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Quality standards and Specifteatioms, S4 ppe c,BRmAN, Attachmont to Oundosamt fur W*hrtecWk md Besch-iffiings 1 7ZOSO-0 0 : -n"30-01-01 rz-. 72-30--W-43, TL 9940-003, TI 8915-OOZP .TWi--Oct 1966,, S3 ppe ACSI J-1723 ID 2834033366 Fab 67 319vI08 Paport on the Problem of the Possibility 6f the Underground Disposal of Radioactive Wastes 77 pp. GERNMI, rpt, Bundesanstalt fuer Bodenforschungp Hanover, AEC-tr-6SO Sci/Nuclear Sci Jun 66 301S,098 mWalustim be pmgitmdaity of wood of or t t7 YAMMRWing tAW QXYPD Cano mptlM P"DGVMUVW ; by RIA Donablap 12 PP* DwIdURMOW ammmm =x am MOW', pwv ftnd"Onjult fur 3.9 .9 19WR pp 1022-(A o 386#$W 69 The Btorage of Explosive Materials Au A Safety and Economic Problem, by H. Troumann. GEMW, per, Bundesarbeltablatt. Fachteil Arbeitsechutz. No 11, 1969, pp 1-11, NTC-71-12151-i9A Nov 71 The Railroad in DemloplM countrioa . The gza*3m of Togop 10 ]pp. CERMNS pars Me njVdgLtgM Nov 1%5s, pp 414-W. DIA UI 233-69 EEur Ecan 11m 68 368o622 Towmicea Vimm. 41W. e!gpj mmm, ryto pi! A99W pp 882-883- DIA iX 672-66 sci- ftb 67 Dec. 1965# 319,,3,36 Railway Under Star and Crescent. GERMAN, per, Dis Bundesbahn, Nov 1968, No 21/22, pp 829-840. DIA LN 545-69 sci-misc Feb 69 375,263 Thurow, FrItz 1970 . Behavior and distribution of salmon in the Baltic Saa (Uber das Vorhalten der 1,sohle und 1hr* Verbroltung in der gatese) Bundo*rorschungoanstalt 1-Ur Fisoherel, Verofrentl1ehungen dies TnstItuts irur Nuston-und Dinnonfis chore 1, Hamburs, (Wt 21, In ~Iorman. TranAl. by Tranal. Bur. ?gn. lang. Div., Dept. of Soo. of State of Caneas ror FRBC Blol. 2tation, St. Johnie, Vf1d., 1970, as PH13C Trarka I. Serion No. 1555, 28p. , typescript. Avail. on Loan - 11CF, Wash., D.C. OrIginal Art1cle Checked.4h , i Law of the Federal Republic of Germany an Employees' Inventions of 25 July 1957, 22 pp. GERMAN, rpt, Sectionsl, 2, and 4 of Bundesgesetzblatt Bon= Part 1, 1967, pp 757-764. NASA TT F 13408 blar 72 The Invootigation of Air Pollution, by E. von Lahmann. GERM, rpt, Gerpwny. West, Bundeagesundheiteamt. Bundesgesundheitablatt, No 11, 1967, PP 161-167. NTC-71-12314-13B Nov 71 Investigation of Synthetic Materials Used As Consumer Goods Within the Framework of the Law on Foodstuffsp GERMAN, per, Germany, West, Bundesgesundheitsamt Bundesgesundheistblatt, Vol 12, 1969, pp 324- NTC-71-11562-06H Feb 72 Health Aspects of Plastics Covered by the Law Relating to Foodstuffs. Report No 56. High Polymers Containing Plasticisers. Part I, GERMANj perg Germany, Wests Bundesgesundheitsamt, Bundesgesundheistblatt, Vol 12, 1969, pp 370- 371, NTC-71-11561-06H Feb 72 Agermyt USDA ANN R-15v" POOINO" Rif-0093-ApffIS-73 9 Aug. t972 Titles Ruckstandonwhmis und mUlche Fletem nt-eir- Authors Varian sources oundoesewrAwitablatt, 015116o 6 Aug. 71 Language s CAwman pp2OS thru232 Instructiongs Please translatev tm Obtle BPWOO N'o paste-WO translate all CVtWM v 146110 $PWO* Ilow Modern are the Federal Armed Porcos, 11 PP- IFA t N CA e -" hv' e- A GERMAN, per, ouddebbowr Illustrierte, Nov 1968. DIA LN 668-69 II.Eur Mi 1 May 69 382,768 Perforpilulco fuld succons. GERMAN, per, Bundesheer MustrierteJ Nov 21, 1969. DIA LN 902-70 MaY 71 Calculation of the Scattering of Fast Neutrons on U-238, by F, Buehler. GERMAN., rpt, GermanF Westg Bundesministerium fuer Wissenschaftliche Forschung, 1967. NTC-70-12806-20H Feb 72 ~~Svy The Federal MUdster of Trumports 42 pp. CERMN3, porp ter ftr X2aWmp!hxro Apr Iwo PP 3.-U9 Y5-239 31-37- 13U UT 45-69 Mur Econ uov 68 368.,574 a~ Press Conference of -the Concordia Freon Club b Raising the Degree of Combat Readiness GERMAN, per, Bundesministerium fur Lendesverteidgung, 21 xov 1969. DIA LN 790-70 March 71 Theorl(Aiectl Invo:3L.igaLionu of the Expdiwion and Supersonic Behavior of Two-Phaae Water-Air Mixtures and Experimental Investigation of Visualization of Compression Shocks in Such Mixturo.sl by V. Denk, Ot ctl. GERMAN, per. Bundesministerium der Verteidigung. rorschungsberic-htaus der Wehrtechnik, NMVtdg-FBWT 70-2, pp 1-65, 19'69. APL/JHU-T-2610 Apr 72 j, : ;.I ... .-'." .l. -I ~l , ,.:, , X. - - . I .;, 7. ~-,, ~,. , , -. : --- . .. . .. .t ; -; ... : : . I- I I Probloma of Nvuluation of Differential Angular Corrolation Measuraments With a Pour-Dotector-Apparatua and Invouti- antions With Yb-172# bY 11. F. Wagner, GTEIMIT, rpt, Report B141P.P13 A6--39. Dundesministerium fdr Wisse,nsR~mfliaho ForRehu T30m; July 1966P 61 P. AITA3A TT 17-11,320 Sci/14ath 369,1,56 Oct 68 Mw Multiple Soattering of Gamma-Dws In Wdla with Iow AUxala Numberp by A. Bah"mabmidt. M". rptp MwF-nK-6T-Wv 196T. AAM Sol-ft" Doc b9 InV68tigutiOn Of Throe-Di=nBional Trajectorlee of llftlm r4kagntry V"c2oss bV W, Iloin. CMANS rpts -- - . ft-r WisnMdAftliem FornoblMp FApm-t BRiF-FB- W-67-289 1967P 30 P. IIASA TT F.-noM sai Dw 68 374067 Calculation of the Scattering of Fast Neutrons on U-238j, by F, OWiler,, F, Sduddt, 7S pp* GERMM, rpt, UMP-M-67-90, 1967. ABC/ML-Tr-318-76 Sci/Phy Aug 70 DP-j - An Algol Program for Energy Spectra of Scattered Shielding Layer, by S. A. IV. QMAN, rpt,, ONDWOU 69-4% ARC/ORNL-Tr-239 M- the Calculation of the Gama-Rays in a Plano Gerstl,, 41 ppo Doc 1969, sci/phy Get 70 -.--A - by A ftnoml Mw%bOd Of OWbIt %mmNaMum M. odmaww. Clams pwo Bmd for Fo"Ch Fare Oct 3,967s 21 ]MPG NM Hof : 52Df (1279) Scd/J4trm mw 69 376s,9h4 Design Criteria for large Reusable Carrier Systems, by 11. 11. K00110, 106 pp. MIWAN, rpt, Bundusudaisterium fur Wissen. Forschunx. Forschwigbericht W 68--07. Ins . of Tp-ac-e-Mlij)pt Tech. of the Tedi. -Univ. Berlin, Jan 1969, pp 1-138. AUV161CII'r-942-69 GOVEMILINT USE ONLY Sci/Aero Sept 69 592,199 Investigation of the Effect of the Couplings Betuven Plat-form Stablization Ioopo and the Simulation of the Dynsmic Behavior Of A Wro- Stabilized MAtform an an Analog-Coq?ater, by U. KroVnann. =M2 rpt, Bundesministerium fur Wasensebaft. 11cho Fore= Reseamb ftort W 6aU Vjw 1w. Dept of Navy APL/JRU T-2449 Sci/Elect English Title Unknown, by W. Briegleb. GERMAN, per, Bundesministerium fur Wissenschaftliche forschung BMWF-FB W 68-30. June 1�69. pp 161-176. NASA TT F-12,040 Nov 68 Formation of Amino Acids and Peptides by Radiation, by K. Dos*. GERMAN, rpt, BMWF-FB-W-68-30, 9 pp. NASA TT P-12,089 sci-Bp) Apr 69 379,487 nochemical Studies on Protelnoid, by G. Krampitz. GERMAN, rpt, BNwF-FOW-68-30. NASA TT F-12,090 The Sci-B&hj Mar 69 378,S86 Formation of Nitrogen Containing Hetero- cyclic Compounds After X-Ray EXP03ure of Aqueous Solution3 of Aliphatic Amines and Amino Acids, by H. Hussman. GERMAN, rpt, BMWF-FB-W-68-30, 9 pp. NASA TT F-12,091 sci-Chem Apr 69 379,489 Effect of Stochastic Disturbwees an the Behavior of a OyrostablUxed Platfbrm with Ges-Bering Gyros as Sensors, by U. KroMm. GM;NAN9 rptv Fw Winjongbaft- 3.1che lbrach-n Imumb V 65-36, ma 3. Dept of Navy APL/JRU T-2438 SCJ/Nav Invcstif,atian *f Inturaxis Coupling and Sirnulation of the Dynaj,.iical Behavior of a Stabilized Platfwnii With an Analog Computer, by U. Krop=ne GEDIMI, rptI Bundesministeritmi fur Wissenschaftliche Forschung. Rosear-ch Roport W 68-3S. ID68, 1)1) r-'- =. *Dept of Navy APL/JIIU J-14SS sciftlav Mar 70 A Determination of the Helium and Nitro- gen Content of the Lower Thermosphere (110 to 115 km) Above Ft. Churchill, by G. Hartmann, D. Muller. GERMAN, rpt, Bundesministerium fur Wiss- enschaftliche Forschung, Forschungsber- 1'Eh_t_,W 68-54, 1968, 69 pp. VN_ASA TT F-12,112 Feb 69 The Dynamic Use of Artificial Satellite Orbitso by M. Schneider* GERMAN. rpt, 8und03Mini5tOriUM fur llissqnschaftlic~ Forschung Re-search Report W 68-55, 1968, pp 1-23. Sci/Space Tech Mar 70 404,254 Doveloptleut of a Now Measuring Method for Muss Transfer Dotorminatious in Suspended Droplets, by W. Mensing, 108 pp. GERMAN, rpt, DlwF-ri3 X 68-59& 1968, AEC/ORNL-Tr-2TU--Ol Sci/Chem Dec 69 396,044 D"llopowt of an An-olostric Star Swoor vUh Map MsMaWr Tabe.. by W. BrM. 18 pp. GUMN, rpt, Ahm-n-w-68-76. a" IT 7-12s646 sai-Ilea Jan 70 399*043 Calculation of the Radiation Dose in the Interior uf a Satollite with Consideration of the Structurc of tho Satellita mid tho Angular Distribution of tho lw(liution,, by Ke lVolillubca,, its 13auerlain, 29 pp. GE-101M, rpt, B,',IwF-l-'13 W 69-03, 1969. AL-C/014NL-Tr-2201-69 - - Sci/B&m Feb 70 400,199 Ionization in the Interior of Bremstrahlung Produced by the of Van Allen Radiation* by R, CBMIANs qito BWF-FB W 69-04.0 AEC/ORNL-i%r~-276 MO a Satellite by Electron CwVonent Bawrleinp 24 pp, Jan 1969. Sci/Pby Aug " A Beem Position Monitior flor a Pdls*d Mactmn Mms by H. Brmakner. GEMN, ryto BWF-n-K-69~-ioj, 1969. AAW Sai-mys D" 69 A940071 ARCAN"k.,D.C. a-inio-D P.O. No. VA-41660-701 #306 12J&auwy 1970 Titles bundesministerium for wissembaftliabe ftrachm* - (Mwf-n 9 69-27) ZuWcr"bw Source: Languages German -(149 pages) Special Instructions: PI"se translate and type one copy onlyt IN Recording and Storage of Information With Laser Beams, by H. Hamlech. GMIAN, rpt, Germany, West. Bundesministerium fuer Wissenschaftltiche Forschung, 1969, 1-14964-05B Feb 72 Asaimp MCAPw*.*Doc* R P.D. WA-1"0-703 0 30 J~y 1070 p It 3WISROWSMO a-lak"s 04 ULIAM i v$ um~: Gnu" tot Perm Plas" trosewt "d mpy Only. ovm Problems of National Defense in Other Noto, States (VIII); Belgium's Divided defense Policies. by Horst von Zitsewitz. 7 pp. GERMAN,, per, Die Binideswehr,, No 8,, Aug 1965,, p 275, DIA LN 228-65 EE-fixWeIgnium/pol Jan 66 294,171 Problems of National Defense in Other Note States (IX); In the Notherlands the Accotmtant's Pon Goveruss by Hans van Zitzewltz, 8 pp. GEPWAN, per, Die Bundeswehro No 9j, Sep 1965, p 307, DIA LN 229-65 NOE/Netherlands/Pol. Jan 66 294,172 Fidel Castro Is IntervIew with tbt L11uptriarto. by Wim ammout 9 pp. VIorp &Mf trio No 17j, oxmx.. Apr 20 Ap 1966P PP- 54.- 56o 57P W# bli, 63j, 66o 69. 6711 JPF6 35539 IA-Cuba Pol my 66 3000284 "# rff RJ-5797, STUDY OF UNIT TORqUE AT THE BIT IN TURBINE DRILL- ING, P. V. ORgirov at &I., Buranie 1969, No. 7, 9-12. 1700 W; 2 F $ 7.65 ($1.35) Election Season in South Africa Discussed, 7 pp. AFRIMANS, np, Die Burger, Cape Town, 15 Feb 72, 2. 2 Feb p 1 , 2 -720 p 14; 25 Feb 72, p 16; 26 Feb 72, p 10. jpRs 55588 Apr 72 Editorials Discuss Self-Renewal in Nationalist Party, 6 pp. AFRIKAANS, np, Die Burger, Cape Town, 29 Peb 72, p l2_,-_T7M_a_r__7'2, p 12; 2 Mar 72, p 16; 3 Mar 72, p 12. JPRS 55660 Apr 72 Radical Political Chnngo Seen llei3ulting From Oudtshoorn E'lections, by Dawies, 5 pp. AFRIKAANS, np, Die Burger, Cape Town, 4 Mar 72, p 10. JPRS 55660 Apr 72 United Part'y Damaged b7 Own Polio7, b7 Dawie, 5 pp. AFRMANSo np, Die Burger, CaLpabown, 6 May-721 p 12. JPRS 56260 Jun 72 BULG ARIAN rpt. -' "ao ch W. no-PohovatTyclektawiN T Development of Buildine Standsxdop by 0. Esseng*r. OEM) per., Bygoexen Ho 4. 1968, PP 195-200. csnto No 9461 Sol-Moab ftb TO 4m,, Too Drdal" = the 19% eUUoa of the BWadIM ftpUtl=p by M. QeMm- VA1=0 p"s ae Vol 1T.. NO 19, 29668 pp 768-TT2. ML Rof t 51,96 (1452) scl4kch Nov 69 395s712 A New Crawl Space Design, by G. Christ- enson. U. Lohse. SWRDISJI, per Bylleindustrien, No 3. 1967, pp 96-;S. NLL RefY S196 (1413) Sic-Mech Mar 69 377,026 Fli-RISTENSEM G V.14"'ng interval W- and 13LACH, 1C ails as e P r0pertle3 of non cluirernentgs d terrnj~ed b functional _101 BY99e. Ind. ~(8):306-10 ' 313 (1967) y L (t C- (MLLZ5196 (1444)) Anchoring of Roofs, by U. Jobanows R. J. lAmen. SWOMR, I*r,, kwindustrian No 22p 1968., pp 872-882. NLL Ref ; 5196 (1458) sai-mch Oct 69 395...144 A 1 .1 I I Go""& WU'V OW40"s 6Tv by 0. ~8~~ Nftxo pie-, a so 4TP- 0 IM. Bu Bor; YAX (1w) Bel/Mfth JAW 69 38loM6 VMV wd Vatw DMIAIM, by X* Mut PWO Bmaing. 2968. -43Mdl"!~ jb 47P mw Sr-30,9 Na Bes 5w (1430) Sol/Nach Aw 69 3&6MT - - - , , - VMtlbft0n, by U. aqo~at. OEM* par, 1968, W. Vol 47, muvh, Izpmp 0a = ftrs 510 (1431) 8014ftUrials auy 69 388.092 Dwaopmw* or rachnIom fbr the I)oaisn PrMsm.. by G. XUSM. am") PWp V01 47., No 9., 1968, pp lo~- . EM Xaf: 5196 (U54) "I-*Wthoda & BqUip Noy 69 395,.7U -at r) -"B GERMVj p6 yggmastsLr-en,4.~Nof" '22 2 6 EJ =12-141ce~- 3M aepV,7 q~~ em Experimental Evaluation of Nit-thods of Interrupting Visual Feedback in Investigating the System by Which Human Movements are Controlled, by A. Gidikov. BULGARIAN, per, Bylgarska Akademiza Na Naukite. 4fte Institut Po Tckhnicheska KibernatiKa. Reterence--. tVOT-' PP It-zo FrD HC-23-329-69 Instructlons WmraLua the Acc"tability- glaction Mmetinp and Couftroac" or Tn%& union orems md Qrsmixatimso 6 pp. X11C.AP.Ms part lkyuWln na T"S,, No 4/5, Apr-*W lW5j. P'PI '1-5- JPf6 33227 BE-DAlgaris lem Dft 65 293,011,3 Directive Governing the Work of the Auditing Commissicus of Uw Tx*ft UVA091 QrSWWp 5 ppe IMLOOM, por, Ra4!uxl us TOM, No 4/5p Apr4fty 1965, pp. 6-9. JPF6 33227 IM-BAlgaria FOMM Dft 65 293..544 NTC -". 1 UYULLETLN ASYNONOMICHESKOGO YCOMETtCHOK909 '' MPTITUIA& LENINSwAD 19b7 VII NI P16-32 AD-693 669 19b? vil NJ P33-47 NSIC-140 Byulleten Eksperimentalnoi kologii i Meditainy Ntt Wba hi p%u-qa 70-1204b-069 (6> Ifte V64 his plal-123 70-13287-06A to> Wb9 NO P*b-St -JPRS-168bb3 ICZ> wx dYULLErhM INFU#qMATSIMAOUO TSENTRA Po YAVEMNY14 I UAIIANY14 I' I .., . . I9bb Vit P247-200 10-13525-16K (*> NTC UYULLETLN KOMISSII FU IZUCHLNIYU CHETVLkTICHNM PU(JQUA 111", 1 19b8 Nih Pau-30 AD-695-305 , 0. 70-10929-OaJ MI ~i ~ten Mookovskogo Obahchestva lopyt&lelei Prirody, BiologLebeekiy NTC 1"9 V716 NL PS?-.46 lik69 V74 NJ !.fts-49981