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,,e ~&:thcw for tha lux.)erirental 'eter- 1,17 o,;* laterrvIvcular Interaction Ocitentials. ,or, vc3tnik :Njsww lildv, '-*or 3, Flziia V-1)=. .0 th, Illubi, op 3-8. IT3 I AdTavood IsUmb Used in ForgiM MA pftgslMg tv P, V, xamgvt 5 04 RUSSIM. perv - - I---- m Prate, Rkb mosome 1%9,o pp 1-2., JFHS 49833 i A, ~~' /y'. , ( 11 U I I &d-vist Feb 70 4MoO65 -Nffioe ~Cor tamtioa~ IMWAM the Sda~~ Law Isolaetim md 'WUU" Rla" bU, Yoo -.:k* !-*-Imwjr 4 ImlIXT ws pp X-P, problow at by x. T. fttmto%o Vvo Po gamwo RUSSIASO few* !Sol"kff "AoG!xs4A,* twlr WISTI). 14ASA TT F&366 W-L. loc A+r " khotoconductivity and q4=tum Yield in Carmniw% T-War the Action of Pjmntgan PAdIstion, 6y !'.C. Kemoldirsov, 8 pp. ROZAAS, f4r, Imstim Vysshlkb llchdumda! z4vedanly, Egrut f1r.112, Z-bacco. No. 3, 1967, pp. 22-26. JUS 45,278 Set-lhxlaar ,i-cl. &M Tech. .imy 69 357.60 Wculation of Nansqtdllbrlm Nasals Flow, by V. N. lfamio3 ovv omm) ywo K&Nhs zujwA I am so 69 1966o pp 25-33. FTD HT Spoaal 71 -08 Bei fob 71 3: 4.4wil- to zlood SmIurift., To. ID. floaobdr& Ch6 AUU'Apws, a. K. Gaotmaq, ri, NOMM". A6 Q* ~OlWx A. V. ftWw. WMI"', Dow., In Aa s= gme M~WY2 V4 50 50 2p 1-2. f j -' ( um Ix Nu Bvt 67 IV$ go V. K. iariotcoorv CovPpcnvtivo evaluation of the offecti'venaso Of u8ing integrated circuitry in digital equipment. 14 p-p. ,?U.,'3IAII, 'J?i Iwo lol, tron:i~g, ao 3, 1969, pp 303-313 AE.W TD-.%7-24-2080-71 7wo 7-' X/I. I / ot ;,-, - -1" " -' (-- .(I ,/ e ( 4~~ ~pw f(, Rad~am Field of a Q%matisW Omm4mt., br Jo Impkanum ad B* N*b~mWwo GEMS, pwo AMINNIN dlm~ SKIM 7v Val 24a 1909 po 77-a1 o NTC ?1-1"-" Feb 72 ~ el~~ lelal;~ ) L , "t -, IZ; ERM Atr saw SWL 69 W.*2W IntepatLoo of t1a DLIftmIan i4vation, J. Ka" do IP*Tiet. FRWHS par$ C2RCjg Reafts ASgd Sci, 195o# pp 929-232. *Hat Sw Stfind IT 70-57740 sci-ftth - Jul 71 ~, z)c- by ~ t ~ Vol 243, 'r- c- ~R t E~7 01, tAtOTIM fV3ij) Oi 4 c., Vic .'aia Urculatiu., I.- -or.'eviletzil,, V'tl Vll, D TT,~ o 0j ,ixalttattva wid 'mantitaLva .1wactoristico of I~410p'am!aoi oC, the -,uban DwAchl. by ~.i. PCM! k. -"A.V~V4, U ;~P. 1966, rAutiw Valt Cmetructim Syvtam and jostiM Pvw Gtati"p by P. GUMS, per.. mMWh&RalhmLu=k; U66, 1713-177# 44 Ic'm 66- for rWastrilm, Fac-ugst 17 pp- W 4.# Apr 3-AP75.1 btMW&rd-iSA Stem Torbfte A"GdAY HIPIMnod* 1~ // "/P, tv Ps r"Pet 10 ppe Gk7mv part usftm&mmbAiqhgdk- t"t bwIln . ,001 is* No 20 1 .I pp ~"L Jr;,w b??06 f Ka--^~ bolola~-IoCh Apr 69 R9sQ6 loppowing pouttala L&MMU00 In Kommoma. ~W A. Kamobalmv 5 Ipp. WJSSUNO apt 8ooom# 26 Sept 109 p 2, JHtS 46009 4 i *,?~ 14.1 L o-*' c-v- USSAI The Lffsft of an coacrIm-M FuPustest by NO, 14 gm*&Iwo 60 FPO An .- 4o&& IMMAIIAI.~04 9 M-%yp 2W-Me AWITID/iff-23-IM2-67 im 69 11 somm in *0 / --~, q -awk- - I M Affews, -Fio/ - - - Paulo "02&~ 0 w~wwwmmwlK ova m 0 PL40 Ed-M&Ndmd ftis A Role at SmiA Litanum adjudo A* eve 9 m XMIUN PWt QW0 3 "Navelp ~bftmt as mw 19696 ipas "ft, Ipp 4-5. Uwa I Soo I 6L~r '-It May 69 3810855 The Problem of Essence of Life and the Circulation or Organic Hatterp by Me Me %gaushilovo xuaimp per# kkadegiva Nsuk SSSR, Institut Itolowl - ennyAh Tod, Trudy, No Up 1967p pp 112 1/*1 NTC 72-12"5-06C July 72 Selection for Increased Resistance to Ultraviolst Rays in Different Lines of Flagellates, by X* X* Kaushilov, RUSSIAN, per, 0 Institu I Tantr*nnykh Tod, Trudy, No 14, 1967p PP 54-83 NTO 72-12"6-06C 14 July 72 vitcawtolot " OW 0004olled offenuml A 7 by N, IA. "Whilow, 6 pp, assums, MM TT F-1391dS 4 ,. I -'/~( X~) ~i , 1,- 1 ~, t- f, sci-mm Doe 70 zaf f OCU ~ UAM the 91~~ at FaV vi" lNumpav" .-Ppbaso 1w A* "llo 'sea Per# al 120 iko 70 IJ679 pp Al AD 679 791 P%. M. Kamuz ob 6, 3"*M2 Idapunov-ounther Thoorew FCC sPecial Potmtia3Aj, by L. I. XcWnin. D& A Nauk SWRS-l*kltb 940 l."Ol 17,'; perL., pp 531-533- jL,v Ajorican FatbamtIcal societY ,~oj 9. -,o 2,0 1963 L 1~ AM Sol/lhth Oct 66 363p502 -f ~'- :~; Proce,lt~ Coeois in the T4-2 Tnmwlaltor, S. S. K,,,\Vnin txA 1. L loqubiLskiy.- 14 ppo NUSSU.".1p per, Zbnmil Vyr-41alitellgia Filitamtiki I Fatet=ticlwGkoX FIZW, Vol 5, go 41 1965" pV 6t;r;~-T J. MD-HT-67-56 oct Imico July "'A V, ll;Ake 'ajor ~~ar.Aul jf kricidtural Squiprient 61, Escas Rxpensive, tj A. &m4almik-Cri, 6 ppo FUlIVISIM, pcr., Hamduove Khotyaystvo razakhalam" no. ), Sept 1~066, yro. (6wr)o Ecan AM Cil Amablys "W"Afts ad brair of *agar " ftftd aMme Ur A, laWshmUms Le KauO 4 pp. XMIAN& per* Vpn~l n!!P go 19"'0 pp 16-17, DIA LN 115-" Aug 66 307g464 ftItIPU SubjecU *tbcd bw so 5 M. rnlutJV AMKbW* '7 mimloo ME-1 vah 26 a p 5. -- &M-ap moomm, 9av- a 469 975 - ~ "? "q (I ~-) // A- , , ~~ c v USSR im Doc 68 3MV702 0 3dautuls F"Wipw at ammelaft tv V. ~M~. 7, pp. ft"Awm* RUWIU# PWO r 1969. pp lyo gifts 4013 135. ftsomo NO at I i USSR ~ - ~-" I L " -. ~, ~~ ~X_ soon -:~~ C) '~ ~ , 1) -) / - j l1w wooft or as Twomium XL=wb R"Vldw tq moam Odam ad Wo" am ow W103 V. 114. KaWshOv MOM 67 or .414bM"M Flmo JA .,7 3 Nasal"* lw vo NO XUMOLWO Us (is PIVWWO RUSSIAN. pwo AN SSSIL Im.. Mokbon, 2blakoett so 60 1966p yp 25-". Dwt of JM A?L/JW VMS SOL-Pt" Jsm 69 M322 H&tUAMI R lp R *WUM of Pl* Sala= In th9 ftmU and Widta, Sasso ty X. S. KSWGMUI&t A* I* ftlinme RUSSI"p yws ftbnm ShM Id 440 lio lot l9wo pp le"We Dept of intarim Dare= of camarclal Flaburl" &aneh of Fare4p FlebwIft scum Feb 0 373#717 Dowfulm N4PoUu M& llbwbw of so laws QC Satoft" nok &SUN% IW M6 go MUM6 Iwo %1430 lb 34 Iwo Boost 3 1-1 ndt 409 MOM ser"m IWO WA~ Of P ndMAM O*t 0=4 Ifts Cl Odw3a %un at mum sw cc numm or No Oman ago= by A. L GmfxaWVp V. a. DWA vbww Val 60 - - Seim moo or x*W XWOM A-39WC9/95 Cb Em oar an 70 .'cnferanco ~ lact=oa 'AgmtIm umtml. IV . o arlom!,w., a 5 M* ~--Z~SlAlllt per# ikMo449 ?bscowo Lo 320 .)cc 5c6-.,9 -Con June Tw pompnftr nat of vw um no Lbkwtry, by A. Ve Mec6 5 ppe Nanas per# mmloullon mimmm lb go sept 1967v Pq 15-20- JPJG 43336 .~. V. OCI-NeChmalcals luduotri4; CLYU cod mulua DWI Do* 67 3h6gV8 , %r caticA of 4,&Mr-; ill X! ic Illitao 1xy P6 Z, 14 wi Infor -LI UX, :X,3il, ic... ~ wame UAn-i.stva Injckr,-t-,iLmcxn Z. J9 397#125 ?ivcmd ad an StUa of UO Xd3+ 417 Leftr,p by Sm Fu4ml (IW 4.*0 ZM) ftlel ylng-ddh (VYA 539 95A)s - hurg (LW3 Om I'*T)s Ll (2621 6?v 0010)j, wd u Cho A, Ma WI)P 14 vpo p per,, X12:kla-m r-MaZEROP Nor 196541 pp- 2M2-=7- - JPRB 33M jan,66 Mp2Ok ko pemiat in the Me~~Of Saskino 2ruth from Fhats. and . Persist in the Mass Lines By Km Ko 7ppe HUNG-CH 01 No. 1,, TwumT Is 1978. ~e; in~ Mainland Prose Wanuary 29,0 X9730 Feb ?3 On the Pos%ible Ilse of SOO at) for Long-range Ice Forecasts Arctic Sens, by S. 1. Kan, et RUSSIAN, per, ~rudy LenIngrad Val 3, 1967. pr 96-91. INLL Ref: 5828.4F (7377) 11;ci-Atmos ~Iar A9 Charts 1_F3 In non- al. n-i Tsentr, 376,3S7 on the Influence of Boundary conditions on tne Stalbility of a Cylindrical Gnell baa6ea by Uxternal Pressure and Axial Tenuile rorces, ~.y Kan & V.L. Ingul,t3ov. NUSSM1,per, Izv. VUZ Aviate. rekhn., ,..0. 1, 1969, - " -- I T.- Clt~ X-7096 y7c ;(-pt 6q 391,377 puw am swom " Gwnpod CU=W t= MdW Wft - - by lit I 2 10. N. K04 u w U&IIAMM um hidbo Val Wo Me 1% IM. p ZA .p .,v-l-T-4A-JM Se S. N k ~, "j j - Ph" Mw 63 106 Stability of $bell* of iWvolution vItI2 Arbltrw7 Generutrix Curvaturep by S. S. Y-:.nj, 11-1 ppe AWIM, per, Pr~~~ MekhanW- Vol 20 No 2v 1966,0 pp 36-43. FiooysoxT FTD-HT-66-7J6 j sci-Physice Jan 6-3 346,450 'cw PaAd ActiOtion 0? ew -Izi%, &I Ligilt bidustrys, by V. j~,m, 4 !x,,. SV3" K cl YfI /e~~ Proportional.Navigation for the Value of the Navigation Constantv by V. L. Kan, RUSSIANp perp,jeogiYa Navimataiip 19659 pp 18-57. NTC 72-11188-170 May 72 -~ /' 1-undamental Proportional Navigation Equations, by V. L. Kull, 34 pp. ~US~JAN, bk. Tcoriia Ilroportsionallnoi Navigatsil, Leningrad, 11105, 1)1) 9-17. CIA-X-7SO7 ,','uv 71 ~V CGqPUtAP Vith AO&-up of a Cryotrw Dagital Propwmd contmit t7 is* so Kwo U, A, MikbikyloVe 9 pp. aussim. pw. sommintsto I wesmawn DMI-bom-go tie 0039 Me pp 19-23o Jan 69 37097?3 Study of Alast Furnace Burden Properties 3/'~ 1, by K. Kanabara. JAPANESE, per, Tatsu-to-flagane, Vol 52, No 9, 1966, pp *DIST 6925 Set -~Tmt !Jar 69 -U~A.41 Of .-tjxicwltura .-addwr;# ~Tl U9-~J~U-JIJ Ll I ij:) Technl=a Parrononoo art and socamic C="U= for Oft o"Wation- al I an by A. MWAGM. Sm Vbl 140, no U.9 piumm PWI 29600 29 47 0 AM Sof : M.97 (CA tn= 2Dl) fti-mial SOL Oct 69 395alM -Itudies on SuporrillOYG rOr U40 fls SpAM, ap by Y ?A-11E.Sli, Der, t2 llcnaag, Vol 51, October 1965. 2079-2002 2ow-M&I. - T'.'.* r ) '3 p lta ~:Ci/rlatork Y) Jan 69 Viscuolasticity and Spinna!)ility of High Polymers; Oc Cusa of 11ult Spinning, in Particular, by K. Kanumaru. JAPMWE, pert 5on-i C,8kk813h!s Vol 19l No 39 1963l pp 230-242. ATS-JS-310 Junu 72 Marxism Is Bat a Catechism -- Frow.Z CP Furt4or Attecas Minese CP,, by Jean Kwu4*1 5 i1p. rfma, up,, l'I'lunani Fab IY~7, P- 3- JPM 4)IA3 FE-Catne P,-).l Apr 67 ftwi% or ftuutlm od lbumaim GMUSstsd# tr Jm b"t 10 ppe FRLW4 pme La "one ftrist 4"s-P, - gme- Feb 19699 pp 0 im 4"W WL-Frarloo pal *~v N WR rtvv 13 -,)Ttliesis oi a Gyrostabilized 'Istem with UiptiLwa kesl onset by L, Yoe i.anarav, ,~cr, Priborost Lo!~ vidyer No 2p ll%Sp A) &aid Ilutrie. t YAdium for GrOvL.,; ImptMvirsy ~y S. JL F& mmikla. OOVERM&;T va (Xw EMMI, Pero zbw -61 luao., I*Ucill spids-401PLy 1 Im QAW6-1 -vt UO 9., TTMU). YSTC-HT-23-379-,-Z Sci/DU4 Her 09 3T.,s95J .tuio olarimtry at -ftp by D* as lAwareydnip A. - otsjc~# 30 w- as Lwlngrs~q bko jusks, cqyarlmtr,~ 19M9 pp 294-320o i 4Q,302 1;~-Elec DOC 67, 31,**023 Asrter 10. tatle"cal f1wertles of faftifil-141 M5 40i39 irt iAW&r oceiving hnalomor. by, '-3rxreVAr-. ~6 7It Polarization Signals (Selected Cfupters) by V. U. Kanareykin, N. F. Pavlov. RUSSIAN, bk Polyarigatstyl Radiolokst- slonukh Si;nalwv, 1966, pp 78-106, 208- 297, 380-4G6. ,; ,, , - ~- 1 -1. ~ AIR/FTV/f?T-Z4-263-68 sci-Elec Apr 69 Pros an-, A:CIZ4 of ckx"mt.1v* Ho isirAgt 0 am ow. 5 ppe OIVWJIL~ av I.X51, 23 J-1 V-7 Mo IN on vw un in nobwl" of the vorm"Vo Coafttlamd %flu ftnlopd ty TotMg Chm SaImMs by Y- Zmagam and 0. TUIP XMMN p"" ""~ 't"p Vol 8# N. 6(5,1p 19688 pp 10W-109. *CIM TT 69-59003 Fob 69 The Lso in Fisheries of (1-laborated) Defensive cumditionud 1~af loxes in Younj; Chun Salmon, by J.anaytma, T, Tu~u, por, Voprosy Ikhtip!!giy, Vol 80 1.0 6(53)0 ME. pl, 1048 '1051. ..!eA of Interior curtau of Couxnercial Fisheries office of Forciin Fisheries A-34-Dec 1969-lbo 95 Ili Lout :rodit in t~w Develork..mnt -f !:*mestic -;cmvices, lyj ~.. Yanw,-Ov ane. 1,31 1 6rotlito noo 12* !ioscow, Dec 67, pp. 55-57. 4.1,633 U- 7,:: Z; 352,612 ,)ctiactiwi t., *,dsor tive i'lusticizint, of civ Surface Utyer of ivtal Under tim Effect of an Active Lul,ricajit in i)ouj-,c;ury Lubrication, by 'A. A. taiiayev. cr Dok AL !iuuL Vol IS7, No 2a 9 July h;69, 1,;~ 314-317. flie i4,~ 11.5t U14 I'llys VC1 14, ..(.) 7D Jau 1970 Fcti 7U 401,402 I l arine and Stationary Liquid Metal Power / ' Plants, by A. A. Kanayev. , ~//~ RUSSIM, bk, 1968. *Dopt of Navy KIC '~-' ltlez c k* -,-~ 1.'Z. ~' L~ - .1 ACI-mach Ift'r 6 9 an ft" or ftw I m mg 0 by A. A. ganOW- RU88=* W., - a - ---N 0 196T., v9 lT4-196- Dqt Of am r6 17 ftl4" Out 69 391360 Atootie ftopulsion Plantso by A. A. FAnaycv. NJSSIAN, bi, -Power Eulneering for Flmips of the Future. 1967. I)p 137-197a A7Nk/Tran-2871-69 Sci.,!ech Sail 69 3910678 IM" siqao-sbmft Staws-F"m Tmto-setmo (11~3 tW A. A* Zaaaw, MSL41;. pw. wommaskeides Vol 130 lic 10* 1%7. PP 30--W. ML Faf, 9W-03 (4239) 4 - /~ - K4 rjo v c V Sol-&Mwu cmv &M 69 371630 of Llootdc ]Pmw MWOUS964 Ae A. Kanayev# 9 We Jowm- 4o 12t 1969s pp 3-6, j1pils Scd-bb~rC3r COW *(:!on-kvW) AM 70 Atoor]jc kowgr 1,2Antg ror stdpep bly As is "MYOvs 19079 pp 07-1?3- 164 A ~ Cv' .>opt Mw Date on the A*IL*f at the aLft zone of the ACAL&R-IndLas IL4pI by I* F. Ransm. MSS,LANq W, D& kk M SM. gee Sci Vol 1899 go 69 1969v pp 1363-13". AGI ?'' /-- -z", Joe 71 T.eqjor.Af thin ",otina '~.ftor 1:;*~c-oskir(~ "adli.-ition, by Vot fits insk i-,,, 13 N T 1 7 7 Iza Study of i;last Furnace Burden Properties. r - Proparties of Alast Furnace Burdens UuVing Chemical Reduction, by L. Kanbara. JAPX'ihSL. per, Totsu to llngauo, Vol S2, No 9. 1966, f YA -9 -- Y9 K -0-. Aug 389.S39 'elaft Latilmd for ar"lopim Pom moblm DUVIdingg tV A. A. XWNWWg 12 Fps -ILA - -&-A EWWANO pwo Ewa Isom No 100 cat i96?o pp Is-v. JFRS 43670 Solh*d4 In4 avu & Ar k~nv Jan 66 3499171 Shipboard & Statlonary Idquid MeW P&inr Plmtsp by A, A. KMM# L L XV% 13D PP, fasews bkl g,*i al .n I !&jMl2j9m-= V..j d*Wd ZWOIKd-WJUt-4 TOWWOUt !L -t An - B Iwo PP N5-14pi, OF-M. Dept of N"7 Tram 3133 0 SlCl/ftGTFj ODUV Oct 70 Lastributim of aw AmooLuse Of man hoamy kovi#tatim ToWs In CanamoUca vdth Wo rrworu" of un Led* Fw" of C176103AUM od Idth Lod famtUaft tr I* A* ttuvs% A* Do C=~Gft* To s s- 10 0 $AS "A,* TV. u". 2221. V o1 2110 a , vp 94-1036 -,iLt, Her$ 5=J* (7M3) Jan 69 373*W Retrograde Loogdon or the Retizm After lxposure of Ionizing Radiation, by 0. 0. Kambay. RUSSIAN, por, AZBTMTDZRMS]ay H"ITSINSKIY MURNAL, No 111 19690 pp 9-13. $ Jan 72 .- sw 72