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The Development of the Peasant Working Moperatives, SRZISO by NovWIL Mitics Meladja joydjovice 16 SERBOCROATIM, p*r,,'ProdUfiivnos~'VoI Vj iFo '12, 1963, pp 927-933. JPRS 23783 BE-Yugoslavia Econ Mar 64 252*246 Intensinution of AvicWtural Producdon on lAnd of MMUldal ProdEffs, by Melanija Jovdjoylc, 16 pp,, CROATLANs =dukuw -S Val via No 3 1964 154s ipa 247A EE-Yugoslavia Econ Jun 64 260,193 The State and Promoom of the Yugoday motor Vehicle Indwitry byM.Uorad Vukovic, 36 yp. SERBLZkNr,, i yg~ No 3, 1964, yp 315-325. TPRS BE-Yupslavla Econ Aug 64 264,359 The Development Necessary Ln Tramportation and the Auwmodve Duluxtry In Yupolavla Between 1964 and 12970 by Prodrag Radvolevic, Ivan Vukovic,, 7i pp. SERBIAN No 5, 1964, pp 336-Ul . JPRS 25695 EE-yuglodRvta Econ Aug 64 264,360 A Study of the Business Success of Eigbt Socialist Farms in the 1956-1961 Period, by.Tarodav Sevarlic, Svetomir Otasevic, 40 pp. SERBIAN, per, Produkdxmgt No 7, 1964t pp 479-494. JPRS 26545 EE-Yugo Econ Nov 64 268.944 Training Workers for Economic and Social Functions, by Dragomir Pilipovic,, 29 pp. SERBLAN per Produkdynow. No 7,, 1964, pp 517-5Y5. ' . - JPRS 26570 BE-Yugoslavia Eco c NovV 268$301 The Distribution of the Gross Income of Economic Organizations, by Omer Muhto, 13 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, per,, Produktivnost, No 10, Oct 19649 pp 669-672. JPRS 28411 EE-Yugoslavia Econ Feb 65 273,884 Report on Shorter Work Week., by Fdsto Djzunov,, 10 pp. CROATIAN., per, Produktivncwt, Vol VI,, 116 11, Nov 64j. pp 733-73G9 JPBS 29450 ZE-Yugoolavia PICO Mm' 65 275,491 Production and Market Trends of Conerp by Jovm Vucinics lJJ pp SOMM.. per, Produktivn~ost No 12j. Dec 1964.. pp 331-335. JPF6 23913 ml-yucoslavia. Econ Mar 065 276,434 Production of PolariZed Protons, by F. Duinniio, A. Luccio, C. Succi. ITALINI, ppper .. La Ilroduzione di Protuoni Polari-.zati, .1 R-Ot No CNI-35- *AEC Sci - Phys, Chem Nov 61 Investigations in the Strait of Dover in Connection With the Conditions at the Netherlands Coast, by Joh van Veen. DWCH, ja bk, Proefondervandelijke Wijsbegee-.te ti Rotterdam, Series 2: Eleventh Book, 1936. 8tZi~ of the Heat Removal From a Fuel Element of a Nar-lear Reactor of the BoIIIr43 Water TM by Johannes Azijee, 63 pp. JUM, bk, Froeven Over do WwwW-Arvoqr van can splijUtofeloment uit ean Kerareactor van Ret Kokend Water T"a- ABC Tr -401.1 Sci - Nuc Phys sap 60 4 -/` (IDD 26") TIM ProMe of %be Polish Bc tv-cM After the War.. b7 0. Poralla, 252 pp. - =Up wawgmVhq Doa AroM der PoInIngbon 1353, pp flpvww~- - - Isp DO 3-,Cwll- u-,-, CIA/= U-E,'I!-!7 saw - Palma loan - cbemical, Wustxy oat k 56 ME: 1fjcchv.:IiGz;a of t4tIL-V.X B"-ullip by ozic.1do fioli, !2 pp. MUMIT; Profilmui, Vol VIE, 1033., r~ 169-173. . . I _--i --- Acsx, B-7926 ID 2156382 Sci - Med / 4 e2,4'~Z-- rob 61 Arab Refuoes I From lamels 6 pp, UICLAWIF ITALLU, rptp I N Arabit 15 M* M9o Encl to Ber go Ja -5-9., UR NA; Itame - Navy/Ofa 5074519 MIA - Iffael POI soc Sep 59 Progrem of Militany Training for Secondary 36 pp. UDCLASS371M 0 y y P 0 L 15 Hoibr-I b ~yyl~m ~ie tlryy ~Of " Ouc a- ~VO i UAW t-t E M. Publiehing Setablisbmntaj, Warsaw,, 195% pp 1-56. ACSI H-0454 ILI! Progm for Tralulas of Observa Flue Offlear PiloU,v 7 PP - (ID 1&=) VaRoms Us r;vgm f aw fly-lp-offisexer I., i9% - ACSj I r4" .0.0- Nazur - lionm mmury Feb 56 cu/ba 31) a9r Goal of Highway Transport. PORTUGUESE, bk, Programa de Me'%-los, Rio de Janeiro, 1958, pp 165-190- - --l *ACSI H-5794 )- 16 - I>r- f f" , WE= - 4,P--"Tvwt-- Econ Apr 60 (FDD 253.58) Prom= of the Brazilian Coamniat Party,, 28 pp. Full translation. d j bkj DMMM do Partido Ccmunistado Brasil Brazil,, NUf 19~4* CIAAMAI-7264 IA - Brazil 09 Political CM 72/Sep 55 OTR 266 Program of the CQmmunist Party of Chile. SPANISH, bk, Program del Partido de Chile, Santiago, 1956. M 31/10/57 %'FDD 26066) Socielist Progrem Adopted bar the Second Matioml Congress of the Soclalist PeopUls Party (Cuba) 18 PP. SPANISH# photostat,, fteam gffil4leta, Movtado POX n AggmkiAm liaclogarlal-PS.P-15ri& to )by 1945p Cuba,, pp 293-310, CIA/m/U.7458 lAwr - Cuba Pol - Party Pallc2civ Al ,T 1,;4 Pl'uu-"ELIA to CO"I'lact Voters -in 'iheir jl'oii~es o,j 1) jcAernoer in tle EvenjilE arid to Gc,~, rhe,;,, ~10 ."O'Ge 01, Election Dn~y- (:Oculmilt, ProrM-Ma -oal'V- -1-Stablecer ~IontL,2to~; Do:-.icilf-,-,.-jo~; coil Jos 104uui 8PE~;-Tjz/ I;y ~ci.-duje of l'isit of tile [)CL,, pelcFation to the pc~(~,p .. %, 3 CI-TVkhI*, rpt, Llro_]ram. I~c,' fe ~qha~d~er 's DMI in der WSSR, 1-1 DC- 1 2S 20 314,791 Combat Training of Soldiers and Units of - I -- motorize Rifle Bagbmup ftmk Heomunissance Mite and Troopep U PP& MIMS 'Tts F4vgm= for dle bil4bm der golk-U-u~-t dow 96t 1966P NO A= 33) 21915M Mil h Apr 62 M~ A Lid llrqpom (a **ft the PbMpvdwtion INouxion In lbOragwi, by G, Fs"No le. Lanciani. FUUM's t g Pam Add va lu A!.* & ilea - - --- - Imroacra. im 19W. AU zod-c"MI may 66 all, --y P U PP: -P vjl'j:.J'Lu-' P:~jj -ict 'Tr I - ~ 1 IT L-,-: ieac tt!u,,s 7 09- General Program of the Training Plan -- First Course. SPANISH, doc, Program General del Plan de Fomacion -- Primer Curso, S PP. JPRS CSO: DC-15204 J-2109/67 LA - Dominican Rep Soc Jun 67 326,150 Research Progmu of the Pwl Cello Q=p~ 5 pp. FMXH., rpt., Pxogxww do Recherchas da Groupe pilm a Combu jp A= x-i162-D ID M96080 14 mmy 6e Awe Prograw, D*scription and Practical Usa, by Gilles Brandicourt, ot al, TV 0 Programme Niobe: Description ot utilisatio pratique's *,%C UM L tT 1378 -Sci/.."lear 6ci uct 66 ojjia::tic Lquipments ilro,~mis: A U-toice 'bldiw of Allocatic'ms und C44)ital Investmits, by L. 'J)iiricto rpt Allrogrames UILquipaumits ~4ua:A,iues Aitilodu do Loix des tkif6ctatimi ot des LL i-j'..%L-tr-1471 Cal JCi OG ViLi 1 No m R-5328-D New Results of the Investigaticns Regarding the Function of the Blood Proteins During Illness and health, by H. Bennhold. SPANISH, per, Progress de Patologica de la Clinica, Vol X, 1963, pp 351-366. *JPRS/USDA ,7ci S May 65 by E. Andrc~, 7 pp. SIA 57-1597 Mar 58 FLbrinogeneoU and the LytLc Activity of Plasma for the Fibrinogen sad for the Fibrin in Hodgkints Disease& by 0, Zard'. FMCH * 'or Pro r )bd, Vol X,, 19S4. pp 294-297. HEW NIH No ;- Sci - B/H may 66 30IS33S 62-17419 LOS^ hC TWO TOMS IN WEIR RELATION TO LIFE 1, Loeper. M. INSURANCE 11962112p. U. K-H-10085-a .0rdler trom X-H $15. 00 K-H 10085-2 111. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates. Trans. d 1e Progreo MiMcal (France) 1959. v. 21, Detroit. NUch. 11 Oct. p. 380-384. DMRIPMRS: 01'elsons. *Health insurance. (social Sciences. n V, S. no. 8) TT-64-10633 rvf," TOM?- IN 1~ii;~ T,,) 11-WE. Loer*i IN9.11 A N C 'I 9N; , ~ .3, OrJer from S LA S i W f kt~- na. :ojthe! ~q r-14-loov- f'46,1~ (Smial Sdences. TT. v. It. Do. 12) 62-14481 C,isvili, Patrio. DOCTRINAL AND PRACTICAL ASPCC-rS OF TIIL 1. Caselh, P. MODERN CONCEPI" Of' IN17LAMMA'l-lo,,4, fiqulj 10p. Or,],.,r from SIA $1. Io 6.1 - 149 -11 Tratis. of it Progres.,t) M-fico (Italy) 190), v. It,, im. Y, p. 265-174. DE'SCRIFTORS' '111flAITIM-11101, RC.ICUOU, (PSVCl1L'l4~v'v), 01"h-gy), I~:A4k,vt"s. *Irifcctiews, Rufv'logv. S~:t,2rlt, ~- Ntl,ol,,gy, '71-, v. ,, n ~. 5) of T..h.ic.l $-1-1 I11YSIu1.oGlcAL AM~ "Alflul.OGICAL 14A U~J~, 1; u,:~ K -11 $7. ~~j K-11 I'rans. w J so Mchco (Italy) 1460. 16. ;w. 21. p. 7,>4-7,'V,. PLI,C.~Iili 0i,".: PaThL,104~. I. N~jioLtml,o. A. W. Librai ,~ Detroll. Mich. (fji '~ 41 TT- t,1-26247 Comola, G. SIGN"IFICANCE OF THE LELICINE-AMINO-PEI't'IDA - 1. C'. SE (LA P) IN DIF F ER ENTIA 1. DIAGNM5 OF j A UNIM II. I(W9 R CE. 14p. E,%fF-%'[) 1068 B. Ill. t-.werpta Order from M or FTC $1.60 W-63-26247. I'txirLW,,n. km~ter,liw 1061 17 f l T M I 3J (Nefficrl.inkW rans. o ta . no. edico ( y) , v. Progr"*2 DESCRIPTORS: *Pathology. Enzymes. Serum albu- 1 min, Pancreas, *NeopLasus, Diagnosis. (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, 77, v. 12, no. 5) onw. W yftbfti S-M.. Some Considerations on the Significance of Intraosseous Pressure, by S. Condorelli, et al. ITALIAN, per, Progr Med (Napoli) Vol 19, 1963, pp 243-245. NIII 6-45-65(On Loan) Sci/Bli".] Jul 65 2831677 progrOss In PlAnAing MA OrPaisiM lbthods in DmesUa Air Thmspat$ tv ftaqw)-MM-Lans nacs, rp% kc-ams do I& plo-j"tica ot dma MmUmdom gn uwwwt in 19626 AnW Topograpbio Camud UN Confw*rA* Doe=wto 1962 Far East Econ Fab 69 373P710 Biola;dcal Control, FIRME11, -x-r,, Le Progres Scientific~,ue, lmdatea, PP 10 3 - L2',*3 - 11CSI J-4345 Fcsm TIT"13-103-W Sci-B&P - fix, I-,)' lik, IA A, The Moval D. lrmmticM In ElAcUot*cbnlcm,, 12 pp. (ID 1296124)o FFOCII, vamblets, Is Progme Tiodmique *t Sclentifique, Sep 1!9". ACSI, &1559 Wmar - B014M scon Aug 58 (o -7, 60 'o y Relationehips Betveon 14mphoaamom and Lympbstic Leukesdaj, by GLCT=A dill GugUalm, 11 P. ITALIAN, per, 11 Progresso Madico, 19531 Vol IXt No 16# pp 489-494. SIA 59-17042 Sci Doe 59 Vol No 6 la '7'(d .Aris.- Federal Bill ConcerninLr the Peace'Lil Uses of.' U a, nic -%er,:,- and the Protection AGainst Rarliationr~, ITALIAN, iTt, Pro, otto di Legge Federalle Mel-tica Relativo iUil UtM::-:=ione FacEica Del-111,hien-ia 'Aarni ed "ro-Luezione Do-'Lle Radionlonf, Mlar !Q60. '27 AEC CT I IL r j w French Bill Conceeming the Design for the Development o-.PL Atomic Enera Since 1~,56 to I MAIIIIAN, rp'Ul, 1'rot:retto di LeC-Ce Francese Relativo al Piano per lo Svib,-4ppo Dell'Onergia Atomdea per Gli I=i Dal 1957 to lc,~Url. Mlar 19610. AEC CTI Tr-,- Jan 1'12 Swedish Bill on the Civil Rceponalbillty in the Flold of Owlear SurgW,, .j MKP Prootto di. Uap Svedese ou"a It --U Respoonabil guia"'re, 1959, 9 ~AW L~ Aug 61 List 55 i4oe 6C 2 79 L 0l (NY-6430) Labor Productivity In Tobamo Production, by Mmitur kkWwv, 7 PP - BEMOARM.. per,. Prolm4itialmstUlk Mnoa v TsUtrmOpro'6oftlv-ii6.. No 12., 101, soon Apr 62 6tmin,- u: "ateri;,.Is Lico Stan,"~irkj' Cratr-s. !j'. Ak~cKin-,., ruld flaciny (J!!tf) lotuy- Plates, I PraviLk %a 22-23 'Cl hojat *ApW = Oe Drt&Uod un i ar a ~ ent or Vbkd st RLdi Altitaft, an va Emma of #AA Awlaluum b 374 WAMW aw ]A mwm am Irf U. S. aovx~~ = owx Sol- B. Sol 3**= id 66 SatetUte Projeot of RadiceZectrto cboertkdiom on m Roamtric 1wmatriat oibit, by D. varloot, -T. Amou Z& 9 8 pp. FOR OFnCTAL WE ONLY FOR IMMAL M W12M 2W LEPARTMWf OF IRMSE oflLr, MS DOCMHT IS NOT lErBASABLK ro JEMSr WMEsrA2Taj WyrR. FREN07* rpta Projet do 8atelUto DIcbseroaame- Radloozeddauos sur Wis Tormstra ExontAgue 76-7. pp 2,98. ATRIFTDIdC-25-450-89 3ept 70 0' 1 R -477 -11 TCA- -107 f-m CIEA Muntli-I'l RepoVt Pro*c~,,t 0 r -an sa ton Ge 11,2 ra 43 2,P- *JrR3 for AEC sci - 14 Feb j1 '--vparwou of urmdvo sesquicatide and Ursnim -~'~ca2tide., by A. Acoary., J. Trvavep 26 py. - -MM'r rpt;, project- ftort 3.1, IM 942,, Dee 1960. 1,)93449 ABO Tr-5" - Chem 62 (rm *199) Projected etatates or the Partuepse Camamist Pai,,f,y.. 19 pp. aklm u-go36 m3a - Portaga poi Oct 36 CTS project; Mqwwbydrodynamic MIW Impact Flow Tube, Report. L Introduction of the Project; Problem pr%mg for,the kveqUptIw4 by X. Radebold, 15 PPO GERMAN, rpt, Projeh MHD4kwtrahIrohr. Bericht 1: du Projeks Fr=VstdIuM der Untersu 3 May 1963. 9225092 AEC-ANL-Tr- 8 S-ai-phys Noy 64 268,736 A Project of Basic Fedbili, Network In Poland) by :erv.y Bokun.. Jerzy Slewlarowski. PDLXSH~ blk.. Projekt Pbdatrimj Sied Wahaamej v Poloca. - . . I --- ACIC Sci - Engr bov 63 -.1 Y'/, 6-3 7 gar is Rde too anwd" prow, by vv. ;,Cu", ski, V, 9 14doem latimArio t AM 5O3dALll;zsf KgrLtsube. .UL-,O mar 1w. v;-LC/CpRNL ~,CJ-Vncr ).tar 65 Kluls swe ram mwdw propm W. by ii. f8wo. Gv- UMAN, rp4 tz" idm" a= K*rl&Lqbk. I& X~~gjtum iqj!l --4p Iwo. - 4.1 kNL "L JV" ~,CJ-V*r Mar W, Luxembourg Budget for 1963, 24 pp. r,r-.R)IkN, rpt, Projet de Lot, Doc 1962, Encl to P-255-67, USARMA, Brussels. 11) 222W6 WFur-I,;ixiAovrf,, ECOII Mnr 63 225,440 Keller, R. PRO)ECT FOR A SOURCE OF POLARIZED IONS, tr. by Mrs. Aubrey Kempner. 19 )an 60 140ip. (174 equa- tions 2U figs. omitted). CERN 57-30. Order from OTS or SLA $3.60 62-2526S Trans. of mono. Projet J'Unt Source d'lons Polarities, Geneva, L957. OESCRIPTORS: *Ions. OPutirizatton, Non oc~urcri%. Niape!lc sepdration. Lerwe, Parricle trajecturlem. Arrplftude mWWation. OocIllation. Cyclotrons. Atoms, Ionization, Linear -1 1% ~ oi- , t'i!'i,i accelerators. C,onfenw The princIple of magnetic separation The adiAbatlc lens Calculation of the trajectories (NucLear Physics--- Invitruments, TT, v. 9. w, 6)( 62-25265 1. Keller. R. II. CERN-57-30 Ill. European Organization for Nuclear Rewarch IV. W-15510, cancelled 6-20-62 T_"4.1 S-.,.. or Doranch !in'llina Mill- Vol Vo sew rg , .. , 0' Ayl ii. 60-17571 M. SE= CN-Y0 Industry ~n the People's Republic of Balgaria __ %Wple ef OM46M49 9M-2 jfi*V8&WQ_ Statistical Handbook tierm BULGARLAN., bk, Promishlenost na Narodna Republika Bulgariya, pP /~Us JPRS EEur - Bulgaria Econ 24/11/58 (2072-N) Xnaustry in the pom-uss FAP&Uc of Dalgaris (mustucal ~8~)830 m. Bumumlit VOL Maroam 4ko Bulproa., wiss- Fm am mw - adauu zom Nar 59 d2ff setee (Nr-2547) Ulected Statistical Tab]" on Du4Wian AnIbY W Pmr,, 3.1 pp. BM4AU"* )~&Ddbookp wt ca rkuv4pa- Rapublika BRIMOV) ftffifflua-07M-2 PO-50;-70. jpffi Ye2-3 mur - Bulgaria Rom - rmls and Pmw "~?n J . 50 Investiptlaus ow the Dup Aloaftm and Its A21opp by L A. A"so 7 ffe Qum, per a Pftwt *0 19598 Zarldbp (2130)0 lulpf D 0.? o , 0? 1,3 T W2 Scientific - MIG/M146 ase 190 Cm Reaotion of Rapei-SoW 0.11 vith Sulphur, by is Zajic & Us Kopeckao C&CHp per, flrvAml ?g&E!2kj Vol 150 19&j PP 395-396 *CFSTI TT 98-50075 !;Oi/Agri I~xy 68 Potential Utiliution of Rape OU iatty Acids for Technical Use, by V, Jwidke C&CH, per# h:2!gyal-Potravinp Vol 15, 1964, pp 403-404o *CiSTI 'Pr 68-50074 Sci/Agri may 63, CAI - -2 5 (DC-2827) rroqopi4a cir lotaill'ailau aW Dowaratic haglms., A w by JOIN LUU Gordillo Carelfiress 31 pp. tiYAhlbb w j, Da., 14 iWpagnua& TrOlibiual Amirl4p MM DP JM Lsifta Worl&idz POI )W 59 Treatwnt of lieutron Propagation by tho Ago 'Ibeoxy (.1aluga Ilrogm, by Jacims brisbois, et al FRENch, tilt, PrOJIL41ation de3 Neutrons Traitee Par In -1lieoric do LIELO Pmamw lialua, * AL C U 471 F.- t r- IS 7 7 Oci/iNuclear Sci ijct ~)G Propeller Theory - Problems in Hydrodynamics,, by W. 11. Isay, 331 pp. GERAM, rpt, PEwller Thearle - H drodynamische Problow, 1964, PIN of Navy Tr No S159/ONI 23M S Sci - Mech, Industrial, Civil & Marine Engr Nar 67 320jS12 3owidary Condition on Wirk; Prof Ile, by W. H. Isay J Q~sche GZ1U1A',, nono, Propellertheorle, lydrody Probleme, 1964, pp 167-196 ~;T,c i 71-15314-OIA rar 72 U CL T..c V,ork of tho Pr.=itoloW LabOMtOries Of the -1 41 Dictrict Stationa in c 4.-acho3lovakiny by Otto Arovec.. 8 pp. GIRMNs, mo per.. DLcT~Xlaxep Vol Ily No 8. Berlin, Au~.; 1955P pp 49-31-.- CIA/FDD/I U-7524 Sci - Medicine, epidemo3oo MIS Nov 55 Copyrid2t ;? 61-1.1944 T %',l) CARNOVATHIES; i. - - r(,ic ~rfctij TO 'AltjKP.~S. ]'1; 2, Sir.A.L -Toxic c.'Iects 3.i "co- 1.1,lns lcr from K-11 $1,7-S 4 11- 1 - -~~ I N101c),4Y of I'l Pr(,;hvI,j\Ic 't I K 54. v. 76. no. 1: It K t I i,:~'ka m-h. 5, 1 o) T-604-13 B-9092-D Blo Lab. 18 inn 68 TA tecbnIWe des InUcorps fluaresceutS YrsUqueO fur song dessedbe 4rt Glue By: A - VAISM" at al From: Proftlade switaire at wm%3 a (Swig) 35: 222-230s 1963 9 pp Framch - ett for vda: Please translate andL type I m - py - rady copy. Dmmmt coube cut. Plesse make cover as smapie ausciied T-04-13- Blo Lob T-604-14 B-9093-D 18 jan 68 Le test d' - ntlumweence des treponemes applique mu SM Fr: A - VAMM, et &I Frcm: Prophylaxle sanitaire at marmle (Paris) 36:22-16 1964 5 PW ftvncb - est for vds; Plesse translate and type 1 canera, rem4y *W. Make cover as manple attached, T-604-14. Domumt can be cut. aTeatment ar Nacherichia Cali Infections) -Swaific in ChIldren; ",Tith PolymyAne B. Bwed on A~ Observations) by P. M=net. UNCIMIFM -nM'CH.9 parp A Propos do 249 Observatlaus. nourrime=, V91 xlv=) - -,- - - Nwi-jr 2645/=a 495 Scl - &dlCdZe Nov 60 //4.~ .- proposal Mude to the European Atomic Energy Community - Euratom, - for a Program for the Development of the Fuel 2ycle) 145 PP- tEBOW) bk, PKW~ition adresses'a la.Copmunaute I e E~wopean de 1'Energi Ao que EURATOM po*)un programme de Mise au point du cycle de combustible, Jan 1959- FDD/X-3443 Sci - Nuc Phys Mar Apr 59 j-1421/63 Draft of Law Proposed by Deputy Tozzi Condivi / /$e- 7 MALIM, pamphlet, Proposta di Legge d'Iniziativa del Deputato Tozzi Condivi, pp 1-6. 4~~/SMIAL/DC-10027 WEXUR - Italy Pbi Oct 63 (of ,1pri! 13, !956) concerning Dazcripteivu Abstracts of fttents of Invention, I p. UNCLASSIFIM. 11 r opriete Induistr "AIMR, pe ,-La Pr ielle, Vol Lull, go 6,, SEW 11h 1956.s P 117 Dept of Commerce fttent Office Sci Lib (Sift) WSw - France Soo - lov, statutes Fab 58 Chemical and Electrochemical Properties in Molten Lithitun Chloride-PotassX Chlorlde E~utectic, by I FREZTCjj, rpt, Proprietes Chimiques et Electrochimiques danu L'Eutectique de Lithiim Chlorure at Potassim Vond-,~L, 1,~6a., cEA-i.847. *AEC Sci - Chem may 62 TRi-62-lo6 Chemical F'roperties Of Some Vanadium Compounds In Alkaline Chloride Melts, by Roger Molins FRENCH, bk, Proprietes Chimiques de Quelques Composes du Vanadium dans les Chlorures Alcalins*yjmM.,1961 (CEA - 1946) Fondus *JPRS for AEC Sci - Chem Dec 61 F;'OPC.'Liu~; F:)--liario.. 0i, Plutolyl i0 E. K, Proor -p L, dc~; So-Lutio.13 ~Jj - I) ~iu Plut3nylt. II. Fonlacion de Cuiplext's (-~u 2 c,ans Al Naval Nuclear Propulsion: Oil Tankers, Ships. Economic Feasibility Study, by R. Gibrat. ITALIAN, rpt, Propulsion Havale Nucleaire: Petroliers, Paq-u-Mo Xa. ~67n-d ft'T-dn--a~d-e- R`e-n--tabi lite, Milan, 14 D6c 1958'.,-31 pp. *AEC WEur - Italy Sci - Nuc Phys Jnn 59 Gluvimtric -k=M of the Iomr M%kine. iWAIM, ryto D~tlw 2MIMIdIE du BU-nigmhling. Paris# 1945,, 15 pp. ACIC -LC-~M Sci-M Mar 65 Zrl..035