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On the Ccaposition and Age of Certain Schizolites From the Donets Buin; by N. N. Kkkrlov, A. I. xmvcbenko, PP4 RUSSIAN) thrice-m pwp Dok A Nauk SSSH, Vol cXIf, NO 5., Jan/Feb 1957,v PP 927-929. Conmatants Bureau Sci - Geopbyeice 76~~ j Dee 57 N-Di(Chluroethyl)Amims of the Allayclic Series. 1. So Is SeraevsftAs X-F V- Levablna# A. X. Chishov, A. 1. aavrilova, A. 1. Xmvehenko, 6pp. RUSUMs per# Mw PbsMh lhlap Vol XKVM# So 7,, 1958,p pp 3900 i839-IM- ComultanU Bur Sci - Chem Sep 59 -Y 7L va!Licnia Di pf n u tu j'~qr, RUSKU.-N-5 par3 Voprou'v opkolog. Vol. Vll~. Ns 12, Ellse*%riey, 8ci Joec v2 Saponification tet Eatore ef Organic Aeldoe I, Sepod- flastUn of Eubme of Ilk" Ir a A0149 A* I0 3 v0 Be 1 m"ben)*p. Pewme Tbq :mamal of Omni Cbemlatry of Us USM Vol nq N n, fty ims I* M49 - 22V Otm p iR. OmmAtamU &"au Sm Ycwk Lenln's Concern for the Creatilon of Soviet Aviation, by A. S. Kravchenko; L. M. Shishov, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per) Vest Voz Flot, No 4, 1960, 658028 ATIC Sci A2 ~ ;f - oct 6o /1~7 )7v V51. 1,.,V-"ovm=t In Air Force Tactica During the Omt Patriotic lftro by A. S. Kmvche&o, Zpp. RMIU #per$ vest VoPlats No 10# 1957# PP 49-55- 642887 ATIC Usm Hil Ireb 59 I TT-W-23M Kravchenko, A. T., Yakovlev, A. 1. and others. i A CHANGE OF THE PROPERTIES OF THE Q-FEVER ; 1. Kravchenro. A. T. CAUSATIVE AGENT. 1. BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES It. YakovIev, A. 1. OF VARtANTS 0 AND B-D-1 OF THE GRIT STRAIN 111. Title: Biological... OF RICKETTSIA BURNET11, tr. by CharlexT. _ _ IV - ABL Trams-747 Ostir-ug.-Fe-663 1 4-1,, ~AgFTrans. no. 747, AD-404 792 V. AD-4(9 792 Order from OTS, S LA, or ETC$ 1. 10 Tr-63-23i)90 V1. Army Biological Labs- Frederick. Md. Trans. of Whurnal Mtkrobiologt, Epidendologit i Immunobiologit] (USSR) 1963. no. 1, p. 152. DESCRIPTORS: *Rickettsia, *Q (ever. Infections. Radiation effects, Laboratory animals. *Coxlella, (Biological Sciencen- -Pathology. 7"T. v. 11, no. 1) Wks ol TuAwkM Unkii COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE PROPERTIES OF TWO STRAINS OF TICK-BORNE ENCEPHALITIS VIRUS IN TISSUE CULTURE-41. PROPERTIES OF STRAINS OF TICK-BORNE ENCEPHALITIS VIRUS AFTER LONG CULT4VATION IN TISSUE CULTURE, BY A. T. KRAVCHCNKO V. N. VASILYEV. 5 PP RUSSIANj PER, VOPROSY VIRUSOLOG, VOL VI, NO 1, 1961. PIP SCI FEB 62 183,059 Investjpdw of the PosaNUty of Obt&Uft Immune Sera to Allevine the Course of Radmica Sidmew in ExperlmcnW ArAmAISj by V0- 1. Fafancvp A, T. Kravd 7 p W-~ RU&Ni perk MM Vol VU19 No 12, 19630 pp JPRS 23679 sci-,Bid Mar 64 251,996 The Probiem of Sertun Prophylaxis and Serum Therapy of TetanusP by li, *r- Rvav- chenko., F, F,, Rezapov RUSSIAN, mo 'per, Voyenno Med Zliur, NO 1, mO!3cO'vj,, Jan 1966j pp 48-51 US JPRS Z641-N Sci itin 6o Comparative Study of the Properties of Two Strains of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus in Tissue Culture, by A. T. Kravchenkg.V. N. Vasillyev, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, perk Voprosy Virusolog, Vol V, No 6, 196o. pp Sci May 0622 194,773 Wfays to Improve the Quality of Prophylactic and Thorapautic Preparations, by A.. T. Kxavchpa~_9,, 11 pp. WSSIM9 per, Zhur Mikrobiolog, Epidomiolog i Irmiobiolog,, Vol XLI, No 9j 19640 pp 107-112,, J11IRS 27281 sci-Biol&'Mad Jwi 65 271,593 -gtu~ft of uw A"Ift of "d spelfte VIM"s ad ltidt"Uuw is U224 cult" A With V" at areat at =& 74**U*U bamstL In Usms OdUmi by A* T. Vev*s*oo Or 8, (Infilml 8 Immusp P"t ftv"y vift"im so 3p -19fts VP 3W-366- pp &d 9D0 j= 62 A93 StU4 of iAw Adun at ad speavu A"Ims an as Dnalopwo of Vinma md UdwOds An WU=o Odtm' Vltb Use ~at X1 A-- 00 MIN - IL Effect of. - , , - -Use an ftltsamls I MRS Od. VArMU. la MAW* A. T. towdmfto M Asia& T. N. m4;WTWp01 , w# Tsimw nmoae& vu vii, No I IWO 3OT-sm 3n. i= 62 Experimental Results of Rft Treatment of Psittacosis, by A. T.-Kravchenko, L. P. Pautova, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Virusolog, Vol V, No 6, 196o. pp Sci may 62 194,769 /IV progl~r--etg of DiSeaEEB Caused by Smie by A. T~ Kravt!henko spelnfi~, prCphyl-Irl.r, of Rickettsias and VI'Mic-grt, HUMD-11, no per., Voyrvnw Med Zh-ur; No 12, 1,10,5cml; D--O 1961i P.P 31-30'- us jpRs ./,3 6 R-Alpld and Barly Metbod of Dlapoxis of the Agants of Infeatlous DIS64"S In the Disobarps of the Siok and In His - mvs by A. T. Mm*ohuko. MSIAN.. pw.. Zbur KikrobUl,, lpidedol i bombialt 4o 2* 19471 pp 25-.U. MDA Nedialm fill,& Apr 55 m A?, 117- Antipnio Complwas of Bacteriap by A~ A* Is Larkin# RMS10, per# Shur Mikroblall Spidwslal i bumobioll No 6p 1947s pp 21-27, ma Scd=tific - Dioloj7 Apr 35 m 1 '7 02 7~~ epOrl Action of the PbIYMWWMv4AP0Id MtUo on the e" of the Orpalm, by 1. T. LMYGMW* M. F RMUNp pwy Zhw MkmUoll IpUbmialv I hambialf No 2s 1947# pp 32-36. mu sciffiftfie - Biology Apr " M , ~,,; ~/j -, ~/ Tranaw tion of the Virwasp by Dr A, To Nm*bcuko, MKMMVM Y~LU tramalation. =Map mo pa# ngjgRjQW MW WaiWO ft 6# East Garm1w, ID OSM F-M3 Scientific - Wic j VIA-0 ev T ohn 53 CTS ,q 6 ""/,? (r,7-6743) The ProtectIve Ufect of Native Sera of Zr---ilatecl AntmIs Agolnot Wiation Sickness) by it. T. Kravch V. 1. ForanwO 6 pp. %41Woj5y Val VI; 20 8, 1961. JP?Z 12393 Sei Ilf 9,0 46 /1;1~ Mar 62 continuous Temperature Control in the Combustion Zone of a Blast Furnace,, by 1. P. Koval, A. Ya. Kxavcheakoi, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Metallurgs No 3, 1957f pp 6t 7. Consultants Bureau Sci - Engr Jul 58 Harmnic Analysis. of a Generator MAte Current rApase Under ApproxImation of the Grid-PlAte Tube Characteristic by a Brolten Line., by B. A. Kmvchenkoj* 6 pp. Full Tr RUNIM, wo per,, Padloteldmi j Vol Xp So 9j, Sep 1955o -pp 49-52. ATIC P-TS-10012/V Sci - Electronics 4 (0 Oct 57 'IF D7~--am=tpv fcr licasuring Cutting by B. n- k4ki- FV"q8j~15., por; StmnM i instrument, Vol XXII., '"o 1954, 'r,) 35.' DSIR 34861OUXT Sci - Zap Yhr 59 (DC-3381). Works CC the Matitate of Geogaphy of the Acadany of Selanm UNR A 1956P IF V Do B. xmvql~p 9 RMIANs per, IS.Ak X%Uk SMI BOT GOOSMfo So 9p 19"o pp 143 -146 -0 JPN-3003 rob 6o Me Work of the Institute of GeograAy of the Ace/leW of ScienceB of the WE In 1959, by D. V. Kraychenko, 5 PP- RUSSIM, per. Soviet Geograft Amr awpaih Sm Vol n; _ 4 A le /n.,0040 w -1 The Work of the Institute of Geograyhy of the Acadeny of Sciences of the MR in 1958., by D. V. Kravciienko, 6 pp. RMIN', per, lz Ak Nauk MRs Ber Geograf 0 No 2j. 1959., PP 143-146. Soviet Geography Amer Geograph Soo Val I, No 3 USSR 15V j Geoa may 61 tat- of IcrQkjriqDII ae sc-ences or tiie Usa~ by D. V. Kravchenkop 5PP. 1z Ak Yauk S-300, 3.;'r Ct,~Z-, 1956o PI) 3.47-150- Sovict. Geograplay Vol I. No 1/2 Amer Gieographtoal Soc of Rod* In Om4Mrwj"ftp by 0. o. gnm&mdw pt. pr WPM �R p;m %IISTW~ 0001 W- No""# 6, 20# 19".2w A of Plastlic, Defonnation of Uirzntoncs in L72 Te-c-'cr.-'c Frnx;turu 'Crics, by 0, G.. R;TSSIAN~ perv 1z Ak Nauk SSSR9 Ser deoiog, NO Am Geolog inst Experienoe Gained in Relative Orieutati= of Racks Rholowd In ,&%vc-bmlJwo 3 PP, the lavestigatiou of the ot Diacca-mected Mocke Intmaives, by 0. 0. 'MrM., per, Dok Ak Umik SSSR~ Vol CX= x p go 6, 1959~ IV 137&1381. AGI Jun 61 The Influame of the Mysical and Mechanical Pragertlea of Rooks cc W29 Loca34zat.lon of Ores in the Nanak Lod-Zinc Deposit# by.G. 0. Xmvchanko,, 4 p. -'. -..... ... 1- - -.- StSBUN, per, Dok Ak Nau); SWR., Vol CMaII,, Ho 51 1958, PP 917-- OB Sai reb 6o I The Roads of Criminals Lead to Rme, by 1. KravqhfM.I~c) 5 Pp- RUSSIM, per,, Ifauka i Religiya, No 8, 1961, yp "-~,,4, JPRS 10399 U86H / 7 ~/, e ;' ~' Soc Nov 61 1, SF "Hollp Fathers" end -Recalcitrant M'Lldre"7 w y Kr&v- - 5 PP. .C._&WtgeAO-j_ b IjUSSM, Inr., ft3)rA 04. Religiyas No 4, ig6lp Pp 79,81 - jM 4782 UWR ~ R-~7 $QC 160R) Aug 63. Ze Vatican Against the Inde-pendence end F--eed.= of lmtimls., by 1. Kmvehenko, S, Yefirkcv., 10 pp. Ww3M per, Kbrmmlst~ Ro 51 Mar 1961; PD- 87-9 - j,p-.,n 85-16 USSR Pol ori 61, 61-22235 Kravchenko, 1. 1. and Kartsev. E. V. FIELD TESTS ON ISOLATION OF BO7'rOM WATER 1. Title: UfNII method IN FIELDS OF BASHICIRIA BY THE UfNII METHOD. 2. Titlc- Bashkiria fields [1961] 7p. I . Kravchenko, 1. 1. 0.rder from A7S $12.55 ATS-29N49R 11 . Karwev, E, V. III . AT5-29N49K Trans. of Neftyanoye Khozfyaisrvol (USSR) 1960, v. 38, IV . Associated Technical no. 10, p. 20-25. Services, Inc., East Orange, N. DESCRIFrORS: *Petroleum, Sources. Water, Separation. Offi-A T-6-4-1 S-,A-. (Engineering, 17, v. 6, no. 4) In Memoriam C. G. RosGby, by I. M. Kravchenko, 1 P. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 6) 1953, pp 300-. Amer Geophys Union Sci - G---ophys 140V 59 cR-30, 63 "Aft-, -tako by L as No V. KOMMUJMA Smum X-mnl- and "A jf~' vv Russim" bk. Poigtak, Ustorical Moteb 1962,, p 282. 4M/SF-2509 UNR Gew. -History reb 63 Expansion and Strength Losses in Bardening of Cements y by P. P. Budnikov; I. V. Jamvchenko$ 8 pp. EMS10 W, Zbur,, Prik Muca Vol =aIVNo U, DWO ohm 1960., -- pp -:~3 91 - 5, f, 0 aci /0/ 7, " 7 sep 61 The Results of an Investigation of the Faller Motion, by K. F. Kravchenko, 8 pp. RUSSIM-1, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, Tekh Tekstil Prom, 110 3(16), 196o. Textile Institute Sci may 62 193,012 ,mom C9 Battle With rim In 94NOons of Atomle IBl"tes by X. Mmvch p 5 Do- RUSSM, nVj. M=nlP Zvez4ao 30'Ams 19". Awls RJOA9 um nil /,or f, '/-? r v Dee 59 Catalytic Synthesis of Isoprene from, Hydrocarbon Gases~ Ccl=unication 1. Foosiblilitv of the Synthesis of Isoprene From Acetylenej, by I. R. kMaxov, W. A. Kravehenkop E. 1. glabunavskiyp 6 pp. RUSSIAH, per) 1z Ak Rauk SSSRp Otdel Xhim -Nauk, No 12, 1959) pp 2771-2176. CB .Sc:l /,So /S 3 ~? o c A41, 6o 01wracurizatim of /3-(4.-Ikpthtb7l)- d-alauim, tr V. N. Rodionovp L. V. Anti 9 N. A. Skavobanboo 9 pp. FUU trauslatum. RMIAN# zo pwt Zlwr Obshch Mda4val xxin$ os.#Z No ll.. 1933p pp 1835-=. OU D 232246 Bureau Scientuic - Chemistry Apr 55 CTS n of UpKhoria Ancipal fTvmrtit lAaLy'ao-stic'm's in Raution to 'llmdr :Jtomge p-.:s,,-izsrt 1, i, A, zavchonlro, V. B. Tm acow, Y4rg- 0-1 0v W K Institut Pict sin i pvlzv~ostva L.Akte t ?rc!mmt" invesugaum of !tetha" tbolU -11-1906ticam- ("*Port 2) * bF 16 Stan]- r MAL 17, pp 613 (W-39103. Iv. .An Approach to the Problem of D~icumentation, 17y M. Stywhkin, H. D. '220 PP. RURSTAN, bk,, Dtklatr = Kott-fer.=tzii po Cbraboti;c laformtell) Mashinn= Perevoda i Avtcwticheakcmu Chtoniyu Takata, No 4p 1961.. kp 1-22. JPM 6372 Sai - MOO. jur, 61 Work of the Pe ent Production CommitteeB at the Yaroslavl Tyre Works, by 0. Kravcbenko$ 0. Korbei 3 PP- RUSSIAN, per) Kauchuk i Rezinap Vol XIX) No 2) 1960, pp 43-46. Res Assoc British Rubber Manu sci sep 6o iLhirloetum Or ftriatmal Pwts CIE Iftaca 6& Artlaw$ tv F* A# KromtAdwx 32 no MMMLI RXSW,p vws so go anst 1.9&J-1- No 10ml7o Jim 3iak LM Ga & ma a BEO AM C15 aft,064 Fatigue Resis~aTLCe, by P. Ye. Kravchenko. RUSSIAN, bk. Pergamon Press NLL (loan) Ju.i 64 TT-64- 22125 Xm=h=kx&_ Patr Effmoytch, FAnGUE RESSTANCE 0. M. Sluna, tr. 1964, 112p L Kraycheako, P. E. Order from MACM $5. 00 EL Macmillan CO., New York Traw. ci -'Am-' lad RustLan nuxux o. p., n. d. (Mechanics, 77, Y. 12. no. 4) 1 ... .1 -i- T-r-64-22125 Kravchenkn, Petr Eflmovich, FATIGUE RESISUNCE 0. M. Rlwui, tr. 1964, 112p L Kravchemko. P. E. Order from MACM $5. 00 EL M&CmIltm GO.. NOW York Trans. d unUkudflod Russ Lan m=o. n. p. . m. d. (Mechanics, T-r, Y. 12, no. 4) 1 1 Offl- 0 T-h,K.1 5-i- Batisito, A New Mineral, Iry S. H. Kravchenkox Ye V. vlwova, s. G. Pinevich 4 pp. ---- R=rU, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM., Vol C=11j, go 3, ig6o, pp 657-660. A01 $a Aug 61 / ~(31' 9 2 00 TL Voicanic-SediirAnMrd, AI&-n M460201C 1%vittio by S. M. Kjmva)i0r-ko,- 31 pp. rUSSIAIT. part, Ak uaul, 901-M, Vol. No go The Problem of the Elimination of Tubercular Meningitis in Children, by M. S. Dvojr1n, S. 6, Kra,)mhentg4 Zh. A. Bazwoovu) L. F. Zamdborg, M. A. Chalyk, Zh. L. Perevoznikova, M. A. Burlachenko, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Sovet Med, Vol XXIlp Wo 12, 1958, pp 125-130- JM 4066 Sci M-1 Oct E-6 , I ,, J, /~, ',~ I I gel- M Nohow 327ip^ 10 low* Atmovaboru 'In luvestigation lat ->rinciplz of Wmtbane Amoamberel by E. r. Ohcnko. I tba- ThPOTMOCatalYUC Detection in a Mine Karpovs U. S. ia ;~LjaSnWo per, lz Ak lauk SSSRI Otdel "Ztel. i 1-b-pliv, no 5y 19591 PP 174- WLT, X- 32T6 Mi Mechanical Properties of Seamless Tubes in Low Carbon Steals, by V. Kraveenko. GERMANE per) St&hl Und Eisen,, 26 Nov 1959j, PP 1801-1803. BZBI 1630 Sci - Engr Aug 60 xMCM02, V, Solutions, solids, paraffino of "AP" 21s, 1946j'335~44. . roc 628 The Malting Point of Organic Crystals AP XXII,, No 1j, 47s 187 The Entectics and Solid Solutions of Paraffins -- AP XXI,, No 2,16, 335 X Gux ill Obtakadue High Yiolda o" Grapcs,. by V~ Mccavchanim. -ner,, Vinodelie i Vinogradarstvo SSIM., voi vit No a5~ 1962; pp 47-5o. RK CSM/Ifo 6330 oct- 63 3 '71 Estimation of the Effective Scattering Cross Seetions, of Electrons by Allax1i Elemeata Taking Into Account the Strona CcuPling.. by R. Demburg) V. Kravehanko,.. 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per, 1z Ak Nauk LatviyBkoy SM, No 1~ (150), 1960., PP 73-76- 9671625 FTD ML-1291/1 Sci - F*& / 7 a/,, ~ -/-J - PmUA Divigim Davlce~ by Le TA, n.,,uitkoidy, V. A. mmahm"s 0 &1$ 9 pp. JIUB-qWo Pori Is VyoshM Ucheb Zaved WISW SM go Razdalu RadloteklMqkao Vol V, ND 4.l 1962p PP 534-5N- iMI75W flai - Mee M" 63 .2x~ jzy The Cryst&Uine Stmetme ot Dubarite CaBpSi2O8 and lbrlbutite C939 ?�$ by V. V. Bakaidn: V. B. -I.-.-----. -."V. Belov, 4 pp. MWIM) _per,, Dok Ak Swk S=j, Vol C=., No 2., 19599 pp 42D-423. AGI Sci /1 3 -$,/ i P47 Jun 61 v Olm the grem"t Of Corona LOSM aim LOW" Pmer Trasudasim Lbws,, by V. D.-Dawobsukof T. 1. Leviturs V. 1. Pupkov. MM ,raw I &kWIabeAvcq No 7o M7,v pp 32- - p Dm um (Imn) "Alb Scl - mfttx= Aug 59 .9 96,6 G. SUI~enko: V. P. RMASIAII., per.. Ma-cdn -viz. Mm-,~ Vol In' , 206 -23. 9*W-a sc~. phys f4 1, TrXi3,Lx, B, V. 1z Vyablaikh -,36a(A) Zavea, Melm meta--.? TIO 't, 1959) P-0 23-3*. H13 4759 possibly --'j=C MOL-508/111 syotmj ApbUmamwe by Vo -Ho KravdWdtoo ossr"s pwo: !A Vol i3s is 1939s py 133-lv>s ATS RJ-3Dl3 Fab 69 '~4 . lic-ayleae _ p, C~:C4de Wi4-.h Llj- JjZ! and TriQvcl.ic Hydrocarbons and Carbazole, by M). KravohenLro. 1. S. Pastukhova. 11 pn,, per, IJkrain T.Pilm Zhur, Vol XX.TT-,; No P,. pt) ATs-62m-38R Apr 61 CPS, Vol 7-11, No 12 Crystallizatioa of 2,6-Dimethyl-naphthaleno in Binary Systems with Rmologs of Beazeno, I Na- phthalezic.. and Biphenyl) by V. M.-MmMLb~enkq 1. S. Pastukhova, 9 ppo WMA."UWj p-.r) Uhrodaloldy Xhim 2hur, Vol XIX, Fo 6; 1953y pp 610-617. Aw-6mm Sci Aug 6-, OTS~, Vol Ilio NO 12 Liquid-Crys~als Eqtdlibrium in syatow InVOIVIDg FlUorantbansp by.yt_A. I - 5 - Faatukbova., 6 pp i MMIM, per, Zbw Obahch MUm, Vol )0=, No Ip 1959v PP 27-33- Comultants Bmveu Bei YAW 60 /m '~~ L? Systtms of FItiorenep by V. ?J. 2mvchenko4 IT ... ... ~Zfi Vol 7 Zc) F,103"IM104. per, Map Prik m1m), lid qp 1~~Q2 I)P 943-954. Consultents Dureau pin f of 62-14614 vcbenko V, T. ' TE ~ A h V M k K 1 R- MO Y RD NANUU UAL.A.UL,%rm Of QUA ravc t'. . en . . NARY SYSTEMS: SYSTEM ORTHOXYLHNE- H. Title: System... MeTAXYLENE-PARAXYLENE-ET'HYLBENZENE, (L9621 8p. 2L refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-14614 Tranij. of Zhurnal FWcbeakol Khimll (USSR) 1941, v. 15, p. 652-658 DESCRIPTORS: *Xylenes, *Benzenes, IPEthyi radicals. *Thermodynamics, Thermochernistry. Solubility, C1'y.';U11117.L11W11, Mae Studit5, Chemical equilibrium. 02 2 8 0 8 The method previously suggested for solving several equations for Isobars of solubility to determine the coordinates of cutectic points in ternary systems was extended to quaternary systems and as an example a diagram of the quaternary system orthoxylene-meta- offic. .1 T.Ch.1C.1 S-4 xylene-paraxylene-ethylbenzene Was calculated and (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. 8, no. 6) (over) I P~se Equilibria of Paraff lzw,, Binary and Ternary Systc= Containing n-Beptene., n-Octano and n-decane., by V. M. Kravchanko, RUSSIM, per, Zbur FrIk KhIm,9 Vol MMj, No 5.o 1949, pp 491-h98. 0 S S 0 r, .e4-m- RJ-5 Scientific - Chemsitry Two-Component Solid Solutions and Eatectlea Jr. the Syotems Given by Indenes-100quinoliftep NaPhtha- lene, and Bentenep by V. M. Kmvehenko cmd L.B. Pastakbovat 8 pp.. MI tra=lation )c 04*4 Vol IIV# 30 3P RMS10j, mo perg QM PrI )br 1952, PP 313-321. COA3ultanU BUMU Oci - Chem 7 VcF7 Dec 53 CTS Finary-Systems Given by Bicycltc Molecules With Cownamnes by V. N. Xravchenko and 1. S. Pmistukboval, 9 pp, rull translation RUSSIAR,p mo perp -ZIDU Silk JWMA Vol Mo No It Var 1952a pp 328-332. Zmaultants Bureft Chm 7~z IFF Dec 5~'CW Two-CmToneat Solid Solutions of the Three-Ring Molecules of Fluorene., Rakax Phciv-nthren2j, Anthraceneo and Carbazolev by V. 14. Kravchenkop A. P. Eremenleo, 5 PP. Full translation. TIMSSIO,j mo per,, Zhur Prik Khim,, vol xxv, Pio 60 19529 pp 662-667. Consultanto Bureau Scientific - Chemistry Dec 53 CW/DEX 7 ~?7 ~el S-5125 (BY-2538) Ideal Types of Squillbrium Dlegram for Uquid Qnd Grystall1m Masao I by V. U. ]Wavabanko. 28 PP. Z-- ~ RUBSZM,, per, Zhur Ilz Xhlm,, Vol V=, No .1, 1953o pp 6-25. JPPS L-778-N USSR Sci - Chem My 59 KRAVCHENKO, V. M. BINARY SYSTEKS OF THIOPHM WITH BEN=, METAMENE, ETWMENZENE, CYCLOHEOM, PYRIDINE, AND DIOXM 11 Pages RUSSIAN, Zhur Prik aim, Vol XXIII, No 3, Mar 1950, Consultants Bureau Translation /Y - 6 1.5-1 !Td-.VC"-p 110) V. M. llia-se T"couilibria of ParESfins, Bi-m-.r,, anO Ternan- Fys~-emc Containing n-Hop-Lane, n-Getanne and n-Decane, Zhur Prik 10iini, UZER, 2-2 No 5, 4!91 9-z (1990 408 (1949). C. A. L-, 2')5 A-!,-ro,r 231 00 5 tablez; 6 fi~mares ITIce ('9A.775) Assocd Tech Fe-,.,icco Tler., T If J S, o- Liquid-Cryst,al Equililbria in 6yatems ContaininG Cbryaer by V, MO 12~ a S. PastWthwa, 4 pp. J RUSSIAN, tbrice-mo pw, Dok A Hauk SSSR, Vol CXI, No ~-: NOV/Dec 1956, PP 355-357. Consultants Bureau Sci - Cbam ... V, 0 Dec 57 Ideal Type of Dli~ of the Cristallintion at Dmble- It '..mVownt Peritectic Solid Sobt1m; by V. 14. Umbenko. un tramoutidn. w per, Dak Ak Nauk..Wmj Val Mus 1952s Dp 597-6w. i% AM ft VM I-V ?" T 7-3.3 3 USSR Sclestific Owatetryp cryetallizatimp peritectic ~Ov. 52 Vibration La CcwUd MuLut M*chsalsvs %- (4ultilig fr*m I"rfect c4asial AlIpAwat, L~y V. KrWMW-~,Ds 15 Op. TrlD7 Ur iAN, par, SMOS MIX, ~10 8, -~~g 1963, p 54-W. JFPS 28740 65 273, &322 ~qjc snfety of V. S. Kr"vhacjnko, RIESLAN, per, XLektrichostvoi, No 1j, 1961, r- , Oc! - Electricity .4r, 6^c A Bev Mathad of Securing Intrinsic Safety of I Remote Control aW SigmIlIng Installatiow, by ' Y. s. Keavabankop V. 1. Deray. RUSSW$ per$ Boxop"amt" Truda v ProqMblemosti, Vol IV, So U. 19W,, vp 20-a. M X 3220 sci - mw /P~, Y..,2-0 Apr 62 Kravchenko, V. S., Karpov, Ye. F.. and Birenberg, 1. E. A CONTINUOUS-ACTION METHANE RELAY (Metan- rele Nepreryvnogo Deystviya). Mar 61 (101). RTS 1762. Order from OTS or SLJ% $1. 10 61-19675 Trans. of Sezopasnost' Truda v Plromyshlennosti (USSR 1960 [v. 41 no. 2, p. 22-24. DESCRIPTORS: *&Iethanes, *Gas detectors, Design, Detection, Gases, Chemical analysis, Relays, Mining engineering. 6.1-19675 1. Kravchenko, V. S. 11. Karpov, Ye. F. Ill. ffirenherg. 1. F. IV. RTS-1762 V Department of Scientific and Industria) Research (Gt. Brit.) The instrument accomplishes (1) continuous monitocing af the merhane comunt with the aid of a rnicro-animeter type M - 592 with i 8cale of 0 - 5 u amp calibrated it. pcA'ctrwges Of CH4: (2) ;'-,nergency signalling and SWITChing off the "Upply of zbe section being OFR,o of T.cW,.1 S-k., m0nf[Ore'i 1':7 CH4 Is reached In the surrounding air; and (3) i:eriodic If& and audible warning of the (Engineering- -Electrical, TT, Y. t, no. 3) (aver) of investigation in the neld of Dxplosion Safety, by V. S. Mravchamko. bk AWSUN, pom, %zultaty lealed v Oblesti Vzr.r,robezqpa9noztI, pp (1 50-64. ML M. 32n Sol - ltw Aer 02 ~7a6