). Aug % 171 t%ctiva aW Lmtive Form of Frotochlorophyn, .,hloropbyn sW BacrtoriocUorophyll in Photwyntheal t' Emn -,rr-,anism , by A. A.- L, M, Kosobutalayal, L-.W..M-Jko Ji. N. Voincvalwqa, 5 PP* IMSIANj, SM peri Dok Ak Nauk MM SSM9 Vol XCIly '.Io, 6, 19% pp 1201-12%. SrA Tr Center ItT - 3723 1936 Electron Spin Remmmce spectra Goae-vved on 1111anination of Plant Leaves and in the F-hoto- Keductionof C'nJorophyl). and Tts by !:Libinov. A. A. Kraanpvakiy., V. P. Tcepalov, Y. Ya. Sblyapintok."'-, 1w PUSSIA11P per, Biofiz' Vol V, No 2, 1960~ -Dp 121-12-6. PP c~2 .2, GIz- 60 / lz'~ / 1-11 f P"P9-r&ticr'8 Of PbPoW7WwtA From Red A3,pa and Its Spectroscopic and hwtiebuLcal Properties, by A. A. ftwuoveldy, ot sat pp. RMSUIP Pert Dok Ak FAuk WRY Vol LMII, No 6, 1952, pp 947-"0. I~a Rea Lib TTJ84 SOL TV center ET - 37r/ Sol - Chemistry 971~7r Aug 1956 Effect of the Natt" of the solvent on the Beactiou of Pbot*cbqmdc&V2*ducti*n of.ChI*rq*y1l,, Riboflavin and Other Dyne by Orpnic Acids# by , onovaldi,, V. A. Gavrilowa, 7 Pp. A. A._,.W . ~r* UkL~~~ ftlI translation. RUSSM, thrice-mo pero Dok Ak Bank 86SHO Val 1951P p 1105! ABC Tr 2028 Scientific - Cbmistry J= 33 CTSAIX Spectral SUidy of the State of: Olorophyll Upon Its Formtion in Pla&,e and In Colloidal Bolutions,of the Substances From Ntiolated laayes.. by A. A. Krasnovskil L. M. Kosobutak"al 6 pp. Full translation. MJBSIM,, tbrice-mo per,, Dok Ak-Nauk SM, Vol LMM, 1952., Pp ITT-180. 0 ~'P~W Tr 2040 OcIentific - Cbemistry Jun 53 CTS~E~x Qjm,~J~ of Fluoresce=a of Magmium FhUmloqrdalne and MA=WbDrnVMOGW by Foreign Moleculeqj by V. B, RMUPOMs As A. KrUBM"klyp 4 pp. I M WIM# tbrice-co lmwp Dok Ak Neuk MM.0 Vol IXp NO 40 1081, pp 623-W. 13cl Tr Center RT-3705 3cientific - Cbemistry 2 ,jim 56/dem High Grad* Titanium Figmnts. ?.73 1. Xd Brhavior of Ij' TO in Faint Yil=, by A. A. Kracnovskiyp V ~ VMS &V.~ 10 PIUSSLU, per, Prom Organ XhIm, Vol Vn, RD 194Qp pp 2P.1-223. Scl Tr C*nter scientific - Chomietrj 0 The Hatureof the Native-State of Bactw~lochloropbyt in Relation to the spectral Properties 6f Its Colloidal Solutions In the Solid State, by As, A. Kreanovskii 1C. K. Voinovskayap Lo M. Kondbutelays, TeP7. -, --D-w R ~ w LT I m Fall translation. RUSSDJ,, ' thrice -mo per , Dok A Nauk SM a Vol U 1952,, pp 389-392. /,- ~ J "A /4 , i->,, AMC Tr 2946 i Scientific - ChemistrY Jun 53 CTS/DEX Reversible Photochemical Reduction and Oxidation of Bacteriochlorophyil and Bacterlopheophytin, by A. A. Krasnovskii, K. K. Voinovskays.. 5 pp. RUSSLUT per Dok Ak Nauk WSR, Vol XXCI, 1951, pp 879-c%i. SLA6 Tr R-1255 Set Jun 58 lavaslaS%ting the SUta =d Cmersions ot Pipents in Puroln and Greau Photooyathatizing BacUria., by "4. , .6 Ze. !'Qmkbiny A. A. -n!~~~19 pp. Russms ar Bionakal vol vm, xo k,., i963~ pp 44&4~~ 19689W xem-TT-63-W7 Scol - B-101 & Red Gol isa 64, The Reversible Photochemical Reduction of Porphyrin to Chlorin and Bacterioahlorino by A. A. Krasnovski K, K. Voinovskaya, 6 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol MVI, 1954, pp 1209-1212. SIA Tr R-1313 Sci Jun 58 Participation of Figments in Photosynthetic fleactiona of Pl=tsp by A. A. Krasnovskii, 16 pp. RMYJ, per., M Ak Nauk SSSR) No 2) 1955, pp 122-132. SLA Tr R-1358 Scl Jun 58 Storage of Light Energy by Photochemical Reactions of Chlorophyll and its Analogs,, by A. A. I~Eaqnavlekuj 26--pp. RuSSIA3. per,, Zbur Fiz MAE,, V01 )=.- 1956, pp 0-985. SIA Tr R-1370 sci JUn 56 / J- 6r -) r & / * OC, The Photochemical Reaction of Chlorophyll With Cytochrome, by A. A. Krasnovskii, 6 pp. RUSSIO, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CIII, 1955, pp 283s 286. STA Tr R-1332 Sol Jun 58 To Formation of Active Reducing Compounds, Surviving, the Perlod: or niwmd=~:toix in Collowl Solutio" of the Greco 00stences of laaves, by A. A& Krasnovskis L. M. Kosobbtv*~p 9,pp. tmu i Full trark lation., RUSSIAN., thrice-mo perp Ddk Ak lank ago, 701 LXWIP 1952# PP T6i-*= AW Tr 9034 WOP* Scientific - Chemistry -T= 53 CTi/DZX A Study of the Famdmidm Products of Reduction of Chlorophyll,, Its Derivatives and Analogues by the Reaction of Timiryazev,, by L, 1J. kosobutskaya, 2 A. A. Krasnovskiy. I ,QUSSIAN,, thrice-mo, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol LXXIV., No l., ig5o., pp io3 - lo6. 1022 AEC Tr tftft Scientific - Chemistry Dee 1951 CTS The Photochendcal Fropertioa of Protochloropbyll., by A. A. Krasnovskiy, K. K. Voynovskaya.* RUSSIAN., thrice-mo perj, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol LM, No 4) 1949, pp 663 - 666- AEG Tr 1026 Scientific - Chemistry Dec 1951 cm p~-e - ythrin Frout Hed Alizea arid ItS - ,F~I-pt~ojjs of Physoe., lf~ectroscopic anJ Photochemical Propertic's, by et al; pp - ,,iuS5LIi.) 1jer) Do!,. PI~ Nauk SSS!"; Vol i-W11) Lp nati Res Lilb TIT-5k"i Sci Tr Center 371-1 L'Cj 7 '7 Complexometric Determination of Calcium and Magnesium Oxides in Vertically Drawn Glass, by 0. V. Krasnovskiy, E. P. Billtyunkova, t et al, 4 pp. --~- - - RUSSIAN, per, Steklo i Keramika, Vol XVI, No 4, 1959 , pp 22-24. CB Sci Sep 62 210,393 Rmrsible ApWarance of Absorption Bands In the Red and Ww-lemed Zme of %be Opectr= During PhotaMuction(f Mloropbyll, Proto- cbloroftll. end their Analogs, by A. A. KrwnvmlW,, K. K. voynovabaknj 6 ppa RM1A'M,, tbrice-mo per,, Dok Ak ftuk SM., Vol CKII., NO 51/1?P 911-914. Consultanto Bureau .9 97 Sci - Ctr-m; M.01 Due 57 C is U= of a pbotodmda337 AaUve Fbrm Bmt leoves# by L. BofdAmp At A. MMOWVBWo 10 PP- qftA so pw,# Fkd - MAU" 147 an -7- p-j 61-LO351 )~Ysonovskly, A. A., YeroWn, Yu. Ye., and Fedorovich, 1. B. 1. Plant pigmenta-- Properties FLUORESCENCE IN GREEN PHOTOSYNTMSIZING 2. Bacteria- -LAuninescence aACTER1A AND THE STATE OF RACTERIOVIRIDIN 3. Photosynthesis- -Analysis IN THEM. 11960](51p. 3refs. 4. 'ntle: Bacterlovirldin Order from LC or SLA mi$ 1. 80, ph$ 1. 80 61-1=I I. Krasnovaby. A. A. H. Yerokhim, Yu. Ye. Trans. of Akad(emiyal Nauk SSSR. Doklady, 1960, M. Fedorovich, 1. B. v. 134 [no. 51 p. 1232-1235. (Biological Sciences- -MicraWology, TT, v. 5, no. 5) Office of To"c.l So-vice& TT-65-12946 Field 6A Krasnovskil, A. A,; Drozdova, N. N. REVERSIBLE PHOTOCHEMICAL OXIDATION AND REDUC- 1. Krasnovskil, A. A. TION OF CHLOROPHYLL, BACTERIOCHLOROPHYLL AND It. Drazdava, N. N. BACTERIOVIBEDIN IN A VISCOUS MEDIUM. DIFFERENTIAL Ill. Title: Differential ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF INTERMEDIATE FORMS. 6p. 10refs. Order from SLA% $1.10 as TT-65-12946 Trans. of Akademtya Nakik SSSR. Doklady, 058 n3 p730-3 1964. AIR 647 InveadSidon of the Lower lanosphem by the ',; Impedance Low Frequency R&O"onde Me&4 by P. E. KramcbidN N. L. Kolesalkov. RU p timm i Aeronmni- Vol V. No 1, 19 . pp NASA TT F-9666 Sci-ES/NK A hfift,cy eir, pxwertw ot (%fra*cv'c- atab-134V of CwtvoUad OxwermtlW In lox ~Iru,~A WA UUf= Ao)WWtlc OtabUIIW of Systwo of 11 an 4 Eqmtjgm With a SMI I parometer in the DerivajAme T&nwo by A. 1. ishebev,. No 15 ppl, RWM,, per.. Prik *twat i W-kho V01 Mo no 1961. Perpmon Press Sci 263..682 jul 64 A On Mzan-Square Optimum Stabilization at Damped Random Pert=bations, by N. N. Krasovskiy, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Prik Matemat i Mekh,, Vol XXV, No 5, i961. Pergamon Press Sci jul 64 263,492 Ana2.y+,ical Design of Controllers in Stochastic Systems With Velocity-Limited Controlling Action, by N. S. Yanisovskiy, E. A. Lidskiy) 17 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Prik Matemat i Ylekh., Vol )MV., 110 3., 1961, Pergamon FreB6 Sci jui 64 .Wsovskii, V. I., ad. M~~ ELECTROPHOTOMETRICAL AND RA- DAR RESEMCHES OF AURORAE AND AIRGLOW (Spektral'aye a1daro(atometrichaskie i RaWolokatsionays Issledovanlys Polyarnykh SLyall I Svochmiya NDchwgo Neba~ Apr 62, 36p. 68 rots. NASA Technical trans. F-76; AD-274 324. Order from OTS $1. W 62-11653 Trans. of [Polyarnys Siyanlya I 9vochamis Nochnogo Nebst Stwnik Statell (USSR) L959, m 1. Other translations am avallsWe from LC or RA ml- $3.90, Ph*10. SD as 59-225K AmMuSoc-T-RC-14, July 59 - and mi$4. K ph$12.30 as 60- M74. MCL-21634O]pct 59 (781p. DESCRIPTOR& *Aurora% *Spectrographic analysis. Measurement, Spectrophotacnetars, Hydrogen. R"o IlFws, Reficaian, OSkybrightness. (Astronomy-Astrophysics, TT, v. 8, no. 9) (Over) 62-11653 I. Title, AWQw 1. KrasovskU, V. I., ad. Il NASA TT-F-76 M National Aeronautics and Space ArImIal tratim Washington, D. C. Iv. Royer and Roger, Inc., Washinstm a C. V AD-M 324 $4.60 Sg,.-.e Lcsl~,Its of IGY ana !GC Lc~;c--~ch on -1,11c. A~,,,a:ara 1-~er, U-3c.1"Idl Piz EaLe,-, 'Jul L,'- ::0 All? Sov Phy2 - Use-A!:h Vol I'l) :-,C) U1, S c AuC ,>o6, 3 25 Reactivity POWNer ltffeGtB and ROactOr S&fetYo by No V. oya-ay, 12 pp. RMSTAIS pal ftopsim = Powtor Safteys. Vie=a,# Irla a7 IgQsx a-24/81. 9MI60 ?o 6 e ff~l ABC Tr-5M Sai - pays oct 62 6 ~~ - Liq U&wtAa lkvolqpkut P&Vb2MB at AW, book by & Urdookop A* UbbWt IL WXWM, blL, W X15-XV.- n"%Mmwwkmtlm Oummdoatlaills, md MmftlC NOW Is tM NO 29. an ff~ Avg 59 V.V. ~~N-r 6E PROJETS DES INSTA LLATIONS DE PROTECTION CONTRE LA CORROSION DES CA- N~LISATIONS SOUTERRAINES (Designing of Deyices for the Protection of Underground Pipelines from Corrosion). 24p. l0refs. CNRS-XXV 209. Order from OIS, ETC, or CNRS $1.60 TT-62-26366 Trans. in French of Gazovaya Promyshlennost (USSR) 1957, v.2, no.10, p.24-32. DESCRIPMRS: Pipes, 'Corrosion inhibition, Under- ground structure-, *Pipelines. 17-62-26366 1. Krasnoyarsk], V.V. 11. CNRS-XXV 209 111. Centre National de la Recber- cbe Scientifique, Pnris G#k. ~1 T-k." S. (Metallurgy- -Corrosion. T-17, v. 11, no. 6) 6.~ c~. Operation. off 11olding lFuimaces WiVa 1jajectloa Barners and Low-Pressure B=ers, by D. H. KrasnazMn~ 3 PP- RUSSIAN, per) lkt&Uurgs No 9, 1958, pp 23-25. coasult=te Bureau Scl - Min/g-.t - Jun 59 C?r4 00 %.5 ;~7 Measuremerrt of the Average Number of Neutrons Emittea in the Fission of Some Uranium and Plutonium isotopes, by V. I. Kalashnikovat A~Y- Krwnushkin V. I. Lebedev L - A. Mikayelan, M. 1. Pmner,, I pi V. F. zukh=0val 13 pp. Full translation. RUSSIPM,, bk. Conference of the Aced of Bei of the USSR on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy., 1-5 J`ul 1955, Session of the Div of Physico-Mathemtical Sciences, GFO Sci - Nuclear Physics 0,461 41 tants B_U"d ~259 W t Sto 07 451.1--rv rc > ark 11., *87 rpts, f i350-00 Methods of Combating Icing on Overhead Lines, by N. Krasnushkin, K. Smirnov. UNMOWN, 1935 (?), pp 15-61. 6 n.L m. 403 Sci Apr 62 The Iliflvence of the SpbAnleity of the "rapth cn .-mpagation, by Ye. rrearmhldnl, pp. FO IMIkiL 1963n. pp 3(v J h627) "'d ',Gc~ 0 . :11gr 36-,,645 ,The Daily and Seasonal Variatiorw in the Mutant Field of Long Radio Wevesj by P, E. Ja*ammsbkin,,- 4 pp - R-osim, pw, Dok Ak Nauk msRO voi cxL., no 4., ig6l.. pi) V63-786. A3P Sov PMe - Dok Vol VIJ, No 10 sci 'ex~ Apr 6p The Bmm&u-y-Value Problem of Lhe Propagation of Fdectromagnetic Waves In a Spherical-ly Strar,ified Anisotropic Dissipative Mediun, by P. E. Krasnushkin, 4 PP. RUSSIM, per, Dak A Nauk SSSR, Vol C)LICXMI, No 4, iq6l~ PP 613-616. AP~ Sov Phys - Dok Vol T, No 6 f 6 Sci jan 62 'The Propagatign of Long and Ultra-Long Radio Waves about the Earth in the Lower (C,D, and E) layers of the Ionosphere in the Ligbt of Wormation Theory, by P. M. Krasmahkin, 4 pp. RUSSIA111', per, Dok Ak Nauk MR, Vol CXW.*Xl No 1, 1 961, pp 67-. AIP Sov Phys - Dok Vol T"i No 7 Sci i1 Feb 62 Solution of the Boundary Re Problem or Radimye PrO~tlozL ArOuDd the Xwth WIth Ailownm For 2he Buie Geogbyalcal Factaras by P. 1. RUSSIAN# Wp D& Ak NM* SM. Vb1 =MTMO Fjo 5., 1061j, pp 1055-105& au W r4m Sal oat 61 List 2 us OOVIT CILY (Dc,.6964) ON THE THEORY OF TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERICS, BY P. YE. KRASNUSHKIN, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, PERO DOK AK ANAUK SSSRI VOL.CXLIV, NO 2j, 11 MAY 19620 PP 334-337- q JPRS 14851 SCI - GEOPHYS AUG Q 207,,148 Theory of Fivagation of Very Las wavess I)y P, Ye. Xrasmhkies, N. A. Ysbl&&kisv IOSPPO RMIAN,q bk, Tood SwAbdunw 1963p pp 1-94* M 9%5~397 may 67 The Radiations of taid oscillations of a Cavity Through an Orifipe as the Pnalbg3r -of the Duct Effect., RUSSIATI, ZhurTekh Fiz , Vol XVM (11), Nov 1948. TPA3/TI]3 T-3930 P. 21451T alw 77 -7'~ moose&-Am OT-3000) Statm Gad Prompets of Davelopwnt of the Basic Chwdeal bdustrr of the Was by V. V. - Mm=sbkin.. 13 yp. RMEMp perj. Zhur Vsem Xhim Obahch immrA D. 1. Mendeleymp So Is 1962p vp 2-9, JM 14024 J 61 nap. Sci - Chem jun 6p- 4aUwla (e PAUbxUc Antm AcdAi, f9m l6rivativesi VII. fteammuen 6t Sao* a-Amim AcM Am 5-anWAIMeop by B. P. FebridnWis ye. A. Arasumamdawsp at mrasum waawsp at rasum waawsp at 5 Poo A M RUSSUN,p pert v MdWh Mft.9 Vol XM=,, wo 81 1~63p CB ftl Aug 64 963,vBOT Diews O"zed by DeWntion of 3.~4-Diraatbyl- bemnedlol-3o4 (Pimol of VletWl VJwl Ketme), by 1. V. awtmakWa.. R. A. DwMvmkoWa.. B. A. xumww.. 4 py- FMIMO m w, Zbw ObW=h XWA, Vol XV, No 8., t* 1955,p pp x4464A52. ciA r. 42157 (P cosmatonts DMVM sci - memistry &a 1956/Dex 9 MotarocLan -Mrmire, IRTect 17A W-0mabotitimto on the ftcyaTtloo of -volymalfts "-ived ftas by .1; - if Z. A. Lmsnyanghkvai vp. =BiLi; '14 Ak Muk rx.-R, Otd2i *-Ulm N=k, No 2n. 626-630- Ccwulta&A sel Chtm NEW 59 1 63 - ! 1 '51) 4 AIL TOOPUAIUttE GF 1. xrasnyaflr~d~j, V. AIR !F` FE 'A 5 AF A AND TFS PRA(-:FlCAt All- ill Ru; i~ju, ~n, E,~ Prakticlivs- v 6-P. flw tenqIvraturt. ~j! 1ho.. 11 F rh-- tvirlp'.1 atul-C M I'll all dcpdlt~, und Preparation of Primar7 Aliphatic and Alicyclic Amines from Thiophene Derivatives By Ya. L. Golldfarb, Ye, A.-KrasnyAuakaU -(!/-0) RUSSM, per, Iz ".1c Nauk SSSR, Otdel Xhim Nauk No 10; 1962., pp. 1825-1835 CB Sci Aug 63 -?4/.? 0 6t-20827 Krasny-Ergen, W. KNMIERMAL EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC VIBRA- 1. Krasny-Ergen, W. TIONS ON COLLOIDS. [19611126)p. 17 refs. 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