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Aw Methods for StatiatiCal AnaLySIS Of 9.30AJom Phaaa of a SIS=L, by ff. 1. Gol'dbtn RUSSLAR, ?er, IL-vqkkiZa yycy. Vol 9. No 5, 1966 y Y~r _W&.rV y L4 -19 *ACSI J 3310 ID :,-'f)4,)41167 )l./ Or A Phstnacological study of Mkomycino by L, Bo Vol 110 No 20 AUSSIMg port Ontiblotikip 19669 pp NIII 9-11-67 Ir SCI - B4N Oct 67 342,687 J,~ 1, 4(SC-T--7224_s9) SAPPLICATION OF COATINGS MADE FROM WITH PRELIM)NAM' PA ~ ECTRIFICATION AND POLARIZATION OF THE 11OLY.NIFIl IN' A HIGII-VAJAGE' FWLD. gTrustyanskuytt, [.-. li.; Gol'dborg~, M. M,; Cliurtfikuv, A. A.; Berezovskli, V. lo,rrHiis,, Patricia- Newman (Sandia Labs., Albuquorque, N. Nlctx.), from 15Lakukrasuch. )lutur. lkh Prinion.; 5: 47-9(1971). 20111). 241)(,'Il- WIS. .6chemistr,. (organic); translations 2107C 28'N'-\'-' ,P NSA Kln&Uca of Some R"CUOU.. ution 4 i Wa, and Polymer DwAmtl6w:,Studl'. .,'-t vilation TuVwratum metbod,, by I M4 Dora* RUSSIM9 per* tbk Ak-Nat& P climpki: Vht 198 SM bi4 NO 4$,;Jun a j;j CB On APPMrOACO Of M*W"W2dtUW In the OmAirawtion of &IAq=* of SwUmw Xi=d Prdblms for ftypoltouc Bouts" In the PUMP by V. a. ocalowu. amuml., per, D*k Ak Hwk S016 VOI 1W, so 62 Iwo pp L25t-mw- so An ftm Soo Vol 9,v N* 5j, 1968 A), G, c, L 'd 136- e C- mm C9 3T6vU9 The Appearenoe of Discontinuities In the Continuation of Solutions of Nonlinear Mixed Problerms for the String Equationg bar V, N, Goildberg. RassIOLN6 perg Dok Ak flauk -SssR. Val 1?60 No 6t 1967t pp V.29-1232. Am Math Soo Vol 89 No 5, 1967 L 1 -A Inn May 72 Processes of Bone Tisme Regeneration Under the Meet of Ultrasound, by V. I. Goldblat, 7 PP. RUSSIM., rpt, Ortcpediya TravmatoLojS&M rprotezirovanie SePt 1959, PP 57-61. ACSI a-9500 ID 2204000M .Z G, o L ~ b L W 71 A GGDW&127 V" CMWAW Pnom for the UUMO VMIAMW Mothad at Capi" of bunk Gr~ for Omam TNLMO, ty 11 m GERWO gaius Vol 200 No 6. lipre, yp 333-3350 HU Faft 9M.81 (OM) L (A u 11J Sol-QW Jan 69 3716ol :for. 31 Gworal raletz womal -or- Lees for AUtUW era=clo by ~oo Cal0lbargo 9 ppe PABSIM, Pero V344t 4~9 Aosecoo 1, 19699 P-.,) LI-11 .%Viet Aehisw Into in BrOodiNg Antibiotic Pftduw Stvvimo bw So N6 041 ft% ft. 9, Barudmiab, 21 PP. RUSUMS pwo Mholikmo lb no mv 107, pp M-984, JFRS 4w. sela-D Md m Jan 68 i. - W*973 PrudLction of lq~usj hors Ly ~iurface Uy A. ii. (,olldvubcr,,, or, jU), Ak ~,t.UL SS~)R. VoI1187, 'No 2, July 19698 ".1 305-3U( Tix 'A,'. Illst ('01 illys Vvl 14, ..u 7, Jcit IC17U Fc! 7(, Spectral Hatliod For Deterrdrdng the Phxktat of Copolymrizatim Constantep by A. L. Golldenberep S. 0. Lyubstakii. W.WIAI',Ij, part Dok Ak Nlauk SMq Vol 1792 1.1o 4# lWv WWMM.70~ CB P 4/ - L - 6- c L 'd C tj,6 E 12 (-, Doc 60 3719108 The Cauumdst ftrt6y Of ATWOUD94 by Dr, Boris ciciaeaMp 22 ppo uvvzl~ Uss ONLY Q~p per, Der Ostblo& und the lbtwiak- M pp. Ins w0 IA"Argentim )(14 11 Pal Apr 66 298plO9 omomm so Ckus (loo-30), V Sams 290 on *a =M* Dws Dw -OOXUn-k -44 ft ~ - DD 26~--Ud -2966i 10 .37T-397 MW 67 lhe i;wirwdst Party of k-Ulas "'-Ton tho 1936 Popnlar Front. to the "Frento do Acclon Povularn, b7 Ooldervboiy - ,v 4, pp,j wrq instAtat der I'. riodrlabltlavt 31IMMY 40 27. 7,, p!).- 54.71. -80 1\ i cl- C- be, I, c J Ul 67 32VJ55 The Commist Party of Chile: From the 1938 Popular Front to the "Prente de Accion Popular", by Boris Goldenberg. GERMAN,, per, Vierteliahresber#kte, No 27,, 1967. pp 54-117. JPRS CSO; NY-13724 J-2090/67 E-Eur - Germany Pol Jun 67 326,125 ~.qq Of ime "-ow i"Mamn 'I'lOW Stmair-a Ln -'z-.pcrl-,zntal 1~;ancor ift-goanh, bi U. , -, r,,oldo-.6wr, per, ALch Go;cJxmlj;tX= 9 ft 2l VC)l 2% %,est Geman Traces 111stor y of Cj)majast party in Drazilo by Dro Ik-)rls C.,)Idanbure., 37 pp* COMIM.PW USE Owly GMklkLff,, per., ~~ar Ostblock und die 1.~atvlckluru,,v- iwmlar I)o 2~, jam '9tb,, pp. 144-174. M) 2210 te ijo 314,042 Goldcpber& U CONMATING THE APPEARANCE OF ALKALINE 1. bd&-bom I. RULES AND THE DISCOLORATICH OF MELTI&D CLASS IN TANK FURNACES Ww'blt a "Wledow ftlWodmP PMrys I 7Akmki SWdamossy v vamq" Pacb". 110631 122pi (f-dp t= IwJu54 Ordsrfr=M.SLA.9cffM$2.60 'XT-M-14036 Tmw. o( StWdo I Kenolam) (LUM 1949, Y. 6. 11, p. tt-t7. rA Wowffi Todow bees .7T-U-t4D36 GoWcnbor& L. CONIBATING THE APPEARANCE OF ALXALINE L. BUBBLES AND THE DISCOLORA710H OF MELTED GLASS IN TANK FURNACES Ow'bs a Popylevism Shcholochooso Pazym I Zakr"ki Stokkamsy v VamqM Pvchak* 119631 122pi (ibraip tea WuJ4 Ordw fggm M SLA. or ETC 4 do 77-44-14036 Tram. ot St*lo I Xermmilb) WFO 1949, v. 4 p. 11-17. 1, f r "IorWs--C*mmk& 7T. v. 11. mm 14 *"be Toobwow L-1v~zAi'~laticX1 ici Ittu lntlk~nlm cr 1,~i c~ i aciwt rit i luctrical Izlj-,rLtF,a '.;n-x-ld, i"a ~v at the ~Tfoct OX ur. x0ow CV. U-0 TI.Imtricall Potaaalunw';Wded Eydrom-bon 7mbriti-m iNmt-lictla, by a. '!~davbex-,. iiv m o r. -w)war-;to IW22~1) kgas pp Us Rmbatlm ckf Polyaw Std)lU=n Asulsot Uabt In the PAwtim Of ton OdUktIms. ftirt I* AdUou NOWNUIM of UOK BW414M by V. 1.-00260nbW& V. To. U AOMM Bar T lb TV :WP 9 JW 70 4MAN '11',u lflfct ., 0A4.* 'Ale of a Gea:--Link Mec-hanizin o-: the Mcai,-To-Mlaimul Velo~:ity R a -~ 1. o , ',- . Y k, - - B. G o 1 e 11 p 1) RLOSV.1141 r.u-, Trudy PP Op'novn*-in Pi-o-liaAm Teovii MasLla I 17t;.! i lid '(0 .\.,\ ,~ C, ~r\ , I (r- 1) ~, V \,) kl~-q floj'4uto Servi" St&Ucnv(jPU=edo by Tu. Golldenbeng 8 ppo RUSSIMO per# kta-ma-u-MBELImsport, moscowt no Is Jan 19no PP 2345- J -tFs 55397 far 72 I.I. Gol'denblat, TIM PARADOXES IN RELATIVISTIC HECHA VREMENI V RELYATIVISTSKOI MEKIMIKE), approximately 64 Pvoessm of Done Tism Begenerstion Under the Ifrect of Mtr"ounds by V. 1. GalWat. WSSIANp per,* Ws?!Wn Travmstologlys, lip-rotesirovaniev Sept 1969.s PP 57-61. *ACSI J-9500 n 22o4oown q - T - G-oL~ ~ L oqt March 71 pgdasm in BMW% staftas onnaths va of ticumm tv -,,o I* Moab@% 4 4 GIA"dmba*o 10 ppe flumWe 'ja 4* 19699 pp 640 J"4 77 Al -%Cd-taorW C4W (ZkD-FMV) ja 69 (f7 eel-cmU94W 0.0 tAw HoLlm ftuNetwo by A. cataonfal ed. ~ftx wr V" lb I-j X%9,. w momotw"tic Amwoonw* AS c Z~ 393o0 Out 69 Investigation of the Distribution of Isotopes in Cwganic Molecules by Field Dissociation Mass Spectra,. by I. T. Golldenfelld and 1. Z. Korosty8hevskii MWIAN, Der., DDk Ak Nauk BW& Vol 172, No 6. 19670 P 1~64. CB c- L ) d 4~- A~ FE L 'd Sci-Cher, Oct 63 366$048 raeno QwvUal Usts of Dammic Turbim Driven SbVs,, by A. Gol'Awfams, R. Tammmkgo WSSIMO POT$ nm!M PIMO No 7, 296S, Pr 26021, Dept of Navy Tr 4626/0N1 Tr ZIS9 -. "i I ~e 16: (A tho coastmetica of lwa-vismicual bq"tims of ths lbsory of glatle TWLm Platiu. by A. Lo (;DlldMV*yaers A& V, Ka4m* RUSSIANO per* Prlklft= Pkikhaa. ik*m VOI Z9* X* Is OUs Vp 141-145* 9699357 ScilmathematIcs (",Lj Apr :.June 72 a, I I t k~m iA36t1c rmmfoastion of by Ualldfarbo, 2 14~* Pere iNMSAA7A"q NO 39 196?9 pp 554-355% A 1 J-3463 jv 22oWWt)67 &nd 343o?33 Lwisma, Populating of Argon larels in a Super- -73 sonic Piama Jet,, by V, H, Golldfarbp Ye, V. 11OLua# at al. 7 pp. RUSSLAN,, per asudaretwomm ftftLOjLCbmskix Inettut. UCL*= UPLAL Vol 384* No 2, r9'68, pp 122-128. AIR/nD/BT-23-237-70 SCL-Phys S&P 70 Pexlmtws of a HY&OWD p2mm In 01 mm4m &Xwmo tw V. IL GaIdtaft. SUN=# P034 Ngeamvnemls~~p Vol Tv 1b 4,9 29W--Vp 610-6L4. soa %T F-12,767 D" Corvall Chat"tSTISUCS at a Hishop"h4wasy in'. HO- 4"Uab G" L434huss "d pecullsriti*s of its "licAtlen for Ayatbests of Refractory Violactrit CTystals,, toy Ke L, Varacias Z, Wo ColOdfaxbo at 410 Is Pp. Ifthl"t us 41MOMW al"Polium to 1=tvan i primme"YU zx!!!!Wr"!m 016 m Ix. ; M; 3--- ---- Amadresse Pe TOO"u6b"apy A FrIKIRZ pp Cl Jul 07 Critical Path PlanniM 1119M For the Anmal i1mgm- of a Oonstructim. Trust, by T. i!- lWeltd, -0 6 op. RUSjEA."t part -a--vtrOAd2Lh %sail, 10, uct )9510 Feb 5" wt jarts Troblow An CawtruaUcn TrzU, b7 I. tialle-Iralds AbdMvicho 5 pp. ~4 & 46a3 365o4,06 ,.ASr.Ocfiw,Icz1 I lives tilatioll of kelative I IIZ)-W Activity unt! Incorl-crution of Labeled Precursors into $'-wtonal lu",A taid Proteins of the AlLino I~at Lrain,, by L. 1. CO'dLafter., WL AL iNauk b8sl~p Vol 19t)# 'to 40 Jui'e 19(,!), ,1,, 945,-4.47. Feb 70 401,411) Ciernovite, a New 1.11ineral ( Yttrium Arsonate ) From the Circumpolar Urals, by D. A. Goldin, N. P. Yuskin. RUSSIA.por, Dok A NaU- SSSR, Vol 1790 No Is 1968, pp. 187-r8-9. AC I 6-) Jan 6!j 3'? 3 - Mr. tble cmtavl at stud OW Axwd W;;~. by & N. 0d'" L & W4 ,- -''' I ggm muma. slokboom- I M Ims pq =-15TO Ult of UVY = 9863 B r/I G 0 i 141 N sci-fi= BVt 69 3945M T" study of amvd Pwaicia "M ky Neass of Pick-up Bbatsv&ss by Ls Le Gel" RUSSIANO rpts Rsg2rt IUF 3630 MLL heft $928.1 IM E55OZ) 6/6 611.) sci_w sci 2 tt 66- 07 C V 6. Jum 66 36.274 5-4 methoa of Brain Tissm Prepamtion for Electron tticroBcoff., by Lo S. Goildins 5 pp. BUSSIM,, per$, Taitolodya, Vol 79 NO* 1., 1965m, pp. 109-310* JPFS 42056 62 C' A , d USSR Aug 67 333,329 Telsoachobstion of Qwl "69 by ~4 A. Gollob- dwo at al. am AN# bks Teleackh,swuasiza WJ*nf& akh A t a 106s; 26 sci-w May 66 301s,424 TaINOW In Pits at the LVSM* 14made ftgicno IV ?6 A. GOMM & M. 6. PlradWbWo RUWTAMS pwo a--LO-9 Vol is l9wo pp U-16* aw s4d & ocean" Fab 60 349o600 brief Review of Modern Nothab for Attomatic Control of GriAding and Clessifling Processosv by t4 L, Golldaj, RESSIMI bko Kostroll i Utgants4dys Pro- toessaw Lvabumlya I 12MI'Mrarya rW, Chaps 1-4o NLL ATS 37S6 On Loan OnLy ~Vcjl Jul 67 'Tojecto for thck !To.-,vy Industr" - is an 1--rtirtant Tlr~ok, by PT. uo. 3, 1956, Xr'l~; Z.3,232 ty 68 356,1~,21J Farms How httwyrive cmatrwtum to 14""D tw W* Ve Golding 9 We RMUMI ywo HEMA9,19M mosome So to 19699 yp 2--% JFHS 4796% 71, &d-ftt A;w 69 W8,393 romation Od 0, by;:Bo 001,61 dr -- r , long -0 Vol 20, N 19710 33-136 ftae 72 fflndraom4~Uy of the Taqwa CrlterlA of PMM Comlatim ot the Seindc Wames by S. Ve Colldlao 19 pp. JuBwj', per, 222L~ no 9j, 1966,, PP 103-115 F100254168-v M-RT-2-7-715-67 Scl-NcwlLatlon act 63 366?177 nity )f Crit-arim if' Seismic lavii! F.-kaw: C.hrrolAUms bj S. Ve (;.jl'(Itn) 11 pp. IMIAN,, por, G2;J"LA 1 GQ3f12ikq, TU 4, I)fju, j;p* lij-11), RiCZ 313"Jo U.6b on phs"a p.XgMl,t--AA- of EWMdo slamup b7 S. Vo e-~ -0141C -I Immius D-Wp .... . no 50 X960s, sv 65-T3- i .~ " 1:1~ /. ;: ., sal4br sai Alb 70 k29936 I ; ) Prdmftuv at ?bum D. we i CA odado I aoo*rad~ 1w 84P Vo oato I . so mv ME=* Prof a 2t no it 2,965t wt r-4-4p a= 33M9 ussn Sci-M/A Am 0> M20ow Wirma, "I AMIPIS of M*Wd -.- Of Solon" tV S. V. GoIldim WAM I OsaM Aked go* ON16 p OF& - 80124 Obda 7p 19bt4 IV UB-"- M&-W-5314