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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 ROUTING AND RE ORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Monthly Report -- FROM: Chief, Operations Group ic_SL(kei Paraguay Bureau EXTENSION NO. DATE TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE RECEIVED FORWARDED OFFICER'S INITIALS May 1988 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) Amps C/EUS DD/FBIS D/FBIS PO/RA SA/CD 9. 10. C/AS C/B&F/AS 12. 13. 14. C/AG nfrt-) 15. Exec. Reg. FORM 61 0 USE PREVIOUS 1-79 EDITIONS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 MOH GRAFICALS.NIPXPOPPLOSS A - Ind Nu .0 AGZABP 713 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE PARAGUAY BUREAU ASUNCION, PARAGUAY 5408-88 1 June 1988 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, FBIS THROUGH : Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT : Monthly Report -- Paraguay Bureau -- May 1988 I. GENERAL 1. Pope John Paul II made a 12-day visit to South America beginning on the 7th. He visited Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru, and Paraguay, his most sensitive stop, in view of rumors that he would denounce human rights violations or that his presence would spark antigovernment demonstrations. Even before the pontiff's arrival, tension mounted when the government announced the suspension of his meeting with the "Builders of Society," an ad-hoc group of representatives of various sectors weighted toward the opposition. When a member of the papal entourage expressed astonishment at the suspension, speculation mounted that the visit to Paraguay might even be cancelled. The government quickly backed down and said it would allow the meeting. Tight security measures were evident in Asuncion during the 16-18 May visit to Paraguay, and businesses, schools, and practically every other establishment in town -- except FBIS -- were closed. Although there were some minor demonstrations and a few arrests during the visit, there was no violence reported. Embassy political officers Jack Martin and Garland Dennett, who had attended the pope's meeting with the "Builders of Society," asked to view the Bureau's videotape of the meeting. They also practiced a little Southern Cone "kremlinology" by observing -- on FBIS videotape -- the seating arrangements of Paraguayan Government officials at a meeting the pope held at Government House. The Bureau supplied USIS with copies of videotaped ceremonies in which the pope participated. II. OPERATIONS A. Monitorial/Editorial On the 1st the Bureau operated a special Sunday day shift to cover a speech by Argentine President Raul Alfonsin opening that Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 country's Congress. The Bureau also covered a speech that day by Chilean President Augusto Pinochet. B. Communications The Bureau received BACH 2.1 software and documentation early in the month. On the 10th it was installed and the Bureau began using the new RBIS message format without a hitch. C. Technical Bureau technicians moved all of the equipment and furniture for the new TV monitoring and cruising rooms. They also did the necessary trench work and wiring, all with minimal disruption of Bureau operations. D. Cruising 1. At the request of London Bureau, the Bureau monitored Radio Libertad Cubana and Radio Felipe de la Cruz, an anti-Castro station transmitting from "somewhere in the Caribbean." Although the radio's announced frequencies were 7050 and 7080 KHz, only the 7050-kHz frequency was heard on 7048 KHz and 7051 KHz. The 7080 frequency was not heard. 2. The cruising monitor checked La Paz Radio Fides in preparation for putting it on experimental coverage. 3. Moscow International Service, Radio Peace and Progress, and Radio Magallanes were cruised in order to make secondary frequency adjustments. III. ADMINISTRATIVE Building and Grounds A major rearrangement of facilities is under way at the Bureau in order to accomodate the increased coverage made possible by the recent acquisition of a second ROSET antenna. Television monitoring now takes place in what was the cruising monitor's room. Two monitoring positions and seven TV monitors have been moved into this room, which still serves as the Bureau library. More positions can be added as needed. Cruising now takes place in the erstwhile computer room. The IBM PC and IBM PC-XT from the old computer room will be moved into the previous television monitoring area. IV. VISITS 1. On the 6th Pat Mayer, a political officer at the American Embassy in Brasilia, visited the Bureau and was briefed by the Bureau Chief. 2. Washington analysts the Bureau on the 24th for a tour and briefing. visited Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 AHIES t.,IAM11C.2AMPHIllOPOLUS A - rvac AGI.A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 3. New TCU officer briefing on the 17th. received an orientation STAT 4. State Department official Robert Hopper, deputy chief of ARA/SC, visited the Bureau on 26 May and was briefed by the Bureau Chief. V. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES At the Bureau Chief's request, Embassy nurse Maria Fernandez this month began teaching CPR to all Bureau employees as part of a program to upgrade the safety and emergency capabilities of Bureau personnel. Chief, FBIS Paraguay Bureau Attached: Monthly Production Report CC: Panama Bureau Key West Bureau Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 Asuncion Bureau Production Report for MAY 1988 I. TOTALS FROM ALL SOURCES: TOTAL PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: TOTAL NON-PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLISHABLE ITEMS FILED DURING MONTH: INPUT OF REGULAR COVERAGE: (minutes or issues per week) III. OUTPUT FROM ALL SOURCES: (publishable words per month) ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Domestic Service in Spanish Buenos Aires Argentina Televisora Color Network in Spanish Buenos Aires DYN in Spanish Buenos Aires NOTICIAS ARGENTINAS in Spanish Buenos Aires TELAM in Spanish Buenos Aires BUENOS AIRES HERALD in English Buenos Aires CLARIN in Spanish Buenos Aires LA NACION in Spanish Buenos Aires LA PRENSA in Spanish BOLIVIA La Paz La Red Panamericana in Spanish La Paz Radio Illimani in Spanish La Paz El Diario in Spanish La Paz PRESENCIA in Spanish BROAD- CASTS 9580.00 min. 27/0 3040 5600 1 Cu.) PRESS AGENCIES 42270.00 min. 5290 18870 12810 198845 73610 612 PUBLI- CATIONS 171.50 issues 3250 1550 220 700 1780 BRAZIL Brasilia Domestic Service in Portuguese 4340 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 BROAD-: PRESS - PUBLI- CASTS _AGENCIES CATIONS Brasilia Radio Nacional da Amazonia Network in Portuguese 5700, Rio de Janeiro Rede Globo Television in Portuguese 5040 Rio de Janeiro Rede Manchete TV in Portuguese 2260 - Brasilia EBN in Portuguese Rio de Janeiro AJB in Portuguese Rio de Janeiro JORNAL DO BRASIL in Portuguese Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese Sao Paulo FOLHA DE SAO PAULO in Portuguese Sao Paulo 0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO in - Portuguese Sao Paulo VEJA in Portuguese CHILE Santiago Domestic Service in Spanish Santiago Radio Chilena Network in Spanish Santiago Radio Portales Network in Spanish Santiago Television Nacional de Chile Network in Spanish Santiago Universidad de Chile Television in Spanish Santiago ANALISIS in Spanish Santiago APSI in Spanish Santiago CAUCE in Spanish Santiago COSAS in Spanish Santiago EL MERCURIO in Spanish Santiago FORTIN MAPOCHO in Spanish Santiago HOY in Spanish 1717.0 6910 0 2440 0 ? 17885 0 40.A0 4810 5000 2970 0 2940 0 0 0 5480 0 100 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 ^ Santiago LA SEGUNDA in ? Spanish Santiago LA TERCERA DE LA HORA in Spanish CHINA 1 Beijing in Spanish to Latin America BROAD- - PRESS PUBLI -? CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 400 110 1 1 PARAGUAY Asuncion Domestic Service in Spanish Asuncion Radio Caritas in Spanish - 870 Asuncion Radio Primero de Harz? in Spanish 0 Asuncion Cerro Cora Sistema Nacional de Television in Spanish ? ? 27.0 Asuncion RPC Television Network in Spanish 2100 - Asuncion EL DIARIO in Spanish 2600- 1 Asuncion HOY in Spanish 3130 Asuncion LA TARDE in Spanish 500 Asuncion PATRIA in Spanish 1390 Asuncion SENDER? in Spanish 700 Asuncion ULTIMA HORA in Spanish --3370 PERU Lima America Television in Spanish Lima Andina Television in Spanish Lima Domestic Service in Spanish Lima Latinoamericana Television in Spanish Lima Panamericana Television Network in Spanish Lima RBC Television in Spanish 0 - 4760 ? 0 ? 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 4 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS Lima Radio Star in Spanish 0 Lima Radioprogramas del Peru in Spanish 0 Lima Television Peruana in Spanish 7400 Lima EL COMERCIO in Spanish 360 Lima EXPRESO Spanish 180 - Lima LA REPUBLICA in Spanish 0_ SPAIN Madrid EFE in Spanish UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Moscow -Radio Magallanes in. Spanish Moscow in Portuguese to Brazil Moscow in Spanish to Chile URUGUAY Montevideo Radio Carve in Spanish Montevideo Radio El Espectador in Spanish Montevideo EL DIA in -Spanish Montevideo EL PAIS in Spanish Montevideo LA DEMOCRACIA in Spanish Montevideo LA HORA in -Spanish 0 .0 -2080 1720 290 ? 19310 1090 910 :.C) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3 , WORDAGE FILED FROM ROSET SOURCES Brasilia ERN in Portuguese Rio de Janeiro MB in Portuguese Brasilia Radio Nacional da Amazonia Network I7,885 0 in Portuguese 5,700 Brasilia Domestic Service in Portuguese 4,340 Rio de Janeiro Redo Globo Television in Portuguese ? 5,040 Rio de,Janeiro Retie Manchete Television in Portuguese 2,260 TOTAL 35,225 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/25: CIA-RDP91-01355R000400040009-3