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agwimmm in the mostina nom Dw to Antlblftb UMW* ty 0. 1"w# a. VISAGS Aulm Vwx Aw"Olods TA To 19640 - p9 z1gm. SIA Tf 6643024 ,,-& I ~~ f -, WI-M Am 67 326*958 MeQodo Used In tb-- XLectrification of Mack Africa and MWMmears by A. Ugmmt. per, Emmve ften" Oatromw., No 381% Apr I*p PP 21-93- ACU 1-11*7 ID W436 Africa - *4"mcw ram *y 63 or Dead for U*W OU"I SVWVMOO ID&.0trial squipmt fur tk* protactIm of wort=w BmQth ead fttoqs by 16 14figaub 5 pp USSR Saw 4r 65 2rjqTI2 Duration of the Rv3ijual Meet of assma Fertilization in a Crop IM Rotation on Soil Fertility,, Chemical Composition, and Yield of Sugar beets, by S. T. UFO# 5 pp, RIBSIANj per, Pochvovedeniye,, No 7,, 1962, N( PP 1-9. Scripta Technica Sci ,~Uswurdws ou covesttion of ;Wnw Lyuj*. Wo LI=ToIyvm and tirdroonx-iou ctmm"tration't tq G, uguads, at al, LTAUA.A. por, 4ollottiso Vella SOWA4 ital 101 pt) 14-16. I, -a;5vaTc:-wS ew. tae coq>wltion of limmi V, kloilu=a =a limprotaia ,*'Zotatu fr=tiouss, by 'G, Uivori ut al. VOUA,itf ;,.tr,, "114tuno Jells "jowelota Ital Dr 7,o7yuvl I 1,t i.cs-warcuas ca We U%Awiti= of tho iWows juxuline e4osAAtm* colio"U16tion 'rim ?mthrocioin Tirvp by G. Uj~uorip ut al. ITIWA.40 lwr& fiollottiw si~er. 731 I=!!, 'e'Li 11-54-64 Jul G-5 z a 6,t 1 t4a; amoloo tuo MMqoaal *=tent Md of the MOM ftoMp V #I ARWO mm)XAWI vw,. &M -3w=A35iil"-m ", W415,r JPIB 3m MAWOMA ftl mw 65 UGW MMSel go VP? - 19640 lb up 200.0022 AGRICULTURAL MANAGDiENT BY NATIONAL COWITTESES, BY KAREL LIHA, 4 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY R CZECH, PER) EKON ZEMEDELSTVII VOL 1, NO 7~ 1962) PP 207-210. JPRS 151700 EEUR - CZECH ECON OCT 6z 211.468 X-ray Investiptions Into the structure of iron. Rich Iron-Sillcon Alloys., by F. Lihls_n. Ebel. GREW, per,, Arehiv fuer 21senbuttenveaen, Vol XMMI Jul 196ij pp "-491. % MI 2704 Sai - Kin/metau 'rul 62 'p 0 _~' S' Oj 11 Ilot 136 61-20751 JJW_ Franz and jenitschck, Peter. DECOMPOS17ION OF NEXAGONAL ALUMINUM 1. Lihl, F. GORIDE A162, (19611 8p. (I I tip. omitted) 8 refs. 11. jentischek, P. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-2D751 Trans. of Zeitschrift (Ur Metalikunde (West Germany) 1953, v. 44(no. 8/91p. 414-417. DESCFUPTORS.- *Aluminum compounds, OBorldes, Dc- composition, Aluminwn. *Boron, *Alloys. Production. Microstructure, R"ography. (Chemistry- -Physical, 7T, v. 7. no. 3) 0111" of Todwell wo"I Prepantion of Fc-Zn Alloys From Amalgamas (slightly abridged) 0 by Fe Lih4 Aa Dowl, GEPHAN. per, ZeitwhTift fur MetalIkundo,. Vol 43, Mo 9. 19910 pp 3U-"Tf6-.- BISI 4111 BE-GeTmany Sci/1-I&M .4ay 65 278,921 Lihil F. I Nachugall, E., and Offcnbart], H. 'Fr-FECTS OF ALLOYING ELEW.-NTS ON THE AS- S'Fi((!CfL'Vl: AND ON RE.CRYSTALLIZA- FlUN BEHAVIOR OF ALUMINUM. 119021,34p. (figs. Ornircd)5 rct,. Or,l,, i f r om M. A $ 3. W 62-18220 Tram, rif mono. Int,,-rilationalt- Lcichrmcralltagong (Int, t iiational Light N1vt;ik Conh-roicv)(no. 4) Lxolx~n, 1961. jf'i,x:t-cding,,j 1969-, p. 62-18220 1. I-ifil, 1'. 11. Nachligall, 1: Ill. Offvnhat-TI, H. IV. ricim: latcrtia~ional *AILIMmUrIl dlll)~", GIIZ~in~ .,urrt s Liquid in~taf,, M~chamcal pro~xrtivs, i (NI-ritlu:,~-, - - 1-igh: M, 7) =a Urect Qt AMMIlug CCUUtlow = the 0=0 Iowa of Not Rolled Trmformar Obeart, by F, IAbI wd P. Zemmol OMM$ A%'(& HISOWI~ttrwssw# SOP 1955,p PP 535-46-. P., a 60 Sol JU 58 On the m6chaniam of FormatIon of Marcyry-Free Alloys In A-Q (m Reactlows by Fe Uhl and He Kirmbauerp 17 J, Wo 2- Mr.0113cmdep Vol XIMMp 1957p pp 9-15. GIA 57-W35 AM Tr 3015 Bel Aug Interference Phenomena of Spot Scattering and Anm,aar Line Displace=t AppaAring In X-ray inter- ~Cerance Patterels., by F. Libl, 4 pp. 101' Cf I MOW per.. MetaUvirtacbaft,, Vol XXIII,, No 31 40 Aug 1;4, p 2u. SeLeAs Tr No 364/19~5 scl - FkvDics Jan 1957 CM/dex Im. .0tigatiow of the Aw1gams of the iftula xmpnese,, Ironp Cobalts Nickelp and Copwri by P. Libl per., Zeitachrift fur NertalIkunde,, Vol r,w,, 19534., pp 160-166. Dot of M Sw of Kims Eastern Bqw StA College Park,, Wo set - Kim/set WY 59 J> 7 j 7 3,3 LIBLI F. Concerning a Pyrophoric Iron oxide. MONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE, vol 81, 1950, No 5,v pp 632-846; 5050 words. Brutchar No 2702, 6 !~ - So A -~ ()-5-6 Investig%tiom of the DVW Of DafwmtlOn Produced by the Preparation of INtallognWbIG avatiom , by r. LlUs fi- M%Wj 3.9 IV- mma, part z Nowilatme., Vol LIs, 1960p pq 186-190. AW W-W-W5 sci - xwmet Apr 61 Aq. s-(a ~ .7 Cold Rollability of Tramef mmer Steele Containing more th= 3.3$ Si, b;~ ~iblj, zemah. GERMAN,6par,!kvh Hisenbuti nwason, Ott 1955, VoL xxvi pp 599 02. 1 sci - min/= Jan 58 7/ J/ Bf:rect of Final Annealing In a HISb Vacuum on the Uysteresis of Bot and Cold Rolled Transforwr Shectup by~Lihl. ~- I apf_WE,, por, Arch Eiscnbuttenvesen, Vol WIIII$ vo 4 J, 19571 pp 223-226. 5 7 0 < Sci - min/met Jan 58 .9 Effect of 'Non-Metallic Inclusions on Materiuls with a large Magnetic Permeability, by F.-Lihl - .,, 13 PP GERMAN, per, Acta Phys Austriaca, Vol XII 1957y pp 232- 24o. AEC CFA Tr A449 Reverse Trans German to French Feb 59 7he S"ecs of the ftypomtom or asamum or Makel MA Cobelt Compooft = tM fttelytic PtOROA165 Of th& NotalUe CaUlptso by F. Lftl P. zemeho U pp. j uma$ Pat Z ftter T" M.0 ft lop 102) pp M-9". Asm T*& awy 67E260 set ~. Chem ow Ip 4 Srj All ADr 59 PrepamtIm and Ccostitutiop of Copyer- Boron A3-IcVp by F. Laq 0. neinchil per; Xet~.Jls VOI VMS ft 1p gm Xg.�0 pp Bmt4ber Tr 90" 3S09 Sciwtific - MID/metau i= as/= e. IW T"Cansforrmatioa =+vc in the iron-tilc-1=1 P-;~Ztca Belov WG, by yo UU. ML 4& pees iuctk VQI XXVJ SOP/Oat 1954p pp 475-478. Dritilh Iroa mud It"I %ad (no number alvwn) sai NwHet 8ep 59 TT-65-11926 Field 11F TT-65-11925 1. LLW, F. AWFIN THE STATE OF STRESS OF THE SURFACE OF MATERIALS BY ETCMNO. 18p, (flp otaitted),18refs. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-85-11925 Tram. of Archiv fuer MetalIkunde (Ckkr=wW) vt p16-25 19". PiH-W tram. (summary only) Is avaU&We from SLA ml$1,80, pb$1.80 as TT-59-30565,2p. MR 621 PrOllmi=7 Analy*U of Hadli Camponaut PALII&- '7~ bLUtyp by Ll I-IM# 21 pp* MIM# Vor# Tteu-tm; al:lLu No. 80, 8 Aug 19", pp. 1-3 0 RES 41564 4 J, -7- a h PS-China fti-sift & Mft mw Aug 67 333,v2W Physical Processes in Alkali-BELlide Crystal Phosphors Activated by Mercury-Like Ions,, by Ch. B. LushWiik., G. G. !tiiC1VYm.- H. Ej Lushchiky 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per: Fizika Tverdogo Telaj Vol In, No 4s 1961, pp 1176-u84. AIP Boy Faye-Solid StAte Vol in) No sci -7 Oct of p bi Cjrl. G. L'i'idya, L. A. TOisso p,,jSSjo, per, Trudy last Fiz I Astron Al: Vauh E5t(%l 63-8-40- Aw Tr-4354 61 Arropment for I BJnc'Sng Wood) by A- Wksmen; sum. 11 pp. , SWIMIMv Patent No 98,668. D*Vt Of O=Wft Moot OMOO Sol Lib w 1 4/11 Sol - Bw nb 69 Nuclear YaWor Ubtyl IM Maltdm of ,.*tals at Ido Tuperawes wd Petal-swater Roaftimss by I"Ort C* u1sataism, FTWISSUg. per. AA"W,41161 it !!M!#b suc'O No 1,0 U040, pp Z7-30* vxmm-I "CI-Nuci sci I -0c 6; 1.1in, (). and lianvi'mo, S. s-n-T)Y'ov IIIE' SIGNIFICANCE OF PRLPRE~,SING IN %tAINITACTURE. OF PAR11CLE WAKI). [ilk) tj KI). A 1 1, MO. 75 Al ")- 4 5 QX)Q FN no. 9, 43~-4K I)ESUN11,1010: -Particles, PAIX-V i0dW411'V. 63- 17444) 1. [Airi, 0. 11. Ilazivi.,to, S. [11 .ATS- 45Q(OFN W. A.,skk7wt(xt fodmical -vice" 111C., Sel 1A, V. M, Io. anke 01 Itckkil stivittl .. .. .. A Oxi4zirg Mtration of SbaM Tar by N. Kh. 141vi 5 pp I RLWIM,r yWjv ZhUr AN& Oftjo Vol X=j, So 12p 19621 pp 9(70-ZM. CB sai ;?,131 -V-3 Nov 63 Li r Miha Some Factors Intluencing the Development of Soluble ,A.ntigen. SMVO-CROATIAN, per, Acta medica Iugoslavica, 1955, IX, 1, pp. 19-27- *P1 4& oTs 61-11288 1961 It P, ~ !- 11 4 GC the NoWber and SIM of PartWes Rdeting in a mulat 1w JJA m JOB,, a pp. CZMJP Wto gootexam" cu AWIMUMS ec ~- III , - asum in vw mabortwi Pawl 1962r so "s AW-Mr-5833 ftl - )bt to vAt k* 63 ~v J., ~( Deteminatiun of the llw&jer and Size of Part.~:C-c5 in Lhe Stracture of INtaterial, by Jiri Likes rpt, PraccedinGo of Conference on Application:; uf Ma 11-1 iuhrttic~; In Lhe Industr Pru,Lrue, i9,-2, P.0 5,;-fj7- 6' Kum-- ~;Ci - M/M ~Ly ,., 3 I I Calculating '-he Dis'.-ribution or Numb6rs of S;%horoidal Par'(Icl ;.-. or Grains in Alloys,, by I& Idkenh, 1, Chadek 3 PI) L101531.0, per, Zav..-~d Lab, Vol MII, No 5, 1961, pp 565-56~. TSA Mar 62 19d1" /,r0 . -.-~ V~- %NWMR%RIW�Okwo -3 ~ by NIN 7 mAsm4port I # Ulk IR4 FP= USSR Blog Nov 64 268,740 IIliv CuuAvetion Let9fooji tr"7 Increaso of diuv'141 10"itatiat of the F2 Layar and tile .,Rj:ry ef :jc)lvx U, orZy bito tho At;~j"pharc, 1. LikilAellov, (P i,~p. Inst sibinsfki~% Fitiko- 0 411 1962,, 66-71, FI'0092267 C/Lt,v (7 .%rllij.11.11~,- of VIC A.11AU31 Variatioli of the i,.,)or as .4 Ftuicticn of' v,4 L-intry ci ,4Uiatit'di Into Ou !-.artlals W.P,,uc!iovj, Ll J.ur, Tru~k lu:;t SPursokly Fixikc,- i'c k i t~,(s 41, DC;i, jqt (s2--t7. flltouuIs-"lb7 I A A,.L S2,~ u44 I'Alizatimi lacresmat of the M-layor ,;_,t,,j t"'Le binuK of sour iieAtatioa ixto per, Trudy TOM* Universitete Fitikotakillatheakly -Inatitut* 41# Z41 68.o71 maluas Yearly Ushavior of t1o F-2-layer iss a ft=tIcu of the laflux ui~' -Friar Radiation iuto the Earth's At--O5p4ST*A by A,*-I* Likhachey, ~XL,AX'v ~kro, Ti~ciy. To" I)OVIOrIsItut. ildrskig FiziM"ekbuich"kil Insti-tut, 410 1962* pp 63-67. All (.40 at Fe-Lpyor Iouization on tho UfUm og zbliAr ::y into the Atmoq~herer by A. 1, ! 6 XMI por -, Gao=~pozl- i Aeron, Vol 11, NO 3., 1962.. AOU 9q0 I! leV TZO-Lono. Lrh,, chev, E-Q") oct 6', ow-jeciah w ) 1. KMINQ An MQWION w ME MT TI IN= (FM MM Wo BY Go 14 UMUW(A--l FV# IWMM* Me FWWr SOM =L*TSMWV4 NO 9s Im. im 0516 SCI - 19% iLL 6 l**A ~Nl jAkhwbev-, 1. M. and Rammeimeier, F_ S. fERRESMAL MOLLUSKS OF THE FAUNA OF THE USSR (Nazemye Mollyuski Fauny SSSR) tr. by Y. Lengy and Z. Krauthamer. t962, S74p. refs. PL-48G Sml. Order from M $5.75 60-21816 Trans. d [Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR] 1952. v. 43, 511p. DESCRIPMRS: *Mollusca, Morphology. Physiology, 'Ecology, Plants. Biology. TAstropods, Classifics- tJM Distribution. 60-21816 1. Ukhadley, 1. M. 11 - Rammel'ineier, E. S. III - PL-480 Smi (60- 21816) IV. Natlow[ScienceFoundationt Washington, 11 C. t%4 C It i (Biolojocal Scimces- -Zoology. 'M V. 9. no. 2) Me cd lec~Akt Stry1cas The ImportAut Factor of Te:cbn.lmi Progmess b.Y M. Td k1lei 7 pp RU=Als up, Pravda, No 329, 25 Nov 1.~*S* %tot Office Sai - Ener Jul 63 Experiments on ObtLining Foot-and-Moutb Disease Vaccine Fr= a Virus Cultivated on TiBsue Oilture, by 11. V. LikhacbevL S. D. Orlov. et al. RUSSIM, per, Veterinuiya, Vol XLj No 3~ 1963, pp 64., 65. 9212618 USDA Tr V-1850 Oci - Biol & Mod Sel oct 63 Behamiar ar Manouble PolvxystaMm **AIA In 7boxmi Cycilog, by V. A. ja~~p 15 pp. RJOUM, U., 5m.momMire Vovw*W 7131-31"~ - mly at 296. 9054A - FTD41-63-510 &d-wm so63 IV 3,4,04'a i4laplug uf' the Oscillations of Piezoelcatric Re6onatm-6 %ploying Ferroelectric SiriGde Crptals, by Y,. A. Shuvalov, 11u. S. Likimcheva, 8 p-p. FLI,~16DN, jr-rj Iz a Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol r.KIV, 'Ci:) 10) 1960, pp 1216-1224, Yc b 62 of anup tw amums in the I S"t br ~,* No I&kbLWV* RWIAtit PWqI lomwas am;* Rl" Numb" ft the tighmdams ft me WON Uftd-W 1963. D"4 Of intaim fish am Alsift SWWI" WF I fta'au or F~ ftsbeg4ex Sol.Mwh L4w 67 w0"0 Upper Permian Brachiopoda of the Smithern Primorye and Certain Bingle4go Faunas or Otber Regione of Eastern Asia,, by B. K. LWarev., 3 PP. R=IM Dak Ak Vauk SM,, Vol =Xn,, No 2. 1960, p; p"431. ADZ SOL JU 61 Likharev, 1. M., and E. S. Rammel'meier Russian Land Faura Mollusks RU35LIN, per, Akademiia institut. Opredeliteli Moscow, 1952)~PP-,-512. nauk SSSR. Zoologicheskii po faune SSSR., No. 43- *PL 48o oTs 6o-21616 1961 (N-5946/3) Mm Seelea at De" Ye* Ve Mtaerj 0. A. AL-laws, N. V. ALisbvwa V. 1. 14#p% j 11 pp. WOMs PW# ArkUT P"qgfts V02, 99: No 19.% DCC 60o PP 99-35- im 90ko Bei - *d Aipr 61 1,017, x 34s, Deemase of the pies, Of steels in contact With Molten XOUU as a RNMIt at AdDoxyt I=., bv G. F. XONVY), V. I. 141ftwoo 3 IN- RMUN't - Dak A SW* SM* Ica ==Vo No 1, IT 1960 AIF &w Pbp - Dok Vol Ts no Bei /5~2 ,; Apr 61 The Creep Lawa of Single Crystals of Zinc in the Presence of a Surface-Active Low-Melting Metallic Melt, by V. it. labzin, V. 1. Likhtman, 4 pp. RUSSIAN,p per) Dok Ak Hauk S88RIO Vol CXXIX., No 3, 1959) pp 536-539. Amer Imt of Phys 50Y PWs-Doklady Vol iv, iio 6 sci Jul 60 /.Q- d~' The Diurnal SunUt C=ponent of F2 Layer Ionization Durlag the First Half of the Day,, by A. 1. LikhaCMV3 5 pp. RUSSIM., perp Antron Zhurs Val XXV3:1., No lp 1960., PP 13.5-139- AIP Sov Astron - A.T Vol NO No 1 Sci Oct 60 some Results and Perspoctiven of tho stuay of Fdmalan Literature or the x-xvnth cen- tur:ieoj, by D. S. Llkbeabev. RMSIM,o per., Vest A Nm* SM., Vol XXVIrI, No 12, 1958j, VP SLA 61-13W .Sai 14 J; > , ~ -P-~ / sep 61 zxx Improved methods of determing the Cost Price of Cast- ings by E. N. Likhachey 3 PP. HUSSM) per) Lit Proiz, No 2, 1962, BCIFA Sci a4,168 oct 62 Overvoltages After (2caring Pmwe-To-Phase Faultilp by F. A. Idichacbev. RMSIM, per, SIcktrichestvot No 5p 19591 pp 72-77. MR LW M-1798 (loan) Sai - Electricity Oct 60 456, f - Amlpis of a Trwwforwr Oatnp Due to LWning Surges, by P. A, Ukhachar.9 10 pe MMUN., par# MektrichoOdye Stantaill 1956y Vol mn, me 3, vp 44-47. BU 59-18669 Sol Nar 60 Vol 2j No 12 ll-.,f Off - --jocxD) In th2 Au'.OmNotive Industry, VinskiY, T. f,. uldi-achav, P. Trivatko'v) G, RO Pi) - RU.5~31)vll' np, 'Morc%!dcbe9kaya Gazeta, JPFZ I-L312 'F j17 .~ pp. f~~i no 16 M4 op *-a& omas , L 1, ~# ~# i_ f, t.1- 4 'Cj - ft- L'k V ~, a, cN\e-v -7 AV$, .4far Gi Candidate of Votarlmory Sciences, Mureate of the 2talin Prizol by M. V. TSkbae V. ------ -I- RMSIANg IlloIgglebaski" I KhAgioteravevurbooklYe Is Veterimmye Proyamm MOSCOW# 194UP PP 203-211- UM Tr 33P--'- USSR 11414 Scientific - Biolocy Jan 54 CTS Hog Cbol m mA Its C=troll by 1. Ve Likbaebov. YONLAN., pers YoUrinulpi Vol )=Vo No 81 woaftow~ 1958, pp 23-29. CIA 9035505 USDA Sai - Medicine Yeb 59 4~r/ / ?,r ,0 ,/ Central &dmtlfto Cmtrol labontmy of the Pwgo Is CaMMIS807riAt fbr Ap*lo4tw9# V=j -61 At tba'AU-4alm Mon. bddUt## by #0 gave iwo 7-8. &wm Aodnat oftum pixon't tr IL V. ukhoclov'r 16 yi;s you aglationo Mw=o pat! aladobu*do I RAOSOU Imps"4tak T#%ruarc"A , 0.- VPM# momms IAS. MA-le am oZ 7/ GOISVOLM . Dry Antirabic Foxwol VaccLue With Stjw4Atorp by R. M. Shenj N. Do Orlovaj 8, To T=vlcli,,. No Y. Likbacbevp V, M. NazaroT. RMIM, so per,, Vaterinarlya., Vol XLLUI, No Ii J&D 19*9 PP 30-39- CrA %0M Selentific - Biology - Micine Aug 19% cm/4ex TIMM VaCClwv;A&I=t o%t%U-tjj-oWo- 2D ALU tromillatU& MOW., Us ma Scientific Detandmatim cC tbe AoUve PivyerU*a of an Antlatthm ftm OW w WMte Ifteep by N. V. Likb"bevo NMRMP per# 29W GMA zut vot Pnpmtcv.- Val Vlo 1956P 0 OW964s OU 9038W um SOL - lowilcuo Apr 99 K4 ~4f j-- E W-riance Weratuo at vacclul stml=' mol=t 704 p"WO-~1 W V. N. gl%wlnv T. A. Psx*bWl mums Vero IN* Tne MM L*dn A $@I -skoldm I&* Issid uSims Ito go 1030 pp 45-heo MIA scuntifle - SiGua ftelo C(s Problem of ft4reftm at a IMAnized Virus of &fte Maem by Vaccinaw Anl=U md +Am wtwtivwou of Parml and Aerawl Vacalwtion )btobds,, by N. V. vmwml~~~, P. IL D"vlAwj' et 83.. RUBSIAN# per$, lh* GorAftr ibuabno-Zatrol jut veterbaraym: ftVfimtOv., V01 IV 50-57. 9209nO um Tr .2 5/3 Sci - Biol & Ybd Sd Jul 63 On BlologLcal Properties of Fowl PsmAo-Mzam Virus, b.V XA.3A-Ltkb&Qbc.Tp Ve No x F. DarisovLcha )U. " '' . HUBBUB$ parp ve~~~* v41 XKF=s, so 50 may iM,, pp. 22-26. SclentMa - .1grAMIM DlQua =/m 0?0/ meaus and Methods of uplWatlon of Bioprepamt1cas for Active Imunization In Vim Idectionap by N. V. Likbachev. RMIO.p~ perp DadL.QMgj ftjMbR2:KoR&Mj' Inat Vet W Vol IV., Moscowt 1953o pp 101-115. Scientific - Medicine CTS 72/6ep 1955 Vacciue Aeslust &**pcz-D;Lyatbarla ot ?OLQ,6rys by X. V. TA bev, 17 pp. Full trawlation. MMIAN$ b1c; BioloGicbealde i XhInioterq)erytiabooklo Veteri=wle Pm-pmtyl, Umccu, 19481 # 534 V. USA Tr um CTS/MX '21mific PropbylO)do AasiuA Ultravirus Idectlow cC Agricultuml Animla, bY N. V. Ukbaclwv, 2 pp. FuU tr=slation. XMIAN, per.. Voterinariyaj, Vol XW,* No 12,0 Mocow., Dec 1947.v P-P 37. UWA Tr usm Scientific - iWicine MS/M Serum Against Rog Cbol*ra,, by.V. P. Alek$4vp and N. v. Likhachor. uwuwtnlD /~, I/ RMIANp bkp 8 i--_- - "Mi llq pp 36o-381, USDA Scientific -'Biology CrBA= / v?. /V? / Dmmdty in Mtravlrw DIMMes-) by I - N. V. LtWmbavo 3.1 pp. -------- Full tra=lation. RUSSIAN., per, Voterinariyao Vol XM, No 3.1/12,, Xwcov.. Nov/Dee 3.945, pkj 14-17. USDA Tr USSR Scientific - VWdielne Cmlb]M On the Btability of the Foot-and4buth Disease Virus,, Connected Wit# Microbes,, by Prof I. V. 14~~chavj.,. P. H. UVIAT', V. N. Siurin IRUWMJ# yw# Truqj (jqjWwM=jWj loochmc-Uptroll-; ayl lostitut ToterloarroU Propwatov.. Miulaterstn Sellskogo IR KhoslalatVa S=o V01 Vo 1955,j PP 5T-75- CIA D 43n98 USDA 3c2, 6 6 9 The Exprimnt on Modification of BiO100=1 Propertius of Fovl PUCW Virus# by N. V. Likhachev., V. Re Murin, 6 pp, Full translatiom, MISSm, per., Apdbiolog~mp Ito 6# Wecow, 1951. USDA Tr Scientifte , MaUcIne CTSAM 3741- Cauves of the Developatut of large PlAstia Defbr- MRtIons in Specimem WIth CIr"W Notebas in Tenalcm,, by U, I& JAkbubeva 12 Ippe HUBSIAB,, pers Zhur Tekh Fis, Vol MMO No Bg 191%j pp 1841-18,16. CIAInD xx-694 RM REIRABABIR TO FMIGN SMORAIB Sci - Physics Nov 59 USIB Inwim USE ONLY Nattwe of the Deatruction of Plautic Metals In Temiop Under Conditions of Stress Concentratioul by U. 1. Likhachav, 18 pp. RUBST-AN, perv Zhur Takh Fiz., Vol M,, No 5,. 1955, pp 922-932. CIA/FDD XX-693 NOT RZIZMAM TO 7MMY NATIMM act - Him/met) matce NOV 59 usn nvrzmm MR a= MO-;2P7 7 metbod of Detorm1wtion of the Tausile Strength of PWtic Metala,. by U. Is--LM&CbeVp 14 PP. ItMIAN, per, Zavod labj No 10p 106s PP 1209-1217. CIA/PW IX-695 ?IOT pXUMAM To MWGN NATIORAW sci - Hin/met,' ftysics Nov 59 Wn IMUDL VSB ONLY Ing ;z "2 Analycla of Staleeses Developing In the StIlge of Lnrge Plastic Deformations in Tension Tee-to of Cylindi-Ical Specimens With Circular Notches, by A. IT. Grubin; U. I. Likbachev; 31 PP. RWLAM., per, Zhur Tekh Fit., Vol XXV,, NO 3.p 1955, PP 512-528. Sci - playsies Aei~ 59 Ovr cu/ym xx-687 Not RtLN7S#34Xr 70 F*ORf-1&'0 009T usla v-keNAL Use IWLY MiB Vilura-em On the Equation of State of a Real (Nonhomo- Genous) Solid Body, by V. A. Tdkhachev~ 7 :pi). RUSSIAN, per, Fiz 'Nerdogo Ttlay Vol III~ !To 10, 1961, PP 3187-3196. AIP Sov Phys - Solid State Vol III, No 10 sci I'Tay 6') 10- C-. ~),742 Microstructural Straias Due to 7,hermal Anisotropy, by V. A. Likbachev) RUSHAN, per) FIZ Tverdogo Telaj Vol III) No 6) 1961, pp 1827-1834. AIP Sov Phys - Solid State Vol 111) No 6 sci jun 62 193)6 761 Mechanical Methods of Testing on he Nothods of Investigation of Irreversible ChaXes of Shape DLe to Thennal Action, by V. A. Likhachev, 7 PP. RUSSIMI, per, Zavod Lab, Vol XXVII) HO 7~ ioft) pp 867-876. ISA Sci may 62 194)710 Treatment of Infected Wounds During the Period of Pidlatlor, ';lcknos- by V, A. Likhachav RUSSLANJO MO per, Voyenno Med Zhurt No 4,0 ~,lozcow, Apr 1959s, pp 49-50 (2536-D) The Third Session of the Conferen a of MWatcra of the OrFwAzationpr MW-W ODoperatioup by Ve at ldkbo&jaevp and r L. A. Stepamv, 9 pp. RMW., per; 2hele=odorozbnyy TrwWrt; No 118 19580 pp 88-91. US JM L-1498-D UWR scon Feb 59 and Xmmttm Analnis of FALUtivistic P&rticies by the Riaear Builml(m Teabnlque in RdW *p&Ue nelftp by V. M. LIMWWv, Ya. P. Movskovs 7 PP- IWOMMO w pw,, Zbur Zbper i Teoret Fla., Vol p No I.- Jau IMP VP 31-38- Amr bmt of fts ww ftse MP va vp No I j -a ('0 0 (0 Sal - ph" ft 57 The Viscosities of the Halogen Compounds of Elemento of the Fifth Group of the Periodic Syste-.,-ty by G. P. Luchinzkiyj A. I. Likhacheva, 4 pp. RUS3Wip per# Zhur Fiz Xhim, Vol VIIp 1931ky pp 546-548. 3 .R .~616 Sci Apr 59 Adsorption of Mixtures of n3hylene and Carbm-i Dioxide on Carbon E(Lackp by B.P. Baring, O.A. Likhacheva., V.V. Serpinskil, ?pp. RUSSIAN., per, Is Ak Nauk SSSRp Otdal Xhim Haukp No 4, 1961, pp. 551-559. OB scio April 62