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00 ft=t ftmwy air to awn" $*am ft ram U swoued bw h-,, In ftumw* tollsous OW ows U ftwo V M 698 fbpnu"32~ C~ fteft awr vbw am Too* 3& my 69 p0- defto boast cso: imt-3 CI.- .. - - . -.1 . ~ t-%- I . ~ .... 1-I.. I .... ovhp 3e4LP-%k 4 w New% 4M o"abounp enema" bw queopopow slow=& -Neft "W Vhm."M-- fr4~0 two ONA) SAM so-MA"r 1 i 0 64 gum ~ ow TA W30 be 68 MWOOM a no mmump The'ctauumiSituation In ftmades by Francois Bandy, 18 ppo ITALIAN., per,,!= ?"Mmtel 3$65f PP uQao JMs 2993M EEW-Rumenis Soo lfw 65 - 277s3" New Italian Book Discusses Pbysiology of Revisionism) by Enzo Bettiza,, 13 pp. ITALTAN, per,, Tempo Pmsente, Vol XIj. No 5, may 1966, pp. 6-14. JPM 36633 WE-Italy Econ Aug 66 307..o86 The Frog and the Boubp 6 pp FHRM# pf'r. TAB Lon ModemOGO Vol 20p No 294s ion 65.. pp U53-nw ipas 29321 NE-Filmee Mil Apr 65 27T.,399 Les TeMSPbdermms Castroism Latin America's Lons Mmvhg by Roglo Debray, 61 pp. FREHMO pert JAs Tome ligggrrool Jan 19651, pp 1172-1237. JFRS GUO 633 LA-Cuba Pol Har 65 276,646 Althunser's IntorpmUtion of Man Ans3ood, IW J"Um Todw, 46 pp, FREMB: per, Im Tomm-Ngdom Val 23. NO 2% Jul 1~6?-* - pp lo-&.W. JM 42663 intu"tional Pol Oct 6? jW*4635 urt" Gra? can, fcr Arrolution in Fr.".h cp. by T. not P, p FIM=o pert - - Vol 23 19680 pp a -- I MAY-Jmo jP29 45ggtg Intarmt Poa Aug 68 362s660 Armed Struggle DdLecusaed by Rovolutim&ry Gpoupa. 3? PP. GOVIaWkMT WE WLI FMClig per, log TqMs sodames, 14ris, Nov 1969, PP 590-635. JPRS/L 3M LA-BMSU Fal Feb 70 4oo.756 Current Crisis, Revolution and Now Left &wdnede by Karel Bartosek, 10 pp* Ff U-CH$ part Idl TLTVA_WqM9 -- It Itris, Doe 1969t pp 792-803. JM 49848 hS-Czech poi Mar 70 403s422 I-Aindaviont',al Trends :In the Evolutlon of Relations Between Rmployers, Workers and Governments in Africa, by Charles BoIr-onga, 220 pp. FRENCH, bk, Tendances Fondamentales De LIEvolution Des Relations Entre Employeurs, Travailleurs et Gouvernements En Afrigue, 1967. NTIS TT 70-57i49 %I- for akft -lmm%p6ktbSU* or, new -1 SA I -qpauoou IMISIMs bF IL IL Mmoolwo IT pp. MWJ, vw* .2092-so VOL 2r so Ims, IN--q6&3m M3A8 324v= 4 MWd 6T Technical Applications of Surfactants. Part II. by A. Chivala. GERM, per, Tenside, Vol 4, No 12, 1967, PP 390- 394. NTC-?1-11324-11E Nov 71 Change of the Antiseptic Properties of Cationic Surfactants in the Presence of Non-lonic Surfactants. Part 11. Alkyl- d1methyl-benzyl Ammonium Chloride and Various Non-Ionic Surfactants, by A. Delmotte. GERMAN, per, Tenside, Vol 5, No 1, 1969, PP 13-17. NTC 69-12644-060 SCI-B&M Too Ame The Analysis of Alkanesulfonatos by Means of Ion Exchangers, by N. Mutter. GERMAN, per, Tenside, Vol S, No S/6, 1968, pp. 138-W0. NTC 69-11552-07C Sci-Chem July 69 386,626 Selective 8sterificatim of DK~itol. Pra- paratim of Surf-tim-activL-D-nomiitol-partia1 Estem of llit)iex-wolecular Aeight Fatty Acids,, LY Be ibinefeld, G, I-Om -r -9. 0 GERIVXN,p per, Ubmide Vol 51 'No 9t 1968s 1,V 266-270 03 163 sci/ dimdstxy aw , 69 388j681 PZO-TA-6 Automatic Theo-dolite, by Stanislaw Pachuta, 9 pp. POLISH, blk. Teodolit Automatyczny PZO-TA-6, 1969, pp 471-473. ACSI-J-9820 FSTC-IIT-23-749-71 Aug 71 Cuba and the Internatioma Sugar Market, by Arxmldo Silva, 9 pp. SPA)aSHt per$ Togria y Dmouma- Ib 32, Jan 19669 PRO 569 ms 41123 LAMIW~ Eoon itm 67 3W*3i6 This Fundamental Fmonomio Law of CommAst, Society and Ita ManifssUtLon in Ofte by Ibmbarto Perez,, J3 pp, -V P SPANISH, per, Teoris wou-oap No 299 Aug 1966, ppo I and IL.ZU* JPRS 41123 LA-Caba Eaon Jun 67 3289513 Criticism of Use of Manuals in Teaching Mar3dam Refuted. by Umberto Peres and Felix do I& Us. 12 pp. SPANISH, Pero Teoria %.LTLatiqa, Oct 1966j, ppo, 1-9# JPRS 3w IA&.Cuba Pol mar 67 319,394 Testo Mad* vith Cuban Sugar Cans Cutting Machine for Collection Centers.# by Gilberto Dias, 25 pp. SPANISH, per, Teoria Y-Practica ()--t 1966,, pp. 10-29* JPRS 40049 LA-Cuba Econ Apr 67 324074 Agricultural Hydraulics,, by Israel Twayop 11 PD, SPANISH, per, Teoria, y Practica Oct 1966, PP, 30-37, RES 40049 LA-Cubs Sci-fitgric Apr 67 321.-075 Flnumcs MQWW aW YAMtAXV CirCu2AtlCC DJACu"ed In Comfttion with SoolnUmm in Was by A*Lven Marim, 28 pp. ep p Wo Teoru X NO- 33j, Fab 3,96T,t pp, 2945-. RES 41456 IA-Cuba loon July 67 329P742 Repld Dnvlognout O:r allk Sugar ftpmmt., &Pbmlxadp bV p4m jbMIM OFAWH.# PWO * 5 vp* 1967 ~p Me 59-62. =4 V Preatlgb JFO* 33p Feb MIS -A~6 LAPQft go= July 67 329.o743 m POUCY &M P*d-g'V Ift tb. Vsnts, bgr r4ama SM, *dwAl*auax *go. ~PANIW,-# Wo ~ p 33 pp. MMEMU-1bages. 10. 34.-V, NW-Aw 1967* PP- 5-29o JM 43,538 rA4.uba Soe July 67 330pW7 )WVmWjs&tj= sowkr.cwwp b, BPANMH# pw# xu*_Apr 1967j, jppo W38 IA-Cuba I= JW,v 67 of the CutUM end r OUbwW DUS# 22 Bmu x Emono PP- 40-'Av- StackU* Of Vp DD: 31P-35, 330#026 Au*~tjm In Cd~% Ig pp? 8PAX=j, P" Atluffir D32umo Not 36,v lby Iwo FPO 35; 49-38, - im W38 LArCuba zom Ouly 67 33NOep so" aturs 0=00414 cuuts name6j, tr *OW del VILU*J, 12 pp? OPA=Rj, per, -T-9-90- &x-p"otu46 50 37s June 1967 pp jm i59 31-Us LAL-Cuba B=a Doe 67 346t268 aw I*Ohalftl pxvpess MA T"41das or aw MUM Wftharo br ab" so IVO sp~jm* 0 ;tm 3r U-smap MD 3TO Ame 19670 m cr. - JPFA 4310p & 51--55* IA/Cuba Soo Doe 6T 346o269 Cuban A=OJWS CaWSS Of Follwasp by PSUX as Im. Un't 16 pp. opmmi, vers Mme, z -Dmdlm no 38;, July MOST, PP 3-13 - JPMB 43254 LA/Cube ftl Doe 67 346,326 Mlonamos Jbtbod and AmmVU, ty nkrtft "~ wd ftM*w ftoder., .9 pp. SPAN=* per, 1967v PP 77 . JFO A Ady AM 43166 IA-Cuba Pal Doe 67 346p267 Cuba's DoUlpto Mdmaos UWVM4 ftaW, 0=~p by AUtcMO MW, 7 Pp.. ~P~Amo- %-Mt& y p 1967# pp 9%," - - NO 38, July JFW 43254 IA/Cubo Pal Doe 67 346.o327 lbdstl% QrWs of the OwwwtlOa Mok- gr*LW4 b7 Umm" Llmw&,, 312 3M. WAMOM4 per,, TMaM -3r Ptacuiso Avg IW* PP 24-2it JPFS 43915 U-Cuba Pbl Noy 67 3lAsl6D M; Iftwrlm Pmf - Dr - Ir - F. A. Vening Heimez,, 1887-1966* bly G. J. pralaas DMV4 Pori Tor lbobamm =. Dr. Iv - Yo A. !!Mw maing& &M-Im Ams V&jr-Datch Blogc, 2"- , '410-11R WOMIUM Pwvad" alum pwtlooj, 1w awl& am=&& ojw~s 5 W, oc~~ u= owz - -- --w Ah~- Nor do ]a an% IT go" 0 p 5-0 RX M 261,9 LA-Chue Pal Jan 68 346,p4U Christi*n Democratic Party Prosident Inter.-k viewed, by Rene Olivares, 6 pp. SPAN14H. per, Tercera de la Hora, Santiago, 3 Feb 68, pp. 12-13. ims 44,495 LA(Chile) Political Feb 68 351o747 Text of PDC Bill on Three Areas of Economy, 5 pp. SPANISH, per, La Tercera do la Hora, Santiago, 20 Feb 1972, p 20. JPRS 55547 Apr 72 Pablo Rodriguez Graz Discusses Movement, by J. Francisco Bamona U., 5 pp. -SPAN15H, per, Teresa do la Hora, Santiago, 11 Mar 19721 pp 14-15. JFRS 55757 Apr 72 Agriculture Minister Chonchol Discuaaes Policy, Outlooki by Minister Chonchol, 14 pp. $11ANISH, np, Tercora do la Hom, Santiago, 12 Mar 19?21 pp 19-26.-- ' JPRS 55790 May 72 Senator Volodia, Teitelboim Calls for an Did to Chilean Hates, by Maria bUgenia Cyarzun, 6 pp. SFANISE, np, Tor era do la Hora, Santiago, 15 Apr 1972, pp 20-21. JPRS 55989 11AY 72 Interview With Radical Senator Anselmo Sule, 8 pp. SPANISH, npg Tercera do la Hora, Santiago, 22 Apr 3.972, pp 20-21.- JPfU 56114 June ?Z Producer's Prices of 1965-66 for Chop GrOm on Centract Basis, by Dr. I. L.,, 1T pp. HUNWw".. Per.. TermlQ&Z_OvCtbVzwftk Tmzkw- sadoga NO 43,, 29 Oct 1965~ pp, 1.4 -001 -33335 JPW ES-Hwkpxy 74M Jan 66 291.68~5 AgriqLaUnVI and Tr&4*, 22 ppp WMAHW# rpt p 30. ;200 17 Jkv JPBB 43M5 n4blagary re= Aug 67 Food MgMstr y and ftrelan To P ARIM-WvOtke-utok b=gadojap J,9bT* PPP 1-To 333?~94 m A'Visit to the State Institute for Vaccine Prodiction,, by Stent-1vanji, klUNGAPIAN,, per. Tems*qt Tudomuyi Koziony No 2# 19670 pp 6T-=6. ACSI J-2311 ID 2204017367 sci-BW May 67 326g1206 Radiation Protection by Drugs, by G. Keomley, 12 pp. HUNGARIAN, per. Termeszet Vilga, Vol 100, No 7, 1969, pp 307-310. ACSI-K-1121 Nov 71 Thermic conditions of the Periglacial Tundra in SW Spitsbergen, by Stanislaw Baranowski, 74 pp. POLISH, mono, Termika Tundry Peryglaclalnej SW Spitsberjen, 1968 WUM TT 70-55061 Sal/ear sci Mar 7 0 Metal Oxides, Carbides, Nitrides, Borides, and Silicides in the Technology of High and Very High Temperatures: Present State and Future Prospects, by E. Lubatti. EUROPEAN, per, Termoteenica, Vol 20t 1966, pp 51~0- 5516 NTC-71-16252-IIB NO'S6-' -r1- F / I)os-A Jan 72 Continuous Control of Atmospherio Pbl-lutica-with Inftstrial Analyzers., by G. Martimelli. ITALDN, per,, Temoteggiog, Vol 213 No 10, 1967., PP 558-565. NTG 71-13722-13B Feb 72 Reliability in Thermal Plant, by G. Zanchi. FRENGHp per, TermoteonipA, Vol 23, No 4o 1969., pp 193-202. CEGB Trans 471 Mar 72 Irrigation Futterns In fftmwAa Described,, by 1-14re V., Cotets 7 ppo RUMIAN, par, 12XM, Bucharestq Vol lp No 2t ma%-Or .19699 pp 12-17- JlW 48241 Sai-Agri Ju37 69 3830953 Development of Geographic science Traced, by V, Cueut Al, Rosue U pp, RQWIM, per. Bucharest. No 4, July- Ang 1969,pp JPFS 49173 std-bAr 601 Nov 69 393o831 Mjor TroWs in Goological Romearohe 10449699 by v., unovioi, n pp. RU401M, per. fttM. Buobar*Ao No 4s July-Avg 1969. pp 22-31. JPPS 491?5 sci-Ear sci Nov 69 393030 DMIOPment of Famip Tm& Smvey",, tV I. sanime 9 pp-0 RMWW~ par# Tom lbohmat. Zia 4. Jui-Ag 1969o pp 32-404. JFRS 49DOB Es-aumanla F4w I Offt 69 M0710 Do"lopmento Stmetu" by Ce 1400=6 to PP* RUNUM, per# &M, pp 14-21a iMs 49873 Sei-AgA Feb 70 of ForesU Doswibedg Bucharesto Hm-Doe 196go 4020111 Coicnel Bokooss Addresses Chamber of Comm- marce and Madustry of the CentMI Afriew A"blic., 5 ppo pw=.. npp T*rr* Afrimine, Vol 4., No 109,1 8.14 Jan i~6 ~,j)- 4. JPM 34091 Africa.-Central African repablAc Few Feb 66 295j,808 President Bokassa Visits Agricultural Center in Lobaye Prefecture., Outlines Educational., Health and Foreign Policiess 6 ppt FRP=., up, Terre AfrIcalnep No 228, Vol 4,, -28 May -5i 2 1 pp, 1, 4 JPFS 3626o Africa Soc ,Tul 66 305.,033 Control African President Stresses Fbaitive RommIts of His PbUcion. q pp FRENCH# np# Term Africaing. 26 NOV12 Doe 19" 0 pp I I r- IS - JPRS 39430 Africa Pol mar 67 319,276