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AtSUOVAO $cavw%Sjtjg of ladjolsatMos by B. Stym, C. ORTUII"k", m PP. WMIM, bks Issl swoo(IIII(Imlya V, cow, TT 6r)_55;Y_r! cr J~ q i-, OU kc, A Find of FroMeMtio KiWoglypft (BloglypbS) in Sh&shin*ly Quftsits In the Southmst Omp Rooont by Do Is Garbar, RUSSWj part pok Ak Nauk sssRo vol 186, No I :L9699 pp 653:43-.5. AGI JulY 70 /I - 1 14, Handbook of Plastics, by M. 1. Garbara,, 500 pp. KWIMI bkv pa p1listighwfltivp MEMO, 19690 Am j-9367 PSTC-ET-23-2W-71 m - M . C--,- a R- 6 Iq p- F~ 71 m I / C, ~" a -ila- t. 9~~ 'I%* Troatment of Myocardial Infraction, by S. Garbarg. FTMqCH, per, Pottt Courriardu Oorps Meacal, No 151, 1967, N 13-17. IITC-71-12W-OGE Nov 71 Periodic Solutions of Some Nonlinear Differential Equationst by Be Do Gaftwo RUMILN. per. R* Ak flank WER, Vol 172, 110 5. 196?v pp 100340069 Am Math Soc Vol 8, iio 1. 1967 E . 1) . C- 4 P, 6 E-, P, Garber, K. State and Attainment of Agricultural Chemical and Agricultural Biological research. LANDWIRTSCIWnICHE FORSCHUNG, No. 20, pp 116-118, 1966 NITC-72-14763-02D Jan 1973 Garber, K. Air Pollution in the Industrial Section of Hamburg and it Effect on Vegetation. HAMBURG, STAATSINSTITUT FUER ANGEWANDTE BOTANIK. JAHRESBOICHTE, No. 83/84, pp 158-173, 1966 NTC-72-14792-02D Jan 1973 Garber, K. Studies and Evaluation of Smoke Damages. IMBURG. SUVITSINSTITUT FUER ANGEWANDTE BOTMIK. 'JAWREI,RBERICUTE, No. 76/78, pp 119-127, 1961 NTC-72-14793-02D Jan 1973 -war-~wuiawit Cast lrvu -a .,arhepu 1"creaso isi tao noficiutiu" Lqui-,;.;Ujite L'ors I.Svot I-AM90 jt,22.4 (t>bj-'17!jj -~Atisrials Lvr~ittin,, Uic oi ~Jwa~ auu ~y :.. L. ,,ar'v,cr, Vol 410 ;.G be 1!)uL, )ON imbe SWW46U Ot TOWt= -,lWW=71U"9 ter a. 1. Gobw & She I* gmxwno ROM - pwo No a so &sm. Val M too 50 am two pp U44-wo An IN% M" Vol V.* No 69 Da Feb 68 1 0 t ~ U t-II I ~t4, "t /,t- JktbdwmUc4 Slwald&Aon at tblk procil" at the M31 an a Ada-Pow KMp by I. A. Owber. XMIMS DW, im TM Cho= Val 23,, So 7.. 1972, pp 65-68. BM 10800 An 73 Uae of 14dticl-imensional Regreasion Analysia in ; imacting the Quality of FUght Training. by i;. le Garberv Ve A9 Yramdts)dyq 6 pp, RUSSIM9 Me Y&Y-P!dslltslvwa TWdmJJm n Flido- IV i Meditaine, Moscowe 1968a 1 063-6- Sci-B and 1-1 Fab 70 Of 4001,823 Garbrecht, K. Cooled Parametric Amplifier for AGIiz. Vol 22, pp 104-111, 1963. CSIRO-Trans-111,00, 'ITC ~ -71-14718-09A j Feb 717 ABU Dol*M of wo a IN, tawlionfle B2081 !*Up %W 0- 1. 01*%Mt MA vp. NMIAX- tko A FAmIm, sun mateabraulnulm BRULISM, M96 ID 9W4003670 (--~ 1 c-, q P, I , , Us=/KU jum 70 N. I. Garbas In rared Spectroscopic StWy of the Syntbeein and P017mar-Awdogous TransformtIons of the 3- Chloro-2-FqdrwW-ProjTl Etbor of C~Uulcwe. RMSIAN# per,, YZEgkgjAg-kulxarwe Boodineniya Vol 9B# 19&7# pp 299-303 RTC 72-13361-M T Oct 72 Infrared Spectroscopic Study of the Synthesis antl Polper-Amlogow Tramfbrmtions of the 3-Mlcro-2- Bydroxypropyl Ether of CeUuloae3, by ff. 1. GiLrbut, Ye. F. Sharkavat 5 PP. XMSTANI per, XMqkm~o~~ Soedlneniya,, Ser B, Vol go No 4., 1967,, PP 299-303. M78 TT 70-50138 G 7 JUlY 71 IR Spectroscopy Study of Branch Copolymers of Calluslose Acetate with Poly-methacrylic Acids and Fibers.on Their basis, by A. X. Garbuz, R. G. Zhbankov. RUSSIMf per, Zhurnal Prik Spektj Vol 8, No 3, 1968, pp 46f--4-7-3. FrD-S-333 Feb 69 374,435 The .9,044ar HtftftY Of ScdA FUUMO ttF "s Garbawwo 23 pp. sallftlala Russia, PW9 so- 'A LAM - 9E Sat"xpalsudw*w -fill pp 3490 j iits 43751 .- L ~~$H bow im 6B 348,472 \A. ~--- FIMOS ddstelOCCOWtO 00 No F2=9 bw VO, (;avbuwo 19 RMUM. part, Etwaffmao pp 3-17. J PRS 55219 Fab 72 BW OtAtIO DW90t ppo FADIMMO No I* 1972p .~4~ irAnce - InIsUr v&aiym 1969 state LWget, by v. carbmov, 26 pp. RtIbsivIt rpt, Flr"-X.~L-srz, moseav, jim lq6gs pp 3-19o J ft 1 47523 Boon ~.Sr 69 Tus~x i', .,~utliaed, Ibl, ticr, '11,eQ falil, n-). 7,177 -1, iw-sA-iU'jrG -,~f t~iia ?3r1 1-166rty c n6n, and V~~-a Tpo;zs A Finamial ~) ~Ts, by V. C arb ~ 2 -r., , 21 J-~ p 1, & WS"'LU,, "'Innns-v SS2, 51, 5, lix~,, L-lu. P-A .-.ConorAc Aeforu, nrld V. Oarblllov, 14 pp. per, :7:a,-T,=jftf Ito. 3, 1,308cm. 4-4-54. ,-CMAXAC :~,ay 63 355,981- Tte UM State Bud~pt ad Tullm of Flocal Bodies For 1()65 t by V. Gartumw 2'j W, RMWO per, ~~Gw, 50 It Jdc 65, 90 3-M- JPAB 2)333 um HOM W 65 279, IF) I Tho Dociolom cc ula Iftamh of CC CM' arkl WA 'Nift ot riusmLull k-vwlas, by V. oaa-u=w.. la pp. -46, 1 Pori Na 4, Aw I. ~), pp. '4- - .VM 33lix, MR S= illil i6 '31 ,f '.rat-% BuUget in U-,o Anniversary Year,, by V. Garbasmp 27 PP- ., No. 1, jan Iqu H=LU, per, FIMM MSR -7, P-0. ~ _,-20. JPM 40w) 11 I., USSR Econ Apr 67 j21,190 Finanow OW accomde stim-li" tv V. G&vbuswf 9 pp. M851"t npp no 412 13 on 19650 VDO 4-51. JPFS 305 V. (I~r~ ~) ~ ZI i1, ~ UWE 3= ion 66 294,,317 I "~-. Q, t~' ~- lo~~A z " -'~ CEMA Currency md FimmoW Itelations Survs7od v by, v. F. Garbasov, 6 ppe RUSSIMg per* 9W*b!9M G&W& hwowt No 7o 1973t P 20o if-RS 38515 ftr 73 j~jffejqmt ot Proft&Aom of Mltibw*OL EXUV&tM* by Z* 'foe GUftWo, V, F., liopwAkiye 6 ppe Rmim. pw. ME= no loo cat 1967-9 VP 15409 apas hwn s4-Fach imp Fab 68 349$m Infl)matica to the jbitiou, 19A. by Roldw P.,rcos 5.5 pp. .jEMIM, per. Pgjpktq, ike_ln Fobruary L967, pp XJJI-XIX, 15-17, 0-31, 44-51, (A-66~ 69-70, 74-79, W87, 04 35--67 Wour Crua-lor 3418W PO I &JV ~0'01 J~ee teei e &,4e c 1419 tr Acmuft GWO&eo Awn *A Vam t"d6, Almon# Ipwo r3 ou ftj/ chm 3Mo,&)9 ,~Aa.,4,01>X 'J667 J~Jj , _., " Ameign Entaprim Bablad Right-Wing ImUtuteg bv Abrabam 43via Mmrmo 6 ppq SMUSHO up# A.-AAs radco cityl a fwy Igno pp lo 2* iirvS 56245 Jme 72 4-~ Tqxt of jW"VA Cwtorenop Ropwt 01=4 by AgUstin CwvlAj 14 Fps PARL S Me npq ona~ Hmm* 13 oat 1969o p 2* iMs 49189 t 2,1- f a 41 1 r'-~ 'Ad-Agri Lim 69 3969157 30 BlogmptV of Liberal- I,.;vmddsnUmI Comildstigg by Alvaro Ciarciag 13 pp. per# Q_-'.spected 19699 BogoUv 6 lec pp 10. U. J;I-ti W583 LA-Lolombia Jan 70 400020 Cuba's Im Dolopto IM =to an Cam -- -- .SZ ApIcultamp tv Marl* Onvia MUSOLS U ypt MWMM4 YWF ft~ Anox maw mnwfnmw%- 1b IM6 19W of flelfte b,IAP)*O Qgrc;l; UmCdba so= ft 66 3ODtW6 Vaut Is TachnMcation or Micatlon?., by Arial carcia S-, 5 Ppo SPAM=.. parp LaxWMeLu Obromp firvt lalf Of ftb 1966, PP- 17-19- JPM 34959 Sac Apr 66 I pp jam P, JiM 72 P-_ C. w mitions Factoryo by Carlos P,. Cartia. 7 .,,or, Sevista do Las 1,~urzts I i4tra-NIF11, !)I A 6" 12 a,sv; C\r' L., %+, *% V~ *~ G P. a. C' ~ 0, Militant Marxist Criticizes French CP,CGT.. by. Christian Garcia, 5 PP. ?RE-RCE, per, Le Com=niste, Paris, No 178, Mar '72 # p 2. JPRS 55724 Apr 72 /0 ~ -ylyaf- et~ (Z-- Analjmda of Cm 0 NM-FWrO= YA4413=- giala Yabwials by MUSIC Abomption ftwtzo- phakmtvys by D. J6 (Wralas SPAN=,, pmr, k -A=Ut:iap - - UMM" do WOM Val 23 No 6 ig6go pp 169-184. ~ZB4W 11 July 71 Squaw C? Stmem Umd for Zffective %cruitins Policy, by ftardo GardA. 9 IV. BFAMU, per,, &Wm Rmftmv No* 53p fi=t quoter 19G7., ppe Wb-lus JpHB 41520 POI July 67 329oW7 Frohlems of AgrimItum wid Cwwwdsm asmwadq 17 Cuillerm GarcU. 26 pp. Smils- rat, SwrUago do Wbav 27 Aug 1A.- pp 11, 3-6. JPkll- 46,744 lletmo iA/vuba it'ov 63 3709134 I z ~ Aebievwmts and ?mblem In ; riante :Ai-:as9,.% i by (Ijinern) Oarcia 7 pp. Ml. JnIT IL66, p 4. 46%- fn Z- L E: C. -icp %5.736 Heborto OiL&tlno Speaks an Traneo2ulng Poli- t3c43 Vstm. by Low R* Qumdaq 5 ppo 5FAWH# part W"n Flodoo Cityl 16 AM 19?2* PP 4-As U-A, i On 56114 ims 72 -- ~) - ~ ~-. (",- ~- ~~ , Fatbar Volasqum Views Chuzahl a SocW. ftlitiftl a~ssionq by Oscar A* GmsvUs 6 ppo SPAIWH, apo Ykadco Clty* 6 Apr 1972o pp 2548o im 551870 Ilam I.,ALA Guerrilla Gives iZjwUves In Intarviewq by Fatricio Garcia. 5 pp. '-~PANJzif-',o rVto b!W. Mal santlagas 28 Jan 1968, PP 30-32- JPF~~ 4?4M eal ~%r 69 3?4,13~O (-r Leftists Have KtKda Froblemsp by hebeca Garcia. 6 pp. 5PANI5h. np. bp ~ol ~. Santiago. Chile. 1 Fab 1972. pp 26-28. JPIR53 55378 lAr 72 Goo Agida a MlUtWY Gww~nt 10 PW44 bV SoborW GUM-3-0- i 5 We GORRYMM UMBE SMISHO pwp aloe lborms Aivo% 8-14 Oct 19680 pp- 25-N. JPRS GUO 2W (r,4 P- Pol Doe 68 3?09728 solid ftes" fw m3po tw J.-P. so owaft. 0 W IRIM qw.* A P I NOMb Va hop 9b Ims IM 0 431-43). ows 8: 3"AuIr D~ Or oxwAnla rmbw%n affift of lb"IP Plwwdw A-3240 X9694b 69 69 398s 5W L&nugmos ItudUs DAsj seq Government Amlyzede tW Rqpllo UVeM, IMM 8 PP- SPARM9 rVe MontevIdwe 30 Doe pp to 2m 3* JJPRS 49765 Ties 1969m IA-Argo2tirA Pol Fab 70 4ot.968 amcd,al -! laterviewd on Houlam Probbuft -2Lq tv RObu v cwola-POU* 13 Ru SPAUqH# T p 20a IN& BaBoU. 4 Oct 1969. JMS 49165 IA-Colontda Sao liov 69 395,1012 r4le of, riomm In New Socl4y Limmed 10 t7 11 "~ cll~,- Ariel Garda suarest 5 ppo !~iPARUH, nP, Eavams i9 Lft 1968, p % 1 47304 TA-4,uba ~01 rob 69 Y^o6O8 r- lk f Co=unist ireaddonUsl GWidato Anuvers Questions on losuos, by Servando CaroU Ponce. 14 pp. S&PARISH, per, Iribuna . carseast 18 I-ar 1972, pp 6-7. 9. J I n 557W, Apr 72 7 - LU I ,. ) -L1( ,~/ el L e-1 '~-' 14L ~ General Revieve Heart and Viral Infec- tion, by J. A. Garcia Torres. SPANTSH9 par# AeXjmta Clinic& Is "nolat Vol 114v 1969v PP 1-10 and 97-106. RTC 72-10382-061 Apr 72 tc "r V.1 -0l Tao viiincoo C-ItIL-Aral Aevol-Atlon, bY bUcIml Garaer, per., pp. 17 'o 4"y) jc iiar fit Ito Security Services, by Micliel Carder, Clasiificd FIU-*I,'C.1 book L'Agonic du Rell -## v 8 -71-iaptcr IT 00-6 -Russie 50vietiql f. t7-4 , w,- i, lBS-193 JI-ILS C.'-;O W 13S47 MI, SIZ Pol Jan 67 316.534 , ~~ C. ti' I. - , 'i J~ C1 LCtt - Ponoarch on the Automat:Lc IndozInS of ScientIfic Documentcq by J4 C. Oard-in,, ITFNCil, per. Rowe Francatso d'InfRrmatiguo at do Recherche Operationnallo, Vol Is Ito 61 1967, pp 27-.". TITC-71-10515-05B Nov 71 I to 41de itrip %t IbIlIng Aq"ots Relator) to FUIShed Pmdwt ~mality, by 9, Guft2L ITALVII, per, ,,~gjs JW Val Do Jim 1967, pp 4)7-144. I.CIP,at Au.? /W 361091 C, S, 6; .17 "c,4.tteiwr 4,-~ .,Cv~~ M4 B: -6~" wo too* ,!Ok~~ Itxm-, Roadmntla Notboft Div I ItIon of LfttbW. by J. 1. Guftu, J. A. 149$U. lp vws RaTm feaw I a" 1263striAn 4a v" M-i,% INUP pp W.M. Aarli0e,110n Of PAtbMWCal Btgtlfft!Cg in fttallursy, by Sandor Gar4awt, Bels aylres, 1r) pv., VNEIMPOM USE MU MMWWMI perg Kohaxad Vol 10P, No 9, 1n699 pp 3-15-391. J',m 70 Correlation Methods and Estimation of ~Iissing Data, by U. Gardy, 10 pp. FRENCH, per, Entropie, no 19, Jan-Feb 1968, pp. 19-N. *CFSTI TT 70-58150 'U \,( k- Q Sci/meth & equip May 70 law MOWN a&A: ?43U Of Praflt In sm geononu A=ayamdg tr N. 0 23 ITP9 RVSSZW. pme Feb 196gg pp 26JOe am 4"19 UWR I~L- Cwt"A hwosou ftft to Impro" stracia"Wo bw be 0 13 no R=X&N* pw &W8 Moo*=, go 10, U_j6f 1900, pp im 479031 USSR saw Jan 69 r 1 3700937 I/vl