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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 Alt ZCZCDP0798 DAN: 063-061446 INPUT CDSN: D~I554 TOR: 300459Z OCT 83 ROUTING- DPQ WIRE SVC? **UHASSIGNED** COMMDIS?**UNASSIONED** BFN: OW300426 TOT: 300459Z OCT 83 PTTUZYUW RUHJFBA1931 3030430-UUUU--RUTLAA9? ZNR UUUUU Z.YN ZPO P 300426Z OCT 83 FM FBI8 OKINAWA JA TO RUTLAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC RUDOI'KD/FBIS LONDON UK//TAPE// RUDOMKB /FBIS LONDON UK/ /#1C / / ACCT FBOW-EWDK UNCLAS /BBCLD TAB ATTN BBC SAMY ONLY AO(2). MOD(2) Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222 R001000870062-0 - - ,. - - Wl~ Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 kochevgin) is report on andropov's reply to message of international congress of world physicians for the prevention of nuclear wars notes andropov's mgrooisent with view expressed in message on consequences of nuclear war and soviet initiatives. 94..5 min) 2. report over video on selemn mooting in tbilisi devoted to russian-ge?rgian georgiyivsk treatys long shots of grishin and shovardnadze in presidiums audio and video of shevardnadze addresss program summary: moscow television russian 291800 ow300426 moscow television service in russian 1800 gmt 29 oct 83 (evening as 90-es second programs 3872 mhz ) (reception: good) '(ready by galina zimenkova and y.vgeniy audio and video of grishin address, with camera pannin presidium. 3. report over video on.soviet'antiwar demonstrationss shots of peace march, meeting in leningrad. .(2 min) 4. report over photo on user defense minister.ustinov being awarded order of lenin on 75th birthday.. (und min) 5. report over video on new fertilizer production shop at the II nevinnomyssk "azot" production association in stavropol krays Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 shots of production association, workers. (1 min) &. chistyakov video report on. excavator assembly at the kostroma "rabochiy +setallist" plants shots of excavators, workers. (1 min) 7. ussr csa report on workers from kardino-balkar assr and ivano-frankovsk oblast fulfilling socialist pledges of grain sales to the state. (i win) 8. report over video on solemn meeting in novgorod devoted to the city's receiving labor red banner orders shots of meeting; audio and video of address bg ku~ ovs medium shots; of kuznetsov pinning award to city's banner. (4 sin) 9. report on Warsaw treaty ?ilitarg council session hold in 101 ri-~ IN lvovs session chaired by ussr's kulikov.. (1 win) 10. ukhov video report on mooting of komsomol veterans and youth in the kewsowol control committee devoted to kowsowol`birthdays shots of meetings interview with kemsomel veteran. (1.5 sin) 11. on favorable foreign commentary on andropov's replies to pravdas cites ppr's tribuna ludo, spd's brandt. (1 min) 12. video interview with (bruce kept), general secretary of il'the british nuclear disarmament movement, noting constructive initiatives in andropov's replies to pravda. (1 win) 13. krichevskiy video report on' 'sov*tt-'--porty and government delegation headed byl aliyev visiting construction site of the boa binh hydroelectric power station in the srvs shots of construction situ medium shots of aliyev inspecting construction. (1.5 min) 14. video talk by publicist vitally ivanovich kobysh on the u.s. .rte course of international terror isms kobysh notes banditry of u.s. invasion of'grenada and terrorist activities of u.s. special services Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 - Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 in various areas of the world; notes reagan's lies about soviet presence in grenada. (4 min) 15. report over video on u.s. Invaders in grenada receiving stubborn resistance from island's defenders; shots of u. s. 1/R y" helicopters, aircraft carries# apc's. (imin) 16. tass report on cuban foreign ministry report exposing u.s. falsehoods on cuban presence in grenada. (1 min) 17. report-over video on mietings of solidarity with grenadan `,'people hold at moscow ent!rprisess shots of meeting at mosco "seep i molot" metallurgical plants shots of address by worker. (i min). i.. tass report` on mass protest mooting in tokyo condemning Lit .u.s. aggression against grenade. (und min) 19.. Lass report on colombian foreign ministry demanding L" immediate U. G. withdrawal from grewada. (und min). rrt^' 20. report over video en u.s. bobs* of representatives speaker o'neill criticizing v. s. invasion of grenada; shots of o'neill being interviewed. (und min) 21. tass report on recent round of soviet-prc talks in beiiing between ussr's ilichev and prc's tian Lichen on normalization of soviet-prc relations; next round of talks to be held in march. 1984 in moscow. Cl min) ,22. shakhova video report on the 85th.annivorsary of the moscow gorkiy art theateri shots of "three sisters" rehearsals; historical photos; shots of actors' meeting; interview with rsfsr merited artist miroshichenko. (2.5 min) 23. sports 24. weather Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 - - - -- -- Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870062-0 .y~ Ili :?t qtr M ii 291800 ak/milton yap 30/0447z oct 8T 01931 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870062-0 - Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870062-0 ZCZCDPO798 DAN, 063-061446 I rN!P tU r C DSR' : DM 554 BFN : OW300426 TOR 300459Z OCT 83 courtmG- DPQ WIRE SVC= *4UN !ASS I GMED** COMM[) I S=4*UNASS I GNED** PT ' f"WJ Z Y UW RUHJF BA 1931 3030430- UUUU--RUTLAAB . VIP UUUUtJ ZYt=! ZPO P 300426Z OCT 63 Fri FIS OKIt AWA JA TO ! UrLAAB/FBIS WASHINGTON DC PUDDMI+.D/FBIS LONDON 'Ji'//TAPE// PUDCnM B/FBIS LONDON UK//BBC// ACCT FBOW-EWDf -1t,'CLAS /38CLD TAB ATTH iBC. SAMY Ot'!__Y AG(2), iw'100(2k Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222R001000870062-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 program summary: moscow television russian 291800 ow300426 moscow television service in russian 1800 gmt 29 oct 83 (evening bremya; 90-e; second program; 3872 mhz) (reception: good) (ready by galina zimenkova and yevgeniy kochergin) 1. report on andropov's reply to message of international congress of world physicians for the prevention of nuclear war; notes andropov's agreement with views expressed in message on consequences of nuclear war and soviet initiatives. 94.5 min) 2. report over video on solemn meeting in tbilisi devoted to russian-georgian georgiyevsk treaty; long shots of grishin and shevardnadze in presidium; audio and video of shevardnadze address; audio and video of grishin address, with camera panning presidium. (7. 5 .3 report over video on soviet antiwar demonstrations; shots of peace march, meeting in leningrad. (2 min) 4 report over photo on ussr defense minister ustinov being awarded order of lenin on 75th birthday. (und min) 5 report over video on new fertilizer production shop at the nevinnor;+yssk :'azot" production association in stavropol kray; Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 shots of production association, workers. (i min) t,. chistyakov video report on excavator assembly at the kostroira "rabochiy metallist" plant; shots of excavators, workers. ( 1 rin) ussr csa report on workers from kardino-balkar assr and ivano-frankovsk oblast fulfilling socialist pledges of grain sales to the state. (1 min) 8 report over video on solemn meeting in novgorod devoted to the city's receiving labor red banner order; shots of meeting; audio and video of address by kuznetsov; medium shots of kuznetsov pinnirng award to city's banner. (4 min) y`, report on warsaw treaty military council session held in lvoe; session chaired by ussr's kulikov. (1 min) 10, ukhov video report on meeting of komsomol veterans and youth in the komsoi al central committee devoted to komsomol birthday; shots of meeting; interview with komsomol veteran. (1.5 min) 11 tass report on favorable foreign commentary on andropov's replies to pravda; cites ppr's tribuna ludu, spd's brandt. (i min) 1 video interview with (bruce kent), general secretary of the british nuclear disarmament movement, noting constructive initiatives in andropov's replies to pravda. (1 min) 1 krichevskiy video report on soviet party and government delegation headed by ali.yev visiting construction site of the hoa Binh hydroelectric power station in the srv; shots of construction site; medium shots of aliyev inspecting construction. (1.5 min) 14 video talk by publicist vitaliy ivanovich kobysh on the u.s. course of international terrorism; kobysh notes banditry of u. s. invasion of grenade and terrorist activities of u.s. special services Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 in various areas of the world; notes reagan's lies about soviet presence in grenada. (4 min) 15 report over video on u.s. invaders in grenada receiving stubb=orn resistance from island's defenders; shots of u. s. helicopters, aircraft carries, apc's. (1min) 16 tars report on cuban foreign ministry report exposing u.s. falsehoods on cuban presence in grenada. (1 min) 17. report over video on meetings of solidarity with grenadan people held at moscow enterprises; shots of meeting at mosco "sere i molot" metallurgical plant; shots of address by worker. (1 -pin) 18 tass report on mass protest meeting in tokyo condemning u s aggression against grenada. (und min) 1' tass report on Colombian foreign ministry demanding i.rr+ediate u. s. withdrawal from grenada. (und min) 20 report over video on u.s. house of representatives speaker o'neill criticizing u.s_ invasion of grenada; shots of o'neill being interviewed. (und min) 21 tass report on recent round of soviet-prc talks in beijing between ussr's ilichev and prc's qian gichen on normalization of soviet-prc relations; next round of talks to be held in march, 1984 in nosco;.i. (1 min) shakhova video report on the 85th anniversary of the moscow go-t-404 art theater; shots of "three sisters" rehearsals; historical photos; shots of actors' meeting; interview with rsfsr merited .artist miroshichenko. (2.5 min) 2;B. sports 24 weather Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0 291800 ak/milton ym 30/0447z oct ST #1931 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP94-01222RO01000870062-0