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Document Release Date:
June 11, 2008
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April 26, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/11 :CIA-RDP94-013538002001460002-4
., .-~ , -. ?- ~ .- w-, ~ ? ti
take 1 of several--commentary list? moscow consolidated 26~aor 83,~~.
~ .
1 yuriy andropov interview With West Berman der spiegel.
~~ h ~~.Y(~~f~ V
r'(~-~ magazine 19 ape. (tease 241514) (is-14 min: port 23209.9 greek
2Jr500 romanian ?i~bGO dap 251200 lao 1030 mend ii00s 9-3 min:
/i ~*~~.Qng inter ~)a~3~Z3'3~ ~renc~i infer ~~ spancutii~p3~" port - -' ~ -
~~ ~ ,;,~; x,,,232000 g semen 0900 1300/ ~i c e / L600 era b i c 330 tux k 231400
14a~0 dari 1-700~greek 231800 engafr X32000 frenchafr 2519
1530 somali 1600 polish 1400 albanian 1430 bur 1030 hindi-1130
~'1"~A-+'~~' urdu ~O~ thai 1-i00s 2-1 min: Lurk 231400. dap 251000 231200)
I 1
J-%~~ t ~'
_r (b-4 min: enginter 0988 1~@8 turkish ~5dA3O csech/slovak ~0
2 items rounding up foreign comment on andropov der spiegel
interview. quoting bloc and Western press and personalities.
3 ev ra lebedeva ri andropov's der spiegel interview, discussing
different soviet and u. s. stances on nuclear disarmament,
indian ocean, afghanistan and iran. saying that only politically
blind people cannot see difference in policies of use and ussr
~1a pentagon thinking. is that these
same soldisrs are now to prepare their: sons to fight each other,
i~ perfectly ridiculous. t6.3 min:engna Z3Z3O41 ~,f.,
Approved For Release 2008/06/11 :CIA-RDP94-013538002001460002-4
43 "reviewing your lttedrs": noting concern expressed by
listeners of World Reace believe user and usa s hould come
he equates evil with eastern hemisphere: markalan de villa from
vigrinia says We shold all be struggling for peace n?ot competing
in arms race. adds his.appreciat-ion of program. listener Qiven more
info. on ~?e~~et-u. s. relations. (engna 2300)
4~ v~gaches.Iav rostovtsev on president reagan's upcoming speech
L~- ~J
to congress? to present his vieWS on central american situation.
C~ I~i~"~= ( rp t p:ortbrat Z522OO ) t span la 0000) ?
46. tars commentator Bergey kudryavskcl "Who threatens Whom"?
('r,~~b~al ~ ~'~arr Washington's strug~Ie against "communist subversive activities"'
in Ssntrsl america. (4~Q text sentl: tasse i6Z0)
? $~ ~
48~r intvox scith ~,ost cad;emartiori, former mbr of Salvador aliende's
~:.1~ saying instead of concentration on real evils like hunger
together to sort out their differences and so save this plant:
~J^~,r~ U. s. listener criticizes recent speech by reagan to evangelists,
? ~~4T papa and k:tie or~~ preparations to celebrate labor day in chile
despite threats frompinochet`s~ regime, World mining cord sent ms9~
to cki~san Workers from Paris. (4 min: spanchile ~2.~30)
govt, on life of Chileans living in exile in venezuela. (S min:
Approved For Release 2008/06/11 :CIA-RDP94-013538002001460002-4
44 gurig- sltan an human rights in usa. (rpt enginter 221300>
Approved For Release 2008/06/11 :CIA-RDP94-013538002001460002-4
eke 4 of several -- commentary list: moscoW consolidated 26
apr 83 1
49 vo-lodia teitelboim on bolivian armed forces return to
their barracks after new constitutional govt took over govt.
neu~ Chilean armed forces are going to have to get ready to
return to their barracks due to chaotic situation in chile,
,A~r~,P~~~~--argentine is asking for extradiction of michael toWnley for
murder of general pmts under pinochet's instructions. pinochet
continues to use repression to say in polder. l12 min: spanchile
30 toss commentator vadim biryukov on
five STAT.
~i~ congressmen to tegucigalR: on cia's initiative to prove to n~orld
,/~~ that cis..activity. against nicaragua is not aimed at overthrouring
lawful. govt of~ thais and? steps up aggressive actions against
~`~'~'~~~~~~ angola and mosambiqul, Wlril! socaLled contact group, headed by,
-- - indQp~Enaence`b~e-'lfriksdr-With -Withdrawn of cu6ans~from irigola:""- "
E3. min:~ginter 1-4181 (~
paris r. sport ~ speech. made by
~i~ -/so~cilt delegation. to- #n na.tl
~ - --- ~- -
(~1~a ~ l ~i i,~,
leonid ilyichev, head og
conf in support of namibian ppi.
76 toss commentator grigariy~ vasiliye~r on mideast trip byY ~. s.
unprlctdented anti-pallstinian campaign unleashed by_ amlrican~
admimistratian. E33O text sent:. to se 1609) ~_
sec of state george Shultz taking plat! against background of
~~ APRl~.
u. d. sec of state Shultz touring
Approved For Release 2008/06/11 :CIA-RDP94-013538002001460002-4
mideast in arr effort to ssvE reagan plan to alTesedly svt mideast.
(.35Q text: tasse 1640>
Approved For Release 2008/06/11 :CIA-RDP94-013538002001460002-4
~~~~" 78 viktor olin on many details of bombing of amerfcan embassy in
~a.N ~~ /J
n'~ Way a 'me of explosion: tsent: enginter 1~bA~)
~ ~ ~~?;~ 79 mass meeting held in Palestinian STAT
~;u/',~~~~ yarmuk camp situated in a damascus suburb, quoting stints by georges
- Hawi, gen sec lebanese epee, and george habash. gen sec pflp.
~i,~ 2a
80 summaries demchenko/moseyev Pravda "mideast: israeli
Beirut remaining unclear. maintaining that a cia conf Was under
(350 text sent: tasse 0625 tassr 251805)
blackmail," on situation in Biqa valley. re israeli military
`~~?~ ~ ~ buildup Which is a threat to syria.