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Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 ZCLG-46 DAN 54--072740 INPUT ?CDSN: AN1617 BFN: LD031752 TOR i31826Z OCT 83 TOT: 031826Z OCT 83 ROU i?' I NG= DF'0 WIRE tW,VC= **UNASSIGNED** C OMIID I.S-**UNASS IGNED** PTTt.Z'rUW RUDOMKA0056 2761754-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR UUUtJU ZYN ZPO P 0:.'17,52Z OCT 83 FM IF L?E,I S LONDON UK TO Ri1'LAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUDO;'it B.'FBIS LONDON UK//BBC// RUH..iF'8A/FBIS OKINAWA JA ACCT FBLD---EWDK Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 prom,, summary: moscow domestic television 011400 i dO317 2 mosc::;,1 d4~mestic television service in russian 1400 gmt 1 oct 83 ;avE?ning vremya, 53 e, second program, double-iii. 3875 mhz) ) (,reception good) ?v,ad by zimenkova and suslov) 013 art item 1 011800 gmt cast -- report over video on antiwar rpt item 2 011800 gmt cast -- tass report on world response to a., +opov`a statement citing commentary from cssr, srvo polands mun ':::49 i a, cuba, Switzerland, venezuela, Syria. (audio only) 367 rpt item 3 011800 gmt cast -- potapov video report on planned peai:.e m.rch in paris citing french people's response to andropov's statA,rnent. 416 taws report on the general political discussion continuing at urn session and on jablonski's statement concerning deployment of ~a~ies in europe being a threat to world civilisation. (aud a. ofl1y) 428 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 tags report from new york on indira gandhi and the main iss !discussed at the unofficial meetings of heads of states and governments held at the un headquarters. (audio only) 435 ",as report on education workers trade union in the u.s. SL1;;;.:.; Irg mondale''s nomination as presidential candidate. (aud:. ~ only) 435 6 tass report on education workers trade union in the U.S. sups,,:.acting mondale's nomination as presidential candidate. (audio on l 4 . '?40 v. glazunov video report from the frg on protest march against parts of the country taking part in the march and attending meet i.nng in boon 478 tags report on the white house talks between reagan and egyp? mubarak, (cov) (audio only) 482 tass report from beirut on reconnaissance of the lebanese theiater of operations on pentagon's orders, and on u. s. ships r_~on, o,: t:ir1g naval maneuvers off sidon. proc (audio only) 493 rpt item 6 011800 gmt cast -- tass report on the conclusion of i venth afro-asian writers conference in tashkent and ?,yo+:,;~,3 conference's appeal. (audio only) 513 bestuzheva video report on work in moscow connected with the Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 b~ri?.sink of a war memorial and patriotic war museum with shots of area -.where the memorial complex will be constructed, cutting to shots of scale model of the complex and shots of yu. 1. chernov, rsfar people's artist speaking about the complex, intercutting to 5ho+: of drawings and scale models of monuments to be erected at the -: mplex. 556 sport. 594 13 weather, 609 pushkina video feature on tverdskiy avenue in october with 5ho?:~ of squares and historic buildings and memorials. 637 ik/grade/pg 03/1803z oct 13r #005 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 {~ Z (34- Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 DAN 054-075762 INPUT CDSN: AN1666 TOR 032147Z OCT 83 ROUT i?G- DPQ WIRE VC= **UNASSIGNED** COMMD I S=**UNASS I GNED** PT'T'.:Z UW RUDOMKAOO97 2762106-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR s)UUUU ZYN ZPO P 032101Z OCT 83 FM FE '.S LONDON UK TO F TL.AAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUH.)EE.A/ F1 I S OK INAWA JA RUD1:'M'B/FL'I S LONDON UK//BBC// ACCT --BLD,-EWDK Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 pro;.jram summary: moscow domestic television 021400 d0+'x2101 xzas:.~:~ domestic television service in russian 1400 gmt 2 oct 83 . ; vening vremya, 53 e, second program, 3875 mh z) ) 3d by likhitchenko and arbenin) 030 as report on foreign comments on andropov's statement and neues deutschland, daily world, finnish press, humanite, audio only) 083 followed by shots of general secretary of t - pr?n ressive socialist party of lebanon (fuad salman) g on andropov's statement 112 glu,hovtsev video report on corn harvesting at lenin in enbekshi-kazakhskiy rayon in alma-ata Oblast with ahot, machines and trucks in action in corn fields at the kolkhoz, by interview with kolkhoz chairman s. k. burdin. 162 eo report on potato harvesting in bryansk oblast with 3l;o`.a :,r potato harvesting in progress and shots of fields being plow:' after harvesting. 175 camera shows political observer l.a. voznesenskiy speaking abosm.-_ r:1i,a problem of storage of fruit and vegetables (filed as (t'.'27) (audio only) 263 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 turintsev video report on tyumen oil workers with shots of yea ing oil worker pyatkov being interviewed. 285 N:.. 1. elfin video report on the use of large panel in housing con- :ruction in moscow city with shots of a residential area, Shot: of a multi-story apartment building, shots of interior of a ' lat, cutting to shots of a. g. rochegov, chairman of the board of the rsfsr union of architects being interviewed 325 video report on radio factory in berdsk in novosibirsk obl t with shots of various radios and audio equipment, shots of word er=., building and testing equipment. 338 video report on the prefabricated house building combine in ,a.~,.iayevk.a in penza oblast with shots of facilities for the prod>.-:+.icn of panels for the construction of cottage houses in rur,, area cutting to shots of erected houses 347 video report on exhibition of garments, shots of various goods including a refrigerator with a separate fre t produced at enterprises in Smolensk oblast, and displayed at =4-,'. exhibition. 357 TI. shakhova video feature on teacher ilyin working at a mikt,;,4oovrk.a village school and showing teacher with his pupils and tots of teacher ilyin being interviewed. 394 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 report on andropov receiving message from participants 1d0'212,39) (audio only) 411 ~.. tass report on the meeting of representatives of the euro ?an community in brussels convened on the initiative of the inte.rational committee security and cooperation in europe (audio onl 426 ,'? tass report on vogel attacking the policy of the frg gcv ,rnment concerning the limitation of nuclear arms in europe during interview with the newspaper (sontag express) (audio onlq 438 4 tass report on the leadership of the largest american trar.i union association deciding to support mondale's nomination. (auo . only ) 445 tass report on report from chad on habre troops beginning to north from the capital, and about habre in paris urging fray::: or greater intervention in chad. (audio only) 453 alekseyev video report on cultural life in hanoi witn shots of people at city's cinemas, art exhibitions, attending a t"aztiter show 478 video report on charge d'affaires of the people's rev;.f:.~tionary republic of guinea addressing the tv audience Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 on occasion of the anniversary of the republic. (filed as is bestuzheva video report on the reopening of kuskogo musty,,,; aFter restoration with shots of restored buildings in the par',, 557 1T sport 599 weather 615 ik/s.sntiago/rh 03/2130z oct 8T #009 "'' tt .~I +r't r\tNNN Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 ZCZC:D 0807 DAN: 054-063737 INPUT CDSN: DKI980 BFN: OW030945 TOR 031132Z OCT 83 TOT: 031133Z OCT 83 ROUTING= DPG WIRE SVC= **UNASSIGNED** COMt1D I S=**UNASSI GNED** PTTUZVUW RUHJFBAO169 2761049-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR UlJUJU ZYN ZPO P 030945Z OCT 83 FM FBIS OKINAWA JA TO R.UTLAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUD0MKB/FBIS LONDON UK//BBC// RUDOMKD/FBIS LONDON UK//TAPE// ACCT F BOW-EWDK UNCLAS /LD BBC TAB ATTN BBC SAMY ONLY AQ('2): MOD(2) Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 program summary: moscow domestic television russian 021800 OW0301 45 ~ooscow. domestic television service in russian 1800 gmt 2 oct 83 ening vremya; 90-e; second program; 3872 mhz) (reception. good) (read by aza likmicmicmenko and yevgent arbeni.n's tass report on foreign comment on andropov's statement; cites neues deutschland, daily world. (1.5 min) '.. Lass report on foreign reaction to mass peace dem.:)nstration held in moscow; cites coverage on french tele,,i.sion, (und min) druzhinin video report from washington on impression made by +r~~Jroopov`s statement at the height of anti-soviet hysteria generated by the reagan administration; shots of washington streeets, newspaper headlines, people reading papers; druzhinin cite--z u.s. magazines criticizing the white house. (2.5 min) 4. chirkov video report on work of livestock breeders at kemeer-,~vo oblast sovkhoz; shots of livestock, breeders, fodder harvesting; milk maids; interview with chief zootechnician. l1. 'i ,-nin) 5 report over video on potato harvesting in bryansk oblast despite inclement weather; shots of potato picking, loading Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 operations. (und min) . 1ev voznesenskiy video talk on the state of the ussr fruit and vegetabel industry; cites improvement of fruit and vege#.sb1e supply in a number of cities through better organization; notes that storage of produce is still the central prob; urges more work by fruit and vegetabel industry ministry workers. (4.5 min) 7, report over video on goods produced by the berdsk radio pl.artt in novosibirsk Oblast; shots of plant, tape recorders, turntables. (1 min) 6 report over video new facilities at the chaadayevka housing construction combine in penza oblast for producing ttages; shots of combine, housing. (und min) report over idea on Smolensk oblast enterprises that pro?i., a mass quantities of consumer goods; shots of linen, fooi,~sar, kitchen ware, refrigerators. (und min) IC,. shakhova video reprot on teacher's day featuring a rural middlw school teacher; shots of school, children; interview with teacher on his concerns. (2. 5 min) 11 report on greeting to andropov from participants of the 7th Cc:nference of asian and african writers association held in task k jnt; notes approval of andropov's statement. (1 min) 1 ' w shishkovskiy video report on end of international anti.-,.sr meeting of public organizations held in geneva; int_Ir.iew with conference chairman macbride; shots of conference. (1 ri,n) report over video on antiwar demonstration in sasebo por4,:2 japan, in conection with the arrival of u. s. aircraft Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 car; ;,_c; shots of aircraft carrier, demonstration. (und min) 14. glazunov video report on demonstration in bonn over unenepcyment in the steel and shipbuilding industries; shots of dem}:;nn tration; interview with participants. (2.5 min) 15. report over video on workers' demonstration in brazil protesting unemployment; shots of sao paolo demonstrators. (unit Amin) 1_ tass report on leaders of largest u.s. trade union deciding to support mondale as democratic presidential candidate for 1"84 elections. (und min) kozlenko video report on havana port in cuba; shots of port, vessels, dock workers. (und min) IS" ulyanov video report on this year's rich apple harvost in poland; shots of apple picking and loading onto railcars. (und min) melnichenko video report on new life-saving vessel buitt., in the gdr; shots of unsinkable craft made from polyrr,er. (1 min) video talk by guinea charge d'affairs ad interim to the uss? on the occasion of the people's revolutionary republic of guinEa national day; notes country's achievements and good relations with the sovaiet union. (3 min) bestuzheva video report on the reopening of the N:usi+ :to estate museum in moscow oblast after restoration shots of landmark on the estate. (2 min) sports plotskiy video report on the komandorskiy islands off kam -atka; shots of meterologists, vessels unloading Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 weather 021800? ak/gallio tk 03/1108z oct BT #01.,17 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222 R001000870030-5 DAN O54-4754517 INP~:2` CDSN: AN1663 BFN: LD032041 TOR 03211OZ OCT 83 TOT: 03211OZ OCT 83 ROUTING= DPG WIRE ?VC= **UNASSIGNED** COMM01S=**UNASSIGNED** PTTi-.)Z'`UW RUDOtzKA0092 2762048-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR !JUUt.1L+ Z'E'N ZPO P 0' -.641Z OCT 83 FM FE t S LONDON UK TO RUJI?LAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUH,JF OA/FBIS OKINAWA JA RUDo,'t+.C3y'FGIS LONDON UK//BBC// ACC I~'L._D-EWDI' B1 UNCLAS /BBC TAB Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 pro az summary: moscow domestic television 031800 LDO.._ ut41 domestic television service in russian 1800 gmt 3 oct 83 -vening vremya, 14w, first program, 3675 mhz) ) reception fair) -raad by shebeko and kochergin). 007 rpt item 1 1400 gmt cast -- report on andropov's statement being circulated as official document at the un general assembly and the security council (see ld031644), followed by greek, italian and radian press comments on andropov's statement and nyt article on anti-soviet campaign being conducted by the u. s. (audio only) rpt item 2 1400 gmt cast -- glazunov video report from the frg on reaction to andropov's statement in the frg. 145 video report on interview with general secretary of the intr.>, national democratic women's federation (tuominen) with shots of the wsman speaking during the interview. 174 rpt item 3 1400 gmt cast -- sinitsyn video report on podolsk city i.n moscow region with interview with podolsk gorkom secretary Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 rpt item 4 1400 gmt cast -- tereshchenko video report on gork i,q coal mine 267 opt item 5 1400 gmt cast -- maksimov on the 60th anniversary of ?: c ":obey chemical plant in rossosh in voronezh oblast. 282 rpt item 6 1400 gmt cast -- kasyanova video feature on dairy mail at krasnyy oktyabr kolkhoz in latvia 322 saratov correspondent ryazanov video report on the balashov 50tr: :anniversary of the ussr textile combine with shots of machinery, sho(:~ of Fabrics, fabric designers and shots of combine's deputy chi.f engineer brailko speaking about the combine's problems. (rpt) 361 ,7 report on kim it sung's message to andropov thanking for y?+etings sent for the 35th anniversary of the kroean people's republic (audio only) (see 1d031642) 36 tass report on routine session of the committee of foreign mini-:tees of Warsaw pact countries to be held in sofia in mid octoober (see ld032017) (audio only) 372 tars report on the ussr supreme soviet presidium handing to For-Mn affairs commissins of the soviet of the union and the soviet of -aifionalities the protocol on the extension of the soviet-finnish Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 tree::; of 6 april 1948 (audio only) 381 taass report on the arrival in geneva of the soviet delegation for ;.e soviet-American talks on limiting and reducing strategic arm :z,d on statement by soviet delegation leader karpov on arrival (au?~,, only (see 1d031440) 407 rpt item 11 1400 gmt cast lobachenko video report on cars public opposition to reagan administration's attempts to inv~-:Ive canada in its military preparations. 400 1 11 I Y tass rpeort on washington post article by specialist in ;trategirc affairs and director of the council on international refuting reagan allegation of u.s. lag behind the ussr. (audi only) 466 rpt item 12 1400 gmt cast -- video report on anti-nuclear dem,:r:.tration in Sasebo port. 474 rpt item 13 1400 gmt cast -- popov video report on situation in lenanon and military operations in suq al-gharb. 500 17 rpt item 14 1400 gmt cast tass report on d. ortega statement abot.O the V.B. trying to prevent discussion of the crisis situation in ritral america. (audio only) 511 3.6 rpt item 15 1400 gmt cast -- tass report on fierce clashes in --ii.nd province (audio only) 516 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 -video report on the vauxhall strike showing workers voting for t:ie strike. 522 ~havin video report soviet soldiers rebuilding mountain road .;n (karakamar) region, afghanistan. (proc) 542 ?i, sport 590 ik/:-sntiago/pg 03/2102z oct BT 10092 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 7CZCr G387 DAN: CC54'-075060 INP1.'"' CD' N: AN1653 M TOR DC 23 r "'T,. '`' vUW RUDOMKA0081 2761455-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNP E. t i.aU ZYN ZPO P O :. ,. 42 --',CT 63 FM h ' : t S LONDON UK TO PU'TL_AAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUHj EA/F'BIS OKINAWA JA RUDOiEFtiB/FBIS, LONDON UK//BBC// ACCT 1'--BLD-EWDK Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 progriun summary: moscow domestic television 031400 1 d02110 42 moscco dome;tic television service in russian 1400 gmt 3 oct 33 evening vremya, 53 e, second program, double-iii, 3875 i~ception good) ad by shebeko and kochergin) 005 i. Lass report on Yugoslav, austrian, greek, italian, indian pres and new york times comments on andropov's statement (audi only) 067 glazunov video report from the frg showing glazunov ..aye-.;; that andropov's statement has produced a great impression on iry;a public in the frg with video cutting to shots of people atteriing anti-pe'r?shing and cruise missile meeting cutting to shots of id;;.ker (schnabel) being interviewed about opposition to mis tie deployment. 096 .ifnitsyn video report on podolsk city in the moscow region of chit, first secretary of the gorkom being interviewed xrat - ._ ttiny to shots of lenin museum, shots Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870030-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870030-5 .)f? ;, .vlov, secretary of the party committee at the kalinin factory in hasd:i:i;k. being interviewed cutting back to shots of chizh speaking abci., communists supporting andropov`s statement at party meet .ngs. 175 Ji tereshchenko video report on gorkiy coal mine of the ion-