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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 take I or several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 18 ,dun 83 international day STAT CC -I anatoliy naymushin on wide and enthusiastic OP, PlGncoverage given by bulgarian media to cpsu cc plenum, interviewing bulgaran economist on its importance to world peace. (3 min: home S, peace assembly." (2 min: home 1610) 3 andrey ptashnikov on preparations for forthSTATng STAT on demonstrations held there last week in support of liberation struggle of ppls of south africa. (1.5 ,:.in: home 1610) S 4 aleksandr serikov (jJUIA; policy its effect on nicaragua. -5 vaTentin zapevalov G P' meetings. (2.5 min: home 1610) global 18 JUN 1953 / / i~ 6 "this week" presented by vladimir pczner: curiy reshetnikov on soviet-american relations (3 min, sent}; :r.ini-press review: roundup brief items from soviet press mii;t,ail taratuta intvw with (helen sheehan), professor of philosophy from ireland, uho spent 3 months studying in moscow, gives her impressions of varied personalities and characteristics of ppl she has met during her stay (5 mir.); intvw with (vassiliy perevedintsov), one of builders of gas pipeline in siberia now in moscow to recruit workers for his project, stresses need for qualified workers which tends to ez -ON,e says soldiers or convicts. (enginter 0700 1600) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 STAT on u. s. central american (3 min, sent: home 1610) on eec summit in stuttgSTAT quoting die zeit an constant difficulties plaguing this and all eec Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 7 "in socialist countries" program: andreyev on econ coop among socialist countries, achievements (4.5 min?; (vololin) on srv econ development on 6th anniv of srv (5 (5=in'?; anon on mpr light indust development (3.5 min?; news iron socialist countries, incl cpsu cc plenum outcome, supsov session, mpr communique on econ development, hanoi party vfDlt( mtg (3 min). (total 16.5 min: mand 0700) -)Ur51d-'' `fi Vle Sts 8 1 ev on struggle against distortion of marxism-leninism, e 1o refuting views that ideas are outmoded, citing socialist achievements, comparising frequent econ crises in capitalist count,?ri'es. (7 min: mand 0700) viktor sivakov notes econ suffering of developing nations ro due to mounting arms race and exploitative and protectionist policies pursued by capitalist west, supports third ,world demand for new intl econ order and says user extends assistance to developing nations like india on concessional terms and without interfering in their internal affairs and that is why its trade with them .s constantly increasing. -10 correspondent interviews Gorge humberto mayorga) from ecuador and (Jorge justiniano ruin) on contamination of environment; experiences in this respect in usar where they are ending environment conf. (6 min: spanla 0000) 11 11 "special program for listeners." (rpt persian 151700 on 16 jun list) (persian 1800) ~S- M d N 1983 ~, Z ~- radio moscow listeners' club in afraica: listeners told club sessions discussed wide range of topics suggested by their Itrs: position of believers in ussr; establishment of new clubs in africa acknowledged; excerpts from african listeners Itrs wishing for peace, on protest Itr to president reagan re usa's south african policy. two other themes emerged in ltrs, campaigning for peace and situation in south of africa. (1"/ ,:.fin: enginter 172030) (kS !o Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9' Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 13 radio moscow's young listeners club: Intl mailbag on 14 "we skip thru your ltrs" with valdiiir petrov reviewing frg listeners ltrs dealing with relations btwn usa and germany d(S(L.fbefore two world wars and usa and frg today as well as necer it'j of disarmament. (10 min: cErman 1500) on current t opics such as italian election campaign, 4) j 1vestions and answers" (rot scma.i 151700) (somali 1600) rl third world war can and mist be averted. (enginter weapons-free zone in north of europe. (4 min: mayak (0 of nuc l ~UJL4J-t W-P- o250 ) 18 J1 IN ,oo., l.,5 d s[,i--' 19 feature "disarmament, issue of the day": highlights n urascism and youth. (french african mailbag: Intl talk, based on african listeners questions, explaining causes of first and second world war. listeners told fascism is type of dictatorship of most reactionary capitalist forces and direct result of general crisis of capitalist system. typical features of fascist dictatorships outlined. details of great patriotic war. years of great patriotic war were years of mass heroism of sov pp 1. etters from Italy: roundup ltrs from italian listeners of several -- commentaruu list: -L-cow consolidated 19 dun 83 18- summary yuriy kuznetsov pravda "blank wall on nato countries' negative reaction to speech by swedish prime minishter olof palme in copenhagen in which he expressed himself in favor -r? ~??~ avYacv ~vo~vurCnl. vn lnz situation (Z3.5 min); highlights of gromyko's supreme soviet speech L4 P50 ~ SPA r_ (13.5 min). (engna 2200) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 Ulm LL indo 1330 1500) cS Igor penchenko hails supsov resolution on simultaneous' aleksandr zholkver on soviet pledge not to be first to use 0 " nuc l .a4' weapons. (rpt eng inter 151300) (engna 172300) more excerpts from book "entering eighties" by dr geor~~.i~ arbatov. (rpt enguk 171900) (engna 172300) WMjLLr~ 25 viktor tanin "heading for .confrontation" on activity in (kJJ' - ` Sim west re deployment of pershing and cruise missiles in western rope. Xrpt port 172000) (spanish 171900 finnish 171530) N Cc S 26 vadim andreyev noting increasing support in nordic countries for ~ ea of nuclear-free north. (4 min: Finnish 171530) anon on chemical weapons, citing serious consequences of ~, Jl J min: n . ~I ra IJ~J sea 1230) 18 JtW 1983 summaries andropov msg to amsterdam congress of "physicians ~Cul/6ht6,P-yfor prevention of nuclear war. " (1 min: germaust 4.9W; brief: engna, Q0 enguk 1J900 portuguese 00) II 20 viktor olin on usa carrying out first test launch of iSS~r~intercontinental ballistic missile mx. (3 min, sent: engint1300) 21 anatoliy doronin on weinberger's latest stmt on arms limitation, at ohio youth conf, describing freeze as dar hous doctrine. (3 min, sent: home 1'540 orbita 1500) 0S6 freeze of nuclear weapons by all nuclear states, deplores washington's insincerity urging usa to use political will and adopt c w)5 6U h 141 (5-3 min: enginter2000 french inter 1-600 20E0 spanla.2300 italian 1-700 german- 1560 persian 1-500 1760 portafr 1830 swahili - 17-30 polish 1-400 bulg 1330 czech/slovak 1500 serbo 1900-korean 1330 carob 1330 lao 1330 urdu 1300 beng 1500 bur 1430- Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 29 amsterdam report on 18 ,dun proceedings on opening day of congress of "physicians for prevention of nuclear war," w~ summarizing speeches. (550 text sent: tasse 1553)- 30 item on intl congress in amsterdam by movt physicians for W,,. --- _. .._ .__. r,o? ~a,-i?y Lu;,vw wJ. n pror %wiinem Yarn Ogg on). ~IQ-AJ-N"J (rpt en nter 161300) (3 min: spanla 2300 turkish 1400)( J 31 wo supsov deputies, a ukrainian worker and chmn of siberian peasants cooperative, reiterate call for nuclear arms u3(,,Jahdeg) mass antiwar rallies in ussr, quotes from komsomoiskaya pravda 32-"your questions, our answers": incl talk on fight for peace ___- and constructive soviet nuclear and disarm proposals. note on soviet will for peace and resolve of west to rearm and gain advantaged over ussr. (slovene 1830) 11 pC ' b (Mb~ a' /33 radio forum for peace and security in europe: introduction noting that prague peace assembly is coming at a time when usa and supsov resolution (1.5 min), cites stmts.by dutch prof (wilhem verhagen) on catastrophic effects of nuclear war, concludes with extracts from west european listeners' ltrs on need to end arms race to avert nuclear war and praising ~~'" i preparing to deploy new medium range missiles in europe, refers Afreeze made at session this week, plus earlier soviet peace propostis. (3 min: frenchinter 2000) ~ussr's inei1tives to this end. (9 min: Portuguese 2000) ~JAY- P,tta,L 04~4 roundup foreign views on prague w^rld "Pace assembly. (?. 5 (kuzin) prague report ors :-%,s =--r Intl peace assembly. (rpt enginter 171300) (enginter 6800 1400 spanla 0Q0 4u n g 1t900 v i e t 1-000) 18 JUN 1983 36 intvw with romesh cha dra on coming prague peace mtg. (cze^h/slovak 171500) (3 min: serbo 1600) /3) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 ,_= u,S U~& ek, LL Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 37 summary trud article by ibrahim zakaria, wftu sec gen. on obstructionist tactics of u.s. admin which has stalemated arms reduction talks, danger to peace, and prague peace forum. (400 text: tasse 0530 tassr 172205) take 3 of several -- commentaru 1; 18 j u n 83 1d191149 EMW Ll~ 38 summaries yuriy zhukov pravda on story of ltr sent by.soviet schoolgirl tatyana famine to president reagan bearing plea for peace. (rpt enginter 161300) (arabic 1230 0 1-700 finnish 11-530 persi ~ 7 . 9 vladimir.pozner on american ppls approach to socialism and its concept of socalled world revolution goal, maintaining american public are naive of real approach to socialism and have been misled by official propaganda aimed at undermining socialist ideology. STAT on petition presented by group of american students to reagan. (tasse 170746) 40 toss corr nikolay pakhomov "listeners' history club": nikolay (sivachov) replies (engi 0800 1100-port 2000) 18 JUN 1983 to questions about history of soviet-american relations after rev in russian and describes how participated in soviet econ development in 1920's and 30's. (10 min: engna 172300) 42 leonid levcnenko on situation in chile noting opposition to . "ochr-t regime which was set up with u. s. collusion. (5-3 min: enginter 11300 2000 frenchinter 1*600 2600 italian 1-700 german 4500 polish .L400 czech/slovak 1500 camb 1330 lao 1300 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 1430 i n d o 1330 1 !00_) /3) .14 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 "good evening austria." prcgram fo- austrian listeners. fig (rp germaust 171e00) (germaust 1800) nuclear weapons buildup. (enguk 1900) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 43 "uruguayan panoram" feature. ricardo saxlund on life of uruguayan patriot ,dose de gervastio artigas and his struggle for independence, gen hugo linares brum is new interior minister replacing general yamandu trinidad who died, due to death of general trinidad, mtgs btwn political parties and govt were postponed, general rapela opposes recognition of comparty, agri producers express concern over current crisis, brazilian congressman expressed support for uruguayan polit prisoners calling for their release, uruguayan workers submitted document to ilo in geneva that there is no union freedom in uruguay, U. S. senator kennedy expressed concern over repression in uruguay, uruguayan musical group to participate in music festival in b t1' ia. (10 min: spanla 2300) 44 (viadlen kuznetsov) on impressions of group of soviet journalists travelling in frg about opinion of west german ppl on counterarmament which is considered to be threat to their security and on their positive assessment of good relations with ussr min: german 1600) 18 JUN 1983 el-:-l 6 mailbag for british listeners: inci review of'listeners' ltrs concentrated on anti-soviet propaganda in britains briefly quoting andropov on need to negotiate about nuclear weapons, doris maksina asserts that soviet union's offers and pledges should be put over time again, as british ppl are being kept in total ignorance of them. maintaining anti-soviet attacks are aimed at portraying ussr as menace in order to go all Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 47 glance at british scene: valeriy belyanskiy on thatcher's re-election as british prime minister and how this will affect soviet-british relations, referring to gromyko's supsov address reaffirming ussr's readyness to develop fruitful coop with all western european states, including britain, but like u.s., britain 6/vsjk-0 ttempts to talk to soviet.ppl with position of strength but tends 5u.ps) o forget that user and its allies have the capability to retaliate aA'' if the need arise, citing times diplomatic corr's intvw for bbc, in which he reacted in characteristic manner to thatcher govt's wit Fr61,n,CL? W &A, ti) ajb oS view of soviet proposal for starting dialogue and coop with west, in which he felt that proposal was no more than another broadside in ve ba war. (enguk 1900) anon on de gaulle's 18th jun appeal. (rpt french 161730) (fr h 1730) CC& 9 notes of a publicist by boris tumanov on france's position in to as outlined by de gaulle. (sent: french 1930) licies by italian progressive circles. (8 min: italian 1900) out govt majority parties are engaged in interparty bickering and are entirely neglecting internal italian problems while servively deferring to u.s. plans to station new medium-range nuclear missiles in italy and closely complying with nato and atlantic alliance policies, despite opposition expressed to 51 vladimir savchenko on kiev "avtoservis-83" exhibition, mentions that italian firm (piul) is fulfilling large soviet order for volga car works and intvws vice-president of firm on his firm's ass_ci tion with user. (3 min: mauak 1815) 15 0) (port 2000) 6tlc mikhail dobrov on current election campaign in italy pointing 18 JUN1 3 yaroslav khabarov on portugal and nato. (rpt port Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353ROO2001490013-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 take 4 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 18 jun 83 1d1 9 150 53 yevgenniy stepanov on french-african relations. (rpt enginter 141730) (enginter 1730 2030 swahili 1.230; anon: s o:da,ki- &600 ) g (pitevan), mbr soviet delegation at rev I party congress of tanzania, quotes nyerere's speech giving ' W 5 va dle -1 5 n mikahilov on declaration made by capt ,ferry ralwings that western mass media were carrying out vicious propaganda campaign against ghana, recalling events in ghana since W reasons for tanzania s decision to devalue shilling, and notes steps taken to improve difficulties caused in country by western mono pol' (4 min: enginter 1730 2030) takeover of current admin when western powers actually blockaded that country, thus exacerbating its grave *con and financial difficulties, charging west of undermining natural wealth of country to their own ends, while ussr and ghana strengthen their coop tec and econ fields. (enginter 1730 2030) 0 56 aTeksandr sergeyev on importance of unctad session for Nt{ FY SeS"' developing african countries. (rpt enginter 171730) (portafr bovin izvestiya on ? u session. (rpt 4 oZ C --l 161730) (amharic 171530) boyevorov) on anniv soweto massacre 16 jun. Seujtf (rpt enginter 161730) (amharic 171530) M uSS~vu`- 18 JUN 1983 q oiVoP anon recalls events of soweto riots and disturbances which S 0-p have marked past few days in south africa. (rpt somali 171600) (somali 1600) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 andropov on his election as chairman of supsov presidium, by yasir arafat of plo, algerian president chedli'bendjedi, Syrian president hafi z al-asad and other arab ldrs in which they 60 "window on arab world": roundup of greeting sent t express their endeavor to continue comprehensive relations with ussr and to widen coop for mutual benefit btwn two sides and joint struggle for solving mideast question (sent); anon citing nyt report that reagan is expected to invited begin to washington for talks sent); report by Jordanian royal cmtee for palestinian affairs charging israeli authorities with - i?r19 Ai violating un resolution re its annexation of arab land. i (ara 'c -130) A F-- /I A ~~ (c2 ft---pif'of anatoliy talalayev, mbr of intla law society, in which he argues that israeli-lebanese agreement is unlawful and 5)+ G M , -!, contradicts with intnatl norm and un charther and vienna n,Dd NVt intvw with mbrs of pdry delegation visiting moscow on buisness, and delegates to conf of intnatl organization for radio and tv in bucharest noting delegation has visited various socialist 63 a on on williamsburg summit, gromyko has reiterated peaceful policies of ussr, participants of summit endeavored to thwart countries and stressed real value of radio in strengthening relat? n mong various nations. (arabic 1530 1730) c~ .~ mf firm path of cordial relations btwn iran and soviet union. W! ( bibr ~U,YV- MI_ reha igor sheftunov ersi 1 ) (persian 1700) l (moses madidas), sec gen of south african comparty, denouncing arrest of tudeh party ldrs in iran and ridiculing char r f espionage against them. (5 min: persian 1800) 18 JUN 1983 -79 65 ihsan mustafayen on soviet-turkish cultural exchanges and how these exemplify desirable kind of relations and frien, ~ ip btwn countries. (8 min: turkish 1830) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 66 anon on resumption of talks btwn afghanistan and pakistan. (rpt/du 1 1~ 300) (4 min: thai 1100) acs take 5 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated nfik,e-N 67 "youth program": incl review of afghan film entitled "rever)a. (persian 1700) 1000) 68 "comments" on kaverzneyev(s tv film, "afghan diary. (rot enainter 171300) (spanla 0000 spancuba 0100 Finnish 121530 .hungarian 4-71900 hind 1-t30 urdu t300 viet 69 summary mikhail yakovlev.izvestiya on how chinos* mass media continue to foster malicious evaluations and false- views F I G ~55-~ of soviet foreign policy. (550 text: tasse 2130) s- S 70 (liyui) on pan am taiwan route, saying u.s. stand on taiwan, textile talks, abd mbrship shows deterioration I U) 6-4" ons. (3 min: mand 1600) 4 of sin s. relati 17 ~?S 71 leksayev on "ussr faithful friend," citing qu qiubai contribution of intro of leninism, sov rev experience, lit into chin . (8. 5 min: mand 0700) 5.-S u.s. militaristic ambition to maintain_nuc superiority program for pla: sov polit dept it- yer, on. Paris nato mtg, rapping 4+" ~,, ~k 18 JUN 03 l 73 program on soviet-thai relations: presenting recorded intvw with thai writer rong wongsawan on impressions of visit to ussr, and talk introducing soviet-thai friendship assn. (1?^n: thai? 1100) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 afghanistan `l Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 74 yuriy afonin on ,jap justice min instr to public security c i e f irk (6 min, sent: ,dap 171000) yuriy afonin on soviet-,dap relations, citing gromyko speech (4 min, sent: ,dap 171200) _Osaan communist 76 travelogue of serpukhov city, introduces history of surpukhov city, monumental edifices, industrial establishments there, lives of serpukhov citizens, notes cooperative relations btwn serpukhov workers and workers of socialist countries, 3 includi dprk. (30 min, incl m1sic: korean 1130) east europe 77 "along path toward integration," miscellaneous items on econ ties among socialist countries ci i,_? various examples of this coopera n. (30 min: bulgarian 1530) 78 eonid krichevskiy noting cpsu cc and supsov reaffirmation of soviet resolve to furhter strengthen coop and solidarity with socialist allies, describes how multilateral coop amongcema nations helps in rapid development of their economies, denounces enemies of socialism for trying to drive wedge among socialist allies but asserts they are fully capable of thwarting such efforts. (5-3 min: enginter 1300 2000 frenchinter 1600 2.000 italian 1-700 german 1500 arabic 1730 turkish 1400 bulgarian 130 polish 1-400 czech/slovak 1500 serbo 1600 1-900 korean 1330 camb 1230 lao 1300 urdu 1300 bong-1500 int 0 1500) 18 JUN ? 9tij ~~ed/iary of soviet-czechoslovak coop: intvw with director of soviet exposition in czechoslovak 'incheba 83' fair noting expansion of chemical industry in ussr and its reflection at soviet exposition; intvw with director of czechoslovak publishing house who is visiting moscow to discuss contribution of czechoslovakia to moscow book fair; miscall eous items on low level topic. (czech/slovak 1600) ~ Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 chronic of soviet-czechoslovak contacts: roundup of short, Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 how western mass media. have reducSTAT all material_re pope's meeting with walese. (sent: polish 1-400 bulgarian 41130 serbo 1- 0 1900; attrib viktor' 79 anon olenichev: enginter 1300 20' 3 frerchir,ter 1-2500 2090 spanla 2300 italian 1-700 german 1300 arabic 17-30 turkish 1-400 portafar 1230 swah i l i-1730 korean t-330; anon: enguk 1-900 persian 1500 1700 viet--1-9 1400) friendship trail:. on various contacts btwn poland and uss 20 min, incl music: polish 1300) "an acute angle": on western propaganda attempts to torpedo normalization in poland, citing rfe broadcast as thi . l l nn lech v.,~l esa ~s i ntvws for western s re ca media, and formation of solidarity, kss-kor and kpn, the two latter being strongly anti-communist, aims of organizations stated (4 min: polish 1300) W W.& tak ]f c -- commentary 1aot: ;:uscr . consolidated 1S jun 83 military 82 "i serve the soviet union": roundup of news from military districts: sergey chumakov far eastern corr on combat training; tim kukhelev about viktor mukhaylovich sivokhin, senior lieutenant, who serves in post of dpty commander of company in charge of political affairs in one of the motor rifle regiments of red banner belorussian milit district; "on topical subjects of the day": milit specialist doctor of philosophy, prof lieut-gen dmitriy volkogonov, who talks about two day session of nato cncl which ended in paris (8 min); "lieut-gen sergey maksimov intvw on benefits for servicemen and their families: on "books at service of peace and progress" fair in moscow; lyrical short story: "private panteleyev and his viktoria". (home 1000) 18 JUN 1983 ~--~.3 - S3 ,em on kursk battle., in wwii. (polish 1400) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 t S'-f Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 411r, 60, V F(CUa~ 84 "our post": incl item re forthcoming 40th anniv of battle 01of ky~sk in 1943. (rpt serbo 171900) (serbo 1900) 85 soviet panorama: incl profile o4 "alentina tereshkova. LLSS--- 5(5 min: "f,4nnish 171530) jW- a5 87 sci and tech: incl note on scientific satellite astron. ~SS OS .(rpt amharic 271530 on 28 may list) (amharic 171530) cpsu cc plenum COSuLCC 83 andropov 15 jun speech. (tasse 151307) (25-30 min: romanian Pit-ALL `6A0 urdu 1200 bur 1030 mend 1230; 17-15 min: kor U,SS~/ ~1J6~1'op09;30 1 89 (7 m i (L) ; 10 min: turk 1400; 7-4 min: hung 174630 viet 1800) e indistinct) commentator on andropov's cpsu cc speech. 90 gromyko 16 Jun report. (tasse 161031) (15-10 min: enginter ~r,(-Pc6 v 1500 Persian 1-800 a r a b 1500 J a p 171000; 8-3 min: spanla 0000 86 ature about life and ache vemcr;a ,s of valentine tereshkova, re 20th anniv of her historic spaceflight. (8-6 min: engna 2200 spancuba 0.00) spancuba -0100 spanla 2300 tuck 1830 ,lap 174-200; 2-1 min: amharic j rig ~OV 1713 I 11ce) 0 18 J r-- 91 reports on 16-17 supsov session proceedings, citing election of andropov as presidium chmn, quoting andropov and gromyko reports czech o k 1-500 serbo 1-600 1900 kor x'330) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 Gt/d(Uf ''//option of law. (enginter 171600) (10 min: Spanish 111900 spancuba --0-100; 8-7 min: er.g inter 1 :- 0 hung 17t900; 6-4 min: nginter 1300 2069 frenchinter 1600 20G italian 17-90 german 4400 Persian 1-500 17-00 crab 1:.30 turk 1-4-S0 p rtafr 1.830 Swahili -730 somali 1600 albanian 4-430 bulg 1-530 polish 1400 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 ttSSR- a)14 92 roundup world public/press reaction to cpsu cc plenum and 1930 hi d 1130 viet 1000 1300 1400) 51 -~ supsov session, quoting bloc and'western media. (rpt enainter CPSu 1711300 (finnish 1-71530 spanla 0000 (6P1V a-~ 0spancuba-0100 hung 17-1630 albanian 1430 polish 1300 slovens ItSS/- 93 aleksandr zh.olkver on main aspects of soviet foreign policies as reaffirmed by andropov at cpsu cc plenum, and gromyko at supsov. (rpt enginter 171300) (finnish 171-530 spancuba 0 1 00 amh a r i c 1-530 hung 1.71900 hind 11-90 bur 1430-- i n d o 1338 1500 ma n d s-*.-42 3O ) or 171300) (finnish 171530 hung 171900) 96'--Viwith two supsov deputies on recent proceedings. (polish 1400 97 (cherninov), supsov deputy and engineering worker, presents content of new act on worker groups, passe td at supsov. ;5 min: 98 anon intvw with supsov deputy on labor collective law. 99 andropov speech at award presentation ceremony in kremlin 17 (tasse 171112) (2-11 min: engna 1' 2300 finnish ~ 530 aof 71 SP2 deputy oleg gonchar, 4 writer, on unity or soviet ppl, f r visit to kherson oblast. (3 min: home 1-8OGorbita 1800 2100) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 - hungarian 1-71630 amharic 1530) O T 18 JUN 0?3 f ~'._ iktor shlenov reviewing gromyko's foreign policy ussr supsov session on 16 Jun. (7 min: german 1600) anon on law of work collectives approved by supsov session. Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002001490013-9 101 vladlen ivanov, chief editor of zemledeliye journal, on early su is of activity of rapo's. (sent: mayak 1100) ' o" 102-"what is communism": prof eduard zhimin replies to questions by listeners about cpsu and structure of soviet society. (e_ngna ~~sN 14230Q9 on 15 jun list) (engna 172300) 103 moscow news intvw with soviet acon,. academician abel aganbegyan, on development of oil and gas deposits in siberia. (3 min: engna 172300) pictures from life of ussr: incl moscow news about siberia CL