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UA CP writov Outlinen TasIcs of the Party, by Claude Poperen, 5 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers dU CommUnism-es Paris, Vol 48, No 1, j~an-72, pp 7=10. - JPRS 55115 Peb 72 CP Writor Explains Importance of Propaganda, by Robert Endewolt~ 9 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Comnunisme, Paris, Vol 48, No 1, Jan 72,~Pp T~2-50. JPRS 55n5 Feb 72 Franco-Soviet Cooperation Has Great International Importance, by Robert Bouvier, 10 pp. FRENCH, per Cahiers du Communisme, Paris, Vol 48, No i, Jan 72, pp 60-6d. --' TPRS 55115 Feb 72 French CP Reports on irish Party Congress, by Maurice Goldring, FRENCH, per, Vol 48, No 1, P. RS 55115 7 Pp, Cahiers du Communisme, Paris, Jan 72, pp 69-74. Feb 72 French CP 'Elder Statesman Calls Party to 13attle, by Jncques Duclos, 9 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Communisme, Paris, Vol 1~8, ~,,!o 2,- Feb 72,' pp 4-12. JPRS 55573 .A,p r 7 2 Thoorot'letil linsis of' CII Program Explainod, by Pierre Juquin, 8 op. FRENCH, Der, Cahiers du Communisme, ?aris, voi 48, No 2.'Feb 72, PP 15-22. JPRS 55573 Apr 72 Youth Provisions of French CP Program Outlined by RoInnd Favero, 13 PP. FRENCE, per, Cahiers du Comnunisme, Paris, I.To 2, Fab 72, pp L~670- Vol 46, 1 JPRs 55573 Apr 72 European Security and Cooperation Discussed, by Yves Choliere, 13 PP. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Connunisme, Paris, Vol 48, No 2, Feb 72, p~ 7~-87.- JPRs 55573 Apr 72 Communist 1'3xolains Partyts National Defense Policy, by Pierre Villon, 9 pp. FRRTCH, per, Cahiers du Communisme, Paris, Vol L~8, No 3, Mar ?2, pp 23-31. JPRS 55695 Or 72 Communist Writor Studies Par Loft Ideology, by Francois Ifincker, 6 pp. FRENCF, per, Vol 48, 7.10 XPRS 55695 Cahiers du Commnisme, Paris, 3, Mar 72, FTT05-46, A-or 72 Communist Nationalization Program Outlined, by Jacques Briore, 13 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Communisme, Paris, Apr 72, pp 26'~3b- JPRS 56017 May 72 Nconomic Pover in the Nevly IndependOnt Couu- tries, by Chrl*tUm Cmeliau, 15 pp. per, Cohle" Bconomil - sociaux) Fan ges ot ;;; M, pp. b1-74 Val 3) No ip JPBS 33529 Africa-intra-Africa Econ Jan 66 293,876 Study of Structural Changes in the TradItIOM1 EconoW of the Lover Congo under the LVact of Colonization and Decolonization.9 by Ettemn N'dongala., 33 pp! per'. Cahiers EconomWuss et SOCIOUXj, Vol IV., No 1, Mar 1966s PP 3-32 JPRB 36594 Africa-Congo(LeopoldviUe) Econ Aug 66 30T,14() Statistical Study of Congo (Xineliasa) PrICV4 From 19A to !0, 21s pp ., nag, Cahiers Ecoirmigme et Soclaux, NO F PMM October 1-966, 7-p -461~w3j! Af rica.~ "Igo jw 1 6 7 Unal TrIN& Traditions in cougo-Kin&ase., 23 pp, Flucat pare WWI Eggogums at f2amp Un4h&M9 Vol. J~ No. 29 Jone 67, pp. 203. 220. JPRS 439791 Africa (Congo(Kiumhasa)) SOC191. Doe 67 3479703 yanst Politic" &Wiatyr by hal NaImbef 18 pp. F&SKC14 per, S"Sars rdmaggiLms at !EAMM Un"sa, Val. 59 No. 20 Jum 671 pp* 221-235. JPKS 430791 Af rica(CoW(Kinshasa)) rolitLema Doe 67 347v704 ;W 77q- 119 oft be lw no carmm we= at 24 iwo 67 a vo apamut 9 VQWAO of tbo CMW IW PUWM UaSUSj, rrmwbo Wne per,, v1*16" Bpwaw" 6% h"im", we now" - do aot aattaww F*r, F,oonorde Pature of the Congo Contomplatedt (Africa),p by Michel Rom. ? pp. FRENCH, per, C&!Aerg SC oidq St Smialms Kinshasa. sept 1969, pp 309-314. JPRS 49920 AF-Congo Kinshasa boon PAr ?0 4Qt5Z4 Social Changes smong UO ft" rypies of Hast Cameroon$ by Gerard Altbabe,, 26 py. . Cahiere FROCH, per. diNtudess Anacairps., Vol 5 1, No 4,, 19650 PP- 561-592, JPRS 35882 Africe.-Cwwroon SM jun 66 3039083 Report an the W)W POOPU of Wulbazu Ch*di ju3,v 1963 to rsbruwY 19",. by XXVA hl'Al*l 10 Ppe ~ per MUsrs Ofto" Afr'c"u") 1965p Flow-Of Vol 5., so 3A P pq JPRB 3a97 Arrica-Chad soc mw 65 280,,091 Roligious Phw-omma and Soda~-Eoonomio Faotors in a ViUags In the Douake Area of the Ivory Coast. by Pierre Etierme, 40 ppq FMJCR, per, Cabiers dIStudes Mricaines, Vol 6, No 3, 1966, PP* 367"401o jFM 38315 Africa Soo tiDv 66 313v7OO Ancestral Riten Among the Neakars People in the Central African Republic and the Congo- Kinshasa, by Anne Retal.Laurentin and Robert DaMbanzi, 5Z pp. FRENCH. per, Cahlere dIBUdes Africaines. Vol 6, t\lo 3s We -pp, -40>M30- JPRS 38315 Africa Soo Nov 66 3139697 AIR rMtm=ItAes sed Cultuml 0=10tiOn la Upper Nigar V&UBY (%gus, tv adl JOYMA., 30 We able" dI.Sta_M..s Af ri Vol FMWHS, Pers. c .. 6. No 21, j�tZ.,'-jip. 41-W- MRS 3 Afric&ALU am j~m 66 3029907 A Look At the Atie POODU in the lVwj coutp by Dmime Paul=# 3T pp. . '*rl ftj= d*ftjft &MLm.".m# Vol 6# ND 21j, 19bb# ppe W-3.ITp We JPMS 3576e Africa-Ivory Coast Soc Jhn 66 3%,906 Anti-Witchcraft Mavement in Central Africa, by Jew=-rrwwoiso Vine at 40 py, FEENCH, per, Cahiers d1gu"Zo Africaines, Vol. VI, No. 24, 4th issue of 1966s YP- 527- 563. JPFd3 40321 Africa soc Ayr 67 321#393 Jo AgnitM L4ml bUtus for Worm v blY coAude Avieraq 23 pp. FRENCH, per: Cahkers dlAud"- -AOAPMMRO Aria. Vol 8 1, 140 3 19 q pp 40POF. j ijiw 4W3 AF-Guinea 500 cat 68 367,411 4erkey: -Departwent of Transpoctation 9 a I ~ P. 0. No.: M910116 3 %vm* 13 Momb IL97 Title; Choix antre transports publics et transports individuele en region parisienue Author. None indicated Source: Vol. 26 - Report from Cabiero de L'Tustltut D'Amenagem(mt at DUrbanim=e do la Region Parisla nno Instruction: Clean, typed (double-spaced), proofed copy of Title, Title page, and pages I-V. Firench Commaist Version of ftosent-Day Internattomdim, by Victat Jowmest 5 pp. FRENCH, monthly pubt.. fabLas gg IlIngtIgAt bgrige IlLarex, art** Val. 2* No. 7/8p Nov-Dee 67, pp. 64-67. JPRS 43o940 IntarnatALoaal Political Jan 68 347#881 succeen of World Commndst Conforence AnslystKit by Georgee CWdot. .13 pp. 1113 &urice Thorest FRL-NCIi, perf, Cablers do 2ptit!Lt j~&rjs, 3rd qu&Aer 1969# PP 21-379 JI,RS 49444 WE-France Pol roe 69 397,803 SMIa CIMmm ju pt"mt DW Br"Up by usria zo&Am mmin a* Quelross 39 pp. oovsnvw go =x rMso pwo col"go allr~Mumom do --M=i, 1965, jul-mm sociolamiep "I. m IA-Brwdl Goo .Ton 66 294,86 Social and Cultural Problems of the Malagasy People, by Joan William Laplerre.. 15 ppo FIMH, per,, Cahiers LuternstA M do SwA-o- logie Volo 40., Jan-June 1966j. PP- 57-72- JPRS 334-;,; Africa-MalWey Republic Soc Nov 66 3A,004 Prague Declaration on Furopean Peace, Security, Cooperation Discussed, by Jean Terfve, 6 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers Marxistes, Brussels, Jan-Mai, '72, PP 71-76. JPRS 55705 Apr 72 Acute Ronal Insufficiency of Toxic Origin, by P. Zech FRENCH, per, Cahiers Medicaux Lyo So Vol 45, 1969, pp n7q-ma = 71-i678o-oU Feb 72 Safety In the Running of Plant Producing and Using Oxygen, by W. Wessing. GEMN, per, Cahiers de Notes Documentaires. Institut National de Securite, No. 62, 11 pp C.E. Tr-5849 sept 72 M. Chevalier Oxygen - Part 1: Properties, hazards, preventive maoures ,FMNC7i, per, Caltiere do notes doementaires - ae et hygiene 4-Ga~vcm . No 56, 3rd quarter 1969, pp 245-251 C. E. trans 584? july 72 M. ChevaZier Oxygen - Part 2: Afethode of ouppZy., cylinders, pipelines., raguZations FRENCH, per, Cahiers de notes docwnentairee - a et-hyqiene du travait, No V, 4th quarter 2969, pp Jbb-.376 C. E. trans 5848 jup %a jll~ Fkagaw Iksma plabsn UW Afr1o" w&tM at as v4sm"a An puftaq, - by !=Eno PWO va Ap Jb to Bet or Fla "d wilduft xw,p ftreft at ftnia V94prMce x"m Out 6T 343AW Submarine Motography and GeoloV, by Louis Dangeard, Pierm Giressee FILING1, per, Cidders Ocoano"liques Vol 17, No 4. Apr 1965, pp 255-269, 92371.564 AHC ;C-T-66-0720 ScIA'arth Sci May 66 300 045 1 to the Umledso of slaspa Tarlati= In the Oulf of Oullm. Oboamtions Alon the TA or Parb n. bso=* OftV IU - VpnLUng zm" ( p by 0. R. Bwmlte 33 wo WV M.11 pubp:clmjlim '. yea 14" mo io., i96T., anyt of Z*Arior Duftu or comaraa nabWas Omes of rom4p ftsbaries A-304W~v 1969-No 89 on limm May*noon, Ron& 1969 Statistical study of wave observatlotA (Titude statistirius do* observatlovis 4s yvwivs) Cahi*rs OoeRnographiques, LJ(5), Mayi 487-501. In French. Tranal. by D.D. Bidde for Wave Res. Project. ltrdraulic Engineering TAb., U. of calif., Berkeley, MY 1970, an Tech. Report HEL 1-15, pp. 19-35 in 59P. "Transl. of Four YrenCh Papers on 09san Wave Climate Distribution Manotiong," processed. Avail. NTIS as AD 70634, price $3.00. Avail. on Loan - NMF3, Wash., D.C. OrIgInal Arfktt CheckFid.S. Gravinetric and Magnetic Measuemuts In the Ivory consto Upper Volta$, and Southern 14alli, by J. Rochmmanns FRENGIs "tj, Uhiers ORSTON - Geophylique, No S, INS. 43 pp. AaC TC-1069 Sci-Ear Sci Sept 66 3094,12S arsvlmfftric Study ckf tM Donanavlks Mavolto ftpnlt,, by J. RaWanam. JFMM.. wo come" Orfiml Osoybys Beriemp so go 1968p pp 2-13. ACIC-TC-1571 W-Bar sci Dec 69 398,468 ftW4=s PbUting to the &A1 Atmephue =A Ponlble Use of a fts Datoctor to Musum ItA Out= Moxide Contw*,. by 0. BachaUer. IMK26 pw., cablium Pbdol, Vol 6., .~m , ser so is 1.968., PP 95-104. ce NO 9T?2 Sal-Atmon gal Doc 69 398476 'if"Ho - $A. . by,, 8 ..- . . f- -111, .... ~ ,I. - . ~ ~: -n ln I (p Blew of W4*toz and Contra Africeiv by DeraNt DYM* 15 PP, ISMICK, per., h" "Mqrs d#Outre:mrp Vbl 18, No 69, Jbn4ftr 1965, PP- 73-bb- JIM " Africs-Intre-Africa Neon Nov 65 291,9216 P ~f I k:,tivitles of SIMI In 1964s tt( Plorro Vomlotlorv 5 pp. FF111M, per, Lee Cahiera 00".tro-MOrs VOI Xvull No 69, Jan-Mar 1%59 pp 07-90 JPILS 32(47 Afx~oa Pol Mov 65 M1,399 The A6r;LC"t=%l PMtUW9 of the DoM POmwat of Hallp by Jean OnUalsp 20 ppo pmmjp P"j, U0,99MMAlw9dbro Vol x. No 70.- Aw-am l9b5s vv- 123-143. JPBS 35759 Africa Zcon Jim 66 Xe,939 T. wwwum~* Md IIF -M-t Ot UVQft4=k AS ZeAO paulomp tw ftem oniva -- an*-40390 FMOI,p pwo r v" XYMP go* T36 w 0 mw "54W.- am , wpmow ftl-MN AN 61 31%136 Vennetier's Book an Northern Congo (Brazimille) Reviowed,, by Guy Lessarre.. 10 pp. FEWIL, per, Las CaUers D'Outre-Mer Vol, 19., No. '75, July-Sept 1966, pp- 2 ins 38432 Africa Pol Nov 66 313,974 Rum Life in the Dry Andesi A V&Uoy in tho PbothUls of the Puna in Argentinat n pp. FMCH. pw. Los CaKers dl-ftVrqM9-r# Jul.3apt 1966* pp# 306A31% --- -- -- JFRS 41991 14-Argentina Geog Aug 67 3",,742 Gabon*e Munpnose Potential Evaluated, by Sorge Lerat,, 11 ppo FMWII) per., Les Cahiers d'Outre-Mer,, Vol. 19, No. 76,p oct-Dec 1966., PP- 354-363- JFRS 400a0 Africa-Gabot Econ Apr 6( 32 lp 10T A (;Wma ftrM of ftmrwPmht bly Ouldim Goolirs, 36 w* ?Rg"o pwo I" CAKWO 4!atxftawo Val 20, go 77, JMmw 19670 ppo 5.35V JPRS 41sw FF-Coribodio .%a Ang 67 3Y.o663 s3m64km FS is A*M Mg% VW Wag4ft ft-aft ce eamwa vu"lloo bw - - ~ ---- Uftfts 35 wo IPIMMI~ & 2=3r-'mM go "t got 844 rfs - 11 Tnewt am 6w"9 1~ 9 -0 S". 2 to ~Wii 339PM 24A (waacad orucle of a 06AAe)- w 46M I alwaft.. pp 2,'f-.2b6 (Pwtl4a)o P~r. v L" "ohimro d* dr4rt - lis tt* lio ritiAlor.# lut. ImIff C*Qdm~, tz! oda not out Utoo In Northeast Brazil: The Cariris Pioneers In the Semi-Arid Borborema. FRENCH, per, Les Cahier3 d'Outre-Mer, Vol 20, No 80, Oct-Doc 1997, pp 345-393. DIA LN $09-69 Sci-B&I-I Mar 69 377,S73 Rural Life on the Rio Grande Campanho. FRUNCII, loor, Las Cahiors d'Outre-Her, Vol 20, No SO., ct-bec 1961, pp 949-393. DIA LN 509-69 Latin America Soc Mar 69 377,S72 The Physical Basis of Agrarian Geography and the Economy of Harvesting in Brazil, According to Orlando Valvurde. FRENCH, per, Los Cahiers D'Outre-mer. Vol 21, No 82, Apr-June 1968, pp209-218. DIA LN 497-69 Latin America Econ Apr 69 380,563 Indo try and Trade Sam Mialdng P*Wessp (Cwrtral African RepaUio), by CWwles Priouls 19 ype FROWt pwo 14-0 Feb&= DINIM=ftp Bordeauxp Oot-Doo 19699 Pp 408-W, JFRS 50393 Af-Con African Rep Mon 1, 1.- - - t -nir 1711 Fishing and the Fish Meal Industry in Peru,, by Olivier Dollfus,, 17 pp. P7mmcH., per., Las Cahlers d'Outre-Her, &-vue de a2&MLUef Vol XM, No M.- PP. 370-385- JPRB 35172 0"di IA-Peru Bcon m4y 66 299..876 COmeralla Falatiom bet y1knellis od the AntiUssp by Alairk Solouryo 30 pp, T=R# per, lee 2WM MIM.-fts "ME do ftfiaeb, vol 17# go 65,p pp- Y36413. Jm 35172 LA- New iky 66 299s879 &mr"u Raletin* mosque Ravin, by -lei 4 no BoDwrels PR==p part SAO 2twmo 2: IM440ra= do Geogmahle, Aa/sopt 19t)5- AW-0-16U--96- Us CQP No 71 sci-Ehr sci jear 67 319.,120 Tribal POOPUB *f OUI=% BM' sop-oas and Wq~ma Udiam.. by Guy LWMZIPS U ppq do rJumpWaLs # c -a a pp -192. GeOXMVgpj Apr4WW 106.- 0M 45675 LA-Gulans 8m 350,#W july 68 laun Amrics -- PoUtles m4 GuerrUU W&rft%mp by Alrreft FornmAes and Owear Zanotti,, 8 V04 IWA=H, per, R CIANSM paomftp MDO a* mw 1966,, PP 9 3-4 - iPfe 40405 TA-Cuba Pal-mill may 67 323o356 A Cubents Analysis of U, Se Policy Toward Latin Awrica., by Mardo H, 61gerts 6 pp. SPMISII, per, BI Cab= Burbudoo 19670 pp S-S. JPRS 40819 Latin America - Cuba pal May 67 326,98S Emats Of supenonic nightp by Midbal P"elto Am=, perp colose Notoloml do Nom=w4u TW71-f-ei HistoriIA"" 0 ~, No 1p 1900.0 PP 0 lum IT "-,6T6 soi4Aro oat 69 CALCULATIONS FOR AUTOWIC VEHICLES FICHERA) GAETANO. IT: ILCALCOLO, DDGLI AUTOVALORT, 1968, voL. 1, pp 1-63 HCT3-23-o386 Calculatitm of Mrodynaudc Charactoristics of Ilinti und Fusolapo in Stqwrsouic Flow, by idchol ims LC 8 F'kLNUI,, rpt, Caliwl dc3 Curacto stlquos Acro- 4nlam-ques Ulm liasoMlo Aile Pwolme on Lc- oulommit Supersonique, 12-16 Sopt 1966. *.'V6A Tr- r- 1e,,, 4t,:30 Culculation of Itaflection and Transmission Co4 afkicionts for a !;lab of a Given I.Interial for Viorwal Noutrais: Evaluation of Radative Gawa Q4)ture (CeutaLae 3 Progruw, by Jacques Brisbois. FIWNQI,, rpt, Calcul des Coefficients de Reflexion at do Transkassion D11410 Plaque D'un Hateriau OZ;m'e Mur I" Reutrms DLluergio 'Mm4aw.0 L-valuatim des Gamaa do S&Lpre Radiative ~Progranjm Contaure 3 *Ah(; OI(NL-tr-1377 SciAlucloar Sci Uct ()() .1 1, '1 (-)I-( 4WI(NL-W-21,165) gl)ll()(I]tAMoFIX)HF(;A],(,~.1i.oA'I'ION. 613rettes, J.; philippoll, J. P. LoTrallslutbd by It. of-egg Minim- field (Oak Ridge National Lab., TeruQ, from tpp 139-64 of Ca Icul des Doses do Radiations datis IlEspace. Toulouse, France, 'Fobruar 2,I _i' Lobeau, A. 3 106S 1. T, lii6.~ e, J. I Tothiouso; Comptos dw; Jourtmoti Euvoput.,11110", 20191). 23(CONF-680219-1). ~,41)op. NTIS. 26micloav explosions: radiation bolts; irnnSla"01's 2718C, 04A ,RMN-3-1 -1~1? NSA 0 C c' 2-166) &CONSIDERATIONS 1(1,*,[,A'['[V[-*'('() THE ' CALCULATION OF RADIATION [WES IN Vfl-.'W QUANTIFICATION OF BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS IN THE CASE OF SUPERSONIC TRANSPORT. eMiro, L,; Pfister, A.; Deltour, G,; Kaiser, R. joTranslated by R. Gregg Mansfield (Oak Ridge Na- tiorAl Lab.,Tann.), ft-om ITI)p 187-9-1 (if Calcul dos Dosol, do Ra- diations dans IlEsoacu.Toulouse, Franc.. Pc MruarTJ-1-23, fR38. ZW1X-X--.raugero, J. F.; Lebeau, A. (eds.). Toulouse, Comptes Rendus des Journecs Europeennes (1968). 206p. Z3(CONP-680219-1, 7ADep. NTIS. 25 26cosmic radiation; dosimetry; health and safety; translations 2: 20H, 06R mu-65-21 ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR AUTHORS UNKNOWN 13UL(;: Calculateur Electronique pp 1-5 BT-23-T2-463 % - or cyhtjjp-vu, 3.0. ill ).',eta Ecuador Presidential Sopefuld Discueded, 6 pp SPANIMI., npp La C"p 4 Fab 1965, pp 16-1,9. GUO 661 LA-Ecuador poi mar 65 W6,556 CP Doa=mt A0931"4 a VP* Acundolow Jul 1*0 ppe 6p 72 so=, por Le I 0, !A~ 920 JM 31M LIL4kug&r POI Aug 65 914p122