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Properties of Modified Polypropylene Fibers, by L. Alexandru, 9 pp. .L5PO50.7 PP e-to-e0vo ACSI J-9850 FSTC-ET-23-682-71 MODIFICATE Feb 73 -so 5 Aw 68 W Duo" at *0 sovut&lcoqmgdw w mum ats"t by Aaenww suot aft"M# ftmew sotwes- as not =tU&te DC-11213 Stalin's Chief Prosecutor, Vyshinskiy, is Not Dead, by 0. 11. 111), Stuttj,,artor Zoitunp, 27 Feb 6S. *JPILS USSR POI Mar 65 The State Secret in tho Womon's Handbag, by Voter Lacler(pe. GERMANA np, Stuttgarter Zeitung, 18 Oct 67. O.JPRS CS0. 16758 Nov 67 Avr at CollotaiwAl glewmalclit Lou# In Waaw" corma's opo stustuarxey zolumAs a UAW" sj4elAl type As 6wisilwal Tg&#*, plus *At* t"y. Bucharest Restricts Contacts Between Rumaniana, and Eastern Europeans. GERMAN~Onpl Stuttgarter Zeitung, 29 Mar 68. JPRS C : 7504 Apr 68 1"64 tic S Jul 68 :;F r4fomdA Its Old U46tional by ov ot steekbia 1~ormwj tip, Litatt-wUr ItituAg# Stutti Nil S~,mclal ty~w ii, csserm ra*4 vapp, plus m* cool-. pleaso vatt= ;*Urc*, Stuva bpolts, 25 PP, GURAN, per, Stun Nachriditen,, No 13* 1965, lx)11084466 AEC tr-6802 sci/L-ngr Nov 66 3110534 Mexican Magazine Has Exclusive interview With Fidel, by tlario Menendez Rodrigues,, 31 pp? SPANISH, Der. Sucaso No IM, 10 Sept 19660 ' - 4M.13 Ppt 11-581. JPRS 38333 IA-rCuba Fbi Nov 66 (I)Uditorial (2) Conjinullisili ils scoil by Arnold Toynbee, (3) Brief descriptive abstracts of other articles. SPAINIS11,-per, Sucesos, No 1, 1967, pp 3, 6S-67. JPRS CSO 16002 J-2357/67 LA-Chile Pol Jul 67 331,793 Controversy over Representation in 1966 Havana Tri-Continental Conference Discussed by Mexican National Liberation Movement Leader, 6 pp. (;OvmwmT Uim ONLY SPARSH., per., Sucesoop 18 Feb 196T,# pp? 72-73 and 25 Feb 196T,-- P--P-!20-el* JP16 GUO 2341 LA-Mexico poi 321,388 Me3deo and the Tricantimatal Conference, by Heberto Cas%Mop 9 ypa GOVSHMM USE ONLY - SPANM,v perj, Sucepos 18 mar 1.967,, pp. %-W - JPFS GUO 23W LA-Yaxico pol JurA 67 323,439 MMtAtrVIW Vltb POMWIM COUMRMU*, GGZWJV Cga=r(p Cmm# by Rtehw:ft NuXUKrp T pp. GOYROM = olu BPA=mv m6bmetv 21 aw 1967v - pp. 8 & 9. On am 2 IA-iftrd pol JuXy 67 329*996 Clash of MInere With BoUvIon AnWo W Arldl Tvsqo and Xavier DaUsta, 6 ppet GOVSRffTNT k;, USE OINLY SPNIISH. per. QMagg. 22 ja 1967. pp. 44-37. JPRS C;UO 25L.5 LA-MUvia Fbi Aug 67 332,785 Bmid I " So= by FUOU" M"ww SwM"nUo by Lads Carlm Dw Pmsom #M ja" Butm do ftwiwmUo 61 pp* MEOMM USE onx SPAMH,p pwo ftemum 29 Jul IWj pv 50-571 3 Avg 1967 # pp &-Us -32 AMC 1967,v pp 69-?3; 3-9 Avg 1.967p pp 4"71 and 26 Avg 1%7* pp ft- 670 JPHS GUO 2A Lff.BZ&su di N" 67 340v886 Ruiz Soto to Muster Pri Forces in Yucatan. SPANISH, np Sucesos, 25 May 1968, p 7, JPRS CSO: 2;543 Special Jul 68 C-so. )?3j(, 1*510 K I C, OY lop 66 lw4~tAVV4 Ui* "1130 joy Us"IX At~aj, 5PSUISA, 'trar, "Ocusess Mexico Utyp 13 Aujjwt, pal 14YOCiAl t1pa In aririmal tr=AsLatiou j, . UO Ong copy, The Italo-Soviet Chamber of Commerce. ITALIAN, per, Sucesso, Aug 1968, p 200. C50:19386 Comp Special Oct 68 Uruchurtu: Candidate for the Prusidency? by Francisco Zuniga. SPANISH, np, Sucesos, 28 Sept 1968, p 20-21. CSO:20805 Comp Special Nov 68 94/70 15 Jul 69 Spies in the House? SPANISH~ np, Suceso, 22 Jun 1969. July 69 The Church and tho Cuban F4volutionp by Mexio Menendez Rodriguez., 6 pp* SPAUSH,, per., Sucesoe pers Toa-ps, 17 Sept 1966,, pp. n-19. JPRB 38806 IA-Cuba poi Dec 66 315..674 meximn FASMISM FADwto an vowmalm %w *om*m ftdxumt r 390 000=m = am MAM prip mman WHO ILO an W4 0 lo-U. JIM (WO 22V M-Tansuela am 335sX58 ion 61 Mexican Magazine Publishes Second Installment on Venezuelan Guerrillas, 46 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY SPANISH,per, Sucesos_Rar Todos 17 December 1966, pp 1-44. JPRS GUO 2288 LA-Nfexico Pol Jan 67 318,042 The Armed stnggle In YonOMOIA. by Maria Manandes Rodriguez, 47 Pp, SPANISH, per, Saossox P4r-&- _T*.aLs-- 31 Dec 1966, pp. 10-45. GUO 2292 LA-Venezuela P01/500 Feb 67 315,408 Mexican Magazine Reports on Venezuelan Guer- rillas,, by Mario Menendez Rodriguez, 20 pp. GOVERNKFMT USE ONLY SPANISH, per, Sucepos Pam Todos 7 Jan 1967, pp. lo-24. JPM GUO 23o6 LA-Venezuela Pol Mar 67 317,455 *4ftn p2orsom'. ftmabs - so ja t 94vw"%r Or M~xICO, b. y BwbwW 6 pp" ogvxmom Una= , ftff"214 JMVMP M' *-MDS' PMI TW ~ 5&,V#. ~-- I Ap, Igor* am OW 2380 ;Wjftdao 32.5p66T 0.00 F*Olav Owerwr or awda.. stt. r.,. w oft"00" PMaS= by Maw 0w=.0 ; ypt QQYRMW un my WARMS P&r.- !92WUMaft, 20 '*F 1967o Ypp 44-~Oil JPM GW 2W LA-Ifimaco Pol ,JW,v 67 329.p99.5 Mendoan Joum&Ust R"rts on Oblombian Guervinam, by Mario Xwmmdes Ro&Uuozt 37 Ppes GOVEMNT USE ONLY, SPAUSH, per, 21ge s, 24 Jun J.967,, ,.Me Farab PPO JPRS GIUD 2455 LA.Mmdoo ma jul 67 3280736 nowlem aawmaNa waullf v ab to ~ GOMMM* ~~ = SPAUM sm, 41.- we 3f jor an on 24b "4bld" au got 67 3W#30 ftuaAw &"you Ora x0fte unw-aft9b6d. Jk wo Plan* tv cowm~ = Mm-afts PWO so= 0 0 JAW imp no P-300 41rn an aw ZA-cabat" fte SVt 67 Wooks A Critiam of pagig )&br#Wla Wwt, bV ftdaM ftlamsm, 6 pjp. GOISRNG* = OW IIPAKM.. pw, suo"m an Todafo 30 On* 1967s Pp 20-e2. JPIW OW 2610 LA/Mmtermt:Lcml POI Doe 67 346,231 Latin Amr1cm AuU-MqwlaUst GtruwU Ds- ausasc6 by ftearda P3=p 17 ipp. oov~~ = au WAS. per, O-wwom pm -lots 30 Sept 1967P 0 33% ' JM GUO 2610 LA/ pta Doe 67 346,232 vp Popular Socialist Deputies Discuss Pnrty Program, by R.Pina, 16 pp. SP,%ISH* per, Sucesos Para Todou, Mexico Citys 30 Dee 67, pp. 16-25. JPRS 44,162 LA(Hexico) Sociol. Jan 68 348,142 Moo GaUn 'Visited 22 Mmth Aftw Via Arreat# by Fmcisca Zwdga, 5 pp. SPANBII, -mg, LUCONOS Pars 29 Juno 1968. pp 36-59,f."V. ipas 462a~ LA-blwdco Pal Sep 68 365.440 Victor Fdco Galan Marifi Me P94 SFANISH$ 4w, Sucesop pam Todos, 6!ju2,y 3.96e, pp 12~13 ! /",; - j pi;o 462% LAP41wdco Tol Sep 68 365,441 George Roth Relates Bolivian Experiences, by George Andrew Roth, 51 pp. GOVEMINEM USE ONLY SPANISH, pars supenos Darn Todos, MWdOO City, 17 August 1966, pp 25-46* JFRS/L GUO 2864 rA/Inter~-AMGPiOan Affairs 364048 Pol oct 68 CIA Lidtod to YAxicant French Stmbnt Riots@ ty Charles Lwardang 8 PP6 SPAMHv per& Suges a. M92100 CityO ,?g Pam Todoe 9 Nov 1968j, pp 24-290 ins 469968 IA-Mwdoo Pal Doc 68 370v688 Background, Development of opus im Analysed* IV SO sche"wriao 13 FPO 0 SU08128 Bs Nwdco City# 15 Nov 19C*r pp 21-23; 22 1W Wq pp 34-331 29 Nov 1969# pp 33-35. ins W+59 Inter-AMP Aff P& Jan 70 399v259 UkNklblft a Nov 69 w a0mabm"Uspur(mm mim Mm and WWSX b)lqpt*oWd Art by BOOM MMMW~ G)ftt the striffau ftr the MM & khm & at the F44U ocuumns SA ow oa* pwo ftsbawUtp H(610r(IW)v 09,1619699&)MP20-29 b)pp7T-W& 9)py**dM-U8,t fteeM Typ"B"sTnua. &urt pUm tw T*V, i8 oee , 69 ro-ft wt ="is"* Ukrilaim (- 10614/71D LOnf- Vlthmt Vae Kooks IT Fab 70 P*rv &Acb~tq *w4rA, Doe I*, llp 111# 899da Typ"B"mmal. dnft plus am T*D* 25 rob 7o w W amm/pjp~- do not Mut., The SA 610 A "Ludion" Sustentatort 12 pp. GOVERNMNT USE ONLY FIU:NCII, rpt, Sud - Aviation; VYSIS, Feb 1969. ADI/FSTC/HT-23:S72-.;69 sci/~wch Mar 70 4Q4l8QO Activities of the Ministries of Katup Oriental Province, by Governor Mmongo Godefroid, 9 pp. FHM.. per,, Sud=&~,, vol 7,, No 16oL, 30 Apr 1966.- PP- 3-8- JPBS 35882 Africa Pol i-an 66 303#086 Recent Developments in the FislA of Tool Stools Ar the FahricatIm of Plastift, bv He Do wedamerf He Dwlmmo UERWO p"s Skublestfalm Taft- -by, No 529 Jan 1wo p 16. =1 5741 Sol/Y,&t Doc 68 3-4#oW Soviet Agent flanga Herself in Ifer Call, by Waltcr 5challics, GEIRMANi, 11110 SVICdd0UtSChC Zietung, 17 Oct 67. OHM 6S0: 16758 Nov 67 West Germ= Source Describes OR Youth Criminatity, by Willi Kimigkett, 3 pp. CFAHM, daily, SueddegtecLe -WtVnAx Munich, 13/14 Jan 68, p. 7. JPRS 44,494 EE(East Germany) sociol. Fab 68 351,743 by la%awml sii~o 6u*iM*ufschv WtunIp Youlelso fS April Vol c"ora r*&4y eafy plut #no copy. 2 -rt West Gw=Ln Vion &Wit Gw~ Apicatwev bw WMI ftwVaito 5 pp. CARW# 21pp ft Ak#alk 7AdkM& 21 J=9 19680 p 10' JFM 46. M .! Scd/Api Aug 68 36208W Germs, COY, p w 5?e-C-I*()-k IPYNTO , 12 Fab TO IV Wwk FWtber &soft= lofted to ONgkoln $0114WIty tbes- and CoUaft VPW In Oermoy by OW 1WIm UWP aw1but"he teltmossavAcb-2L Jon 10,p I p ap" T"O"B"an"I. amtt pus cam ft" soum(zp)-ntm Intuts an the Build-up Factors for Cmcrete: coefficients of the Polynmdal ltpre- sentatian. by S. auscagUcno, at a14 ITALIAN, rpt, Sui Pattori, di Accumulazione del Calcestruzzo: =fficienil Pella Pap- presen qw PolinomInale; ItaUan repan QPIMA ~65) 20 Ibm 1965, *AEC OML-Tr-1211 Scip'14m ~k* 66 Musy-Gygli Affair - A Communique of the Federal Council. FRENCIII tip, La Suisse, 27 Jan 1967. MRS CSO: 17177 Frb 68 Colonel-Brigadier Pierre Musy Counterattacks. FRENCI(, np, La Suisse, 12 Jan 68. IMIS CSO: l7Tr4 Feb 68 F'r o n c h clomp 1 1,224/70 DC 22 Dec 69 Sr TdentiLy Paperg for Soviet Agents, La Suisse, 8 Oct 69 cle-" - French ~O'per.~*L 1,224/70 DC 22 Dec 69 Sr The "Saurel" Affair -- Still Questions, By Maxime Chatenay, La Suisse, 20 Nov 69 Follow-up to Tho Work on the Action and the Behavior of Projectiles in Models Simulating Living Matter. by lZigaud. 24 pp. FIUME, rpt, Suite Des Travaux Sur L'Action Ht El M- 7 -ro"jr -C quattes Cqgiortment Ctiles Dans Des Fla Vivante, 1968. UST J- 544 FSTC-11T-23-1202-70 sci/B&M Sept 70 El Naclonsit 33 pps SPAMR. b1c. Sulevanto E-922210116-~ 3121:95do jamo :L967. pp 1-30 0 DIA LN 651-68 sciftse j=o 68 338942? ASONS "I& dwwmm V09610. 'ILtus jll~ ~ A4030" 14 109 now* IIAUA On the Use of the Monto Carlo mviod to Solve Problems of InterpolatioAl, by G, Gortellessa, G, Farchi, ITALIAN,, rpt,, Sull'uso Del Matodo di Montecarlo poi Jusolvere 1 VMSM ZT Tn-r5Uo1azicne,-,-r- 715. 1963. .!sM OJILG U1VLd--Tr-11UU EDC Mar 10, 1966 1AU/Italy/tcon Fob 66 The Mmt DWU-tmt plvbU= In ycz*stx7i 'bV I)r? M-14"r Va"Op T wo ==FaLTWj. per, liftv No 5.6., Aw-jun 1.965p ppf 234,m=# JPBS 32283 EF-Yuspalavia E= Oct 65 289;833 On the Plane Tree and Raising its Seedlings, by Ivo Podhorski. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Sumarski List, Vol 76, xo lo-ii, PP 376-390. NTIS TT 70-56054 April 71 The 20-Year Devolopmat of ToSeAry In Crostlao by Jbtej bAkxwic,, 18 pp. MUM marp 9-umarkal Ust. No 31-32, Nov-Doe iko pp* 475-IM- RAS 35353 IN-Yugoslavia lbon *y 66 300m171 r*vjLgv of th* Twentr-Year Work of the IwtI- tute for Fametry FASWAVht by Jo 00hro 22 pp., CXATIAX# perj, &SMMU TAIt.0 No 11-12, Xov,~ Dn X965p pp? 552-560j' OHS 35353 =446001mvia B= aq 66 3008,172 Developmut of the Wood Institute In ZWebp by Fr=Jo Owwart 14 PP? CMATWp pvr~ ---1,4 VjI6 No U!-12# Nor! Dm loop pp? M-582. ;M 35353 Er~-Yugoslsvla Icon aw 66 300,9173 The Introduction of Conifers into ths Deeiduous Forests of BulWia, by Dragutin Han-I and Vladimir Vueetic, 21 pp. SERBO-CMATM,, per, Sumaraki List,, No 5-6~, may-June 1966, pp. 310-322- JPFS 37615 RE-DAzaria Econ Oct 66 311,172 Some Observations on Growing Plane Tree Seedlings, by Iliju Knezevic. SEP,BO-CROATIAN, per, Sumaxsk:! Liat~ Vol 60j No 1-2) -pP 28-30. MIS TT 70-56053 April 71 Utilization of Wood in the Production of the Mosiac Parquets,, by Zarko Nijametovic,, 11 pp. CRQATIAN, per, Sumarstvo Vol l9,, No 11-12., 19662 pp U-20. mis TT 7o-56o5i Former Woman Guerrilla Fighter Tells &poriences, by Alfredo Silva Armaso 7 Pp* SPANISH, np, Summy, Caracas, 1 Mar 1972, pp 24, 25, 26. . -- JPRS 55690 APr 72 General Villasmil Discusses Rolo of' Military, 16 D-o. SPAT:TiSH, per, Sunma, Caracas, 1-17 Mar 72, Pp 51-56. JPRS 5581..1.2 MaY 72 Bovine Tick-borne Fever in iinland, by J. Tuomi. FINNISH, por, Suom Elainlaak L. No 71, 1965, pp 1-13. NIff 7-71-65 (On Loan) sci/B&M Aug 65 287,413 Tu=als%nn, Ptkka 196'1 On the relatlon3hip of nalmon f131i (Lohikal0jen sukulaisuussuhtelstal 3wmen Kalastusliehti (Fishin,; periodical of Vinland) (extract), (1): 1-4. In Finn1uh. Transl. by Tranal. Bur. Fgn. Lang. Div., Dept. of Sao. of State of Canada for ?d31C Biological Statlon St. J~ahnls, Nfld, 19-10, an MBC Tranal. Snries No. 1476, 11P., typescript. Avail. on Loan - BCF, Wash., D.C. Original Article Checkac[A6-t Agency i N.Preirle "IlAlife fte. Cut. P.O.Hu. am 71654 92 Sept. 1~ Tltle: Pole of Motame 4eeopture In the Feedin~, fthwi" or the Fox. (VUIPCS ) AUtI2CWT Rom-ik Odt~lm so=ee; suomme IOMW 16S50-66J. 1.9w PPP.Lk. Lan~: Fiwdsh Special Imtrugtices: Plosee trouslate a type one coDy oayp please leave opme for paste-up.