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P8FHCTSINNUCLP.ARPO%vnR STATIONS: AN ANALYSIS. gFeldman, J, IgTranaluted by Fritz Hille for Austrahm Atomic Energy Conunission, irom JlAtom_ Wirt. Atomtooh.]; 14: 446-8(Sep-oot 1969). (~ , AtOmt&h;l,, U% (U. . S es Only. 2o8p. ,Dep. NTIS S es 2areaotor hazards, reactor xnater~uas; reactor safety; reactors- Power; translations 21151, 16j, 16L IeMN40 29NP NSA Or~(.4(ORNL-tr-2371) gWAK: SPECIFICATIONS AND FINISHING CONTROL FOR EQUIPMENIL; jClauss, W.; Issell W.; Warchold, L.; MeWngbaus, H. loTranslated for Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn., from 11,Momwirt., Atomteeb,, 15- 84-9 (1970). 2015p. UDW. NTIS.- achemical engineering; chemistry (separation); meUxxls and equipment; reactor fuel; translations ayM, 14, 18J 2OMN-38 20P NSA is 4(ORNL-trl-2372) $SPECIAL MACMES AND EQUIP- MENT OF WAK. gGeler, H.; Hoffmann, W.; Huppert. K. L.; Zimmermann, G.; Roth, B. F. IcTranslated for Oak Ridge Na- tional Lab., TertN, from IS(Atornwirt Atomteob,- 15f No, 2, 89- 94(1970). 2015N "Dep- I . zachernical engineering; chemistry (separation); metbods and equip- mentl reador fueb. tranalatioria 01A, U, l8i 21MN-38 29P NSA 4(AEC-tr-7340) DLTERMINJSM ANI)sTATISTICS IN REACTOR SAFETY. dKnecht, 0. loTranalated from jjAtgM- wirL, Atomtech.; -is: No. .1-1, 52S-30(:1!970). 2c7p. "Dlep. NTLS. 2sr(MatOr safety, translaflons allsi 28MN-80 29P NSA 9 /9F-0-4(1-XB/.rwRng~--43-6) ISAPB-ry CONCEPTS YOR 7HE NEW HBO Uq PRODUCTION PLANT, #P1IpnMth8rj As; ThOMA81 Wq jgTransiawd by Ps j9 Fv NoWton (AufftraUan Atomic Energy Commission Researah BoWlishment), from jj&jqMkrt., Atomte ; 16: 74-7(Feb 1971). 2014p. UDep, NTIS (U, S, Wes 6ay-). 2goritioality fftudieo; health and safety; translations 2118H, 06R 23MN-46 2SNP NSA is ~~mRRM .17 66-C (NP-tr-1ga4) RADIATION HAZARDS AND RADIATION PROTECTION. gHug, 0. 10Translated by D. H. Garrett (Sitate Ejg3trjoity Commission of Victoria), from I&Ato Irt- omtech., 16., No. 6, 294-300(Jun 1071). jol7p. ZdDep. NTIS (Us S. Sales Only). 2ghealth and adety; translations 2106R ;JOWN-4.1 "NP bMA 0 Suitability of Buroplum an an Aboorber Material in Past Reaotora.. by H. Spenke. GMW, per, Atomdrtochatt, Vol 17, Mar 1972, pp,161-164 R3BIEY Tr-400 sept 72 0.. 1 1 Oiaracteristics of Neutrons and Noutm't Sources with Rogard to Biological Applications, by Y, vwt der Feur, 11 pp. GC-I;U,W4, per, Atoomenergie, Jtme 19660, pp 122-129, P944372967 NSTIC 1840 WE sci/Nuel Sci 342,424 Nov 67 in W AUM AwSUM Open via qw. Now fiaoiU materiaZa for fast maotors, by so Ho PO col*g:Vmks* ORRW. per. Atoomner-gio., Vol 11, Nov 2969, pp 263-2n CON. 57?3 apr 72 I su ;~~ sol"m 3%0426 low c0. us ftwmw asowdir 4a tws, oft NMI Vd6(=WaQs Aw Sk (a UU64 amn sup a* I . ii~ wifts a Bt$Ku pnd"16 by IL Ing An 7j, SP 333-3W- SM 5M3 ed a MW 6T - 14 1A at I " I Andim in now *0 WaSums bW Am VuU BmftMj, 3A pp. MrAff p Pwp AtU 120& - MAW MM tjmwbtco&Amj . VIOX MRF 4~mjv XW ;P3T-17VXP P64-;i"s mt dliiy = T&31N soisabom am 71 I- v-ze4ok ATIA ULLLA H. W.AULMIA I)IIIALIA. i4ENUILUNTS. CLASSL Ul SOLNA ~ASICA, AAMMATICA L NAILWALS bill AM LIELLOACCAJ)LMIA,14AIJONALE DEI LINCW:,~.- 04AIEPATIM L NATUNftl 0 UUMNAAMUMIP~- wu %pliawwo-Somw %146 w"Ismsoo zwmtlc% IV m"Wimp 211MR-1 7 SW -fwc-q"wJ q SM TT 1-10*322 U. a. OOVEMUM um onr sai-PAP mec 66 j Studies on the Ni-Nb-0 System and on the Equilibrium of Reduction of Niclek Niobate. by Abbattista, Fedele, ITALIAN, per, Atti Accad 5ci Torino 1. ci sci Fis Mat Natur, Vol 103, 1969o MM-Aug). PP 605-625, J-*AEC/ORNL-Tr-2SS4 - 1~4 Feb 72 9f A 08009a for bw lb pp OcS,V2:W- 3M.574 Not 69 On TA9 candmctlcm of Heat. by Carlo, 28 ppq xTALIAN. per. Atti Semxp~-P*" FISIO V.1 3. 19480 pp 83-101o - ABC/SC-T-M-4029 sci/phy Sept 70 Changee of Coronary Flow in Man Induced By Noradrenaline, Mataproterenol and Pronethalol, by L. Donato. ITALIAN, per, Socista Italiana di Cardioloxia, Atti, NO ---, 1967. PP 178-180. NTO-71-11893-06F Nov 71 Viviani, R. at &1 1967 Changes in the muscular lipids of the raokerel (Soomber 640mber L.) during fvos*n storage (Modiflostioni del lip-idl del "00-h di agombro (Uomber soombrus L.) durante is oonservasion* mediante congelamento) Attl della Societat Italians dell* 3*ienxo Veterinarle,.Ll. P6-71o. In Italian. Trsnal. by Trenal. Bur., Fgn. Lang. Div., Dept. of State of Carads, for Dept. of Envlron., FRBC liallfax Lab., Halifax, N.S., 1972, as Tranal. Series No. 2162, 6p., typesaript. Avail. on Loan - MITS, Wash. , D.C. Arlide A Caae of Natural Infection by Listeria Monocytogenes In a Pa=tmidge. by G. Galli, iTALi,AN, per, Societa Italiana delia sclemme Veterinarie, ALtit Vol 22p 1968p pp 817--SIY. NTC-70-12976-06M Feb 72 Immunofluoresconce on Leukocyte Cultures as a Diagnostic Tool in African Swine Fever, by F. Titoli, ITALIAN, Per, Societa Ita3iana delle Science Val-a=:Lmax- ~La- Attl.. Vol 22, 1968, pp 858-864. NTC-71-10113-02E Nov 71 0 ASOMYS FAA R- 15431 -P F*Q* HUMbers 3t*C-450"w-U IS A gust 1972 TZUSI Aftttrkr till jjVb*C* Och azWt:=UA=" blaW trattki via luft'. AUTWR# Ummi.T. iWandl SOURCET reco"Olaadasm"Ve wk"tv Stwkwus. dutclu"S Lav~l IMTR=IONSI TVSMI*t* Into &*Ibbo p"ta up cb*Mv fteet mW peovide QW1 with a stacl* Rod typ" evy. rZALM CSO: OlT73./72 W 15 Feb. 1972 SP AsUvltlem of ExUama ftel Bmw Omdttee (CM) VaIUW Kvo-Yw Pwlod 1*.lgo - 710A] ago= an&& Five-Yew rim. is Von a Q allow 995MM". =1 ]a PUMO Qdnm==3-- W a-03. Ad Sm modal "0 Do not raugh odgim, p2m me AWWS the MmfWw Of DAMU&S by M.UW zaurtbinsF 21 PP. L, Tkkl-IA - TMEELMAR TrALWo Wo .. &A1 MS'rv'p~p - -3 0 -3 0 0 Rms9b ~ zo v ml-ul Sol/mwc 368o354 cat 68 7 Lopmrs UMUM to 5"19 sposa"--~ j;~jjmwl, 5 pp" 20 aw ic)660 Ifom IV# P, 2t ans 35347 gem 66 3W,226 fteech by Holes Menssht Mixister or kusl Development and Cooperationo by Holes Meneah,, 5 pp, ffMHO np, L#Aube ftUj~jb Vol 6~ No 26, 30 Jum I~K -PP, 3, 7, 10 JM 36762 Africa,.Dahomey Scon Sep~ 66 ~08,,266 ust WiffAu"a Asokstame to manow vattom w Loa$ zdqpo 5 pp* I&ag, Vol 7s DdWor. Ior* re 7,7. -VP-. -sm. ;WIL =4 - JM OW A16DOhMSY kown xm 6? 3xoso moss" 3R NIP 4 lowk 16 Jay lot 9Jay for limp 1.4. JWTA 67 k, - - , 156tope'"ContrOI)AA 'S'IM2,mr,vidion of the. NDIStuxe Content In SI;ter taxes* by P. Idw, (X,RNANp perp Aufberaltung-Tedinikk, Vol 6., Jan pp 18-220 RISI 4316 scipf&m NOV 65 290,pSSO ore itanaling in winter at the hK" minva in Sweden, by B, Pagerberso AMUNNOW GEMAN, pers Aufterei!MS-Techniko Vol 6, No I# 19650 pp 23-29-. BISI 7198 Sci-41at N June 69 392.867 W Ring and Slim tath Shelld. b3r At Xv-spil, T- Tmidiu (ERMMA, part A"W Fab 1965, pp 45-0e SISI 4448 Nov 6S 290ows ---v777-7- Fluidit b SYStWASU by Ito, Posshag GRRMM# pOrs Auibareiumg Todaft, Fab 196S s 0 73-78# *OISI 4449 Sd/wl Sep 6s %asuremut of the Contsib of Dinss by- GEMMNj, per. Aufbereitung-Tedu*& Val 6 Feb MS, pp 90-9s. BISI 4405 EE-Cvexm=y sefIM&M Feb 66 294#643 bfto Usposal in "too Size Incineration Axtuagos# by Wv Nubvoum* GHRMMO pers AulMr*lt!SV=T*ChnLkp ~W 1%59 pp 262.2". DISI 4762 sci-m4m May 66 Gmaidorations on ROM Incinoraticas by R. Roppo MRW, per,, AufbereitEg-Todolk Ow 19650 278. ,PP 271;6,13 SISI 4 sti-M&M May 66 3000943 IM Sorting,, Classifying and ftemry of FIm Swds by H, J. Foil, GBRWMg per,, Aufbenitmp ftre 1966, pp 13j*T67 BISI 4882 sci.m4m Jul 66 3060476 mmi ftosMUties Of Ind"adag ponotillas F"a opastim and tjldr Eff**U m aw propwuAw 'tat"t 11W W. Putsch. t1w paugund m Apr 19669. pp rjEww 0 pare 1?7491- EWI 3140 & Nor 68 3490m8 PLMDAU9 il R&A "Alutdomn" Of el6ft M ''Putwop 14r P. Immo . amw) pr# 1966p IV 257-964. =U 5020 fti-amb IV*, Civ mw Bw oat 66 A Contribution to the Theory of the Alkal Salt Flotations, by Hp Schubert# GERMs, pars, Auhex*j&vqg-T* Vol vll* No 68, 1966s, pp- WS-313* Ch- T-ns 9v No 2752 sci-chem Mar 67 3208,895 PIETSCH, W. Strength of pellets with salt bridge formatiol and its change due to thier drying behaviour. .Aufbereitungs -Tech. 8(6):297-307 (1967) (CRL/D. 878)_ Problems -in Fine Scrmming(# by P. Solmidto GERKU# per. Aufbereitungstachalk.- No 6,, 1967l pp 322-342. . BISI 8713 sci/Math Oct 70 Mae" W, wifaftomulgi WOO kv 100 GUM, per&__ p BUI 7. 351963 Omral Rmdmrentals of the Partitim Curwss 2, Criticimu of the Characbaristic Values of the Partitim Curves,, by F* W. Mayer. GL'R.VV,, per, Auftximitunqs-dIbdi.j, Vol 12* 1967# j4.) 673-678 CP4/D.647 sci/ P.-achan encjr axxj 69 389j680 =mlaticna a*wam Omminicatim and itar in the Cme of Upwt Stmao by C4 Cmts4 M. ztms Per. AuBxmjBitunSM2!sLI. Vol 12l 19670 pp 679-687. CMy'D.649 sci/ irechanengr =3 69 M9*675 W. GUDENAU Production of Iron Ore Pellets of High Strength. AUIM-ITUNCS-TECH, No 4j 1968, pp 145-151. BISI 8967 Mar 73 Pneumatic Conveyor Plants in Process Tech- nology, by It. J. Dellit GHRMAN, per, Aufberaltunas-Teeh- No- Sz 375-Bo. 2968 GRL/D. 726 Sci-mech 38SM2 July 69 /Vir e Me V9 "S JJ201-214 1165 PIETSCH, W. Pelletizing of iron or6, worldwide. Aufbereitungs-Tech. 9(5):201-14 (1968) (CRL/T. 3912j, .......... gjngUj.qWUae ommWatim by UW-VOISUG,, by P. Imidl 0 mm, par$ AgnmLtma-mep Vol 90 no 90 208jo pp 433L-43T- co No 96o3 soi-Cbsm fte 69 3,98,189 ,HIRSCH, M. Formation of iron chloride by reaction betw hydrogen chloride in flue gases and Iron oxide in ny ashe and on heat exchanger surfaces. Aufbereitungs Tech. (12):614-23. (1968) (CSIRO/No. 1. T,. RTF,S, H. Mixing met6ds -and mixing 'devices propose'#~ classification. Aufbe reitqungs -Tech.' (1):1-30 (1969) (CSIRO/No. 9612 Stress Me-chamism of Impact Crushing in the Case of Oblique Impact and the Effect of the Angle of Impact on the Single Particle Impact Crushing of Rhenish Brown Coal, by I. Tschorbadjiski, GERMAN, per. Aufbereitungs - Technik, No 6, 1969, pp 277-TTY-. BISI 9343 Apr 72 Differencag in Prodeases of gizing on a CQnven ional Vibratory Screen and a Mogensen Sizer, by J. Wessel, GERMAN, per. Aufbereitungs-Tech,, Sept., 1969, pp 492-497. BISI 8356 June 71 Discharge-Promoting Hoppers for Silo Cellov by 0, F. Theimer. GERMAN, per, lufbereitunes-Tachnik, Vol 10, October 19699 PP 547-556. CEGB Trans 5/202 ~,~o -C 1e,-5-1 Mar 72 Exporimonts on the Use o flientonitos for Pelletizing iron Ores, by If. Kortmann and A. Mai, GERMAN, per. Aufbereitungs-Tech., No 5, 1970, pp 251-256. BISI 8965 -77 -77 Dotormination of the Mineral Content of Fine-Grained Iron Ores and Mineralogical Changes in Magnetite and Hematite Ore Samples When Heated Lip to Sintering Temperature, by R. Matheus, GERMAN, per. Aufbercitungs Tech., No 10, 1970, pp 587-598. BISI 9445 J_ 3, 5z, V.K T! ni "Za,:L- pt.. ... ... ...... 1-43/66 r2!!965 2he T&SU Of ZWOOPSAS (Lectav by :. lbarlai at the Fifth Anvpm Qpm CoWus* 22 jui 65,, 22 pp. Die Adpbon Von ftm%mm-emae 1j, 3$ 2..(=Imm)$- QU=A d 6 - 116 J,16~ JW/861 keow TJIPO "B"4nuwUtorls draft p1m one., T. D. 14 Bapt 65 Doc (]M)-& not aftilate. bbdva ftol*Uv vlth PoUtlass by Altow 28 3 .IA-Chile P" jbv 66 300PIA Teltelboiml a Coritrlbutlon to Cule Conrer- ences., by Volodia Teitelbolmp 19 ppq WAIM, per# Aumra No 6., oct 1965,, pp. 5-29t JPRS 36847 LA-Chile Pol sept 66 3og,,ffl6