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Document Release Date:
April 9, 2001
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Publication Date:
November 22, 1962
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Approved For Release 2001/09/04 G
t -1 b 92B01090R002600080046-2
22 November 1962
Memo for the record
1. On 21 November, because of bad weather,, only I Brass Knob mission
was flown over Cuba, and ops reduced the objectives to a single target:
Santiago de Cuba Port. Only one mission is scheduled for today,
22 November, because the bad weath nues. The two targets selected
25X1A by ops are - Holguin A/F; ant Holguin Military Camp. 25X1A
2. The meager coverage of the past few days has not been entirely a
result of bad weather: to minimize risk to the vehicle, ops has
started to run short-range missions across the island rather than along
25X1A the coast hich would give best coverage to our recommended
targets. and I discussed whether we should recommend that
Brass Knob missions be run 5 miles off the northern and southern
coasts. Even a first oblique would be preferable to the average
results of the past few days. We decided to sound out our respective
COMOR members on this propcsal and perhaps raise the issue if coverage
25X1A fails to improve.
3. suggested that we refine the basic list we agreed to on
21 November y arranging it in orders of priority, so that when and if
we are granted more missions we would be more likely to get what we
want. His proposed grouping, which I agree with, was as follows:
a. Highest Priority Targets (in order of importance)
Havana Port
Matanzas Port
Mariel Port
San Julian Airfield
b. Major northern targets (in order of importance).
La Isabella Port
Cardenas Port
Caibarien Port
Excluded from aufonAtle
downgrading and
Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA 2B01090R002600MMU46-
Approved For Re ease 2001 /09/Q4 !Ey a?RDP92B01090RQ600080046-2
c. Major southern targets (in order of importance)
Casilda Port
Casilda Staging Area
Cienfuegos Naval Base
Holguin A/F
ntiago de Cuba Port
d. Tactical Targets (in order based on time since most recent
Santiago de las Vegas Military Camp
Artemisa Military Camp
Remedios Military Camp
Holguin Military Camp
Baracoa Port
4. The above listing would constitute our basic Brass Knob objectives
i i roved coverage or changing circumstances suggested modifications.
if missions are resumed, would be based primarily on
the results of Brass Knob coverage.
5. Information on recent missions, which usually can be described as
completely inadequate, today was nonexistent. NPIC gave its couriers
the day off.
Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA, 401090R002600080046-2