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Raman-Spectr= Investigation of Some Acetylenic Alcohols al"d Uleir Acetic Esters) by M. I. A. A. AkhTem, 5 1)',0. Pmm'=!, per, 1z Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Xhim Naifli, NO 12, 196o, P.P 2201-2207. CB Sci May 6)2 194,5o4 chlorlwtiola ana and tM Rmn Spectm or Raqpu-afttlWb*d VbQw- ItrIdLU"al2am"j'by At' DO fttmwo, V. A. %=Wxaztkox A& D. ftqpm.. A. D. Yat"ymt P. A. Sokolows 5 PP. itt"Luq Pap nw Gbdmb maul Vol X:=o 110 as Cca-batauft Poftu Bel - Chom Oct 38 .71 'o a a 2r Raman-Spectrum Investigation of the Conformations of the Cyanohyarins of Some Cyclohexanone Derivatives., by M. I. Batuyev,.A. A. Akhrem, 4 pp. RUSSLUT, per, Iz Ak Nault S99R, Otdel Iddm Nml~, No 10, 1961, Pp 1813-1815- CB Sci ju.i 62 2050417 Lmatigatiou of the C-H 3=4,,; of Mlexo 911a- and Disilc-Tl~rdrocarzbons ContnivAugg SiUcon-fttaahad (2ilwim and Their (1-1c.-co Dorlmtivno In CO=.ctim vith Fe anU ar lAt-Arv-, Goo~.--ioa In the Chl&xination of These Compour4o; A. Pononnzor-%o~, A. D. lPlJ-Sl,W-AV~ ter, lz Ak Nauk BSSR, Otdel Malm nw'.' uo ~, i958. m) Mnm-~`~Zk '9P ,-/P0.,3 61ronaultaulto Daraai~ Sci Atr 6o in-'-votication of the confor- matic--D af Gin- azd -2-Motilyl- Yi -A- A- j)Lhrcm; A- Xazarov,- N, pp. 3 Vauk GLSSR; OA0. Dim ).~,53, 1389-13M. 14 z Ila e7 T Me Ramn Spectrum of Roxach1wobutadiew., 1. Batuyuvp A. D. Matvayevs., 3 pp. Mllsrm, PC-,r, rz A ftuk..B$BR,, Owl Dim No 13; 3-958j, pp -1393-1394- 6D The Pr bl:.m of' Conjugation in Benzenel by 2-1. 90 Batup !~~-ToSL,py P,-,r.~ Zhur Obsi~~ i6lra~ Vol M111Y NO Ili 1053; PP 3147- con-sul-tants Bureau Sci Der, 59 Pa=-Scpact.rum Investigatioa of the Equatorl'-61 anO. Axial Carbaql Groups of Swe Subatituted Cyclo- , yj A~ A. Ahi-em; A- D- hoXa:u,w,, by IL I, MtuX W-tvcycvua 4 pp. RUSMI., perp Iz At Haut OSSE6 Mel Khim Haukp No 9; 1959j; pp IM5-1667- OB Bei may 6-1 le,:=n-Spectr= lavestisation of Us Omformtionz of cl.s- ancl TLvm-1 by DL L .v3-DIL rl-4q--qY-* A. A* AWo% A. Vo Nowamitaldyj, 3 pp. ~~OSSM; per It Ak Hauk SMp Obdel MLim Nauk, HD 9s, -959-P pp 0-16700 CB Aiy 61 Optical 1=423tipti-cm of IntermolecuLar hetion BeWeat bi &a Cl,, by ~..L Datupys V.A. Ponomrenko, A.D. Mtvqmrs, A.D. bnegwfa, i -pp. RWOTAN9 per., It Ak Nauk 660, Mel Xhim Nauk, )10 41, 19570 pp 515-516. CoomlUats Bureau cwm 59 RKM Lme"lptAou of the Strucum of UNPA, IWWtWW Folp"al by K. 1. latwm? A. P. AshOm7gwva A4 D. 9w". . Is Ak luk amp, Ot&I main vauk, It W, ;V 75-84, 801 - Chm MY 59 gr6, ? 0 / I vie Fmblera C:e mxpeximentsl, mvp tha a%W r- by M. I. &--turv"Tra Pp, M, por.. Zhur Cbohch Dmimp Vol XWIP Wo 7y 0111 1936A 0=6ultents DIMEXU 06 optical Study of the Effect of the Hydrogen Bond on Coujugation in Acrylie and Methacr7llc AcIdo) by M. I.-Batuev., A. S. Onishebenko: A. D. Matveyeva, 5 PP. RUSSIM, per, Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol XXK, So 2) 1960) .PP 657-661. A CB sci /:57- 6 may 61 Physical Basis of Us Reaciivity 'of Carbonyl Compoundes by M6 I* Batuqv pp. RUSSIM,, per,, Iz At Nauk AW,, Otftl IUM IQUkp No 11j, 1956: pp 1329-13414 Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem ifin 58 '~----rmination of the Individual ffyftocarbon -~=pasjtjon of Gesollines,,by the Combination Methoa., .~=unlcatlon 2, '-Tvo Gaaclines J?rom KawnbuUk Aroleums) by B. A. Kazanskyp A. F. Plate, fs W ift- I lova, A. L. Liberman , M. 1. Ra 'Rul-emcva, G. A. Tarwovap 110%, b1to per. 1z Ak Rwk Do 21 consurwAts Burcau Chea4stry tkY 55 CTS/M The V. V. Harkovnikov Rule for the Addltlcw of Kyftogen Ulides to UnsymetricaUy Substituted sthyieneo., by m. x. Bstu;~m, 6 pp. RUSSIAN., pwo Zbor Obobch Khim., Vol MM,, So hp 1957,, pp 876-ft - coofmItauu aweau Sci - Chem Aug 58 6 7, -->- -/ 4/ Optierl InvesUgalt-A-Dn of the 1131-11 %'Z,,nd and emi. Peculiartles in its Ch , cal Behavior ;Lm Various Cozkpounds, by M. 1. -v A. D Petrov, if. A FonomrZ:*o, A. D. ve Va. 8 pp. RUSSIA% = perj Iz Alc Ilauk 'auk,, _0 9~ 10aim N WO 10, 1950") pp Conm1tant-a Bureau Bel - C~emistry a Jan 58 SpectroscapIQ Inve8tigution ,9 -EMxdnAtIon Reactims of M. I. Z"t~s_y.. A. D. Petrov., matveyevao 10 pp. of Fact~ra Conditioning N-HalodUqUilanee, by V. A. Ponmarenko, A. D. BMW$ mo per, 7hw Obahch Kbim,, Vol xm, No a, 1956) PP 2336-2345~-- Sel. - Cbr-n Dee 57 Consultants Bureau ~f Ra=-Spectrtm Investigation of Alkylprmanium Chlorides in Relation to Certain Pecu3.jaritias in Their Chemical Behavior, by M. 1. Batayevy Ve As Ponomareako,, A.. D. Matveyevas G. Yh-.- fte-hkova.. 9 pp. RUSSTM9 Per, Iz Ak Nauk 3WRj Otdel MUm Nauk, 110 j2p 1959., pp 2226-2236. CB Bel Oct 60 Detemination of the Individml Ry6roaarbon Coupooltiou of Oasolims by fto Combimtlou Motholi Commalcation 3 - Surekban ftsolinesjo ~ by B - A Kmusky,t G. B. Landaborg, A. F. PlAtes, A. L. Libermup B. A# KlkbaylDTmp Pa A* ftXbMlluj, K- I- .BQZ*VO 8 - A. Mollup- T. 7 - Bu]Anmp G. Ao Tams=j, 10 pp. RMSIAN,, bimp per Is Ak Nauk B=j QW1 Dim lauk, NO 21 19548 D .151309 7e Cowdtants sumu Scientific - Cbwdetry ON 67/APr 55 (NY-ma) Poteutials of Single NOM cens of rras splul Gw*lia After RWthula Stful'sUms by A A. A, Lev, r. v.j~a, 23 im. RMSrN, pro T*ItW4sb%* Vol VMI No 5a, Sep-0--t Iwo pp 545-559. im 22m2 BOL Af 7.. Au mmr 62 The Pharmacology of Ajuga GenevensiaL by T. 1. Baturenko, T. G. Yakunina, 2 pp. ;T RUSSIM, per, Farmakol i Toksikol, Vol 11, No 2, 1957) PY 52- Consultants Bureau Sci - Med Apr 58 ~ Iz , 15 P- ? Optical Inmtigation of S= VIwl Ethers of Drban- olamines, by Me Pa ShostAlwsivp He__Ia Ba:Wevlp Ie As Chekalepvas A. D. 9 6 pp. y 114~ RUSSM, b1mo per; Iz Ak Nw.*,Sw8 umal, mlim. nwkr 1b 31 thY-Jkm 1955,# PP 544-5w� us*% ti jy;~w Conmatents Bm-mu usm Scientific - Chemistrv NOV 55 MS/DMC OAK 5ynthesls of tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide and tert- Butyl Peroxide, and Their Optical Investigation in Relation to the Problem or the Structure of Hydrogen Peroxide, by A.Y. Meshcheryakov, Fie I, v, A. Do Matveyeva, 6 pp. *4 . . Full translation. RMUE, bino per, Iz Ak Nauki"6tdel Xhim Nauk, lio 1. Jul/Aug 1955., Pp_'r42-_749f. 4 Consultants Bureau Scleatific -.Chemistry Mar 56 CTS/dex tical lwmr,. irtion of TetraeMlsilane wA ilaws and the vior of ation w in Cblorin. by U. D, feilvv, V.A. Ponomarenko, A. D. Mstve-yeva, RUSSMN,, per Iz No- 9p SeP-4957-o sat"O Scl. .. Chen. Ad 51 Ak Nauk SSSR 001 KhIm Rauk, PP 1070-101 Consultante Bureau Thi Simultaneous Cowersion & Cyclopentene into Cv-lc~-qant-ane and Cyclopaiatadiene in the Presence of by A. F. Platv, 11. T. Bqttv :ZIA"I, per, Zhur Obahch,;-l--. nim, Vol XVI,.v-x uo 6: 3.916 PP, 605-310., -S C- 1 16--, Lib Hydrocarbons of tba (~Ajopotitmua Beriec With a "W - aouble Bond in the Side Chaiup by As F, MAtes P. W. Bba.Prauj ~--At.4mm, - IkUSSW,, per, Zhur Obahch Milms Vol xxt Wo 3p 1950v pp 505-511. conoultants D=au chromium Catalysts In U Aramti"tionp by A. IN plate# No L Bat MSBUN, Wrt V01 UX* No 7j, 194% PP 1305-1308- CTA D 151398 Res Info Sv R.545 Set - Chemistry Jan 1956/CTS No Tf 53 Nassau St., Nev York 5,, N,Y, Chromium C$talvst8 in IK D4&llyl AromtIzation., by A. F. Platep Mo 19 Bat*V- )~ i., - -11-1. - MIMM, %or, Dok Ak-SU.-NS4-W_R-# VOI LIXs So 7, 1948* pp 130-1308. CIA D 15IN8 Res Info,Sv R-545 Sci - Chemistry . -~ df JAMQ M" 77 34.1 '~-a I The Hydrogemtion of Cyclic 14%Uv=bcms. Paxt, Vjrj The HYdrogmaUou of Trans-4 2- and Truns-10-di- metbAcycloPeatbne In the Pms=e of Platin=- Activated Carbon, by B. A. Kazwoklys Z. A. Rumiantem,, U. 1. MWIO.. bim per, Iz Ak Nauk Mp. _Otdel Khim Nauks x f RO 5o 194,7,, PP Tau'wmrism and Dual Reactivity, by M. 1. Batayev. 4 pp. WMXMj, per., lz Ak Nwlk S&M, Otdel Ehim Mauk, 1959,v pp 2036--2040. CB sci - May 61 1,5-3 6 ~* 6 sPectrum of 1., 5-Hmcadien-3-Yna., by K. ". Betuyev, A L P. Mahchuyakovp A, D. Vatveyeva.0 3 pp, - 1051418 perjo It AX lhuk Way oulel mim lbuko No ao o59; pp 1435-1". CB 3a i - ~,-y 61 7 7S--' lta~-Spectrlm luvestwion Of the Omform-Wma of Cis and Zmas YAtbyl 1-%*=W-3-YAthylc7dlohexmG- carboxylatea., by M 1. Dapi ,_._Zwp A. A. Akhramp A. V. IMS100 poro Is Ak lbuk SSSR.. OUIOI DIM lbuks ID 3s 19590 pp 5%-558- CD oci - my 61 /5- 3 The Oxonjum TheM in the Light of an Optical 6tudy of the Hydrogen Bond in Sme 140n0vinyl IthOrs Of GlycolB and Polyglycols4 by M. F. ahoatakmky, M. 1. BiLtuyevs P. V. Tyupayevo A. D. X Kafteyeva, Pull trMlAtIon. fWSWj blM pew* Is Ak Otdel Khlx lauk.- No 6,v 195k.. PP CIA C 41022 C Baeau Scientific - Chemistry mar 56 cTs/dex Th-- Hydrogena on of Cyclic gydrocarbww,~ Part :EX. 'rhe Rydrogenation of 1.1-Dinthyl-Cyclopentaue in the Presence of Platimw,-~Mtivated Carbonp by 'a B. A. Kazanskilp Z. A. teevas K. 1. Bat V. 1 -4 RMSW, per, is Ak Nauk SSSR, Mal Kh1m Nauk, No 5.. 1947p PP 4834564--- Res Info 8v R-566 8ci - Chamietry Jan 1956/CrS No T7 7 53 Naagau St.# Nev York, NaYo investigation of the,.-#,~-Interaction at LOW Fnergy by the Chow-Low Method, by Yu. A. Datum, S. A, Bunyatoy, et al, 6 pp, RIBSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Tooret Piz. Vol XLV, No 4, 19630 pp 913-920. Amer Inst of Phys Soy Phys - JEW VOIXVIIIM No 3 Sci t,pr 64 'Irf nrA To-perature Dependence of the Gap in a Superconductor By F 0 G.,. %tjov pp, 5 RUSO T pj~ 6;- , par, Z-hur Roper i Tearet Fiz,, Vol XLIVp Y.o 22 1963; pp. 710 - 716 Amer Inst of %~ys Sov PIWs - J-FTP Vol XV11". flo 2 501 ? Aug 63 ~)-,ven-Yncl, Ple2i Of P-zngmn.. by A. G~ 17 RUG ,TTJ[r IM04 Problez-2 Boo, an Electrolynamics, bY V. V. I - : ~-. Top -t - La7GI-Q; RUIS;3LU, mono.,-r-ph, 1961. *Gox,,Ioii anill Breach 3c ~, 1.6 -111,--[) 6~-) Vol -.11 , T' ,o 7 . j,,-,,~jjstjc Collislana buVwoen Fau4 Folari.7.-ef~ Z'-tti. Cleo ana At';CM3, byV j. RWSJAW~ mr, Zhur Ekspar i Teoret Fiz, Vol a No .1 (11 !95'~ pr 1372-1378, Amer Inst of PIVs sav P'ryc;,- =,I Vol WFUTT (1.01, Sci aun 6o -Eydroaarbions of tha C~Pclopsntana Berics Vith a V- Double Bond in the Side Chmiu. TI. Virw1c7clopentanop by A. F. Plate, P. N. Sbafrang M. 1. LUtWMv 117 MMUH., perv Zhur Obahch PUZ Vol XXt No 3s mar 195G. pp 412-479- Conaultants bwmu Scientific - CbmIstry q Problems in Eloctn4yawdog by 2 V,6 V, Batydn Is N. Toptygin, RUSSIANN, A, 1964. Academic Press I ;:nd~ .. :'. 4- v V 6~-r"1(7~lkl S CA May 66 3019,177 VDI T"6 0. SuXual Nuclej During ifertiliza-VI-Ou Tile FU510'a L jMaM.jqa%rashjnCLj T in Grasses.* bY Garas-- Bat,YS'Ma) RUSS,W, Piro DOk Ak r4auk SM) VOL CXX'V) No 1959, pp 223- - AM sci -, Biol M Oct-, 59 The Complex Copper %Its of a,-Hydra.Vacids, by A. V. Abloy and D. G, Batyr, 7 pp- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur 149orgm Wim, Vol It No 2p 1956, pp 251-256. AV-tr-4583 PL4480 301 ~VY, Fief Jan 62 (~ Sait-- of -liydrox,,,,' ACIC163, b'," Grrflpl-,~~): ... Op ZbUTMal tefjl'eSD Kil iv Ic!56, pp 'Q'495 - 1 nr-Tr-t'6~-5' PL-486 A Moromethod for the D4ermination of Sugars by Meaas of the Copper Compound of Trihydroxyglu- tsxia Aoido by A. Vo Ablov# Do Go Batyr, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Anal Mxim, Vol XV., No 1, 1960, pp 112-114. CH Soi / 1~ -~' / / Z- Aug 61 Complex Copper Salts of a Rydroxyacids,, I)y A. V~ Ablov, D, G.,.~atva, 7 Ppa RUSSUN. per, Zhur Neorpa Xhim, Vol I, No 11, 1956, Ipp 2469~-W4,~ ABC.-Tr-4692 PL-480 ,4'1'1" "'a 0 Sci Jun 63 Determination of Sugean by Dirett TitratIon With aD Alkaline Solution of The Copppr Complex of Trthy- droxyglutaric Acid.0 by A. V. Ablovp D. G. Batyrg 6 PP. --- RUSSUR9 ~ Zbir Anal Mdap Vol XV, No 61 *60p PP 734-73r. sci CB 16--9 72 3 Aug 61 Quantitative Dotmination of Reducing SuSen b%-? Means Of Coxor Tr p by A. V, Ab2mj 0. . VPG RMUN, por, Mc Awlit mako Vol XtIo go 6o, 1957o vp 749-753. consultmts Burm Sci, - Chem Oct 58 7,5- ,f / 6%0 X-3000 (DC-28W/2) 1~3ke Frrc a Ship, Train for aWp., by P&ar Adm A. ~2~eL 4 pp.. RUSSIAN, np, Sovetakiy Plot, Moseov, 21 Dec 1958. aRS -797 -D Usm Mil jai 59 9/' ~ e '// A uUiversal. PIctut for the Auto-tic MUG- Shielded Arc Welding of RotatRble jointp. J,-n Sinall D-lameter Tubular'Caamor,7AU, by V. '01 SilliMU) YaL 1. UT!Sjpeu;vvk, Batyrf;!v, 1~ pp Z Russjfiji, I%vtomat )-96o, 57-61. ~MRA. 61 Interaction Between Electrons and Lattice Oscillation! in a Normal Metal, By E. G. Batyev, V, L. Pokrovskiy, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLVI, No 1) 19640PP 262-268, Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - JETP Vol XIX, NA 1 Sci- Aug 64 2651254 Some Theoretical aad FLao-tical Problems of Credit in the LISSH, by V._~~t . 1 6 pp. yyqy RUGSIAN, per, Voprosy Ekon, No 10, 195,9, pp 58-69. Interntl Arts and Sci Press Problems of Economics Vol UP No 3.1 USSR Econ 741~a~ am 6o Vacuum X-Ray Spectrometer with Ionization Recording, by V. A._~~rev, V. G. Bogdanov, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXV, No 8, pp 933-935. CTT Sci Aug 62 214,5,~-,3 Ow 2m) no Dry Wa vaac$Aufdp by D* re morovp As At Batyrm 0# No Nocherymp 32 pp, ==v rMSIANo bim pwv ILID 10Q,, U004P Oitfaw I CWP= U-93.46 Scl - UsUcim.. lwiar#AbloloLqf li-4-cwglvwla~ U.w quot44itu C.", 'A ('~, -#, , t ir-nIturp Liv '.'u* lie J;awl yuvo .10 op or silo v laititj" . ;A .. 4!0 40-44. 690 W7 C.X t3, The Signifiean e of the Site of Weation of Antipa in the Famation of Antibodies, by I. F. pe" 4 pp. MWTAN# w per., Z_bur_XiluV' pjpj..__4~ J Immm6biol., Vol XWM, No 3y 1957- Pergmn Fmas Sci, - Medicine Oet 57 (I'DD 27V-A) Mie Olvametwiatics of Cultures of the Causative Agent of Antbmr Ormm at Different Tevpmtureop by I. F. Bmt~mk, 7 Vp MJMWJ m pa Zbw Mikroblol, 1==biol,v_ Vc& X=., No 3.j, Nwaovy 4m pp 19-P2. CIOM U-&59 t= Sci - Madicim,, antbM 9A Use of Granulated Wastee From the Chemical Indim-try H. ia. Paliyen'-, for Co-ibmAting Weeds, by V. F..~tyqk V. P. -~Uva--Cmnj 41 pp. r IMSIAN, -,ter, Plasticheoldye Massy,, No 2, 19611. -pp 1-2. ip-;Lq 10T95 Sci - Chem wov 61. 7V1 -2,30a' h-VI-5226) %AOV Fo2,vwra in FAm Fields, by V. P. Aq~t~.. 4 pp. RMIAN,, per,, Nauk i Zbyttyas No 10 (115)l 1960.. PP 28-30. JPRB 6950 uWR //~&, o 1, Le Scan - Agittelattwo ~ T7 Apr 61 v0! 59 by oer roblemil Of tftln T- 26 Jul. 1.96op 27 Mil Dec 60 r.-m - (Do Xwortant Phase of PArbY Activity (DCBAV Work in TatArslays ObUwt).o by S. Utypy; 4 ppe RWIMO npp SavetskV fttriat, 92 Jun 1960.. 1? 2. JM 6038 UWE Nil Oct 60 Generalized Angioplastic Endothelial sarcom in a Ntient Who bAd Received an Intra- Arterial and Far-a-Arterial lWaction of Thorotrant 112. Years Deforep by L. rrublizg, Ch. M. Gros,, Ao Batzmc jML 6 ppe mm, per; Bull du Cancer, voi nn, 1955, Pp 559-563- mm 6-9 Sai - Med Jm 59 -Procedure for the Treatment of Animl Hides, *--y H.-Butzer, B. J. Grunowald, 5 ;,1- GMAN, Patent 951, 953j, :.-J~ Nov 195~6- %A 6o -14978 Sci mw- 6z lovWUogtloM MOW US StrAttWO W IP-V*Co bY go Ditsw " A, ftnbo (013=0 imp. I askols" condop no 1/2p 1957jp pp 131-W, Oato 62 I stunes Tw 220dantsom or me stmrbim Of lalyVilvi ChIM160 by 9.-!!!m a" A* KOO - 4 1 a"=$ pw,, -~ . P matakals" G*dsp Val mall 1102/2 .fte , 1957, im 131-136. oet. 62 Divesl;iuatioas to ExPlain the GItructm-c of Polyvinyl Chloridep by Hmo Bant-,z,r) AnLoa Iflach, 1-9 -_r)p. WLI,M., prr. Wtrmolokulare Chemie; Vol MI, No 1/2, )-1;5i, p-p 111-a,46, 59-15945 Sci - Chcm D e c 5,r4 Vol 2, NO 4 lag -y3 x layeatigatiwa to E)ZAala the Structum of Fo4vinyl Cbl,Or;Lde.s W HmA kU--Orm,-Antou Mach., 19 pp. GMURP per., K6kk=oleWllaW Chemieo Vol ljo j/ 1957j, pp 131-146. %A Sci - Chemistry Nov 59 Z:5- Tx7pin ThamjV of Surgica Tubut4aelep by wuhsla Dutsmrjp 30 P. ORWIp pwp Arab ftw KUn Obir,. =1 Vol =lr., No 10 pp 89-ul. MA 60-IOW39 ftl Apr 60 1 // "X voi nit No 3 Car O-C t!AQ EMI-asioll of i3oa DIOXI 1e by -idle I-eaves uf Satpr Beet* in lAght, by A. S. Okftwnkop D. M. Gmlzinuldyp Vb P- PvtJwc., 3 ijP- RUSHAN pcz, Duk .,' . As Mult 06"R) Vol Mal, no 6~ :L~j6oj pp )-46o- Amer In..t of Riol Sai sci - 11 J-- itm 61 'L Blm-NAP,n Nkrmeta-rs for Autowtic C=tinuous Feedera, by M.. M. ~~Su 3 PY. RLOSLU, por: Friborostroyemiye, No 120 ig6o$ .pp 6, 7 . Taylor Ck Francia Sci Jun 61 . -7 ? ~, -~,rwwtdcn iy t~oric-dllc '~!X.Tt 'Aull to tlv~ :;'Amatial 'I. Dall&i. (TiLy 4M-SLL Gra=& Moke Coile as a Protectlan AgaUmt Grmad Currents and Over-Voltages.. by R, Bituehi 43 PP- MMM, pero E1ektrotech__Z_x_. Vol XLII~ 2,, go Jim 1921l pp 588-591j, -61~2E~-- MA 57-2249 Sci may 58 ZY"214 Mnganesa Pmspacts and Dqoslts in pron.-h Zq=, torial Africa,. by L. Bauda 25 pp SPANISHO MM rptp Internatl0ml 000108it:~ Congmse (No P-G) Maxicop 1956, MiAganese symposl=, Vol Il,, p 9-28- MA 59-10463 Sci - Min/met Sop 550 Vol 2 j flo 2 Yhotopa.pby in the Service of the Tpwo- imtry of Fo2srisation OpUcay by H. V. Bav4q GMMMI per, NaturvisseuschaftUche Pm&4hau -kor 3.954, pp 1.51-155. Cem sci - Ebts -/I 73k * Jul 62 ~O Stress and Stability ConditiMs During lx)penslon and Shrinkage of Coatmgs, by R. V. Baud, 10 pp. GmM.. no per., Bctm is Arch Angew Wiss u Tech, Vol XX, no 10,, ' BIA Tr 57-W Sci - Engineering J- 3, 3 1,414 Sep 57 Pb,voical Bacis of Ultravonice and TheIr Use in Testing of Materielej by R. Y4 Eaudw 14 ppo GWMB# per# Schwelserls;he --- Ikueltungs Vol UMIN )Z0 .140 I'-a5-,-19D. 10A.Z. F"Ubwoush Tr 286 Scl - Pbyalco,, acoustics 36,~ 56 7 jui 1956 A Systemtic Study of World Alumina Supplios in 196o, by G. A. Baudart. imsocn2 per., Re-" de va=ini=~ rcb i961,, HO 2aj, pp 195-198. Dept of Interior 07 357 No 448 / 7 -?,, Y -7- 6, sci - mn/vnt Nov 61 wozia surwy of by G. A. Baudart, 2L IqRmmp T"f Raw do I'A""Xas Vol xullp .2p 4 orld Wide &-Qaoadc Got lgrA CM./dam Puification of PanicUlinuse from BBCIUU9 Colvwp by BaOets P.,, and Ragemsunp r..' GEMN, per, &%parlentia., Vol 10., 1954,, PP 374-376. SIA Tr 3144 set Jun 58 Ira 6 -4/1 ? S 7 Ultra-YAcro-DatmTAmtion of the Total Nitro- ipu in PolypepUdcu,, and A=Ino-Aclas, Isolatad Ream Chromt*grms or Ilea Drogm" 011, Payer, by 1. Cba#buUes. GMMj Ms FalveUes Mid= AcU., Vol XL.- No 5,s 1957., PP 16U2-1620. carao hug sa - Chem Air 62 t0 vets Atrust by FMM,, pari Rem te Wwwo RatlonsUr C" 19A IV, 1567-IM. Awlt X-3w F"Imb weat lerlea ceou Apr Hydralys-1-s of Uranium Monucarbide, by !,x Mm Rmatot Cl- Baudin J. Be-Ison, 6 pp" - t=L~ FRENal, pcr, Comptes Rendus, Vol CCUVj 1962, pp 4179-413A', 9060031 AE,C-t.r-5353 sci - Chom . . c)-; 7, J/ 7 f P-43 c 6 2 Electrolytic Depwitnion of Bickel on Uranium., b,vj%_BaudI". Cbauvin,, R. Corious J. Harep 12 pp. - FRMp CPA-&5 rpts 1959- Am np Tr-436 sci - min/met 26 Apr 61 JA / 7,z?d ~I j Phosphatiestiol) 1M thO SOIV*At Ph"elp by J. Baudla. f~ k 4U2M. per# Corrosion et ant cormalon, vailv, No TP 19%s pp 232458. Sal. A% 59 47 d;t -5' 450C 5 J~ on,!; of tht~ r1 10. u - I, -L c 2, C iiu PA*n-gtwItIov. of tha ReIntiotanUip Betveem arstiai struAtwe avid biocatalytte slrorrtles of Allorropic Ircm Oxidosp by Dakar Boaftech. VOWBVUD OERMANs parp BertIthte der Dautsebse Chej~~Q* Occallsehafti, Vol LXXP So 2* 1937, VP 210-.' 43, Jkvy 1962/ML 69T pive us 59 62-10131 Baudisch, Oskar Lind Holmes, Stewart. HYDRAZINE. HYDRKIT, ON 1. Baudisch, 0. SPECTRALLY PURL' IRON OXIDES PREPARED BY 11. Holmes, S. DIFFERFNI, W-1-111ODS. 119611 9p. (footnutcs Omitted), Available on loan frum SLA 62-10131 Trans. of BQr[ ichtel (Germany) 1937, v. 70, p. 223-M. ff-,SCKIPFORS~ lroncornp~)tirid, 0xicivs, Hydrazine hydrate, llydrau:s, Chunucal rcacOons, (Unanflounc-i) 62-10261 Baqd scb, Oskar and Wole, Lars A. L_ HYSTERE95-MEASUREMENTS AS A MEANS OF 1. Baudisch, 0. ASCERTAINING THE FINE STRUCTURE 017 FERRO 11. Wale, I- A. MAGNETIC COMPOUNDS. 11961116P. (5 figs. I table omitted), Available on loan frorn SLA 62-10261 Trans, of die Naturwissenschaft[ent (Germany) 1926, v. 14, no" P. T.- DESCRIM'ORS-. Perromagnetic materials, Magnetite, Microstructure, Hysteresis - t; , . (Unannounced) Offic..1 T.cfiakl $-,I on tbe Reaction of g&azine gydrate ou Spectro- scopical.ly Pure *gvetIc Iron Oxides Produced In Vtiriou4 Saltis~ by QaIQ-w B"uaisch, St6wart Holm# UNCLASSIF OBRW,, per, Berichte der Deutschen Cbemischen Gesellachaftp Vol LXXI No 21 1537p Pp 223-227. Navy Tr 1919ARL %I Wc 58 Phoophorus Ccqpom&- In, %he Rman Spectra of some Fsters or phosphoric and Phouphorcus ,A(!JU) by pl. BaudUr. 22 pp- ------------ - --- 1~ amikIl. per, Zeltsobrift fur Elektroahadep Vol LU: X 1955Y PP i73-IC4- SLA 6o-~34,50 Vol Vo No 5 6 jui 61 160.015t Phospbatesca of Blood Corpuscles Active in Acid Medium (AcId Fwspbateves)i 'by J. Rocbe) Rguycu-van Thaal, j. naudoin, 4 pp. Fall ltx=islation. FMCH, per, Compton Readus Acad Scl, EUX= Vol CCXV, 1942-, CU/ft/X-1005 Scientific - WIcim Aug 53 CTEI/IDM el7g-g!~