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Compter Calculation of Vibrations in Elastic Systems# by V. K. Dozidoshanskiy. RUSSMN~ bkj Raschety Kolebanii U gikh Sistem na, Elektnan hislite "Jkh Mashinakh, 1965, 367 pp. NLL R-38752 Bci4~th & Data may 66 300,357 The Design of Conical 9holls Subjected to Antisymmetric Loadings, by A. 1). Kovalanko, Ya. M. Grigorenko. RUSSIAN, bk, Raschat Konicheskikh Obolochak pri AntisimmetrichnykhNagruzkakh, 1966-, 498 pp. NAS/NASA/TT F-518-69 sci-Phys July 69 385,720 VorvaUting the Desip of Lloctriml lbllbV btook Using Computers, by I. P, Isayerv, ~L A. Perova, 16 pp. AMIAN, bk, ft!2w jegAw-bn-OAO bcaUva na VveldalltalgrAvkh. M&*Mmkh 1966,P PP-3-170 F100051265-v Apr 68 332e089 Calculati.xv) tlieb IL-liability and Efficiency of iWiu 1.;Lict.Ludc l4jparaLust A Windiocks I)y V. ~. wtskiy. IG9 lip. lU;sLU, bk-, msciiet 4acbziuimti i Bliaktivawti i?aaw"-trcm~y ~Ipparatuxv, 1996, A) 1-258. /I,Tp/M%-23-493-68 , UP sci/blectruda; t-fte qpr 69 377,930 Strength Calculation of Hydraulic- Turbine Coq)onentse, by A, Ya, Aronson. USSIAN. bk. Ptaschat n& Prochnostl Detalel Gidratuibin IMm, 302 pp. MLL 9 39791- De5igning Hydraulic Turbine Parts For Strength, by A. Ya. Aronson. RUSSIAN, per, Raschet na Frochm'ost' Detalei Gidroturbin. IIdaLe1jt_vo gaahinostroenie., 1965, Pp 303-3780 NTO 72-10297-13G Apr 72 i'achim jv,-wts for qtxmigti. Vol 1, IYY 1. )~. idr,.prl 3. V. Aiorr,, et al. 676 1-1). iu-;sli~j, bk, I~mdwat na IlIndincut' Lbtalpy ~%Shin# 1966, lip 1-39'J. PaIVIVD/frii-23-M-68 ~ici/ .,ochai oxv.)r so-L)t 69 390,848 Calculations for Strength and Oscillations in Itockat 1:11gines, by A. V. Gurov, 471 pp. IWSSIAN bk, Ruschety nu ProcIplost i Kolebaniyu v 1,1akeiWh pykatelyakho 19668, pp 1-91, 123-455. Air/PrPIRT-24-276-69 Sci/Mech Nar 70 4020591 Strength and Vibration Analysis on Rocket Engines. by A. F. Curov. RUSSIM, bk, Ruzqhety na Prochaost, i KolebaniZa Raketnykh Dvigatelyakh 19660 pp 91-122. *FED Iff 23-747-67 Sci- XUWUSSR/~dl blay 6 7 Calculatiai of Circular and Amular Plates With 1-I'xtxu3icm, imd h-mular Idgidity Pibs, by V1j-'YSIIIILUI'Ct al. 15 pp. RWSIM, per, Raschety na Prochnost'. 'iboreti- dic!:;ki~e i liksperinental'nyye, No 11, 1965, pp 6T- 8 8. FITU S-688 396-69 july 69 384,259 Snapping Thin Elastic Panels with Random Pulse Loads, by It. F, Makarov, N. A. Chichenev. RUSSIAN, per, Raschety na Prochnost Tearetiche ISSIed Frochnosti Mashinastroitellnykh Konstruktsi -Sbornik Statey, No 11, 1965, p 334. AIR/FTI)/IIT-23-379-68 Sci-Mat Apr 69 379,870 Axisywmtric Vibration Modes of Thiu Conical Shell, by E, R, Kol9mmp 8 pps RUSSIAN, per, Rasch na Prochn L Monk, 19650 pp 49-66. CIA/FDD X-5916 Sci - Phys Aug 66 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 30S9659 ~lurvoy of itivesticlations on the Stability of 'Structurcio Under Pulaa Loaainq, by V. L. Agamirov. RUSSIM, bk, Raschet Prostranstvennykh Konstruktsiy, no. 12 Stroiizdat, 1969. - IS 6 -z-1- p. 00. P CIA X-7198 A17C I)b - 3,1 F e).) 7 0 REQ TR CHECK 11-01-7P T015 CALCULATION OF AIRPIM STRENGTH KAN, S N; SVERDLOVP I A UR: RASCWT SAMOLETA NA PROMOSTI.. ~966.. PP. 1-5201 908COS -wr7 3 I. M. Rabinovich Calculation of impact offecte on structurQs. 477 pp. R4SCHET SOORUZHEPIY NA IIVULtSIVNYYE VODEYSTVIYA, 1970, pp 1-304 AIRIFTD-HT-23-605-?2 apr 73 Calculation of the MotUm of a for-thmt Rpaw cmf,t,, by V. N. lAbodev. M* pp. MXSIM,, bIL, ftsebst ggegg&M Kb-AdbeakMo Amersta a Ws 19MI NW/MWA/TT 7-5db-69 Sol-Bosco Toeb Doe 69 300we Doolen of Cylindrioal Sb*Usp tW 1. E, ProkopoviM & L 140 slomingw, RUSSIAN, bko Raggkt TIL t967. j&gdrjgLmmkikh -ObolggbA# Plan= press sci/misc may 68 356o629 A12aring MIActric steoup ty B. ca. Xhm MA N. YIL. loiiow*t 28 vp. mono? uts u 96-4u , PR a 41 -w kr-o y a &V- D-t -S."i JPYU-33--.OM ap lim Sci4dX 2m 22 *W U Raspisaniye Doklavod na Plen. 40a of "Mrts lot i-lw*M "wdo=# VI A31-4bdea heoustlas Confeslafts fto*ft 2) trogrm TI &U Unim AmmUes Gant# mooeww (A Rue Im# M~Oruv *$am 19" t si,"i4a ty" *sg orimmi wd as&-,mw as not moa* or :,v&AI&V doo=ms T*D* 19 AVrU 68 to6ra-- 60 A-M [If kk:('JjGNlMA' WANDA S ( ", ' ) 111 ~ r" ' ) 111 ' 11 ' 1~ 1 j 1 ' 1?I RI) WAt)~ -S W I I t, M I OwANC - I-OR Sj);j r SHLF! INCFmk. m. LAiNbtjA(;E-kU L!~UNTPY-UR kASP(I/iqAVANLYF (~6kAZOVp NAUKCIVA DYAKA, NO. 3, . .1 1 "1) r) I L C-,_ 1 9 7 DC- R-720019 X - 9 Nov 1W The Hecognition of Auditory Pattem by tJ*Go 2apruyko & G.Ya.Vo1oshina,edjpp 1.384(ontire book) ;~aspoznavaniye Uukhovylkh Q)brnzov,j4ovosibirsI:,1966 Rwssian USSR/Sci-C),b nI.rrovIde draft first to JP~C bel-ore publishing incl. all raphics,etc- 19 extra copies of pubUshl report, - also""note mcommmded ~:ne individua2 with a strong technical background. "Priority- asap.- book- 46 not mutilats., btruatu" of the Aufttox7 Pattun PAcopdt:ion i"blem wA Mtbods of bolvIng It,, 16 ppe RW4M bk ke axamt MRMLYWA AIWOMM NMAUZ: 19699 pp 340- JPR~ 53606 July ?I Methods of Voice Sigral DemaripUcin and looog. rdtlan. 22 pp. RWSIAN bk 002mumme gawmak camag. Nvvosl;;z: 1969t pp 23W%3- JFM 53606 i WV, ?I '00 Io Raspredeleniya Oskolkov pri Urana-235, i Plutoniya-239 V. G. Ncstorov, Smironkin, RUSSIAN, rpt, 1.11-33 1965. *ALC EDC Jun 1966 Delenii Urana-233, Neitronami, by et u1. Sci/Nuclear Sci May 66 Distribution Luld Biulogicul fiffacts of Radio- Activo Isetopos, by Yu. 1. L-loskalev, 717 pp. iwssim bl, Ras )redo 10111ye I Bioluicilaskoye D u y s t v i i 0 1 kr-07-Till-V =.nY-l Izotopov, 1966. dXEC-Tr-6944-6S sci/B4VI kay 69 382,571 Distribution of Electrons in the FL&ld of a Charged Sphem GmLttLng Sloctronsp by Ye. V. Sawylev. 7 pp. RUSSIANg rptj RaspredelenLye Olaktroniv v Pole Zaryazhennoy Sf*Ey MmitiruyUschey glektronyq 1968, pp 3-7. NASA Tr F-12,791 Sci-C-10C Jul 70 Energy Distribution in the Solar Spectrm: and the Bo3.w,-,:' Cmstant, by Ye. A. Makarove' RTJSSIM~ bkt NEN&Ienie 4~~ v &ekbre - SoIntea, i: SolnedbneWa 1973. *IFST SePt 72 Nil 10121*OY I fit,w, C-li . Gk- Owl-, Mil V RLSS IJISIKIBUI ION AROUND HOLES G N Savin Washingion NASA Noy 1970 1005 p refs Transl inlo ENGLISH of the book "Raspcedeleniye Napryathonq Okol. Oi-,si.y' K.-. Naukova D.-ka Press- 1960 t C. -, - NA S- 169 5) tNASA I I F 6011 Avail N IIS HC SIO 00/ NIF SO 65 CSCL 20K RL-.ulls (it iw,ir,irch on Ihe coowunlralion of stwsw!. around holkis aiid fissur- ~k- ioportod in a form convenient lot application The .1011101CC 01 MUnIfing the co,,w,5 of holes. distance lh,%-een holes, kjjidiie~s of a lasioning ring. and related problems die consideted Withads of solving theser problems aro given in the folm .1 11.111'111. 1.L11111, i-Ll f....... I., E-h of the 12 in the book treats a phase of the problem independentIV A list of relerences is included at the end of each chapter E M.C. Pro"tto d W and VLF lagetsous -t4g W&M N"r the 2"4bo lw U* Lo AVPWt & Do Do YJAWdl a RUSSUNO 1*9 SaggowagAmayadm4a H4mAr&mb&m6Avbmmb% In I I --=vVdn I Illa-Is* Id" 0 Lq Seomd lfttlms, 19"a *%rlpLftw a sai/ftl Yby 68 3569760 i ropagation and Damping of Sound Abrations on ~ihipvp by A, 5, Idkiforov, S. V. Bodrin. 2% pp. HWSIAN, bk, aLqprc~s!~rsnqAy!~.k hw jiCL*ovq5, Vibrataii na Stklakh, LenIMMd. 19W. a6'P'-'P"*'-' i rW 47803 SA-Mech Itngr Apr 69 3799351 The Spread of an Wury in BomtIc M"cle r1barep by Do L, Rozentall and So No Alskow. drov, 32 pps MWIM, pazphlet, Famprostrun-veniye povver-h- denlys v -60MUchaskikh ramhechnykh vol0knakh, 1965, pps 105-117 and 127o JPRB 37487 USSR Sci-B/MS a c t 6 6 312,,372 ~?Icpzlqaticn of i"ao wavus, i)y k-,,, P. cruainsitwa, 30 7 ~. it). " I % W! lAr I,','UAOIAj , I Li, 1967, ,,I., 1--M. i'd-0,11-TD1 -LL-24-382-6 8 sci/-xtr-"*e" navicjaticn, ccxi.,,tn. 399,753 Radio Wave Propagation mid the Imosphe"'. Iv Yas L. AllFft-t. RUSSILN, bko RafflAmstZaper4s 414iols u i -lowlam second &Ution' IW. I Ylenum Frogs Sol/bavi# Co=mn, Dot, & CM Ilay 68 336t617 abook I m , I Obvabm In a ftio-Voloolf4w and lp zoom C33L X Tam INV[ 1~ I IGA F ION oF OYNAMI( PROPI.RT It S (JF M[ TAL S oY L A H j %L- I M P At, r ML I ill 10 K L- ~~ V , r, L TC LANGUAGE-RU C LUNTRY-UP k,A SP ~- Lj ST 1~ ANi-N I Y E UPIWL, I KH I UP kJu- LjPL A~ T i C H. V u IN ' f AN I , UIBEK. SSR F 3-e 59-J-'12 V. Ye. Zwev Propagation of visible and infrox4d waves in the atmosphere. 42o pp. j~'Ifpj HMSIANx bk, Faspro ~rawn:'4" vidimWkh i infrakr #9 24 7 5 aw 72 #bwtr of'the Viral Nature a.. &M 14*41", $41. ftedments. vith Nonkeps. t~, L' p~:,,04,:,-"~','~:-" vin, mszas ipt., bAmArmmie 197os N 145-153- MTO 71-14375-06H Feb 72 pgb,k " Digtrlbution of Waveg in a Laminated Viscoclastic Medium, by A,, M. Shvidnaenko. ZWIM, rpt, Rasprostranenie Voli V Sloictoj Yjazko- Uprugos Specle, pp 124-127. ACSI J-9718 FSTC-HT-23-375-71 Wave Propqptim Tbrough a Turbulent Atmomphwe, bor V. I. TatarmIdy. RUS31ANj bk$ IAN=U*W" Valli V IMbulear-, tnw AIW4~m", 1967P pp 138-540- AQSI J-4396 ID 2204M3168 / 5ci/Atmm Scj Sept 68 366t675 The Effects of the Turbulent Atmosphere on Wave Propagation, by V. I. Tatarskiy, 472 pp. RUSSIANq bk, Fasprostraneniye Voln v Turbulentnoy AtmDefere. NTiS TT68-5"4 PrppagaUon of DlAurbancos in Viocom Hypemonic Flows, by Ve Ve MiMaylove 25 ppe RUSSIAN, rpt, Rasprostranerli've Vomuachmi:~Ye V Vyazkikh GiiDerzvukavvkh T cheni-vakh, NASA TT-F-13485 ,Tuiy 71 Atorizatim of Liquids, by V.A. Borodin, Yu. F, I,Ityfikin,, ot al. 310 ip. bk, T7.-rji)ylivziniyo MiAosteyo 1967, pp 1-262. ~JiOITD/-T-24-97-68 oci/prqmLsim cuid , kw 69 380,163 on the AspilAcrtic Behavior of the I-Ave Itnctim of ,i~stan of ciumjau Particlaso by R, I... IN-terkop, per, PAS I.-IcktrLaN na i',,tcrialdi, 22~a I - 1.967,, jp 35-68. 11910059068-V Sci TwJi Dif-b I'acility 1 .t!l%-qC-1,].-10667 sci-l-ilys Selt 68 366#508 se . mmaw Bosom ju 67 MIN ,r.!.V '10kitroll Scatteilu~ by Lead and Llectric IlularizAility of Acutrcm,, Oy Yu. As Alckswitirov, iwAxivut, 43t al. 7 lip rpt, Passoyulic iilovol vlyki~ ~~)Vitmlov OILLOSt ,~)Villtsol,l i Llcktrichuskaa 1161yarizu AEC IUIL-tr-576 ~,;Cihllysics J,ui u 7 Scattering, Reactions and Decay in Non- rolativistic Quantum Mechanics, by A. 1. Baz, Ya. B. zeildovich. RUSSIAN, bk, Rassoyaniye, R*akstiy i Raspad4 v NerelyatiViSt$kff Kyant Mekhanike, 1966, 239 pp. EFSTI T S-S0309 NASA TT F-SIO Sci-Phys Apr 69 380,296 ught sa,*terlng in the Atmphems Put 2,v by A. I. Ivanovp Go $be lArobits. = pp. ZAN, mm., Hassrian:L Sv*U v Atwafenip ye - Cwt, r ~2; M7=/Ift P-553 saoAtmoa Sai D" 69 398A97 ttat TWO -Oht in"t a' a -RUSSI AN !Arola* a6h:LY4.1~ VFW a 0 cz oct. 12 WAVE SCATTERING BY BLACK 60DIES ZAKHAR~YLV, L. LANGUAGE-RU CUUNTRY-Uk It RASSEYANIYE VOLN OCHERNYMIll TELAMI 0 1 it 4SOVETSK6YEORAGIOAl MbSLOWi 19721 288 PP. FSTC-HT-,~.J-l I b5- 73 Interrpretation of Echograms of Hydro"oustic Fish- Finding Instruments., by K, I. Yudamov, 101 pp. MMIAN, bk, Rasshifrovka, Magram Gidroakustiches Maxch 72 -L -; ill CIL-dual J"Muri-s-1- of the 4)icri JfL13oxcur, ;qiwrior ccxvioctdji(_j i~rUcjrisp part of t-Igi aerlcu, in the by :~. 1~. Luria,, c-)t aL ;pt,, i~asstxoistva P~~rati v i~ 1-,(Isei ;3oet=W Inci Alavriz."t oux W-1:3~;kdovaqiya jo -,LAaL)GikjI R-7-77, 1970, Ek:~prox 80 tlzmy. ati 4o Ccustolytm, nanU of Mortbm bF A* 1. TOUM&WO Ramh 6 V4 BE" SOJIB & m I Fab 68 gibwla srA mWtbwn hir I&As Wnculur Plaits of thu Siberian -4orLq and the .. lorUwni J..'ar &-ot. 334 il,)& lik, i4aititelIncr.0 I~raine~o !Aw-ra !ZSR. i 0e 1-13vu.~Xd2IM6 M. U". JIl '.1!2 6 1i-50 34U :;C:i/ 1.) I-Ald 1-! aapt 69 389,838 Contribution to the Opestion of the Antitumor Activity of Natural Coumarins, by A. L. Tsemlin RUSSIANj pert Rastitelnye Resursy, Vol 1, No 4, 1965, pp 50?-511 NTC 71-16769-060 Feb 72 "Union Sciantiftooftsearah Institute of Mwnclzal and Aromatio Plants, by I* A* GUb&WT and P4 T, Nondrammko . 16 pp * RUSSLU41 per. Ragalsl= Rama!"* Vol 2. No to tWo PP, 131-138 JPRS 37805 USSR Oat 66 311,993 Areau of Stable Npiphytotics of the Mangump Difftribution of tho Alkaloid-Producing Variation, Prospects for Purchases of Natural Ergots by N. 1. Ostrovskiy, A. N. Bantkovskaya, 18 pp. RUSSIAN, per# Hastitelf-sm Resuray, vol 4, 1~o 29 1968, pp jT2-17Z- jpRs 46,289 sci/ai; sept 6C~ 3659199 NWs of Plimt Resource Science Odt2inadv bV Als A* l4dorms 3.4 ppe RUSSIAN, per* Balfttel'nM lAningr~4 0 No 1t 19699 pp~n* JPRS 48340 Sal-Sai and bai Urgan juV 69 387.943 Localization of Solanine in Solanum Toberosum Sprouts, by V. Yo. Moskaleva. RUSSIAN, per, Rast Resur., No 1, 1969, pp 31-39. *NTIS TT 72-51140 Jan 73 Rester Optical Instruments, 12 pp. WSBIAN,, bk, F"ta= OpggWwkln Pribo!Z,, 1966, pp. 62-69 and 206-207. JPHS 39693 USSR sci-Nav. mar 61 317,451 RUSSIAN: Hatsional-'noe Ispol'zovante Territory- ("Efficient Use of Terrotoryr) 1971. pp 3-22. MOSCOW. DIA LN 043 (October 72) AWL Z=erpts rram Russlan-lmn~ book an Rational Met, by Pe D. Leshcheako et &1s 9 pp. RUSSIANp bk,, FlutgtonaVOM pitaniye, 1965.- pp. 3-4p 5-10p 219-VOo JPRS 34908 USSR sci-E/M Apr 66 296,,980 M35 10-1 R-7689-D 2 Nov 66 Equal-eontl%St C010r SYSUM By; Natv+v,, A.B. and Belisevey N.M. Prom: Ravaakontrastnaia tovetavaia aistems No 9., 1965 PP 1-6 ( 6 pp ) Russian - cat for wds: Translate and type 1 camera ready copy. Doc=mt CM be cut. Equilibirum Condensation Polymerization, by V. V. Korshak, S. V. Vinogradov. RUSSIAN. bk, Ramovesnaya PolikondWmsatsiyap 1967, Plonum Press Sci?Chemistry Nov 67 331,167 uvid-)ulu it bat klux in by-, Wunijarl L-A! i~y ~,. 1. Axibl. rft, Gm Ymt .-~ijcxlrik- ,;tzA . Lq~itjrad, t;idrxnteoizdat, 19670 ) 9 j a i Vvlipl, 11.-24-86-61) Layer of 17 pp. IR-Irperatury; s'a/ati.wilao-ric ciou 69 397,416 YoI:rjinov* 10 [.)1). PWAA ~~= Gradiat lbni)a~l imingrad, ~~Ldmreteoizdatp 190, 31-39. Al -, Vt-TUI, W-2 4- 86-6 9 sci/at. XX-,.,jlcric ax 69 397,,417 ~a. x. moskaUv Diseharge vith a holtow R49RYAD S POrYM XATODON, AIRIF04ff-94-1808-72 4 1 oathods. 101 pp. pp 6-17,9 22-84s 222-133.0 2W0 mar 73 (i AS, j EL EC TRuN IL S SPIVAK,, U. V. L A,'joUAUL -r, L ~jLNIRY-Uk k AL V. r I L . V mj:~,S I 1 1, TUM VT t-,R. i I VR6SVESH. I, Mu ') CL) ~v 91 7 .), 99- 117 ~ ST L-HT - 23-,-'5 19- 1 -) Complex Geological MWing of the Bottom of the Sos$, by No 1. Shapirov klyl, Go A, Sarkisovo 8 ppe RLISSIM, per, Razwodka i Okhrma Nodr, No 1. 19650 JPRs 40942 Sci - Earth Sci 4 Oceanography May 67 3260983 Exparienov LU Use of a Frequency Selection Cham3el, in An Ai2i*m Magnetawter,, by L. V. V&vIIIn and Df 6 * ZelmetAdy.* 7 VP JIRMIU,, per., razyedka i Okhxwa Nedrp no 2., ftb 65., yp 25-29 JPRS 29521) USSR Bei4glactronics Apr 65 Mo750 Foruin ot Saviet Godogtu*. RW~jAN perr PAmyodke.1 C*hrans 0 No 4v io, PPI-& - VAQ9 1-7432 IV 22D4027(X5 Sd - Earth SCI Jul 65 Dotftwfnatim Of Iran in KAvcV Boo FWks end Or" by UIS Onult-ft Iftflactum mou"o by A. P. Od2l=j, 0. A. Pdmtch33yy and G. F. shd ~ U ppe R)BSXM,, per, Fawvedlm L Okbrma Wr, HO 5, MW 1965.- PP* 32-39- JPI6 30923 usm ac:L-=/A jul 65 283., U4 A Sivp2m Metwd for Uldng Into Acootmt the Wbim" Of IMCALI Muef on the assats of a MagmaUe &uvWj, B. X. Magn,, 9 pp. B=r", per, Fazvemm i Okhrous no 5,1 1965s vp JPR13 30M WOR Bel, W/A Jul 65 233,U5 YLIM GoIA-Surim B&Anq by To 1e Timeftm, RUBBILNO Pwt hunam i aftm aft# vo 6# 1963, yp 1-30 ~~l TT 68-,1" sa/mat Ysy 6 8 Interprefttim of Nkpatic and 0 -, ovitatimal Amrsales U"vg a "Urol-l" Cccpter, tq V. P. stepowv Ud D, C; , SubldA%WCLJOVS,, 9 PP* RUSSM, per,, Rezvedke i Olduvas Nedr, ao 6, J= 1965p pp. F-10. JPFIS 32M3 USSR Sci-ES/A SePt 65 20),,467 Ic APP&Mtun for Prooe"Ing zVOR09113Wcal VlagroMp by if* 0- Bl&tj, Ve f3j, Irglr*19 MA Oqp Oo F:Sntc)v, 9 py* imM, per, Fazy"M i Oiiuvm Nedr, ,,io 6', Im 19657-P-P7-"0:3T5-, JM 320C* Tim ac L..,WA Sept 65 2690466 I.--xperiences in Conducting Exploratory and survey Operations in Eastem Kazakhstm, by Konoplyantsevo Nikonorov, et als, S 1.1p. IWSSIAN, per, ]Zazvedka i Okhrona Ned.- lio S. pp 50-52, 1993. ACSI 1-8634 ID 2204056965 Sci-B 414 i4ar 66 297,427 Some Characteristics of Copper-nickel Mineralization of the Pechanga Deposits. By 1. A. Yakovlev, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr, No. 9, 1965, pp. 1-8. CFSTI TIT 68-50630 Sci/Ear Sci Dec 69 397,535 k;cological Accuipud'.,icut an Acro-,uopiLysical t. a IWutos ill dily t4W 11willitainouG TorrAll. S. Kortlov, 4, ia A) jr o6 .97,475 Rich flophollm area MA Their U 14ation 1w tbs Sibwdm Abwdnm Ll&~, tV A. M. Frmqwwjoh* RMUNO port mmft A 110 Ut 1963t pp 7-U. 7 1 TT 68-3D631 SwAst Ysy 68 The Ccwtl Indastry of Mongolia.. by Zho Duger- suren and V., F. CherepuvskiY., 5 Pi- MSIM, per, Razvadka i okhram nedr. No 6,, June 1966, pp. 6p-64. JPM 37259 FE-Mongolia Econ Sept 66 311,090 uotar~ainatian of the Paramters of the Ourcroplied Asturbing, Layor Bodies AccorAng t04 4- MOV-4liuss ljy U. D. Ivanov, V. A, burodin. WSSIAN. por, Razvodka i Okhruna I%ledr,, Lio 7, 1966, pp 38-41 Aclic: TC-1141 Sci/l.-artil Sci W,c 66 314.675 Cooluiration oC CiNA ~kjmbor UaLions in the PC.VCIOpMQ[IL of Mineral Kati Material Bases, by B.N. Yerofeycvt 5 pp. RUSSIAII, journal. Razvcdka i Okhrana Nedr, 'W~;cow, lio. 10/11, 1967, pp. 121-1213. JPRS 44,111 USSR -Conom Ic Jan 68 346,024 The Un Of Poisson IN Patio for Geolosiml Interp2wAtIm of Grwdity and Hesutla Anwaly Analogs, by A. A. I&Nblwwp G. A. Wlwv. RUSSIANO 9 PAZV*dk& I OXhnn No&p V01 34p IWO T v It '-0 F3O6 ATB-PJ- 308 Sol-Bar sci bar TO 401,182 Method of Anmlytlml CmAinuatlon of GravIty sid YAV*tlo Anamlles laU Vis ImUmal Space and Begato Of Its -14~*4- by L I. 60balawaldy* IM&W"s MMANo ~ ="&- MMM Nwr,. Vol A so 9, x46b, pp 33-377-,'Wo~-%voom,, ATS-PJ-5307 Sal-1kr Sal Fab TO 4o3.,ift - "M TR CHECK Industrial produetion of a resin antivibraiion, lubricant (for diamond drilling)- Blinov, G.A,j Golovin, O.S... Gorin., V.N. -Ruse per; Razved, Okhr. Nedr 1969, vol 35i. no 4, 33-35 K The Use of ACti-VUtion Logging to Detect P'205 in Apatite Ores of the Kolsk Peninsula, by Yu. S. Startsev~. RUSSIAN, per, Razvedka i Okhrans. Nedr, No 5) 1970, pp 26-29. NTC 72-14201-081 Nu im 674-1.