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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 25X1 ft BUIE LOGGED DA 89-1170 17 AL 1989 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence FROM: R. M. Huffstutler Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT: Mid-Year Progress Report: Directorate of Administration Goals for 1989 In January I outlined for you the Directorate of Administration's 1989 major goals. Our priority areas were information handling, enhanced security, facility planning, personnel management, and other core services. The attached highlights our significant accomplishments to jate. 1\ Attachment: A/S ORIG : (6 July 89) DISTRIBUTION: Orig . - DCI (w/att) 1 - DDCI - ExDir I I PI: 1 - MS Subj " SE ET L.1 " ? L 1 - MS Chrono (w/o att) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 R. M. Huffstutler ? n411-/0 STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00-017R000800260003-9 ? SECRET PROGRESS REPORT ON 1989 GOALS PRIORITY AREA: INFORMATION HANDLING Goal: Develop an Agency-wide strategic plan for information systems needed to meet policymakers' expectations for intelligence collection and reporting by the year 2000. O The Directorate of Administration Strategic Planning Group--formed to examine Agency automated data pro- cessing and communications needs over the next decade-- met offsite with Agency representatives to identify and discuss the communications and information systems that the Agency will require to perform its mission by the year 2000. A follow-up conference is scheduled for November 1989 to refine the group's findings and develop action plans and resource estimates for meeting these requirements. Progress is on schedule for completion of the strategic plan by 31 March 1990. O The Office of Information Technology (OIT) has developed a recommended strategic information systems architecture for the Agency through 1993 and has formed a project office for its implementation. Goal: Continue to_develop the Agency's Corporate Data Program to provide the Agency with an automated administrative information system that will be easily accessible to those who need it. O In keeping with the recommendations of the recently completed Corporate Data Task Force Report, the Directorate has named a Management Data Administrator to facilitate the development of an Agency Corporate Data Program that will provide managers and employees automated access to administrative information they need to manage their resources, perform their jobs, and make career-related decisions. The Office of Financial Management is working with the Corporate Data Task Force to develop an automated data processing strategic architecture for financial management in the 1990s and beyond. Goal: By July 1989, complete the design for a single integrated personnel data base which will provide the Office of Personnel with one repository for all personnel-related information. This will form the foundation for developing an integrated human resource system and be a key piece of the Agency's Corporate Data Program. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G06017R000800260003-9 . , SECRET O The Office of Personnel has completed the design for the Human Resource Information System, which will incorporate current administrative systems and provide new capabilities in areas such as compensation, career development, and management planning tools. Goal: Continue to improve and develop individual office automation efforts to enhance efficiency and streamline operations. O The Office of Personnel has automated its Special Payroll system, eliminating manual calculations and increasing the accuracy of payroll data; implemented a new Payroll Adjustment and Inquiry System that replaces most manual processing; completed implementing the Electronic Time and Attendance Reporting system throughout the Head- quarters area; with the Office of Financial Management, developed and implemented a personal computer-based travel accounting software package that reduces processing time by half and is in use by five offices; and automated claimant payments for the Worker's Compensation Program. O The Office of Logistics (OL) has developed a prototype for the first of 22 Local Area Networks (LAN) to support Agency contract teams; converted its Federal Automated Requisitioning System--used to requisition electronically from other government agencies--to a more efficient corporate data based management system. OL is also implementing an office-wide Wang VS network to connect to the Agency mainframe and all OL LANs. O The Office of Information Technology (OIT) has provided the Offices of the Comptroller and Congressional Affairs the ARCHIVE system, which scans documents through optical character recognition technology and stores them in a data base for searching based on keyword and other criteria; the Directorates of Operations and Science and Technology teams of programmer-analysts to develop ARCHIVE-like systems tailored to their needs; the Office of Logistics a prototype personal computer network that facilitates the drafting of Agency contracts; and the Office of Security several WANG VS computer system networks. O The Office of Communications (OC) has begun upgrading its information handling and document processing capabilities and is replacing mainframe and manual systems currently used to track the OC budget with a personal computer-based financial management data base system. 2 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 ...... ,,,,,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 O The Office of Security has established an inspection data base for CRAFT systems and placed in operation a worldwide Plain Text Processing Equipment Automated Property Management System. O The Office of Financial Management has achieved initial operating capability of its Station Accounting and Reporting System, which provides field stations the capability to more effectively monitor their operating budgets and increases the productivity of Headquarters and field personnel. O The Office of medical Services (OMS) has completed a bar- coding system that automates its medical file holdings; achieved operating capability of and Office of Personnel interface with an automated system for tracking applicants during the medical phase of processing; and installed enhanced software to increase the efficiency of its Research and Testing Programs' data storage and retrieval system. OMS has also completed several data bases: a noise exposure data base for its Hearing Conservation Program; and conversion of its obsolete MEDEVACS data base to a new storage and retrieval system. OMS has completed 90 percent of the data extraction for its Medical Information, Diagnosis and Artificial Intelligence System, which integrates all functions associated with managing medical evaluations, employee wellness, occupational health, and operations support. Goal: Complete the relocation and upgrade of the computer and communications systems on the Headquarters compound to provide state-of-the-art telecommunications and computing services to the Agency. O The Office of Information Technology (OIT) completed a five-year effort to consolidate five Agency computer centers into two areas. The SAFE Unclassified Development System and the Directorate of Operations Special Computer Center were relocated over three-day weekends. These relocations, among the largest known undertakings of this kind, were completed with 100 percent success. OIT has also relocated about 20 percent of the secure communications circuits entering the Headquarters compound to the new CIA Communications Center in the New Headquarters Building; completion is scheduled for 1990. 3 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 . . SECRET 25X1 25X1 Goal: Expand and upgrade secure domestic and overseas communications capabilites to meet Agency requirements. O The Office of Information Technology is preparing proposals for a leased fiber-optic communications network which will provide secure communications among Agency and Intelligence Community buildings in the Washington metropolitan area through 1995 and improve the quality of communications services; implementing an interface allowing secure communications between the Agency secure telephone system and Secure Telephone Units (STU-III) used by contractors and other government employees; working to protect classified information in the Washington metropolitan area not serviced by the Central Intelligence Service Secure Voice Network; and incorporating the advanced networking technology acquired for the foreign communications network into portions of the Agency's domestic network to improve interoperability and the quality of service. PRIORITY AREA: ENHANCED SECURITY Goal: Enhance security countermeasures and research programs to protect Agency facilities, personnel, automated systems, and information. O The Office of Security's (OS) polygraph countermeasures research efforts have led to the successful testing of a prototype Modern Polygraph System, which improves testing reliability and validity. o OS has created a forensics laboratory to strengthen its technical security analysis capability and an OS/Office of Sigint Operations Joint Technical Assessment Facility 4 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 SECRET 25X1 is working to identify and characterize the vulnerabil- ities of Agency and Intelligence Community equipment and procedures. OS has also increased Technical Security Countermeasures (TSCM) inspections, residential security surveys, and personal protection briefings. The O OS has completed an Information Security Strategic Five-Year Plan to reduce the vulnerabilites of our automated information systems. One initiative under this plan is OS's new computer "virus" response capability, which has helped several Agency components to investigate and resolve "virus" problems. Another "anti-virus" effort is an OIT survey to determine how and where new software can be or is being introduced on Agency mainframes. O OIT is involved in two programs to enhance its computer audit capabilities: the Intrusion Detection Analyzer and Automated Statistical Information Profile to establish profiles for all VM users. Any deviation from the established profiles generates a report alerting the auditor of possible abuse of the computer system. O OIT has completed a physical security survey of the secure and nonsecure telephone switch rooms in the New Headquarters Building and is implementing recommendations to enhance their, overall security. OIT is also creating a data base of all employees and contractors authorized access to Agency computer facilities; this data base will be used to control all individuals who try to gain access. O The Office of Financial Management has completed a zero-based review of vulnerabilities that could expose their operations to hostile services. Goal: Conduct sufficient staff and industrial reinvestigations to eliminate existing backlogs by 1992. O The Office of Security (OS) is making significant inroads in its reinvestigation and repolygraph programs. Based, on current activity, OS expects to meet its FY 1989 repolygraph and reinvestigation goals and eliminate the overall backlog by the projected target date of 1992. OS has reduced the average applicant case processing time from 48 to 46 days and Office of Development and Engineering industrial contractor processing time from 132 to 108 days. 5 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 SECRET 25X1 PRIORITY AREA: FACILITY PLANNING Goal: Establish and maintain an Agency-wide space planning, management, and consolidation program. O The Office of Logistics (OL) has established a Space Planning Division to manage and allocate Agency office and special use space. The Chief of the Division meets regularly with the Agency's Space Advisory Board and reviews requests for new space or reallocation of existing space. O OL is developing a long-range space plan to attain the Acencv's coal of consolidating overt facilities on fewer Goal: Complete the design and construction of the remaining space in the New Headquarters Building, and move the affected staffs and equipment with minimal disruption. 25X1 The Office of Logistics' (OL) relocation of 0 employees during the third quarter of FY 1989 and the design, construction, and move-in to the New Headquarters Building are about 75 percent complete. By the end of FY 25X1 1989, OL will relocate an additional employees, and all space in the New Building will be completed and occupied by February 1990. O OL has completed 20 percent of the Backfill Program to retrofit, upgrade, and renovate the Original Headquarters Building. PRIORITY AREA: PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Goal: Expand Directorate career development efforts, including the compilation of supervisory and employee handbooks, continued emphasis on supervisory and management training, career development and career counseling, and interim reporting procedures for three-year trial period employees. O The Directorate of Administration (DA) Personnel Policy Task Force has completed supervisory and employee handbooks, which will be ready for distribution by 1 October 1989. O The Office of Personnel (OP) has begun a major career development initiative to make OP more consistently a line manager's resource rather than a processing unit, and to empower OP managers with more direct account- ability for customer service and development of careerists. 6 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 O OP has adopted new three-year trial period supervisory certification procedures that ensure a more thorough trial period review by first-line supervisors. OP has begun a succession planning exercise to identify potential managers for key positions through 1994 and is currently reviewing developmental assignments and training to prepare selected employees for their future assignments. OP has also reorganized its career management functions, separating component personnel functions from career development counseling. O The Office of Logistics (OL) has revised and strengthened its "Supervising in OL" course; designed and conducted a PAR workshop for OL supervisors; issued two notices stating requirements and standards for OL PARs; and, in conjunction with the Offices of Security and Medical Services, conducted regular seminars on dealing with troubled employees. O The Office of Communications (OC) has published and is updating seven handbooks, including an OC Supervisory Handbook, a Personnel Management Handbook, and an Employee Development Handbook. OC requires that OC managers interview three-year trial employees and submit written comments regarding their suitability for continued employment. O To foster excellence through mentoring, the Office of Financial Management (OFM) has established an OFM Leadership Awards Program, which provides three $2,500 awards annually. OFM has also implemented succession planning for filling critical vacancies at the GS-14 and above levels and for overseas assignments. To date 54 percent of these vacancies have been filled by candidates identified in the plan. OFM has completed a financial management training needs assessment and developed an implementation plan for a learning center in the Key Building. OFM has also initiated a bimonthly OFM newsletter, KEYOSK, and established an OFM Forum where GS-09 through GS-12 careerists regularly share ideas and discuss issues. Goal: Continue to improve/modernize the Agency's personnel management system by continuing the effort to decentralize position classification to give managers greater staffing flexibility and by completing a review of the Intelligence Secretarial System and initiating implementation of recommendations. 7 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 SECRET 25X1 O In accordance with the Executive Committee decision to expand decentralized position classification to 70 percent of Agency General Schedule (GS) positions by January 1990, 25 percent of the Agency's GS positions are now classifiable by operating officials and over 150 job classification actions had been taken by 31 May 1989. O The Office of Personnel (OP) has examined the Intelligence Secretarial (IS) System, found that IS salaries are competitive with the private and public sectors, and ascertained that IS hiring guidelines ensure equitable credit for experience, education, and training. OP has also taken steps to ensure that secretarial applicants are informed about the IS system and Washington metropolitan area living costs. OP is currently chairing an Agency-wide panel that is considering an intelligence _ support occupation (IS and GS support/assistant jobs) and coordinating another Agency-wide panel which is planning to revise the IS performance award system. Goal: Implement the Agency's five-year Affirmative Employment Plan through recruitment, training, and monitoring of promotion panels and assignment by senior management. O Each Directorate of Administration Office Director has designated a full-time employee whose primary responsibility is to coordinate that office's minority recruitment efforts I have published a Directorate notice requiring the heads of Career Services to ensure the appointment of women and minorities to career evaluation panels. O The Office of Personnel has established a Special Recruitment Strategies Branch to focus on minority recruitment and monitor the progress of minorities throughout the processing cycle and, with the Offices of Security and Medical Services, developed a process to expedite the processing of all minority applicants. The Office of Eaual Employment Opportunity obtained agreement from senior management to provide multicultural awareness training for all personnel involved in the applicant selection process and hired a full- time interpreter for the hearing impaired. OP reports that the Agency hired 29 minority professionals during the first half of this fiscal year, 10 more than at the same point last year. Goal: Recruit an appropriately balanced occupational mix of to meet stated component needs. 8 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 SECRET r. O The Office of Personnel (OP) projects that by the end of the fiscal year, the Agency will be within 100 of its 25X1 ceiling count strength By 31 Ma 1989, OP had 9)(1 entere on duty inciudi clericals 25X1 and Jcareer trainees. An additional clericals and 25X1 F--- areer trainees had been scheduled to enter on duty. Goal: In the area of benefits and services, open the on-site Child Day Care Center by September 1989, and plan and design a flexible benefits program. O The Langley Child Care Center will be completed in July and opened in September 1989. O The Office of Personnel has designed a flexible benefits program which it is preparing to implement Agency-wide. PRIORITY AREA: OTHER CORE SERVICES Goal: Implement a financial management strategic plan to streamline procedures, improve financial services, and ensure the financial integrity of Agency operations. O The Office of Financial Management's financial management strategic plan focuses on financial systems and services and resource management. Key accomplishments include revision of the Agency's annual financial report to improve its usefulness to senior managers; revision of the investment strategy for CIARDS funds to produce greater investment income; and establishment of a task force with the Office of Logistics to review procedures for recording receipt of goods and services to ensure compliance with the Prompt Payment Act. Goal: Develop comprehensive acquisitions, counterintelligence, and counternarcotics training programs. O The Office of Training and Education (OTE) has presented a comprehensive proposal for a new program/project management curriculum to the DA Task Force on Program Management. O OTE conducted a successful pilot running of a one-day Counterintelligence Awareness Program. Currently conducted twice monthly and open to all Agency employees, this program is designed to heighten employees' awareness of the human and technical threat posed by other intelligence services and measures being taken to counter this threat. 9 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G06017R000800260003-9 SECRET ? - 25X1 25X1 o OTE developed a proposal for counternarcotics training that will be forwarded with the Agency's FY 1991 budget request. Goal: Continue to improve the quality and efficiency of all support services to Agency customers. o The Office of Information Technology has completed a statement of work for a new contractual mechanism to allow faster response to ADP maintenance and installation requirements; improved telephone and ADP installation times; and implemented new procedures that enable more than one system administrator to access the VM directory at a time. O The Office of Logistics has concentrated all support aspects of the Agency's copier management program in a single service office; provided a single focal point for all covert service requests; provided one-stop service centers to coordinate printing .and photography and mail and courier reqUireMents; established contract teams to meet specific procurement needs of the Offices of Information Technology, Security, and Communications. o The Office of Financial Management has begun renovating the Headquarters Disbursing Office to improve customer service. 10 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP92G00017R000800260003-9