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A; Branchirig of Periodic Solutions of Autonomwq Systems and of Wfamtial Equatims in Banach Spacesp by P, Go Alsengendlerv M. M. Vainberg. Russia, perp pok Ak Nauk swR,, vol 1769 No It 1967t pp 9-12. Am Math Soc Vol at No 5t 1967 ID, C, /* GN, CiLEk Nov 68 354t251 An Application of "euton's Diagram to the Problem of Uie Stability of Periodic Solutions,, by P. Or. ilizengendler. OSSIX, I., per., DoIc Ak Nauk SSSRI Matal *Vol 179, I'o 5, 1757 .101.5-1015. Tha A,-M~ican liathlenatical Society Vol 9., *,o 21 1963 tJ L oct 68 363.,516 QLant Mitoeboadri2 in Frog Oocytax, by T. B. A44MILUdt. RUSSI-Ast per0DQk A XaNk Mao Vol 189t no 60 19W, pp 1367-1370. ca Get 70 U'~CCL Vic S*(~ 41 ill o L Q 4 V N# t I ycl~ Lienditary Influel" of an ultras"le Wastrout an Antesite Gralia Grmths by B. G& Alsontsons, L. V. Spivak. RUSSIAN& por, luesto VUZ Chera Not No 20 1967s pp 131-133. IM 7160 sci - Mach Aug. 467 3380565 , C Ifeet a~ Ultzu5mic kli4ratikui ca tvw -All -1 t,Ldmuito i;rain cvwU. luf :'Itocil ia Uin-9 ~'y V-ar, Izwst. VIAZ-0ion ~"o C~' /_c;VAI OX, Anstailite SUal Mdur 2!p2,v77 asults o i ~Amlioa m Da Tcodcit~ , oported by AizicwAci. ilms arf~dej, 3 we i~aikslA~i. per, lfj&Mp LUcbarozt. Apr 119&)o pp 21)-218. j ul~ 69 ni cn~ --. Por It 21. oa 77 30 Democracy and Political Activities in the Produc- tion Units., by Dr. %%ammh Qlans, 9 ppe ARABM., per., al-Tali-ah., may i967s, PP* 43-47* jpRs 41743 M-UAR Pol Aug 67 333,9149 EffectAvenew of Plamud EaccoM reA~wed,, by MIUM Ajt4l. 6 We IIUWAaMq npo BU"Pwto 24 Lee 19680 pp 1e 20 iPlu 41M L-con rob 69 373,n4 NCII-201 323 Field 43 _ALzens. jjt.,B. A. Mr-HEAT-BALANCE OF THE BASIC REGIONS OF CEN- 1. National UnWing TRAL ASIA. Tr. by It. F. Zobel. 1965. 12p, 18refs. Library for Science NLL-.1,1.5648. and Technology, Order from NLL as NI.5648 I Boston Spa (England) Trans. of Scientific Meteorological Conference. Physics of the Surface Layer, Leningrad, 1963 vT p230. G - Akbarov Results of the IndustrIal Study of Gasfired Reverberatory Ramace of Nonscale Heating. RMIAN, per: Ispolmomde GwA v Narodnom Khome-Istye., No T~ 19bbv PP 176-1 - Order from IM as WFT-173- $6-70- IMC 72-60578-13A Nav 72 ,mizatial of ~;iam- a"i utvel- chica., Uyt, ct,rulto Ly ~~,kaji i-kie. jl~l- ;L'U" lerf ~~dzwt, i~o 10. ,~t 1967* pj~ 31-41. cli-I ~~88 A ko-3 i We .-VI t 6,9 366 o424 z 4~ Fffects of Adrenaltne, Acetylcholine and Heptamin on the hction Potentials of Small Coronary Arteries, by N. Vkaiko. JkPAITIESY, port Nippon Seirigaltu Zaashi, Vol 30v 1968, Pp 759-?60. !TTC-71-11867-060 I Alov 71 1) 'dtl~tl "L _j_, 0, Osms 03ddation of DL=t)Wl Bmlfge &ad Deodorization of EP Mow Ows by Is Aknatsu. JAPAME, per, Wa . . I - .c d.-ft Vol 22., No 4p 1Wj pp MO-204. XTC 71-W54-ou Feb 7 2 '/. & j I zl~-L Deodorization of Ibhaust Gas in Kraft Pulping, Part I, On the Formation of Halodous Conponents in Kraft Pulping, by I,, Akamatcrut JAPAMISE, per, Kad Porm Oijutsu Xyokai Shi,, Vol 22, no 30 i968l pp 4o6-410, ITTO"-71-11953-07A 140V ? I xffect of Lance Height in Basic Oxygen ~I Furnace blowing,, Part IV of 'A Study of BOF Blowing', by K. Akamotsu, JAPANESE,, per. Tets-u-to-Hgaana, Vol SS, " 3, 1969, PAPer 90" P 5 90. US 7866 sci/mat Sep 70 go-or at CWXOSUA by bW An ACM GaUftoct IV DW* abobab 8214- Vbl IT* Do 3~ Z968* AM 70 Amplification of Cdmmt Radiation; Win& tho Effed of Indumd Rom katterlass, by B. A* Akmayevs S. A. Akhusnov, at als 11 pp. AUSSIMO POTS, unal sWriinets4*11% i TooretiewokiwMaul. Vol I No 4 is may L%50 pp 4:;. PM030266 FTO-AT-650399 C~- eal Sep 66 309g,466 Nuclear Proptrties of 102 Isat"s with X"s Jl,%*uwbcr& ZSS and 2560 by G, N. Ak&p*yov. RUS~AAIN,, rpt* JLNR-P-29390 7 SASA TT F-11,231 Sci-Nucl -Sci Doe 67 344,751 Cmaparative investiqations of machanical Plroce.,;ses in LArthquake Swarvis as Indicated on Short-and Lonq-period Seismographs. "',Y, lia.'irav Akashe. 154 G A. 51."XIA',11, oer, Vergleichende Untersuchugen aus Auf zeichnufi46h .Lang ,xriodi scher Se- i smog raphen , 11)69, *CFS,21 TT 69-52-73 !~ci/ear Oct i'll) Circular TurbulerA Jet in Cross Vlow, L,,~! W..;SSIJAW, per, AN SSSR. Izveat a. Makh. zilicum-isti i , F.-L*D UT Sr,,ecial 65-70 A.T,-r 405,912 Ramd nlarbwlent Jet in a C,--oa3 Flow, by N. 1. Rie-nov. R=IM , per,, Isy M -WSR. Mekbm Zh-l d no 6~ )~692 pp 11-19. Dept or Navy WJM T-24* 'ce Aj Se 1 /*dft Aeron June 70 Me Frontierg of the Fbwer Industry -arkerg of Kazakhstan, by 1-1, Awov, 6 pp., per, lhjwv9U= -dammm '6, 5. Aw, 19G 31-34. )15.282 /Ifi 6 rMhods of VAPOSIUM at and a" ftim an ftumn soul 0864 br IL Abstm ammut DW# jaM 0 va 4 )ft xq65s, w IVT-W3L. 53" -7 S Alatsu &A - ~ Mb*o%IWU mw 67 xnmiedge and iriaiect.jcai 1'4terialla%2, by I. Akchurin. 12 pp. AN, No. 2, ',!-jscov, Jan 68, pp. 45-55. JPRS 44,900 USSR T~Olttlcal ~". 40 6c -'Iaa. ttyl jyabel:~ of L'r Y Nkahuxi-ti, 20 - ..r vc~pjjjft ;y UlckiofLlp Vul 21, Ao 1, 79-90. L6 1, c Uc :-.;Ar 69 3%,567 Pet-liodUoSical Problem of MsUiamtlcal T MDdeling in Natural Scienee, by 1. A. Akch- urkil, M. F. Vc-dww mi Yu. V. SwWwv., 16 Pro per, Vaprogy Filosofft, &a 4, 1966.. 3~p- 64-750 JPITC 36-R-3t ,-v~z 7 3 I. MEISH sci-Matil,/vp Jal 66 / Y~) LVvelopwn-t of trie Conceptual Appsmtuo of Uha Puysics of Elementary Particlesp by 1. As Ake-hurim, IL pp. RMSIAN, per, ftroey FUosofll robe 10j, 'Oul-I pp- ;P,--).02- RAS 3)745 A kC HJ'(, USSRI PIVO Feb UT 317s,159 t.4t Uzo re"goomm" cc 1 0 1 and MaWum* IW I e A. Abcbm*4 33 W? 10 vws Mmm -Masm Zl* 70 3mi5a pot 99*30* irfs 317M 1-1i 1,16, A ~ r, / /'-, MR ft4vu ampt 65 aD6,*0%6 A Superregenerative Amplifier Made of a Tunnel Diode Without an External Source of Auxiliary Voltage, by~&. A.Achurin, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, XXI I Vse-s--N=ctr Sessiya, Posvyashchennaya Dnyu Radio. Sektsiya Radioprivemnvkh Ustroystv i Usiliteley, 1966, pp 3-6. JPRS 37520 Sept 66 use of tw iv,4mod Aur '*thoa in tag pa", C."'Adca rn&*tryo by k4rol AgM~% 9 pp-o ') s PC=, lor, Pror"I Oct the Upansion in LiEcnfuiictions Corras,vn6in~ tt a Part of the Sct of Ligenvalues of a NonselfadjoInt -cmid-Ordcr Differential Operutur, by u. A. Akt-rova. er, Dok Ak hUa- ,6Sks Vol 1880 NO 5, TLe 1!4th Wc Vol 1(7, ~,'O 5, Se."t-lict 1969 "ar 70 403 0 m)s T"" of the -user some usaw"W't IW he ap AbMUMMe I ~ ? / RnIms two %1420 NO 2v 1966, 19 Dapt of btarIM Flab and viualft serfs" Buft= of ft&WP risbal" Oct N . ); 4 k I'* ~ pr b ~ 11 ~ Effect of Sma3l YAgnatic Stoxm on the Murnal Variation of the NvtU= Oomponent of Coadc Rays.. by x. Akhababym. RUSSIAN,p perp Akadeadya Miuk SSSR- Izv a Seriya Flzlahes~w vol 33j. l9b9., pp ld95-lt6T- NTC 72-14351-04A jau 1 at gnu Nisma" amm 4a me VANIsma Todw"= at am sollm at ONN" UP* V N* &WhdWaao 6 omms pwv :&, I In- Lull yd 33s No lis IMP UU It M3sW3 4t WNW am 70 Loss of Plegenerative Power by the Malmalian )troeardium in the Postnatal Period, by Le Ve "khabadze HJSSIM., per., Dok Ak Nm* ES Vol La.* 11o 6., Dee 19670 pp 110 CB L , ,,/, /) e I / # p L,; , - ~ 2 j Aug 68 362j.336 IW&t of Sobaim of,Platqd:uu is Rydredilimic Acid, by V. V* Mk"MnSW. 9 no. AMIANS xyte UMLIM m almOm"Ca wit), Is an Su4b" mawrls" md AIWAC r~' Dolt a Sell"m L - J" ZZ-27. 9*5 9232"s ACC AWL-tr-3% SCI/Nuclear Sci Jun 66 0111011PIPIS" ~t7 of !11, a - - - -5 21 by A. T. FWAW*u~ 16 A* Mak gw# a mm Sib GOL O-W s" 1b lw of DWY Set L.Cbm lbw 69 Apr 72 qu~j MActr4V=mlcmj tr A. 1. Akblezert V. B.BerestetWy. Missm; bk.. 1965p 8M pp. Miter-SCieMe PdbliGhWG; LOVAW- Jim r sci-FkQrs jai 66 31*PW .3 Theory of Wave fluctuations and Scatterint in ft~ Plasma in Strong Electric an~- Napetic Fields* by 1. A. Ahiezer. V. V. AnCeleiko. RUI%IANO per, Zhurnal UsperimentaPnoy i Teoratichoskoy-T Ms. Vol 55, No 6(12),v 1969,, pp 1792-2297. Dept of Interior LUMP A-36-Fab 1970-No 82 On Lou 2 e SC i / pilys ~isy 70 om tko lboory of Moulluear waticas of * Nonequilibriua Plasmas by So A* Mblesers 6 ppe RMStANsper, Vysokochastota Sv*LAitv pl"Myo 1965 "-142Mj4w,-, rMW X-Sq;o T Sci - phys Aug 66 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Me CIMOICal Ymmt Pftblem =a BOW Rel&tAd Questl= ln Ana"m IV N. 1. Ableftro NMI=p bkp 1965. Oliww & DcVd* Lmdou Sci-MW & Data )&e66 300098 'I Rnvalution ane ontroulng the DavalawAnt of SmAety, t4 'rp. 46951 L*v 6Z,, 371,6J0 Frw scorodc "Wels to smoac cybwwtuxp by A. B. Ahblyeaw., 16 pp. Most pwo )~m Fug"m I no 7,0 J%li 65* vp 31-41. JM 32606 W814 ~l ~ ~ ~4,1 ye x k-, i~ , rcou Bw 65 291#933 or and SWUMIM In 9k 4AM In 3b*W E290trie al)d I%pgtb FUldso tr Is A* Akbiyaswv V, V, AnpUyA4 10 We RUSSI"p pmp OSM4 amorms" MLI R410ki- Room Vol 550 NO 6 (12)0 1900 2M-22970 jr-Rs 4u U. o-, "t 69 30008 ft I ft PP 31-330 oftot of DCA/aff lopertava RobWyp by L U. Alftywv. Dws &LIM lam Vbl 45,p no ns, 1900 if ,~ :) 41 SrA-m Fab 70 T""StUntAon at the boom of the at goo" in hatolloof 1w the mothA or m9b- SPW MUM Platmes, FUdmo tir G., A. ftboly=4 Re M AlftUdftV9 RUSSWID v"ll a* At m Sm Val 1?9f Ho It mor 196E6 yp U3-UN CB M. CV md/Aft & Lquip Rm 68 -,,ar,w.uLrjv pli ficatitm 'AC-t tulbircde A. A-6a,:onov, V, V. BaUaaamo, et al. V , ,.,ar, lzv--itiXa ?Ur.Wd4-Ji Wwljn*,'l zilao--my, i~~ofizika, Vol 10, 1-10 1- 375,627 ApWb= an as afflolsaw of OiptA=l ftoquMM VablWap by S. A. Ahbnwvo A. P. BukbxmAw. A pp. =810., pwi, I" VQZ Bbdi*fje$ha.* Ta lop w A, JPbTs PP IbJPQb"- AIR/*44W-~~T3&& ct, su-ptp lbw 69 395,,9W ANP11ficati4ii of Qa#mt wiattaki using tm Eft4ct of jAdva" *000 smto4asv by A. am"Yove S. A. aksmove st ad. 11 MWILIts par,, 7A2ML U*voxloataL$= I Toamticb"i~*YMASI Vol 1. No 4. up may ms. W 44*Vo ra ck ~sp An Investigation of the Evaporation Processes of a Substance and Plasma DOT010PSOnt When Laser Radiation Strikes Different Materialop by X, Vo AkhmanoTao RUSSIIN# pers - Apoktrookovil# Vol 8. No 4. 1968t Jjc'jj--j'j;".v'q-20X May 72 An Invastigati cin at the Broporation boommoo of a SWntwm and P3 am Devel is m A Rm Laser Radi&Uon ftriksm Mffws* MatwWss bF M. V. Admmora. 8 pp. RUSSMS per# &, E", -ftekbrosoccup Vol 81 No h. 1966s. vp 554-M7. NASA TT -F-I 3539 A , --r (~ alx~ol Ans 71 Use of In-trared Spectrweaff For Immetigatiarx of 2adimwtiva Solid Inargwdc Coqmnd--* Irj N. Aldinarova,, 1. B. 151dailenko* TM Akmdwd I-ImIk WSR, r, W,!;p.Mrj D i Vol 177,t 1~0 51 Dee MTP PP LUO-U23. MA. 401r"OVA o a i '. 'LSO 363027 maccour mWaw cc so=aa trictsw I tw / 3 7 A. s. Ammatwo :Rwu% bts W4 4w 9p. M-L 4583.9 I- Iq - , P-) /\"~ )-; ~ a- -~O,vl fti-A" Ja 67 329464 Problems of Metal Pro6iotIon, retum on Aswts., wA Profitability in the Metaumsica Industryp by 0. Akbmator and 12is f 8 pp. WMIANY mPs PrW" MM%13;Y 2 Mar 1966, p. 2. Ras 3W11 USSR Econ Apr 66 29B.,148 ,P,7 I Ll On tho Improvinu of AgAomargtes for Blart F=wesm by S. A!OMpLtM 5 pp. Flissms UP, Pr9v" ukrubm, 19 Feb 1965p p 2* MRS 29600 sci-Faw Apr 65 2782958 bvmvlm tw Qtsulty or Lm om* W so / /~2, mummor, 6 yp, Rww* vor PM& sm9m 9 Sept X9650 V* 2. JPM 32W , ~ 4 vo qi i ~~ I ) ~0, um SOL44/M Oct 29%"0 Ine Structure of Curiurlatc-d Ciist Iron Graphite, i)y Yu. -'~. A-Lbriatov. S, '0 "er Uok k Vol 186 A 1969, pr 8T-~84. The Az Inst of I'llys Vo! 14, ~~o S, i;uv ID69 C, V' 39b.933 --A -% ,// --~ .- rat am civu soften Owtorq br Ue 001e U, 5 we RMMS pr* ago= ImUb lb ev lot 99018490 im 3%638 A. tm Nu Apr 66 2W0962 Ni . o . ~ w A r'! F, 4. s' k' ,, r~-'j Protection of Population DurIM the Use of Nuclear, Chemical., and Bwtoriological Wes~ns, by M. A. Akbmwtsbirl, G. F. 13113red-CM, 4 6 PP. RWSL4N9 bk. Zdorov#Vn. 1969. 1 ~~ ACSI K-TI9 Feb 72 chirchik Tronsfomer Plant Sales Purt by Worms by A Akbmdiovo 5 ni porp xong4lin I Won, nckowtonts, 170 Is, 3.9Wj, pp 11~-160 46671 369o270 6iB ,tot~vmvmqnt of Axed -apital 11tillsation a a Aorimltural "AchInmy, !,~djm* lAnts by 4, Akhr-c.%v, 6. pp, a 7b sy i~~ C4 V ,;Ot 6~~ vniumic significance of Motayboo as an pauutanto ttr Be K* Akbmdovo FPO RMIANO Pat GUM I adtadno mooome No lot 19680 pp 10-15. JPHS 48134 [3 k-7 tq soi-fW Jun 69 3M9258 CCCPAOr WMISUOU Of thO RMAiC Chumeter-letics of ftmal rlew Propagation,, by D. B. PJftwd9vj V. A. Idaymbev. ROWZM,.Per,, Firlks g2reign t Val 5, no is 1969P vp 93-99. Dept of ftw Wim T,-)h:?,p Juay 70 hwtom lAbcral lntjecr=jjst m 1 1, .k 26- F, Ak d 1,4,E do\/ 01 Ths SVrW Raw at the - - --staps"as ot the COIDUW SYAft 04 the Probbw at tho DMIOPIM lktiamo bor tv AWMAwp )4 GmdW- W=do and B. B00114 U pp* 40&~ wwMal m*upp: DWY 969dut 9e mm 3966, We JPM 35336 Pol Mw 66 3WAS3 Swiet rive-Year Pl= Includes Provisjone for C.~*~mtion witi Developing Countries,, by F, AkImeaw and Bo Goskin,, 6 ppp HUMMN, np, BakinakiX RabogUy 26 oct Ppm. 2-3, JPW J39'15 Rean Crystallization of Cellulise Acetate Sorbates, by F. A. Akhradov, G. Sh. Talipov. RUSSIAN, per, VyqokomekuIyarnyye Soyedir.- eniya. Seriya B. Kratkiye Soobshchen!xa' Vol 10 r --140-- 11 -196VI - 90-91. PP FTD-S-334 Feb 69 374,436 DqnndwAn of Sam Hoobaulml Propw a of FoWavmwa&bpW an hopwaturs and the Rateg bV F, A. Aamedov. RUS&WO pw*ftA&-qm99kA$opdlAl Val 70 No 4* 1963t pp 6504%. ATS RJ49% Feb 69 373*7?3 C, Some Regular Pastures of the Distribu- tion of Scattered Organic Matter in the mesocainozoic Sediments of Aserbaidshanp by G. A. Akhzedov. RUSSIAN, per, All-Union Oil and fialL Genesis azaposigat 1967p PP 40-45 NTC 72-11338-OBD June 72 bole of &'.,,tate awk Wer boanoude Worm Told# 1~ by K 9 A a Althmwov e 6 pp* P,WSWO np, loftq Befts 4 Dec 19699 p 2* Jilis 50308 [