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Mac4aulfim. of 6enalitizirg Effect Oi o ~il n mtlm,~Mjlhle RfhuUiCMl1j by A. P. Zbdrmov~ A, L, kiy., I . V. Ryzbkova., L. 1 . Shm RW,qlllf~, ptx,, Zhm Nauch i Prik Yotog i Mera&tog~ vol lll~ No 4p 1958, pp 281-252. CIAIM A'-^-657 NOT IMIRASABIZ 'TO FORIGN NATCOW"w"'i Be-") Fy Ul-;rr; interpretatloa of Experlpente Hade on the Increase in ue spw. or iguolear Photoemphic mail ions With Trietbwalamineo by A. P. Mganovs A. L. Kartuzh=kiy,, Ls L Shur., 3 pp. RUSSIMt perk Mwr Ranch I Prit Itotogmfli I Kinmtogmfiit Vol M, So 2) 1958p pp 139p 140. SLA 59-191M Sol - Pbya Sep 59 Vol 91 NO I Envelope Negutive Feedback ., Compensation of Nonlinear Distortions in Radio Tranwdtting Devices, by V - A. Mmtskeleviah., L. M. Shur, RMUNs per, Blectrouviato 1958.. No 4., py 8.15. Pergumm Prees SCI Peb6o Cl,rcuit Doolp of Zavolope Feedback Imp in Rudio TAUMittIMA DOVIOSO.9 by V. A* IMUkOlevithp L. M. =MOP No 7# jol 3957o PP 26-33- inn 60,aration of the Zmlopc in Radio I by Ve At Khabat3levichp Lu No Sbur, 15 pp. (AF 1059647) MISSW, mo p*r,, Xl*ktr*svymz*., iso il, ftv 1956D pp 15-24 - AM P-M-9162ft Sci - MQcf*ICA rov 53 Automtl-%,, Panoramic lowspberic Ste ..K#oul by Ye. To Byzbkov,, L. IL .8hM A. 1. BkWdn* 17 pp, (AF IOXQV RUSSMO w per,, glektroavyoz,, Vol X,, no 50 106, pp ATIC P-"-1.00ih/V scl - MeCtronles reb 58 rfac Action of TriethuzolaffliDe 00 FhOtOgraPhic Imul"OUSA by A. P. Zhdanov, A. L..YArtUZhan&kiY,, I- V' BYBhkOVP-' L- P. RUSSUI.p pcrp Dok, Ak V-'-!: ;i:=:~4 VOI CXVIng SO 40 Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Dee 58 7 nrg(xUc Properties of lavarlant MArkcw Cha' nA on ffo=geneoiw Spacea,, by M. G. Shur., 14 pp. MWIMJ, pw, TeoriygL Varoystaostey i yeye Primnerdya.. Vol III$ no 2,y 190. SIAM Sal /,? / Am 62 1~5-V7 Limit Theorems for the Canpositions of DIstribution in the LobachevsW Plane and 4wep by F. I. Karpolevich, V. N. TutubaUn; M. G. Shur, 3 PP. RMIM, per, Teodya Veroyatwotey 17 .%-bwwn:~ya, Val IVj No 4.. 1959, pp =. q -V set of C*Wt ad AUW SUM co DoWto kW A* IN,* tdl*a"p G* Fo SUWV *A*& 17 We V.- MAWS, pwo - I ~ Obftba*k no U10 19u" w 0 ift 27%1 ad - Wl Jon 65 25,1410W3 Oxidation and Haut Pasisting Alloys an a Carburizing Atmosphere, by S.R. Zbelemyakova, N.F. Shur. RUSSIAN,, per, Ypt4alqW.- I Terattob.- ObrLb. Not Ho. 7, 1962, pp 52-57 /v /C S ~ v R 301 - AUg 67 334- W41 m "Hookvice With Delivery Type Truck Body, by R. Shur., 2 pp. RMDN., part AVt=obLI ftmj, No 320, 19580 p 33. XSI; R-3522s C Um ko Sep 59 .1 S 17r f7 r 0 Ircreasing the Adhesive PrOpertY Of P0ISr GIMN tO Rubber, by S. S. Voptaklit P. A. Rebinder, S. S. 0orosbays and B. 1. Shur, 9 pp. RUSSUR, WO thrice-so pers Dok Ak Neuk SSSRg Vol =!1t No 4p USMo 19;0# PP 74T-750. CIA/FDD/X-1142 Dec 1953 CTS Cx.d.ce of Tnter*me DrAiatien J~- Uakt, StanlyAip !9-til 2t b$-bU* -964 OS2,0) G"t LAm) vuw 1 gqwimeutAl DetemimtAou of bu;P=Uwa of Ilectratrainam'soLon: ftibyWwr fttm-Meatria Pover Station-4tsclaTp by D. 1. Arbmleyg S. a. Shur, 18 pp.. 0- RMTANO perp JUkU-ieWxtvos no 1p 1901 PV 31-38 - pp sci Feb 61 1,6f A001 atmam madift 44 solow sombous I -No 16 VA*ji% To 16 WWJP I Wo --*-A- ---- Irmom ;Abkkdnlat 3816 w6- ~- - so uo4mk* Q / 7/1 5 4 , DOAP 8" An a Anisotropy of Magnetic FrOpertieB In Pwder 3W*jCq of XnU A.Uovp by Y. V. Shtollts and Y. S. shur 7 pp. ufimmsIPIm ==-J- RUSsJAN, t1krice-mo par# Dok Ak lauk SSSR., Vol XCV~ No 4, 1954., PP 781-7&. Dept of C=orce ftteat Office Sci Ub (g1ft) ,~$- g -, '? , " Sal - gkm; ftsics Fob 58 Rf fact of Mastic Stresses and fternmeahmdeal Treatnent on the Negmefte Propertios of HIgh Coercivity Was. by Y.S. Shur. RUSSM, per, E&x. 11st, I Notalloved, Vol. 2, No. 3 1956, pp 567-568 ULL/TL5198 ~- S . E h 0 /~ , Sci - Aus 67 334-738 Belatimibip Betveen Coercive Force of Soft- Hagnetic Vateriala utd Thickaess of Sheet., VI by- V. A. Zaikovm, Ya. Shur. RTMIO, , thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol XCIV-jp no 4; iq~4p pp 663-665. Brutcher Tr Ilo 3333 Doe 54 CTSAM $2.20 Temperature Hysteresis of Domain Structure in Silicon Iron Crystals, by Ya. S. phur,_X, E. Startseva, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Piz, Vol XXXIX, No 3 (9). 196o, PP 566-573- AU Soviet FkWe - J=P Vol X11s No 3 Sci may 61 Magnetic reversal processes in monoarystaRins particles of the alloy ItBi By Ye. V, Shtolltsj, Ya. S.AE1? g, ler. RLBSIAN, Per's, Fiz Mital i Metallov., Vol XIII, NO 3j, 1962. PF Sci Aug 63 3t2--.1 011~0~ The Reasons for tha Increase Ln Cwrolve Force with a Reduction in ThLakwre of Fsrramp*tio Shoetsp by V. A. Zaikamo Is. S. ftw* 7 pp. RLTSSIM,, per, Fix 269tal I Iminovs Vol it No 31P 1960, pp 860-M. pp SA / gl e Sep 61 some Magnetic Properties of Powders of the Alloy m,angenese-bismuth, by 0. S. KMUROVA.. TA. S. SWRp 4 pp. IILWIAH, per, Fiz Metal i Hetallov. Vol 1, No 1, 1960 pp 37-41. FF 3ci 1e ~5 -~' z ~- Aug 61 Ferromagnetia Resonance in Iron Silleide Crystels cn-d rus 111olationsh-19 to D=edn Structurep by Ya. S. Shur, 0. 1. 8b.11riMeva., 4 pp. MWIAN, per, 2aw EkBper i Teoret Fiz, so 6(12), 1960, W 1596-1600. Intemtl Physical lhdex Fbyrdes Ex9ress Val M, ft 9 Sal - Phys .Tui 61 The Du'luence of 7hermameebmical fteatmnt In Which the Stresses are Created tr Tw1oting the Sampla.9 cm the Mapatia Propertlos of the A31py vicallo3ra b3r M. 0. Yushinskayal Ta. So Shur, N. N. Tagovkina., h pp RUSSUN erg rKs lktal i Uet&Uovp Val vmp No 4m WO ,pp 01-534 pp 19 Sol- Feb ution Between the Magaetic Properties and ~I;aGuctostrictiva Nickol.-Z7inc bY A - D. S. I~zolov, Ya - S. Shur, 3 P.? - U-5 A! per; Akuct Zaiu-r, Vol VI, No I., IMO 131-133, A33? Sov Phys-Acoustics Vol V1, No 1 id. i-ep 60 Mappetic Staucture of Rmall Monocrystal line ra-rticles of HaBi Alloy~ by Ya. S.- S.-b-mr., E - V. Shtollts, V. 1. Mar6mliua, 5 PP. WSsimlij per, Zhu Usper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XXXVIII, ii-o 1, igGo., pp 46-5o. Amer Inst of Phys sov Phys - JEW Vol XI., NO I Sci - 60 Depenaence ol.' Ulct WOetlr-' crystal Oa Ito Sizep by Go ?J V. 3 pp. Stlucture of a Cobalt Si Kaud-al-l'Ova) la. S. per; 7,hur Eksper i Teoret Fiz) Vol Y-XXUIII -63. 196o, pp 6o fmr Jut of Phyr, Sov Phys - JWP Vol %I) NO I Aug 6o Magnetic Properties of MoVistically Anlearcyly-le Byodzenz Iftdo F= Forromapetle ?avdero, XT. Dependence of Hagnatizatlon Ctu-mr, au the Rethod Und for BrInoug About a DampotlUd State., by Ts. S. Shur,, 3. V. Shtolltn.. 0, 85, RESSLARIT, puj, Fiz VAtal i Netmllg Vol Vp No 3, 1957., yy 4a-42T. PerSmm Press Bei Doe 59 !4Zmetlc Fraparties of YmpetIcaUy Antstropic Speclmf= Maft From Forromgwtlc Powder3j, by 1. Ma~ctization Omes and Individual Hptorois Loop Cyc1maj by R. V. Shtollts,, Ya. S. Shur., G - S. Kandayurmp 7- pp. RUSBUS, per,, Fia VAtal I yatallr Vol V., No 3j 1957" pp 41"20. Sci P&rg=on Press Dee 59 Change of Magnetic Structue of Residu&Uy Magnetized Ferrosilicon CrystmU vbon Dew4potlzed by Alternate Fi*Ift s, by Ya. 38hur j 1. Ye. Stortseva) 6 p. RMIM, Pori, Fit woul L motsuovs Vol VZO No 4; 1958., pp 614-C90. Forgum rms scl Apr 60 A 7 Inveatigation of the YAgnetic Str=txwe of 1-ron Bilicide Crystals-by the Pow3er Diagr~m Rethod,, by Ya. So Shuro V. R. Abel% 4 RUSS10i thrice-mo per, Da Ak Nauk S&IR, Vol CIV., go 21 1955, pp 209,j 210, Morris Do Frie.c-Imm $200 SCI - PbyBiCI3 Doe 56 OTS 2wrwmagnetic Treatment and Ordering Processes 11. Tho Xnfluonco of Thermo- mgnotic Troatwnt on Strwtural Changes In Alloys Capable of Baing Or&red, by A. A. Maws, y&. S.jb=A~ RMSTM, per.. nz Met&Uov I Nhtslloved~ Vol VIS No 1.1 19583 By 52-59. EL. Bel - ftv 5?.zo A]p 62 On the Role of clasum DwAin ia Tachaical Yagwtiza- tim Pr*wsses., by Ya V. R. Abella,, V. A. Zhikoms 8 PPI- 1!~~, RMSM, perp Iz Ak ?buk SSOR, Ser Mz, Vol Mj No Up 1957 ~ yp ii,62-n67. Oolumbla T*fsh Sol - Pbp Dw 58 7 7, P-7 Ialueace of RUstic Streases and TbarmosecMaical Treatment on the Magnetic Propeities of sigh Coercivity Allop# py Ya. S. M=e H. 0. Luzbuwk&Ao L. A. Sbubinap 4 pp. Rmsxo,. per, r& Ak saux BssRs. oar nst voi xxt, NO 9p 1957v PP 2275-IM- Columbia Sach Sci - phys Jan 59 7f, /P 77 Sesidual HaVetization of Nickel and Its Stablllty~ by Ta. S. ftur, 1. B. Startneva,, 6 pp. RMStM# per, U A Vw& WM# Ber ?is,, Vol X11,, go 90 19570 pp 1240-IA5. Columbia Tech Sai - P!wa Jan 55 7f1 ~71 Chametaristics of Tachalml ftnotisatlou In Graln- Oriented Fine Powder Blmmlmna, by Yt,:~~, E. V. ghtolltso C. S. KarAawvno 5 pp. RMXAN,, per,,- U Ak Sauk SSBIRp ser Fix., Val XXIjo no 90 1071 pp =50vag. coolumbia Too sci - pbYll ~744~7 Jan 59 The IRfl-uca6,i:! of Elastic on the Mine- ne"ic P-,,3-,n-zties of ltbe Alloo- Ilimiloy$ by ',-Lc,,. S. Shw. R. G. Lutl-Am3kaya =d L. A. SImtinni- 4"'a", p e r z 0 t a, I i ~;-a fli 1957, pp sci - mn/Inut Se.P 58 4u i rgamon ~r e e s p fa i R. LL L, i; TT"tm4u'%-o "ii of 10.-Alcr- Holattorahip riatwwn nommlapatic lllraa-~~*nt Effoct and by YR. 91. 8-rw, A. A. OL-Lzor;, 6 A.W1, 1)er, Fir. Metal I NaVLU, Vol V, No 2, 195TY pp 355-360. Parga=r. Inat T-9 n~ 58 Thi Domin Structwe in High Coarcivity Manganese- Bismuth Alloyss by Ya, S. Shur, E. V. Shtollta, G. S. Kandaurova, L. V. Bulatova,, G'-pp. RUSSIMp per,, Piz Metal. i &%talll, Vol V, No 2, 1957j. pp 234-240- Pergaman Dxqt Sci - Min/Mat Nov 58 9t,er-,=,achanical Treatment of Vicalloy, by.yal,., s. Shims N. 0. Dazhincksya md L, A. Shubinap -T '- pp r e TIZ 1957, j?p 6o-69, mawgnm~~ Itratersels Due to -_-rp-ture Chang" In Femmpetlc Materl&U# by Be At Ilammo Th. . S. MW UMUNO, pup MW Mwper I'T*mVt ?Uj Vol XXp ND 2.. 1950. JUC F-W-733T Selmtific - Pbpioo / 5~ f7e I Olarq,as Magimtic Structure ()-' 1. -.icon Iron Cry6tals Under the Influence of Mastic Straos. by V, A. Za!kova arA Ya. S. Mmr, 4 pp. "MSTAN, Ier, Tz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XX~jj, ".!o 10, Igr8, pp irr,7-1182. Colunbla Tech Der 59 .-P-rev'cic Sty-acture arf a Ferrc!v;,,7net in tlir.~ M4 Ctate and Chnrgu 7her-An Tiiciclorrc. Io _DZI-m-gractiz-aticn by a.-. Al.ternating I?Ield, and Ya. S. Miuy, 5 p~. SISR,'-Ber Fiz, Va 11 .YLt; WSSIAN, per '. 1z Ak Wauk YO 10, 19528: PP 1183.01187- Columbia Tach. 6, ci /06 11~: c- 509 Hat-ure of fha Effect of Thermomagnatic Tine-atmnt in tsapntically Soft Ferro=gnets, by A. A. G.Jazor r-.-AA ya. 3. Shur, " yq- RUSSLk,Al; per; lz Ak Weuk Ber Fiz, Vol. )OCTI, v0 10~ P2 Colmzi-Aa Tech se-q D~ C the M~rjzitli,,, can.r;.z~~r,ir!7 tie flaralAraturo r---m-x) of of High-coarcivity ;,-l-loys, w -n- 7~~Uvar,~~ia av, S. E"I'mr) SSSR) Ser Fl=, q01 )MIL Izz pl~ (lauk- a/2-62-1265. 10, 'p- clolumb! a Teen S" j 0, -q me 59 e Of t, e S,--. 4 isitirlty of 'n't-r,,sonic. rmtectora rMcir ,'j~etic Ohnre, MSSIVIT;, pr,. Tz Ak Nauk S-SSR, 04~r Fir.., ioi- ~CYT!p 'To 10 52. 1958; pp 1"50-12 Coludbia Teen, / 0 Y, gr 4 -1 tile Coercive T orc~ '-der 57~~CiMBYWP UY yt3 enA G. 3 pp. reri Tz A Nalik 88,01,; Ser Fix, 7eL ,io 110, 19581 pp 1258-1e61. Colurbia Tech Sci Doc 59 '7 On the lktW* of 04 ftavloo hM IS Abdl* ,.;~.: Allo"p by A. S. SWUNkol, Ta. S. JLIA~~ I 5 iro . NMM., per# Is & ft* am) ow nap Val UFO go 190 1961. an SOL .. . Z" 63 W 220t261 and Tet:bnicol jl~~arnOtizatiOn jjj~~-i-coercivlty Ferro~,~,(-aetsy 'py Ya. S. Sihur, -mo- RUSST-.,%',i. p=, Iz AL, rauk SS.S.11, Ser I'iz, Vol T.ATI, Ro 10~ 1958, pp 1167-11-10. Columbia Teah StA Dec 59 /0/1 116 On the DepadMOO. of.tho'Cou-cive FOM of PC any 11 Of algbly Goorcive"AlIgya'an PwUcU Dimensimp by T. D. Zotors Ya. S. Sburo RMSILII,v Uj4j;-;w6* pDr Dok ft lk Nauk SSSR Val v NO 4v v A= Tr 597 Sci - Pbysice Sep IZI ml~ 3 3, YA. S. 3'. Dckludy Akademii Nauk SSSR, vol. 66, 1949, pp. 1081-1084; 1 figures, IBSD words. Effect of Temperature upon Coercive Force in Single Crystals of Transformer Steel. Brutcher Trans., Order No. 2"153, 9"3.30 A 1 ( ~~' "I I 61-13295 Shur. Ya. S. THE MKGNEMC SrRUCTURE OF HIGHLY- 1. Parromapatic materials- COERCIVE FERROMAGNETIC MATERIALS (0 M&POLiC PrMdrtift Magnitoy Sm, ure Vysdwkoortsitivnykh Ferromag- 1. Shur, Ya. S. nitikov) tr. by E. G. Peters. [1960] 2Dp. (10 figs. U. DSIR LLU M.1900 omitted) 23 refs. M19DO. Ordez from LC or SLA ml$2.A ph$3.30 61-13295 Trus. of Akademlya Nauk SSSR. Institut FWU Metalloy [Svercilovsk]. Trudy, 1959, m 211, p, 111- 124. A literature survey is presented dwt gives the results of several years of work performed at the )Agnadc Materials Labwatory of dw InUtutsi of Metal Physfts of the Urals Branch of the Academy of Sd (S" also 61-13296) Dffiw of T*&Wcd SeM -a 5, am 10) Effect of Elastic Stresses and .4adianical Float Treatment on tha %patic Properties of Cer- tain Hard Ihghetic ~htcwlalaj 'by H. G. Lazhinzbaya, -Ya. S. Shxnlj 5 -DP. MTKAR., perp Fiz Metall i Metallp Vol IV, Wo 2 19,R7, pp 239-244 ; Pergamon Inst SCi PhYBAC13 /7 SeP 58 61-13461 Shur, Ya. S. , Ehtol'ts, Ye. V. , andKandaurova, G. S. THE MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MAGNE71CALLY L Shur, Ya. S. ANISOTROPIC FERROMAGNETIC POWDER SPECI- EL Shtal'ts, Ye. V. MENS. IV. THE TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF III. Kandauruva, Q S. THE MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF POWDER SPEC] - IV. Title: Temperature MENS OF Xln-Bi ALLOY (Magnitnyye Svoystva Mag- V. DSIR LLU M. 19D4 nitnc)anizotropnykh Obraztsov iz Ferromagnirnykh Poroshkov. TV. Temperaturnaya 7avistmost' Magnitnykh Svoystv Poroshkovykh Obrazaav Splava Nin-Bl) tr. by E. G. Peters. [196IJ lip. (6 Up. ornit- ted) I I refs. [DSIR LLU) M 1904. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 61-1346L Trans. of *Fizika Metallov t Metallovedenlye (USSR) 1958, v. 6, no. 3, p. 420-425. DESCRIPTORS: *Ferromagnetic materials, *Powder alloys, OMagneric properties, Temperature, Powders Nlanpiies.?alloys. Blsmuthalloys, Alloys. Offi-.i TcW.W S-h.. The anisotropy of -he coercive force of magnetic- (Physics- -Magnet turn, TT, v. 6, no. 1) (over) ~AIX- j Thc Organization of Work of !ntoLAtiua-,L D:Lsr_-a6,_~ Clinics mnong -the Trocps, by 33, L. Sl=a-Bura-, M. D. Krarnov. and K. A. RUSSIM,. mo NK%,r~ Voyt-ano Med Zhur; No 121. Moseav, Dee 3.961; pp a9-41 us ims 0 The Organl-zatlory-of E-arly"'Detection of Patlents DurIng an Outbreak of Botkin's D I s ea3 e. by B 9 L * j4pj_A--Am RUSSIA141 mo per, Voyenno Med Zhur, No 32 Moscow,, Mar 1959,, pp 72-75 J-c;, - Y7UA US JPRS 1702-N .W-,-L 6- 7 ?d, ~ a// ia Certain Sp%wies of Mee of Nedical lz4wtance., by B, U Shllm-D= p A. D, ftikovp E. T. baum~ 9 "vp:, IMSSIU) per., =tcm--,,log Cboz,, Vol M=lj, DO 2p JS58$ pp .3,16-346. sci an 61 AIM cif D~vseutor ~Ato, by B. L. vl~ Vn(-,ioiu--noo Dritm. cbshchestvo j, o i7 53' Automatic Progra=dng with a Progmaming Programme, by S. S. Kawyninx E. Z. Lyublwkiy~ M. R. EhuM-Bura, 43 PP - RUSSTAN, bk, Problemy Kibernetiki., No 1, ig6o., PP 128-134. pp sci oe t 6 1 q V77ro* ~16,7 VA 0 1 1,;~ 71 (Sr-1440) ft Algol", bY M- R- ShuraSums T PP. MMUNfi pm, Vest A ftA SMO ft U,, 196Dj, PP 94-9T. JM 4506 Sol - Math-Electrcm mV 61 /V p7ir a foautoEiranphy as a Method of d r-ladents and Taellr Ec+-op-=,Osites in a Study of -111-igTation Problem, by B. I i ~ra- Shur a -3 V. P. Kharlanov. iar" Zool Zhur, Vol U, lio 2, 11;'161, -51'3-2,6'3' C"'c)'-)h-P's4 USDA Tr A-1~2:k~;Il' 7 c Vea of ftgged ).to= in &toMOIAW; by B- L, MWYJ3.. per., UspekbLi Samemnusi Biologli: Vol nV, No 1, 1957p pp 103-1M. CIA 903552L usak Sci - Bioloa Feb 59 04 (NY--1374) The Methods of Studying the Epidemiological Role of Vectors by B. L. ~h I jLr~aPM~13 PP. RUSSIAN, per., Voyenno-Mea zhur, No 6, 1960. JFRS 5434 Sci - Med Sep 6o / .2 13' 6 (ziY-3054). Programloss ~y M. R,--Mumsm8=.--13 pp. RUSSIAN# bkp Jktamt1ft r SM m Scrak, let 19174957,, Vol 1.- 19590 pp 8V-M. JM 24A/ Sol - rAth Apr 60 / IC2 ~/ f 7 Programming of Mathematical Problems for High-Speed Calculating Machines, by M. R. Shura-Bura. RUSSIAN, bk,,Konferentsiya "Puti Razvitiya Sovetskovo Mathemat Mashinostroyeniya i Priborostroyeniya, Plenary Sestion, Moscow, 12 Moscow, 1956)_~~ ef John W. Carr University of Michigan April 15, 1958 Sci - Electronics MaY 58 7~ vomy SC sawfut"ll by M. T. X014yabs A. A. Ly&rmmo, X- R- Shm-lMs 28 pp. UNUABW3M WWW.. Us Seselp Ak IN& B&O PC ftwbVm ProbleMa APW,,m%IS&tSf-i FVftNvWStft- F2044"7P awmassim =;Ows 1957P pp IM-130. us JAWN-355 - Who autsmUntloo SOL 3*0 The Role of Surface-Active Substances in the Phenomenon of Delayed Fracture of Hardened Steel, by S. S. Shur-akov, RUSSIAN, bil-., Metallovedeniya (Sbornik Statey), -1958, Pp 3'7-383. "57757-V AEc NP Tr-486 ATIC MCL-393/III 9 Mar U'l Effect of Temperature on Recovery and on Plasticity of Hardened Stij, 1, by S. S. qhqrAkQv. IF RUSSIMI, per, Metal Term Obra Metallov, No 7, 1959, PP 10-15. HB 4653 Sci - Min/Met Apr 61 :5LI,,' Arxested Failum of Hardened Steels by S. S. SL'ucrawirs 2". pp. RMIAN., per,, Mw Tekb Fizj, Vol XXN.6 No 3s 1954) PP 527-536., 966Dag ML-ym/:En Sai - P" Apr 61 k~m lxl~fe V-6 zc-0429-m The Effect of Temperature on the Recovery and plasticity of Hardened Steel, by S. S. Shurakov, RUSSIAN, bk, Metallovedeniya (Sbornik Statey), 1958, PP 384-397- 657757-V AEC NP Tr -486 ATIC MCL-393/III 9 mar 61 Effect of "Rest" on the Strength of Case RaLrdenad Steel aDd Ito Tendency to Delayed Rupture, by S. S. Shurakov, 23 YP- RUSSIO per,, YU Met i YAtall.. Vol 110 No 1p 195(31 DD 66:1"?7. Sci Has Llb Tr 57/3162 sci - Physics Nor 58 Tho Effect of tbo Rate of Deformation Upon tho Plasticity of ffardened Steel,, by S. S. Shurakov. RUSSM, per, Metall i Obrab Netallov, Vol Xp 1956, PY 57-63- DSIR/31216/CT Sci - Physics, Min/met .5- r 9-4(/ Feb 5b S t~ U'5 '~Z"7 Ravlaw of Ya. M. Potak's Book "Brittle Fracture of Steel uud Steel Parts",, by Ye. 14. Potak, L. S. Norm, A. L. gamch~nsky, P. 0. Pashko, S. S. Shurakov. ........... RMS10, per, Fact Lab, No 1, 1957, Moscow, PP 123-135- DSIR/31331/CT set - Min/mat Mar 58 61-19395 Shurakov, S. S. ARRESTED FAIWRE OF HARDENED SrEEL 1. Steel -- Deformation (Zaderzliannove Razrusheniye Zakaleanoy- Stall). 2. Steel- -F racture 3 Nov 60 [251p. 5 refs. MCL-570/1. I. Shurakov, S. S. Order from LC or SLA mL$2.70, ph$4.80 - 61-19395 11. MCL-570/1 I[[. Technical Information Rough draft trans. of Zhurnal 1'ekhnicheskoy Fiziki Center, Wright-Patterson (USSR) 1954, v. 24, no. 3, p. 527-536. AFB, Ohio An investigation of reduced strength of hardened steel under a static load established that plasLic deformation in time leads to overloading and fracture of the boundaries of the initial austenite grains. (Metallurgy- -Ferrous Metals, 77, v. 5, no. 11) WSW qt'F*&1kd sam"s gvsluutlDg PrOPertA&S of the Umt-Affected Zone in Structural Steels,, by S. S. Suirskov.. I. V- GOryrln 8W N* A* B11MVp 14 pp* HUSSIM', per bm. Morau at so it lq~% pp. !U-Wi-55. WAY, JPBS 37523 Oct 66 312o370 Calculation of Rolling Spread, by Mwalev.. Nekrasov. MMUSMIED ......... . RUSSITAX, peri Stal, JaU scl XIU/*t Aug The Rolling of PS-107A Section From Alloy Steal,, by M. V. Shuralevs S. G. Nakrasov, 3 PP- RWSUw, per, metauurg., No 3, 196o, pp 24-26. Sci Act Matallurgica jun 61 / :57_?, / ? 6 ROU-PS" DOSIP fw =a 8t4wl OftU=wp by K. V. MWSLW,o . 8 - - 0 - ldtmmo 4 lp. R=IM.- POrp sta. No I., IMs vg 0-63. um mi st"I bet set - aw ftp 59 ~? 4 j -All Betwen the LuzLnescome and Structum or O'cme Alkali HaUde Phosphons ty I. A. Parfianovich, ,-,? pp, 1, Shuralmas !ZUSSTAN,v pert Is Ak Nauk SM. Sar Fis, Vol UVIm 3o 4s, 1962, pp IM-M. .4102 MT 301 Pope 6 3 m amommin ami WdWOM of *#VAML VISO PIWO 8 no rwsi wilb- IL L w 1* A. A.Bokmwvw--p su'l Ta xwo XMAS us ~u Ak xw* song ow so is Out pp *Mo. -M I. Sol u jo 62 196)m of Cf Of thu. "son-T-1-clda-I Agent) B. Zhur pp 1959) ~,.Imunobi0l.- Vol I;u 6, pp Sel Aug 60 TP 272 SHURAKOV S. S. The effect of relaxation on tempered steel and Its inclination toward retarded destruction * Fiz. Met. i Metallov., 2, No. 1, 66-77 (1956) English Euratom 9* Wluence of na Actlyator (m the StabJ2ity Of F Ceuters Ar. A. Parteanovich; B. I. Mm"Ieva, 3 pp. 1; MMUN., perp Optika i Spekbro) voi vn, no 4.. 1959, pp 98-M. OSA Sai 1W, 44f~ Apr 61 J-4760 (B?) (DO-3279). Atbelatic Instruction In the Beglimrs Clusea of the School, b;j~'X. V. mwxakmra* 9 Iv. R=IM., per,, BmaW In" MoUt No Il.. IM, pp 46 JM-1151-D USSR %n/ Sm - Religion - Anti-raligicy .7 reb 6o ;011 nx--L>YO The natlawl leomw leeft by YQ. I. Gerasimv, To A. Kiseloym a. M. Shuratov, K. 4 pp. mplolots - cbmiets; TereWmo As V4 V, ftehiyev; RUSS= per0 Vest Vishay Shkoly, No 7. Moveow,, All 19360 pp 14-16. U8 JM/Vi-L-527 S-S A sm Boon 801 Dec 58 A Study of A*n*Utlaow7 2her2al Mtftslon In moleamlw souglomp by Ve Ps - Ono 10 FPO ---- MWIMA Pat radtaffaa4lidebeaw Zhumls Vol VIA No 90 1963. JM 23006 Bel Feb 6k 4 ar~.) o 6 0 Influence of the Chemical Bond on the Energy and In- tensity of the X-Ray Lines of Atoms in Compounds, by A. T. Shurayev, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXV, No 8, pp 986-991 CTT Sci 214,550 Aug 62