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Soroker, V. I., 'Spivak, N. Y&, and Soltolov, V. A. CAMING HOLLOW AND RIBBED THIN-WALLED REINFORCED CONCRETE PANELS IN VER71CAL MOULDS ("CASETTES") (Formovits Pustotelykh 1 Chastorebristykh Tonkostcnnykh Zhelez omykh Pancley v Kessetakh) tr. by G. N. Gfton. Mar 60 [7) Library Communication no. 981. Order from LC or SLA mi$[.SM ph$1.80 61-13292 TT&ns. of Beton i Zhel!!-~(USSR) 1959. no. 3. P. 100- 103-.-- 1. Reinforced c-ancrate- Molding 2. Sheets-Kikling 1. Soroker.' V. 1. 11. Spivak. N, Yt. Ill. Sokolov, V. A. IV. LC-981 V* Departmimt of Scientific and bidustriat Research (Gt. F;,k.) A survey. N44 t11 451// 151949 1 0400*17 $w0"# "teriall, rr, V. .5, m 9) 62-14253 LossIg, N. N. DEMbONATION OF THE L.OAD-CARRYM CA- I. L=slg. N. N. PACM OF REINFORCBD CONCRETE ELVaNTS WM RECTANGULAR CROSS-SECTION UNDER MMULTANHOUS ACTION OF FLEXURE AND TORS1014. [1%1] 1111P. Order from OTS or SLA 41. 60 62-14253 Tral, of Smon I ZhIazabstom (UM) 1959, no. 3, p. 109-113. DBSCRIFTORS: ORainforced concrete. Load distribu- tim Failure(MachantaL DatervAimatioa, resign, Torsiombars. Plasticity, FlexiblecoupuAp, $Structures. agaimelus permined a detarzAMLOO at 110 of falhwe of remangular raidarced concrete or M~nts Working in torsion and flexure, and o( design formulas for the datermifation co tall-Irlilm. Offi.. of T-fi.icol S&Mtoa (Rupecring-CiviL TT, V. & no. 9) (Over) I Kryloy, N. A. and Durasov, A. S. LIES METHODES ACTUELLES OU COWROLE DE LA QUALITE DU HLION (Current Methods for Conrrollln~ the Qua I fry of Concrete). I Pp. (text In French). Order frorn OTS or ETC $1.35 62-26321 Trans. in French of Betcn I Zhe)ezob(.ton (USSR) 1959, no. 3, p. 113-117. DFSCRIF70RS: 'Concrete, *Quality control, Ultrasonics, Maqfleity, Deformation, Vibration, Mechanical properties. 62-26321 1. Krylov, N. A. 11. Durasov, A. S. Ill. Centre National de In Recherche Sclentifique (Prance) (Materials, TT, v. 9, no. 8) T..6k.1 S.M-. 61-27053 Monfred, Yu. B. and Mikhanovskil, D. S. EXPERIENCE IN MOULDING REINFORCED COW 1. Monfred. Yu. 5. CRETE PANELS WITTWT HOLLOWS IN VERTICAL U. MikhanovsIdl, D. S. CASE MOUU)S ("CASErrES") (Opyt Itgolovienlys Ill. LC-962 Bespustotnykh Zhelezobetonnyth Panelet v Vertikal'nykh IV. Deprtment of Scientific ad Kessetnykh FormsW tr. by G. N. Gibson. Mar 60 Industrial Research f7jp. I ref. DSIR Library Commonlestion no, 982. ((;t . grit.) Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-2703 Trans. o(~eton i zheiezobeton (USSR) 1959, no, 3, p. DWRIPTORS, "Reinforced concrete, 05heets. Molding. Concrete. OVIschinery-46anufamring, TT. Y. 6. no. 5) (NY-2800/3). Production of Prestressed Concrete Should Be Developed by All Means, If, .- RUSSIAN, per, Beton i Zhelzobeton, No 4, Mbscow, 1959, pp 1, 2. 1-11, 6RS USSR Sci Engr Jun 59 Alsk"r*owgidy, S. V. SOME CHAItACMRISTICS OF CONCAM SMINK- AGE (Nekmw"* Ovobv~ MOM betam). ;a 61 11 31p. 4 IWO. RTIS 1317. LC or SEA nd2.40. A$3.30 61-15710 Trans. cd ft= i Zboku*gm M) 199, 06 4, 61-15710 1. Conerfle-Rabbly 2. Cmerste-Maisturs fa*mv 1. Alskundrovelcly. S. V. 11. RTS-1587 Departmove of Scientifte od ulootrw Research (motertals, TT, V. 8, w 9) "a of Tmhdw SWAM Manufacture of Reinforced Concrete Panels in Mechanised Vertical Casette Moulds, by A. K. Mkttmwan, K. I. Parshina, V. A. Sokolov., 7 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No 5, 1959., -pp 198-2M. SLA 60-17687 "19 Sci 2 /4" 11g OTS' Vol IV, No 3 Oct 60 61-15177 f.voblinova, T )'it. nnd Agaj~vl. R. A. ."YkICATION OF lltl: MICRO-': ~'P PAG M MITIFY I Conaeu - I% !,l (i I I It'. STI '.' )Y ~T' !z"l'R('( 71 t 'I I it it: r VT v - - I,v, cU,4cliLrI~ (llrjmrjjvrvf~ I'l ?wktovanki 7,1ruIrltriv v -. E. 1 041. 11 (f I - f. rang n 11, In 1.(: (4 A v1's2.4k.. ;41$3~ 14) V P v1 )n -.w jc70 ~c ton 11 ) W9. tit), 7 il. I I il r. I Ivy -5, no 4) ..... . . 61-13950 Biryukovich, K. L. STRENGM AND DEFORMABIUTY OF CLASS PISKE 1. Biryukovich, K. L. REINPORCEWNr (prochnost I Deforniati. H. LC_"9 SteklovoJoknIstoyArmxtury)tr. byG. N. Gibson. tn. Depertmnt d Sderalfic June 60 JS 1p. 9 refs. DSIR Ubrary Comatudcation and Industrial Research no. 969. (Gt. Brit.) Order from M or SLA $ 1. 10 61-13950 Trans. of Betan I Zhelezobeton (UM) IV39- goo. 7. 326-32V--'-' 0 DESCRIFMRS: *Glasstextiles. *Re1rd.prcedc=x:rete. Tensile propenles. Elasticity. The effect was studied of the number of fibers " of loading conditions on the strength and eleadeity of glass rope and bond used as reinforcement of concrete. Con- tinuoue nonalkallne AI-B silicate glass fibers 6 to 711 tn diam, with a modulus of elasticity of 75% OW kglaq cm on" of 74"Ca Some** and a strength of 22. 000 kg/sq cm, were used. Strength and elasticity decreased as the number of nbers In a (Materials- -Cerarnics, IT, V. 6. M 1) (over) 61-28642 Kalmanok, A. S. DESICN Or SECTIONAL REINFORCFD CONCRCTE 1. Kalmanok, A. S, DECKS UNDER LOCAL LOADING (K Raschetu If. CSIRO Trans-032 Sbornykh Zhelezolwtonnvkh Perckrith na Mestnityu III, Commonwealth Scientific Nagruzku) tr. bv E. Feigl. 11901)[71p, (foreign text and Industrial Rescatch included). KSIR011'rins. tit). 48K. Organization (Atistrahj) 07-dt!r from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-28642 -1 rans. f fit-tori i Zfielezotvtor, (USSR) 1959, no. 7, P, 32'Q-330, i)i:scKwroRs: '[WinforcedLoncrete, 1~esign, *Fltmrs, flousjn~. *LDad distribution, Construction, 'Jolnus' I)Lformaticy", Istresses, 'Fhc Ioad of partitions running along the span of a deck tniiy, WLth ~1!1 Urmr tit,( execuding 5Z, 1y-, assumed as Urli[01'1111N. di~ltribUtUd UVLT I Width of thu, d':0-, no. 7) ~i T.chni-I S-1- Aerxw oonaeft for mwlurwtun cr Imp Composentop by S. A. Hironov., et al. RWIAN, per., B*Uu I Mmlesobaton, 1959,, No 81, iv 342-3W-- NI 5196 1963 M99) (on lm) Avg 65 2862941 //z 0, t I q ~ 11 765 GE-I Steel-concrete prefabricated building components in nuclear plants Stahlbetonfertigbauteile bei Kernenergieanlagen Beton i Zhelezobeton, No. 8, 345-349 (1959) -German Bauplanung- Bautec ik, 14, No. 6, p . 280 (1960)- German German E uratom bY hout Autc per, Let"O'll i Zhejezdocton, No Econ Jam GO 61-15504 Krasnvy. 1. M. WWI DiNc Lwmiwr AND 17ECIINICAI AR- 1. Wldo- -Producilan RANGEMENT nP 71M.- 61ANUFACTURF OP AUTO- 2. 9lects--productlarl 0 WVED SOI W AND 110t.1 0% PANEI S BY 'ITIE 3. Concrete--moldIng W'P.Trv ME IllOD (Pormovachnoye 0horuduvanivr 1. Krasnyy, 1. M. i Tekhmilogichcsklye Skhenly It. 1-C-954 nykh fflu%hnykh I Postotelykh 17.delli Kasseinym 111. DSIR I W M. 24,118 Smsobo'll) fr. b~ C, M. Clbson. Mar 60 191p. Wit IV. DeMriment of Scientiric I ibrary 03mmuntcatlon no, 9W M, 240R. and Industrial Research Order frrmn I C or SI A ml $1, an, ph$l. 80 61 - I W4 P. Brit.) Trans. of lk-IQ1117.~elembcton (USSR) 1919, no. 9. p. 413-414. (Machincry--Manufacturing, TT, v. 9. no. (2) 0111'. .0 T.A.4.1 S-4-0 SIZOV, V. N. MAM-CURING OF HIGH-STRENGM CONCRETE 1. Title: tbgb- 9" (Proparivanlye Vlookoprochnikh Belonov) tr. by G. L. Cairns. June 60 19)p. DSIR Ubrary Communica- 1. Sizov. V. N. tIon no. 988. U - LC-9118 Order from OTS or SLA S L 10 61-13954 1U. Depasuriew of Scientific and Industrial Research Trana. of knon I Zliclezobecon (USS11) 1959, no. 10, (of. 1311t.) p. 442-446. N L L hi DESCRIVrORS: $Concrete, *Steam, Temperature, Heat treatment. Mechanical properties. 16 i 6 8'1 Investigations on the steam curing of hIgh-strength C=- cretes made of stiff mixes with low water/cement ratios and Portland cements of high marks enabled the follow- Ing conclusions to be drawn. When subjecting concretes to hydrtxhcrmal treatment, mixes should be selected with maximum stiffness and capable of compaction with 00- .1 T.4.W the available equipment. Steam curing of stiff mixes with w/c ratios less than 0.4 at 600 to 800C Is more (Materials. rr. V. 6, no. 1) (over) (NY-2800/10). The Mechanization and Automation of Plant Processee for the Manufacture of Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete Structures Should Be Improved, by M. A. Pishchik, 1 p. RUSSW4, per, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No 12, 1959, P 531. JPRS 2483 USSR Econ - Construction may 60 ~,- ;? f d "/f Prodvction of Precast Reinforced Concrete Elments tlo Do, DeveloPea ana Perfectilea, .2- "ap / .1 RUSS'L~d-!, per, Deton i ',lelezobeton,, ijo 1, !,n) I IS S R Econ Construction BD 12 160 ~_ - 1'flv ?') - 70-th Birthday of Professor P. L. Pasternak,, _.. /-t1 RUSSIAN, per, Be-ton i Zhelnyj Beton, No 1, 1960, P 38- 7, .,*JPR6 ;/ I USSR Bior 2'1 Apr f'~l Froat Resiatanca of Concrete Under Stress. Freezing-Thawing Teets, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, per., BetpR_j_2lw.1Azobatonp No 2. 1960, pp 58-6~_. AID T-40 Sci - Eagr Aug 60 / ~~?Jq -14 21--t;UQ-Dondcd Fibrogluas as Reninforce Y~vn~ for Uoo~ao~oat~a Components., Iri A. A. ftozz7a,ew. RMSMN, per, Baton i Zbeletobeton, No 3, ig6o, ,v WILM-3261 Sol - chm m8r 62 6 V~?, (NY-2800/15) Raise the Technical Level and Lower the Estimate Cost oC Industrial Construction, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No 5, 1960, pp lq~' 194. JPRS 5165 USSR Econ - Construction Aug 6o (NY-2800/18). Biiilqers Holiclay, ;. I ~ f ,,I RUSSIAN, ner, Betan i illhelezobeton, Yo 8, l9bO, pp 341, .'T,2. -- - JPRs 7-~// T, s R rcon ~ Ont 60 (VY-2800/18 Pr2strossea ReinPorce(l Concrete in Belorussian SSR Construction, by S. S. Baturin, PIX2IAN, per, Peton i Zhelezobeton, Fo 5, 1960, p 31, /*IjPRS USSR Fcon 9 oct 6o Gogolitsvn, V. A. , Gurin, N. M. and othcrs. DP'TERMNATION DF LA RESISTANCE DU Bl--l'ON A LA COMITESSION (Determimation of the Rcsistance of Concrete to Compreqsion). 10p. 3 refs, FR-157 (Lext in Prench . Met, Irom OT~ or FTC, S1.00 02-ZO333 TIAIN. M I;f'VllCll Of Bt-'I(Jll i DOMIK'1011 (USSR) 1900. no. 8, p. 37-:1-ra D FSCRIIII'ORS: 'Concrete, h-essure, R,~siqtancc, De(crinination, %leasurenient, Demolitions. 62-26333 1. Gogolitsyn, V. A. 11. Gurin, N. M. ,I- I-R-157 IV. Centre National de la Recharclic Scientifique (Franco) Ottleri'lls, 17, V. 9, lio. X) Mesh-reidorced Concrete Floor Structures by re Ov Kreltan. RUSSIAN, per,, Beton i Zhelezo-Betun, No 9 1-407. CRL/T'. 1325 Sci pjw - Feb 64 25OX01k 2h;a zffehvb 02 Instuatmoo" of Tmicm on the Zone Leagbb of the Arwhaw in a Cowxeto With Rquded MMIS or -n*. P4;gregate.. by A. A. RadryavtSev. ratcm I Zbelembetm, 30 91 1960o gy M& Bef ; m6 ILge (n35) Bel ; WK ja 3 Warinksp and Creep of Llg*vdgbt ftwretes In Prestressed Cowrote Structures,, b.%r IL Z. simonwo K. a. mvepetym. RUSSIOP Vwj,,j%jj&u I Zholotobstanj lki 10# Iwo Pp 450AW. Ml Rof 51~6, ig6g (U33) (LOZU) sel - WN Jul. 63 The Oorrosion of Reftforced Conarete Made With Granulated M a furnace Slag AWeiptes by A. P. Chekhov. RUSSIM per, B"M-L-ma so lop 1960, pp 480:w. ~ mig ZZ Paf - 5196 1962 (1 134) (LOU) soi - WN R!v-pn Aug 63 (ff 4iW/20) Cost Anslyals of Precoat CowretA M.,oduacd In Xmslblrsks by S. - "Onkof A. At. MbWin; 3 pp. RUNYAN, per, Bfft=. 1. Mplesobetoup No llj 19600 vp 501-503. JPHS 7WO um Boon A1.411 Apr 61 I Nogin, S. 1. ETUDE PAR ULTRASONS DES Al TFIRATIONS DE STRUCTURE DU BETON CHARH (Study by Ultra Son-I of the Alterations of Structure of Overcast Concrete). In 11 llp. 8 refs. FR-626 (text' rench). Order from OTS or ETC $t.05 62-263t7 Trans. in French Of BetOn j Zhelez0be'On (USSR) 1960, no. 11, P. 516-518.-- DFSCRffTORS: *Reinforced concrete, Structures, *UIrrasonics, Analysis, Pressure, Velocity, Ultrasonic radiation. 62-26317 1. Nogin, S. I. 11. FR-626 111. Centre Natlowl do )a Recherche Scientiflque (France) (Materials, '17, v. 9, no. 8) Automation of Production of Prestressed Concrete Components, by A. A. Folomeov. RUSSIAN, per, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No 12, 1960, pp 533-537. NLL Ref: 5196 1963 (1194) (loan) May 64 OT ~ 1 1 - ~ q- (./ ( NY-2300122 ). Develope and Strengthen the Production Base for Construction, RUSSL~11, per, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No 1, 1961, 1,,P 1-3. *JPRS USSR Econ - Construction 6 mar 61 The Strength of Jcdnts Between WaUs and Floars In Buildiap Cmxh%urted of W, V Pme3is by S. A- samentsm. RMSIAN, pw, Batom I Maletobet(m,, No 1j, 1961, IV 14-1& 1u m 68U W - aw Nor 63 OqS71 clry i~. ou, fcr Ifl, per, 'r"Iq 1,;~ V .A 61. PorOUS CI.,k)r Filler (Dq=(Icd) Concrete in T,arCP-PaneI)xd HousinSp by G. F. IWmatsov, b RUSSM, per., Beton i Zbelezoiketon. No 2., !963., pp 58-63- L-ROLO Pt Beivar T-1363 44 ;'r1,7 Sei - Engr AUG 61 Use of Fuel Ash in the Latvian SSR, by G. Ya. Kiumos., 13. Ya. Idnamberg. RUSSIAN., per,, Beton I Zhalezobeton, No 2; 1961, PP 68-83. NM M 8812 801. - Fuels mar 63 , p ') - ~ / L-., e- ImM Pautle of Autoolaved Aerated Cmerfte WithMt CftMt 0outaining Blast Porm" Slag and Fuel Ash,, by L. M. Rozenfaild, 1. M. Bonlywdsovich. WMIAN, per, Betm i 2holatobeton.. No 2, 1961, pp 63-83. SBU Sei - SW mr 63 Prable=-q of the Str,)ngth of ldoatvei~At Concrete by Ya. R. Yx-.nAlOvl.(!h. per, r4-tonh i ZM?Iezab~tony No 21 1961y pp 6s -83. NLT, M W12 eci - Mht/l,",tpLuurgy -F - ~~ e1 ~ 5" mar 63 a -/ - parlite ConaloW fbr TAWV-PW39n*A Shvztm"., b~,, M. T. Beftkaft. MWUlj, PWO a Drtm I awl"obetcap No 2., '196ij pp 4*- WL IK M2 sai - Ew mr 63 V7(,o ,~ ; V) fl C; 1, -.2 6 4 - o 2 Vilrltol- v".di,yevicil "dkilaylov, Oil thu, Occasion c,.' iiis u0tii oirviLicty, : J, i~ .J, -11010 zube toil, No 4, 1961. L~ Y 7 319 8 Feb ~6 (N-2800/24) Plastic-Reinforces Concrete and Tto Future, by S. S. Davydov, 7 pp. HUSSTAX, per, Beton i Zbele 9-1)-e-t-O-n--.-Jqo 4; iq6ij pp 162-164.. JM 9526 UWR Econ (NY-28W/25) ftpediting the Dmlojpmt of the Mosom and Lentngmd Ballding NfttOrtaB TAdlwtr7, 4 PP- RUSSIM., Pa., Bat= I Zholezobetons No 5, 1961o pp 193P 194. - - - im 9855 USSR /W/ ?, 7 .317 Ecoa sep 61 Crit'.cal Ramrks on Power's lbpothesis, by G. G. 3reueyev. MJSSTAN., per, Betan I Zbelezabetams No 51 1961.. ?p 234-235. mi m. 4814 5cl - 15agr / ~ , -i: -.Z. a 71 7 K~ jul 62 111anufactur" of "Gas Concrete" fror usc, in tile Prefabrication of Large.-Sized build,-nE Units) by S. Mironovp M. Kryvytsky. 7,, RUSSIAN, per, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No 8, 1961, pp 361-364# CSIRO/No 5693 Sci-Engr A 2 5, .;. S 7 6 3 63-13597 Radkevich, B. L. SHRINKAGE AND CREEP OF EXPANDED CLAY- 1. Radkevich, B. 1- CONCRETE UNITS IN COMPRESSION (Usadka i 11. CSIROTrans-5910 Polzuchest' Szhatykh Kerarnzitobetonnykh Elementov) Ill. Commonwealth tr by B. Ribush. [ 19621 [181p. (foreign text included) Scientific and Industrial 3 ;efs. [CSIRO] Trans. 59LO. Research Organization Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 63-13597 (Australia) Trans. of fleton i Zhej~zzgbcton (USSR) 1961, no. B, p. 364-36 9. DESCRIV17ORS: 'Clay, *Concrete, *Structures, Com- pressive properties, Deformation, Reinforced con- crete, *Creep. Results are given of experiments on shrinkage and creep of reinforced and non-reinforced prisms made of expanded clay-concrete and standard concrete grade 150 and 200. (Author) (Fngineering--Civil, TT, v. 10, no, 2) Me W T senses Mironov. S. A. and Krivitakil. M. Ya. THE MANUFACT'URE OF "GAS CONCRETE" FOR USE IN THE PREFABRICATION OF LARGE SIZED BUILDING UNITS (Gazobeton na Tsementno- Izve-etkovom Vyazhushchem dlya Krupnorazmernykh Konstruktail). R 96 21 [11 jp. (foreign text inc luded). [CSIROJ Trans, 5693. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-33552 Trans. of Becou I Z1-'hMeIezobeton_CUSSR) 1961. no. 9. p. 361-36i.--------- DESCRIPTORS: *Prefabricated buildings, *Concrete, Cases. Construction materials Industry. 62-33552 1. Title: Gas concrete 1. Mironov, S. A. It. Krivitakti. M. Ya. Ill. CSIRO Trans-5693 IV. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Australia) (Materials, T-r. v. 9, no. 11) Offkt of Ttchnkxj st"kal Shrinkage and CTeOp Of COITfPTCSsod Expanded Clay-Concrete Units in Compression, by H. Radkevich, RUSSIAN, per, Beton i Zhelewbeton, No 8, 1961, pp 364-3699 &U)(KI(XMR CSIRO/No 5910 Sci-Flngr ,,?,2 5-,),500 Mar 63 Reimmum of ftreiso and Czeep of High-Tensile viv) Aolaorm=tp b7 V. G. Cbft"aSbkSnj. T. N. Livehat, RUSSM per Baton I ZbelezdbQ%=.. No go 1961x .. Wl"1.7v, 'I -" Bic 3* ft, . U/N 2-,V 3, ~ / ~ D" 63 Plastics-Bonded 71bre Glue ReWmeemant Dmlrjped at the 'YuZhNIII Scientific Research laott4ute., by 0. Ya. Tsypklm. RUSSUNp ywp Baton I Zhelaz6beton, No 9j, 1961, Iw 1AT-418. ---- -' - 91 W: 5a96 1962 (1jIOT) (1=) Sd . WN 4,361083 ju 63 ......... - - - ------------------ Evaluation of the Durability ot IArge.Mzed Elemm Made of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete, by E. S. silaknkov. MV",, per, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No 11, 1961, pp'5014504. RIK GB/Z/LCI155 - sci - M/M Apr 64 257,255 Fla Aerated Concrete. Slabs for Rods and Garret Floors by Ya. G. Sunptullin, et al. In. & 4 ~504~,, Beton I Zhelembeton, No 11, 1961, pp ZGB/21/LC U55 Sci - M/M Apr 64 257.M Effcct of Stemn-Curing of Prestressed Concrete on the Stress Loss in the Reinforcement, by A.A. Kudryavtsev. RUSSLUT, per, Beton I Zhelezobeton,-N(.-). 11, 1961, pp 518-520 lal/5196 1962 (1155) sci - Aug 67 335-664 DwArmed Construeolon of Large-Faael ]Uatos by A. A. Shishkiii. RUSSUN,, Der,. I -.44. ctbqtQp.; No 12; L961 .PP 531-5~6- .z M-L W.- 5196 1962 (1,,W) 0 can) W z3aw '. I -j La 4 3 ~~/ ~, 7 (NY- I 84o) PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE., BY, G. A. KARAVAYEV, 5 PP. RUSSXIAN.. PER, BUM BETON I ZHELEZOBETONp NO It 1962p PP 1-7- ipp,s i48o7 USSR ECON AUG 62 2o6j92O Creep anA SuInkap of TriaxiMly Arestressed Concrete,, by G. A. Oambuws RLMIMO P") Baton -I Zhda 1962.. vol 8.1 No 1. pp 23..25. ML RTS 2481 (On Iam or Purchase) qr-~TZ 17 Pl - Aug65 288.,109 Kvkwzit^ 0. L and Gftkxy=4 L. 0. RELAXAMN OF MEMM IN SMNM WULE 722MODM BY VARIOUS bUnUDDS otalakwzdya NaPqazhenil v P-OIOC-hnYkll PrPb&ft PTI R=Scbuykb R I '- NK3m*mfya Armawy) a L- Cd=o tx.. Pd63[6p]srmb MM RamorcbfttdmUbmry ONWANdONSM SM 1191. Owdw huu OM M-k or EM $1. 10 7r-64-13351 TAN& d DOM i Zbd~ OW 1962. Y. S. am 1. P. 90-32. 7T-U-13351 L KvItearldze 0. L M Gwelesya4 L, 0. IZL LC-1181 M Depuund= at Sciewiftc 2W T-%-"Ml Reamrch, LaWm (Eighod) TT. v. 14 am 3) Offk~ of Tmknlcal stivicts Influence of liceit 1-1volution of Cewnts on Concrete 10tema Curing Conditiozwj, by E. ErscUcr. RUSSIAN., per., NMVMMton i Melezabeton., i,io 20 1962.. pp 7-9-81. CEMIO/No 6U3 C7 i-mar ,.C oct 63 Redictribution of Streams In Pmetressed Reinforced Concrete Sltructurea,, by 0S. Krylov, L. Makarenko. HUSESIMI, per, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No 20 19620 Iv 82-85. -- - T CSIRO/Ilo 6112 Pci-Dau oct 63 Method of Computing Croep and 31%zinkaga Deform- ztion of Concrete for Practical Purposes,, by 1. Ulitskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Benton Zheletobeton, NO. 40 1962# pp 1.74-180. - CSIRO/No 6030 Sci-Mlavorials & M5t211UTgy MPY 6-3 9~ 3:tl 1.3 00 Principles of Designing Automatic Electrical K5nsurlng N~Ylceg fbr tbe~ Detensincti-or. of Shrinkage Movements, by V, A. Levidwr, RUSSIANO pmgx per, !~tqn Zholesoboton, No 30 1962, pp 219-222, NLL Rcf: 5196 1963 (11716) (Loan) Sci - Eloctron Feb 64 Calculation of Duformations (Wflectiollf") in Reinforced Concrete Structures Accorlit%,, to tlie New RecommendatImLs (ENip ii-v. 1.6,,,)., by A. Gvozdyeve FMLU)per, Beton i Wlielembeton, No G, 1:)62p pp 245-M- csamo/iio 614o aci-eW oct 63 63-10195 Yudin, V. K. Dr,rFRNIINATION nF THE LOAD-1317ARING CAPACM 1. Yudln. V. K. OF REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS OF RrCrANCULAR CROSS-SEC3710IN UNDER COMBINED TORSION AND BENDING. 119621 lip. Order from ~YB or SLA $1. 60 &I-tol9s Tr,,ns. of Beton I V.Iiclc/.obaton (USSR) 1962, no. 6, p. 265-26e~. -- DESCRIPTORS- *Relftforced con :etc, Stresses, FAlure (MccMnics), 11.1ornents, I,wding (Mech.%nics), St.iclca, Fr-cturc (lVech-inics). x - -- I , r? "3 fo 0 (rngincerhij,.- Civil, IT, v. Q, no, 11) Ofto al Techaku, SaMes, The Effect of Vibromixing an the Strength of Cemont Solutions and Concrete, by ~L Subbotkin, B. Trinker, V/ RUSSIM, per, Baton i Zhelezobetonm~,No 6v 19620 pp 271-2744 CSIRO/No 6139 Sci-Engr Aug 63 Experience In Productins B14sh-Strength Concretes Based on Ordlu=7 Cment, by V, So Bstalov$ 6 pp. RMSUNO Vw,, Beton I Zbeletabetan., No 7. 1962., pq 294-297. JPBS 15W P ~ /~7 Ma C, &on Investigatim of the Stranothp Defonoativeness, and Stree Solazatim of Rio-8trength Omeretes., by V. 1. Sybilkp 18 pp. Rumm$ PWo 'Betm I So 7,# 1962.. pp 2w 3we JPRS 1$W usm I. oct 62 F0dvQ'nyI, A. M. MIS EFFECTS OF MAPERAMM ON THE LONG- TERM PERFORMANCE OF PLAMC CONCREM (VUYanis TCmP0rUurU)U VoWeistwti an DoIgnechunt' Pludmwv). My 63 (15b. RTS-2249. - Order from OTS or SLA 11.60 63-2= Tram -of Baton I Zelazobeoon (USSR) 1962 [Y. 81 w. 7. p. 306-31t;r- DESCRIPTORS. * . OPlastics, Tests, Temperature. 63,23255 1. ftdvarnyt. A. M. U. RTS-22U M. Nstimal I =A Ubmzy tor Scime and T%%_ mlogy (Gt. Brit.) As a result ot the difference in the coeMcients of thez~ nua expen ton of the resin and the aggreptes. and in- congruity of dudr deformadons wben wetted, consider- We straLus occur in plastic concrete under the etfact at the enernal medium and these lowet its strengtb aW long-term perfornume. As a result of diffe, In Waterials, TT, V. 10, W. 9) ofte d Tccb" Unim Development of the Soviet Building Materials Industry, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Beton L_U&Iezobeton, No 8) 1962~ pp 337-338. - JFRS 15866 USSR Econ oct 62 Heat i Registat Perlite Concrete.' by ki- Nskk"i, M. G-.Madennikova, 11 py - RUSSIAN per Beton I gamobeton, Vol V111i No 8. 1962. Op 139-S42. OTS 63-14712 isci-M March r Concreto Floor structuresm by V. Kivitans.. ton i Sholow4ot RWSIA;i,, por, 60 on, Vol Ix, ivu2s pi, 401-4UT.----- wpt of Inter ,S;s i~57 io 163 ~;d-i,,aterials Jwi 67 316,702 THE MASTER PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE BUILDING MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS INDUSTRYi 5 PP. RUSSIAN PER BETON I ZHELEZOBETON; NO Ill 1962, pp 481-482. 1 JPRS 17636 USSR ECON FEB 63 223,415 W-1, PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE COMPONENTS IN INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE UKSSR,, BY S. N. ANDRIANOV, 8 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, BETON I ZHELEZO-BETONp NO 21 1963: PP 49-52- JPRS 19516 USSR ECON JUN 63 231s744 itigh-QLIUlity Grouting of Cable in Precast Prestressed Concrete, by A. 11. Vasilyev. RUSSIAN, per, Beton i Zhqlezobeton-..-INo 2, 1903, pp 53-60. NLL RTS 2419 (loan dopy) Jul 64 Mechanimn ControUt* the Deformadon of Concrete in Tensionj. by Yu. Kolegov. per, Beton t Zhelezobeton, No 2, 1963, Rp 80-83. CMO/No 6538 scl - M/M Apr 64 257,253 The Design of Buildings Made With Box Unitsy by P. F. Dromdov RUSSIAN, per, -ion I Mel uQ~etcn No 2, 1963, pp 89-920 NLL Ref: 5196 1963 (1198) (loan copy) Sci sep 64 Heat Conductivity of Expamied Clay Concrete, by N.,Spiyak et.RL - . . ... - GOOMM, per, Betoii I Zhelezobet9n, No 3, 19639 pp 137-171?. CSIELO/No 6536 scl - eheft- Apr 64 4-r/ 2540588 Construction of Joints and the Design of Ties in the DAternal W lls of Large-Panel Buildings, by G.F. Kuznetsov. RUSSIAN, per, Beton I Zhelezobeton, vo. 4, 1966, PP 1415-151 1UL15196 1964 (12211) Sci - ug 57 336-130 0 0 A Effect of. Duration of Steaming on the Strength of X Concrete~ by S,Mironov, et AL per, Beton i Zbelez0beton, No 5, 1963, pp 196-199. cSEFto/No 6539 Strength and Deformation of Horizontal Joints in Large-Panel Buildings, by G.A. Shapiro, M.E. Sokolov. RUSSIAN, -ner Beton Zhelembeton, No. 6, 1()63, pp 265-267. 1W5196 1965 (1217) sci - Aug 67 337-5148 GREATER USE OF LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETES IN MANUFACTURE OF PRODUCTS NEEDED, BY V. 14. MOSKVIN, 0. A BUZHEVICH, ET AL, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, PER, BETON I ZHELEZOBETON, NO 7., 1,L,,63)'. PP 280-292. JPR,5 g1468 USSR ECON OCT 63 3461424 . . . ... . . . . . PRODUCTION OF KERAMZIT CONCRETE-SHOULD BE DEVELQPM~,~~.' AND ITS UTILIZATION INCONSTRUCTION EXPANDED, pp. RUSSIAN, PER, BETON I ZHELEZO-BETON, NO 7) 1~63.v pp 33F, JPR5 z1468 USSR ECON OCT 63 346,455 PROGRESS OF CONSTRUCTION IN 1963, 6 pp. Control of Steam-Curing Chambero According to the Rate of Concrete Hardening, by K. S. Ignatev, 9 pp. RUMIAN, per, Beton i Zhelez, Vol IX, No 8, 1963,PP 369-371. CFBTI TT-64-15732 sci - M/M jui 66 305,861 Lightvei.,1rht Autoclaved Cementless Concrete Made vith Clay-Ash A;~,,.,,,loporite) by I Ivanov. RUSSTAII, per., Beton I Zhelezobeton, No- 7, 1963) PP 319-322 csim/iio- 6729 Sci - u JL11Y 19"7 334, 00" Control of Steam Curing ChEunbers According to the Rate of Concrete Hardening, by K. Ignatev, M. Nikiforov. RUSSIM, per, Beton i Zhelezboten) Vol. un) 190"'31 PP 369-371- CSIrIO/110. 6J~51 Sci - July 19('D'7 334,007 DesigninL-I joints in Exterior Walls of Larrre- U Panelled Buildings, by G. Kuznetsov. u RUSSIAN, per, Deton I Zhelezobeton, No. 10, 1963 pp 436-441. CSIRO/1-10. 0`731 Sci - JUlY 1967 334.,c)og Inter-Republic Conterence, ------A& Speed-Up and Improvement of -Prefah C Xructt6n, 12 pp. RUSSMs per,, Beton IL-Ztk on". NO 12, 1963j pp 569-572. JPRS 24158 Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams With Rectangular Croso-Bection Oubjected to Combined Torsion and Flexure, by V. K. Yuclin., 10 pp. HUSSIATI, pcr, Bcton i Zhelezobeton, No 1, 196*4, p 3035. SLA Sci Aug 64 Electric Heating of Concrete Units in Cassettes, by V/ Sheronov. RUSSIAN, per, Beton i Zhelezobeton, Vol. 1, 1964, pp ip-14 CSIRO/ No. 6805 Sci - 3 31v Aug 67 -3~0-287 InvQsti.,-,-~uion of HiL;h-Stren6ht "Curamsite" Concrete, lvlorlziiv~ undur Conditions of Restrained Troansverse Dcformationu, by D. Victorov. RUSSIAll; ~or, Deton i ZhelQzobeton) No Ij 1,11641 5-21 c-,,L,zoj"-'o 6~.)qu" Sci - Aui7 67 3335,157 Investigation of High-Strength "Ceramsite" Concrete, Working Under Conditions of Restrained Transverse Deformations, by B. Victorov. RUSSIAN, per, Beton i Zhelezobeton, Vol, 1 1964, pp 21-25 CSIRO/No. 6896 Sci - -3-Kr Aug 67 3S5-289 Possible Mechanism of Concrete Creep, by Z. Tsilosani. RUSSIAN, per, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No. 2, 1964, pp 75-78 CSIRO/No- 6905 Sci - 33s- Aug 67 3&-288 Few Reinforcing Steels in Czechoslovakia, by A. Ya. Broskiy. 10 P. RUSSIAN) perp Beton i Zhelezobeton, Vol 10) No 2, lg&, pp 92-94. HM RTS-2971 .qri-w Jul 00 306)129 Decrease in CrM and BuInkage of Concrote KLamts wiU the AJA of Pa7mric coverings.. by V. I. Solommtov- IrAlw $$ Beton i 2helezovetoup 1964s No 3 * IN 70 Im FM 2664 (On I*= or Purchase) Aug 65 288$811 Tb the Question Regading the bwastifgatiou of Constructional Characteristics of Plmtic Concrete on Monomer "Ift"O$ by P. F, Shubenkin and A. B. Mutsinchik. - perp Beton I Zhelezobeton, 1964o Iko 3j, Vp 117-120- ML FM 2665 (on I*= or ftrahase) Aug 65 2889812 Action of ftboxyPolyallozeuphos*46 OU CeMallt Mortar and Ooncretej by L As Nudlwvp at alo RUNIANs pw,, Baton i Zhalozobatum 19A., No 3p Vp 12D-122. ML Fm 2695 (on Loan or PavIvise) CO b .3 C(/ ~v 4. Au g 65 288.,813 Rein forced-Con crate Span With 7krough Girders Spanning S5 Dieters Under a Railroad Load,, by K. K. Yakobson, V, Po Ustinove 8 ppl, MSSIAN, per,, Baton i Zhelezobeton, No 6. Pp 31-3s. DI A LIN 293-65 Sci-Eloct Mar 66 297,306