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,~kjslm .&Uos vWucUcn of 4ntho+Ac eaLm elastics, by ~.. alechits, 0";. ~~q !-,Or, J Ordks 437,152 at cn nmy at swu Idth Avemp Tuwmom 1w 00 in* Zd&LOO 32 no Rmams pwo ~ !ditoft Vol to ;w 1965. pp 2%-kU."m F=3blw IITO-IT-16-310 3WMSd4 lvxlft CIVU IW jan 68 34%30 Tlw -camaiswoe or "Vicso tv Doe Ul* ,-,),7 Toobso 5 VP* Va 3fio ft "mm,, pro 11-rat- 170s ftb 29669 w. 5-7- MW 345M . I- . % - -~ AtYlea $m ftr 66 2WjWk lea3urfo3 neurl-ii,, t^ad ~m%ction in 196-6. 100, by alavo-dr (alpnbka. 11, pp,, "hic, , t4 no par, i I 'a I" jazelas . "o .!a4;'~ lqj-lapo. ODn 0 v 3t 5r) 1971A9115 Tasks of NWOVIIMB HOMU WUAW* tw mammir miacbme FondAsak sLyus 13 ppe per, 99-md-srim ---249.mjko winow. NO 1. im 1.969,. pp 33-37. J; lb Wn3O Apr 69 379470 14 Calculating Solid Beams of Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastics# by L. I, Kalanderlyan, N. F. Zabashtae 12 pp RUSSIAN, per, NikolUev. KorablestroitelInyy institut. SudostroveniyW I MorsKiye Sooruzhenlya. No 6. 196% pp Z4-.34 a AI R/FrD-1 rr-2 3- 815-70 june 71 1-fotaboli= Of i4pidly Labolod fl"IA in 1,01a Colls 3ynchronizod in the by y4wirmdLation, b7 Go So 'Slondc ass 0 pi -;,sIAJ, per,, Jok Ak Jauk 0 lVao 7a-n ol 173, pp Oc t "0 i.11ect (.,f jolfj_ic~tlly Active Isolated tl,c Livvr of Irrvoiateld hats or Syntbesis t:(:I..:l Cells# J)y 11" tllr4AP.-'~ -.",,ok A~ t-;mL Vol 1'4 jal-) 71S-M. 7f- 461.220 0 nrty Yms at ~1403vmd FAE~Wft in um "rte= Um# br A. A. StUaW, 8 yro Roami rwo mommum I gamislallp ND 7p July X9670 Ipp 3-8. im &Ae6e5 ~,j t) I e t,. Clot) $"-At= 001 Oct 67 3f*,p8%O Typomon*lc El~ats of On MiNtals &W Sme ChancterisUcs of the U~Wlogmy of EAst*n Umpliss by Ae D. Kalamovo 13pp* RWSIAKt WO W"Aalt a CADISMI !mollskm MrodmW ROSPOIlkis M6& pp 153-JAU* JPH 41' .425 fi, 0 Ae, 1e h C) -E Scl 'ici June 67 328&252 Kinetics of Vibrational Relaxation in Polyatomic Molecules, by Ya. A. Kalenov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Hauk SSSR, Vol 189, No 59 19699 pp 1041-1044, CB Jul 70 ~ o. A . ~- 0 uc- N, C) V Vii-st Wxr Cto~*v ~v per, ~-3 Aus n W Preliminery 8ft* of Chlorella OLdtsbLUty for 'a - I __ - --at an Zwd in 'a q 0, 1 an Wbite Paft# by YOO X. Nalentlyev% pg. WGUMh bks soft" matmwa dol,~Odkh 1967* pp 67-72. JPRB 45537 Sept 60 365*90e CilloraphyU ?or=tAca in tne isaves of rrv.,Aescanu.% odanwide in t1w 1>~rkj, by V. L. Kalor,, !). V. FWyin,kjn.. PPO MWIAS,t per,, !9 sm. RobkAZP V01 170, No 2j, 19W# pp W)-471. Feb -Ticerc. Aillressv!~! NOT :~ccources in L'ac ,%. ~ihnittxikov, 6 r,~. .OUSE: L ,*;, vellspa,-;er, ~Eusoo.,-)Ps~qya jDpc-,%v, , 'i Apvi 1 66, p. 43,2??l! 'Plause of Mural ~y S. 7alognik and I-rAv#J 21 fvdsn Tvasis In to Denaepmet of IWtFmWU am ftthoft of Doopw3ft DIMUOU4001 bw Ae Go falsomik"s No As patel4me pwa ejaw j am= h P wa 350 ION 161"Pum! v (hommIA ION ts"At- - pp 3-Me ODWA of savy f1w tr Sol.-Earth 3401 Doe 67 the k4fmt In oM of Air -*UbSe an tbS .Vftvew %4ntwt in a Mftl W"Wed bW QEA*d blactmad"o bw hftM* T, Vo ASIOU04 9 P~o icbsum, Pere Illn-n- rosooft 40 as am, 46*7W SolPat & .0tanurcr -lim 68 f , A(hN\VI-tr 4.1) 5DEFETT PIVIDUCHON BATES AND DI'STI.-ACE-MEN V CROSS '~FCTION", IN ME, I'AI.S ANDALLOYS VNI)FR IlU(A1)1X1'1()N IN' ltl.,A(']()IIS.XN!)A('('EI,F[(A'ro[tS. I'1 ji-!J, K.; K:~JF- I t,l. 'I),; S( It no Ide r, W. . -tiforschimp!4zet it r, in; ,(kot Karlsruhe e7i~_rni_m ~1. lustititt fuer INIaterial- und Fwstkoer- perfurSCIUMV). 1,TrallSlatod for Buttelto Pacific N(irthwest Labs., Ilk-hiand, Wash., from re[x>rt LIKFK-1438. zg2211. 41X-p. NTIS. ;5 (solid-state); racb,ttlun effects; trlinslations z1201, .,NTN-34 ,P NSA Chilcls Governmmt of cioridar Lkdty on 'frial, by Aerre Kalfon, 13 PP. np,, raries 15, 16-17, 18 un 1972. j:11-5 352)? -Ar72 On Conflict betwom Cammunists and Non- commiste in the SKM,, by Kalevi Kilpi, 6 rp. FMIM, np, Kanum Uutiset, 7 Sept 1965, P- 5. ipm 32474 WE-Finland Pol Nov 65 991,057 ata4 of LdAphoem rpm 11 al m"SIOU Doing the Al"t "nali simewit tw t;Q, fe Wasams ftaib"N I YWI Ludm Vel 389 04 no 1965# pp 40-1*o NLL 9MU4 (66AM) 14 PWV 67 3459314 ow ;,.ucation oj utanatic conatruation of Autoriatia .4ijorit;#,w for systau o! ths 0 J~djv, 1q, V. .9. Charm~Rwo;i-ys t y 22 ;vr, "laugh"o-rakhni0hashwa InforwU itas Ir,-lo;;s7a-;;I" 30 201, IJC9,v - H-a's A I.-/ F-AD--, -4-7 4-,"C- M"Uts of M~~~Sj t7 L. E - MLiWm.o 1~~ - -7 mmm, SCL-Ax,- mms Vol ~)Ij, ams's I k-) 1 " -pp -., - -11 -1 - , ., /I L , -~ ~ ~ 8c I f1pr ~4 f. p "... . L. -t. 1AU!"ItMA'.' E,oundar,,, Lavor of a Dunl Tez;,ermture rlasma on tho 71octrodeF; of a '!ajrnpto-Vy(JroJvntmIc Channel With Lattice T"P "Iectric And Nagnatic Fields at Tiph V.14ALCS Of the Paramoter. 71"77,'A1, T'71117LVINOT 4FYIIA41VI I TFXTIC. USKOT FT"I T :.7C 7 71 Eleauts of magnotogasdynamics, by L. Eo Kalikhmen, RUSSIM,, bk,, 1967v 366 ppo MLL (W. B. Saunders Co. London) Z-, t . e"- -s-/ Sept 67 lUv294 341 45, Prej arution of ' iLher , -Olef.Ins of tio=l !Itructure by the Catalytic Convorsion of Parafins, by I,# A* "liko, RU!~SIAT.', rer, [left IM: frjiya. Vol S,, No 1# 11465, rr N-32. AIT July 69 3&S,S" Appamtus for tae StuiV of Tbode ProperUm Of VO)Atil* PrOkWU frav. Plfttim,, by S. Yu Kall=Ltk =d R* it* Smorms, 5 ppo anew, yer, Gigifts i amnL96aLs, ftl A ft 6, 1965 65-wW- 3A51 (Noll UMH set-" Bw 65 Ava-C. At. AP I= of Obort Lt&t Adme In a Water Miumv by 1. P* Ivewwp 1,, 1. MLULul% 9 pp. =elms Pero LISHe MMMU I qM# Vol 5v ft ','# IW3, pp =-215. DWt Of ftV Dsvftdpe Tr 1243 -T - -1 k1. P, L ', v-~ ', t~ wil 71 Distillation Mechanism of Wood Pyrolysis Tar in Tubular Furnaces, by X. N. Kalinin. RUSSZAN# per# Zzygativa v shikk Uohebjgkh ZaveAeliji. Lanoi-Zhurnal, Vol 10, No 1, 1967# PP 135-140. STC 72-1002.4-11L Apr 72 _7 IL . , " ~ , 4(SC-r-722530) 6ON THE UNIVERSAL DQUATION OF STATE OF SOLID BODIES. gKalinin. V. A. loTranslated by Patricia Newman Vandia Lab., Albuquerque, N. Mex.), from I Izv U!~-* Akad. Nauk SSSR, Fiz. Zernli; No. 4, 16-23(L972). 2017p. 24Dep. ftls.- -1 .--- - - 2sphysics; translationS 2120 ,MN-34 ,P NSA "i.;Ila~lvvo Le co~-, t 0 V 2,1,444 So Wkdn* 12 ppo g6 .&,,It*Uon tarectcrisUcs ol' -wsvo-,~mvw Al. lo imVwio Ao I* Allskio 6 ppe p9 1':'~67. 66.;70o Jar rAdicactivatim AnalysU ot U14oun Macd UdN 0-amtool-1-0 tW As is .4 R* A. ILUM*t*Wo 13 W* "SSIU. pw, U SSU. ONWwAm Mehobw usled6lamm &9t*o VP IM-Awf* /I ; I I A, , i i , a J.'o swpbn Jan 68 348,354 Fer--s ul' ijissolvcd iron in I.!ytirutI,erutl b y A . L-1 -j.alinin und . A* Lashii~v i ". I A ~ ~ v;vr Aij, ,~Uul, 111-1~,:~"!. Vol 1b2,0 v - 1% P a .,? 1911-191 I ~ 0 -(-I K A ~ I .fq I r." A - 1~ . --,olutionsf A-,u Is Jun (,~# IM,416 ximtuw of aw ilb4lowarmla synthes"Or Ambadlet in ra ""m Uft 0 Nam T. INUMS6 - W* va 2&6 m0 6v mmms Iwo 9* a 2 W)k vp 9%-W. AGI L). ~) ~ .#~ 11 L "A) " m AIW 69 378o9" tiOD.StatINUM C4=WOIVO HGat CWS6iUO* in oydrodynadc Qmmls* by 8, K9 gaun"? R=IM, per, Vbstsl A Manit belannkg SSR seriza nallka-Teaftlasm UL12ea-. lo 40 1966& pp 44mUs *FTD lfr 23-02-67 11 00 Sci-Phy& Jm 67 Non-statiorary Cametionary best capacity *W iiydrodynnalu In Ommels (a review of literature about boa carrion of one phases by to 9* Kalinins RUSSIANO a And hVA USR Sorlys IFIXIm- twumicbeskiih-WEN, No 48 M4 Izzp ;M R n-4--IU47 sci-Ph" Aug 67 3260364 1 ar.,~0.7tiit3 Qf 3c CK cm -Inkleri 0 4-atin,.: AU~"Oltdc 4allilinp A* ,L Trudy -',tav. 4 Vol Mio tti-7S (mUtv ce an ultcoWn . itantan st* VNAI)s , 6#- tv i. P. rnlirdne !`rl tal1v , =W I pwp -rvmtam pl, - - -- , no 7# 1967s ii GM scliltut f-11 ~ rl) cat 63 .,! / ~t C . - L ., 1~3 " ~j , ~) . *~ h; Global Hydrology, by G. P. Kalbdn, 311 pp. MMIAN,, bkt Problew Global'my oidrologi-v 1968. IITIB TT 70-50W Fbb 72 Prints Farmift nots sodausm ftmuds tly 4 1&]4rAn- 21 pp. MISSIU. Par, 12MU XkomW Id - ploseout *w 196% PP 32-639 Has 47*437 7 1 z u it e ;t,,' I ,35 Sol-Agri Fftb 0;Q -WIP. 0.%0l catallue afraft an fta *duum an tu Voladly of uw M- m - gil IN-AL - 9=P by 1^ T. KSUMIX4 00 so Bonn$ DW& V* Ah Rok a& Ta lax lb 5$ 196e6 pp i2ibi-MM AGI L , ~ , k 11 L ; 1,L) * t~ Apr 69 MOAT ThO BOWAMO UfeCtiVNWM 01 ~44ft C&hU QPM&W -4.04.k- old rks-U5 revolopw at the L~-! IU6 ;.* 1. Fall"las tv V%Ukmm. k, Un. lows NO 2m, I've pl!Wtef Uained in L-pOfttirAg 4&9 liwbim Unitf4 try .,4 so WlAint Tuo As zatwvFo 5 ppo i; USS iA Ffwt 6 jur* 196r,. &-10o JkR3 46o5l? t cz, tim of ttA "Strta NotbiX--Xm CoqgliDZ the ToacdcoLij, Imbifty"4 and nmmw tty He GO a 2-1 1,: B-ZM lamemism %i Sar ceiiiiiiia-. so AV--.Ym IM, NO aTrI OM uwl toon Ja 65 .-,*~fttlofto 4)), 'flate of ;Plith 'At 40- vresualvi Ttair-orstow, '.~vy >45 vp 3j--,P. An/mA .,-v ,/ 4 Kcj-,L-rt)-, -/ stki-materlau 3" 69 395xBW= AnaloMw of Stirlinges Formlla,, by W. H. Kalinin. RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak 1huk SSSR VO-1 282j 7. 18 1963# pp"18=10" - - 70 Am Mth SocUty Vol 9m :10 4s 1968 V, m - 1~,q L /' / L, , * Pj Jan 69 371s,216 A s=mtion Themm wid its Applimtion to SpecUl AmoUmog by Y. H. WUrdn. RUSSI&NO perg Dok Ak_Nauk SSSR, Vol 1?50 NO 5s 1967o pp 1004-100?, Am Math Soo Vol 8t No 4o 196? ~ :. t'i - f< .4 1- /, ,,~ I' r~ Nov 68 354o236 -ltoru~~,Llt in er" vma I tAs A 6-4t_L-1 ,icl - i a~ 6 9 ineAady Canvoctive Aeat -,IoiAywe wid iVdro47w--dcv in CbarLvwls, LV --. K. Kalinir.. 21 pp. rvr, Aj ,k 4s 1966v pp LVI-55. .4yu Srm cWh ..L _ m k100262w"s-V L%;ttv.x-q-,;t4t& i.WwctivCt itcat Z;XdUUW ami i-tidra- OY Ye, iAliain, 16 tiki, 3t2eg3i -.*at '.-`Acnas~p& a tht Channel containing 0 ?J_ Ti~,,'.Cly racked bundlo of PIpOS or Rod$, Vy "U:j";IA.1, per, 4il h Tfosperat"re puisics. Vol 4". -.0 #.." lict-, V-;~ t of ;,;Avy 'tIL Trans 30 2814) A/ I L I t 'F't4I'e_ --C ys ..iy L',.' U2,74L Alternating Nature of the Slow and float Transfer in tho Transition Region from Laninar to Turbulent Conditions in a Tube, by Ye. k. Kalinin, S. A. Yarkho. RUSSIAi, per, Vestsi AM BSSR& Seryya Fi zik a -To khnicEij'kN7RAvUT_,_.No 1, 966, 43-47. AIR/ FTD/ N 'r- 24-295 -08 Sci-pqys Apr 09 380.340 Tlow 7.1-st P, Permonblo i~ono At ~ n 'nglo of 'ttncl,.-,, by Yo. il. '-rnli.-An, 11, TY)o fiJ.133i"It I'lekbmilv, '10 It 19669 12a.130. -23-750-67 3539257 Jr,n 69 Ye. V. Kalinin Volt-seoond charaoteristics of vaZve-type Burege divarto2so. 15 pp. ;?LGSrAN, Elektrichaskiye Stantaii No 7j, 40" 1969.p pp 60-64 A-rRIFTD.417-24-2964-71 floilt 74", ,-Alkhm Q*rUr -Vm Aededtml jovelopmt. o * -- IW Tu Isl4ning 5 IV* KW4Ab* npo ~=6 Amm* 21 Jwe 1969* p 2. *I eiz,-.- 40593 Sft.Agri Aug 6-9 3900379 Y-0- - k % I I I) I /?, Influence 66 The Population Inversion Distribution an the Amqular Divergence of Solid--State Laser Radiation. by Yu, A, Kalinin# A* A. Mak RU!' ;SM, PER, UL--tiko-,,,tekLhan~icii.~Prom~.siil~. 5, 1969, P). CIA X-7142 397,496 Hi,,,h Voltage Insulation of Lines and Equipment (Selected Articles), by M. K. Kalinina, 101i pp. RUSSIMNO bk, Leningrad, PoUtekhnickoakiy Institut. Trudy.,1963, No 253', PP 3-9, 61-78, 88-105, 116-117, 132-137, 161-171. AIR/F,nD-RC-23-749-71 Jan 72 UO Ailf*Ct Ot V06,6t"Ift MOU ~9"bk 3ilit %& Ay"A~/ Crow" mati oluandwAyein rraq-&-tiou by i!R-c-iUR-ale-am toy to. L. ;iurikova, ;,,. V. L.&Iltdaa. AOSIC,, k*r, Val 31i, 11W0. pp 152-154. ATS iU-545ii jww 7.; An ANIP" of cow adw to "num of fte am #"me of *moms" at go ad"al smomwo by stem 9611W Md Im vwdwwt PWO wo-on L -bar aka. Ilb 0 now so= J" 68 3W?s,323 memse of ast4onal hoomwis kvmtumim AmIpWo bV Antodn K&IAMq 52 yp* GoviasmWT Ush; O= CZICH, per* LWAS&O umde. ftlewt Aug 1969,, pp 673-Wi Ipp ?69-?85. JFRS/L 3221 Jan ?0 39991?? Z-1-4- The UM at Nft*jftWy C04phaft So We Slactrow aboAca D*A"o %W T* IN sawp L, To ftISsicba*o ad A* Fe 2VAk# I Wo Him=# an P# RaMMIEW Digit" 60 I;gq no-M. n JPM 33M 66 295P934 11-rect or Zymsam an the Ratumlg laomdve and qe~ Active In--tzdty to tba Taxim -Todwed bty the Camativo Aged$ of can Owtgrms and ToUmn 4 ji. !-. ialLAcberdoo. iM&ilks PON Rpr*l I-. aW 68 ftoullwitift or ow &s&~ ftudus ~jmjvr reaWied Atmagbaric OMU%jaas tW il. 1. Aug Anhav w Md &lot" M 511t lb Tt J~Y Tj*~,% iv. irm sc I -Vm Jon 6, ejr3,f.4O Chftde4a IrAwtry at the anim Ststm =a Progyw",, by a. Edinlebw end A. Khandrost pp. MsBW,, 29 i= 1966a PP- 1# 3- ipre 34567 / 41 um scon mar 66 296*qTC)