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Some Problems of the Physics of High Energies and Cosnic Rays, by S. A. Azinov. RUSSIAN, bk, Nekotoryye Voprosy Fiziki F Luchey, Vs i~rt Energ y I KosmiCheskikh 2.~L --- I'iO, 128 pp. NAS/NASA/TT F-535 69 Sci-phys May 69 382,347 An ND-Glass Laser with a Smoth /37 Displacommt of the Spectral Emission Da"s by Ve A. Atin. RUSSIAN. per, Qptike-nWch P!ov 19*6o IL No a. *FTD-UT-67-327 ~- H. A-ZIPJ Sci - Phys har 67 ;,.;I sor~c lir~uly Iduoloy-.ical Tasks of the WS'-Wo il,y 1. , - ~ 1. 1 ':!"*G,AA-)I%, per, Tarsatialmi 5inxii Iacmle, No 4# %itril lt)t,S. ,*i.,;; hunoarinji Press, '.t) 1SI11/20 April 1965 ,Jul (is " - I ~ jzxj "-~% Nok C& - Medical AnalySeS and Related Problems Discussed, by Faraq Abd al-'Asiz,, 24 pp. ARABIC,, per., &!Lhir Safah,, Cairo, 23 Peb 72,j Pp 11- 14. JTRS 55967 May 72 4 Ths Importance of couperation tO rs o~ tt*. council of ttwtual FconorAQ ~issistgmce, IZI A. -,'aitbehyan, Z,JJS-MVi, riews1xv,3er, Xwxmmnist, 'Z'erevem, pp. 3 S" s i no admew or riasioAdbodr1aes by A. Azu IM Bard. camo Chou Val las 1969., w avj-me. 403*Mk khe Simplest ieat Sodsors lWer Gcnditions Arbitraril.y Varying in Time. lemperature of' medium and immt Trsnsfer Coeficimto by A. L. Azizov, 11 ppe RWSI.ki, per# UM Vysoldk-h Tenporktu LaplofiL -to No 4, 19679 pp 6554k2. jilts 56806 Aug 72 "10-a1 kilfirileteristics of Cascade Vulsed wjcct,vrs, ',vy 11, A, Azizov,, V, 'I, ionallkov, I', U16 20 AA-4, r!;tl lftti, I 1161)466 17 ,~ S' Growing siqae ft7stax or asse by the method of Gas-TMOPWt BNWUODsj, by 2. ]M6 Azlxov. 2=W.$ peri, IST AN A!j~!M Ser ^z.IW& I Naft ftwco jb 30 OW pp. W-W 1 WURTPOMW /,,i~y 7- /~~ /'~~ / 2 0 "- Aug 69 389.055 lnfluw= of 4dwogm ca Vw Pbduvical Fropartimaz ot -t*ol at .-d4h -AU401stums and l4wosumo by 40 as Auviyans I* A* A2iwv* 6 vb), ;Y;to AN ss-il4 tut cododrii L I' r%UIAL9- ma %Xmftua ZIMUU!!i~* Mgt X, 260-,265 J-357-69 A-Z 07 66, eozal4ilitlev oL Recording Coaformaticwmi Tre-isformatfams of C*tale" by the Chemijum- towicenL Madiod, by Yu. M. ixi=v, at &1, 6 pi. RUSS11VIi. journal, BtofixiM, Vol 12, vo. 3, Nosew 1967% pp. 553-55,5. Ji*; 44. 129 LA sci-dio. one, Med. SCI. Jar, 68 343,a67 .4:,Is of Lbe ftulstrY a:( I.-Aith EOWR I'sk" t3topa to Zmpvme )WA00.1 Soz-,Icc to 1q, V. V0 -ftliluo u pp, mmwl:) 1~avj i4 ~ I t Fiviamuil, no 4,0 Apr 1965, vp. 42-45. TJO -VI13 uesr~, sci-Dim Jul 611 3A FWUW UVOUNIM Of hffLidPMM of the ftn" In tbo 116ft or: a* Appa"Me or ftoW Ad"stra- "Mo IV I. A. Am*$ In* 9 W. RVMANv pw, ftUt&db**W& OIM~i, -~-V* snvtdom 0i ch" 4, seat % tgo, pp 17 Va. 43955 UWR so* asn 68 -"1911 A One-Paramter, Apparatu for the 'kpproximtion of ftwtions, -tV T. A, Asl"m, If. &nmPm. RMIANO part Dok Ak Nauk SSSRv Vol 172t No 6# 1967# iT W-1250, Am Math Soc Vol 8s No it 1967 -. d , 4 -LL .4 F, c),,' Nov 68 37OP349 02Z ;~Aqe L-,,ecidaAal - Its Cbmatar amd Pz*law. tW AWI * 28 pp. PR~Mh. np, 14 OIAMMA. 23 APr 1968S 1-2; 24 Asrlxaf -PP -10-34-15-hur 1c,682, P.0 1#5; Apr 1968s pp 1*3#- 27-0 tunr 1968. pp 1.5; 29 Apr 1968, PP 1*3; Y) APr-3, MAy 1968v pp Is5s 2 1 itly 19669 rp 1*51 3 Fay Lq68s pp 1*3o.5s and 4-5 rAy 1963* pp it 3g 3s J-Pnj~ Av,,- 68 3a*992 lopolmot of the ?ono Md V~*,bbft of OP496 11 atum of tio Oftm of Stdo A**dg%Nddo% by U Ae Aseftle, U N4 swan* pore A - - Q* % PP 93472 -- Jm 43W um ftl im 68 3480910 i(AEC-tr-7354) SINTERACTION OF PLASMA STREAMS WITH STATIONARY, AXIALLY SYMMETRIC MAG- NETIC FIELDS. t4zovBkii, Yu. S.; GuzhovskJi, 1. T.; KWzKnyak, N. A. T(Akademiya Naa-llkrzffnskoi SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko- Tekhnicheskii Institut). 10Translated from report j1KH1-71,40-50. 2010'P- 2ADep. NTIS. 2*mapetoflWdmecharAcs; physics (plasma); translatiDns 21201 28STD-34 29P NSA REVISED CARD 0 p3asawd clolligums in an - I M. - ! - I n3costic ! - r-uld, bY YQ- S- AsWdCWI JMLVI* bkv T P) Rmo aim IWO Vp Vjwlffli~ awaso I MA ". F-IIA32 Sol Doe 60 368o779 Die Literacticii (.,j: PL*wi.j 111t9fis, An an i~)d- syr-retric 'irpatic by Yu. ,;. llzovskiy, 1, '2* 'Liziowdio Lit aL 12 -410 r 'to Aq Lkx.;S!;,* Is-iluclow-ullL I .1.,,Lutkov, 19b'i, jy 56-65* Al A - 3770909 Vi, m7 ` 3, v0 is radn F=Ddw of salet mutwy 3014=09 tW 4 Asmtwvg vo loolms, 12 0. RMI"o 1 0 We" 1220000 ROOM# = l9ba~ pp 13-190 ants 469795 P-at ~-- USSR I.l. ma Doc 68 354o453 I q GrOst ftrst*XW Of Uw AnUUU=o by Col Xv A*Wtowp 6 W, =6L4Wv crj, &~ budW6 24 Sept lot PIP 30 JIPAB 4-U76 A/ A 7, 0 \/ T 'S" E %// umn Nil Doe 6T 3k69253 w7 Int4metim of Inum , uf fg; in an A-XiD4 yr- riAric ;*a!7c0t, Aeld, by lu. Asovsidy. 1--' r,,vt, a C-8 "Ta.r.ai'aw of v-4 smi-am nafm.-&-ic~ c) f U, ~,",odulatinu -Ttvxso W Vo P. r4mvtoov,, r1o 0. 3alraway. 15 t~ero %*Ivilka Aw i qmlavidaniLax 12, r-j-, /M -275-70 IvrewUzqw ot Cubs Lu M=Icsm Nommer., by Miguel LoM Abanj, 10 pp! SPAMH,, up.. 15 Jun 1966m pp. 4.. 5p 17; 16 Jim 1 4, 16; 17 Jun 1966.. p 4, 12; and 18 Jan 1966, 4), 15, 5f; 36365 IA-Cuba Pol Jul 66 -z_ 7 U Ck"I-- C\~ 306..859 ~y am motbods em vo -- --- -- of jvwftn Uaft ca~ 40 a jkw br IL A=S- Amm 0 samom ovb I" 33#~Ix MIS tk~~ OF - S. Azuma 3L909" 64 . amm&*W sw 67 On the Computer System for Soaking Pits$ 1-33 by K. Azumi. JAM&SE, per, Sumi rMet, Vol 20, July 1968, )p 257-263. DIST 6920 Sci-,lat Aug 69 389,538 Itw Manter Flan f,r lpy curnal, 1967, AartL t4iatrict the Jose Arre, 13 Arguitectufa/Cuha, 54-61. I GO AD. ^~37- 3 5 , 648 futurc =d toppabombU7 at to plu ow Its OmAgames of bw-b Conn. tv o. Jawme I. Ass"o. M". ow. Ebln A*cu yeg"ftrr- V*2 23. lb 2, 1965, w 9-!a calm/3D M i4~ - 4 o /,0y 6cl . .~ O.Z!q 30; 67 A -A - - --- A , a x ISA sfm* cc sh" to tw cis~d- Juvmmm~ ;;I~ ftiddo "numm.ft v 3b 19660 90i"P61--le, m ma a4mce K, -4 z w M, ek..& Immuo #J%W~ ftr 69 38NM .'m uptical and 3~1cctroit '-Iicrozcope Investiga- of Lii(--: ~iori?-.,icjlogical Ciiwiges at the Sur-- .acc. ot' Shout ',-)tir.Lnrj Degreasing, I-',j.ckliilg au6 Pao.,Avatiag 1;,--:aforo. Enwaelling, by 7 ,zc)la and Zchurmann, r.~er. Banciar 11,31ccIne, Vol 10, Jan., 196-9, 11-19. 934 7 i abownums on & Dow* 46 am"& AUWO no t4o 11WMW ftwom "Mou"t 1w A~. Am=UAU,!~,-q G. *me"** was vwv; ftafty-ft - 291P lb I IWv 9p v)-9& ma ftm aw SLO A. Azzolinl 390= $a - owlifty mW 67 LASK and Blectm wasacgle In"Bummmim On rpb*2 amnow in a6"1 an" &Wfac" in 1) g, I . Pidalmmd Posav .~A-- befam am&&% am"3,lva-- by No Fo Aswla* 09"s pwo low memo Val 10t No is 1969s pp a1-90 *B30SI 8934 Ab 71 mimbor bialustoa 14&Um avul Am-elopmnt labs tw awbacar bas 5 W* A' &-B,- ',., np* JAMZdJVABO fAkare 12 jui,-~ 1969t pp it 5. 1 40630 &LbcLcr,LR- 01 AM- 61.1 3909659 1.iattor-~,ant In i~~iajly Life of the Peoplo at lar., Anin W ber I- nteMrisa, by J~gj -rri, 5 po. 2? oct LIM ~40C "b 6", 315,447 "Oldifig af aigil-stmagth cwlstructional I ;z .2- -)tou" "'ita New -'iigh :iasic T-lux, Uy ear* ~4; =S. pp 4-E. 10 PATTEiU; OF A r~T ,0, cl, L IL,, RE,""LLE, CTOR AN TEN N A A 3 111. C-1, ELT I CA 1, COMPUTALTION WITH DETAI D-i~.p ASUREEMENTS. gkl~lz"S, HARTSULTKER A.F. UR: WAVE THEORY, IN TP-Rl-,',.f TONA TTFLIS, GEORGIAN SSR. T'~DATTT:'--~~"10, NAUKA 7 S PT P P 11. ftgsmjab Macumes A Rod fbr 2uUV aw xrfactuv um or tl* Djopt Tm"s IV 3. Bawwmjabp 5 Vp- NMGQLIMO "ro REM-mm No It., Aug 1*0 ii.-26-990 JPBB _vm ~j soon Doe 65 M316 .0 p %P Impusel breakdown in insulating oil, by 11. Baatz. GEM4, por, ETZ(Elektrotechnische Zcitschrif'-t Vol 87 ~L No 5, 4 'far 1966, pp 153-IS9. FrD-ITr-23-83068 may 71 0/ ~-rodmotiqm ckf Comm= Goods end EW* Civato by V. ~Abdklj I'll pp. - Dm O;ti I Wt 6 Am 19&3 9 nD 40- 46. 46a1-6 V. g,~ 8 q k i, 6~, 363. M, ~~Av six,* ',OUL"jv by As, itbal-,ont 32 :-kl, JI te-eas, by A. inbakov. 4r Zo S'~rumli in-fit joubamical am: -'Orroaon omparUav oT a Jew otainless A, A,. pw &Tr z _jA%Lt4p A -4 46s 1966. pp 55--~. 9=.r4 f6jpt t3,4 C, V Aur 6"t -,Aly oriodicity of ~-'hytdolorlca-l 17urmtions in the 't,~an orgWds, and I ff4youvn '40prulation or ;ork, by Pabsbahanyan arvl uksi-nova, 7 pp. of%r, ~Arejjma Trion i i~rofassionall nyyo abo L Vol X, ?Lb t), Sept 31-5,392 Contact Diffmias Interaction of Nneziou With Claddiagg by A* A@ &*s&Zakbrympi&s, RLSSIMI, rrv Promeding of the Symposius f1p L53-1 RGIC-676 Sci-wNucl Sri Sept 67 3410344 Violator at nnomes ms. bp &*ftkImv U 4100"v W. Me 33MA ArrLes scon i= 66 The GrwU% awn or the cm in the umlov- wwt or wist e0aev., by Col a A. Bwxwbv, 14 pp. .. per, RJSSW NEME&n voonLwmsjoj~ "I 30 19S Oct. 19b5, PP- 91-3-J- JPM 33135 USMA pca Doc 65 fhase Furs..ation Accomitanyinji the Interaction oi 9j-1 Transition i---etuls with Carbon in Thir, Layers, by A. L. ir', Cert, 7 pi.,. i'LIS-SIAN . ri.,tp TheruodLnmics VIf Nuclear ~'aterials, 190, i,,i 427-4S4. AI:C/UIj LUC/ I.A-Tr-421 i-69 ell .,ci/:.ucl Le C r, 9 3%,029 ImAs md. - row *AWI Flow of a Viscom Fbdd In a Tvbe With Porow Nallss by Go As 6 pp, PABSIAM, per, Ig A Sauk MoSSU Fisiko. Xat" mm"P VO-1 mil't so 4s XM# Vp 73-70. CIA/FDD X-W2 sci - Phys DOC 66 USIB Internal Use Ocly 314s,179 6reakage of the kunner Bolts on a Mixed-Flow Hydraulic Turbine, by ~',. 1. Babadzhanidi, 6 pp. EUSIAA:4, per, Enerpomashinostroyeniye, No 3, 1965, pp 45-46. A: r,~ 1 72 The Nature of Fragmtation in Meteoric Bodies, by P. B. BabwIrbanoy and E. N. Kramer RMIAN,. per, Dok Ak Nauk 9E& Vol 177., No 5, Doe 1967p pp 1043-1046 Am Inst Php vol 12.. so 12., jun 1968 Aug 68 361,029 ..,arshal ralsog ,vdot A, i3abadsbW.8n, 6 w. per@ MM*V*yp Arwrad lorcegs by re 408CM4, 1.,."699 pp 17-190 ct 6c) Tmft BMW PONdO MUM MMV. 1w A. - - M- pr* i isa VD. im am sm Jun 65 9 ppe !lift v- ftwd^ lb 1,P 8045. ~:- 294331 The Ck*r*cter of Wtearite Break-Wv by P, B, Babadibanov 4 Ye, H, Kramrg S ppe USSR. per. DA. Akad MWAP 1770 ft So 1967v pp 1043-104T= vs4zi7g%&-V DUB T-500-R USSR ScI/Ast July 68 3S7mO62 Introduction of 4-olseale Prioes %r Sominr Industry Articles Orged, by S. G. Pabad- shanov. 6 pp. RUSSIA" are " p Jan.r,,Bb pp* 5Z* JPR31 40754 !%,ay 67 32 55. 5B3 Solution of the Genwalized Hardar-Littlewood Problem in SectOrse bV G. Bab"v, RUSSIANg parg Dak Ak Nauk SSSRg Val 1759 No 29 19670 W33~ ~3- Am Math Soo Vol 8t No 49 196? -1. 3EV - - 18 fi 6 /, ( Nov 68 3A200 ~(ufo-; &A 6(, 1, Changes In Justice Ministry and Courts, by Xuros BaLbal, 5 ppo. PERSUN,, np, KeybAnt Tohmn,, I Fab 73P p 21, JPRS 58436 Mar 73 L*t tb bOZVWW the Erfiol=a of F=d Plablago bcr go I. bbe't= - RMA% perp afte B!Rb lb 7s 1966a PP U-13- *Dept at bmriw F"b and WUQlfe ServUe Bm" of O=Wrdo6i nabories se-am, Sol mky 67 Jkv Map JA the ftUm at babImUs FUN tr C. S. ab"Gas q 4 er'"m wo Uft EMAL-p lb Op 1.964 *Do" at **4rs" #I& am alauft suvim INk" 0 - M or (kMnerol&l IPIaborbo al-1kr aw 67 2w ftm Of P, selablu or &dkiwt atter V~o lu TeWhIng FOrelga Opxx:b~t by Yu Sp Edbak- b=g 32 pp? WOMEJ, Pat In M- ftvib~f 802s mr/kw 1966t JPHB 35333 YU CL sat Jun 66 303m039 &m Tnlr*d Arddtoato X*&W In Usb*Ut~34 ~~ 1~ bW As Els aftkbanmo 5 pp. PAMSMO ymp atom, I Admkddmn I allm Taghbouts No Be 19659 pp 29-30* JFRS 47009? Sai-mbehe Inds cive & Itr QW ion 69 V2.240 ,/,,, /) ,S*Pleo .4KY FIM Agalnft fto CaiqUe AtUck, !p by Ao tabskav. 6 pp. Rusums per# 4mbim �ffam, "imeawo NO 70 Ju3%v 19&~* -13P 35~39* i , "s 481758 , , L'-I/e, U') ?" - - Ltj.,5;1 101 sept 60, 3A v?26 725' A"IdIll-OU -t"U$ '0 Ak% JWAift* 40.6. rrA-A;AL4*wn---A6 at CAmaral Pzablerm of rzidance Thearyo by ye* A0 IU;SDII* rl*v 4th CorAr of tl* I t - - - - - - - of Autcrotic Controls M XPM- -,Ieclmxml Session 57.8 - CWdarce 0 'Cmtrol in ~jm* amsh 7T r-12,,498 Ady 69 (~-. R. RR Pre!iminary Results of Experimental Field Work on The Use of Surfactants in Plood.-Ing, by G. A. Babalyan. M., per., Neft Khoz. 47., ito 6, 1969, MI _, Vol R pp 41-45. ATS-RJ-5873 APr 72 Imatiptun, of the Prooess of the COSIONOW" of Drops In Bog slan by the YAdbad of High- Spad M*Um Pictue Fllmbqj bar G, A# &balyans N6 Khe AkbmRdnv6 RUSSUN,O par$ D* Ak NS3* SSS16 Val 1790 so 1* Mar 19Ws PP 123-125* CB 6,4 6 4 A) Soi/mou & Eqm# Nov 68 3700243 (boAcals. by C~. A. Robalyma. "SIAM,m bkq "Obo s OtIgakwdy*A ftwtoa Ii6r.'m pp. :iLL it WIu Sd-Ckfjm Jul 66 307s540 I)evelopunt of Vetwim" SwvIm Dismoods -1 tw Emw Wwwth 9 ppo AUOIANl perlA&IM-scoWlato Tiump Aue 1969s pp 2D-23- JPM 49203 sci-MIll Nov 69 396473 bU14 Of Atmooborla kyooo" MW (AWVUIU 10 th* "OU Of klWWWo tF IV. U. MkWIm. Ao A, mbudra. Wkw"t pore ."k flol OPS 1965; IV 55-63o p3oml9w LePt Ox ftV bw uuft 3ft Sol-Lm Sol Jon 69 W20540 b ~ C"t a I 1~ " Deterodning ThemoPbYsical Coefficients of Minced Heats by G. Babanov, V. Rubanik, 9 j3p. RUBSTAN, per, Rja9mmm MadustFlU SSSR, No 43, 196% pp 44-47. A3:R/I'TD/HC-23-189-72 JUW 72 3ABANLVq y1j. R U u L: V I C E r- ,-" SOPP;~ FSS ING k i- I, U L A .4 1 N I E k F t i' ~ N C F i A ;! :- C' t- P I ! i N ~, F W 11) E - H -A N 0 F 4 L Q ~ J CN N - 1, PRC%iYSHLENNYY z I i~ ~ y I I y , II I f'B" t T FN I YA , L . 'k , I i -- -i r,~ -,/ I '.) Y I 'I i,_; VAtlNYY 1-: LNA K I ~ ", TC --i T-," ?. - -')It 1- 7 ~, ftmramnt of GaLn La OD2 TranaLtLons 0001-IOOL mw 0001 -0200, by 1. K. BabsM. 6 pp. WJSSIAN, per,, A Prik jWt~ No 4, Oct 1963. ACSL J-7723 FSTC-IIT-23-099-70 sci-ftys JUL 70 Z.A. eRLf4~e-\/ A avblea In QptlMl ftlsommtj by D. A. W3wjev3, Dzb- 0. DabWev% 5 pp. morml pwo AMU! I SlAt" sist" 4fttoalm-do-ou'NP ubmi-m-aw., 19W. itme r.- ';Ptiml 10&0 )4ooptlon of V [Mar canditiom Of lnt"fwvme by Awther A~z Aama &M Ilua- tuAtJLWAI NoUst by ru. D. Mmm. liLbsikul Per, vol 210 ~;;O U, 19k" pp z9-40. *Ac;sl J-3?17 11 220405276? fi*v 67 ~Aal .iieations in the Amneine of --ublic by 5 rn, ~erj, -,qietakoye Wam2khmamia 43105 POV C; Mlth, 0 343.6-56