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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300410005-2 GLIB Thu Nov. 8 09:27 1 T E M P R 0 G -F )17, NAME BFN STAT XREF P LOG DATE TIME MIDAFR.U .5UEFN .D49384 MB070855 REV 1 HEADLINE: rsa: ANC Radio Lauds Massive Response to Strike Call SOURCELINE: "Lusaka Radio Freedom in English to South Africa 1700 GMT 6 Nov 84 (tentative) It (uf headline> ANC Radio Lauds `Massive Response' to Strike Call{ql} {$f3}MB070855 Lusaka Radio Freedom in English to South Africa{$fl}{ql} {$f3}1700 GMT 6 Nov 84 (tentative){ql} {$fi}{em }{ql} (Text] After the 2-day strike of Monday and Tuesday, the task before us is to evaluate it and weigh its impact on the enemy. The decision to launch a strike {em-) a general strike {em-} was well-advised. The response was massive and there can now be no doubt as to the readiness of the oppressed workers of our country playing a decisive role in future battles for our legitimate rights.-Cep} No other way will ever prove more effective in our efforts to win the demands that we have put before the regime. We demanded the withdrawal of the fascist army and police from our townships, resignation of the town council stooges, scrapping of rent and fare increases, plus the legal plunder of GST [general sales tax]. People elsewhere (?looking at the) the affluent (?wealth) of our own country, will well wonder why a general strike on these issues was called, but to us these are not ideological or abstract issues. They are bread-and-butter issues. They are the type of issues people who understand elsewhere will wonder if we do not fight to the bitter end to win changes in their Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300410005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300410005-2 present nature. None of us need to be lectured on how each of these issues adversely affect our lives.{ep} Our pay-packets disappear within minutes of our receiving them. What eats it up are the high rents, high fares, and the GST. Because of all this legal robbery, we live from hand-to- mouth. What is more, many of us do not even afford to live from hand-to-mouth. We live with less than that. How can we then change the situation? The answer came in the form of the 2-day strike. There can be no doubt about the decisive effectiveness of this weapon that was resorted to.-Cep} A general strike as a weapon is everywhere effective. If it proves otherwise) the problem is at the organizational level. That is not yet our own case. Issues on which the strike was fought are national sore points, but we decided only to challenge them in the Transvaal.- Cep)-The general strike itself was limited to 2 days. There can be no doubt that this could emerge as the basic weaknesses of the general strike. The limited nature of a provincial strike, even though it is an industrial province (?of) the Transvaal and given also that it is only 2 days, does nothing against the capacity of our enemy to resist our blows.-Cep} (?Perhaps) there are objective considerations which dictated the limited nature. [Words indistinct] that we do not win much. The enemy will resist because we did not make it difficult or impossible for him to resist, for he is afraid to meet our demands, as a result of the general strike [words indistinct] agree to our demands, ('?in that) he held the future in his mind.-Cep} Were our demands to be met, it would prove an example to Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300410005-2 ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300410005-2 people an other provinces. They would be encouraged to do likewise, for they also have the same problems. This is what (?we call) the enemy (?resistance). (?We will) find that [word indistinct] in that the challenge is limited to one province. If, at the end of the day, it turns out that we have not won, the answer as to why is this.- Cep)-At any rate, it is good that we resorted to positive action to force the enemy to accede to our demands. The calling of the general strike and the response to the call is an unqualified success. It is a giant step towards our legitimate goal of winning freedom. We now know that our people can act in unity in support of their basic political demands, not only on the factory floor for bread-and-butter issues.-Cep} We ought to build on this victory for future battles. The battles are tough, and we need concerted support on our part if we are to win this. The preparations for this battle will start in earnest now. The response to the call for a general strike was not [word indistinct]. A bit of soul- searching is necessary on their part, that is, the part of those who did not respond. The issues on which the general strike was called affect us all. We need to have fought together. This is what must happen next time.-Cep} Those who hesitated must mend their ways, so that we strengthen our offensive against the enemy next time. The victory that we have won in mobilizing successfully for the first general strike in many years (?should) inspire all patriots, and together we must march forward to greater victory.-Cep} {ETX} Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/08/14: CIA-RDP92-00053R000300410005-2