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Cone--raing the B"otbesis In Regard to Clump Of Color-Sonaltive Photmewuvbw" . smumovp 9. M, Bonprdg 6 pps (/,D Rmlooer,, Truay Inst Dial Piz,, No l.. 1955.T PP 158-- 10 1~1'----.. --,- ACSs Is G-7153 B Sci - Medicine - 1.3) 716 The Movement of Eyes in the Process of manging t4p Points of Fi3mtim, by A. L. Yarbup 6 pp. RUSSIM,, per,, Trudy bet Bl?~ fis ~No 1~ 195% pp 162 -165. Acso It 0-7153 C Sci - Nedicine //,:G 7/ 4~ The Movement of the Ey" Color Blind. roonal ?I by A. L. YarbUD, 10 PP. -.21 j-q/V 4 4 ? HUSSIAV, per, Trudy List Blol rlz$ So 1. 1955, pp 166-171. - - -- - - - - - ACS,, Is 0-7153 D Sci - Medicine - / 717 The Jbvements of Am In Watching Mmses in Three Dimnsimal IbViesp by A. 4 yMftWN No L. Goiltmn 10 pp a 7/ Ii .~ Oye .? ~/'P') gusSIM., per, Trudy Imt Siol Fit, No 1,, 1955j, pp 172-177. ACSr Ip 0-7153 1 Sol - N01CIM //-I -/ 71 f - The Effects of Noise of Different Intensities on the StAbllity of p by L. L. Seletskayao 6 pp. C / -~) ,- C;7r V 0 O-Z rll!r RMIM, perp Trudy Inst U91 Piz,, No 1j, 1955,, PP 178-1-91. -------- ACS,p Ip 0-7153 F 3ci - WdIcine -9e4 - 71f Me Effects of a Brilllwt Source of Uot on the Per!gPtion # by 0. L, Kamvets,14 pp. (I / RMIM.. perj, Truq iol Fi.S.No 1,, 1955j, ~ _ k~t~' pp 152 -199. -- I " I AM, 1, 0-7153 G Sci - medicine 702 1) R"kinB bY HOW$ of A lAaA Noise With a Wide Frequena, RaWp by Lo A* VarebavWW* 24 ppq ( /-'i RMSIAN. per, Tkqjdy Most_1491jlz NO 1, 1955, pp 215-237. .---;'--:-";'l`:'--, ACS3, is G-7153 H Sci - Medicine J- 72/ D&U=tmtjoxt at the Avemp MWMI Tatmity Of SOWjdS raoqft4blo to a=040 IA StLUAWpp by, B. 1. gmyoekb=nv 16 pp. C Ib -f 0;~Za -Z 6 df) RMIN), ycr..,jm&.&g Mol ftmj, so lip 1955* mom=== pp e3&&6. . . A088 1# 0-7133 1 Bei - WALCIM 4.4; (o q/ Problems or Plwt ftalalo&7 In the Ext Earth of USSRp by V. P. Dadyidn. =810j, parp Ak NvA SAM$-14 ~ . bat BW TM44-40-1# 1-935a PR a CIA D ~~811 U3DA Sci - Biology . -y-, 4 - -Z 9 9- Mar 57 CTBP= Combined Effects of Vibration and Acute Irra- diation on the Functional Condition of the Ve3tibular Organ of Guinea Pigs, by Z, I, Apanaseako, RUSSIAN, per, Trudy AN WSR. Inatitut bio2o- % Pixiki 1964& pp 92-102 '~MD-MT-24-142-V v SCUM Aug 67 61-29175 Ganyunhkina, S. M. GASEOUS EXCHANGE. IRLSPIRATION. AND CIROJ- 1. GanytieWra, S. &I. LAIION OF 'rM BLOOD IN COWS AS DEPENDENT 11. Translations, New York ON Tiff, UOOY TYR,-. JIVOI I [I I 1p. 7 rov, Order from OTS or SLA $1.6D 61-28175 Tranti. of 111~11~!Iqd , 1. .1;.,~rLlov&k Tr '..!14S7, m 4. p. 59-69. Dli-SCHITOR5: I R,~ri,l ration, %Icx~! .C.ittle. Mammnle, Tents, -OcKly wel6hc, M11k. Pro- dtictina, My.tology, Biological laborm ~ ri", Exp~rlnwra,, were Condnled unda proJuction cmdl- t1ung m the ipring and ummer of 1947 and the mun - incr and auiumn of 19 1~, or, cows with auryaotmtjc and leptosamatic body t~ 1~ ~, the retiults slumed that cown and r~lvos of the curysomttic type of build are charActcriLed by a lower Intensity of blood circulation, (Agri cuil urv- - ArJmal Husbandry, TT, v. 6. no. 12) OFA.. .4 9-1... (over) 61-t 3958 Shentyakov, V. A. . . REAC71ONS OF FISHES IN ALTERNATIM CUR- 1. Fishes- -Php ical factors RENT ELEC17RIC FIELDS (0 Reaktslyakh Ryb v 2. Alternating current-- Elektricheskikh Pblyakh Peremennogo 7bka) tr. by Physical effects M. Sade. [1960 [3S]p~ (foreign ten Inclucted) 1. Shentyakov, V A. 28 r li 1) ans. no. 4898. It. CSIRO Trans-4898 Order from LC or SLA ml$3.00, ph$6.30 61-13958 W. Comnwnwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Trans. o(AWemi"uk SSSR. Institut.31ologU, Organization (Australia) Vpdq_khranWi;hch. j7`rudj,-'I959, Y. 1(4) p. 309-323. 151938 Mloloecal Sciences - -Zoolo", TT, w. 5, no. 9) IT-64-13310 Bodrova. N. V. PERIPHERAL NERVOUS APPARATUSES OF CHEMI- 1. Title: Eelpout CAL SENSE OF EEL-POL7. 119631 43P 64refs 2. Title: Zoarcidae Order from OTS, SLA, or ETC ~4.60 TT-64-13310 1. Bodrova, N. V. It. Amy ~J~Jical Resuai-ch Trans. of JAkademlya Nauk SSSR. Insiltut Biologii Lab.. Fan Knox. Ky. Vodokhraftiffshch Trudy) 1960, v. 3(6) [p. 248-2651 (Abstract available) DESCRIPTORS: *Sensory mechanisms, *Fishes, *Chemoreceptcre. Nerves, In ealpout the taste organs or the Easte buds are found beside the mustache, also on the Ups, in the mouth cavity. in the throat, in the gill cavity, on the breast fins, In the akin cover of the bead and on the belly. The fundamental apparatus of the taste bud appears to be the free extremities (endings) of the facial nerve, 'Me olfactory organ of eelpout in located on the pair-type olfactory cavities of the skull which are covered vilth thel om- t (Slologleal sclenc&s --Zoology. 'rr. V. 11. no. loxover) I ONY-6543) Mw Effect of VarlouA &Aistawas Mminiatered to Mica on the Meet of PAdUtim, by N. V. Tmvpbnik., 57 pp. MGM$ parj, Tmdr I=t M0109U., No 12,,19W,, pp im 9m o ftl (NY-6543) The Effect of cystei= grA Certain Mer Wfur- containing Substmes cm the Effect of rrrsAiettian of Aniv&U and Plantep by N. V. ruchnik,, Ye. Y66. Timfoyeva-fifto"dWnp 3T PP- RUBSIAN, per., Trudy 1=t Blaogilp No 12~, 1960t 76-92. im M8 0 17 Bel B101 (NY-6543) Me Effect or Yeast fttmots on the Mortality of Irradlated Mice and Pft Seedlinpir by It. V. ruchnik, 51 pp. FMIM,, per., -ft 12j, 19ft) PP 93-118- JPFB 9718 &I - slol '1/ 6 S:.~ 4!~, / '9 Aug 61 The Distribution of Uispmed .131c"jits MISM-40 Throughout the Components of Wator Basins, by N. V. Timofeyev-llesovskiy, 9 pp, RUSSIAN, per. Trudy Instituta Biologii, No 12, 1960. pp 189-193. 9690006 FTO-TT-62-1314 Sci-Fauth Sci & Astron Apr 63 Data on Study of Flora and VegeLation of the Ural, I-To I - RMIAIT, per, Tr Ak UP-111 SISMR, Tnst-'Bicl, Sverdmlovsk, 1110 23, 19U2, 135PP- *FTI) TT-".).'JU~;5 se i -Biol Dec .-j--' .amgi CausiM Oaaar IM Timdber Rot in t:he Urals, by M. T. Nartavenkop 30 1V, MiASIM., per., Trudy !W" Blol Ural' Male, 971118 OW 60-a890 PL-4w Inol If ~?/ J -7 7 p: 62 blycotic Diseases of Insular Pine Forests of Tralisural Forest-Steppe, by N. T. Kartavenko, 37 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Instituta Biolog~Z Uralskiy Filiall kkaderdya Nauk SSSR.L No 15~ 1~60, pp 1.07-130. !UIS W 70-57M Sept 71 'On the RadloactIve 2 ContemirsUou of the Blospbere and ftwums of Couattlzg tbase Contaminatiovs by No V. TLmof*yev-%mmsUy 16 Ural I w auk WO.420'0221 1962.. -al a Sol C011tr :tloi; ',0 tie pro-~Iem Of' feeWn. '"nd 4pes 131 I'mos .8 ir ', ;e R ,msk water reaervoIr (K \'opros o' pi"Wlif Teiidipco 2.Lurjo,3 a -., P Litinkom vodokI1r&m1',:)';c.,,e) `r.~d 'Instlt~.Ata biolo Ai vodokjrantlst-~c ., 4("1; z4i -24Q. I) 11 *3) an. 'ren3l. f,ur., Di,-., D--pt. or :3ev. of State or nrada, for l'S C .14-a wal.er :mitItitte 141ra 1pe , VAll., 19 i, a5 mmsl. Sprie3 1.o. I 13P-, ~ pesarlif.. Original Article CheckedmN btate of the Deathos In the Gorld Reservoir Dmug the Yore 1960-1962,, by F. 1). MwdWdal-Boltavakd. RLWM, pore Doi& kmall" Idolosdi MLU-txXMFAM VOCLV NO 6(9)9 19639 pp 60-77$ MMI TT 6&50389 Sci-B and M Fab 69 3n,874 Uxtribation of Zooplanktaft In the Wnsk Re- servoir In Springe by F. D. Y*rduW*i-B*lt*V8kV&9 A. V. Mmakov. RMSIM, pare Ttu& Innutugg Bi&.Au Ad-ream Yal& 1963* pp 78-90--, CFSTI TT 68-50389 Sol-B and ~jl Fab 69 3?2o8?5 RWDI-faum of the Flooded Forests In the I~ytftxk Reservoirg by V, Ps Lufame R053IAN I, perip _VrgtL~kWMt_t& jAgUSU YjA2EMda v0d, No 6(g), VOW# pp 323-129o Moil TT 68-309 Sai-B and ii Fab 69 3?2,8?6 Jk Formation of the Zoop3mkton in the Gorki Reser- voir, by L. A. Luferova. RUSSIAN, per, Tru&v &M&il" waig" MUMMM Vod, No 6(9)o 1963t pp 130-142. CFSTI TT 68-50389 Sa-B and 1-1 Feb 69 372t8?? Duration of the Formtion of Fish Schools in the Volga Reservoirs. by A. G. PoddubtWie RUSSIAN, per TrvAy JnzjLtgU Biplaidi X&galkh Yodl, 14o 6(9): 3.9631 pp 1?8-3.83. CFSTI TT 68-50389 Sci-B and M Jan 69 =0878 The Importance of nooded Forests for the Fish Population of a Reservoir, by A. G. Poddubnyi. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy &d1tuts 0161caU Vnutroodkh Vods no 6(9)l, 1963, PP 184-194- EF-Sh TT 68-50389 Soi-B and '111 Feb 69 372,879 Habitat Conditions and the Behavior of Fish in the Tai2vater of the Volga Fadroelwtric Power Station im, Ve 1. lanins by I* Ve Sharonovo RUSSIAN& per ZTWI Imumuta Hlologii %uttSMLkh V041, No 6(9): 19639 pp 195-200, FFSTI TT 68-30389 sci-B WW F, Feb 69 372,880 The Dynamics of the Age Composition and Growth of Pike-Parch in the Kuiby8hev Reservoir, by i. V. Sharonov. RWSIAN, per D:WX InBUtUtA M&SM VhA - Vod, No 6(g): 1963* pp 201-216o CFSTI TT 68-50389 501-D and A Fab 69 372,W1 ReproducUon CaMitima of Commarcial Fish in t1w Gorld Re3ervoir. tw L. K. n9im. RUSSIAN, per im& Lu<uft- M910AU lt&MMIM Void. No 6(9): 1963, PP 217-=3- T-Nil TT 68-50389 Sei-B and M Fab 69 M882 Temperature Fluctuation and its Dynamics in the Fqbinsk Reservoir. by K. K, Wel'shtein, RUS51ANg perg WIIU IMM&M BLO10= VautLIM& VOjq No 6(?)$ 19639 PP 250-237-P CESTI TT 68-50389 Sci-B and L Feb 69 372,883 Currents In the f0tinsk Reservoirp by No V. Batoring At So Litvinovq RUiSIAN9 perg Trv& IrLsUtuta Molodi Vputregdkh VOL No 6(9), 1963, pp 27(~-302- FF-sh TT 68-50389 5cl-B Vid Ii Fab 69 3?2.884 Quantitative Study of the Uvwgrowth Fama of the Volp Paservaim -with Diving Tecbrdquess by S. X. Ijakhovs V. P. mudkeev, RUSSIANq per XM& Inputu" BIL2192M Vol, No 6(g): 19630 pp 303-308. FF'STI TT 68-30369 Sci-B and ;-' Fab 69 372,885 An Experiment in:quentitative ILstimation of the Fama Growing on Different Substrata in Volga Reservoirs Using Diving Techniques, by S. M. Lyakhov, V. P. Hikheyev. RUSSIM, per. Trudy Inst Biol Vhut,, Vol VI, No 9. 1963, Pp 3or-MI. NLL RTS 3902 (IN LDM CNLY Sci-BIWA Jul 67 Un 330,S 83 Me Predatory Feeding of Acantbogyaope Viridis by V. A. Monakov. MOSIAN) per, Trid3r Inst Blol Vodokbrman Vol 5) 1959) Pp .17T-1277-- NLL Ref: 9022.29 (FU 12) Sci-B&M Oct 69 3W,223 Sci - Biol & Med Sci may 64 257$677 1.. -1 ............ 1--.1"........a ................ Margolina, 1A. 1961 Contribution to Ihe problem of feeding Tendives plumasus in the R,,binsk water reservoir (K voproa '.- 67-p-11-an-TT plumosis v RybInskoin vodokhraniliahche) Trud,, Instituta biolo4ii vodok~iranilishci., Wh ?46-249. ;n Tranal. by Tranal. Bur., Fgn. Lang. Div.. Dept. of Sea. of State of 'anada, Car FR';C Fr4tenwater institute Winnipe.-I, Man., 19.1, as i'Panal. Series No. 1,-9., 13P-, t~pesaript. Avail. on Loan - MTS. WW.. D.C. Original Arilde Chocked0", To-Acity of Alga(-., uy IN. N. Smirnov. RUSSIAE, Trudy Inst. Bilol. Voclol~hrzudlishch ~~cad. l'auk SSSR, Vol 5) No 8, 1~63, i)p li-LO. C-5146 IMC TT - 1152 (raiinuo - sci - jul 6,T 3341,794 Observations on the Bebavior of PolyDbamm pecUaglus and Functions Of Ift MCUMiM in the Process of Feed1mg, by L. G. Butorina. =SrAN,, per., Tz 1 VmAr Vod, _ZAk last Bio voi 8,1 No il, 19b4.. PP "-53. NLL Her: 9022-29 W 3) Sol-Bm Oct 69 395p218 Tbm It tion of Oertaft ums on Q*1 House 1*0 aM the Dqft of POMMIUM of Ouse Into Woodi by S. I. Tub, 1. 1. vu 3 24 IMBIANO sulaz IVO Isbo it Sol Tr Qs*W ZKOW Scientific - 3101W Im 55 m 4.6 796 O"IJ cf~ the fpypen of klarghes In the TwgudaklY RegiOn zimmiot-Thrilan U=s,. by 1. A, Gallrims 73 pp. URM ASS33Pm I-rlo 'I RUSSM, O&W6 ct tbq-ltwt4S4t ,g of loft= g the Les4ow of Salzman Ar.-Fim-So so 30 IMP' 307-344. ATM 7-"-W72 Scientific - Geopbysics CiA 252hoo6 ATM 154053 61-IS722 Pankova, 1. A lTr"ACI ('('~ PLANTS VI-M VrrAMIN.r cowmNr 1. PlantFl--U%SR (Travvanl,~ne C-ViTam(nonosv). )an 61 ISSIp. 161 refft. 2. Ascorbic acid-Sourcem t,,, r s ! 6 75. 1. Fankiwi. I. A Oidrt From LC c~ M-A m1$3.60, &$9-Y) 61-15722 l1. RTS-1575 11). Mpariment o( %0cmific Abrtdg~d :rans. (IONW[eMlyttl Nauk MR. B(unj- &rAl Ickiumtrial Rusearch -kiv lnstjrutA-Cruq75~-rlva . as RbT ArIt.) Syr 7y-~~,949-, - rio. 1, -10 2--~ i2S- -a-wl 7;',10:'.17R- 4,. (SiolVcal ~icicnccq--ftany. TT, v. S, no. 12) ots" *1 T.A." S"... Micro-Complexity and Main-Like Distribution of the Plant-Cover In Steppe-Granlands as a Result of Anizal and Plant Activity,, by E. Lavrenko. RUSSIM. per. Ins -NAWLSBSR,- SOO-n-awk0~0 Vol VIIIS, 2$, pp 40-69 CSIROAo 6055 SCI-Bial 7,d iwy 6,3 :736) Temporary Surface Flow on Playas,, by V. V. Bogdanov. RUSSIM, per, Trudy Inst Botan Ak Nauk SSR, Vol II, 1954, pp 488-507. *oTs 64-11083 PL-480 Sci Feb 64 61-15746 Dranitsyna. Yu. A. INVESTIGATION OF THE FIXED OIL OF 1. Vegetablt oils--5ourcev PACI ty pljt rill INI ALMNM LDO. (tf;slcdcpvaniyc 2. Plants--Arctic reglors 7hirnogo Masla Tolmorebmika Al'plyskogo I .Dratill-mna. Yu. A. Pach I Alpinum !&.). Peb 61 Mp. 6 refs. 11. RTS-166 RTSWW"'" Ill. Department of Sct~rulfic order from LC or SLA ml$1.80, ph$1.80 61-15746 -and Industrial Research (Gt. Brit.) Trans. of!A~~m!ya_Nauk_SSSH. Manicheskly .(Trudyi-Serlys V: Raslitel' ye, 1955, P. t) u (Biological Sciences- -Botany, TT, v. 5, no. 12) Yethods of Introdiietion and Acclimatization of Arboreous Plants by N.K. Vekhov. RUSSINN, per, Trudy, Akademiya Nauk S.S S.R. Botanicheskii -~~ns" CSIRO Oct. 62 The Mycological Flora of the Juniper Forests of the Central Part of the Turkestan Range, by Ya. 1. Korbonskaya. RUSSIM, per, Trudy Inst Botan Ak Nauk, Tadzh SSR, Vol LXXIII, 1958, 25 pp, A&MWOTS 65-50124 SFCSI Har 65 ,rjw uf L~uruu, ~~.,wybuclnuiu ana taitga. nese oit Soi~u In6icus of Torjaw ouality, by 1~ 1.6 U. Uarkimbayov wid 114. ll~. Lysenkoj, ct all, RUS11.4XII4, pur, Trudx Inst. 3otaniki AL Aaul-~, Kazak!i SSR, Vol Xk, M4, 14-155. NLL Wl~) 3489 (C41 Lowl ve Nrolasc) r 67 324,076 COMECIION KTWUA PM-WoOTYLE00MOLIS SEXIM AND THE ST"TUK 9F-, TW MAAC ftAKT* BY 0. 1. RMONEWCO a PP. R ,UUIANI, PERS JAW It. KOHMMA #X N" 3W# VOL V # 10 SO - BIOL NOV 61 PST i4 MV-1act of Soll Temperat-m-M. = ACh'O' CM =t of Different YOM of Boron in Bean Pl=tfl (maseaus NFu3WI& Lsil by T. A. Farlba!r; n. Ya. wkoltnik.. 14 pp. WMIM, per, Tmoy Datmicheskop Imt imni IsC162. --90-=h8 Biol Jan 63 11 Contribixtion to the Algal Flora of the KWa Penlneula., by A. A. KiormbUov. RUSSIAN, per, TrU4 Instituta Bo VO-11- Kharkovski,v UaTv- I 1P PIG 1- 1, NA~dmh ammary PP 7046). T Dsm LLu maW (loan) scl - B101 Sep 60 S-5m (NY-2649) Effact of Supersonic Vibrations cc the CrystwUization Process, by 1. 0. Polotekiy, T. Ys. Boaiyevm,, Z. L. ljobvp 8 ppe RUSSIU., per, Trudy Instituta Cl*moy MetaUurgl gr 38A -v6l-.vf KII Ak Nauk -0 ' :L953 IF ev., pp 91-100. ms-L-&4-x Sci - M/Het Jun 59 Iv 7~1 Of/ Efrect of Addition of Motallic Birmutt to A qu.d Steel, by V. S. Dozhko U RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Inst Cbervoi Hetall, Vol VII, 1953, pp 54-56. D"tchtr No =6 Sci - i4inA-iotals 'V'2. 2 5 4IJ 34,5-5 Doc 56 CTS Operation of a Blast Furnace by Using Datea on Automatic Gas Control in the Peripheral Zone, by Z-I. Nekrasov. Ya. M. Obodan. RUSSIANp per Trudy Inst. chern. Metall., Kiev. Vol. 12, 1960. PP 37-67 CRL/T.2521 Sci - Aug 67 339-1122 ralo softftdxkr~, Teoperatmeo of nast. Fumuce burftl Hatutalso by Gladkovo et ale IftSt*QWM, 146t,, &WtalLUMI.Ea. !MMAO Va-n2j, 19wo VP U341 3962 Uzill "CA/to Aresses a& Strains in a Stand Ulth Pre-Cmpmsed Rollsg by A.P. Qck=rcv,, G, G. Pobegailo, HUSSIM, per, A-. N. Ukraisk. SSk, Trud Inst, Chern. !Iet. Vol 13, 1960, pp 126-159. 1A 61 4170 US511, sci/4'I't4l, *- Jun 65 281OUU9 Electron mierwappe Rumustion or the strud- ture OT Hardened and TWWWMd LOW-Clarton Steel: by X. F. Staroftbov. XMIAN, per, M Wmaln. SM 3ERU lust* own. met, to-1-1-37W, pp 242-245* BMI 5137 314p52T SC1 - Meabaniaga.. Industrials Civil., and Marine &gIneering Jan 6T Methode of Decre-csing Steel Consumption in tte Production of D--Irge Diumeter Tubes for Main Pipe Lines,, by Ke F. Starodubov, et al. RWSVtN,, W., Trudy Inat. Chem* Mets MetAklloved. Term. Obra$- Met.., Stli Chugun.,,,is 1961, No. 14, pp 60-65. DL91 3966 zM..612 sci-14y, A Ix 65 63-14126 Nildtina, E. A. PURIFICATION OF TECHNICAL SODIUM BICIIRO- 1. Nikitina, E. A. MATE AND PRODUCTION TIIEREOF OF CHROMIC ANHYDRIDE. [19631 9p. 7 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 63-14126 s. ~T~ran )f Institut Chistykh K) michesk!kh RSakUyav. r. rud (US9'R) 1930, v. 9, p. 161-167. DESCRIPTORS: *Sodium compounds, *Chromates, *Chromium compoundsi, Oxidos, Purification, Crystal- lization, Recrystallization. (Chemistry- -Inorganic, TT, v. 10, no. 7) otrwe a 7~diw umm Ja~ 61-1810 Zepalova-Milthallm L A. FACMRS IN PERFORMANCE OP LABORATORY I. Zepalova-Mballom L. A. FRACMNATM COUMM. [196116p. 6 refs. Order ft OTS or SLA $1. TO M-mo T Tram. of Iltut Chtgtykh DIMCbeskin Reaktivoy. V~TI~WSSR) I . V. I . P. 3-ID. DESCRWMRS- *Laboratory eqtdpmeo4 *Distilling plants. when ponents are hac lonsted of close boiling points, reflux formation in a homothermal condenser depends exclusively upon the amount of JjQWd in the latter and Is Independent of the amount of vapor entering the condenser per unit time. The dependence of the reflux formation upon the amount of liquid in the condenser to a linear function. (Author) (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. 7, no. 6) Office OF Techalcel Sefvlc*s 61-18140 Mikhatlov, G. L and Ermakovs, A. M. PREPARATION OF PYROCATECHOL FROM GUAIA- 1. Title: Guaiacol. COL (196133p. 8 refs. 1. mikhailov, G. 1. Ordetirom OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-18140 11. Ermakova, A. M. Trans. 0~18tltut Cbfgtvkh Kwmlchefikfkh Reaktivov. QLUCJ (USSR) 1941. v. 18, P. 80-82. DESCRIVIDRS. *Pyromechol, Synthesis, *Wkthyl ethers, Hydrochloric acids, Acids, Ethers, Chemical reactions. A method of demethylation of gusiawl with the aid of 8-9% hydrochloric acid mWer 15 arm pressure to proposed. with which pure catectiol can be obtained with mp 105-1060 in yields of 73-80% theor. (Author) (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 7, no. 6) Wc. oF T.A.1c.1 S-I Flow of Gas in the Channel of an Axial Friction Turbine, by K. K. Sokolov, 8 pp. POST EDITED RUSSIAN, per., Trudy Inst Dvigateley~ Ak Nauk SSSR, No 6, 1962, pp 76-81. 9693506 FTD-mT-64-03 GOV'T USE ONLY Sci - Eagr Aug 64 265,173 Development of Flame After Igaition by Stabilized and Nonstabilized Electric Spark, by N. N. Zagryazkin, 16 pp. POST ED11M RUSSIAN) per, Trudy Inst Dvigateley, Ak Nauk SSSR, No 6, 1962, PP 110-117. 9693506 ETD-mT-64-03 M61GOVIT USE ONLY Sci - EnSr Aug 64 265,174 "la4wjwf) -0 w tw cakaudoh am mamemome Z~IatWw w Ite DAW% of Gamok by ju. S. StLvhkkL aA~, par, Trudy A %A* WSR- laom-Aamstup 4 1w. Jul 6!~ ,Wfeq d'qui i-, iorvin- O'llum."'. to Rlbon A B12in tb6 Of POW I A AM 96 "1873. FTD-TT-6634 sci - Wd & Med Sa, Mar 64 !'tudies Of Ule Antitumor Ef~'ects of NIElioactive Blue Labelled ,fitil S35, by A- Vodolauskaya, et 11. ul,slalAN,$ oer, Trudy In_-t. ,s Klin. Unkol. ,ot. F ;ksp. kad. ~auk SSSIR, Nio 2, 19600 pp 159-166. Ap r 6 7 The Antibioft-Effedt of molds-d'f the G~m Fusarim4fid,pifil, olitheTubiicidoAs BacUlus.: by AL- 7-1 PP. RUSSLAN,,.per, ~T ~jjP;wNmft'a u_m;Vol IU,,1955, pp 64-67. Anti-'biotic Action Certain Penicillim pangj on Staph~,!-_loccr)ccus in Vitro and in Vivo; by A. Joffe, A. Jacl-,eviciuo, 'R=bLxj_wF=T"Tz LITE, Uli:,M',N, p,~r, Trudy Inst Ea~sper I'lledit Ak Nwik Litavsz'ho-17- Mi, Vols III-IV, 195~, PIP 1~3'5-192.. *oTs 65-50109 PL-480 sci Oct 61" q ,;..I Antdtblnti- auw R I TSRI Me&t Ak pp, 177-1~ JTPRS 2518Z Vic Effect of Aminazine on the Pathological Inertia of Neural Processes, by N. P. Murav'yeva, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per,..-Trudy,,.1,nst Eksp- erimental.1 moy ~.Ie,ditsiny Ak Med Nauk SSR EzhegodniL, 1958, Leningrad, k 1959, pp 42-49. M111 2-42-64 (Loan) Sci - Biol F, Med Apr 64 The Effect of Certain Neuropi egic Drugs on the Foci of Inert Excitation in Motor Analysors of Dogs, by 1. V. Danilov. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Instituta Eksperimentallnoy Meditsiny MIN SSSR, Yezhegodnik za, 1958,, god, pp 25-31, N111 9-47-64 (LOAN) sci-BUI Jul 6S The Effect of Aminazine on Inert Foci of Increased Excitation in Dogs, by N. N. Kudryavtseva. RUSSIAN, per, Trwdy Instituta Eksperimentallnoy Meditsiny M V SSSR, Yezhegodnik za 1958, god, pp 38-42, 1959. NIH 9-49-64 (LOAN) Sci-BFj'H Jul 65 61-28835 Karasik. V. 1VL POSSIBILITIES OF PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION 1. Karasik, V. Nt ON THE PROTEIN WHICH STORES ACETYLCHO- 11. Translations, New York LINE IN CHOLINERGIC STRUMURES. 1196111101p. 35 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $t. 10 61-2883S _1 L'i I " '-f 1 ~4" Trans. of X[kadeMiyajM[ed1taJnskJkhj N[aukjSSSR. l1ristitut E ka rimental'nol M[editsiny]. Ezhegodnik, 158 1, V. 4) P. 197-M- DESCRIPTORS: *Acetylcholines, OChollnescerase, Inhibition, *Proteins. Synthesis, Spasms. Therapy. Thlols, Toxicity. (Biological Sciences- -Pharmacology, TT, v. 7, office of Technical S~icet no. 10) 1 61-28426 Novikova, N. A. USE OF HEXONIUM IN EXPERIMENTAL AnirRO- 1. Novikova, N. A. SCLEROSIS IN RABBITS. [19611 [81p. 18 refs. 11. Translations, New York Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 01-28426 ~~ , - -e"- , " Trans. ot [Akademi~a Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR. III- stitut Eksperimental'noi h1editsiny. Ezbegodnik) 1958 [-V-.---4ri p. -410-4-1-5-. DESCRIPTORS: 1-lexonium, *Arteriosclerosis. *Cholestrol, Adrenal glands, Ascorbic acid, Inhibitio Hexonium, subcutaneously administered in doses of 2 and 10 mg/kg, does not change the cholesterol and lecithin in the blood serum or the ascorbic acid con- tent of the adrenal glands in rabbits. Hexonium in the same doses inhibits the development of nutritional hypercholestercinia, but does not change the lecithin content as compared with the lecithin content In rabbits (Biological Sciences--Pharmacology, TT, v. 7, no. % M.. .4 T"W.-, (over) Ozone as a Condensation Factor of Water Vaporo by H. V. Rudakovap 15 pp. RUBSIAN# perp Trudy IUst Wperimental Meteorol, Vol I.- 1937s Pp LVZ-.LW - .. - MA 59-32698 Sci - Chem Jul 59 /2 1 ow 12 n 760/s Electric Conductance and Its Nature in the CeO2-BeO, CeO 2-M901 Ce02-CaO, CeO2-SrO, and CeO 2-BaO, by A. D. Neuymin, S. F. Pallguyev, ~~ RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Inst M-ektrokhim Ural Filial Ak Nauk SSSRI No 3, xW 1962, pp 141-147. XU AACSI 1-4321 /*-n 22o4oo6864 Sci - Chem Mar 64 Anodic Polarintio.n. o.f Pli~~.Mkectr' e., FuBed Cabonateos by,&bts Tlmoav Gi q*'Arkbi 9 ppt RUMAN per, l!rudy Inst MeWoWmil No 2:1961 pp 107-41U, CIA/FDD X-5547 sci - M/M Mar 65 FOR OFFICIAL USE, ONLY 2750630 The Electrical Conduifetivity of' Hard Oxide Systems. II. The System ZrO - CaO. The Structural Compositio and Ceramic Proper~ics of ftecimMs of Voxiouu Composi-bions in This System, by Z. S. Volchenkova, S. F. Pall'huye'v. RUSSIAN, pe-.,, Tit-4 In4tiElektrokhim U--al'skiy Fil luk Naudr, SSSR) lio 11 1960, pp 11Q-120". /-~TD-TT-02-1275 Sci - Chen ,Sep 62