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ROA;,Ious :~wts in - oAwar Japan Z~s Aimt~funovq -'* ;ivotl*vt 7 pp, 14 Per* blk*a i Roli'dia, 19M, 52-5h. j 50m"- -.40C Apr rAwnseed. b,.,~ loscow, Pho Araaytic .,,ethods of A'-larming 'Manual' Control 5yetemp by S# K. Arutymovs 14 Ppe hLbSIAN, per, VYQhjgLtgj!mR 1044NUL-4YA Zra am, Hoiscov. 1969. iii-267- ~~iq4~2 igoigodsty 277. J FIRS 54504 Nov 71 DM DrausbiUty of alps Se~-kMed Steal V5 Shoot, by 1. ~.. AlutyUMV, V. H. Brimm4 RUSSIAN, per, Xwmocbrmujj~~Lr, 19676 . PO 20.210 D 6 7 Comtraction of a Single mid United SystAw of .9cleatIfic w4 Tachalcal lafwmtlou., by No Arutyuwv,, 10 pp. FUESIPA., np# Mwmdebaskom pazatal we 130 Far 1967.0 We r3-114- JPFZ h0371 r USSR Ecm July 67 14, 329,,VA J!, Integrated and Centralized Information sys- tGM of the Soviet Union, by N. Arutyunov. HUNGARIAN, per, Tudomanyos es Muszaki jj&*koztat&s, vol 14, No 2, 1967, pp 103-112. AIR/FTU/tiT-23-793-68 N. Arutvunov Sci-Heh 6 Soc Sci Apr 69 379.852 c c- j . I ~ Bove I s $cope ~ 4L OafamiLy %Utine, BRov, bUr S, S. Aratyancm, G. N. Ddtriyove 7 PPv RMSW# per,, . Ladngrad & Val 150 No 29 19?2* PP Boom, JFRS 55935 fty 72 Itational 14cation of the by V. AratVwv. 5 pp. m'111:'Mk., n?, '~amsunjst. 9 - J!'RS .37r,3 V I USSR .;:eon ~;ept 66 Produotive Forcest AW~, 19f,()* pp* 3* gl~ J I L't Pio, V, 311.77-1 'r The CAKWU W4 tM PAAdpl PrdA4m 0t ,A cwtooponry , traUas bF U. A"dWWwvo 14 ppo RoLisIM9 4Wo ImmodW!IM I-sm"o as 910 'AV 1967, pi) 3;1U j iP,3 43YA iAdoi,otb and tqiAP j*n 68 3WAI J, - . 4(BNL--tr-I62) 5EFFLCTOF MULTIPLE SCATTERING ON TIIE 2501-0 600-1leV ELECTRON RADIATION IN' LAMINAR MEDIA, 6.-krutyunyan F. It jaTranglated by S. J. AvioruttN n'-~~E - -:kA-U Upton, N, Y,), from IbDold. AkLd. Naul, (Bruokhavc- iu 1 1;. Arm. '.5SIl; 48,. No. 1, 32-5(1969). j,~p, 24IJXop, NTIS. 25 Uphysics; translations 2T20 2SI%IN-34 29P NSA AntilcipatLxi Gr~nMl ar ATWOOD 1,11a8try in Yl t.1,-- Nov Fivo-Year Planp by (;- Arat3rWY=,, 7 PP- ,=SUN, perv Pmrwawwut, Anna Nc.) 6, 1)66., Pp- 3-6. ipbs 37443 vx R Fp---)n Sept cy~ ul the 'Amuctute of ..'iiod,: ('L-im3s in ielaxinc, :-edal 1)y "XutyLnyal llrk"Ilvil per, Ziiur-n,-tl FlriklaLb24 :birjlcmlik-i i 'io~lniciieskcyy ft-ZILLp Alo 2, 1969,v 110-115. 1-IrD ll-V SL-ecial 56&-69 ci--c 69 3980558 :;. '!. Aritkyunyan Interaction oP a s;wck zoave L?ith a idedge. 11 pp. R&J'SLIN, Doktlky M AN VoZ 46, No 4, 1968, pp 260-167 AIR1FTD-,'JT-24-321-72 oct 72 alvmw of a Sluxk Wave an a Vbdge ?Iovincj at NA)c *CV -1. xs= leloat I .1 j, by G. ' Arutyunyan IWSIN-1, per, Iz3t2tiZa M S,11-S-R. ~bkharWca ZU~kOSU i Gaza, 140 4j, 1969, L7p 166 FID-UT-Szecial 295-70 Oct 70 AeUn Mulan an 960UM g3 Ot Va agft r MWO by S. Z. r k mums PWO a I I sambas 13-11. -- 41MONEWWWWO no -to W", FSW-W-a3-558-68 filect 'S I/-. ~y Sol-sw Sol am*($ 36M#659 Coemelent of in the Cme of Mokinartic Electrons Striking a Urget at an Oblique AngUp by F. Aral. I I, per, Campten RwAns NMI 11r. I P f des Sam 0 pp ';~ A,, 14-CL ~-' aug 71 T"We In hational Immo Uvimg standard noted bw Jame Arvays 19 ppq J~'Muuml, peri -�FG-Mleo Budapest# f ab 1969,p pp H5-137. jilis 47M k.b-Hopry i8m 1*7 69 381*389 RWIt PrIeft and ftUoud &x", by Janos , Arvv-.. 19 pp. MURM Statiattiml .1 per$ . 29&t 10 ..q . . dA B 0 7., Jul U65.. PP- 7224356 JPfS 3MM W-!L,Xcmi~y z0on Oct 65 M9*633 i.yqihansdograpide investigation of Mylous 0 IA tusiouns (kscitos wid Oiylothorax) , by it'. Axvay. FILNU,', )or,, J, iZadiol Electr Vol 46,, Plo 5,, 10-21-66 (()n Loan) ,V, R V Aj Lie C 514.698 .."ijurical aiq-licatiosi of mie now Approxitjate "athod for ~,L-Ivias~ oscLvidary Value Vrobleas, Dy A, AlcksidZU1, Arvoludze, Ai ',-SLNv:w t-L. Cidslenuaya ~eqlizmtsiya :Alnobgo "ovom I*rii)lIzhyuiO,_,o Aetudu :esheniZa Granichnykh 1.9~e 11)(75. 143- ..A~'A IT F (jSJ 'A - '7k solvin~~ Of 60udaftry Pro't1e~:s wit t wd 4 Aid of -,unarthoj~aual serios, by A.. AleksiJze. N. U. Arv*ladze. RUS'~IA:4, ror, A.N GruzSS14, Val 4j, -o 2, lii6S, pp 161-236. Fmch Uso of Ionospheric Distnftnce to Measum and Detect Nuclear Explosions, by Pierre Arvior, 6 pp., GOVEMMENT USE OPLY FR-rl,'CH, por, Science St Vie, Apr 1967. pp. 116- 118. jpRs Gto 2496 Sei-Puc Scl Aug 67 332.770 'T. c - R tp- \j *t e U- Soil 14inera-I Phospbates,, by J. C. Arvieu. FMCH, per, Bull ABsn Pr Stude S21. ~, No 4p 1969, PP 5-16. *M'IS TT 72-55100 June 72 Galvan aaim3 Char4es in ik Foreahadow iurgas in Trade lhionism# by ~Anuel Arvisup 5 ppe .OlAIaSh, np# jx2elpi mdoo City* 1 liar 1M,,j pp 4-Ag 22-Ae 56065 lay 72- stattr of the Oni G2&rds of Ooddl&q by L. AM. I.iar.,iu, pw,, ","MdgM Vol 5v 196?, pp 7943. !fL,,~i .3n 4-31-68 ;$: ~,!~ v , SW ~~j %wt ;; MID 68 358o335 n.rsUAld Treatment for ftmi4 T. Arlywv, 5 pp: '~L' RUSSI-Vil, per, bam znSaxa. No 2, Feb 1967 PP. 30-31. Mu- 40529 T. A OE V, USJR -1 oei.lwll ~' MY 's 7 32 4. 4 _cA 70-1W5-20K Agshcnskii,__)~u.M.; Kaluzhskii, 1. 1.; Uvaroy, V. V. CERTAIN' PROBLEMS CONCERNING TI-tE PLASTICITY OF ORTHOTROPIC MEDIA. Izvestiya Vvsshikh Uchcbnvkh Zavedenit. Avlatsionnap Tekhnika. v. 12, n. 2, p. 115- 120, 1969. Order from NrC as 70-13585-20K: HC $ 6.70, MF $ 5. 80. x:~ inw:sti . ~aticn c f Ajo A ol. -'~-21-4r 6-G"- 3 N. 4040420 Ccc.~nliiiate . 1 Ait in Tn%e!~;ti atinq 010 -.'xtL;iL ~iiiotm,;qo by Yu. A al. 9 '.e r .24!U i,~~O"qlicvkiy Aviat-Ac=jj Lw,titut,, ;u, 20,, 1%5,, p-) 61-68, 17/ L,.~-d al 397,p 397g447 in ;~-'cwtustlt ;-,orvioes i~aedad, by kovs 7 X.P. 77-7,~ i;~) 461z j S -r A j'J 6 E K) m . prp lie:10AVOG ~%tAlt* w, virpL-W~ Fiphts a rs -ml~sa. im-v~ls Rt, 31756 65 l-XVDMV' 'Ap.-taurc Workmp lij jlo tie p9 115?9756 B . r,,i , 4 rL 7- '9 ~n '9 S 0 ./ , c Analysis of Circulation Method in ebating iparmationg, by B. ff. Arzmawv,, 6 pp. RMIMs, perp Zushch1twe Pbkrytsiya N& fttallaldis 1968t pp 68-1,~-. ADVM/HT-23-98D-71 SePt 71 6 ZI-lueadolm -mats in & Im :Aoommo * V!, A, prokosbane so ne i9smaws 6 au %Vto 11 . 1; ~01 n35-oq iFT Vfto= - AD t)79 5u5 ,ci,w at B. N. Arzamasov 1 ob 6) M*0014 Refining Pig Iron Outside the Blast Purance with qq Spent Open-Hearth Slag, by To. I. Arsamastsev. RUSSLMI p5to Inv VUZ Chm Net,, No so 19699 pp S6. *81S1 8281 sci-mat may 7.J \~ C, , "-~ - . ~\, ~-\_ %.X, " Ct-, _~,, iblivian Trotskyitas Call kbr Election foyaott and Ro"lution, by Amadoo Vargas Arse. 6 pp. VNIAS np, Lucha Cjw"4, 13-24 J= 191,kig pp* 1659 ,Ir?) 214.5 A Me e--' VA 10 66 311,733 dx IM!, 1 lein " air a usivoul maoft tbN &*Ut-ZVMM UMftv by 14. a. Lmttow, omwi p IAIP Chou.? CA #,Arxsm DOC &I A Ptrasidtl Information System for Ac- quiring !)8t& from Sens*,ri and for Trous- fwrrln,~ Them to a R*Qete Couputer, by t~rdyatsev. A. 1.4. Arthskov. per, P ibory j Sistelay uprav- lei r'4*~ ,ic 1, pp ZS-26. Al tDILT-23-910-63 A. M. Arzhakov 5CI-Elec Apr 6,,, 579 .7;)Ts in 17~e unchmezit-Is of 4,10 Or odyn"t"lics 0.1 by i. sadokovn. 1301 &Allm T'"Qrostp~'t i2bric ow _7'17 'ro 363 ~055 Ite ~elutivistjt Problem of tl"e t;y MAIM -,or Cil~afl Vol Uvs 0 3 0 to 297,421 TwV,,prature and of Cortain ot,.-,*r LTALL,.!, ~er., ~,~umo Citentop Vol ~kuvs :00A TT UA, (NLY 296,2 U .AAAOM -4A ~'Czi of a Ui*.Iivrml wAftint, TMIU in Ula T-vusm ulwwo try )4 AtT4ulj'3z--umx 4 M. Arzenheimer 3,19j: ".., " ~-.Jt Sc lizzt-azacal" Nhr.~-w ll"ktnaorlav" Use of Gams-P4W spectramtry In Anmlysiyg ils~ctivity in '.~aqw !WroKoleocal Umpley, by Z. 4. AzWuuwn & A. F. Feelarov. RWSIA'O, per, Dapt of Lavy fac tr 25& Apr 08 35422163 Aver!dV of Abidj%n In Ivor7 -,bwt ~~nftwed '.Awi or i*ucim. tw -w* and per, Ad'afft-428 Qt MK= .9f)7* ~92-395v JU 24!j) g?'w"vory :'bast mAmentary P"m FAyst" tv L. A-.A-rzlwvich* as pp RUN=* Up 8=4ft Tocbnic% Im. Mmdow,l FabLtmblng CaqVwWs Londm. 1965. 2 Alw 66 299V820 The Mercenaries of Big business, by G. A. Arzuaanov. FOR OFFICIAL USE OULY RUSSIAN per, Morskoy Sboraik, No 2, 1968, P; 82-88. DIA/AP/620-2-S6-SO IMS k Mil fear 69 377,226 ~alljia- 4L I:ncrlis!~. title unknourn, i:5v G.A. Arzumanvan, 6 ""USSIAIN.. per. Ijiboratornoye Dolo ', No 10, 1 1, 0 91 ,5 8 F"5 ftoolve Transfer of bmudty to TWxwcub)min W Nos= of Cell Frm DOG Vaccinated MIce. Pt..2,9 EffecU of Varlow TmtmenU at C*I'l a to be Trammferredp by&&M&a and HoftPtMd- JAPAN=,, Per# MAW Vol-39jPP-95-99PIA- mA-m66-wO 1,1k~vv AH 4 44-0-~ Avg 66 309,328 XpRay Flusn"ance spectrawttic ustendaftics of Yttrium by Sobaiss fttbodg by H, AjWaa 5, Matsudao JAPAVEM, P"* BwAsski K Vol xym a"* pp 1104-1109, NASA TT P-100975 GUVERKHM USE C14LY sci-ph" Aug 67 338s690 St4fte and AM" strwght of Ra&4lowd nle- sent-vound Vom*U Odw kftr=l PAWAno by & An&- UFAMERO pwi imm" am i2om f1w Awo- ~ I md im"WIM Vca IT, Mr JA9m pp ALD-Awo qM 72 7-420818 ion 70 41~4 -J~. C_-l 0,-(KaQ~ ~-~) %-1) Book m Literm7 AsathdA 0 ?Klooopby Revimed, by S. AuduU&yQv* 8 ppe RUSSIAN* pwoloyyy dr. Moscow. la 2. Fab 1972. pp 251-233. JW 35747 APr 72 aa4d(mt A=u3tic Parainck, nxrwaw Li..,LiiW ant,~ ,~t3ds# by Ya. Ya. AsadulUno Ytt. tv';I. i~,Villpmlq 4 II)e r"Zimuady Iiziko- UWc.1micieskiv =stltuts lfalzkv "'Addav ,At.)T"l--j,nqy f.,ia.m iWnf)--rmtsiic Pwvyras~-r- M*-lLetlxu in-ititata - 1-7 .%rch -1966-f rIzio-m-askikh Jad-# Kirmai 15,66 44-46, 6c -)C-(- Pormatign of a Polymer Film on Steel Plate, by Electrolytic Polyrerisationt by T. Asahara, JAPAIJESE, per. J. Met. Fin. Soc. Japan, Vol 20, No 2, 1�99, PP 64-68. BISI 9487 scill'" -\ , Sep 70 ft"0190000-Upe PtAS~jt IW 424, Ammb~p -:-? -I T. robilava. ALRAMMs pwo I in 9ml a" NEW Mdo Ad 262 No Us lgbtl# w mul-im. MS-M-163 -/ Sol-cbem Nor 70 401243 Kc, az 73 Corrosion of Mild Steel in High Temperat- ture Lithium Hydroxide Solutions, by .1 3. Asai, K. Kawashina. JAPANESE, per, Donki Kagaku, Vol 34, 1966, pp 761-76~-. Dept Of NAVY NRL tr No IIS9 Sci -charj- 4ar 6() $76,329 Corrosion Prodmets of 4ild Stools High-Tempersture Alkali Hydroxide Solutions, by 0. Asal. JAPANESE, per, Denki Kagsku, Vol 1967. Dp 638-641-. Dept of Navy URL tr No 1160 Sci-Chem Var 69 lim ~,3 Aqueous 35, 376,330 Corrosion of Mild Steel In lligh-Temp*ra- ture Sodium Uydroxide Solutions, by 0. ASai, N. Kawashima. .JAPANESE, per, D-anki Kagaku,Vol 33, 196S, pp 444-4SI. Dept of Navy NRL tr No 1161 ci-cl'e-l R 1 '!nr 69 376,331 corrosion of Mild Steel in Iligh Tempera. 6--3 ture Aqueous Solutions of Potassium Ily- droxide, Ruhidium Pydroxide and Cesium Oydroxide, by 0. Asat, N. Kawashima. JAMNESE, per, Denki Kagakit, Val 34, 1966, op 201-2105. r Dept of Navy NRL Tr No 1158 S c I - Ch en Mar 69 376,328 Corrosion of Mild Steel in Ifigh Temp To- ture Solutions Containing Two Kinds :f C-3 Alkali Hydroxide, by 0. Asai. JAPANESE, per, Venki. Kagaku, Vol 35, 1967, pp M-861. Dept of Navy NRL TR No 1162 Sci-Chem Har 69 376,332 rffect of Lithium I-lydroxide on Corrosion 63 of !-itld Steel in Ifigh-Temperature Sedimm Fydroxide Solutions. by (). Asai, N. Kawashima. JAPANESE. per, Denki Kagaku. Val 35, 1967, I)p 702-704. Pert of Havy NRL Tr Ho IIS7 a r 376,327 N &-hom NWW' Of &a OxMw by s. Awd am L juass &WAMMA qw. meftftmp P,P labzx. BMI Tf6o SCOA z 1 '1419, , Aug 70 ftP Slam Coarartw, -7 V02 5% go 2v IL969., ~> 3f feet of Various Opersti% Conditions in 1,*b con.~ 1 / ,-II verteres, by S. Asai. JAPANSS89 per, Totsu-to-RaZaza, Vol 55, No 129 1969, pp 1030-104U. *BISI 421,48 Sci-mat May 70 C- , V;~ ql-? 4-~Itile.-'atical -bdel Of OXygen T43 131a4hig Cal- , I Nk3arter, by S. -!zai, 1. 61 per,, 16LSU-to -#~# 1369, JA-, 122-13T.- 11,1gane Vol 55, No 2,, *i~131 7760 T., ; ~ ad/ raterials, dec 69 *'77 /11~ 0 Matheoatical Mdel of a Basic Om;~Wn LD PVrn=e,, by S. ltoai. I JAPAN=,, per,, Tetsu to ga~, iol 54., NO 3, 1963, p an6. HB 754? Scl-FAterlals lav 63 366v2A -)f Japan: A il,and Sp-,Wlrel by tLa UaU P 1- lls!jill~~ C xg -1 pp. Any) GOMIM-Mr. US-P. ONLY JAPIWl5%5E, ap, Aswul 6 J,mz cu FE-Ja- ,~n Set -Ae r se~)t U6 Production of Improved Polyesters, by A. Asami, C. Konishi. JAPANESE, Patent SUO 42-19 822 NTC 69-1058 M-1 Sci -111at July 69 386,812 4(UCRL-Tr&ns--10561) 5PRESSURE AND TEMPERA- TURE PHASE DIAGRAM OF URANIUM NILTAL. '-Asamj, Naoto; Yamada, Masao; Takahashi, Shuichtro. 10Translated to--F-U-n-i-v. of California, Lawrence Livermore LaIj., Livermore, from I" J ' Jap. Inst. Metals; 31: 389-94(Apr 1961'. 24Dep. / 112018P- fg~-' 26metallurg),; tranStations 1111F 21-%'N-25 2,P N'SA