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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 23, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870055-8 ZCZCDPQiUJ DAN: 061-031312 INPUT CDSN: DK1607 TOR: 230333Z OCT 83 ROUTING= DPQ WIRE SVC= **UNASSIGNED** C OMMD I S =**UNASS I GNED** PTTUZYUW RUHJFBA1456 2960258-UUUU--RUTLAAB. ZNR UUUUU ZYN ZPO P 230254Z OCT 83 FM F1318 OK I NAWA JA TO RUTLAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUDOMKB/FBIS LONDON UK//BBC// RUDOt'KD/FBIS LONDON UK//TAPE// ACCT FBOW-EWD k UNCLAS /LD BBC TAB AT FN BBC SAME' ONLY AG(2), MOD(2) 4', Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870055-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870055-8 program summary: moscow television russian 221800 OW23O254 moscow television service in russian 1800 gmt 22 oct 83 (evening vremya; 90-e; second program; 3872 mhz) (reception: good) (read by: vera shebeko; yevgeniy suslov) 1. report citing the central statistical administration on the fulfillment of the 9-month plan by soviet industry, some enterprises did not fulfill all plans, soem produced goods with no consumer demand; more details being published in the press. (2. 5 grin) 2 sysoyev video report on the delivery of the 10th and last turbine to the sayany-shushenskoye ges; shots of the turbine wheel produced in leningrad being transported by the motorship voskresensk which picked it up in dudinka; interview with the ship's captain putintsev, shots of barge with turbine being hoisted by vessel lift at the krasnoyarsk ges dam. (2.5 min) 3. zhuk video reprot from the minsk tractor plant on production of belorus tractors; shots of the production line, workers assembling, rolling out tractors, interview with yushkevich, leader of production line brigade, on production of 2 millionth tractor next year. (1.5 min) Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870055-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870055-8 4. central statistical administration report on production of vegetables and melon crops in astrakhan oblast, plans being fulfilled. (und min) 5. central statistical administration report on fulfillment of sugar beet production plan in belgorod oblast. (und min) 6. fedorov video report on corn harvest in kirghiz ssr; shots of harvest operations in uzgenskiy rayon; kherson harvesting equipment, trucks hauling cobs. (1.5 min) 7. tass report over video on docking operation of the "progress-i8" automatic transprot ship with the "salyut-7"-"soyuz t-9" orbiting complex; shots of the transport ship as viewed by the tv cameras on the manned complex, audio of cosmonauts reporting distance and contact with the approaching craft; report on cargo delivered by transport craft. (1.5 min) S. reprot from the long-range space communications center on continuing exploration of versus by "venus 15" and "venus 16" space probes; new surface images, radar studies conducted. (1.5 min) 9, report over ussr tv photo on departure of another convoy of ships from pevek port; icebreaker kapitan dranitsyn leading ships west; photo shows ships in ice field. (und min) 10. elfin video report devoted to 50th anniv of the ilyushin aircraft design bureau; shots of meeting near memorial to ilyushin inaugurated on the occasion, shots of exhibits in museum, including old ilyushin aircraft; interview with designer borog, a colleague of ilyushin's. (3 min) 11. tass report on soviet delegation at the un reiterating concern over arms race in space at session of un first committee on disarmament. (und min) Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870055-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870055-8 12. commentary by apn political observer spartak beglov on the cema countries opposing continuing militarist course of the reagan administration (3 min; 221400) 13.. report over video on mass demonstration in rome against the arms race and u.s. missile deploymmnt; shots of demonstrators arriving in rove in busses, marchers with banners. (und min) 14. report over video on demonstration in london agaisnt u. s. arms policy; shots of crowds along the thames, people with banners at hyde park rally. (und min) 15. report over video on antiwar meeting in front of the un building in new york; shots of people carrying candles, speakers addressing meeting. nighttime parade in new york. (und min) 16. report voer video on mass demonstration agaisnt nato and pentagon missile plans held in vienna; shots of demonstrators, u.s. embassy gate, people carrying banners along vienna street. (und min) 17. glazunov video report from bonn on mass demonstration against u.s. missile deployment; shots of demonstrators with banners, marchers at the bonn university, brandt addressing crowds at the hofgarten, other speakers. (2 min) le. report over video on u.s. naval group movign towards grenada with mission to protect lives of u.s. citizens; shots of marines boarding ship, aircraft carrier underway and planes operating off decks, comment on show of force, u. s. gunboat diplomacy. (1.5 min) 19. chernukha video report from portugal on government effortw to reverse land reforms; shots of family members of young agricultural cooperative worekr killed by gendarmes while opposing confiscation Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870055-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870055-8 of neighbors farm property, comment on the crime, shots of meeting being addressed by communist leader cunhal. (2 min) 20. chernova video report on the 5th "moscow autumn" music festival; shots of theater bill boards, the moscow conservatory hail and organ; interview with shchedrin, ussr people's artist and organ player and composer shots of other performances. (3 min) 21. sports. 22. reprot over video on birth of litter of white tigers at the cincinnati zoo; shots of tiger cubs snarling at photographers. (1 min) 23. weather. 221800 rj/stauber ti 23/0316z oct Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870055-8 ZCZCDPV;~proved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870055-8 DAN: 061-031312 INPUT CDSN: DKI607 BFN: 0W230254 TOR: 230333Z OCT.03 TOT: 2303332 OCT 83 ROUTING= OPQ WIRE.SYC= **UNA8$IQPED** COMMD I8m** MABB I OMD** PTTUZYUW RUIIJFBA1456 ZNR UUUuU ZYN ZPO' P 230254Z OCT $3 FM FNIS OKINAWA JA TO RUTLAAB/FBI$ WIIIIN0'TONI DC RUDOMIKB/FB.I$ Lamm Lqw/DW/ RUDOI"KD/F91S LONbON UK/fTA*E// ACCT FBOW-c" BT UNCLAS /LD BIIC TAB ATTN BBC SAMY ONLY *0(2). MOD(S) Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870055-8 -- -- - Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870055-8 NMI program summary: moscow television.russian 221800 OW230254 moscow television service in russian 1800 pmt 22 oct 83 (evening vremgas 90-01 second program; :3872 mhz) (reception: good). (read by:, vora shebuko, ysvgeniy suslov) 1. report citing the central statistical administration on the fulfil.lmont of the' 1-"nth plan hi. svvi.t industry, some. an enterprises did not fulfill all planst seem produced goods with no consumer demands more details being prblished in the-press. (2..5 min) 2. sysoyev video report on the dolivori of the 10th and last turbine to the sa~any-shvsbensltey? ges,' shots of the turbine whesl.produced in leningrad being transported by the motorship voskr.esensk which picked it.up in dvdinkas interview with the ship's captain iutintsov. shots of *org? with turbine being hoisted by vessel lift at, the krasnogarsk gee dam. (2.5 min) 3. zhuk video reprot from the minsk tractor plant on production of belorus tractors shots of the production line.. workers assembling, rolling out tractors* interview with yushkevich, leader of production line brigade, on production of 2 millionth tractor neat year. (1..' min) Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870055-8 -- -- Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870055-8 4. central statistical administration report on production of vegetables and melon crops in astrakhan.ablast. plans being fulfilled. (und mina 3. central statistical administration report on fulfillment of sugar beet . production plan in belgorod ob?last. (und?sin), 6. fedorov video report on corn harvest in kirghiz ssrs shots of harvest operations in utgenskiy rayons'.kherson harvesting equipment# trucks hauling cobs. (1.5 min) 7. tass report over video oh .docking operation of the "progress-190 automatic transpretship with the "salyut-7"i-"soyuz t-9" orbiting c?emplex, shots of the transport, ship as viewed by the $v cameras on the minced comples? audio of cosmonauts reporting distance and contact with do approaching crafts report on cargo delivered bV transport craft. (1.5 min). S. repoot from the long-rouge space communications center on continuing- exploration of venue?bM "venue 15" and "venud 16" space probes; now surface talcs, radar studies conducted. (1.5 win) 9. report over user tv photo on departure of another convoy of ships from psvok ports icebreaker kapitan dranitsyn loading ships west; photo shows ships in ice field.. (und min) 10. elin video report devoted to 50th anniv of the.ilyushin aircraft design bureaus shots of meeting near m"orial to ily ushin inaugurated on the occasions shots of exhibit* in museum., including old ilyushan aircrafts interview.with designer borog, a colleague of ilyus-hin's: (3 min) 11. tass report on soviet delegation at the un reiterating concern over arms race in space at session of un first committee on disarmament. (und min) Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870055-8 - - - - - -1 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870055-8 12. commentary by apn political observer spartak beglov on the coma countries opposing continuing militarist course of the roagan administration (3 mini 221400) 13. report over video on mass demonstration in rose against the arms race and U.S. missile deployemnti shots of demonstrators arriving in rose in busses, marchers with banners. (und min) 14.' report over video on demonstration in london agaisn.t u. s. Arms policy: )-hots of. crowds along the thames, people With banners at hyde park rally. .tuna min) 15. report over video on antiwar meeting in front'ef the un building in new yerk: shots of people carrying candles, speakers addressing muting. nighttime parade in now York. (und grin) 16. report veer video en moo demonstration agaisst nato and pentagon missile plans hold in vionna: shots of demonstrators, U.S. embassy gate..people tarrying banners along vionna street. (und min) .17. glasunov video report from bonn on mass demonstration against U.S. missile deployment, shots of demonstrators with banners, marchers at the bean university, brandt addressing crowds at the hofgarten, other speakers. (2 min) 18. report over video on u.s. naval group movign towards grenada with mission to protect lives sf u.s. citizens: shots of marines boarding ship, aircraft carrier underway and planes operating off docks, comment. on show of force, u. s. -gunboat diplomacy. (1.5 min) 19. chornukha video report from Portugal on government effortw to reverse land reforms: shots of family members of young agricultural cooperative worekr killed by gendarmes while opposing confiscation Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870055-8 - - - - - - eel Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870055-8 of neighbors farm property, comment on the crime# shots of meeting being addressed by communist leader cunhal. (2 sin) 20. chernova video report on the 5th "moscow autumn"' music festival; shots of theater bill boards, the moscow conservatory hall and organ; interview-with shchedrine user people's artist and organ player and composer shots of other performances. (3 sin) 21.. sports. 22. repoot over video on birth of litter of white tigers at the Cincinnati 2.o01 *hots of tier cubs snarling at photographers. (1 sin) 23. weather. 221000 rj/stiubor ti 23/031`: oct 01434 Mi Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870055-8 __ ___