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Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 16557 Imperative as an emergency measure to the secretary of State reading In part Departmental, representatives have testi- that the Senate accept the House amend- as follows: fled to this effect before at least five different meets so that the bill may go to the On July 7, 1958, President Eisenhower in committees of. the Congress and on numer- White House. There was no opposition a message to the Congress requested the en- our occasions. In addition to the Presi- in the Interstate and Foreign Commerce actment of legislation with regard to the dent's message to the Congress on July 7, Committee. Issuance of passports. In his message the 1958, and his 1960 budget message to the The Senator from Kansas [Mr. President stated, "I wish to emphasize the Congress on January 19, 1959, concerning the necessity for passport legislation, the Presi- SCHOEPPEL] and I cosponsored the bill. urgency of the legislation I have recom- dent's view that legislation in the passport I have discussed it with the minority mended. Each day and week that passes field is both essential and urgent was con- leader, the Senator from Illinois CMr, without it exposes us to great danger. 2 veyed to the Senate Foreign Relations Coin- DIRKSEN], just prior to lunch, and so far hope the Congress will move promptly to- mittee on June 26, 1959. I still consider as I know there is absolutely no objec- ward its enactment'` that the lack of legislative authority to deny tion to the bill. There is an emergency On the same day the Secretary of passports to the really dangerous partici- involved. State transmitted a draft of a bill to pants in the Communist conspiracy is a Mr: KEATING. Mr. President, am I implement the suggestions made by the most critical problem and constitutes a clear to understand that all members of the President. In my letter I referred to and present danger to the United States. committee favor the amendments? the various bills pending in the field of The letter discusses H.R. 9069 which Mr. MAGNUSON. I have not dis- passport legislation, and asked the Sec- has passed the House of Representatives, cussed the House amendments with the retary of State to review them and to and states that it is to some degree in- members of the Senate committee, be- advise me of his general impression. I adequate. Acting Secretary Dillon goes the House amendments are of a minor I am particularly anxious to have your nature. Because of the emergency, we views as to the importance of enacting pass- would like to accept the House amend- port control legislation prior to the adjourn- ments and pass the bill. meet of this Congress. Mr. KEATING. Has the Senator from Washington discussed these amend- ments with the minority leader? Mr. MAGNUSON. I have not dis- cussed the amendments in detail, but I discussed the proposal in detail with him prior to lunch. Mr. KEATING. I am informed that the Senator from Kansas [Mr. SCHOEP- PEL], the ranking minority member of the committee, has agreed to the pro- posed amendments. With that under- standing I am very happy to interpose no objection. The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- fore the Senate the amendments of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 1806) to revise title 18, chapter 39, of the United States Code, entitled "Ex- plosives and Combustibles", which were: On page 1, line 3, strike out "chapter 39,"; on page 9, line 6, after "associ- ations" insert ", including the Bureau for the Safe Transportation of Explo- sives and other Dangerous Articles,"; on page 9, strike out lines 12 through 14, inclusive, and insert "(f) Whoever knowingly", and on page 10, line 16, after "privilege" insert ": Provided, however, That before any person may be required to appear and testify or pro- duce documentary evidence, he shall be advised by the Commission that he must specifically claim such privilege". Mr. MAGNUSON. Mr. President, I move that the amendments of the House be considered en bloc and concurred in. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the motion of the Senator from Washington, . The motion was agreed to. p e ecretary of Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. State under appropriate safeguards to deny President, will the Senator yield? passports to citizens knowingly engaged In Mr. KEATING. I yield. activities for the purpose of furthering the Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Does International Communist movement. Such the Senator from New York anticipate authority represents, in my opinion, the asking for a quorum call before he be, minimum which is essential to counteract the danger to which we are exposed daily gins his remarks? by the present state of the law. I am seri- Mr. KEATING. I will not ask for a ously concerned about the jeopardy to our quorum call unless the Senator wishes national security and the prejudice to our one. foreign relations Involved in the unrestricted travel abroad of active participants in the ISSUANCE OF PASSPLYRTS~ Communist conspiracy. The administration has consistently urged Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, on the Congress to take action to fill this August 17 of this year I directed a letter statutory gap In our defenses. I am in receipt. of a letter from Under Secretary of State Douglas Dillon, dated August 25. It is a rather long letter, and I shall not read all of it. He states: I have your letter to Secretary Herter of August 17, 1960, requesting his general im- pressions of the passport legislation which passed the House on September 8, 1959 (H.R. 9069) and the measure reported by the Sen- ate Committee on the Judiciary on June 30, 1960 (S. 2652), together with his estimate of the importance of enacting passport control legislation prior to the adjournment of this Congress- S. 2652 was sponsored by the distin- guished Senator from Connecticut [Mr. DODD] and myself.. At the outset, I want to emphasize that I attach the utmost importance to the en- actment of adequate passport control legis- lation during the present Congress. I can assure you that Secretary Herter is in full accord with my position on this matter. It has never been the Department's view,, however, that there is but one possible solu- tion to the deficiency in our passport author- ity; or, for that matter, that all passport problems must be solved in one piece of legislation. As a result of the sentiment ex- pressed by the Foreign Relations and For- eign Affairs Committees during hearings in the 85th Congress on this subject, the De- partment concluded that the Congress did not favor an urgent approach to full-scale revision and codification of all passport laws. Accordingly, in the 86th Congress the Department decided to support legislation limited to the most critical problem-au- thorizing the denial of passports to persons knowingly engaged in activities in further- ance of the international Communist move- ment. Simply stated, there is needed legislative authority which will ermit th S on to state: Of the bills presently pending before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, includ- ing the House-passed bill, the Department has strongly endorsed S. 2315-the Wiley bill-and the Attorney General has joined in this endorsement of the bill to meet the Communist problem in the passport area. Incidentally, the American Bar Association has also endorsed S. 2315,sas being the bill pending in Congress which most nearly con- forms to its resolution on passport legisla- tion. That bill, as I understand, Is now rest- ing quietly in the Committee on Foreign Relation. He then says: You also asked the Secretary for his im- pression of S. 2652. The passport provisions of S. 2652 (Dodd-Keating bill) are In several respects preferable to the House-passed bill. The criteria for passport denial, as well as a number of other provisions, are essentially the same in both bills. However, S. 2652 pro- vides specifically for the utilization of in-' formation the disclosure of which would prejudice the national security and public Interest, or would compromise investigative sources and methods, together with the pro- vision that such information shall not con- stitute a basis for passport denial unless the applicant is furnished a full summary there- of in as much detail as security considera- tions will permit. I believe such a provision recognizes the Important Interests of the U.S. Government without undue prejudice to the Interests of the individual. On the other hand, if the House-passed bill (H.R. 9069) should be amended to allow some reliance by the Secretary of State on confidential information under appropriate safeguards to protect the rights of the indi- vidual it would, I believe, fully meet the needs of our national security for legislation authorizing the denial of U.S. passports to dangerous members of the Communist con- spiracy. Mr. President, I am convinced that we will be failing in our responsibilities to the American people, particularly in the light of this exchange of correspondence with the Secretary of State, if we do not at this session consider passport con- trol legislation prior to adjournment. I hope that the full impact of the Depart- ment's letter will be felt by every Mem- ber of the Senate. I ask unanimous consent that the let- ters may be printed in full at the con- elusion of my remarks. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. (See exhibit 1.) Mr. DODD. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Approved For Release 2004/0'5/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 16558 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE August 26- Mr. SEATING, I shall be glad to up and brought before the Senate. I is of more importance, indeed, than many yield in a moment. I should like to am that we can get a good bill of the bills upon which we spent time complete my thought. Under Secretary through the Senate, and ultimately yesterd.ry. Dillon, the writer of the letter, is not a through Congress. But it has to be In my judgment, there simply is no man who lightly utters warnings like done promptly. There is not much time excuse for further inaction on this sub- this. He has made a solemn evaluation left. ject. if the Senate does not wish to of the present situation, which cannot I am very glad the able Senator from enact any passport legislation, then cer- be disregardee. without risking serious New York has brought up this subject tainly a majority should be given an injury to the national welfare. The today. In my judgment, he is a very opportunity to say that it does not wish House of Representatives twice has en- great lawyer; a most experienced and to do sal. However, I am perfectly confl- acted passport legislation by overwelm- scholarly one; and a man of fair dis- dent that the Senate feels that this is an ing majorities, only to see its action position. He has rendered a distinct area, es does the Secretary of State, either annulled or ignored by a refusal service in discussing this subject. I where we should act. of the Senate to consider the subject. assure him that I shall do everything I I believe all the sections of the bill It may very well be that the bill in- can to make certain that this bill is which as been reported are important. troduced by tk.e Senator from Connecti- brought before the Senate. I have so doubt that they would be over- cut and myself should be amended. It Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, I ap- whelmingly approved if we had the op- has been unanimously reported by the preciate deeply the remarks of the dis- portun ty to pass upon them. Committee on the Judiciary. it is on the tinguished Senator from Connecticut. In my opinion, the passport problem is calendar, ready for action. Perhaps the We have worked together in conducting so Important that if it is felt that the language of the House bill or some other the hear ings on this and related proposed other provisions would further compli- language is preferable, but the opposi- legislation. Many witnesses appeared cate matters-although I do not believe tion of a few Members of the Senate before is who felt that we could go there would be any objection to the other to legislation in general in this field much further than we have in the bill provisions of the bill-then perhaps we should not be allowed to stymie all Sen- which we have introduced. In fact, it ought to consider the passport problem ate consideration of this grave problem. is probable that most of the pressure alone. It has been more than 2 years since was in tint direction. However, we tried Many reports have been circulated President Eisenhower, in his message to to deal with the subject objectively and concer zing a premature adjournment of Congress, urgently pleaded for enact- in a judicious manner, and not to sug- this session of Congress, perhaps tomor- ment of this necessary legislation, and gest leg-slation which was not moderate. row or in the next few days, or at some the State Department's letter makes it As th-, Senator from Connecticut has early t me. The letter of the Acting Sec- evident that this need has in no way pointed out, the bill deals not only with retary of State, Douglas Dillon, reveals abated and that it is still a subject on passpors; It attempts also to clarify the folly of any such precipitate exodus which action oy Congress is imperative. the law with regard to espionage com- from 'Nashington. This is a problem I am happy to yield to the distin- mitted in foreign lands. It redefines which simply cannot be swept under the guished Senator from Connecticut. the "organize" provision in the Smith rug ur.til another day, if we are to put Mr. DODD. I thank the distill- Act. It also expanded the scope of the the interests of the Nation, as outlined guished Senator from New York. I am Foreign Agents Registration Act. in thi; letter, before our own conven- proud of the fact that I was privileged The passport provision, as I say. ience. to work with the distinguished Senator should he open to debate. Very probably I ream in the RECORD this morning that from New York in the preparation of the wording of the bill can be improved. the Committee on Foreign Relations yes- the bill, which we jointly introduced. Both the distinguished Senator from terday passed over until next year any In my judgment this is one of the most Connecticut and I and, of course, every pendii g -passport legislation, and an- Important measures before the Senate, other member of the Committee on the nounc ad that such legislation would be and we should act on It. I am certain Judielay, felt that each individual its first order of business in the 87th the Senator from New York will agree should be properly, fully, and adequately Congr ass. This is disheartening news. with me that the bill not only is appro- protected in his own individual rights; It shows the folly of waiting upon the priate with respect to the passport situ- however, to force the Secretary of State, action of that committee before the ation, which I think is grave, but that as is tha present situation, to issue pass- Senates comes to grips with the problem. the bill covers other important areas, as ports t) know enemies of our country, There is no excuse for not taking this well. It provides for the handling of who m ),y be know to be going abroad up now; and the bill on the calendar, offenses under the Espionage Act which to get indoctrination in espionage and reported by the Judiciary Committee, is are committed outside the territorial efforts to overthrow this country, Is eminently appropriate for that purpose. jurisdiction o:^ the United States. Much something with which we should correct Mr. WILEY. Mr. President, will the could be said about this problem, but I and eo;Teel forthrightly. Senat)r from New York yield? shall not take the time now to say any- The letter of Under Secretary of State The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Joa- thing about it. Dillon, as I have pointed out, expresses DAN L:1 the chair). Does the Senator It also covers a situation which cries a preference for the provisions of S. from :qew York yield to the Senator from to heaven for some relief under the For- 2315, introduced by the distinguished Wisconsin? eign Agents Legistration Act. Senato-' from Wisconsin [Mr. Wn,a Y]. Mr. SEATING. I am happy to yield. This is ail important bill. I hope All well and good. Let us get the bill Mr. WILEY. I am very glad to join some action can be taken on it. It rep- before ,he Senate. -Let the Senator from in the very astute words of the Senator resents, in my judgment, the very mini- Wisconsin offer the provisions of his bill from New York. He is always worth mum of what we should do and what is as a substitute. listen ng to. essential if we are to protect ourselves Someone else may want to substitute This afternoon much has been said in intelligently from some facets of the the provisions of the House bill, which stressing the thought that we are not menace of communism. has already been passed. This would, of sufficiently prepared militarily. I be- lt was our purpose to present to the course, have the merit of expediting the lieve that In relation to this particular Senate the most noncontroversial and legislation. It may well be that the phase of our national life we must con- most urgently needed of the numerous House language is preferable; but it Is sider whether we are doing sufficient on suggestions which were made to us as Important that we deal with S. 2(152 as the home front, as regards protecting our members of the Committee on the Judi- the proper vehicle. It is now on the cal- intern sts. ciarv. We know there is a difference of endar. It could be called up for action at Russia made the U-2 plane flights opinion about this subject. We share any tirie. There is no doubt in my mind necessary. Congress appropriated the many of the apprehensions of our col- that It Is of much greater importance to money for the U-2; and for 4 years the leagues. I sm certain that suggestions our national interest than, for Instance, U-2 riade a large number of flights over will be made to make the bill a better the pending sense-of-Congress resolu- Russia, and gave us important infor- piece of legislation, and I am confident tion with regard to how the President mation in regard to the Russian military that a bill can be passed. All I think should act in making recess appoint- establishments and military develop- needs to be done is to have the bill called ments to the Supreme Court; or that it ment3. Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 16559 On the other hand, in this country many spies and agents of the Kremlin are allowed to go almost everywhere. But in Russia our representatives are treated far differently. Consequently, we had to make the U-2 observations from 70,000 feet in the air. For 4 years those operations were con- ducted; and the information obtained- and I have seen the pictures--clearly shows that those flights were necessary. Today, there are those who say we should continue to make observations by means of the U-2 flights. That is a military problem, and I shall not try to settle it. However, I believe it all important that the American people recognize-and the facts should be made known-how seri- ous the spying activities of the Kremlin really are. We find their spies everywhere, and of course we let them come into our country. The bill being discussed should cer- tainly be taken up and passed at this session. In fact, in my opinion my bill should have been reported by the For- eign Relations Committee. Mr. KEATING. I thank the Senator from Wisconsin. Mr. SCHOEPPEL. Mr. President-- Mr. KEATING. I yield to the Senator from Nebraska. Mr. SCHOEPPEL. I thank the Sena- tor from New York for yielding to me. I wish to commend him for the interest he has demonstrated in the problem of making proper regulations in regard to the issuance of passports. Mr. President, similar statements have been made and similar interest has been expressed by Senators on both sides of the aisle, in recent weeks, since the Senate reconvened. Certainly the ur- gency of the situation is quite clear to anyone who gives the matter more than cursory consideration. We are concerned, of course, with many matters pertaining to the budget, armaments, our position in the cold war, Cuba, the Congo, and many other situa- tions. Yet, despite the fact that what we do in this passport area bears so closely and vitally on all those prob- lems, action on it has been refused, and for 2 years no action whatever was taken, following the action by the Supreme Court. Not until June 30 did any bill on the subject find its way to the floor of the Senate. The bill now on the calendar is not a new proposal. It has been before the House and the Senate for the greater part of 2 years. As a matter of fact, a Presidential message on'the subject was sent to Congress. The proposed legisla- tion on the subject has been here since June 30. Certain technical amendments on the subject have been carefully con- sidered; and certainly it is time that a legislative position on this matter was taken, and that it matured into the form of final legislation. It is most regrettable that the bill has not already been acted on by the Con- gress; and I am grateful to the Senator from New York for again calling atten- tion to the situation. Mr. KEATING. I am very grateful to the Senator for his remarks. He has been a leader in the efforts to see to it that action on this matter was taken. He has spoken on the importance of having such action taken at this ses- sion; and I am very grateful to him for the statement he has made about the matter today, Mr: WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, will the Senator from New York yield to me? Mr. KEATING. I yield. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. I wish to join the Senator from New York, the Senator from Nebraska, and other Sena- tors in urging the Senate leadership to schedule the bill on this subject for ac- tion before we adjourn. I think there is no measure more important than the one the Senator from New York has been discussing ; and certainly' no measure which involves the security of the coun- try should be overlooked, even though we are in a hurry to return home in this campaign year. So I certainly hope the leadership will take heed and will-sched- ule the bill for action. Mr. KEATING. I am very grateful to the Senator from Delaware for his re- marks, and I share his view that this bill is as urgent as any bill which could pos- sibly be on the calendar. Mr. President, before yielding the floor, I want to point out that the secu- rity problem which arises out of the present situation with regard to pass- ports is not speculative; it is real and it is documented. Of course, much of this documentation cannot be revealed without jeopardizing our intelligence sources, methods, and information. The facts concerning some of the specific cases, however, where passports have had to be issued and which can be re- vealed are enough to demonstrate the seribusness of this problem. I have been furnished by the Depart- ment of State a full report-and I might say to my distinguished friend from Montana this is public property; this is not confidential information; and it is open to him and to anybody else who wants to ask the Department of State about it-on several of these specific cases where passports have had to be issued to known Communists. I shall not go into them in detail, but one of these involves Morris H. Hal- perin. Mr. Halperin was implicated in the escape of the Sterns behind the Iron Curtain. After this incident he was still able to obtain a passport, which he used in 1958 to go to Moscow, when his deportation from Mexico as an American Communist was imminent. He is now reported to be working for the Soviet Government. Other cases involved Paul Novik, David Matis, and Abraham Bick, report- ers for Communist newspapers in New York City. All three of these men are reported to be members of the Communist Party. Everyone knows of the horrible out- rages against Russians of Jewish origin in which the Soviet Government has been engaged. The mission of these three men was to make an on-the-spot investigation for their Communist pa- per to prove that Russia was in no way anti-Semitic and to disprove the al- legations of the way the Soviet had been treating their Jewish citizens. All of this they were able to do while traveling through Europe with Ameri- can passports. We were cloaking them with the protection %an, d status which goes with an American passport, while they were gathering and disseminating propaganda information for the Soviet Union. Another case involves James E. Jack- son, Jr., a leading official of the Com- munist Party. Jackson obtained a pass- port and, with other leading Commu- nists, he attended a meeting with the Communist Party in Moscow in 1959. I can think of nothing which more greatly facilitates the work of interna- tional communism than this ability to maintain contact, to communicate, and to exchange information with those who, we know, and they have told us, are out to bring about our destruction and to bury us. I believe it is important that the in- formation which has been furnished to me by the Department of State should be available for all Members of the Sen- ate, and I ask unanimous consent that there be included at this point in the RECORD the detailed information on the cases to which I have referred. There being no objection, the state- ment was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: STATEMENT BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE CONCERNING CASES WHERE PASSPORTS HAVE HAD To BE ISSUED TO KNOWN COMMUNISTS Subject: Maurice Hyman Halperin. 1. Maurice Hyman Halperin, a summary of whose background and activities appears as attachment A, on July 15, 1957, made reserva- tions through the Mundus Tours, in Mexico, for "four engineers" on KLM flight No. 652, leaving Mexico for Amsterdam at midnight on July 20, 1957. On the afternoon of July 19, 1957, the individual in the tourist agency with whom Halperin had made the original reserdations, advised. KLM that three of the persons who would travel on the above reser- vations were Alfred K. Stern, Martha Stern, and Robert Stern. The fourth reservation was canceled. The Sterns had previously obtained fraudulent Paraguayan passports, alleging that they were citizens of that coun- try. These passports have been declared void by the Government of Paraguay. We do not know what part, if any, Halperin played in obtaining the passports, but we do know that he was so intimately associated with the Sterns and their affairs that it would be sur- prising if he were not involved in the pass- port deal. Martha Dodd Stern and Alfred K. Stern were indicted by a Federal grand jury in the Southern District of New York on September 9, 1957, on a charge of con- spiring to obtain and transmit to the U.S.S.R. information relating to the national defense of the United States. The Sterns continued directly behind the Iron Curtain, where they have remained. 2. Considerable publicity resulted from this escape of the Sterns. This publicity also involved a number of American Communists then residing in Mexico. Maurice Halperin is in this group. 3. In. September 1958 the Mexican Govern- ment started deporting American Commu- nists. According to the press, among those listed for deportation was Maurice Halperin. Halperin applied for a U.S. passport on July 26, 1958. He and his wife obtained their passports at the American Embassy on Au- gust 26, 1958, and departed Mexico on Oc- tober 13, 1958. They went behind the Iron Curtain and' are residing in Moscow. Our Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE August 26 latest information Indicates that Halperin is working for the Soviet Government and Is also in the process of writing a book. Attachment A: Summary of Halperin's 'background and activities. ATTACHMENT A Subject: Maurice Hyman Halperin. 1. Maurice Ealperin received a bachelor of arts degree from Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass., it, 1926 in the field of romance languages, and a master of arts degree from the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., In 1929, also In the field of romance lan- guages. In 1931 he received a doctor of philosophy degree In the field of comparati; a literature from the University of Paris. Paris, France. Early _n his career Halperin devel- oped an intensive Interest in the civilization of Mexico. Prior to 1941 he made 10 trips to Mexico and spent the equivalent of 2 years in that co entry. 2. Halperin was a professsor at the Uni- versity of Oklahoma from 1931 to 1941. From 1941 to 1945 he was employed with the Co- ordinator of Information (COI) and the Of- fice of Strategic Services (OSS) where he was assigned to the Latin American Division. becoming uitfl lately the head of that Divi. sion. The Latin American section of the Research and Analysis Unit of OSS was transferred to ate Department of State under Executive Order No. 9.621, dated September 20, 1945. Halperin, as chief of this unit, was also transferred to the Department of State. On May 31, 1946. he resigned from the Department. of State due to Ill health. In June 1946 he obtained employment In New York City with the American-Jewish Conference, handling minority groups and acting as a lialaon official between that or- ganization and the United Nations at Lake Success, N.Y. In the summer of 1949, Hal- perin made a trip to South America and In the fall of 1949 he became head of the Latin Americar: regional students section at Boston University, College of Liberal Arts, Boston. Mass. He was not officially dis- missed from this position until January 6, 1954; however, Le went to Mexico on Novem- ber 28, 1953, wbere he remained until Octo- ber 1958. S. In 1941 thcc Oklahoma State legislative committee investigating subversive activi- ties In the State of Oklahoma leaned that Halperin had been a member of a group of individuals who traveled to Cuba In 1935 In what was t.escribed as a Communist- inspired "commission of investigation of conditions in CI ba" arranged by Communist leaders and sponsored by front organiza- tions. Upon lap ding in Cuba, the delegation was arrested by the Cuban authorities and expelled after I day of confinement on the ground that It'was a subversive group and may have planned an uprising of some na- ture. The State legislative committee also learned that t4 1940 Halperin had cashed a check for $433.01 drawn on the Bank of Foreign Trade, Moscow, U.S.S.R.; that he associated with. individuals of known leftist tendencies; that. he had submitted articles to the New Moises and the New Republic; and that he had been a member of the following orgarizatlons regarded by the committee as loftist: Civil Liberties Com- mittee. Americn.n Federation of Teachers, and Oklahoma l ederation of Constitutional Rights. 4. On the basis of its findings, the Okla- homa State Legislative Committee recom- mended that Balperln be dismissed from his position at the University of Oklahoma. Halperin was subsequently discharged from the university on September 8, 1941, at which time he was on sabbatical leave. However, he was reinstated on February 11, 1942, and his sabbatical leave continued for the fiscal year ending July 1, 1942. It has been reported that this reinstatement was brought about by protests made by the Association of University Professors and that Halperin was reinstated without prejudice with the understanding that he would re- sign at the termination of his sabbatical leave In order that no undue hardship would be sustained in his efforts to find other en ployment. 5. Alta ough the above information was known t3 approprlate officials of COIiOSS, it was fe t at the time that the explanations given by him in regard to his trip to Cuba and the check drawn on the Moscow Bank of Foreign Trade "exonerated" him. 6. In November 1945 Elizabeth Terril Bentley. an admitted former espionage cou- rier, stated that she had become acquainted with Ha.perin In the latter part of 1942 through arrangements made by Jacob Golos, a known Soviet espionage agent who died on November 27, 1943. She further stated that Halperin, supplied Golos with infor- mation to which he had access In his office, includinc mimeographed bulletins and re- ports prepared by 085 on a variety of topics and excepts from State Department cables to which he had access. References to Eent- ley's contact with Halperin while he was employed by 05S are contained in Bentley's book "O;ct of Bondage" on pages 200, 210, 261, 263-266. 7. On November 20, 1953, Halperin was suspendel without pay from his position of associate professor of the Latin American regional students section at Boston Uni- versity, College of Liberal Arts, after he re- fused on constitutional grounds to tell the U.S. Senate Internal Security Subcommittee whether tie was ever a member of the Com- munist I arty. This action was taken as a result of public disclosures on television of a letter from Mr. J. Edgar Hoover to Mr. Harry H. Vaughn dated November 8, 1945, and decl tssifled on November 16, 1953, in which Mr. Hoover stated that as a result of investigai.lve operations. Information had re- cently been developed from a highly con- fidential source Indicating that a number of persons employed by thq Government of the United States had been furnishing data and information to persons outside the'Fed- eral Government who in turn were furnish- ing the Information to espionage agents of the Soviet Government. The letter linked Halperin with Harry Dexter White, Dr. Greg- ory Sllv(-rmaster, and other Government officials then suspected of espionage. Hal- perin had been suspended previously by Boston University In March 1953 for refusing to answer questions of a Senate Internal Security Subcommltee hearing In Boston, but was reinstated after being reprimanded and severely censured. Copies of newspaper articles relating to Halperin's dismissal from Boston University are attached, as attach- ment B. It will be noted that according to these articles Halperin and his family left their home In Massachusetts in the middle of the night without informing officials of Boston University of his departure. He was officially 3ismissed from the university on January ii, 1954. 8. After his arrival in Mexico, Halperin be- came a member of the American Communist Group in Mexico (ACGM) and was associated closely w tit Alfred K. Stern and his wife, Martha Dodd Stern, who had arrived in Mexico or July 5, 1953. Following the arrest of the Soviet agents, Jack Soble and his wife, Myra Bob: e, and Jacob Albam on January 25, 1957, it was disclosed that the Sterns had been imp icated in Soviet espionage activity with Jack Soble. On July 20, 1957, the Sterns fled from Mexico to Czechoslovakia ostensibly to avoid being extradited to the United States to testify before a, special grand ]my in regard to their association with Jack Soble and the double agent Boris Morros utilized by the FBI in the Jack Soble case. An Investigation of the way In which the Sterns had been able to leave Mexico clandestinely disclosed that their airplane reserva'-ions had been obtained for them by Halperl3. without disclosing to the airlines that tLey were to be used by the Sterns until the day before their departure. Hal- perin %,as very closely associated with the Sterns throughout this period and was in- timatel l Involved in their plans for escape. 9. The public disclosure of the assistance Halperl a rendered the Sterns at the time of their fight from Mexico resulted in the dis- missal )f Halperin andhis wife, Edith Hal- perin. from positions in Mexico City in which they were employed. Up to that time, Edith Halperi 1 had been employed as a teacher by the American School Foundation, and Haipert:l had been employed by the Mexican Government in La Finanelera National, South imerica, and at the National School of Political and Social Sciences of the Uni- versity )f Mexico. In addition, an ice cream company by the name of Cia Mistram, South Americo, In which Halperin and Noah Seborer bad held stock was liquidated by them it the summer of 1957. Noah Seborer was a member of the ACGM with Halperin. 10. Ater the decision of the Supreme Court 11 the Kent and Dayton cases, Hal- perin fled an application for a passport with tie American Embassy in Mexico on July 26, 1958 (presumably his wife did also), and be and his wife were issued passports on August 20, 1958. 11. Ir August and September 1958, news- papers n the United States carried several articles about the American Communists in Mexico and the efforts being made by the Mexican. Government to have them de- ported. (Copies of some of these articles are atteohed as attachment C.) Halperln's name vas among those mentioned by the press. When Halperin commenced making plans to leave Mexico he obtained airplane reservations in the name of another person in the tame manner he had used when ob- taining airplane reservations for the Sterns. The Ha per-Ins finally departed from Mexico on October 13, 1958. At the time of his departu,e, the Government of Mexico-had his casn for deportation under considera- tion. 12. W5 received information shortly after Halperin's departure from Mexico that he was employed in Moscow by the U.S.S.R. This was confirmed on July 15, 1960, when the ha:perlna appeared at the American Embass;' in Moscow and presented their U.S. passporla for renewal. Halperin stated that he had been in the U.S.S.R. since December 1958 and that he Is employed by the U.S.S.R. Academ?' of Sciences where he is doing re- search In the foreign field, specifically, re- lating t) undeveloped countries. It will be recalled that Halperin Is something of an authority on Latin -American affairs. Our information Indicates that this probably Is the field in which he is working at the pres- ent tint e. The Soviet Academy of Sciences is direc ;ly subordinate to the Council of Ministers. Subject: Paul Novik, David Mates, and Abr;them Bick. 1. Ani isemitism 1s a widespread attitude in the Soviet Union. It has been estimated that ab tut 90 percent of the non-Semitic Soviet ;copulation are anti-Semitic. The Soviet regime manipulates existing anti- Semitic attitudes for its own purposes, as Is evide;iced in attachment A. This is an internal U.S.S.R. broadcast made on De- cember ), 1959, and directed only to Soviet audience. 2. Externally, the Soviet Union and the International Communist movement pursue a program of concealing and denying the existence and the extent of antisemitism in the Sovi rt Union. The anti-Semitic attitude of the E oviet Union to becoming known in the Western World. The Morning Freiheit, a pro-Clmmunist Yiddish daily published Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 1960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE in. New York City, is the leading apologist for spreading news about alleged Soviet anti- for the Soviet Union and attempts to show semitism. The originator of this broadcast not only that the Soviet Union is not anti- was Solomon Rabinovich. In the broadcast Semitic but that the Jewish people, both Rabinovich refuted vehemently the Western individually and collectively, are prosper- allegations and stated that assertions of anti- ing, happy, and free under Communist rule. semitism In the U.S.S.R. are made by the To lend credence to this theme, its chief "enemies of the Soviet Union," are pure editor, Paul Novik, its foreign news editor, fabrication and "do not contain even a grain David Matis, and Abraham Bick, referred to of truth." He further described freedom in the Morning Freiheit as a "speaker, lee- of worship 'and Indicated that only those lo- turer, and writer," made trips to the Soviet calities lack synagogues where the Jews Union In 1958 and 1959. themselves are not interested in having 3. In order to attract attention to his them. articles from the Soviet Union, the Morn- 7. More details about the past of Solomon ing Freiheit carried an announcement on Rabinovich are set out in a letter to the January 9, 1959, as follows: "Read Paul Novik's letters from Warsaw; do not fail to read Paul Novik's letters from abroad, tell everybody." The Morning Freiheit pub- lished a series of 57 articl es or letters from or about Novik's travels, all designed to prove that the Soviet and satellite nations are not anti-Semitic. The letters are very favorable to the Soviets and satellites in other respects and on every occasion com- pare the United States unfavorably to the Communist nations. Novik also, in one article, covers the 21st Communist Party Congress. Novik visited Israel prior to re-- turning to the United States and while in Israel wrote articles highly critical of the Israeli Government, deploring clericalism in Israel and attacking the Israeli Reparation Agreement with West Germany. After re- turning to the United States, the subject wrote additional articles along the same line and gave several lectures which were announced in the Morning Freiheit. 4. The Morning Freiheit announced David Matis' trip to the Soviet Union and the satel- lites and then carried a series of eight articles along the same line as those of Novik. The Morning Freiheit announced Abraham Dick's trip to the Soviet Union and satellite coun- tries. There followed a series of 37 articles either written by him from the bloc area or covering his lectures and writings after re- turning to the United States. His articles are similar to those of Novik and Matis. While in East Germany, he visited Gerherd Eisler which is mentioned in his article en- titled "Jews in East Germany." While In Hamburg, he submitted an article that stated that anti-Semitism is now prevalent in West Germany and criticized Ben-Gurion for deal- ing with the Bonn Government. He sub- mitted an article from Italy en route to Israel in which he discussed the precarious political situation in Italy and criticized the present government. In Israel, he criticized the Israeli Government for being pro-Western and during a 1-day stopover in Belgrade en route to Rumania, he criticized an Israeli diplomat whom he met in Belgrade for spreading false rumors "about anti-Semitism in Rumania." 5. The significance of the travel and writ- ings of these three men is that their "on- the-spot" stories lend credence to the Com- munist line fraud by playing up the ex- tremely small number of cases in which Jewish artists, scientists, and other members of the intelligentsia were able to make some sort of a career In the Soviet Union, in order to create the-false-impression that there is unlimited freedom of religious and cultural expression for Soviet Jews. 6. Solomon Rabinovich Is a correspondent for the Morning Freiheit in Moscow. Novik, according ,to one of his articles, met with Rabinovich in Russia. We do not know what arrangement was made between Novik and Rabinovich, however, from February 17, 1959, to January 6, 1980, Rabinovich submitted 18 articles to the Morning Freiheit. In the July 29, 1959, issue of Forward (Yiddish anti- Communist daily published in New York) there appeared- a lengthy article about a broadcast by Radio Moscow in which a "journalist of Jewish origin" severely at- tacked the Forward and the New York Times editor of the New York Times, dated Septem- ber 2, 1959, written by a Merdecai Gutman who is now residing in Israel. According to this letter, Solomon Rabinovich tG writing his articles "under government restraint and ex- presses views that contradict his knowledge of the facts." The writer of the letter states that he has known Solomon Rabinovich since 1951 when they were both incarcerated in the same Soviet labor camp in Vorkuta. The writer further asserts that Rabinovich was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for al- leged espionage on behalf of the State of Israel.- According to this letter, S. Rabino- vich remained in the labor camp until 1954 and was released along with many other sur- vivors of the slave labor camps after the death of Stalin; he then returned to his fam- ily in Moscow. In 1957 Rabinovich began publishing articles in the Communist press abroad "which tried to convey the impression that everything is fine with Soviet Jews and that they not only enjoy equal rights but are also given full opportunity for an independ- ent Jewish cultural life." The writer as- serts that "on the basis of my personal knowledge I know that Solomon Rabinovich writes under government restraint. The reluctant testimony of a man shattered by the Sovietsecret police, tortured in its slave labor camps and fearful of persecution is hardly admissible testimony." Attachments: A. An Internal U.S.S.R. broadcast made on December 9, 1959. B. A brief background of Paul Novik, Da- vid Matis, and Abraham Bick. ATTACHMENT A U.S.S.R. REGIONAL AFFAIRS (Dec. 10, 1959) KIROVOGRAD JEWS SERVE UNITED ZIONISTS Kirovograd, Oblast Regional Service (Via Odessa) in Ukrainian, December 9, 1959, 0520 GMT-M. (Anonymous correspondence: ".Swindlers Under the Mast of God's Servants.") There are unusual goings-on at No. 56 Kirov Street in Kirovograd, where the syna- gogue of the Jewish community is located, and where the Orthodox Jews are drugged with moonshine (sivukha) and the Jewish religion. Of course, in our Soviet country a great majority of citizens of Jewish na- tionality broke with religion a long time ago. But an inconsiderable portion have not yet freed themselves from its shackles. A small part of the Jewish population be- longs to Kirovograd's Jewish community. These are mostly elderly people who are still under the harmful influence of Judaic preachers. And so, on a Saturday or some Jewish feast day here,.the believers go to the synagogue. On such days preachers make special efforts to Implant in the be- lievers the idea that real happiness for man is not on this earth but in another world beyond the grave. On the feast of Paskha, "Raven"[?], they preach that this is the day of uniting the Orthodox Jews with God Yahve, and that this God will lead the Jews Into the land of Israel, which today is a tool In the hands of the American. and Anglo-French imperialists. 16561 Sermons and prayers proclaim the unique- ness of the Jewish people, who are said to be chosen by God to rule the entire world. Here are, for instance, the words of the Torah-the Bible or prayerbook-read by Rabbi Ayzyk Spektor from the pulpit of Kirovograd Synagogue: "Know ye that the Lord God goeth in front of you like a con- suming fire. He will destroy other peoples in front of you, and He will destroy them soon." And here is the prayer "Ayle Noleshe Blakh" with which every service in the synagogue ends:- "We must glorify the Lord of the universe and laud the Creator of the universe for He created us in the likeness of earth peoples. He did not put us on the level of tribes, did not give us their fate." Such a reactionary sermon shows that the Jewish faith has been strongly inter- mixed with the Jewish bourgeois nationalism and Zionism, already posessing a strong re- actionary essence. This also shows that such sermons by Rabbi Ayzyk Pektor hardly dif- fer from the woeful theory of the unique- ness of the Aryan race and its destiny to rule over the peoples of the entire world. In his address to the Kirovograd Jewish community, on- the (Raen?) (Ben Aviv Yakhiy Iser Iuda) Unkerman, one of the Zionist leaders, significantly promised: "The message of liberation will soon come to you." And, reading this address; and also stuffing themselves with matzoth and (estryky?)- special fruit-received from Israel, the preachers of Judaism-Spektor, Kotlyarev- skiy, (Ipiyevskiy?).-Shukhat, and Monasty- raskiy-begin to pray only to the Golden Calf: How to collect more money from 'be- lievers for their own needs and to pray for the militant spirit of the Israeli militarists. Thus praying, they call for the killing of all those who deny the Pentateuch-the Jewish prayerbook. As we know, during the Soviet rule many of the rabbis, ministers of the Jewish faith, had an inimical attitude to- ward the socialist system and opposed the interests of the Soviet people for the benefit of internal counter-revolutions and inter- national imperialism. - But let us return to No. 58 Kirov Street in Kirovograd and take a look at those who lead the Jewish community and preach God's word. The leaders of the commu- nity-Shukhat, Kotlyarevskiy, (Tityuev- skiy?), Freyter and Monastyrskiy-hiding under the cloak of believers busy themselves with swindles; they appropriate the money given by believers for the needs of the synagogue. And when this is not enough, they go to the people to collect donations, which then go into the bottomless pockets of the aktiv, "the twenties" (dvadtsyatky). Among the.numerous Jewish feasts, a spe- cial place belongs to Saturday, which should be inspiringly observed by every Orthodox Jew, for according to the teaching of the Talmud this is the day of absolute inactivity (nerobstva). And so, on a Saturday, when the divine service ends the faithful disperse, there remain in the synagogue "God's serv- ants"-preachers and leaders of "the twen- ties." Then the table is laid, vodka, wine, and snacks appear, and toasts to the health of "God's servants" are raised. The drink- ing feast is led by the rabbi's wife, Roza Spektor. Such a treat is very expensive for the be- lievers; it is from their contributions that the leaders of the Kirovograd Jewish com- munity organize their drinking bouts. And after drunkenness come quarrels about who is to snatch the largest sum, the greatest re- ward. At times, the leaders even come to blows, claiming their right to larger portions of the income with clenched fists. Rude words and rowdiness can even be heard by passers-by in the street: Neyman cries: "You are bandits, and hooligans. You have robbed our cashbox. It is impossible to count all such scandals which occur in the synagogue. Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 16562 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE August 26 The leadersh.p of the city's Jewish com- munity - Kotl) arevsky, (Tityuyevskly?), Freyter, Shukhat, and otherspare no effort to enlist more believers and collect the most money for the synagogue. But if those who frequent the synagogue, and those who do not frequent 1-. but occasionally pay some contribution, knew what goes on behind Its doors, how well the traders in religion live on their accour.t, it would Indeed give them all some food for thought. The city synagogue has become a shelter for all sorts of hoboes (brodyah)-preachers. "prophets" (two words indistinct) who come here from Odessa, Siberia, Nikolayev, Oren- burg, and other places. They beg money from the till of the Jewish community, spread various (superstitions?), and carry out the rites of circumcision. The belief in the uniqueness of the Jewish people radically contre.dicts the ideology of friend- ship and equality of all peoples of our country, unitett by fraternal friendship. It harms the education of working people in a spirit of unity and solidarity, in a spirit of the proletarian Internationalism. Jewish ministers and circumelsers execute the rite of circumcision, which has a strik- ingly nationalistic character. Its specific significance lies in the fact that It gives proof of belonging to the "chosen" peo- ple-the Jews. At the same time it Im- bues Jews with repugnance and hatred of those who do not possess this special sign. Besides the rite of circumcision is a cruel rite and not always harmless, because It is carried out in a crude manner by circum- elsers and (mullahs?), people who have no inkling of medicine. Judaic sermcne are sermons of bourgeois Zionists. Such sermons are tools of the na- tionaltetic, Israeli, cosmopolitan, American burgeoisie. With their tentacles, the Jewish bourgeois nationalists, with the help of Ju- daism, try to teach Into our Soviet garden. But they will never succeed. At present the working peoplo of Jewish nationality. to- gether with all peoples of the Soviet mother- land, are actively building the Communist society. They can truly be proud of the fact that there is a portion of their report In the grandiose successes of the Soviet peo- ple in developing our economy, science, and culture, including the creation of our own Soviet sputniks. ATTACHMENT B Subject: Paul Novik, David Matis, and Abra- ham Bick. 1. Paul Novik was born September 7. 1891 In Brest, Russia. He Immigrated to the United States In November 1920 and became a naturalizecl citizen on January 6, 1927. He was one of the founders of the Morning Freiheit and his been its editor since 1939. He Is reliably reported to have joined the Communist Party of the United States In 1923. The Daily Worker on August 1, 1938 carried subject's name as the Communist Party's nominee for the U.S. Congress from the 12th Congressional District. He has been active in a number of front organiza- tions of the Communist Party, U.S.A., held In New York City, December 10, 1959. 2. David Matta, also known. as Chaimas Davidas Matisovicius, was born June 17, 1906 In Kaunas, Lithuania. He became a U.S. citizen in 1942 and is reported to have joined the Communist Party In 1937. He has been a reporter and city editor for the Morning Freiheit since about 1938. The Morning Freiheit was described by the House Com- mittee on Un-American Activities as one of the rankest o'gans of Communist propa- ganda in this country for a quarter of a century. 3. Abraham Sick was born April 29, 1914 in Kiev, Russia. He Immigrated to the United States In 1927 and derived citizen- ship from his father - who was naturalized August 22, 1933. He is reliably reported to be a member of the Communist Party in New Yolk City and has been active in a number of front organizations. He at- tended a World Peace Confdrence in War- saw in 1960 and In Vienna in 1952. The record o? the House Un-American Activities Committee reflects that he is a registered member of the Yorkville section of the Com- munist Party in New York as of 1947 and that WE Communist Party alias Is Allen McGill. Subject: James E. Jackson Jr. 1. A number of Americans who are reliably reported to be members of the Com- munist Party have obtained passports to at- tend or participate In international meet- Inge of the Communist Party or Communist front orgar4zations. For example, CPUSA selected three persons to go to the XX CPSU Congress. They were: John Williamson, Irving Potash, and Alan Max. Potash had been deported from the United States and was then already In Russia and Williamson had been deported with his consent to Eng- land. These were the only two representa-? tives that attended the XX Communist Party Congress, since Allen Max's request for it passport was denied. The Soviet Union officially announced that James Jackson, Jr., and Mo:cea Shield (Morris Childs) attend the XXI Congress. We have reliable infor- mation t hat George Morris also attended the Congress as a correspondent for "The Work- er" and that Charles Leman, Alexander Trachtenberg, Paul Robeson, and Dr. W. E. B. DuBois and Mrs. DuBois (Shirley Graham) were in Moscow at the time and may have attended. 2. Jackson was born 29 November 1914 at Richmond. Va., and was graduated from both VI'ginla Union and Howard Univer- sities. He has been active among longshore- men In Louisiana and Texas, textile workers In the Carolinas, shipbuilders of Mobile, steelwor:cers and miners of Birmingham and Besseme:? and the auto workers of Detroit. The Dal: y Worker of 2 December 1954 refers to Jackson as a leader of the Communist workers at auto plants. 3. Jackson has served as Chairman of the Communist Party of Louisiana in 1946 and as Educational Director of the Communist Party in Detroit. He has been it member of the National Committee of the CPUSA since 1951. 4. In February 1959 Jackson addressed the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of the U.S S.R. After the Polish Party Con- gress in Moscow, Jackson attended the Polish Party Congress in Warsaw which was held In ate March 1959. Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, I yield tha floor. 1 AUGUST 17, 1960. The Honorable CHRISTIAN A. HEATER, Secretary of State, Waskin5 ton, D.C. MY D);AR MR. SECRETARY: On July 7, 1958, President Eisenhower, in a message to the Congress:, requested the enactment of legis- lation alth regard t o the Issuance of pass- ports. I n his message the President stated: "I wish to emphasize the urgency of the legislation I have recommended. Each day and week that passes without it exposes us to great danger. I hope the Congress will move promptly toward Its enactment." On the same day the Secretary of State trans- mitted it draft bill to Implement the sug- gestions made by the President. Despite the urgency of the appeals of the President and the Secretary of State, the Congress has not yet enacted any passport legislation. However, the House of Repre- sentativae has passed a bill, H.R. 9069, to provide standards for the Issuance of pass- ports, and the Senate Committee on the Judiciary has favorably reported a bill, S. 2652, which contains passport provisions. I we aid greatly appreciate your reviewing these :ncasures and advising me of your general impression of them. I am particu- larly a ixtous to have your views as to the importance of enacting passport control leg- islatior prior to the adjournment of this Congre ls. With kind personal resgards, Very sincerely yours, KENNETH B. KEATING. AUGUST 25, 1960. The Honorable KENNETH B. KEATING, U.S. Senate. DEAR KEN: I have your letter to Secretary Herter of August 17, 1960, requesting his general Impressions of the passport legisla- tion w:alch passed the House on September 8, 1956 (H.R. 9069) and the measure re- ported by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on June 80, 1960 (S. 2652) to- gether with his estimate of the importance of enacting passport control legislation prior to the :adjournment of this Congress. At tl.e outset, I want to emphasize that I attach the utmost Importance to the enact- ment o adequate passport control legislation during the present Congress. I can assure you that Secretary Herter is in full accord with my position on this matter. It his never been the Department's view, however, that there is but one possible so- lution to the deficiency in our passport au- thority or, for that matter, that all passport problerse must be solved in one piece of leg- islatior. As a result of the sentiment ex- pressed by the Foreign Relations and Foreign Affairs Committees during hearings in the 85th Congress on this subject, the Depart- ment concluded that the Congress did not favor an urgent approach to full-scale revi- sion a:Id codification of all passport laws. Accord ngly, in the 86th Congress the De- partmcnt decided to support legislation lim- ited to the most critical problem-authoriz- Ing the dental of passports to persons know- ingly vngaged In activities in furtherance of the International Communist movement. Simply stated, there is needed legislative author ty which will permit the Secretary of State under appropriate safeguards to deny p Issports to citizens knowingly engaged in activities 'for the purpose of furthering the Ir ternational Communist movement. Such s uthority represents, in my opinion, the minimum which Is essential to coun- teract the danger to which we are exposed daily by the present state of the law. I am serlous.y concerned about the jeopardy, to our national security and the prejudice to our foreign relations involved In the un- restrici ed travel abroad of active participants In the 7ommuntst conspiracy. The administration has consistently urged the Co egress to take action to fill this statu- tory g?p in our defenses. Departmental representatives have testi- fied to this effect before at least five different comma tees of the Congress and on numerous occasions. In addition to the President's messagB to the Congress on July 7, 1958, and his 196) budget message to the Congress on January 19, 1959, concerning the necessity for passpos t legislation, the President's view that legislation in the passport field is both essen- tial and urgent was conveyed to the Sen- ate Fox eign Relations Committee on June 26, 1959. I still consider that the lack of leg- islative authority to deny passports to the really dangerous participants in the Com- munist conspiracy is a most critical prob- lem an I constitutes a clear and present dan- ger to the United States. You asked the Secretary for his impres- sion of H.R. 9069. This bill was passed by the House as reported by the Foreign Affairs Committee, despite the fact that the De. partmcat unsuccessfully sought certain amend vents to It. It is presently pend- Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 Approved For Release 2004/05/13 CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD _ SENATE 16563 ing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The reason we sought amendments to it, and the only part of the bill about which we have serious reservations, are those provi- sions which we believe are likely to be in- terpreted as making impossible any effective reliance by the Secretary of State on con- fidential information in Communist pass- port cases. The simple fact is that in cases involving currently active and dangerous members of the Communist conspiracy in the United States much of the more im- portant and reliable information. which we have comes from confidential sources- usually our own agents who have infiltrated the Communist apparatus. It is my judg- ment, shared by the responsible officers in other agencies of Government who are con- cerned with this aspect of internal security and with protecting the United States against the Communist conspiracy, that any law purporting to restrict the passport eligi- bility of currently active American Commu- nists, but which does not permit some utili- zation of confidential information, would not achieve its purpose with regard to many of the most dangerous cases. There is an added danger if such legislation were to createthe Illusion that effective measures were being taken when in fact they would not be because of our inability to use one of our principal weapons against the Communist conspiracy. Of the bills presently pending before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, includ- ing the House-passed bill, the Department has strongly endorsed S. 2315, the Wiley bill, and the Attorney General has joined in this endorsement of the bill to meet the Com- munist problem in the passport area. Inci- dentally, the American Bar Association has also endorsed S. 2315 as being the bill pend- ing in Congress which most nearly conforms to its resolution on passport legislation. You also asked the Secretary for his im- pression of S. 2652. The passport provisions of S. 2852, Dodd-Keating bill, are in several respects preferable to the House-passed bill. The criteria for passport denial, as well as a number of other provisions, are essentially the same in both bills. However, S. 2652 pro- vides specifically for the utilization of infor- mation the disclosure of which would preju- dice the national security and public inter- ,at, or would compromise investigative ~~; urces and methods, together with the pro- ..Rion that such information shall not con- stitute a basis for passport denial unless the applicant is furnished a full summary thereof in as much detail as security con- siderations will permit. I believe such a provision recognizes important interests of the U.S. Government without undue preju- dice to the interests of the individual. On the other hand, if the House-passed bill, H.R. 9069, should be amended to allow some reliance by the Secretary of State on confidential information under appropriate safeguards to protect the rights of the indi- vidual, it would, I believe, fully meet the needs of our national security for legisla- tion authorizing the denial of U.S. passports to dangerous members of the Communist conspiracy. If there is any further information I can provide you, I shall be glad to do so. With best wishes, Sincerely, DOUGLAS DILLON, Acting Secretary. NOMINATIONS IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Mr. WILEY. Mr.. President, the Lawyers' Weekly Report, which I re- ceived at my desk today, calls attention to a' matter which has been mentioned many times on the floor of the Senate. I read from that publication: Hanging fire for more than a year is the omnibus judgeship bill (H.R. 6159). It calls for 5 new Federal circuit judges and 40 Fed- eral district judges. Even the President's pledge to divide appointments equally be- tween Republicans and Democrats has failed to crack the wall of partisanship blocking the bill's enactment. Meanwhile, a frightening backlog of more than 67,000 untried Federal cases continues to pile up at great cost to litigants-individ- uals and companies alike. In the New York metropolitan area, for example, it now takes almost 3 years to bring a case to trial in the Federal district. courts. The cost of delays to the Government are heavy, too. It loses millions of dollars in interest at 6 percent because of the stagnation in tax-refund cases, land-condemnation cases, and other suits in- volving large sums of money. So great are these losses, according to Attorney General William P. Rogers, that they "now exceed what it would take to pay the total annual salaries of the 45 judges." It seems to me this is something that we should have disposed of long ago. In the same article, attention is called to the following: Similarly, the work of the Post Office De- partment has bogged down in many areas. The appointment of nearly 1,000 postmasters (nearly all are postal service careerists) has been stymied-in some cases as much as a year. "In many key areas," says Postmaster General Arthur Summerfield, "morale in the postal service has been driven to a new low by the failure to confirm these appointments. Users of the mails are also being penalized by inescapable and mounting Inefficiency." DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR AND HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WEL- FARE, AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATION BILL, 1961-CON- FERENCE REPORT Mr. DODD obtained the floor. Mr. HILL. Mr. President, will the Senator from Connecticut yield for the purpose of my calling up a conference report, with the understanding that he will not lose the floor? Mr. DODD. Yes, I yield, with the un- derstanding that I do not lose the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. HILL, Mr. President, I submit a report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses an the amendments of the Sen- ate to the bill (H.R. 11390) making ap- propriations for the Departments of La- bor and Health, Education, and Welfare, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961, and for Other pur- poses. I ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of the report. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. JoR- DAN in the chair). The report will be read for the information of the Senate. The legislative clerk read the report. (For conference report, see House pro- ceedings of August 24, 1960, pp. 16325- 16326, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.) The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the present consideration of the report? Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, reserving the right to object, and I shall not object to the consideration of the conference report, I hope the Senator will give us a little idea as to what happened to the medical research funds. I withdraw my objection to the con- sideration of the report, but I hope we will not adopt those matters. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the present consideration of the report? There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the report. Mr. HILL. Mr. President, the con- ference agreement on the bill, H.R. 11390, making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, and Health, Edu- cation, and Welfare, and related agen- cies, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961, and for other purposes, provides total appropriations of $4,354,170,331. The total allowance is $333,948,350 over the budget estimates, an increase of $288,887,850 over the 1960 appropria- tions; an increase of $170,147,600 over the House allowances; and a reduction of $131,618,600 under the. Senate allow- ances. The Senate amendments applicable to the Department of Labor have all been agreed to. . The largest difference between the House and Senate bills was in the appro- priations for the National Institutes of Health-the House allowed $455 million and the Senate $664 million. The con- ference agreement provides for $560 mil- lion, an increase of $160 million over the 1960 appropriations and over the 1961 budget estimates, an increase of $105 million over the House allowances, and a reduction of $104 million under the Senate allowances. Is there any question the Senator from New York has about any phase of the report? Mr. JAVITS. I should like to discuss It with the Senator for a minute. The argument was made on both sides. For those like the Senator from Alabama and myself, who favor an increase in re- search funds for health, it was said that the survey made by the Committee of Consultant indicated this was not "crowding money down the throats" of the National Institutes of Health, but that the money could be very usefully employed and, as a matter of fact, even what we in the Senate were doing was inadequate. The argument made on the other side, by the opponents, was that one does not get brilliant research by the "forced feeding" of dollars, that the number of people who can be hired and the projects in which one can engage are limited-one can hire so many peo- ple and spend so much money, and be- yond that it becomes profitless. I gather that a little bit of considera- tion-albeit not with our consent-has been given to that point of view, and that even less funds than the Senate was satisfied ought to be allowed have been allowed. Under those circum- stances, is the Senator from Alabama nonetheless satisfied we will be making an appreciable step forward in respect to the resources available for medical research, so that in substance, if not in every detail as to amount, the views of the consultant team of doctors will have Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3. Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE August 26 been more met than denied by the com- ing year's appropriation? Mr. HILL. The Senator from Ala- bama is not satisfied. The Senator from Alabama wholeheartedly supported the full amount of funds recommended by the ccmmittee of consultants. The senator from Alabama thinks the bill does carry sufficient funds for defi- nite and promising steps forward in line with the recommendations of the com- mittee of consultants, which committee was set up by the Senate Committee on Appropriations to make this study and to advise the Committee on Appropria- tions on the matter of medical research. Mr. JAVITS. Does the Senator from Alabama also feel that we have devel- oped, either in the Appropriations Com- mittee or in our own committee, enough techniques for checking on results, though they are not necessarily tangible results? We hope and pray for a can- cer cure, but. we have no Illusions as to whether or not this appropriation Is going to produce it. Is the Senator sat- isfied that we have enough people and enough techniques for checking on the utilization of these funds and on the progress which is being made In respect to all of theme matters so that when we are In session again next year we will have a body of experts which will help In respect to a new appropriation? Mr. HILL. I think we have very definite means of checking on the ex- penditures of these funds. One of the duties imposed on the committee of con- sultants was to make a determination as to whether the funds which we had ex- pended in the past had been wisely ex- pended. The report of the committee was that the funds had been expended, to use the words of the committee of con- sultants, "with remarkable efficiency." Mr. JAVITS. There is nothing to pre- vent us frora again having the benefit of a committee of consultants the next time we deal with this matter, is there? Mr. HILL. This is the first time we have had a committee of consultants set up as was this committee of consultants. Of course, in the past we have had be- fore our Appropriations Subcommittee, which handl:s the funds for medical re- search, many distinguished doctors, scientists, and experienced people who have knowledge of and who speak with authority or.. the subject of medical re- search. I ari sure in the future we shall continue to call upon the experience, the knowledge and the wisdom of the doc- tors, the scientists, the technicians, and all the wise and experienced people who know the field of medical research. Mr. JAV1 2S. I understand one can- not arrive at conclusions about these things on the floor, but would the Sena- tor give consideration to the possibility of again ha% ing some such distinguished group, to whose wise judgment the Senate as a whole as well as the com- mittees might repair when we consider the question again next year? Mr. HILL. I know the Senator from New York is a very busy man, with many duties imposed upon him. If the Senator can find the time to read the report of the committee of consultants, as made to our committee this year, and as presented to the committee in person by the com- mittee of consultants on May 19 and May 2+1 of this year, I think he will find that the report of the committee of con- sultants is invaluable to us not only this year but also for next year and In the future years. I think the report of the consuls;ants has been well described as a historic textbook on medical research. Mr. JAVITS. We can project the work forward? Mr. HILL. We can project it and carry forward the recommendations as embodied In the report of the committee of consultants. Mr. DAVITS. I thank my colleague. I think it very constructive result has been attained, for which many millions of peo- ple will be grateful to the Senator In this retard. Mr. HILL. I thank the Senator from New York for his very kind words. Mr. President, in bringing the confer- ence report on appropriations for the Departments of Labor and Health, Edu- cation, and Welfare for fiscal 1961 to the floor of the Senate, I would be derelict in my responsibilities and in my deep sense of app::eciation if I did not recognize the very important and influential part the report of the Committee of Consultants on Medical Research to the Senate Ap- propriations Committee played in guid- ing ou:? final decisions on this vital legis- lation affecting the health and welfare of every American family. The Committee of Consultants was set up thi ough a resolution passed unani- mously by the Senate Committee on Ap- priations on June 23, 1959, which directed the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health, Education, and Wel- fare ":;o organize a group of specialists and others to determine whether the funds provided by the Government are sufficient and efficiently spent in the best intere: is of the research for which they are designated." The members of the Committee of Consultants were carefully selected, and I am confident that I bespeak the heart- felt sentiments of my colleagues on the Senate Appropriations Committee who have had an opportunity to know the members and their work when I acclaim the Ce mmittee of Consultants on Medi- cal Research as one of the most distin- guished ever to accept an assignment from the U.S. Senate. The chairman of the committee was Boisfe ullet Jones, vice president and administrator of health services at Emory University in Atlanta. Ga. A for- mer professor of political science at Emory, Jones became assistant to the president of Emory in 1946. Over the past 11 years he has risen to a preemi- nent position as a valued adviser and dis- tinguished administrator in the planning of he#lth services. Among other posi- tions lie has held, he has been a con- sultant to the Commission on Human Medic ne of the Southern Regional Edu- cation Board, a member of the National Advisory Health Council of the U.S. Pub- lic He:.lth Service, and Chairman of the Committee on Environmental Health of the U.S. Public Health Service. The medical and scientific members of the committee included: Dr. Alfred Blalock, chairman of the department of surgery at Johns Hopkins Univ(rsity Medical School in Baltimore and surgeon-in-chief of the Johns Hop- kins :Iospital. Dr. Blalock received the distir guished service award of the Amer- lean Medical Asssociation-the highest honor bestowed by that association, for contributions to progress in medicine- in 19.i3 for the famed blue baby surgery which repairs congenital heart defects and has saved the lives of thousands of babie3. Dr. Blalock's surgical contribu- tions have earned him a number of na- tiona. and international awards, includ- ing the Gordon Wilson medal, the Pas- sant. award, the Rene Leriche Award, the Mata i Award, the International Feltri- nelli Prize for medicine, and the Lasker Awarl of the American Public Health Association. A Chevalier of the Legion of Hcnor of France and a member of the Roya College of Surgeons of England and ];dinburgh, he is also a past presi- dent A the American Society of Surgical Associations, the American Association for Thoracic Surgery, the Society for Clinical Surgery, and the Society for Vascular Surgery. Dr. Michael E. DeBakey, chairman of the Department of Surgery at Baylor Univ(rsity in Houston, Tex. Dr. De- Bake:i received the Distinguished Serv- ice A yard of the American Medical As- socia ion for a massive 6-year research project demonstrating that many forms of strokes, previously considered in- operable, could be treated surgically and corrected. Dr. DeBakey has also re- ceived a number of the highest national and international awards, including the Hekb)engold Medal of the American Medi cal Association; the Legion of Mer- it; the Distinguished Service Award of the International Society for Surgery; the Rudolph Matas Award; and the Ros- wellPark Medal. Dr. DeBakey has been a me:nber of the Medical Advisory Com- mittee to the Secretary of Defense; - . mem 3er of the Committee on Mec'L O ' Services of the Hoover Commis Chairman of the Committee on Surg of thi! National Research Council; Chair- man of the Board of Regents of the Na- tional Library of Medicine, and is cur- rentl:i a member of the National Ad- visor., Council to the National Heart In- stitule. He is a past president of the Southwestern Surgical Congress, the So- ciety for Vascular Surgery, the American Asso(aation for Vascular Surgery, and the I iternational Vascular Society. Dr Sidney Farber, for 33 years a mem- ber cf the faculty of the Harvard Medi- cal 3chool and now its professor of pathology. Dr. Farber is one of the world's greatest authorities In the field of cancer and has been honored on many occa: ions for his research contributions to tie control of leukemia in children. Founder and scientific director of the Chilcren's Cancer Research Foundation, he is also a consultant to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and the Natitmal Cancer Institute. He is a for- mer president of the Society for Pediatric Rese srch and of the New England Path- ologiml Society, and is a diplomats of the .merican Board of Pathology. Approved For Release 2004/05/13 : CIA-RDP91-00965R000200180007-3