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Use at AL as a --- I - Cl loal 2MMMUM BMM* IW L E. 580j, Wo QWmdwj T No WWII Dwo zat **I &as wl Mo 100 it "0 9 An, / 3 6V i - - - - Aw-ft-5" "~T-S-T - 3 '~ 62 ad - awl Md Avg Cs - -7 4r'0 oxv Min Layer Chromatographic Identification of Organic Peroxides, by E. Knappe, 0. Peteri. pe:~- lie Vol. Igo, 196. . pp : ar'- 013 O"ci - Aug 61' 558-544 ~:Iaus Be,~e--icvvi ,,'ijL'LD C~t. Anal. %C~' Vol 1d1, J'4'O 6, VASA 146' F 141 7L Advances In the j4a)3.:Lcat:ioxx or Mass Spectrometers as Speciao lonizatica thtaAor Indioatars for Gas Mmmatography, by Ca Bnmeej 4 ale tachrin - GEMPN., per., ZOL faer Ang&gache Chemie Vol 1971 1963., pp 42-5o. NTC 71-14218-07D Feb 72 Of CASGS in orminaticr- by n'r ncir Dot 0- 7 64 oevelopment of Methods of Gas Analysis# by 11. Keintz" GEFOLAN, per. z. Anal. chem., Vol 192, 1963, pp 160-189. HISI 8618 Sci/mat Feb 71 Wobtitution Analysia oil ,is I~ocjlo Lait Mil Vul (;.Wll. 202-2190 424 l J')3 Determination of Chloride in Concentrated Acids by Inverse Polarography at the Dropping Mercury Ulectrodes by 11, Speckor, G, Schiowe. 6 IT* GLWAN, per, Zoit Analy Menie, Vol 196, 1963, Pil 1-S. AL-C/BIA.?L-Tr-39-69 Sci/C110M Uct 69 393,4S1 Advanwe on the AmUcation of VAss Spectro- oaten as OpmMe lanizatlou Detector indi- cators Aw We M , .1 nugnpbv) by 0. Drdame. 9 pp. OOvvAw = am GIWAN.. per., Zeit Anal am,, Vol 197j. 103o pp 42-50. NASA TT F-12p351 Sci-Cb= 3A577 quantitative Spectrochemical Investigations With biological Analytical Materials Excited by an Electric Arc, by J. Vmi Calker, B. Wischigoll. S pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR INUAINAL WE I'M11ING 'ME DEPARDMT OF DBFENSE WLY GEW-WN, per, Zeit Analytisch e Cheade, Vol CXCVIII, 1963, pp 107-111. T10-0060567 FTU 11T 66-349 Sci Mar 67 320 1 77A5 New Features in the Ebert Arrangement as a Spectrograph and Monochromator, by 0. Vicrlc6 6 pp, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY F0-? INTEMAL USE WIVIN ME DEPARDLNT OF DEFENSE ONLY GLIM4,per, Zeit Analytische Lliemic Vol CXL'VIII, 1963, pp 111-116. P100060567 FTD HT 66-349 Sci Mar 67 320,776 Concerning the Best Possible Applicaticn of Spectral Apparatuses for Optical Analysis, by Hans Krempl, Otto Vierle, 8 lip. FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY FOR INTERNAL USE W1111IN THE DEPARDENT OF DEFENSE- ONLY GERMAN, per, Zeit Analytische Chemie Vol CXCVIII' TU-IY 13, 1963, pp 137-142. P100060467 FTD IIT 66-348 Sci Mar 67 320,787 so Div" - At lllfklaft~ in smator matm, lw F. A. Miku ~' Im in, Be at mms Iwo am im 0. '.., .T, - 1963s PP 1930 tis 2: 1w) i6k 394386 sa lJowdau Nov t t- od + --I-- m !!! pt at 1 bAt Imo 10 imm "Wtbod and its xmc4mcw--- tv a. amov U. W-ghts-Itl , (IM p pra, ~ f&f*4whdft ftw momica va W20- 4o 2030 m IM: = w Sci-Cbcm .3aq AuG 66q 3*pu- ~&*A%pmw",q "N-MoAr 67 wwr~ "" Vol cxw, 11 Wri-eim Rim. ~ DDC RSIC-437 Sci - Chem Apr 64 U30M Kwm L =d Poarl. D. nM DUrERMMTIM OP ACMAMM IN ACM.A- mDm Rama sr omwr 7ffvAnW IN AW- DRM ACrnC ACM It" 1200powdo OV*W hm rm ROM TMNSW Tn" at Zfdtwlft ft) Am4twbo Owmim (Wast Gor~) 1963, Y. 1% p. 417-M DESCRWrOAS: *Aubopi-odcs %Adudw Vakrnftk Ma*oia. Acedc SCM. Tr-44-12SL L ;= IL it. M M. T1144-tv IV. TnuAl" Md (U*r,dAq--Aa4ydc4L TT, Y. 11. no. 10) offf- .1 Y-k.l-q S-4.. Thin Layer cbrowtogrepuic method ror Determining the MDIeCU1W WeIght Distribution aud the Degree of OxetWWion of My- EtIvIene Qxide Compxmdo., by L Bueger. GERM., perp Zeftsebrift fuer A chemie Vol 196.. 1963j, P-P 25~Me Sci-chem iia 66 305:548 Sd-md ad Mar 64 =Au - ---------- ot, Dft sd4mud Un 64 The Selsotive Determination of Metalliol Divalentp and Trivalent Iron in Iron Foundry Produots, by G. Kraft. UUMAN, perp zeltsUrift fuer AnAlAische Ghoulap Yal 1971,1963o pp 217-221 NTO 72-11464-07B June 72 .'~iiaiysis C& Phoa-phaton, :'Ijjjn_T ayer Chramato3rnp by Or I'londensod. '.1hospliates, by "Ll'. 'Ikossol. US----, ONLY per, '.:,*qitsclirift Iqr ~-Pmlytisqho Clionlie '.~'01 1P. !;M, PF 33 -V~7- 369,116 oc 63 L"riments for Controlling the Bnic Bessawr Process by Analysing the i)IQViAj VW% WAVI GORWIMS SIM"TO- f.:xrMIC421 zvthQd3jj by Wept 068cmahs K. Laqua., WeUll. lzr, Mtschfift fur Anal4jisdle cheuia Vol 198; NO 0 1%30 PP 88-980 USI 4 03 ~ciplt-,M Jul 65 2848652 On the Use of 7bezwcmAbwAcm4 PAmctlcms Ln Ejois"ou- SWtrwsphy tmm PA&IyWLs mA Im&w Slrdfi- cance for Us Carrier Effwt,, by So Schroll, 22 pp. GESNMq perg Zeitschrift Analytiodw Mde Vol 1989 25 Y FS7 Ay FrD-IIT-66-347 sci/chomisft7 Aug 67 336sS60 OFFICIALm - Dotcr-mln~.tlon or iodlura 1.7raroxida in '~#'oditwa ~'croxldln, by :.',. Maffert, Ti. 0.!) S 0 r 'oitschrift Mr Q() 03CFE.P7, 701 "d, -3 3 2 3 3' 9, 00- Bromine-methanol as an Aid for Oxide Isalat-icm E-cm Steel and Related Alloys, Part 4! 01jaratina Instructiona ifift Bromination, by U. Dohnstodt. GEPJIAN,, per, Z. Fur Anal. Chemie, Vol 1990 No 16, 1�641 pp 114-117. BISI 7011 Scifflat May 69 380,401 Preparation of Sulphur Dioxide for the Wes Spectrometer Dc-termination of the s32/S34 Isotope Ratio in Natural Sulphur Compounds, by W. Rickc. GERMAN, per, Z.anal Chem, Vol. 199, 1904, pp 4ol-1;13 Sci - Aug 67 335-69~6 lk-termination of Traces of Selenii=, by R. Bock, D. Jacob. A GUM, per, Z. AnaLrt.Chem, Vol. 2200, 19611 , PP 81-134 131/T 4728 GB Sci - API 57 335-590 ekasurement of Absolute Intensity of Diffuse X-Ray Small-Angl* Scattering - A Procedure for Reight Averaging in Macromolecular Systemis. by U. Kratky, 32 pp. GER:.LA.N,, par, Z Anal Chen, Vol 201,, No 3, 1964, PP 161-194. AEC/ORNL-Tr-2344-70 sci/Chem Ora 70 ExaminatIon of knodic&33q Pmduced Jauninum-Wde Were, Part I., by L. 2rdey, aERHAK, por, Zeitachrift fuer AualXtischc Chemie, Vol 200, 1964, pp 218-225, NTc-71-10577-07B d 0, / t -/"!, - / fO Nov 71 Photowtric vetermination of Cerium In Alloy Stools zcnd float Conducting Alloys, by A. J. Craboar. U.WAN, per, Ze fur An!utischo (2180t, Val 201j, N70 1q) 401-4170 6LA "97 Sci-14c:: Aug, 66 303v765 epwim Mbob =6 T.L.C. COVOLMbi, b7 IL Prousumm. (MU,p Pwp Z4% Awl PP ZaT-lw. UL Bef; %9&4p (m Tft) sa-cm on 69 or mum" jut"" Vol 202s 19616 v5jaeo *.bWlDtjOA oj tit* Flaw Spectrometric Signal by ,.bans of Interidttent SaWle Supply to the Haes by he Horrmm and We Unto FOII.' OFFICIAL LiMi'4MENT ME UNLY QMM, pare Zeitsdirift fur Annutisdw Ossmin. Vol CCIIIe 1JI(Av pp 1-9o 200049760 A)C ISIC-577 sti-Prop 4 Fueld Oct 06 SI2,-"7 Modulation of Flame Spectrometer Signal by lki, n,- of InteiTattent -ample Introauction) I)y I il.. Hern=n, W. liang. GERMkN, per Z.anal.Chem, Vol. 2Q~ 196~, p!) 1-8 INZDIA S,~~ i - Au C 6 7 335-6912 Complexometric fbospbetwo-Determ;Uation III. Determination of Soluble-Phosphate Content in Fertilizers., by H. Bass., H. W. Kohlachuatter. wMWO par# Zeltachrlrt ruer I*Cba cbmic Vol 2041 No 2# 1964P PP 97-1(m siA TT-66-loe6i Bel-cbmM ju 66 305..514 I .-Wulation of the Flaw PhotometTIC Signal by ~bnls of Alternating SUple Upply to the Flamp by Re licm~ md UO Lome# at ale mt um. aAL Govc-meff usn cNix (LIPI-MO port Zoitsdirift fUT ARVAisdie Chadep Vol CM, L46T.77FTW-2416 ZMK5W DUC RSIC-S76 sci-prw G Fuels (It t 6 6 312#W9 Pbotamtrla Be - - at Ckum &ad Ca"amb-A&tIve --- ~ u~s, b7 A. axr. ~p ]0r# L Aml amp Id 0mv lggkv 0 3W355. am TMA 9w so 906 fti-OM Apt 67 32409a Vol Lzlliu, as no - 1 Le so Qqpw" 14 W04 owe . tmw AmAsUmba va Eaw ~ jx~& i Investi'Eatims of the Woltht of the llwm awe I lwwrow, by It. wed-sn"t- a.io4;# ivrg Zo jwto ModeklyfigsIgth Val 70, Moo w 56-99* 1likii NIII ZoLS-67 sd/a&i 1 liar 67 5M0629 alp"-tite movivwWwo %7 relts Dque I= Owls vwo, tindul. Ta cm" 193f.-,-pi mm rn2/W8 536 sci - VAUCUM jo 61 -~eof ro now m=ly of nu mmo by s, wimsomrs 5 ppt 0MUSt pwg Z --N fw Anst und BMickp Vol CXVt 1950p m 32- ow"" mm Tr 6-39 sai - lidogy --0* "1 57 ~4 ?, 9`7-0 The fine Structure of Matic fibress, by G. F. Bahr, 7 pp. GERM,, part Ult fuer Awt und Utwicklunp, Vol CXVI, 1951,- 1 I w I AJ.RJ. brwell Llb Tr 724 scl - Cbmutry Mmh 57 C7B/dex 4 It 3 9,? I 2-7835-D AQ 0 Lob. 41 A9b4a 16 D= i;,6 um 40 snacklms ow redweatow Platteft Er.- G. Vowl ood P. A. L4080aw r.-=: zoit. Anat. ErWak U7:26-35,, 1953 ( 10 Pr) GerMfln - wt for uds: Troulaw =a %n0 I -I , r"M4 copy. 53eumat am be wt. Typing bottom attodad, Plow aske amlor an WWI 1. OBSERVATIONS ON FORMATION AND SECRETION OF PERIODATE- REACTIVE SUBSTANCES IN THE SUPRARENAL MEDULLA OF THE HAMSTERs BY W. WALWW; 12 PP. GERMAN., PER) Z FUER ANAT UND MICKLWC45GESCHp VOL CXIXj 195, Fr 41543u-- NIK 6.56-62 SIC - 1519L 208,792 AUG 62 . ... ... . . . . . . . . umiAl dw Ti 0 idl I%e Btractmv of MoUt Ylbon " TWAr Bel*l*w to the Collam_ Pibrils, by L L Ldtlnen4 7 PP. Ginn, re" 7, -f"" AMA. urd latideuw3gagas Vol =1, i46) p9 A-392. NIR 54?D-61 Scl - Had JU 61 14 -Yj '1 -4, z ~ qIL___A - -lapdog pdmwo ac somw 'WAND& W a 6 Apo A he . ~ jkhallptM mms pw., MMA&D" 1140"Umdes (Vwk ommm)o-ld so X4% PP %& 55T' WA oVA-36936 Yl% 9" ed a Oct 66 3d - ow APF 60 vorl" mmvestimtions ~ over fte Pit "W"Im at Chlarlw Amoull 11 10 1* bqpmn ~ or 6e wum we amm, by a. W4011) 8 pp. mms per, Val WILIP 0 pp IM-M. ftl " *W*t au Tr -I- /fi:~7 AV im Ps Lratlan of Crystal I' sW Abmins. and B=e $Y- Pzo&wU of the Fusion Process. b7 W. R. Oiatl$ 12 pp. A Is per'l E ApVv CbA T In. _ _=w Wo -T/ OTA42M aci - Nwerws/Neub Sd/, d,2 g Oct 57 LreatlAlig Apparatus far Self-Fescue 7 r= -'vroa Contminfited by T-proapirable, 313, by Max B.Mmarearl Nck ~~iodrich. CE'lWN, per, Zeitschril"t fdr ',np,owandt(y ch-Mia-40770-1- 17, 19049 np 1426-1437. .. " 11 A Ln~ 701 . - 11A v ( Iciblo-'.10(l. _168,960 oct 0"a Bm"Ismon of MaLm QA6w 990"9% rvg""I by 0. Owela, 24 PD. ==No perp Z Anpir eft Tb1 M# 1908s v 532j, 5". SLA Tr 0103 Sol - Oindstry J-a 0,0 q S" 57 al trio 1414~t or (411"DIC WAtuffil for cll. atktwt,A (if ILIserfLis, by F. gjmdeqhr...~. =WAS, per.. Z Awr Acgovmdto Chculep Vbl V.1 -3- 16- Dept or Interior 98 lkw or MMuca Cautral ivarL-unt fttAULz Pittsburgb, ft. tr cam 7 May 59 ftkwlm yet --- wwo b7 2. 841~61 10 PPS ~~* pwo Ze Pkimm imanamp Vol mmvv No 35, 1 am MMIF TV MOD-Amol- a of ommm offics lAb (9M) 64 - QUM" ; a 'o '0e6,, 6 re AJW 97 M I inaw wtion, ty lather Wohlor, 24 pp. ftn trawlatlon. GoWN, par, 2A #a Agavlam GIMMIS Vol xxiv, 193-10 pp 2089-2D99. S.L.A. Scientific - Chmdfftz7 4rf ot3d Aug 55 el 11 Q=11tati" VerifleAtIon of Zirconium, by W. Bilt.-,s Mckleabarg, 4 pp. GEMS, per, Z AaW Chw,, Col XXV, No hl.. Oct 11, 1912p p 2110s $I^ ~7-2089 Sel. Jun 58 4 4- f77 Air Pollu #235 R-6525-D 3 Aug 67 I)LO IF der Va-da~Mg vm sti*=yd wid Byl DOMM=9 N. P=: Zdtachrift fur Angewindto ChMdQ JUIY 3D) 1918 pp 145-8 ( 4 pp ) Germa - eat ror vda: plenge tlvnalate and type 1 origLnal and I carbon cOPY- Documt = be cut, Watems of a 0"Gm xydride of 2bori=o Albert XIauber, A1114i N*U vm usumWool Pe OVMI p", Zolt Aw k my mdeaft CMNUP 19m) Vol CMIP pp 306-316. - CA "4bM31 a" ar 6o /or",g 7 Vol 21 go U Chromtc-metry and the jtpOrtnnc& of Phenonena of Fluorescence and Polarization for Mes,oure. centa.. by A, V. Iggorlo., 9 pp. I'MMAN? par, Z. AapW CU"j V91 X-Ujyj pp 565S 586Y 1921. SIA 32hg Sci. Cher Au,g 58 ~nnmkccl= at Eachorwits md Bodloj by F. Bazc!d[;. (MUNY Dort Z tgalusmoft Ou Vol ZVI* 1922j, pp 117-fi9. bvt MAerior in D= Or umma CM&ral ftpm-4-mmt statim MUsburght Pa. Tr n1 97 3-41 J'-r 5 9 DIStUUUDD of Agmu MtrIc Acid m0 ct IttrIc ACM - Sultarle AW Mixt -- i o Parts I md no by 2. swill 0. &Ummbwo Ok pp. Sm4 A~ ~kp Dws U W63L =it lb 50 4" l9as pp On-im, sme-Imalp- AW Tr 9W gas - cbmseftv .41711$l AW " &M/&~ Dr--couWasition of gtx~miveaj, by 0. Poppenbl=g. OmWI0 pr, zeitsebrutt fur Angew-adU Chein, Feb IM. worm us sw of vim* cevtr4 aq?or 8t& TIVtoof F49 Tr 1~2 8-ci - ohm 4AM 59 y fS4 9-/ On Mist Uplosiousl b7 P. FAIbwj 1, Wolff$ 13 VP- C,MMN,, per# A. L Ammudit Cbesic, Vol XXM, Va ;h IW31 im-7r3w3mi cu/jpm/x.nm ScientifIc - Cbmigtr!) FUJ 4 C.~,S/m I q. .1-1), t 4~ //1 *9 On U9diorsted or QqPpla DeUmmining the 1064 NdIIW d WN SM Oils* by L V. RdsimmA 00-0, v 39no WV vmwv" 7. Anew pp 5&59. atel an conou Gone" it 295 3CUUUM - Mwdot37 ~'141 M/M Prue 0,10 The Heocarebee of Harries in Various Fields, by F. Evers,, 13 pp. GM=, per, Z An=v Chanie, 28 Feb 1924, pp loi~- 110. mA Tr 2864 Sci - Chemistry I 'r'? S ) e-, ftb 58 The Hirri.~s Ileactiou, by R. Koetechau, U pp. ORM, rear, ~~ Schema 28 Feb iqLA4,~ PP 110-113- /I SrA 2862 1 Grol - ClrW."ry Peb 58 j - 9 // ~/ Swrics and the Ribber P=bZg=, by E. Fe=mbertf 8 pp WMj perj, Z AnW Chm) 28 Feb 199,, PP 113- U6. au 2863 Bei N&Y 50 4 ; Y/rd Is PA-w Ibibbar Ptu-tiany cryo- Ke B140 4 PP. W1124j, by J. R. JbU, affKa, Mr, Z Aopw Chm, J,4 My Mo pp 439.U1. MA 285T Bel MY 58 61, 7sf X-RAY Spectrograpble Observatiow = ambber wztb M=Wsralc r=um.. rwt 1, Are ths Diorma" Particles F"alloli"d Vbw 3fter U MOAbOpp W J- Be Ustsi K, BW# 5 pp. per.,_Z_ AMY 1-8 J= 'Mo %6. MA 2933 S~ )n Equilibria Between XetAL3.v and S*2tv In the Melt and )a a NOV FOM of the Law of Mass AcUoul tr rdobard Qrm, 7 pp. Ul translation. '-mWj par, Z. ARM, -am, Vol MIX, 1926, pp U-90. SOLSAO .'Cieutific - minerals/"tail 4&Y 1911-44*1 Jul 55 Alumieft racwopmdao,, by w. Pmoorf, 4 pp. GCRKAX, Vw. Z- Anom Cftbasip TC4 XXMS pp jy~o 143.0 xw - . I-,- - GIA 3295 Bel - ob" Am* 0 7d, j -a/ Itle CMC41nd Q~& 5Q!ld in w Lvw :.,% 12..Itkt tg~Ly CowtItuanta bX Boiliua With Activated Carbon, by I GMM) jwr, Zeitactrift fuer. Aasqr,.w%rdte Chemic, Vol XXXLV,, No 6.,"'1926., pp 194-196. ,5LA 59-17050 3cl .Tan 6o Vol 2, Ito 7 nAtUM a2d zbe Tonwiew maww naut, by Ur U, raW 0 21 ppa Olaut p"s ziunksa em 603"m iku"L-- Vol m , 1926, pp MW 1406-UII;- - S.L.A. Tr ~WJ6 &A - CbemUtry 34, F ?// Aug 19% I Rood Preswatives - Fluages =d bmsob Capovubt by R. PtIck, 3 pp. -L-Aft fbp MIUWAMM MOM mu pw# - .. f Aug lib mm - - - S.L.A. solouw1fu - chadAry -WI ff.V offt Gold In Cca V--I;crp by rrlts a mar., 420 am4x. 7-fMr Ap-gewsufte Chcmlo, Vol XL, 2927, pli . Uel CaU Res Lmg Ctr 3 0 T - 0 - 63 ~ 23 Wl - Zueth Gai & Mum I Cl- 6 inn a ,2 ~ 4, / Prepention of Conulose litnUe, by 2. BeAs S. Borkemfeld owwo,wo mumut bl!JM ON-16 T(a skis 19280 yp-130-132. SJ,A. Ir P401 ealwatMa - Obods" /V Ad7 CM/M 0 Ifttoarythritol letranItrate &a a Ktl4-t3-v7 Mxplo- alvej by A. 01 vlVoadw. axwo, p4w. 1 rclew Ammatmocate cbemq Val ISWJ pp T16-7300 too of utulor us BW at Nina oantmi swonviamt stsum PittebwOm Pa. Tr IA Mom V 7 ~,, MSY 59 Pbowl BOODTM7 Fm the Ou LiqUers of Oak* O"Rep by Paul HowdjV, 15 pp. FUU trMalation. 0120"s plowv 2041,-WWIM Vol Em, 1929v JW-32-543L. SA.A. Sciestifie - Cbwdstr7 Mw Imdutry Of 04 OIIWUP * I- OdWMGWO 2 PP, ~h DWS zavm sem!!! sun"# T" 9=1I 19290 0 5US51#06 SIA Tr W~o4, W7 Sol - cbm W 1957 4da a // .1 CoWrdal ProftCtloo ot Mqdr= AIMIM Clilorlftp by Ce ItuarsUrs 9 pp* Mup Pero Z fim lapv Mao "I X=jp 1930. 8XA Mr W;Am ad - Cbm J-,O, / J/ 40 &157 Preyantion or Gipa v7 wrovus " xftvune ChImi&* by H. Ribi N. Utior to ~m MM VOL Xl=t toft-Im. 1930.p pp 2 . ~00 , I $LAS Tr PWI Scientific - Cbemlbtry CM/= / Y, o2 613 The Tacbnological VAnufacturs of Rbenlum, by W. Falt.v 7 VP - G"--'OXM, per, Z. Angew Chemp Val :1, 1930, vp 459-462. SIA 57 -3087 Sel Aug 58 71,377 The SeNration of MW Gases by Adcorption on by Drt Peters, Kurt Wail, 11 pp. GOM, per, Z. AWw Chemie, Vol X(-TTT, 1930, 612. S.L.A. Tr Jlo 482/1955 Sci - Chcalctry, Jan 1957 MAN OV n-Conwating A"Casso of a RM "ObadmIn OWaftaftoUn Dedna by 1, RIO&. amm, per# zjd~HWa ft uAvjgggft Og"- Vol Us IM& pp Tiz-734. P6119702 Sol Dog 60 3711073 Suadies cm gqloslm ct Ammla-Alr w4 A=mU- oven mixtw" (vith Owaidemuce of Rio bitila Pmswes)v b7 N. R. "ftwk# B. Doriv& 17 pp. Cbmmle, Vc4. XV, GIA Tr 26A to 1":-2 Sol - Ch= APr 2,957 ptepantim of Pao adelm &ad Hapolu crudzda aw the --P-- Ubr4- ar the AmeUem MOW .0 932 2 CAU61moff-) + OD a I_# by go L hooks ?=Mw owns zoaw- am* Vol MOM)a rx-M. zm~w mr a T 47A scienufic - cbmistry In*= A~v Q n,igta I YOUM97 ILM PxGume In CqAIUQ7 a& aqua" MWAVU7 6ame 1923* by 0. Modwip K. Odlaw OEMs Pro WtBdUlft AnM Cbsci* Vol nV,, lc,31, 7p 391-395. D.L.A. Tr pba 604cattlu - ObOwAG%97 M/M Z/Zj /V. 02 7 7 #4 Chounnical Probi in the-- German Posu Office, by 0- I!aehnel.. 9 pp - GEMNs per,, Z Ar4,,ev_Ch=, Vol XLIVt No 51v Dee q .19-us PP 973,w9lru-o wA 58-342 sci Jul 59 9 '?" '7 ? 3 Udised C:rbou as hvtoatim Aggbgt VarM Poisining, by Alfhd Stock OEMUN, per, Zeit AWY.Cbd34 Vol XLVII, 1934, p 64.. ABC Tr 2368 Saleutific - Ghmistrys, MadiuUm Pob 56 CTS/dex 30 3 T The Chemintry an4 Physiology of the Andmoterone Group, by K. Tcchernim&, 13 PP. GMiANA pt~,) L~2~~ Dal XLTXI no it 193*1 up 11-16. SIA Tr 2949 17"el - chemiL"t-r %j Feb 58 '7,227 Pmftetlcn of Furfurel aid law-Pfttomm Pulp 7r= Red Snob# by G# jamo 14 pys GOWs Pr, Z AMW CMo...30 5/6p 194T# PP 150- - --.. CA 2635 ftl aw 58 /, _q, ~~ 6 ilhe Fiayai,:a aud, C-UmIntry or V"hluG, b~ 4. 24 I)p - GI=4.!F,. per,, L.~Oew Cbea., Vol U111, No 13-14,, 1950# PP 305-3-U. 31A 157-3065 sci Aug 58 7/1 sP 61-19913 I h0N' MW!kkJCW-PE SIIJUY 01, 'M Wit- 1. Wiladurf. IL FACL 01' 1.1 ON~;A I I) IIJKL AMMINVNI, fil. XWmaia-Volladurf. a (iw,ij (it fig-, jr4im. I tAulupl) Oder Ir4mu M-A $1. W 61 - ISVII I I-, I.( Y-t-1114N f- Avog--U~ rhy.ak (164-4 V. 4 1 rmo, I i I P~ a5-01. . Skngk~ octyw,,k. Ci ybul biructure, Odurmationt. N11 .14UM16 JI)IIIII71,104 10f 11W d9'IffII0nAk.FI CJ IbCjhICk- ."I .';' L.w.,U:C, Loctween the 111twIlAik Lotallp --'k. :4, ~ojj C~_ tt'. "'rooor~ Up;wo, f,, i.- min I.Wsagsiraiw A "-C da, kW.. Aftl o". J ;R I I %1., 1, IA, P; Ine viJ Jot OIOHIPI~v 1. - .14 t14 '' Ia cclI 1. " c:"' '4 0., hp u Ow.. oo, T 6-1 t' ';.~Uvt rk-4 (A..01 a) St?-paratinn o." Molybden!na ---rom Pleavy Metals by Peano T lReGiiii~, 1-i P. Element. vF4U-',V11j y:r, krill! (IM, Vol C)G.D`VI) No 1, ril 17-2-5. 326,6 (If more reque-sts, ar-c, vecvlv.~d) Ch,~n May