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Soviet Cotment on World Poultry Coograss wyi uSn Paaltry Pro&wtiom, by X. Bannikov, 5 PP- IM~OJANO np* EkommIcLigskm Gizata, Do- A'ag 1,)66p pr 31e JPRB uIr'sp. geon cc t~6 315s,753 \ ~\ ~N Suprem Court Comments on Decree m Appellant CouAss by 5. Buvdkov, 5 pp. Ru3slo, nPq Iststim, moscow. 10 Feb 1972. P 5. j M 55464 Far 72 An Imatigatim of the Strudure and Prqperties of 0357 Steels by 0. A. B&mWkbtp 1. F. Zabins, 19 pp. w8sims Pe.rv StrWrtma I Lva -! W10 L %R%ah"Jilblu- -1 % jtE! 7 NItalli A x9borialcm.. 1967. ATDqM/Iff-23-Q5,70 a ~ - 8,4 to 1~ 4 e ~ EftVIOVIFIM, tv cwdxmjli).. V99" *a*- ournetwo Au mt-"Q. t*Wmuwj, camp-,# 'L%)C pv,, , ec. ux., IkA-i",ve. t u~ - ij, swwt 4luds" lawn r a. M.., ~ ~ ty ve&t ftnoglue 5 m TWLIM9 POrs MAN, A*m 6 mm 1969. pp S-50 JPRS 48053 i- "C' I Scd-Agri Jm 69 382oO72 Tnatmt of Tool ftodlt~, by /JO V. Adbawo R* armem, 22 pp. .WU.LAO* p.W6 makma p I LOMA= M- VOSM44 .46 91 Im. PP .Oktk* 9.42 U6. JPRS 46!92 ~' , r;,4 V I"Wftt Oct 68 367.735 V /V 9& 41 S/, scd-aw.I t*W ?() Psychomimetic Agents with Anticholiftergic Activity, by V. M. Banshchikov. G. V. Stoliatov. RUSSIAN, por, Z11 Nevroeat i Psikhiat, Vol 66, 11o 3, 1966, pp. 464-8. NLL Ref: 3546 (T 501 R) C July 69 387,488 Psydiotouiixtic Ageuts with Anti clkolinargic Activity, by V, 11, 8wishchikov, G. V. Staliarov, 7 op. SSIM, per, Zh. fiovr2L)atolo~iyi i 113iUsiatriEL iu. Korsakova, rio bb, lio S. 190b. 1pp 4(A-408 upd;- SU6,312 Oct 06 llwriukx-es of U-!xtai~ Llaluitsp by -;.-Intcyvo Ve F Aidlovuxb~!Iovo Ol't Ell* 7 i7.,)0 r stiia A" A ~;WA-i rskofv A3, r I I4a "40, 1'r 19680, 399,d20 ct Pll) oi7 C~11-,Ixijla -74 le* et alo 4 ve EttiVil :2 397,21a :, J,tuq,, oi tu-, -eacUen of zAcxyLAflwriue .Li-"Mr i hrxi~Lls of .1-I'kiinentse ify vi Ve ;d~rioverkhcv# et al. 6 Y9-6up 84-67. ,'l%-223-9376-68 L~-Ij ~Sci/cile !:~trj liov W 397f279 ~La "or-.oratunayi Wu k:, f k 1, 7 371) 4 Dtbmdmuou or in Im I at a --AkA - aman PA13"Mol It in tus adautft - - "MrAm of BpxidMo by K, S. XBMMW# 0- L D~MV MWIMS 0 MAL vat I&$ Sao& aay Z960M 9D 37T,06" pjam~~ at cam at naiad medd stall 'br 'W. U I ~ - - -kirs pw. va OEM "Art bkw 70 i) I ,~?- Method of Precision Gas ~fass-Spectrovetrlc Analysis of the Isotope Composition of Vo,, by A.h. bantysh, D.A. Kuyazcv. l(USSImo I-atentsIO3,469., 3 rages AI-Trans-720 S. Banya Effect of Si, Cr, and Rn on the Eqtilibrium of I",aTbcw. and C--)-geii in Molten Iron Saturated with Carbon. TEM-TO-RAW, Vol. 44, 1958, pp 643-649. xBISI 10861 Feb 73 Ql.i.% M44iM an Labor Relatious Seportedt by ~-Mm %mlds 7 pp# RMCAUM, perv Anksu 4 Slum W-Apest 14Y 1969,, pp i6i.196~.-- Af I AL6 Eeon Aug 69 .- ~6 r~~r\ Q rii-T," - k- \-Uojl&~ Prsisident(~"es UhiaWs, viorkers. bfS Hugo Banser sua m . 6 pp. SPANISHe npo FM elle I& Paxq 1 PAY 19720 ,a_ pp 1, 4. i PRS 56169 Jme 72 MlAtio=7 Litamtum iamtaboo* b5r ;,!so Dblh GUMs 10 DP* MWE%; s pwo - Apr 19609 Pp 76--63- JPm 4-%611 viet) 361.356 Pr:iditts X 5reat Patriatic Spirit,, bj Pw 4~ Dimi ian6,,, - pp- VrLVNAML?,, per., Hoe Tap No 'ti, i.av 1966, pp. 55-65! ipiro V12).3 fo-C. PlInb FE-Nietnw-, P.,l Slept w 3 1,) , 7 93' Power Stations and Substations, by L. Baptidanov, V. Tarasov. RUSSIAN, bk, Elektricheskiye Stantsii i Podstantzii, 1969. Available Karpkins Bookstore $4.00 English Language Power Stations vild Wbstations, by L, Ouptidmiov. V. Turasov, KUSSIAN, U. Elektricheskiye Staut3ii J rodstantziis 1969. Available KaK)kins Bookstore $4,00 En!jish LunruaFe Protection ofuranium With Mart&Uic Coatingag by P. Baque. y . =&-ia-3638, 1968, pp 3-2o. v PEW - ftm " 71-M57 Available 08 Only ~,~ , ~~ ~),A ~,~& ~ June 71 13 TsvteAjw QC Uva"V= %W xmtAaAl= coma-Umpo by nwm Dawn. -to unceit rot Cg%-R- W. "M 47.tt.,? - set-atw"" mw 69 Aea . resident Condemn aU lIcUUMApot by iAV&l& BGqUOAG6* 16 pp. AN ~LkAIMURMs GOW"OLIt 23 Od 19,69t pp 70 -* j! !~; 49272 r""cao- 6a~x~ LA., cun6or I f-01 j-4ov 6o, 393t9r7;1- F. 8 F+% u.- e- e 0 - G- 0 &) *1 A ~, CL Treatront Of vhwullne St&ciutlvt w F. BRQUSM Goman r,.URDFW, PM, Agna ymmp"m 40 wwmaal Vol 13# 1963# PP 2*-219 IM 71-16VA-063 mx 72 /I M kV coam for a DWI$ - in mutuft of 43D ze~ by 0- DWO . va or, Nm :L96k omms vwt Zkoft vp 708w-717- OVA (MIC.R. Tmw 41 BaAl Sol-Mac 392,864 sapt 69 lue Efftet of the Cliamtot ca the Symbesis of rcyptApphan in Rolimatkult Assam. by Wtin um PAUMP Oka* phyligleds plutams Yel III Poh pp )937-1043. PLU791 AEC Mtowtr.291 Sci/M Jun 66 302*SDS 2=xy of Jave U f fracti cn at a Body in a Scattering I-leditmij, by Yu., I.I. Barabav.Wrccv. FALS)VUll Perf ll"Aofizika,, Vol 12, ',,lo b# 1969, Lip 298--306. r2D aT 'Special 23-70 fe', 7 0 401,093 /7- 4(BNL-tr-509) 5NIE.ABURENIENT OF THE CROSS SEC- T ION FOil THE REACTION 8QKr (n,gamma) 8iKr PRODUCED BY THERMAL NEUTRONS. gBarabanov, 1. ft.; Pomanskif, A. A.; Ryasnyi, V. G. loTratislate-cTEy-g.-Z.-7~n-io-retty (Brookhavon Na- tional Lab., Upton, N. Y.), from IbZh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., PisIma Red.; 15: No. 11, 643-5(1972). , .05p. 2ADep. NTIS,2g ,tphysics (nuclear); translations 212011 ~,qNIN-34 29P NSA .X-vice Wr LixeitiAtim .; the a 'i'l-mi>03et Aypass LwAnas by Yarxkc-%,# ot aL 4 pp. 231ag /~,,Top au~ furah., 70 in 11.)dn;; of (A-4s '&. V. Bar4mwvv 9 ~,,,av iw,, 1969f 4W s"2 3f (",,Zlity of C=0,4-,er 100,1119 in LIC 5 pi) - Ll 'Ilt ln&Lstrjp by L. N~W., Ib 25s Ja--O m=VI)j. ni).. Z"....1clulakaya G_"eta-2- V)-W, p. 26 jPffi 371.7 3 (A) USSR sc-~tr- .. I 3a,') Sept 00 z~Mmss oC Textilo liOdustry ~xjoun&d, I)y L. G. Ilarebwovt 7 pp. PIUSSL~N,, pert 1-40. lit "(*&COW$ Nov 67. 1-3. 3,T%,5 44,14z USA ~"nmic Jan 63 -21 'Lular rAmim ac itk .4wcq7wt~~ SM21 A r -~w East,, by 117. V . Darabawwt 79'~,Sjwls pcws no 9,9 1960. vopt OC 1bgy lac. LIST, Rom jan 69 Sm Pnb]Aft IS ON AWIP Ot US ANUMOSS at Madan *Ap* tr S. V. ftnbmw & as LO Bormwe BUSSWO YWO bodomob yfol 36 IWO p 9. Au Rots 90u*03 (224) swaod4 in&% civ a fin Env FO 65 34996a %be Sawsis of veins atA the probim Of the scum Of the adraral mbetum in the -,*In@. Baimabawtov.r. Wa% pers 18212fic"I "innil2t. DNA" Ser. owaudi i 1 1510. 1%8# Dye A6 OW C-83(P 403029 A Case of Straight Relationship Between The Plineral Composition of a Veinjet in Granodiorite and Minerals it Has Inter- Sec ed, by V. F. Barabanov RUS IAN, mono, Mineralo2iya i Geokhimiya volfraniitovykh K-es-TO-rozhdenii, 1967, pp. 69-68 !IRCC C-8004 L'TC-69-30516 Sci/Ear Sci Dec 69 397,546 The First All-!Tnion Conforence on Anorelovy. Oyeochardstry and the GenealG of -Aursten Aposits in the UZI. by V. F. Parabamv, 6 pp4 per, -rapiald Va Aneral- ~o 1, 1966, pp. or~tcbeskosro Obahcho JPR$ 3P, 360 p -cc Ll USM ~:Ov 640 311W) BARABANOV, V.F. Genesis of hydroth`6rmal veins and r'~A;f - e ~iii--of-th '-To-i~rce of the mineral substance of the vei p Vest.leningr,gos.Univ.Geol.Geog. (4):5-16 (1968) (NCR/C-8302) First Ail-Unlm Cinference on MinarulakWp Ge-,ci,emistry, ami Ule Genesis i.>f ~i-dfravltc ~)(.-*ALts of the UMR by V. F. Bambarjv,, WSC", jycr, Zapiski VSesqyu?-,V.)C,.) Hineral--)- ,,-jjcaOS&jg) 3,ns~lcilectvap T, 1p 1,XPL-,J, ppe 116- 11, * jpi~L F. ~ap 4~p~ u IE 11 U, 11,41 I- ici.-FS/A b W-Us 11 wat ab vl~ Skl*Pp Cqps ad Iweat 1, " I - at anghtte Mb "-3sawl, ar- Pat"" hoos"s ad Amino# IF N's No MOW- wwo To so Bwdxwowt 4t d* 10 We RV&qM# P26 - IL-Idt Ibl"M & Wift MAWMW&~ MAMA RNdL&%MW Ot MWt4MML"& Illwft 'b- v allil")a so so Imt pr 30-361. AMkf"Aftk-~~ Jay 71 Ailitary psyc4olo-'7 ia t1m hy %.V. Barabanstichikov, et, Yo2mov 6, Puscow, Rov/rmc G7, 44,619. CEB le, Disciplinary Action " aocial influence, by -N.T. Barabash. 8 pp. Gr RUSSVO, ?01 -'au stvO i jlLy.0, Nos 2# 4MOScOwr pro- 1:04-1080 jr~rvjl 44,328 U S. Ngaredlh 68 355, A, A I iat: Fx-eedm and Ilecossity., by Yus Barabash'.7 7 pp. MWIAN, per., &==niat, No- 3j -eb 1967* pp. U4-11S. jpfB 4W52 Vu. uwl poi June CY7 323,454 "A k- - ~~ c - "it 4 Literatwo md Art in ldeoUgica StrWlo,p by Yul ftzsbashs 7 pp, RUSSM9 npo I-p & yawomp I Apr IMv po 4-5. im 55M May 72 mi) k b! 0 ",vtistical .;.4,mry of tim, i, ;.~ardsw~is V. vars?dy, et aL 57-6 The Natimal X. ausbagN wesi"t PW* pp 45-570 JPRS 48W u, USSR Pei AUg 659 Chaawtor in LjtWstwel, 15 W, mmmo so so tr Nw 19690 3889906 Investigation of Typhoons Entering tW sea of Japan and the primorskly Kray (maritims) by A* P. ButbaAMe, nd Ye, A, Leskens RUSSlANv per* Trudy Valonevestedwor clZrawtOOTOIRIMS"D 1; 1. wba, pp 3-3z. DIA LN 464-" Scia Sept 66 3090680 Fuse, No 9 BS*Ab rdissIAN~ No. 3, 7~1 Cogiosition ui the tiuriucc Utyars vbo tho Barabashov" V, 1, Garazila" Zi 11)0 llusilNs, ;wr, Cirtular KHAU, Vol S. So 210 .Julv 7-1 On the Distribution of Brightness on the Disk of Mars and Its Stellar Magnitude, by N. P.'~Oerabashov. RUSSIAN, per, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 46, No 2, 1969, pp 430-434. NASA/GSFC/ST-PS-OA-10841-69 Sci-Astron A.8 60 389,S26 MAM~ Of I4UMtlOfMI IWIUM IAW (PArt 11), rp 'o .1 ?a Df 13anbap A. A* so RUSSIAt", bko Vommml~;Otrdw V ~l J, L966. Dept of .',,avy tr 2500 (b) Ui.SR ,-lAr 63 350067 - -Chv"invy a- -Wtah loctc 31 ;.1c'etrol~t0s. ui; hi-uutxV~ Llimtrodo '11c,"isses, &y A. '-4 vara- C. Palo,-Uev. jort li-.ujys Last. 4415tittirr-4 ol 'j0CtrA'.W.'.!OL;'.tstry, ~'~a 7, Viol IV, 4 Cortatu ftuew obweetalutica of the meats of pqfdwvkvvudq;im, Eve-,- MM with the Md or Cmedwas by Yu. H. I - 3 LVP ]MM ms -no62 sa-DAt Jul 65 "i-anual of intamational liaridize Law (Pam by P. 1"~. Itaralialya and &. zj. WItcy. U.S~ - 1, SIAN, b1c, Voenno-Morskay Ngzft..Ignam~v Pr&vpvp,,- -~pravocLmlk. Moscow, 1966. '~C!pt Of Nav) NTC 25LX) (a) nxing-mWma Agpmtm fW ftO=NdM ftUIOU stadm,v lw V. V. Ba=bm. ftik MURO va's nuns, Me I iu-~- nn~t- Vol 11 NO 3., ]SOO., VP sa-math & 401se96 Mb TO vo, IV Danes Baracs Libor lisAplins studw In Indudryt by MWIM's We mowwo so is 1900 pp J A6 47783 . -?-IK-h 801 Apr 69 W99319 N$M041o26g4&d4'f8B84iaritios of Combined Action of Ultraviolet Rays and X-rays on Organisms, by V. A. Baraboy. RUSSIAN, per, Fziologichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 14, No 4. 1968, pp 504-513. *NASA TT F-12,354 1//' a Sci - 34.14 '&LMY 6-D J. Barsdat Evolution and Trwide in kircraft Simulation. FREMCHj pars Onde Elep&riagg, Vol 49s, No 5(Y7,w 1969s pp 663-67c) NTC 72-12656-09B sept 72 (i -I-, -; The WUaw TronododAn. FwwUm of Trango- rasgion system of Of-&o tv D. ALUk CUQU pwo lpalwo 1.89b"I No to; 1966. pp 17-M. ACSI J-2D?O FSTC OT-23-237-M I I ~., I ~ Sol "be ir AL Ilson AnmdwAon .3ox - opmtion or oz-64 I Assamblyp bw 1). tinik. CZECH, par, vo-Inp-gom -:gsb.~p r,* 10, 1966, pp 17-,W - *KCSI j-wjO OFS 'IC-1 1-P-2 34 37~-60^ SaNvi jum 68 vroblems Is Sagreb for Sq"d and tts Cat-the, by A. ~%. galrals 6 pp. RUSSIAN, pert lRyboom go. 99 1967,p pp. 39-41. JF&S sct-!~&rth Set. and Oco&nog. toe 67 347,736 ggm meft as as UsUff at to Sold cpvux=~Alm Pwo at us plasirle onset by Ao Ao Santo MIMEAKO pWg AdM - -xrp VIOL h3s "SO Ot mutm Flab sma W1142ift ewwun mwjp wrams at pw"p fti-SIN '-A Dae 67 0, B*Ioratory F!,-ioblng and Sooutl.aqv by Yu. B. Yudav-chy A. A. Barulg M pp. MUM9 bk# ftzvema 0-%-- n6l. slem - xz D29 - awp " TT 70-500213 R . r4 , 8 f~ Q. e. L 13ci/fuw Bel am n mmwttw cc am= Pol~= cc, xv -:. !'.!. ~Mnza!.-S pws, 1957 VP zTW*4jD4- at 10 Aetol T I am@ In capodtl of Fiffs 11% 3-6 at the FWt of KIMWP&t tF Zb, I. %nddoo 23 M RUSSWO yer$ Tel 149 19"o VP 11-26, MA LN " Sdilbob Feb 68 3b9ww distribution of -kisorLej t1article- s 4v 171 utj "ariam- of Silicon i)-,u 1'rensistors. 1,4 T'.ieu~ f!%;,r. ukrahiskiy Fixichniy .:~46r, Vol XO Ne 1. 196S. 11L-113. TIM iA.4 aVWAd wiv-, tue Tat~-c ctim%w" ft~i_r-j b., "" Y:!. ~.. i npm, per, 1v Distributim of Adsombed Partirlam = dw SmIam of Silico ps Tmsistan 6y A-. aur Vol Is NO 0 Ins 0 po uy -100 W149351 c ID 22040147" 06 ctk4-yk-I-I sci-filect APT 66 299gS74 laumee Of ftdly CMUU" Oink swunw2m =d I*LtqpmW at Awaullimh tw J. 8 yve Ir ND Is ion love im Apr 66 Adjusum of c"A"Aw c4stral-furwm satfim* of saft"its TrimcidaLOR ma an AASIrsis of the Adjvmw9s Amitso by Wo Ma""SkIs 00 "Mo MISR$ pore COO&IJO I laft2LIMBAP Val XTO, NO 48 19"s ppmma. ACIC TO-1197 bv Aut 67 33S,543