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Zhuravell, A. Yo. Elastic Characteristics of Pftltilayov Struc- tures with Honeyemb riller. TEPLOVYYE WAYASHEMIYA T UNMAN XONBTRU -2i';6i:ii ZliUIUVLEV9 G.I. //ZHAROSTOIKU TfiPLOSTOIKIL' POKRYTIYA TR VSES, SOVES11CI4// --/--/i969,V ---- ON---. . . Theory of the High-Temperature Gas Corrosion of Metals 6eneath Coatings,, pp 3$-S6,, *NTIS-TT-740-5801010 Zhuravlev, G. T. .. .J 11 study of Ates media and Political Information p14: in Taganroge 1 8 pp '.4, FILMMEM -XAM, YA"Mv 1b 4* 3.973g pp 3.67- kiq- 170. JPRS 6" on W-F Zhuravlev, I.Q. Calculatioa of the Reliability of a systes of Gas Wells with a Cambimtion of Tallures and Failures with RestoratLes. HEFT. KHOZ. Vol. 60s 19729 90.89 pp.162. X.T.N. 16 8 994 - ,.- - --. - -.1, - -,,-# -: 15-May-74 Uncl (AEC-tr--7512, pp 146-149) Effect of ambient temperature on development and course of raoiation sickness. Z-dU a"jjk&_W, - 1961. Translated from Raspredelenle, biologicheskoe detstvie I migratsiya radioaktfvnykh izotopov, Moscow, Medgiz, 1961. NSA 9 15-May-74 Uncl (A8C-tr--7S12t pp 142-145) Effect of ambient temperature on distribution of strontium-90 in albino rats. -LH-UUYIUA-L- a, 1961. Translated from Rasprede-leniev bialogicheskoe defstvit i migratslya radionktivnykh izotopov, Moscow, Medgiz, 1961. NSA 0 aft Idishe No rMli ftow an now,, IW lOw 16 SWOMW* 116 X1. 2hunylov&3 X. Is zqp"VeG Inatrustion in soolal HYglerA# 4 PP!, sov Sam ZDRAVOOKMUNENMI NOW,,VWP No 6j, ST . i jbw- '"ti5A rm ap A?64 RS Nov 74 TSIT U 7 t Mx~ *90 b6datm fOr SdmdAM RWFOWAId ClUtUMV bw 30 gn""Iffo 7 MN sman't pwo NWMNOA!o milmmo ft go 19".. * "W., an Xw 0 - *" 73 Zbarikove V.~ 0" of XgtorUl InGMU" ftbft in Swkbos" Dondbods 3 .4p motam X"ems, No. 99, Feb IL974s, p 19* jim-i 62653 .. Dwdmp Immod ftm OILIM Ow Sod&~Mv IW Vj Skmikw* U Noi ammo ywo mlwmmmmas~ M-A sommolb 40 am so ot "-- i an mm Jae " Zhurikovs Ve Xg m.. QwsUom an Ubar and Himat Annereds . .. 3 pp .. JILI MQ &=I 0 Homms 28 Jma 94g p 2. - I im 62W sbudys 10 ov PrInciplims for omstrootim Toww cowmmt - ., . . roo 9 PO .I =jjjj APMIIRM olpau a LMIRvmdo 110 44. - -, 19700 pp"27."* 1. im 61636 71mriv, 11 al A Tamed H-ftpotamster. 3 pp OUTVT9'JMATA APPARIMo Immingodo No "s 1"20' * 13-16. im "M Zboidn't V4 V~ ftrolo ftUcW D"to s Fm lasbaliml to . . 'Baeouvems tlb 13 pp A a UMORM - PDT 0 vAmpato ft 6* , Im- - ;v ILIPSIM JPFS 092 PUM, VI OVA, zhvalw V. F. Methods Fbr The Calculation Of lang4kye Radiation nwm In The Atmos*wa Vith ft Selp Of SImtramic COMPLINIMe 16 Ppe L~~. gmn_a&_ amayma-A -- ~D eM& 1967* w. 49-570 ml;%i 40 56-72 12-Nov-74 Uncl (AEC-tr--7549) Methods of calculating heat exchange of liquid metals in regular lattices of fuel elements and some new experimental data. ZHYKGV9 A.V.: MATYUKIN, N.M.: 14UZHANOV, A.B.: SVIRITSENKO, E.YA.: VSHAKOV, P.A. (GOSUDARSTVENNYd KOMITET PU 1SPOLIZOVANIYU ATGMNGJ EHNERGII SSSR, OBNINSK. FIZIKO- EHNERGETICHESKIJ INST.). [nd]. Translation of FEI-- 404. 45p. Dep. NTIS $5.25. 181 reactor engineering; IBJ reactor fuels; translations MN-80 P NSA ZnU=, A, IPNUP*ll Oftj(-A9MvTm7jmwv 81 llddUty at Uq": wd t u~ In N - ~ in. Tedodml IWA TOR44b," I%, I c nalms ft - 1, 1 -- - in %talaii Fit W- $V. Md ammms VP lewwome *105*um ----"NORM Fiber Of Old f-dod"a, , bwft* --,. part -lental pp and nUU484 bdro" nouds awasou ft loor Yom 0 0--domm and 9bwWW I pp zwlAmrA- awasulp jw 4* am* I.M31, w in ZIBIMA, 1. A. Some Aspects of the Biological Effeet of Hicroconcentrations of two CholiGisocyanates BIOLOGICHESKOE DEUME I GIGIENIHCEME ZNACHENIE A7MSFMWM ZAGRYAZMII, vol. 11, pp. 91-107, 1968 NTC 73-10039W6J March 73 7Z-fCJShtl',, Llambi Fealth Minister Discusses Envirormental Protection, 5 pp. ZERI I POPULLIT, Timm, 9 Jan 74, p 3. JPRS b1205 Mar 74 zid~k' N., 47 lift Utt X-""-22 No Zidek Ot &I, The Efflect of Rm%blW MM Procedws on Surface QnUty of Bad-Fluidmed ftoftv" f1pr Boodws Pb" Umftntow, M znvv,, 10, 6,9 v9 limm"q IS" EM IM3 spr 73 Andreas Better Utilization or Higay Produative Bquipmant Damnded, STATISTISCHE PRAXIS, pp ZJLb-ZI v jpRs 59619 pp. E"t Bwlin, MY 73. Aug 73 ZIEGLER G GE MICROFRACTOGRAPHIC FEATURES AND SERVICE FAILU RES ANALYSIS OF AIRCRAFT MATERIALS ZEITSCHRIFT FUER FLUGWISSENSCHFTEN N7 V22 197 4 P223-232 FSTC-HT-23-0248-75 71egler, Joan PATGC Hoping for Slow Rvolution of Diplomatic situation, 10 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY LF MUVEL OBSERVATEUR,, Paris 18 Mar 74,, PT 70:7-1-0 77v 00s 04P 89s, 92: 96- TPRS/L 4895 Ju 1 74 Ziegler, W. On the devonian panderodus ethingion, 1959, and neopanderodus N. G. (conodontal) NEUES JAHRBUCH FUER GEOLOGIE UND PAIAEQN- TOLOGIE. MONATSHEFTE, p. 629-640, 197F-. NTC 73-10877-08G. MIT, FUR VBRWSSUROMMM'- Vvk~~I" ~X_ 0. AFAR *DKUC-2 May U ro Zielb3ki. Janusz B. Application of the Collocation Metlho. to t'.Ae' Accuracy Estimation in Deterxini:,. Zhe Earth's Gravity.Field 17 GEODBZJA I XARTGGRAFIA, Vol 23, No Iv 1974 pp 3-20 Zlellnokip Tudouss Developmb of Soatkwu Hoomwedon out]Lin&d, 7 Ppv RIIDA IVLRODIDVA440S!mRp=A~ ~"Agap Warams, 4 A129 T3 9 PP T-Vp JPRS 60239 II- -]'-v - 0 IXWF%m- RUSSIAN CSO: 8344/1689 0 )~ 14 Mar 74 ~;~o UFO observations over the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, by Felix. Y. Zigel. Not further identified., pp 1-199. Spec type A Do n~t publish Camera Teady copy plus two copies typed single spaced. Do not cut or mark document please. z0owto awtv w fps""$ com"bw as)* P!*~~ a&- 6 --- x on 10 29 Apr- ?4jp V to - a Aun 71-L Zillbero A* ?a Wratm7 Alray CLoswa AW dirAco-ftsiolosioa 16 (ImatigaUen Notbods Sipificame). . " . B=j jjQW& WMUJGI * rASOMe 7 INS Fe 19740 pp 79-839 * . JM 6W3 I Zillber, A. P. apiratory Airway poswe (imestisation rAthods mW airdoo-FordoloOma Sivdfloams). 10 pp Vff".ArAp24n bm&=UU MUK 8=6 mosome I'D 70 IM, pp 79-33., % JFR$ 63485 //BOVBTSKAYA TORW -/l Autouted Dikt#t SiAim-u.. DivAbI44,:, pp- JM 63649 7,71 Of lo -XHOI- at nomm woka MOM1810, 002MMA Mkbam 2s MP, P-- - - n 0 1w 6w 2ml pp lot mr~ f . . u 22 230, -r, a jaw 73 . pp V. slivar The Creep BduLvior of libafflas4lolutwood Polyestm &win Lmlastow la ope"sz I"tbw O;L 39,P 3b. 22, IMS, pp 9464" Zimanax. G. Recollection of World War II IlthuwAsn FartAsan Activities. 12 pp SwErs"n =U, Vil'uYuse 7 Sot 1973t PP Z-3- JMS 60336 ZINN"* 00 RWV. P* IAOMUMAIJ Anpols" of ww SMIA poop"* 12 pp, smame'MmOwl, so Js Sw 19*0 pp W". jpu iw$ Wfto A* in *to .*Npoot a pp. QW-f*VAVA Sa Moms M"Oows )b 50 mw 746 JFM 62M Usift 0 As RM .R DsplItY ft"er Disown$ R*dMti= Work. a pp SIM WOM9 KNOW* so 99.300 19"t . JFM 61394 zwnt ve me NWLM=Wntal Proteation Fleasufts In tb;o MMI"I- IntUtI7 Do"ribild,, 10 pp. "= Fpm - ELMSTfv Nosomp No 4# A 7% 'DID. OWAVO. - ma 62134 74 AW' IT 444-2 -:77 Mix, 27-Feb-74 Uncl (GERflTR--59) Development of a method a~~d experimental installation for prefabricating HTz-R fuels. ZTMMER, R.; NAEFE, P.; RINGEL, H. (KERNFGRSM.;%iGSANLAGE 70METF11- (F.R. GERMANY). INST. FUER CHEMISCHE TECHNOLOGIE). 1973. 6p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. Work Performed under United States--German High Temperature Reactor Research Exchange Program. 14 methods and cqulpment; 18J reactor fuels STD-77 P NSA ZIMMERMANN GE NEW ANTITANK WEAPONS OF THE NATO ARMED FORCES C.6~v t -,- ~u 4t MILITARTECHNIK VOL 11 NO 9 1971 PP 41l,"415 FSTC-HT-23-0447-74 rw amiss" of ones us 73 -,WW ill Ci A) ~0 The Packasing Industry Turns the Declaims of the 8th Party Coaffteence of the M into ftallty,, by H. Usemernann, 5 PP. GOVEIMMM USX OW DIS V=n= No 1., 1972j, pp 1-2. AMP=/N-23-53-73 May, 7-1 ZIMMERMANN J~ GE DRY BATTERIES PACKAGED IN STEEL PLATE CASINGS I 1 .1 . 1~~ i:I- 0 VERPACKUNGS-MAGAZINE 19.73 PP 43-50 V90 STC-HT-23-0525-74 -74 -i4 u, Iw et 7,I)PIRIMs Le Stabilization of the Sepaxativa Rot" In UO-calle aft" camt ams of SHMIM.MIX vol. 22, pp. 407-409g IM 73-.IUILZ7'*-A Much 73 N. G. Zimormann EnvironmentaZ noiae poZlution caueed by jet aircraft traffic. 26 pp LAERMBRUESTIGUNG DER UMLT DVRCR DEN STRaLPLUGMA JY71S Z7 pp. NASA TT F 14,655 apr ?3 T?, N, NAYk ',"~l "F, 2k zviuv:;Kly, b. F.. //60VETSKOYE ZDRAVUUXkffiMk!ilTa/ -/-/1974*V-m-shOQO# pp OM-OM liew book De&U With .xpoA Daterolution of risah"ity 3 pp JFES 63692 i A. Zinowski Observations on the use ting gadflies in cattle. Had. Water, vol. 20. no. WRIS-TT-73-54071 of Bubulin in Combs- S. pp-161-ISS. 196#4. may 73 ~Gta 0.4 tile vepm!u,tI(',I C-1, LIIIAles ( aterla,;;, K 156~ -JuVAIAID a fAt Latin, w, v, ra 44 44 1, 1'.U53 I all. ranx Peat-sun for 'ArIno.- air~ials tali. '-a- Wash., P. "lies a ri pi~ A s 1 o y i on i,. Wa5h. , .1). Zinyanin, me A Now Stage in the Energizing and tbo Ckdflation of Peacemloving Fore*#* 20 pp Kommag. m"Gmq No 28# Doc 1973p pp ]A-We JP.R-S-- -W0- zinca" Heralamb Xllegal Bullneog D*allngo moserlbod.' 9 pp. OOVEFM M USE ONLY PERTRU PATRIEs BuChareett SIL 4979 at Bla*k S*a 90SOPtS Apr 74P pp 8-10, Sop 711. nwhowme YJ I. Zinob$Wmo Vo p0 A Ant of Vioul Thinkbgo X5 pp fear" ca viop - I somme NO as Nar-W 19"t PP. 3-240 JM"62Q2 Zinchenko, V.S. measur nt of the Di*106trio CO"Umt Of Rocks In Hydregeological V6116- JZV. TySSH. UCHED. ZAVED., GEOL. RAVED. T-16* 2, No. So ppolf S. A.-T.S. R06GB 931 Zimhuk 9 P. I. Motion of a Swept Wing Near a SOW Barrier Ath OpU=m Ciradation D14AbutAomp 13 pp a-09WASAA 1.966v pp 17440?q Aft 62363 T3, Rtgo PC- . . . . . . . . . . �r .......... Zmmi A, 11 //80cm AUMM NAM BUR9 UM OCENWI W-m/*w/19732=10jl0omv .1 SolubU Aledwls In Notaral vxbwa In. taw southoutm rmt at tft alai" PISUWNO Thdr Origin md hollbu vm- in Pnqw*bw for m"Imus pp 2084MAM ZINOMM, A. No //OCMU MXIADNOY 19EYROUUMM=V/ .24-Agms-tu-9 PP it ioma Lawsm inmuioum on- th 0 Effects of the Astistled Orgaidsation of a- YAdium an the, Mecbmni an of Formation of the Reactions of a Human operator* 19 pp jFps 63612 zingdwla, R. P. sumtm mierma" za"Stlatift of lgtgb P*27uw ibleea2as PPA".-F, 7 7--~~V. way 73 . . , : - . . 4 46-, -. -m -I." -'~ 7 ..: -* 7. -. i - I : . -*~,~.,. --.. . 1. 1 .. - Jo, za- its" itx SO pow Dri zimm Perfonowe latias end Testlas of Chmawd Faw- Stroke Bleml M4n In DmDpd kWoqowle Conditlons. " S3.4wi M v& 321 ib. n, mw AM-9-1W. MM-MI-93-4VT-72 Aug 73 " -777 '777-17" " MY 4L I~e.