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FOIAB5 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000200100002-0 FOIAb3x OGC OGC Has Reviewed State Dept. review completed Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000200100002-0 c:.ts" and in lieu thereof the insertion of thm ienrClc "nenuisltion of now the cost+5T:+lll it V. Ui li. ted by your Departno-oc th It such facilities or expansion, extension or ad_ApprovedForRelease 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000200100002-0 ------------ ork ;G ,1lsceT)tib1e to comperlti :?c bidding and that itgoes l;? and th3 In e3plaininn this cllan~e of language the t;ommutee stated at page U 1 utility procurement and connet`.tlor, lime h e ropo proper 6 of `senate Report. No. 65;. 87111 Congress, that: irquireinents of t procedures. If this prolwaal were to be considered there Would this concept could be carried. Thus * ? ' The House further enacted, in section 5.8, a limitation on the amount t no limit to whic l h mos that may he spent frcen operati'n and maintenance funds of $2;i,0t10 per project appear a re- -on all repair and alteration. The S.;tate committee is sympathetic to the pur- if the entire coal an -bur fttt:isitles ;?el?e'wor'd out and llcede1 poses of the action taken, but, 41 the light of the projected increases in the it could be argued that, the entire replacement could he strength and readiness of our,ntiiitnry forces reflected In the July 20 amend- Pllecnlent t thereof reflected in the mert5. believes it weuhl be impractical at this time to adopt the limitation pro made by the coal contractor and the cos - `^ ^l rnr+tint) i ce vi ,,.... 1 pr 637, quoted above, as well as the collipetlh'e ])idling requirements, The committee is disturbed _r?ith the lack of control over the expenditure of nlainti?nance and operation funds used for the repair, alteration, modification, etc., of facilities. Tcstianony revealed that this laxity permitted expenditures for various project; which the tommiltee feels were shu;,es of the flexibility n'hich the Congress ins provided to enable the Department to etlicleutly ma enge operatioes. 4 t appears that the new direeiivcs issued by the Department of Defense on .,nuary IS, 1111;1. and June 30, 1tiOl. covering the construction and maintenance and repair of facilities shouhi. if err ictly enforced, correct the conditions noted to the past. The committee will look to the Department for such strict enforce- ment.. Conference action on the !,ill resulted in having the word "alter- ations" restored in section 637 and at page 8 of the Conference Re- port, House Report No. 878 it is stated that: The Committee of Conference is in Agreement that the word "alteration" as prop'' d in this section is not sy nv'.dylnous with repair. In view of this legislatii e history of section 637 including the intent expressed by both Committees that the departmental directive be strictly enforced, we believe there can be no question but that the Con- gress intended that work of this nature and costing in excess of $25,000 should be specifically authorized in a military construction authoriza- tion aet and funded from appropriations made pursuant to such authorization. Furthermore, in view of the scope of the conversion work, we believe _iere can be no question but that it would constitute an "alteration of structures and property" as that. term 'was used in earlier annual ap- propriation acts for the Department of Defense and which properly might hale been paid from appropriations for operation and nlainte- iian):e if the cost of such work did not exceed $200,000. As pointed out above. the use of operation and maintenance funds for such purposes presently is linlitetl by 10 U.S.C. 2674 to projects costing less than t r -,s;(luently, even thon;h the conversion work was to be consid- ei'Ud as not being covered 1) v the term "alteratioias'l as de.Gned in DOD ''r Ii vvel) if r E)111 r~ie 1,(, t;i~'td'it )l 04 ft)Ir S't- ?F,~V t ii o, a o) li' or f Q t!r)t l~l.pIt P.Ty t t.tkiii ana cieariy %%uulll 11r Il -,? 1 ? t'-- Accorcliltgly, both questions A and 13 are. answered in the negative. If statutory authorization and appropriations for the con ersi thou the heating facilities are requested front the Congress, we .ugh the full cost of the pipeline and ineterin; station and method of financ- ing be disclosed to the Congress. (13-1316113 Printin and Sindin Calling Cards rform- tile Itusiness tyhe calling cords for the use of officers and en,plnyces in the perform- ante of their ntlic?ini thhtit's are considered items of a nerunhliStai T' t in view of the provisions of sv{ tiuu 1H of the act of , lic,ry 1 Uusi1_uess 219. which limit printing to that necessary to the pubblic , the cost of calling cards may not be t:harged to npi ropriflteni moneys in the absence Of specific statutory authorization. To the Secretary of Agriculture, February 7, 1962: We have a letter dated January 11, 190,2, from Mr. John P. Duncan, Jr., Assistanlt Secretary of Agriculture, enclosing a letter dated September 26, 1961, from Russell J. IIudson, Agr:cultural Otlicer, Foreign Agricultural Service, IIaniburg, Germany. Mr. Hudson's letter again raises te attaches in the. l erfar ni'lnce of official ness cards used by agricultural duties at overseas posts. A sample card is enclosed and the letter of January 11, 19G21, points out that this card. is distinctly different hum cards he has printed for his personal use and paid for from personal funds. The letter of January 11, 1962, states that the Department is aware of our T]f'vlyif.Nl B-1:,1611, dated May 21, 19,57, and the severrtl other ? . et ..: of decisions referred to therein, \~loch Mates ti, ..t the G0aer1Arletit have Imig ]geld that. the cost of official calling cards l.i?n1V?. !' at nt{ictiti ext)?nse Vl t)){ li lrt'T'4k10 :.Pi 1.'t her { , iae.rn:... - Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000200100002-0 charoeable to t,blic t d - h' Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000200100002-0 the Joint Committee on Printing, July u ? a p - Il $ III t ( .. ?+ of c-ilu ua,ta.iiorisy tneere- l 1i16l, provici under paragraph 18 as follows: fnr Further this letter points out that the Foreign Agricultural Serv- ice is engaged in an intensified program of market development to maintain and expand foreign markets for American farm products. This promotion activity requires agricultural officers to have daily contact with numerous key officials of foreign governments, business torganizations, agricultural trade groups, and private institutions. It is pointed out that it is a well-established practice to exchange busi- ne=,s cards in many of the foreign countries and that the card ey- pressed in the foreign langunc e assists the foreigner in identification of the agricultural representative with whom he may be doing busi- na-s. It further is asserted that initial contacts are unnecessarily marred if the foreign customers are required to solicit information `'::at the l :n"mess card r .should provide. Reginst is nutde that our Office consider the question of official "bus- iness" cards constituting official expense rather than a personal ex- pense on the basis that it is essential to the conduct of business abroad end is not an expense normally required to be paid from personal f)rnds. As l.>oiirtc-)Ucy *a. Calling cards should ordinarily measure 2 1/2 by 3 1/4 inches; however, one should be guided by the prevailing custom at each post. b. Calling cards should be engraved rather than printed. Although t;cript is the recom- mended type, block letters may be used, particularly in countries which do not use the Latin alp,-iabet. *C. * Multiple-line cards may be used. They may often be deairabie when the oLftcer'&- rearne, diplomatic title, and the name of a special tnifielon appear on the card. =d, The full nar..e is usually used all calling Ti.:+ F'14.16u 7-2.1* the name of their post of residence in the. lower right corner of the card, if they wish to do so. ?n the same way, officars may include the name of their goat of residence on cards for use when they are away from the port h. Additional cards may be printed or en- graved in the language of the host cou,s.try. *Such information as name, f anctional title, office address, and phone number may be included.''.~? I. Calling cards are not furnished -I Depa ttrnent, nor a t eir cost chargeable to The overnrnent_ Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000200100002-0 ApprovedyFor Release 2007/10/23 `CIA-RDP92-004558000200100002-0 ti 'Y".153.2. "i Cards at Eirli 353.2-1 C:ar ?i t' C 9es of tltustrat d hel w are ci ampler of car.-:!a to be used by chkfm of dipIornatic r iasiana. (When applic,hle, "Mtniziter, " "Charge d' Af#airee," or "CY:ar3a` d' Affaires act in- tnr.rn" should be eubat:tuted for ".Ambas- eador.") . ~~fl;,~rr~,..;~~n~irr%ar"'~vF~t,~.,acssr'?,ro~f ~7~~rr~ic~.: ;zeiCJ~li~*rrTgo~i~ . /?r ,4'M J/ rr~Frr.,C mt' ~~'J.7r/~::+(lek:~i'c/1.~~,m'C~r/.%ir~rxlaf.: f.~r.~v r'? 'A1,{ TL: EN-B!) Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000200100002-0 ,.) Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000200100002-0 330 P[ 01 IT 11, r'I' I' )NS Itchrosonl;II anti aIlov:;ineos ;hill nut hoc us?'d I'i!r Ilia fo]1rrt< '!:Ii ur, a. lu re, i)urchase, op'rat.ion, or repair of any motor-prop`:l1c'l, pas'ei;j,'r+a;arrl ir.q vehicle, including aircraft. (:3; il.S,C, ::3'35 aid h.) i b. ;'if'-bership fees or dues in any Soci(Ay, club, or as or i tt ail. (+ t'. ,{', 091 c. Expenses of rintinrt or f i gravitill. (44 U.S.C. 1102). i:xce ti.oi: Expenses of printings or Engraving isivitatiors to official functions may be charged to representation funds.where such expenses are in6urred in conformity with Government Printings and Binding Regulations or where printing or engraving is done abroad pursuant to agency authority for such printing. (e.q. Department of. State authority under 22 U.S.C. 2669(a) and sec. 103 of P.L. 96-68, which makes the FY 1980 representation appropriation available for expenses authorized by 22 U.S.C. 2369(a)). d. Printing of Christmas cards, or other types of greeting cards. (Decisions of Comptroller General 0-115132, June 17, 195);3; 13-122515, February 23, 19.5; 8-133991, November 25, 1957; '13-142538, February 8, 1961; 11-151167 and 0-156721, November 29, 1967). C. Co!npcnsation for cost of livings, quarters expenses, or for assignment under difficult environmental conditions; including expenses of r,'err.rtiou aid entertainment solely for employees of the United States Govcrnmi'ut and their families.. (5 U.S.C, 5536). 310 ['AYMF.N'l' '` 341 Vouchers Representation allowances may tie paid upon pr+ sentation of appropriate vouchers, for allowable expenditures (Sec. 320). Before ci'rtlf? ing b vout;11:T for payment., the authorized certifying officer shall deter,nine that no prohibited items are included therein (sec, 330) and that the voucher cani.aii:: an explanation of the expenditures by employees and adult 1';};ail_; min' 'rs t'r rJ wits: or on their behalf as listed below: a. Vouchers for Entertainment (1) typo, purpose, and location of function; and (2) names and titles of American and foreign guests of ho:,c.r, h. touchers for_Pcprescnt.ation other than Entertairmert. (1) occasion; (4) name and title of recipient, or recipients; and (3) reason for expenditure. 342 Recc.'ipts A supporting receipt shall normally be supplied for eac'i exptndituT4 of ov $10 upon any single occasion. Where it is impract.ica'.ile to obtain iecei?)ts the employee's certificate as to the expenditure will be sufficient. STANDARDIZED REGULATIONS (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas) Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000200100002-0 FOIAb2 FOIAb3x OGC Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000200100002-0 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP92-00455R000200100002-0