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Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 ZCZCDPO188 DAN: 043-051516 INPUT CDSN: AN1749 TOR: 291757Z AUG 83 ROUTING- DPO WIRE SVC- **UNASSIGNED** COMMDIS-**UNASSIGNED** PTTUZYUW RUDOMKA1709 2411730-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 291702Z AUG 83 FM FIBS LONDON UK TO RUTLAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUHJFBA/FBIS OKINAWA JA ACCT FBLD-EWDK program summary: moscow domestic television 271300 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 1d2917O2 moscow domestic television service in russian 1300 gmt 27 aug 83 (evening vremya, 53-e; second program, double-iii, 3875 mhz) (reception fair) ( read by shatilova and kochergin) 038 1. rpt item 1 271700 gmt cast -- report on foreign reaction to andropov's pravda interview, quoting neues deutschland, rude pravo, new York times, Washington post, and humanite. (auydio only) 084 rpt item 3 271700 gmt cast -- report on cpsu central committee and ussr council of ministers resolution on accelerateing scientific and technological progress in the national economy. (cov'd) 3. rpt item 4 271700 gmt cast -- video report on meeting in uzhgorod in connection with the completion of the urengoy-pomary-uzhgorod gas pipeline. 161 4. sysoyev video report on the nazarovski opencast coal pit with shots of pit and rotary excavator in action at the pit, and shots of machine operator being interviewed. 216 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 5. ochilov video report on hydroelectric stations to be built on a river 20 kms from khorog with shots of the location where the stations will be built, cutting to shots of vasilyev, deputy chief of the "tadzhikgidroenergostroy" organization being interviewed about the project, cutting to shots of the river gunt andshots of khorog city and surrounding area. 250 6. rpt item 5 271700 gmt cast -- balandin video report on harvesting in kurgan oblast. 292 7. rpt item 6 271700 gmt cast -- 1. ilchenko video report on terrace-type fruit orchards in kiev oblast. 342 8. allambergenov video report on chimbay-4031 cotton developed by the karakalpak agricultural scientific research institute, with shots of the new variety cotton growing int he field at a sovkhoz in chimbayskiy rayon, cutting to shots of scientific workers at work in a laboratory. 367 9. rpt item 7 271700 gmt cast -- tikhomirov video report from the flight control center on the lyakhov-aleksandrov space mission. 411 10. rpt item 8 271700 gmt cast -- video report on the opening of the world trade union conference in moscow. 423 11. rpt item 9 271700 gmt cast -- tass report on un secretary Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 general meeting angola's Santos. 436 12. rpt item 13 271700 gmt cast -- report on increased u.s. military presence in honduras. (audio only) 445 13. rpt item 13 271700 gmt cast -- serikov video report on press conference by captured counterrevolutionary leaders in managua and interview with nicaraguan intelligence official. (sent) 480 14. leonid rassadin report from beirut with camera providing shots of damaged buildings, cutting to shots of lebanese army patrol, shots of a car wrecked by a bomb, cutting to shots of people reading newspapers in the street and shots of 1. rassadin commenting on the situation. 504 15. tass report on hernuBs visit to chad. (audio only) 514 16. rpt item 16 271700 gmt cast -- tass report citing washington post on reagan indicating that he approves the creation of a committee for his reelection. 522 17. feature on unemployment in capitalist countries, with shots of unemployed people in the united states, britain, franca, the frg, cutting to shots of protest demonstrations by workers of the metallurgical and other industries in various countries. 555 18. sport 595 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 fox/,fir 29/1747z aug BT *1709 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 ZC ZCDP0541 DAN: 043-036624 INPUT CDSN: DKIO36 TOR: 29033OZ AUG 83 ROUTING= DPO WIRE SVC- **UNASSIGNED** COMMDIS-**UNASSIONED** PTTUZYUW RUHJFBA1904 2410302-U(1U--RUTLAAB. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 290233Z AUG 83 FM FBIS OKINAWA.JA TO RUTLAAB /FB IS . WA?H If$GTQN DC RUDOtIKA/FBIS LONDON ,UK., ACCT FBOW-EWDK BT UNCLAS /LD BBC TAB Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 program summary: moscow domestic television russian 281700 moscow domestic. television service in russian 1700 got 28 aus 83 (evening vremyai 90-es second program] 3872 mhz) (reception: good) (read by: Salina ximenkovai yevgeniy kocherginf 1. report . on . soviet pybl:ic ,commint on, andr.op-ov's pravda interview and soviet,peace,init-iatives followed talk by sergey yegorov,ich_yatskay, electric locomotive driver of moskva-3 depot on the importance of new.sevistinitiatives, soviet peace policy. (2._3 mina 2. tass report, on,wp-c, botson :globe, uk times, ddp ay#ncy , is . bonne portuguese?pr_ise,,ministrr,; ne.tharlands ..for.eign.,ministeri renmin ribao, tokyo_shi.b.,un.,commment on'-andropov pravda interview and soviet peace .initio-tiws. (2.-,3- m -n) 3. tomes kol.snich*nko video.tolk on wrld comment on soveit peace initiative which rebuffs,c,laims that ussr wants to relocate and not liquidate ss-20;missilesf,cites new York times, comments on g.neva.. talks postrue of_; th.e u.: s. ussr. (3 min) 4. valov video r;epor.t from,, the construction of the nikulinskaya coal mine in tula ob,lasta, shots of :;the construction site of the mine which is to, have output of, .ore:,than 2 million) metr.ic tons annuallyi shots of auxilliary buildigns, underground mining work, k-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ - - Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 interview with brigade leader kuzmichev on experience in mining. housing construction, (2 min) 5. tolstukhin video,,report.from sayano-shushenskoye,ges where the rotor for the.,ninth.pater unit,, has arrived; shots of the dam and .constru, t,kon..:w rk', (1 min) 6. kodkin video. r.op.ort --on the new radio telescope being used by the s.iberlsn branch; of -.-the .vs-sr acad:opy of sciences to study the sun; .shots-of -an array of 256.,panabo.lic antennas, computer center and video and,graphic,displays.used by,astrophysicists# interview with g.ya. smolkov..deputy director of the "sibizmir" instittue on solar rosearch; -(1.5 min) 7. khataysvich video ra.prot from znaaya kplkhoz,in belgorodskiy rayon, o.f ..balporod oblast which has fulfilled grain delivery plan*and,ful.filling,meatand dairy product output plans; shots of farmstead, kolkhoz.chairman svintsova..harvestings land cultivation..operatipns. (2 5 "wig) 6. yuriy letunov. c..owmpatery on the main tasks of livestock breeders; notes _increases-in livestock numbers and output of food products;_notes_shortco-sings in livestock breeding in.a number of regions, particularly, in coarse and succulent fodder production; outlines reasons for,. poor plan fulfillment in fodder, production, calls. for time-l;y,;.foddsr harvesting,., (4 min) 9. tass report an 29 aag opening of conference on,palestine in geneva# on soviet greeting to the conference, which highlights plo role in palestine libarat~ion movement. (1.5 min) 10. Lass report on forthcoising ;graomyko visit. to france St. beginning of septembar. (undmin)' It. report over. video on 'march on Washington'; shots of Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 marchers carrykng banners, corett? Scott king addressing. meeting, shots of crowds.around the lincoln memorial. (2. s..mip) 12. biryukov.-video ;rap,rot from- india on the disarmament week held therea shots of street scenes, interview with (d. yadav)# member of parliament, on..sovist in itiativos outlined by andropov, on preventing arms, in,:spa:ce. (1.5..min) 13. tass report on .,joru.ze;iski roc.eiving; chairman of ussrrpolish friendship society pilot-cosmonaut.beregovoy. fund min) 14. tass report on,angolpn president's claims that south africa is p lann,ing ._to sioze south Hof ."gala and turn it over to rebel group. (1,min) 15. v. kondra,tywe,.coomeltorj ;;ovvsr ; f-i le}; fi-.lms on nawjbta, , its history and south , africanv contr,el and e pploi,tationf shots of people, workers., ata.manual?labar. ?troopsa nd armored vehicles. rich life of whites.;. poor; life of blacksi shots of troops training, swpogurrillas,. (?l ;) 16. toss rop~rt,.Fon co t;i~,v;it~g .civil ~d~is urb 4os ;.inRp k~isaan~ clashes with authorit,Les continuing in many cities. (und min) 17. i lyashenko video :report .,from , britain on the loch.ness monsters shotsr of_ the, lake..: tourists, monster museum, scientists looking for "nessy. " (i. s;mi:n) 18. sports 19. sunday -reportage: bob;in.v.ideo. report.;, on ; circus Performance in moscow, interview with circ-us,producer nikulin. (2 min) 20. weather. 281700 ;r j/gpl;l;io ti 2910316z aug n "'4 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 ZC ZC DP0262 DAN: 043-053010 INPUT CDSN: CRT351 TOR: 291907Z AUG 83 ROUTING- DPO WIRE SVC- **UNASSIGNED** COMMDIS-**UNASSIGNED** BFN: LD291817 TOT: 291910Z AUG 83 PATUZYUW RUDOMKA1722 2411820-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 291817Z AUG 83 FM FBIS LONDON UK TO RUTLAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUHJFBA/FBIS OKINAWA JA ACCT FBLD-EWDK UNCLAS /BBC TAB ONLY AG (2), MOD (2), CHIEF SUB/DRD Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 program summary: moscow domestic television 281300 1d291817 moscow domestic television service in russian 1300 gmt 28 aug 83 ((evening vremya, 53-e: second program, double-iiis 3875 mhz)) (reception fair) (read by zimenkova and kochergin) 038 1. rpt item 1 281700 gmt cast -- report on soviet public comment on andropov's pravda interview 093 2. rpt item 2 281700 gmt cast -- tass report on wpc, boston globe, philadelphia inquirer, times, beijing's people's daily comments. 136 3. rpt item 4 281700 gmt cast -- valov video report on the constructionof nikulinskaya coal mine in tula oblast. 185 4. rpt item 5 281700 gmt cast -- tolstukhin video report from the sayanoshushenskaya gee project. 203 5 rpt item 6 281700 gmt cast -- kodkin video report on the new radio telescope being used by the siberian branch of the user academy of science to study the sun. 231 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 6 rpt item 7 281700 gmt cast -- khatayevich video report on znamya kolkhoz in belgorodskiy rayon in belgorod oblast (filed as 1d290753) 275 7.yazmamedov video report on harvesting at a vine growing sovkhoz in turkmenistan showing workers harvesting grapes 293 8. a. ilchenko video report on fodder crop harvesting at sverdlov kolkhoz in volyn oblast with shots of large capacity trucks being used to transport fodder crops to the storage place, cutting to shots of deputy chairman of lokachinskiy rayon agro-industrial association being interviewed. 335 9. rpt item 8 281700 gmt cast -- letunov commentary on the 10. rpt item 10 281700 gmt cast -- tass report on forthcoming gromyko visit to francem (see ld280941) 402 11. rpt item 9 281700 gmt cast -- tass report on greetings to the conference on palestine opening in geneva on 29 august. (see 1d281042) 418 12. rpt item 13 281700 gmt cast -- tass report on jaruzelski meeting with beregovoy. (see 1d272049) 425 13. rpt item 12 281700 gmt cast -- biryukov video report from Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 india on disarmament week being held there. 451 14. tass report on people of san francisoc and nearby cities taking part in a demonstration of protest against the domestic and militaristic policy of the reagan administration. (audio only) 15. rpt item 14 281700 gmt cast -- tass report on angolan president's claims that south africa is planning to seize south angola and turn it over to rebel group. 470 16. a. alekseyev video report on the construction of a heat and power station dozens of kms from hanoi with shots of the construction project, shots of soviet specialists at the project, and shots of chief of the construction project being interviewed. 17. sport. 544 18. rpt item 17 281700 gmt cast -- ilyashenko video report from britain on the loch ness monster. 562 19. weather 600 ik/santiago/tt 29/1850z aug BT 41722 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 ,ou I ~7 ZCZCDP0541 DAN: 043-036624 INPUT CDSN: DKI036 TOR: 29033OZ AUG 83 ROUTING= DP? WIRE SVC= **UNASSIGNED** COMMDIS=**UNASSIGNED** BFN: OW290233 TOT: 290331Z AUG 83 PTTUZYUW RUHJFBA1804 2410302-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 290233Z AUG 83 FM FBIS OKINAWA JA TO RUTLAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUDOMKA/FBIS LONDON UK ACCT FBOW-EWDK UNCLAS /LD BBC TAB 111 ONLY AG(2). MOD(2) ud ti Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 ou 0 Igo 1 01 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 H jII I PO sou program summary: moscow domestic television russian 281700 moscow domestic television service in russian 1700 gmt 28 aug 83 (evening vremya; 90-e; second program: 3872 mhz) (reception: good) (read by: galina zimenkova; yevgeniy kochergin) 1. report on soviet public comment on andropov's pravda interview and soviet peace initiatives followed by video talk by sergey yegorovich yatskoy, electric locomotive driver of moskva-3 depot on the importance of new soviet initiatives, soviet peace policy. (2.5 min) 2. tass report on wpc, botson globe, uk times, ddp agency in born, portug,uese prime minister, netherlands foreign minister; renmin ribao, tokyo shimbun comment on andropov pravda interview and soviet peace initiatives. (2.5 min) 3. Lomas kolesnichenko video talk on wrld comment on soveit peace initiative which rebuffs claims that ussr wants to relocate and not liquidate ss-20 missiles; cites new york times, comments on geneva talks postrue of the u.s. ussr. (3 min) 4. valov video report from the construction of the nikulinskaya coal mine in tula oblast; shots of the construction site of the mine which is to have output of more than 2 million metric tons annually; shots of auxilliary buildigns, underground mining work, I Ulu Oil Vti -------------- Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 --------------- z Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 U ci ua 10 t I1 19 1 interview with brigade leader kuzmichev on experience in mining, housing construction. (2 min) 5. tolstukhin video report from sayano-shushenskoye gee where the rotor for the ninth power unit has arrived; shots of the dam and construction work (1 min) 6. kodkin video report on the new radio telescope being used by the siberian branch of the user academy of sciences to study the sun; shots of an array of 256 parabolic antennas, computer center and video and graphic displays used by astrophysicists, interview with g.ya. smolkov, deputy director of the "sibizmir" instittue on solar research. (1.5 min) 7. khatayevich video reprot from znamya kolkhoz in belgorodskiy rayon of belgorod oblast which has fulfilled grain delivery plan and fulfilling meatand dairy product output plans; shots of farmstead, kolkhoz chairman svintsova, harvesting, land cultivation operations. (2.5 min) 8. yuriy letunov commentary on the main tasks of livestock breeders; notes increases in livestock numbers and output of food products; notes shortcomings in livestock breeding in a number of regions, particularly in coarse and succulent fodder production; outlines reasons for poor plan fulfillment in fodder production, calls for timely fodder harvesting work. (4 min) 9. tass report on 29 aug opening of conference on palestine in geneva, on soviet greeting to the conference which highlights pia role in palestine liberation movement. (1.5 min) 10. tass report on forthcoming gromyko visit to franca at beginning of september. (und min) 11. report over video on 'march on washington'; shots of a u9 I H1 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222 R001000860075-7 !I I ar, 54 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 marchers carrykng banners, coretta scott king addressing meeting, shots of crowds around the lincoln memorial. (2.5 min) 12. biryukov video reprot from India on the disarmament week held there; shots of street scenes, interview with (d. yadav), member of parliament, on soviet initiatives outlined by andropov, on preventing arms in space. (1.5 min) 13. tass report on jaruzelski receiving chairman of user-polish friendship society pilot-cosmonaut beregovoy. (und min) 14. tass report on angolan president's claims that south africa is planning to sieze south of angola and turn it over to rebel group. (1 min) 15. v. kondratyve commentary over file films on namibia, its history and south african control and exploitations shots of people, workers at manual labor, troopsa nd armored vehicles, rich life of whites, poor life of blacks; shots of troops training, swapo guerrillas. (2 min) 16. tass report on continuing civil disturbances in pakistan; clashes with authorities continuing in many cities. (und min) 17. ilyashenko video report from britain on the loch ness monster; shots of the lake, tourists, monster museum, scientists looking for "nessy. " Cl. 5 min) 18. sports 19. sunday reportage: bobin video report on circus performance in moscow, interview with circus producer nikulin. (2 min) 20. weather. 281700 rj/gallio ti 29/0316z aug I tI Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 ZCZCDPO117 DAN : 043-050407 INPUT CDSN: CRT328 TOR: 291656Z AUG 83 ROUTING- DPO WIRE SVC- **UNASSIGNED** COMMDISs**UNASSIQNED** PATUZYUW RUDOMKA1701 2411622-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 291621Z AUG 83 FM FBIS LONDON UK TO RUTLAAB/FBI8 WASHINGTON DC RUHJFBA/FBIS OKINAWA JA ACCT FBLD-EWDK ONLY AQ(2), MOD(2), CHIEF SUB/DRD program summary: moscow domestic television 291300 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 1d291621 moscow domestic television service in russian 1300 gmt 29 aug 83 ((evening vremyas 53e; second program, double-iii, 3875 mhz) (reception fair) (read by shebeko and arbein) 013 1 report on grain delivery campaign in progress in kazakhstan. (audio only) 020 2 glukhovtsev video report on harvesting at tenizovskiy sovkhoz in borovskoy rayon with shots of combine harvesters in action in the fields and shots of pavlin, chairman of the borovskoy rayon selkhoztekhnika union being interviewed. 090 3 golubev video report on the gomelselmash plant in gomel showing fodder crop mowers in action in the field, intercutting to shots of plant director afanasyv being interviewed about the production of new type fodder crop mowers and shots of machinery and workers in action at theplant. 150 4 vandeflit video report on a kolkhoz in estonia with shots of kolkhoz buildings and shots of various equipment at the kolkhoz and shots of an official of the estonian power supply inspectorate Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 being interviewed. 191 5 solovyeva video report on the development at the moscow wood technology institute of special coating for vegetables and fruit to extend their shelf life, with camera providing shots of coated and uncoated vegetables and fruit after a period of time and shots of official being interviewed at the institute. 6 krotov video report on the. mospromelektrokonstruktsiya association in moscow, with shots of aproduction building, shots of workers of a brigade building electric switches, cutting to shots of brigade leader being interviewed. 289 7 kaliningrad correspondent chekalin video report on the kaliningrad garment producing association with shots of shirts being produced at the enterprise and shots of workers at their posts and being interviewed. 329 8 report on the conference of secretaries and heads of party work organizing departments in union republics' central party committees, kraykoms and obkoms held in the cpsu central committee premises, and on gorbachev opening the conference and ligachev reading a report and kapitonov addressing the conference. (audio only) (cov) 9 tass report on foreign press and other comments on andropov's pravda interview and quoting delhi's national herald and london Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 guardian's comments, cutting to shots of hoerst schmidt, chairman of the sod party of west berlin commenting on andropov's interview. 403 10 tass report from managua on nicaragua security organs uncovering another plot by counterrevolutionaries and on d. ortega's statement. (audio only) 11 tass report on stone beginning his central american tour. (audio only) (cov) 423 12 correspondent goranskiy rpeorting on mexican reaction to u.s. military presence in the region, with camera inteructting to shots of people in the street and shots of cartoon showing reagan wearing a sheepskin and shots of photograph of reagan in la paz, cutting to shots of a man being interviewed in the street. 447 13 tass report from Washington on u.s. congressman (mchugh)'s article in Washington post about slavadorean authorities' failures despite u. s. aid and on opposition to u. s. policy within the united states. (audio only) 454 14 Lass report on lesotho statement about south african and some other western powers planning the assassination of the country's leader. (audio only) 460 15 pidchenko video report on the soviet-cypriot youth festival Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 in petrozavodsk with shots of people at the friendship festival and shots of general.secrctary of the united democratic youth organization of cyprus being interviewed. 4a3. 16 shakhova video report on moscow's mossovet,theater with shots of theater group meeting on the occasion of new season and actors and workers being interviewed. 526 17 turabekov video report on the dagestan literature and art festival in the karakalpak republic and shots of people and paining and book displays at the festival. 546 18 sport. 574 19 weather. 593 fox/pg 29/1632z aug BT 41701 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 ZCZCDPO428 DAN: 043-055356 (INPUT CDSN: ANISO3 TOR: 292155Z AUG 83 ROUTING- DPO WIRE SVC- **UNASSIGNED** COMMDIS-**UNASSIGNED** PTTUZYUW RUDOMKA1754 2412125-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 292055Z AUG 83 FM FBIS LONDON UK TO RUTLAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUHJFBA/FBIS OKINAWA JA ACCT FBLD-EWDK program summary: moscow domestic television 291700 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Id292O55 moscow domestic television service in russian 1700 got 29 aug 83 (evening vremya. 14 ws first program. 3675 mhz) (reception fair) (read by shebeko and arbenin) 013 1. rpt item 1 1300 got cast -- report on grain delivery campaign 2. rpt item 2 1300 got cast -- glukhovtsev video report on harvesting at tenizovskiy sovkhoz in borovskoy rayon. 089 3. rpt item 3 1300 got cast -- golubev video report on the gomelselmash plant in gomel. 146 4. rpt item 8 1300 gmt cast -- report on the conference of secretaries and heads of party work departments of union republics' central party committees, kraykoms and oblast held in the cpsu central committee premises. 194 5. rpt item 7 1300 got cast -- kaliningrad correspondent chekalin video report on the kaliningrad garment producing association. 239 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 6. report on the moscow party aktiv meeting discussing the question of improving the technological level and the quality of goods manufactured by moscow city enterprises# and report on grishin speaking at the meeting. (see 1d292005) (audio only) 255 7. video report on the opening of the world trade union conference in moscow with shots of delegates at the conference, cutting to shots of general secretary of the australian miners trade union speaking about andropov's pravda interviews followed by shots of general secretary of the national miners trade union of scotland speaking on the same subject. (see ld292052) 288 8. rpt item 9 1300 gmt cast -- tass report on foreign comments on andropov's pravda interview and quoting honecker, hungarian newspaper nepzapabsag, rude pravo, tribune, frg foreign minister gensher, former austrian chancellor kreisky, india's national herald, london guardian. 332 9. tass report on the research service of the u.s. congress issuing a special report concerning british and french nuclear arms. (audio only) 353 10. rep item 9 1300 gmt cast -- video report on hoerst schmidt, chairman of the sod of west berlin, commenting on andropov's pravda interview. 377 It. video report on jaruzelski speaking at officers graduation Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 ceremony in (wroclaw) with shots of jaruzleski speaking at the ceremony. cutting to shots of announcer reading summary of jaruzelski's speech. 406 12. video report on young workers' meeting in debrecen, hungary with shots of participants and speakers at the meeting. 414 13. video report an the opening of international conference on palestine in geneva, with shots of delegates at the conference and shots of de cuellar opening the conference. 426 14. video report on political observer i. fesunenko commenting on u.s. marines taking direct military action in lebanon in the area of beirut airport. (proc) 464 15. rpt item 11 1300 gmt cast -- tass report on stone beginning his central american tour. 474 16. video report on march by opponents of the military regime in pakistan with closeup shots of protesters and shots of army personnel firing from a concealed position. 482 17. rpt item 16 281300 gmt cast -- s. alekseyev video report on the construction of a heat and power station many kilometers from hanoi. 506 18. rpt item 14 1300 gmt cast -- pidchenko video report on the soviet-Cypriot youth friendship festival in petrozavodsk. 528 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7 19. rpt item 15 1300 gmt cast -- shakhova video report on moscow's mossovet theater group meeting on the opening of a new season. 564 20. sport. 614 21. weather. 630 id/fox/ml 29/2143z aug ST #1754 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000860075-7