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Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 ` ~~/ G take ? of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 18 '-d191G14~' w~cK 30 ~a- ~y ~u~y~3 6 i 3~-i3 lac: 3 ~~~- 1 summaries Iona andronov lit gazeta researching into attempted assassination or" pope. (engna iS2300 on 16 Sul 'G`) (I2-4 min: Berman '-000 Italian 1900 turkish 1830) ~-~ "your opinion" feature: on human rights throughout La~f f~ ~' S world, based on state dept document on human right;, anon I" reads ltrs from listeners, who give their views on human rights, 3 (gure,)inowa renkeno) on "what role does the socialist cooperative body play in solving current Intl questions?" denounces "enemy of socialism".for saying threat to peace comes from ussr and Warsaw pact. notes soviet proposal for resuming peace talks. denounces u. s. for trying to deploy ~(tl~l hundreds of new types of u. s. missiles in western eurooe, ;5i'(Sneed for taking countermeasures, declaration adopted at mtg of ldrs of socialist countries held in moscow 18 ,dun, saying they would not toler-ate milit supremacy over their countries, socialist stand for detente, proposal by socialist coop body for establishing systems far intnatl security.. (8 ltrs from latam living in frg, an argentine and australian. (1 1 mi spanla C3@9$) 4 special. program "the two.-line 5truogle in wor.Id pcli~ical arena": sarkov on Inc "easing u. s. army supply to taiwan is blow to Chinese sovereignty (3 min, sent); kalin on u. s. rapid deployment troops further exercises in near east, africa, designed to increase u. s. influ2nc2 in area, says it is wrong to_hold-ussr ~quaiy respons~la =ar 1g JUL r98,~ Lension (= ~ _~~ (7 ;l7in, overa::. nand Io00) Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 1' 7 Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 -~ ~ 1 l7 capitalist econ in first siz months ofyear. ryt enQinter 151300) (finnish 1~~--5.30) ~~ ~ ~ S ~~d.~ 7 (boric krichevskiy) re r=cent unclad conr" in Belgrade. ~~f~0 (rot Ehai 131100) (serbo ~^n0) intvw at your request," nikolay sorokin intvw with scific~riter vita?iy babenko. (rot enouk 151900) (enguk 1900) 10 ppI and events: incl aleksandr barabeychik intvw with trevor (pritchard) director o= British, Firm kodak, re intnatl polygraphic exhibition in moscow, printing 83 equipment discussed and p~~bility of increased trade. (enginter 1368) i1 item about aeroflot, telling- story of first flight, different types of planes used,' countries serviced and citing remarks by .~_ deputy aviation minister Boris panyukov giving r"urther details of ssrvi~a} (3. 5 min: engna 22800 mailbag: incl reply on whe-they soviet republics have relation with other countries, correspondent told yet. (r"renchafr ~1 ~ ~ ~ .IUL 1~3~ 13 moscow mailbag far north american listeners. (rot engna f , S 16? 3~_o n 17 ~ +_~ ? t ; = ~ ~ (engna 172300 ) Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 roundup talks and features highlighting moscow intnatl film festival, quoting stints by participants representing many countries. on significance. of film fstivai in promitinq peace, (~ SQ551p~ ~L )-~~ r"riendship and coop btwn countries. (enguk 22@6 french inter 2080 portbraz 22@0 2300 spanla C600 engafr 170 arabic L730 Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013.538002101520001-7 )""~?~ `rom algerian iistener cri~,cizing western +redia raportin g or' sa~~llad soviet invasion or' afghanistan; nig2rian iistener asks if it is moslems are Prue oppr'ssed in ussr and prevented rrnm ezercisin their faith, listeners tol t g d ' +~ l s =s not true, tunisian iistener asks about preservation of moll?m cultural ~~on uments in ussr, extracts ^Qad from ~. sovie? citizens itrs to soviet anti~onist committee. ;rro~~a,_-- ?_--- e 2 of sevoral -- commentar~~ 1is~: moscow consolidated 19 i ~uI 83 ..- JaP ~ 7~0) ~S Q~n,(tasse 151635) (4-3 min: spancuba 0-100 finnish 171-530 korean 1130 1d191054 "- disarm/peace 15' summaries oravda editorial article, 16 dul, on present situation re position at geneva disarm talks btwn ussr and use. l1Y `1 I ~ - - - - - - - -- - - ? ~ r - . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ .. y ~ ....... ~ v y r a ~ ~ a L ~ ~,I a ~ + b ~ U 7 1 ~l ~ e Q T Q r ~5 I"c(~ world peace and halt to arms race. (350 text: fosse 2053) ~- S 17 andropov reply to peace mfg-83 message. (fosse 161401) .3 mi~~ german G9t0) ~~ ~8,;tJL1333~ 3' Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 5-4. 5 min: german 0900 finnish 1713-30; 2. 5 min:. spanla 2300 BYO [~~o r t b r a t 23(30; 2- i m i n: g e r ma n 1500 men d 07`00 d a p 171000 17200; ~~ brief: engna 1.22200 1300 portbraz 22@0 2390 spanla 2390 enginter V antiwar rally held. in moscow. noting soma 146 1200 1300 1580 1 Es80 21-00 e n g u k 1980 p e r t 280 s~ a n i s h 172..130 r"inn~.sh ~-1530- hungarian~ 17'I900 indo 1330 loo 103fl 1300) .~ on reagan admin's STAT nusual efforts to succeed with its plans re resumption of production or" chemical weapons. to this end, u. s. admin once again re r""erred to alleged use of chemical weapons by ussr somewhere in aria, and sent vice-presiden~ bush to debated and voting in congr=s s. _, Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 19 lass on senate chemical wpns approval, rapping propaganda t it is to make ussr approve complete ban on chemical wpns. ~,~,~Q fj ~ 1 (3 min:rs~;.et 136$) 20 anon on u. s. l~ ` 1000) senate appro~:al =or nerve gas production, ~~ rappin~s. opposition to ban on chemical weapons. (S min: viet p r o d u c y.i,p n. ( 3 m i n: g e r rrta n- I X00 ) , (,L S ~~ ) 21 aleksandr Cgulyev) on appropriation by u. s. senate of 130 million dollars r"or productien of binary weapons in next fiscal year, which are la be used in europe as deterrent against soviet union- even though there is no evidence of soviet chemical weapons 22 igor dmitriyev on u. s. senate debate on mx missiles. (sent: _ fn ss~il ~ s ~ enginter~OO 1600 2000) ~.S 23 yuriy bandura on recent allegations in western media that v5sr~ has resigned itself to stationing or" new nuclear missiles on europe~.a--sioil. (rot german 17?500) (german O9SQ) 24 viktor vasilyev on 4th round of geneva talks on limiting .~u~ nuclear weapons in europe. blaming- r"ailuer to agree on usa's ~,(~ S~A~-1 inacceptab-le demands that ussr~ should disarm unilaterally, soviet ~Wl~ ~samyl. ~~ peace Proposals outlined and west's negative response to there. ~ll.~~" ~i _i ~ C P o r O) ~J'~~' , 25 vsevolod ~ ,.. i5u~ disarm cmtee, referring to arge ni+n4 . er'forts by reps of Hato countries l.l.S citinc sOeeCh bu araentinian delenara_ p (f rac? for peace, with szmt by Finnish participant on why ne is r1r?l~r~d~ tak:n a t. (4 min: rinnish 17-#-530) ~ ~ ~ i$ JUL tQ83 ~.-~ ~ ., 27 anon on Copenhagen p~acQ mtg. (r~~ vi?t ?7'0001 (T min: L yap ~~nm (3 min: enginter t~-1O) ks Sunday magazine: incl anon on progress of intnatl cycla STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 ~~ an ~ --- of Q droP~J on re~ ?Ting `.o si_zaborg mtg or "peace 9~, bri 1 _ ~~ y quoting andropov's reply to message to conf reiterating soviet Pp,~resolve for peace, viktor glazunov Bonn dis ~ patch on antiwar min. =ngint2r 1300 ?fra0 20300 ;`renchinter 1000 2x340 engna -200 V rr~" enguic 100 Berman 1.500 Italian 1~-GO turkish I~GO arabic x--730 Persian 1500 17E?0 greek iz3E0 Czech/Slovak x560 polish 14fl0 serbo movement in fry which has drawn broad sec y tion of west Berman public . Qn~hWa~ (4-3 - ---ya~:a~~ ~~ww xorean 1330 beng 15U0 urdu 1300) (~~.~- c~ raa~o forum for peace and. security in europe. (rot oort Take 3 .f several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 18 Sul 93 Ld 1 Q4 1 ata aas oioeline 31 report on soviet construction or natural gas pipelines in ussr. painting to progress of Siberia-west eurape pipeline. ~00 text- sent: tasse~.0757 tassr 0755") 162000; (Berman 09-00) ~, 30 ,dap listeners` mailbag on nuc disarm issue. (26 min, incl musics ap 1 l~ ) united states 32 summary pr'avda editorial article "about human rights genuine and spurious," scaring crusade of psychological warf-are agains~ ussr and other socialist countries instigated by reagan admin. (400 text: tasse 0730 tassr 17211.0. 350 t~zt tassr 18 JUL 1983 ~ ~ (iC.s 33 tars observer on u. s. senates giving way to pressure from admin and approving budget ror program ~o produce binary ~ C.a-~ ammun.~on. ,ussr 1b1?00) (engineer 0800_1OE Czech/Slovak 1500) Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 - __~~ ..Y c+~a~y7 v tvdTt aO:dmOv Ot' S. LV .ntVti W1t17 Alin greenspan, former churn presidential econ council, and henry kaur'fmann, leading wail street expert, pointing out that interest ;ales would remain high under incumbent admin, stressing er=acts this has on u. s. allies' and developing countries economies. (?5C text sent: tasse 1338) CeS 35 Stanislav kondrashov izvestiya on new political scandal in Washington, noting postwar america is symbolized by three bombshell words: hiroshima, vietnam and Watergate, pointing out though scandal of boo4cgate is only one month old, it is clear that driving r"orce is the same, maintaining two scandals have thing in common, mentioning reagan's effort to strike an Olympian pose above- scandal, stressing that another, unprecedentedly grave constitutional crisis in a mere ten years threatens to collapse the m~ stays. (b min: engna 17.2300) ~-s 3 anon on high degree of illiteracy in u. s. and poor knowledge of av~;~ge americans about world events. (3 min: Berman 194) r ~ 3T lass commentator vadim biryukov on latest polls in Canada showing that an overwhelming majority of ppl in country are against any testing of u. s. cruise missiles in their territory because such tests ,)eopardize national sovereignty, quoting daily telegraph. 0300 toxt.: tasse 1223 tassr 11472 ~S 38 in~l diary: incl nikalay agayants on Canadian public emphatically condemning trudeau's decision to permit- u. s. cruise testing over Canada, mentioning peace meetings held to expr public opposition. C3 min: home lci~,5) /~ 18 JUL. ig33 (,~S vadim listov Pravda on ?th con. o= caricom in port-of-Spain, "i t h 't come of-. (3 min: mayak G2-5O) ~ ~ ~ _.._.. vii D~1~t~ LS~U~?d oy i12.?~ O~ > ;ca .a o, _ontadora ^ro up i3 ,r~_t'~ spanch_.e `fir) Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 Jr. Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 interest in stability and o a_ace .n central america and 'mphaticaily re~eCtlilg all U. s? at~eRlpts t0 1nt2r Pere in internal dfTairs rmezico, venezuala, colu~~bia and Panama voicing rategy in chile. (b min, sent: spanchile 2A-3O) ~~ ~ ~8 presidfium or" supreme soviet sent telegram ea ecuadorean -~-- "'~~y~ :nc; vlxtor anikin an contadara group _..._, ...a~i '-~~%t7ti7'i?S. (home Id?~) l~l.- S 42 leonid ievchenko on aggravation of situation in central (rot enQint,er t5r_30Q) (engineer 08GO 11-00 mand O.~pG) intvw with (alietto guadagni), head of argen-tine delegation to 7th mtq of faint soviet-argentine commission for econ, sci, tech and commercial coop, on argentine-soviet rela~s. (3 min: spanla 2380) spanchr3.~ 2$@O) to need for unity and renewal within mvmt. (o min: spanchile 2900) 45 report in series "the legacy of allende. (8 min: 44 hernan del canto on unification of Chilean socialist mvmt, quoting socialist leader clodomiro almedya as re r""erring 46 Pepe and katia on discontent within chi lean army, report that during last protest action pp1 used old cannons from a square ?- cannons were filled with cement-to frighten troops. s p a n c h3.1.r~ 29$6 ) (4 min: 4? Pedro Correa on increasing isolation of Chilean president augusto pinochet, explaining that a growing tide of dissatisr""action is runming in chile, noting 'that reagan admin is seeking eo divide- chi.lean apposition, describing washingtan's passengers in plan crash. (b_riof? nnr=hr~~ ~~n ~~r~tl ,,,_~~ resident, conveying condolences over death of crew and ~8 J(1~ job 3 Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 - - ----__.... `.,~~,~.~ m.n=stars to r,atl leadership of Sandinista natl lib wont in nicaragua, marking 4th anniv nicaraguan rev. (300 text stnt? congratulator,) msg 2000 arabic 15.00 173A engaf 1700 20t~fl Portaf 1-830 Czech/Slovak 1500 X00 serbo 1600 1900) spanla 2:x00/twice! ?nguk 1900 ital,ian 1>00~ 1900 Portuguese ~~~~~~? :.~vv i~-s~.w oro : oa 1300 1400 500 1904 2104 2200 2300; ~c r i e_ : ma y a k ! 400 2 330 2~a o r b i to 1 750 1800 1830 2004 2010 21C0 2204 2230 Home 180 195.0 enginter 100 1600 2000 21CO Tr?nc~inter 100 20 p.0 engna 22-00 ?ortbraz 2200 2a0p take 4 of several -- Comm=ntary 1iSt? mcs~ew consolida~Ad 50 aleksandr trushin marking 4th anniv ~ic~ory of sandinist~ rev on 29 Sul. (approx 450 words: to s s r 0910 ) 18 JUL tS$~ STAT 51 nicaraguan ambassador to ussr Jacinto Suarez espinoza marking 4th anniv Sandinista rev, pointing out that rev has been legi~imate~ expression of will of nicaraguan pp L. lauding ins~p.i~rr~d counterrevs. (3 min: home 100; b min: spanch i I r 20-00) developments in socialist- nicaragua despite threats r"rom u. s. ~ W/ 52 leonid Ievchenko re 4th anniv nicaraguan rev 19 Sul, pointing to anarchy prevailing prior to revolution and criticizing Washington's attitude toward present nicaraguan regime and subversive acts oT cia against it, noting in this context econ "~,t,~~,ac~.C~`-'prosperity achieved during present regime. (5-3 min: engineer 1300 1b00 20fl0 Trenchinter 1b-00 2000 engna 2~fl0 portbraz 2200 2300 span la X300 itaiian 17x0 Berman i5(3O turkish X400 grEek 100 3?'abic 170 Persian !~00 170C_c_aci/slcvak_3-8C polish 1400 serbo 1-oC0 19.CO~bu'gar:an 1530 xor 1330 Iamb !330 lap ?2-00 urdu~""?~^,G bang _5E0 harm .-~0 indo '_,330 15007 Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 53 feature "on soviet western world," giving account of Baltic sea and states surrounding Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 west euroo, e~id`~nts of baitic states. (_8 min: greekcy 1-~-30) ~4 Iraqi cp cc mbr "where does central command pose ins menac.e~?" in peace and socialist issues far duly, charging u. s. with expanding Hato influence to asia, africa. (4 min: baitic": talk "the soviet ~ L ----- _ wi..dow ~o on peace campaign in west Berman and Brewing Berman resentment over u. s. plan to deploy missiles~n europe. (3 min:. Urdu 1300 bang 1100) S' 56 summary albert grigoriyants iavestiya "chain STAT or" atla ntism, dealing with redeployment of u. s. soldiers on r"rg so~~nd Bonn's loyalty to Hato. (6 min: Berman 1600) 1.x.0 57 summary yevgeniy grigoriyev pravda on frg govt's plans toughen demo laws in frg. (rat mayak ?70250) (3 min: polish 1300 against demonstrations. (rpt frenchinter 152000) (finnish 53 soviet historian Leonid istyagin on new frg legislation lg JUL 1983 -59 tars commentator Igor maslov on cdu's own peace mvmt (appr;,x. 450 :~o.rds: tassr 1.01?) bO "good evening, aunt, is": report on launch or" another ship, "valeriy (brusov), from korneuburg shipyard (3 min); report r on production of pipeline parts for soviet union by a voest alpine subsidiary C~_min!; talk on traditional, friendly relations btwn sal~burg and Lithuania (5 min); info on same austrian contributions to ~~,oscow intL =iLm festival Cb ;nin). Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 61 niicoiay j` shicv on recent visi`. of .ritish~foreign~'~~- sacrfltary sir geoffrey howl to Washington to discuss British-u. s. military policy in europe: sent: ?nguk ?-g~O.-) ~-S b~ ~oint_stmt issued 12 ~u1 on results of talks btwn cpsu and 62 vantage point: boris belitskiy on book published in london "facts and fallacies, a book of definitive mistakes and misguided predictions, noting book contains, for example, Sow, in '20s american president herber4 hoover suggested that u. s. patent or'=ica be disbanded because everything in his v iew had already been invented, also mentioning orfldi-c o on that soviet russi.a would ryea~er survive. (enguk 1~~) engu 63 you write to moscow: citing newcomer writing on behalf of her schoolclass asking for program schedule. giving details about programs, interspersed with excerpts from listeners' letters praising moscow's broadcasts, expressing vies in favor of British-soviet friendship and peaceful coexistence. (9 min: =,i~n camparty. (tassr 121550) (8-4 min: engineer 0$00 11-00 SS(~- spancyba ~(3-t-00 Berman 0900 dap 2~-'t200 mend QZ00) rr- ~ newsreel of soviet-r"Tench friendship; ssletted 5rier" items reflecting extent of soviet-french friendship and coop ~~ _ in va~f3~s fields. (french 136- ~ ~~rLUS analyst askold biryukov says harvard tests prove C ~ ~C ate- ~~Q~Pussr did not use chemical substances in south east aria, ci~,n? _.. _.. __.~,..r,,, ;,y a, y;,Qn. ,;,ercenar:=s ~o rind use of chemical weapons in arghanist.an. (4~0 texi: tasse 1945) Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 g8 first in series of talks by krasnaya zvezda drier" editor, (nifcoiay chihasov) an Indian ocean situation, installment deals With deterioration or" situation in region due to pentagon plan to include Indian ocean within its zone of influence as reflected in its attamnts to =stablish milit bases, increased milit activities them. C7-3 min: indo 1330 hind 1+(38 thai 1100 "coordinate for peace," praising indochi coord far peace in south past asia, lauding formin mtg. C6 min: 100 yuriy afonin Quoting gromyko's remarks at dune supsav ~m~~sess~ion, on development of world events, reaffirming soviet peace po~.icy, s~cor?sn~ u. s. adrnin miiit presence in pacific and pressure it imposes on ,dap pp 1, calling ussr's various peace iniiatives r"Qr asi~~nd entire human race. C6. 5 min: enginter 14-3f)) ~~ of solidarity with korean ppI's cause for r'orcing foreign forces to withdraw from south korea and to achieve reunification based on principle or" peace and democracy, says relations btwn ppls or" two countries have been further cons ' dated. (3 min, sent: korean ~~ asian communist 102 yuriy kuznetsov on coop btwn vietnam, Laos and kampuchea, especially important in intnatl sphere where they seek peaty and narmaLization of situation irr their area, roundup of their peace flposais Given. (7 min: enginter I.C3C?) 1C3 report an wedding of viet students in Odessa. (5 min: 18 JUL 1983 _ ~5 104 Csopranov), sov aced of medsLi, on sov aid to srv in ing malaria. (5 min: viet '_~96) Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 countries, incl recent summit conf of Warsaw pact countries in ~~ mascoW, voting comments on conf by cssr press; announcement on east eurooe 105 'from practice of coop": roundup reports dealing with econ, o ~c1~~ - W i e c "socialist community": report on recent events in socialist take 7 or" several -- commentary list: ~~noscow consolidated 18 ~vl 93 1d19142O tech and cultural coop between socialist countries. (25-18 min: Czech/slovak 100 polish 13EJ0 bulgarian 1y30) hungarian ~ap-level delegation's visit to moscow; report on conf in Phnom Penh of Indochinese econ and cultural delagations. (12 ~mn~ ? ao 1@~0) 107 anon rounding events in socialist countries. incl moscow summit results discussed in socialist countries; kadar and hungarian S ~' delegation to visit vssr in second half of duly; anniv of mongolian ~n~~~ f i nryr~ 1530 ) ~_ ? _ 108 bulgarian cpcc marks anniv of rsdwp congrESS. (3 min: r~an~ ~18JUL ~~un rev;~havana health conf; summer camps for school children. 109 voices of friendship program for gdr Iistenres. Berman `517002 (Berman 49.48-) ~u.T `e~10 report on hungariaa govt delegation's arr~vai in mos ' d 1/S~- y Janos kadar, welcomed ,y gromyko. (350 t2Xt sent: :assn .245 to ss~L ! L ,3 r ~ -_.-_ ~ ^r~ ~ ~ t~S S~2 ~ Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 7 ~a~ Approved For'Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 - -- - -- 143q) 111 aieksandr zholkver on visit of hungarian govt delegation's visit to ussr led by ,)anon !radar, giving reviewing or' soviet-hungarian relations and outlining coop in various fields between two countries. (sent: enginter ~:s00 1600 200II renchint2r ib00 2000 eng;~a 2'300 Portbraz 2200 2300 soanla 2300 spanchile:2000 Italian 17C0 Berman 1500turkish 1400 arabic 1-730 Persian 1500 1700 greek 1800 Portal 1830 amharic 1530 Czech/slovak 1500~polish 1.400 _serbo IbQO 19t3Q bungarian 130 kor 1330 Iamb 1330 1ao 1330 urdu 1340 beng 1500 bu_rm 1430-indo 1330 ISOQ; anon: albani~ ~~ i12 tars intvw with miklos ovari, sec of hungarian racialist workers' party cc, on sou-fiaungar-ian relations. (4 min. sent: hungarTali 171900 viet 1000) 113 report on coap btwn sou, hungarian factories. (3 min: 1-~ u n S Ise STAT on ratification of polish govt's. econ and other poli-cies by se,Im. (rot enginter 151410) _enginter 0800 1100 Finnish 171530) (~. S 215 danilov on u. s, interference in polish internal af4airs S~f aimed at hindering process of normalization ryuoting washingtan post ~~~~ on existence of braezinskiy's suggestion that ban on polish fishing on emerican r'ishing grounds. stressing that gesture of goodwill proposed by brzezinski will not dedeive anyone since by sup{~erting polish counter-rev u. s. has. given ample proof of its hostile n. bukharin on history. of saviet~-polish revolutionary canto t~~ (5? rein: polish ~3QQ) l E JUL L~.? 117 club or' radio voyages: resume of feature on fcatyn war S p a n i s h 172-#-~0 ) 118 diary ar" soviet-Yugoslav cies. (rpt serbo 171000) 1400) Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 ~~ Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 - :-, -., mar:/Lenin/socialism 119 dr, of law: georgiy shakhnazarav, prESident of soviet assn of political sciances, on relevances of marxism-Leninism to 4resent apse-~-~ day, quoting andrvpov and giving history of growth of marxism. another indication of growing crisis of capitalism. (7 rnin: engint S20 (eduard arsenyev) marxism and opportunism in present 6 warkers' mvmt. describing differences btwn impists in contrast to peaceful policy of socialism, with quotes =ram Lenin, marx and engels.~~13 nin: finni.sh IS29-Y 121 prof !aleksandr yarmolayev> on Leninist principles in party structvrt and policy and on their intl significant:. (b min: r o~ru n i q,rr~ 1?a6~ ?122. first part~of series basrd on newly-published book "Lenin's lif4, devoted to Tenin's early life, C10 min. incl music: persian 1.86$) soviet economist on ways of raising work productivity in soda t system. (6 min: pot ish 1-4.89-3 take 8 of 8 -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 19 ,~ul 83 G~ 124 mernaries or (name indistinct) re ~SS~ ~)'bf~ ~ urs ~. (~ `? ~10 min: albanian 14~t3-? ~~ D ~ b~ j'e- 1zs l~-~~ YOth anniv of battle ?xcerpts or" marshal (katukov's) book of memories re kursk ~- - 8 JUL 1983 biography or' mar hero who participated in battle or" - .~~730) !a;-obit :73C) ...... s.'...!4 Approved For Release 2008/06/04 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101520001-7 min: Bulgarian 1'~6) ,. r,~ Hpprovea ror Keiease ~uuzsiuniu4 : t,iH-KUry4-u isasKUUCiu ia~uuu i-i 127 petr oelekhov flight control report including rECOrding or" communications session with cosmonauts and intvw with v. d. blagc ~,CSSf~.} v~ deputy~e-~i~ight controller. (5 min: mayak 1730) 128 soviet cosmonauts answer listeners' questions on different SS(~- USaspects of1soviet space flights. (22 min: portbraz 9--200 2380) `JJ influens,e on earth. tczech/Slovak 1-bA9> 130 ci-tec-h: incl item on research into activity of sun and its .31 anon on sov scientists study of 1908 meteorite in Siberia. life in user LLh~ 133 summaries Pravda on publication of andropov's selected 129 sci-engineering: incl Boris beiitskiy on progress in soviet manned spice exploration. (rpt engna 142200) (enginter 1.2.O.p) (4 mi nd 0700) ~~ 132 summary Pravda editorial. 19 Sul, on components which make up sense of socialist consciousness among soviet pp 1. (1 min: 1 orbits 2200 2300) speeches and articles. (engineer 142000) (6-5 min: enginter 100 PSu ~' ~- 134 report on cpsu cc politburo session. (tasse 131703) ~~ ~ (~3. 5 min: spancuha. 0100) 135 Pravda on Peet mayakovskiy's 90th birthday.