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OVAOXIMIlro N. N. Maw AU=Q WA Wits an genW/ /--1/1973*vMo,,xm, ft0l" Or tb* Z~ JWndm ftkvUfaam or AW In the ftmtov FWt of the Trenvola Macao pp jdgjmAm 24-Jol-74 Unel (AEC-tr--71;4A, pp 91-91,) Role of endogenous substances in the creation of a backround of increased radloresistance. Communication 2. Redloprotoctive action of serotonin and mexamine on mammalian calls cultured In vitro. -WIWSAAYAs E&E#; PARXHOMENK()# I.M.: KUDRYASHOV, YU.B. (Moscow State Untv.). 1974. Translated from Radioblolopiya: 14: No. 1, 74-7?(1974). NSA nraf, Guenter ftal for Metallurgy Development outlined, 5 ppe 0IF"P, TIUETTEp Letpztgs Nov 73p pp 641-645- IPHS biI79 MA r 74 18-Mar-74 Unt-1 (AF.C-Ir--7514-PI) Investigation of stress corrosion In AHOVS of aluminum-zinc-magnesiumt e1upn1nu7i--Zinc, Aluninum-illvery and aluolnum--copper-- magnelium. Part 1. Akaminoo-zinc-sagneslux s1loys. NEDI, W. Translated from 2. Metallk.. 60: 789-799'(1969). 13p. Dep. NTIS S3.0C. 11P corrosion; JIF netallurgy; translations MN-25 P '15A 18-Mar-74 U11cl (AEC-tr--751q-P2) Investigation of Struss currosion in alloys of aluminum--z1nc--maqn*sius, aluminum--zinc, alupinum--silver, and aluminum--copper-- magnesium. Part Il. Aluminum--zinc, aluminum--silverg ant) aluminum--copper-magneslum alloys. GRAF, L.: NETH, W., Translated from Z. Metailk.; 60: 860-864(1961)). .33p. Dep. NTIS $3.75. 11F metallurgy; translations MN-25 P NSA 15-Sep-73 Uncl (AEC-tr--7450) Probleff, of stress corrosion of homogeneous solid soluticas. VIII. problems of stress corrovion susceptibility In the copper--nickel system. GRAF, L.; LACOUR, ".R.: RICHTER, W.; WITTICH9 W. Tronslated from Zo Melallks; 54: 40# 79 406-415(1963), 14p. Dep. N113 83.25. nr corrosion; nr astsliqr9y; tronslations ?IN-25 p *JSA Grafarend. Erik SjlAR Effect Tests on Surveying Gyroscopes 11 pp ALLGEMPINE UIRMESSUNGS-NACIM1.01TEN. Aug 1972 pp 318-326 FSTC-11T-23-9384Z UISTRIBUTION LIMI'c'ED TO US GOVT AGENCIES I. Grafaread X" cbrosom Rmww~at Utbods VesdIto Deteral" the North wlth ALLQM-=-; M - - I - - --- ---- ammo go. so Orafens 0. Owrall durabitity of wet&d seapw with oopwideration of stress omvwion otd vIbration oorros on ora-Aing. 2 =-- Vol 288 So ?a 1072,9 pp AfS 1589-ar , JaCIP I 13 GRAFFI. D. //UNKNOWN// V---- , n---- on an approximated method for resolution of non linear equations withhereditary terms 12-p0 pp not given ARM/FST C/HT-23-190-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO US GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ONLY## Orareve LO TOO operatic" at 1974. 13 PP .Mwo Magoon* JM 61637 Coa Indutry in 19"j, Tax" in me I& "n 19740 FP7-140 ~ $4 k AIR 23 84 i4,4 ,- i [ UKAMOAL11 LWAN bi FLLK-it A HTIJKIU 1-14it LUNIKUL LUMPUTLH ~UR UNI Vt-RSAL APrILILAIluN hllti JANKS INLLUSUKL IU Ik U54U714 U OROffsIrarys P. K 11PRopwir xoswammy Browarx. You xxv. XXOAQ)ZSSXONNYYS RASSTROYMAII ~/-/19 740 V0025,pN--O, ProbUm of Spws Biotogy,, Vot 26.. DecoTression disorders, r1p 1-34901NMA T.? P 15970#0 GranaUkavo At No cwA intumUanal Investmout Bank laUb3lahodo 5 pp MAU amalme VOICOVO No it in IgAl pp 63-65. JPM 61307 OMwtkirAt As Aftwome to Touth Labor laws In Petrdem Indvatry StudLed, 5 pp 1mgmillin Ems Mmme 20 lkr 1974s P 2s JM 61894 ~s W* A-- w - ~-- MMUM&WI . I lie ill - 6 - as - M Apolift at V3040% ip I- - Groms 0 W. Stiadly of the VI oputeut In lantittew" v1soose lasing a i ets solmeter sed a marit"o. ]POIrt 1 0 tted viesose, Smim I Vol. 149 a. 109 1%99 p. 502-5" TC TC-11647 GRAXSCR, HANS-UMICH //DIE WIRTSCHAPT// ~~/10/1974-v---,9004ls pp 0008-0009 Disouselon on investwnts Su~rlxed 8 pp JPR8 63585 Qw4Md4 BMW-ULTIab a b olm mg of us" n" ftotwy omg"6 7 pp mu W" UNITO 394 DWUA# 3 Oct 19?3* pp 940. im WW5 2-M&V-74 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2757) Examination of methods for extrapolating rupture strength of host resistant steels. GRANACHER, J.; WIEGAND, H. Translated by R.G. Manqfiold rrom Arch. Eisenhuottenw.: 43: No. 9, 699-704(1972). 13p. (coNr-7205105--l). Dep. NTIS $3.00. From Irternational m**tIng on properties of high temperature stools: Dusseldorf. r.R. Geroanv (3 May 19?2). IlF metallurgy; translations MN-25 P NSA Granberg, A. G, Importance of Territorial flannift Stressed, 8 pp LMNOW I OWjMR"YA fagff�AURJM M=OMVA, Navoaibirokl, No 41 IM9 yp JM 608?4 Graniczny, Jurand Cooperation Among CharterIng Un1to or Soolallst Countries Under CEWv 7 PP. TF-CM?lKk I GOSPODARTA MORSYAq Gdanakt Feb P 7N-72- JPRS"h#Z3 J~)n 74 V-Apr-74 Uncl (UM-Trans-1509) Aectals of lactems: synthesis and some chemical properties of disihylacutal or N-methylplperldorie-2 JKIEL~- ~V- : SUKHORUCHKIN, A.G.; KIIRYATUV, N.S. ; GLUSHKOV, R.G. Translated from Xhim. Geterotalki. Soedin., Aked. Nauk Lstv. SSk; No. 7, q54-957(1973). Op. Dep. NtIS $3.0%). 07C chemistry (organic); translations MR-4 P NSA Granitov, A,I, Study of Fodder Crops on Dry Lands 123 Isp TRUDY NALOUINOoLSSLEBOVATELISKOGO 1.4$TITUTA NIVOMOV Kilaistersuo 81113kogo 11ozyaistva DOM,, 733hkent, Vol 7,, 1962 pp IS9-230 hrib-'n'-69-S3053 Qr"We v4 BomwdA I"dea uldft the cawmms of the Genent Criats of Cqjt4usm. 23 pp F-mmis No RON 0 No 40 Mbr 19749 pp loomme imm July 1973 mum f',,Tik gakql~ ~3 I" *ZIIZ~ XP"M-M. Nll~ All 61 A -j -.r ilk bid t'KAI,,Z "K 4AKI) UL C,tIML5Ai i lNu I ANNj ri,~L,M lilt' AIK KAmPf Tt-UPPLN iii, J ALY/JUM V47~1 VP 18-al I zv it.-fil -z J-1t;,14- 1.) 5131 11576 ---g- jiv MARAMP&&O are no awad A NwhoUn Anwomb to PmkWln asaft fludno JjsmWA gftwldmi PLUm ad SwAmMew 33M wou =me 16, 1** w 1^ w 34 "fine' lmv~ W4 aud~pot S. ky~jt" # ~Xdk The Fine Structure of the Nephridial Duet in Lumbricus Torreatris Lo an Usotrom Microscope Studys by K. Grassynakis ZUROPUNP Pert 166100ijahe Beillsout Val So 1963# pp 189-L-.96 RTC 72-11972-06C June 72 ~',rats , Yu. V. uf 'noft' pls~Aosic; in cin intenst: 111ve tr'ofkit~'.Ilctic wave Field. llio:,K. UNIV!-2- SEE% 3: NZ.-ASTRON. GIOS- CC) 1-, 1; , ~iu I. - Aug . 1U72, p a g vs l177-476. f-,'!A.')'A TT F III bill] wv 73 b-Jul-74 Unci Studies of the '90Y distribution In animal organs using e3pecially dutoradiographic and paper- ejectrophoresis detection methods. -GRA&L -E-H-: HUNDESHAGEN, H. Translated from Strahlentheraple; 106; -417(1958). 20p. Dep. NTIS $4.00. C6R radlobiology: translations M!4-0 P NSA revision uncl CLF-tr--91) Methodoloov Aetection process. GRAUL, E.H.; Translated from 7. Naturforsch., 8p. Dep. NTIS $4#OV* b6R radlobiology; translations MN-48 P HSA I-JUI-74 of the outoradiographic HUNDESHAGEN9 H- b; 12b: 534-536(1957). 0 Gravo, Pstr Sorgeyovieb CybernsUes and ftyeboleas n pp ar"Imiri I psimus Rive 19740 94 PP. JMB 63147 W,.AWs',T'SCH T KOM Gf I 1- 0 A,46NL I UHYL It U UYN AM I CS VOL Ij AHU L A PC A 0,~SiALLATIJN Akt6AS 41 IN.-, It Wl .-. FULA lt:CliNi SCHr- PHYSIK SEP 19 Ii 65 PA (I L') i i Z, R" -14 1 -2 3-U lul- A Slovak Party Paper Analyzes Dapaot of Revisionism on Religion, by V * Orazd~Lnp 5 pp. SLOVAK9 npj Pravda$ Bratislavi, '25 r 73, P 5. 3PRS 59083 ' Mla:r 73 omom--4--a Ts-t D4 IMPICOO Of TIM bqftdtwooe badget ftsesuWq 6 yp LUJIUZLSMMMO OrM;MUA JKA=T NAfIr Ma Wu pwmmvu u%$ N~bIrsks ft 6& Ims pp 216o]'294, JERS 6206 Gr&zW&m!Lkav, Ye. D* Chronological spectra. 12 pp MAUZ T2jDWSjj I PRODJOZIR(NUIn NAUCIMO, TEKHNJCHESICOO MQgAMJ. Kiev, 1967, pp 318-W. JPRS 6M02 Grdzelov, L.I. et al Oil and reas Preepects of Egypt. GEOL. HEM GAZAv V.160 19729 Wo.89 pp.71-2. X.T.S. uses ONS C-c kl!, fA - (~, f~- e~ I , 0 . V,. An Accelerated Notbod of fttiVw Testizg and Parowt Mugue Cmmw, by V. K. Ombeftt 12 Vp. I ~ 1 1- 0 vmjtj, =VZOTM VM, PAW NJ io 6? ig&s pp 51.59. AMIFM/M-23-925-72 Arr 71 Grabmlkwlt 04, 4 Go at aqonw sc iww plan" %us "Oolaw ihomft sootswwq 13 pp 6'tvbwwh*Wkova Tut 89 Aveatigation of ths omformtlm of polymplo.ohains in oowentraW eolutimm by a parawagnatia taboting WOM04 WSW & M - X M4 W-SX Ak Val I ..f So 5 _ _a NAU ,p June 29?8,p pr 1134-2128 CB 11.O"low 9 A* Rm to Im"m Flawdft PatMI Tmdo ClmulatAm - in vasim risomewe U pp QJUM SOMBA MOM-6 so 3s IM PP 80479 (im agm 4, (q. 6 (e (--A, k 1-1 /,&) The AMAW, ROOMW In IMe tW A. A. WOOMM"t 7 0. im R - - t - pfff, Mi 0 shms"I D&VIMA maims im ib I Mr 19"o pp A.M. Apr " Omid kld n 9 As A& Tbl Qdted BtAt" Mamw in 1973 0 10 pp A - ummarA - vil"T FAOOOIA# 1* 30 to x" 19740 pp 79-a.% JM 6WU GkECHISHKIN, L. RU INTLRRLLATIUNSHIP UF LhOLINURELEPTURS WITh HI STAMINt AND SERUTONIN UF THE GASTR 0c /( j /4 poj FARMAKULUGIYA I TUKSIKULUGIYAvo729V(IL. 351 #5 9 6Z5-2d* (SEPT-OCT)o F S IC-HT- 2 3-0601- 74 . . I I --- 1~ - - ~ -m-, LV '57 uw"- i - -w, Ila Idtht Ahl A jWpiq-Tb3,T,-71 f77&" Bawl" LVanvklm xLealm in wwld ww u. tw *1 14 ppa . owwobeft 0 ANdm owntakAA gAirst - - ~Am *-TT Q xilwml,~% xvr4 IPP * 2a M5-UTO iPF43 "I G"dlbh Am OR omaw--L%w fts" Md sedsume I? pp ~- a 3~# NO 7o MW IM& PP 2&4L im Y"" MamW Ombko Renort, at AnW Conference of Party organization Seerstari"t by 0 At- a 10 pp RUSSIMO mp KramnKm Zvnda,-IEio-arics 2W%r 1973; pp 1-2. JPRS 59W MW 73 Grechko, A* A, Greahko hxtwWo But Wishes to Now Jounal - 'Ummonenosets'. 5 pp UAM WS, Mosomg No Iv Jan 19740 pp 2-4, JPRS 63271 arechka, Ae A. V. L Lenin and the Soviet State*& Anned Foroos, 13 pp I W-911111 Xonows So 39 Fab 1974m pp. 124A* JPRS 61776 Ciro"# 00 W41"tUR UCW4~ of owowm d1froolm In pmew sco. lug. now-Ma ITAUAp VU Sp So 10p Oat 1972,o pp 223-M. C. 1. Tnu 6m T. I C, 1,~ 1,7 T I 27 T. C:4rzqLv-iT, 1. T,,, Phy 'iirs NO I j t.*is an 0 t:,e Vol ,2 , 1972. o"Ho L. A Staly of m"tiatir In the Dab. SAMan FOWIGIN PopubUo, 5 pp =now --- a mosemy so 19 1924,0 pp 5iTi 615ik anwo vntiauv Ryad it 20A Computer SDMTA,ol IN= UP vViniiMO am sm MShmA one P"V*# we 1~73# Xa 73 . cowwwo ve RAU& fbr INWOVIV Civn Defam Opsftttdm, 6 pp EXAM a=t m ~Mmmo 17 APr Vs. p 2.0 im 623M or*ovo Vo ad= 24"S" In CL-41 DOM"o a :,,11i lgmucmLnu=o Mmov-s. NO 31 ar 19740 pp 140 U7 jpm 62063 Grokov, V. P&Ay Pouticia Work IncivuDefen" Vstso6 7 pp OWIM MAWfi- "Oolmwo No 8o Avg 1973o PP 8-99 Im 604M Coo: M19/0672 4 October 1973 AutowatIc Asw~My for Btui%r of the Ocean Floorp by R. Kh. Grelm Paper vhIch qMeared In official pWaication (Vol. n) of the 12ternationel Omgrexa- an ZKploitation of the Ocems 1n Bordm=j, Frame., 9612 Miah 1971P VP 1-8 Opea type B DD not pablish Translator's draft plus W OPPY 71 4R Grapp, Kjorsti Question of Territorial Waters Disaussed in Comunist Paper, 7 pp. FnlfmF,Nl Oflop 2-7 Sep 74# Pp Ot 99 JP-RS-63202 Pinv 711