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Cron, - 4/ td ~I i 4 . ~04Q2R00 400070007-5 -r4nVXuutiuvuq r-Vn s J/,1 t T 1 7 December 1954 Subjects Evaluation of Intelligence Content of TOP SECRET FBI Letter of 3 December 1954 COMPLETED r-.ter-r-------ftr.a---q-rrYr-r~Yr- Information from other sources supports the view that certain matters may be in dispute between the Soviet Union a7ia,c.L A - Jt- c~ and the Chinese Communist regime -- for example, the role of the Soviet Union in the military defense of the Far East ILLEGIB and the level of Soviet aid to Peiping. Information of this kind is not believed to be sufficient to justify a conclusion of "considerable trouble" bet man the two parties, although that possibility cannot be excluded. CIA would weloome specific information from this source I to It is believed that source is correct in i~,i iit^~~ judging that the Communist Bloo is "definitely planning some type of action for the Far Bast," although it would be more accurate to say that the Con unists are definitely engaged in certain types of actions and appear to be planning others, including military action. For example, the Chinese Communists have repeatedly stated their intention to "liberate" Formosa, an action which, as source says, "oould# mean roves." CIA would welcome any information which source may have on this point. ILff i R IIEW COMPLETED NAVY review(s) completed. 4, Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP91 T01 172R000400070007-5 as regards ffilmo-Soviet disputes* Approved For Release 2O 19Z4p/ ? CIA=RDP91 T01 172R000400070007-5 Office Memorandum WA STATES GOVERNMENT TO : AD/CI 25X1A DATE: 8 December 1954 SUBJECT: Watch Committee Comments on TOP SECRET FBI Letter of 3 December 1954 (attached) The content of the FBI letter was brought into today's Watch Committee discussions in an indirect manner. At the conclusion of the substantive presentations, Cmdr. Vickery of ONI. stated that he had become aware of a feeling of concern and uneasiness among his colleagues that something was "up" in the international situation and might break at any time. He inquired whether the representatives of any other agencies might have any 25X1A observations on this. I Acting Chairman, then put the problem to various members present and solicited their informal views. The FBI representative then read for the Committee the contents of the 3 December TS letter and gave some background on the source, stating that the Bureau anticipated contacting him again during the latter part of this month. The comments of the various representatives were very much in line with the original OCI evaluation of the letter which we had made the basis of our own statements on the situation. We did not however refer to our possession of the letter itself. 25X1A 25X1 I summed up the informal opinion of the Watch Committee on the problem raised by Cmdr. Vickery roughly as follows: (a) In the Far East the Chinese Communists are recognized to have a fixed aim in the taking of Formosa. They have, however, established no deadline for this. We anticipate therefore a continuing "hot" situation in that area which can be expected to intensify in the future particularly with the coming of Spring. In Indochina it appears that the Communists will continue to advance their aims by political means rather than armed conflict. (b) In Europe there is an "emerging" situation. We recognize the high degree of Soviet sensitivity to the rearming of Germany, and that a rearmed and independent West Germany would have a stronger basis for action against the Communists than even South Korea, considering not only the issue of East Germany but also of the German territories lost to the Poles. It is to be expected that the tempo will rise in Europe but we cannot say at ~~~q ?p gq~/~~q [?~ y&-c actl4 W Do"rumcnt No^ 1 Cass. ^ [7 To: T N2 Cato: _-,.2._ JU.-Aza at the ultimate course of events will be. ase 2003/10/ /`)4kA-RDP91 T01 172R000400070007-5 %!I Approved For. Release?7V CIA-RDP91T011,72R000400070007-5 r~rt?~ti ttretut o 44111.iantion ititeb #futrs Departntrnt of Justirr iusitittgtuu December 3, 1954 S`nvietsi are ,loving considerable trouble' (na.ture not specified) with the 'h ne,se Communis.t8 {e also has ba0c0oe ,firmly, convinced in the past and w10 ;a currently in contact with doulet i7ntelli- PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL VIA LIAISON An tnfoz-mant, who has furnished reliable information Mr. Allen E. Dulles Director. Central :.rntell igence Agency Adm.inistrtation Building Room? .124, ' 3a E `tree, A, We Iftsh ingib4n, ;J. C. Dear Mr. Dulles. that uhe ;'ovlets (or the Communists) are drfinitedg planning so4e type o.f',acti.orz ;?or the Far East. The i ro m ant was crca ble to obtain cpeoj'ic irtfcirma -tion as. to tltei'r plans, bxtt b lieueE .it coi= c2 mean war cr action which n!aight lead to- witr it is. Ptgsted that these dato be, treate4;4s ;$eret, It is expected that this i.nj r'na t sa?ill. c~btc ..-t. ttct ua 2 information in the future and, for hi. protection, s ira,,for ,tion has also been f'4rntshed to, the At-to r,nev en rcl; Ronora rle Robert G'tstlfer, 'Special. Aas to tarrt to the .pres,.d6nt~ the Secretar r of `tate; Admiral Lewis L. s t ra u s s, Gila i rata ' Atomic En a r py tba~t i:e s t fearAda: trii 1 Edina: 1. Loytc n, D`eput;y D ,*rector for Intelligence, v~e Joint Staf , .cant ChiEf's of Stefl`; `ajar General Jo.ser.h . T rrcJ.l, i, ,4-.07. ~ cal lnvesti rt cans, the 1napector r ,twn.?> t'nits-E . -tuE'eC Axi" .r'oroey faJjr>r Caneral Arths,.r .. r"'rt:.: u istoxat ,i to of 8tajf,. r"+>. , Depc r#r>ent 40f the4t"'te; + r Admiral Cor2 . 'spe, rector of Naval 1In eili e,nc , _ :7 r1Z ; TA A. ~''GJ4,lOrd, J)irector of . ntoi1 sm b. to a> r t o `he Air 4 ;rcey Rcnoratile Jawi.e s C:' ? ~~ ~,ft a _.`! 3" FW 'i.4.1 1?' "! a'`a t i s' nit .1 8, e f- u r i t, p C'o o,. '3 UNCLASS&IED ' t CONvT, R ~~0 pproved For