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An Slactroa Microscope &W Optical Microscope of Hydrogea Diffusion and the Stvacture of Fe of Diffusion Purity After Cathodic Cbarging, by He Dadian. FRMMt per, betauz Corrosion-Industriss, Vol 42, Lob?t jp 345-359. *Nat Bur StavW IT 70-57892 rA ~'I 'D i =00t Of MAOtKC ftM an OnIn DMaftty WWO. m4s, bzr U. MMI=. fMKHV part 'N"m oan*21013-Iftntrums Vol 4e.. 19671 pp QZW4316 *PW TT 7065M GCOMed ju 70 N I Diffusion of Atomic Hydropn In Fe, by M. Dadiano FR;~NGU, par, Comgtas Randus Aead Sei, Vol 260, 146S, pp L94J-1942. *Nat Bur Stand IT IU-57727 Sci-Chm Jul 7Q 'bra I -,s ixu:iiu~ 1610 llbllin~j of StaeLs in !,xv ct-ive GlatinT- jyj j. 11. Do4odikilif -2arWko, ot aL 6 xro IZV"Itiya VLJZ Clv3nl, ib 2j, 1968,, pp 9 3. 69 3840142 Nis Col.: 1,41 4k U.% o A il l -4,3o;-> S49 71 11 U00 by a. 9. ffibolajow"s S. Doetme. GWZM,p pew. MatftbadMP Vol 24, pp FWll T3 4036=3 j TLO Mechanism of Photographic Deseu*lvi- lation, by ~. 0&4604- .GERHAA, per. lolt fur wissen Photographis. Pilatojohysik ai;~ Photochealt, Val 59, .0 b,,- ,vfC sci-o'at% L Lquip ,iaY b9 The U90 Of SWfbu In Obstotricsy by J. DMQB. -1 1 , - JM=16 Pwt Q-M=Yt% ftdloaU do Prows Vol 76, ~ 40 ~o IV TCJ9-7950 -- - - hTC 69615425-060 '~-/ k1),) 11 ~ k, Sol-M Doe 69 398$U4 Psopertbo to Very Jbtau0 17 J4 Ammons 0. DbomI16 F=M-F s Vbl. 63., 1,966* pp 5elm. B= 5U4 319aft Clvtl- Ofd &Vd=nrlng DALi'AiKLK; G Gw fjjL Ar,,MY IN Nit H~AMEWURK UF SWISS SELF DEFEN S~ IAJ~ hjUklLik H-/l No li PP 127-1Z6 DAEPP. H. U. and VERDE. C. Effect of cbromium-nic s ain ess Tt~-el on drink quality. Schweiz. Z. Obst-u. Weinb. 104:5Z8 -36 (1968) (NLL-GB 245/LTI-746-30) 2bm geoth-A 02 guwm Btml 70 on DrUk 47a3 I tyip by H. U. D&oWv C. ver&. GEKUP PW~ SCbWU Zat Met =d Mddaul Vol 104, Sajt~l~,# mvp 510.53b. - au ftf: goe2.4,Di (7iZ/jo) i. '~, ~ k " i "I sai-mterials sov Gg 395s631 70-13375-07C P_a~ublc, N1. METAL COMPLI-N flITS IN TIff OU PLANT (f,- Ttx, V. 28. m. 4. p. IS,]- 192: n. 5. p. 138-240. It; ~.- Order from N'I'C. a-; 70-13375-OIC: l(C $ 7.60, I-IF S S. ED. Charcoal ir. "Acesitals" Furnace, Ly .1. C. 6a, "Icir.3eca, I et AP~ jull i"eauciw., Owshim" fi%f 01W., kin#A142A&i~ af tka Fort Trafftc of Usbm# by 4sis da Fasecav, 30 pp. POKMESEs, per, bol#Ua do Porto do Usboag No 171, A"Y=U""M" Imm. pp r-17. WE/Portugal/Ec= may 66 300,813 A At"A Weir read" Pard"tVit Awyll- 6f V. V. SO.408 VU. V. I*goy*v, 12 pro i'virs V -tilike R!I=o Univollitat III, Mika. Astnaoulys. No 30 19650 pp 64-72. P1002&#S67---- ;,kQv A7 3430306 oll by YrLvc Pack, ".C 12, hh~.~"*, (A-4A). L 940 BWOW*h M. ftGkS4-,,g# by Yn(,ve ft9a. GOVINUMV Uss Ow swmXM16 pm, Fw*, No 5s 2968j, vp W-83- dR-1 MnV4n623-79T;W- ,_,.i ~ - ;I =. SaA4wb mar 69 3TG#947 ;ww ~;-sl tol )61WLIWU~ I oultAx. 4uuil 1)li ;~~itauid -,rra vLer ys I cx tM 3411up *#~' x it Mmove L5 oo .,erg lizialth'"ay bi3LLt,,zt %tU 36, i967j, 29-39. 4 UnAG40rmm Comwnist stroome LVortanto of lost ltvari&Uam bj C&.Var Uttitine All FWOM a0 1 0 F*yu D&&Uo.. 9 ppe zhj=" FOSS=, per, RMSIMM 1966, pp. W-T3. JPSB 34157 mar 6u No 1, Jon abx9e3 CbJ Is= Leftlat Discuselft of Mad fm Coul- bifting awww via mugs$ bw aftloo lei DAPIMP 13 pp! Jam4lar 190, W4 FPO 30 im a M 336 35 IA-Chile IV 1, A/ 6' MW 66 b so of .1-NtarnmI4 -Ited ere&= liflars in '-'ItOur-a Arr*YG rM tbO attar =A, by :33 na- azighw-= ulgtitut. Val 351 Status of 1~allan Tra&-Jinion Unity Move- ment Diacussed, by fabrizio DiAgostinis Pps ITALIAN, T)Gr, Rinaseita, R=e, 17 Mar 72, PP 8, 9. JPF,.,% 5-5585 Apr 72 Cape Verdiano Attacking LI&=HR Actuelle's position,, calls for Militawy against Portugueses by Jose Andre Leitao da Grucap 7 Ppe, 7 H,, per, L'Africlue Actuelle No. 19" June 1967j, PP- 29-30- JPRB 42017 AF-Cape Verde Islande Pol Aug 67 333,,320 Calculation of the Diffusion Flux In the Presence of a Thermal Gradient; Application to Measurement of SmVt Coefficient in Idquids, by Me Daguenet. FEE=, per, C. R. Acad Sei.0 Ser c, vai 2670 1968o rp 665-668. *MS TT 71-53067 Available MS Only jr June 71 'I. DAMIDA Improvements in the Annealing of Metalq'ln Coils. Part 1. ~S, PqQ.FL~FS. Vol .1, 'Io 11, pp r)-ji, ~~~M F KLL-Fl I_ lq6Q. BTS1 11707 Mar 73 Upm Triassic BrachipAs In the South Of the U.O.O.R tr A. C. Dow. MIMAN# bk, 1965, a pp. lationa lmding Libruyfor Sciewe and Tecbnologys Boston slas Yorkshire., Eng. sci-E Sci ja 66 305#507 :-Xt-,'vnr- :ritist ~;rAtrrz aw, ~alan, -v , %,a ot. zl~ ;cmti ~n )f t-i'o !;, qielratou t)mm, i),, )i,, roar, Darra~,-,e -do L17,u,,xil-at~1 U, gly 73 measummat of Roll force ied Tovqve irt Act Rolling and Coxparlson with Thearys, bY " D&hIs Ii. W114SCAUItte LxRUXN,, per,, Arch. Usoubp Val 36,0 $opts -~19U# pp 10'AISI 4994 Jul 66 3060200 -rtl%zzr- sl* Ica! Prqw-41w ce nsov7 Platw to ta "arfwA 14.n u3:U,. alaw Ln W *aiLItwlixA..' ~Lrvctlawj 1960, ~np 36:,o- M. 3 ,W.- 'UM Wtrwtu2* of CMU=M QWUAP on LUdWwlml ?=partless b7 W. rabl 6tAd)4r4Sf Go"., Dw. Zo MUM* p Vol 60, no PP AO-350" BMI 7812 mar TO and RiTeOU to and U. Hma- 5p 2969P 40k,238 11shavicur of the Diffemt TyM of SulphLdes Wring Ceformation mg Their Effects an the Mechanical Propertlesp by V* Dahl et &I, GER.MAN,, per, Stahl ELSOUP Vol $64, Jum 19"0 pp 796-17r.~ *5151 $010 Sept 66 Prcwnt Pr(YIenw *10do Svedtsh Road C ConXtrUc-dON by SVM D"StroMs 8 pp. t40t~ %;. L(!LW, pew, Norsk MegLdaskrift iqio:~ (cAu tzo TE 1, N 86, 1%5, No U. -"kxft Aap bervice -qL July ~5 Llectrochowistry, The Study of NAMMI Convection in concentrated Solutions: The PtelatiansId4i between the Height Of 8 Vextical Elecu*4* sud IM Limited Diffwlon Cux2vntp by, ;U Uagucmet, FRUN01p ?arm GQ!5!z RMO AGed Ss I'arl5p Val CCLXII, 1966j, pp 706-709& Utea Trans Sv No 2710 .4 Nar 67 Mv"4 tva -1 L 77 wtl%-sis ot ;'rotoin uality of ,eat oductso Fivin!nwinsclivi"t. vpl 488 u 40 1"UPS IC- - I- . I:, \oq .%. I .. I Jul 71 1 ... ~, i m-,- . . - affook-- of - Alli =act of hbdoction per Paws, Bekictl= fttio imd A&== aud Gmm Dudom In Co3d Whtelus on the %,,-~Cm" Provertum of t4c Wm ralwS bY W. DIM, A at. j, ammEst P=- sum Rims Vol W, ftv 1969S pp 1357-1563. RMI 3095 Apr 70 406,676 BUWUWQ " Ggaumm QWtum ad arrogw go tin W.Um1w ftopwuoso 1w W. UK. OMM.. per., zolt vAftmj Vol 60o so 5s 1969) Po 340-350. *BISI T812 ) sa4ktoruax Jan To Investigation into the Corrosion Dmage to Stools UrAer the ActIm of Noist Hydroges Sulfide, by W. Dahl$ ot al. GEAW, per, Stahl Und Eison, Vol 87, ho 3, 1%7j, " 125-136. 11h 71,JS k& bci - mat Aug. 0 338,5S7 Ddw4our & VWZsm" T$M of ed#gLfte Darlic, I-lite and Err** an tto by W., A&L (MIW,p geri, 9bobt Vbl a, 3, im k-k~6? zw~7 ctallo-'112-aphlml . robacrs with the 1,.it of -, teelx, by c;, Ishl, kg%_Apal croblomw in LRLLIPF~LAL, ~711 -;ci- at Ar Oj,'; Mmuressat of Rail Pam and Torque is liot Rolling WW comp"bas with Thearys, by W. Dahl* E. Wildschvitg, GURWO parg Arcb, filsesh Vol XXXVI* Sept. 196se pp 633-642. 98151 4894 'lly 66 A 9L!.~ -v erm-4i the WLLIaddr---,p ~V 11.8ccUo aid C.DmUc. a 04-IrIttic et "-tattl 7-41.20 ipheayi~ Its Characteristics, EmPloywnt and od on, by Allan Dablen 9 pp. ?r ucti iB**ff, per, Iva, Vol Lu.. 1948, PP 134-139, AEC Tr 3323 -hem. C, LAvbx*MA ob smomn B*kxatim., by TIM WAMmd, 5 Pp. Mmi, swum= to map" P,.Wo Q)PW4Mp M *) W, ~,. DIVIt W, etaw Tyco DeI3 i,Swlbttw..- 31,:,-". a I, 0- 401 o 6-~ A W 70 e. Apr 7R amvica for Tiwwfor of Pall&4 Out mW Cut ibu6b Plawo Pzcn a Oxnmlor Wlt Th tk D*lt Lmdlag to c, Tei-mmtetiou Fl-m) by E'. WdstiM., 9 pp- 163.063. Dept ar cm= Patent ofrit-- AW 6 7 321,163 M-Center Prodartion in KCI CrystalB by X-Irradiation, by H, G, Dt~w, Z,~ GMIM, por. Zoitac ruer- Vol 1849 1965, PP 367-381 NT .iC-?t-10f.ID-20L 2 NOV ?I Fab 73 ,s iii iaj~ar - it LAscus .,icc Iniunt ~im 'Wxj i4hpil 6huhubuum Vol 31, -0 2, 112u5, -4, Aq, 69 3SD,874 elivory ~.T Canto ~ atna of ",Pimltural iockwts for ~.xmrtt ~y ~~400~ -.n -4dWv I pp? At',rimlo V 3-5- -71 3?7.7~5 cil --u-saalin -, of Ali" if% Lru,, IAAtjit;r rf Lijic.-x DIaloCatict S, ij~d,,Awt 1, ",~iukurxv, 4 :yo rZ, 19660 39-41. i`A)t T ~3-407--rjll aaglel"Vi - D , - / Iq / C, Got-No fta C19 3po 33 Tj ortaw cord In %Pws by B. U. Palm] - GMUS; pw# ftut und Qjxd Mmt,, Vol 21, Do lo., pp. 569-73. WZ Bar: 50WAF (H. 13m) G"-Iloarlab July 0 A., 385 The I"hutorekucto 11-or.As ui Chlorc-illyll arAd P,11copIlytia), Ly ;. Y". !Un. :~. A. Usitelieva. et al. 10 1 4~ "i I AN' IC4'p BiViiZikSO Vol J30 :.'0 39 4i5-4401 ALC/A'I L-Tr- 773-tj9 t-, e -v I -Z ft *t 4 4 The Effect of TI and Zr Cations on the Liquation Phenomena and Mineral Formation in Cordierits SitaUs., by E. P. Dain. FUSSIAN, per, Steklo Tlv~x Tnerututa Stekla. Nomem No 2, lgb9j pp 44-40, NfC 72-14329-LM Jan 73 CCU Fishery fA-7144-D 13 iwe u wtlioe e ficharles of wrthex ust=v W: rMdappon sulsomkol Frout: Jbpw FlaborIcs AssoclaUou I-I'l 3nowto-cha, Chi- yoda4tu, Trkyo, '.-vtc&er ~A PP) Japanose - cot for We: 'I'molate the whole book. and type 1 dtv-ft-- cxVy,, dotwle- opecod. Do not mxtilsto dooment. Final typing: Cn offaft pvw vLates) Z ie flawe ouptims at the cad,$ and key 118ftly on the orleinal idth pencil. 4(SLAC-Trang--142) PHOTOPRODUCTtON OF NEU- TRAL PIONS ON HELIUM NUCLEI. gTsarev, V, A.; Dalon, M. I.; Rakov, Yu. A. I(Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Moscow. instituf Flz-ik]). IcTranslated for Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Calif., from Preprint No. 170- 2027p. 34Dep. NTIS. 2gphysies tnuclear); physics (particle); translations 2120H 2l,NIN-34 23P NSA 0 oi c1li-r'lical zao4ctivity at tile Points Trant3formation of Soliu, Bodies *y `4'. "orestior and M. i)airo, )t-tr. !!atI.It-u&turwizs. Klass. Aldau. ,i36 . Lit. :Tf V" (A- 'xistenca of a Ordar-Disor&r Transformation in 'V) the Gaaaa-Phase of Fe-V ALloys, by M. Daire. FJI.WR, per, Comptas Rendus Acad Sci, Vot 259, 1964, pp 2640-2642. *Nat Bur Staad IT 70-5772:1 ScL4~tarlsls Jul 7j 1 I.- k ,D .4- 1 R 1~~ Daiter, A. B. Book Review of Bloodsucking Ticks (Ixodoidea Vectors of Diseases of Ilan and Animals, By Yu. S. Balashov (i9,68) DA rrlflc~' A 45 NTC-72-14746-06F. 'M ,H '/ .- I "I't 0 f ~- , , ~~ L ~ z Feb 73 I i~,o St. vo z, Ivo J) a M c li C- 4~ , vat me snd V&ocinatim 'sLbwa,, by L rap "W cr- '-* -us 0 5 ppo rw, a -Mwiftd. 25 AUK 19670 p R. 4ij~5- 4m I I, t x - ci..,- *TV! . ,ct 67 343s589 Complax !Iach&uization Evacation tu Porma-; fro3t, by G. 0. uakhoo. RUSSIAN 6k Komp*k6mo-AekhaailirCVan4&Y& RazrGboiL-3 ~C-Cvfto,uoizly h Grustov., Ily"s 116 p13. ACSI J-6532 FSTC-AiT-23-223-69 310 POS4 '. 1) Au Ingpiring .R MSIAN, np, 14 mar 1972 v, j iw 56= / Ic (/I " ".-/ It -uzvqplog by Go DilkhablMCN. 5 PP& sks" -;Iavda, Alm-Atas pp 2-3* , June 72 ". SNOWIC A a JI L t l