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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000840043-4 ZCZCDPO1OO DAN: 012-037777 INPUI CDSN: DKA772 BFN: OW180039 TOR: 180056Z MAY 83 TOT: 180057Z MAY 83 ROUTING= DPQ WIRE SVC= **UNASSIGNED** COMMOIS=**UNASSIGNED** PTTUZYUW RUHJFBA121O 1380050-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 1800392 MAY 83 FM Fk I S OK I NAWA JA TO RUILAAR/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUDOMKA/FBIS LONDON UK ACCT FBOW-EWDK UNCLAS /LD BBC AT tN BBC SAMY ONLY AG(2), MOD(2), LIAISON Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000840043-4 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000840043-4 program summary: moscow domestic television russian 172200 ow18OO39 moscow domestic television service in russian 2200 gmt 17 may 83 (morning vremya; 90-e; orbita-2 first program; 3872 mhz) (reception: fair) this program is a repeat of moscow domestic television russian 171700. 172200 rj/tsao ti 18/0053z may BT #1210 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000840043-4 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000840043-4 ZCZCU;'i)S27 DAN: 012-054713 I NPU i C DEN : D:=.A2 70 T OR. 1817592 :AY c3 TOT: 181759Z MAY 83 ROUTING- DPQ WIRE $VC= **UN SSIGNTD** C O ~1iD 15-4 l.'WASS I CWEs x # PT i UZ t'UA RUD0.-":.A9955 1381630-UUUU--RUTLAAB. Z,(,,;;r IJ:}L,JJ ZYN ZPO P 181617 '?Z MAY 83 Fri F13 1S LONDON UK TO RU W LAAB /FB I S WASHINGTON DC RUH?J~-t'A/FBIS CKINAWA JA ACCT FBLn-EWDK O`,~:_'t AC +:2) , IMOD (2:~ < CHIEF SUB/DRD progr,raai sur^;-,arE;: moscow domestic television 181300 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000840043-4 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000840043-4 Ld181A,17 ^oscou domestic television service in russian 1300 gmt 18 may 83 (evening vremya, 53 e, second program, double-iii, 3875 mhz; reception fair; read by zimenkova and kochergin) 013 1 video report on potato planting at mir kolkhoz in torzhokskiy rayon in kalinin oblast, with shots of machines and operators at work in the fields. 039 w video report on haymowing at zavety ilicha kolkhoz in ''Krasnodar kra!j, with shots of machines, trucks and operators in action in the fields. 055 3 abdukhalikov video repor ton grain crop harvesting in angorskiy rayon in surkhandaryinskaya oblast, with shots of :machines and operators at work at (salimaran) sovkhoz 088 4. r..alak.hov video report on the artificial yarn factory in kustanay, with shots of facilities for the production of polyvinyl chloride yarn and of production chief gerasimov being interviewed about problems in the organization of producing polyvinyl chloride yarn. 129 5. chebotarev video report on the discussion of the draftbill on workers' collectives at the rostselmash plant, Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000840043-4 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000840043-4 with shots of workers discussing the bill and at work in the combine harvesters shop 187 mironova video report on the production of consumer goods in noscow, with shots of women knitting items at home, handing in their goods to a delivery center, and of galkin, director of the r.:ostekstilprom organization being interviewed about the low prices asked for home-produced items. 236 7. report on dos cantos' visit to the ussr, with shots of dos santos visiting pavilions at the all-union fair in moscow. 249 8. report on academician arbatov being awarded the order of lenin on his 60th birthday, with shots of photograph of arbatov. (cov 1d181037) 255 potapov video report on a meeting held in the soviet embassy in paris in connection with the publication of collection of andropov's articles, speeches and interview by the pergar.on presse of franr_e, with shots of people looking through pages of copies of the works cutting to shots of covers of copies displayed on a table, shots of the soviet ambassador, and of rraxwell, president and general director of of teh pergamon presse frame house addressing the guests followed by shots of r.;axwell during inter iew on andropov's book. 292 1c:, t;ass report -'in the visit of the soviet delegation led by gorhache,. to canad:s (audio only) (cov 1d171706) 306; Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000840043-4 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000840043-4 foilo-si~d b:4 lobach n`.o video report showing lobachenko speaking about public. and official reaction to the visit of the soviet delegation, cutting to shots of people and traffic in city streets, and of professor j.mes (steely, a leading canadian public figure being interviewed about the soviet delegation's visit, and cooperation and trad,-, with the ussr. 334 11 tars report ian the opening of the 21st coordinating conference of commissions for unesco affairs of socialist countries, afghanistan, the pdry, kampuchea, mozambique and ethiopia in (fiber in czechoslovakia, with shots of delegates at the conference :343 12. tass report from bonn on the directorate of the german peace union urging the government and all the political forces in th-s frg to support the new soviet geheva talks initiatives in the interest of progress. (audio only) 351 13 glazuno?v video report on the day of action against the deployment of r;ew american missiles in lemgo in the frg, with shots of proteters being interviewed and attending meeting, of an frg trade unio. leader (ramke) speaking at the meeting, follou_;ed by shots of procession. 383 14. tass report, with video, on the release of detainees from prison in connectican with amnesty proclaimed in afghanistan on the occasion, of th,- ath anniversary of the april revolution. (processing's 3?5 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000840043-4 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000840043-4 15 t.ys.; report .)n the wave of protest in lebanon against the signing of the peace accord with israel, with shots of de!zonstr.stion in the southern outskirts of beirut, intercutting to shots of blood st3ins on the roadway and of a soldier and politer n walking k..,Jward retreating demonstrators. (cov ld1B 7 i 404 16 tass report on defeat inflicted on counterrevolutionary group in north nicar agua. (cov 1d181502) (audio only) 412 17 goransaiy ..i-eo report on the soviet film festival in ac.apulco, inexico. 427 18. video report on the signing in moscow of protocol at the end of the session of the soviet-hungarian interparliamentary commission on cultural exchanges, with shots of demichev and sarlos signing documents. (vsl) 436e followed by tass report on zinyanin meeting with the hungarian delegation. (cov ld181322) 438 19. andreyev video report on the russian museum in leningrad in connection with museum day being observed today. 475 20 sport. 522 21, weather. 535 ik/hagman/jc 18/1655 may BT Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000840043-4 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000840043-4 ZCZCCrQv'71 I);^ `; : 012-061123 IN'U 1 CDEN: KriA85i TOR: 182139? MAY 83 TOT: 18214OZ MAY 83 RCUTI-.G, DPQ ..FIRE SVC= **UNASSIGNED** CO.IMU I S=4*UNASS I GNEU** PT i UZYUt.' RUDOM-;AOO25 1382112-UUUU--RUTLAAB. UJUJU ZYN ZPO P 192056Z MAY 83 FM Fti I S LONVON UK TO RUELAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RU-4 rBA/FBIS OKINAWA JA ACCT FBLf-EWDV. ONLY AG (2), MOD (2), CHIEF SUB /DRD program. summary: moscow domestic television 181700 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000840043-4 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000840043-4 1 d 182056 ^o?scosw domestic television service in russian 1700 gmt i6 may 83 (evening vremya, 14 w, first program, 3675 mhz) (reception fair) (read by zimenkova and kochergin) 013 1 rpt item 1 127,0 gmt cast -- report on potato planting at a tart. in kalinin oblaat. 035 rpt item 2 1300 gmt cast -- report on haymowing at farm in krasnodar kray. 057 3. rpt item 3 #;:1 o gent cast -- abdukhalikov report on harvesting in angor .iy rayon in surkhan-darya oblast. 073 4, cssa report on progress of harvesting, sowing and potato planting in the country. (processing unless superceded by fuller report) ( only) +081 5 rpt item 5 1300 gmt cast -- chebotarev report on the roasts;:1iash plant 134 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000840043-4 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000840043-4 6 rpt item 6 1100 amt cast -- mironova report on consuner goods production by women at home in moscow. 191 7. rykovtsev video report on odessa port in connection with the 150th anniversary of the black sea shipping administration. (rpt ite.. 5 171300 g:r,t cast) 235 8. rpt item 7 1300 gmt cast -- report on dos santos's visit to the all-union fair in moscow. 247 9. video report ,n dos santos's departure from moscow for kiev begins with shots of dos santos with menteshashvili and other officials, followed by shots of ustinov and gromyko with kuznetsov behind them and followed by ponomarev coming out of the airport building. dos santos is seen shaking hands with ogarkov, guzheucko and other officials followed by shots of gromyko and dos santos posing for photographers, and then ustinov, gromyko, dos santos, nenteshashvili, ponomarev and kuznetsov posing for photographers Do_i santos embraces gromyko with ustinov and ponob-'arev standing narby, cutting to shots of dos santos shaking hands with ustinov and ponomarev and then embracing kuznetsov. 270 (fyi and vs1) 10 video report on interviews with academicians skryabin, legasov and severin and foreign guest (rotblat) about the all-union conference for ridding humanity of the threat of nuclear k_