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Approved For Release 2005/08/22 :CIA-RDP92B0~06~QYR00010043-33 ~ tJ SECRET PP BIWEEKLY REPORT SING -SOVIET BLOC ECONOMIC A( TIVIT`I]ES IN UNDERDEVELOPED AREAS EIC-WGR-1 /43 30 September 1957 PREPARED BY THE WORKING GROUP ON SING-SOVIET BLOC ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN UNDERDEVELOPED AREAS ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE SECRET Approved For Release 2005/08/22 :CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010043-3 3 O ~ T X957 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 :CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010043-3 SECRET WARNING TH'!~ NlATEF#,IAL CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECT- ING fi~IE N'P.'Y'IONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, USG, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, THE TRANSMIS- SION OR REVELATION OF WHICH IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. These biweekly reports on "Sino-Soviet Bloc .Economic Ac- tivities in Underdeveloped Areas" are prepared and issued by a Working Group~of :the Economic Intelligence Commit- tee, including representatives of the Departments of State, the Army, the Navy; the' Air Force, Commerce, and Agricul- ture; the International Cooperation Administration; the Office of the Secretary of Defense; and the Central Intelli- gence Agency. Their purpose is to provide up-to-date fac- tual information on significant developments in the eco- nomic relations of Sino-Soviet Bloc countries with under- developed countries of the Free World. The EIC-R-14 series of reports, under the same title, provide periodic summaries and analytical interpretations of these developments. Printed and Disseminated by the Central Intelligence Agency Approved For Release 2005/OS/~~ECIA-RDP92B01090R000700010043-3 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 :CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010043-3 S-E~C-R-E-T Summary of E-rLnts 13 - 26 September 1957 The conclusion of an economic assistance agreement between Communist China and Ceylon and the continuation of the rapid pace of implementing the Soviet aid program in Syria were the principal events affecting the economic relations between the Sino~Soviet Bloc :..:. d the underdeveloped countries of the Free World during the period 13 - 26 September, Since mid-1955 the Soviet Bloc has agreed to supply military equipment and supplies valued at about $350 million to underdeveloped countries. Most of the war materiel has already been delivered to Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, and Yemen and was sold under credit arrangements believed generally to call for repayment over a 10-year period at 2~-percent interest. The aid agreement between Ceylon and Communist Ghina pro- vides for Communist China to furnish $15. 75 million in grant assist- ance over the next 5 years far development of its rubber industry. A new 5-year agreement on the exchange of rubber and rice also was signed ~y these countries, but the new agreement omits the provision found in the expiring pact which required Communist China to make premium payments for Ceylonese rubber. Also in South Asia, Afghanistan cancelled plans for Soviet assistance on two projects, both of which were scheduled for inclusion under the Soviet $100 mil- lion credit program, In Burma the USSR has proposed an agreement under which coop- eration in the application of atomic energy far peaceful purposes would be established. No Burmese officials, however, seem to be interested i::~ this proposal. The USSR continued to press forward ragidly its economic assist- ance program in Syria, sending 18 technicians to Damascus to discuss and complete details of Soviet economic aid, Czechoslovak experts Approved For Release 2005/08/22 :CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010043-3 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 :CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010043-3 also began work at the site chosen for the construction of a new oil refinery near Homs. In Iran, the Soviet Trade Commissioner for Iran stated that the USSR has offered unlimited credit to Iran for the expansion of heavy industry including a steel mill. Both the Iranian Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister, however, denied receiving such an offer. It was announced in Belgrade that the USSR and Yugoslavia had established definite programming schedules for several me=ntal projects under Bloc aid agreements.. The projects involved are a coal-mining combine in the Kasrnet region, a nitrogen fertilizer plant in Pancevo, and an aluminum eornbine in Montenegro, all of which the USSR postponed earlier in 19.57. It was also revealed that the nuclear reactor promised by the USSR would probably be delivered in May 1958, several months earlier than previously planned. Approved For Release 2005/08/22 :CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010043-3 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 :CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010043-3 I. Sino-Soviet Bloc (Arms Agreements with Under- developed Countries j . . ~ . . .. . A. EgYPt B. Syria ~ . . . C. Yemen . . D. Afghanistan A. Signing of Sino-Ceylonese Grant and Trade Agreements . . . . B. Soviet-Pakistan Trade Promotion Developments C . .Afghanistan . . . . . . ,. . 1. Developments Under Utilization of Soviet Credit . ? . . 2. Arrival of Polish Technicians ~ ? A. Soviet Proposal far Burmese Cooperation in Atomic Energy ~ . . . . . . B. Efforts to Promote Chinese Communist -Malayan Trade . . ~ . A. Syria Page Z. Beginning of Work on Refinery . . , .. 8 - iii - S-E-C-R-.E-T Approved For Release 2005/08/22 :CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010043-3 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 :CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010043-3 S-E-C-R-E-T B, Higher Targets in Egyptian -East German Trade . C. New Soviet Offers of Economic Aid to Iran . Latin America (Chinese Communist Trade Delegation in Chile) VI. E~~arope (Yugoslavia) Page 25X1 A. Details of Soviet Bloc ~,.id Deliveries . 11 Speed-Up by the USSR in the Delivery of a Nuclear Reactor . . . . 12 - iv - S-E-C-~.2.-E-T Approved For Release 2005/08/22 :CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010043-3 25X1 gpproved For Release 2005/08/22 :CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010043-3 Next 14 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/08/22 :CIA-RDP92B01090R000700010043-3