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Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 take 1 of several -- commentary list: 1d221347 unga session I summary sovetskaya rossiya "violation of all norms" re Ik S U, S at 3 tass analyst robert serebrennikov on_reagan's contempt u S US Wl a, u.s. action in preventing gromyko coming to new york to attend SeSS(d~ 5 yuriy rudnev, pegged. (rpt ger yuriy soltan, pegged. 1i S -A3 +o finr:ish 201530 Somali 201600 swahili 01730 czech/slovak 1600 ~~.. ~P~~hung 201900) s 5, Ic.or~ "5or I PaNC XCk- FUP-r`Ni~- president of previous session imre ho~lai of hungary, and election ._ c. 'DOW N, Ns 3L- of panama'.s vice president forge illueca as president of 38th unga S session. (450 text sent: tasse 0620 tassr 0600) 8 spartak alekseyev new york report, quoting nyt on lichenstein remarks, says usa wants to see, not agreed decisions of un, moscow consolidated 21 SEr83 _tA S 2 new york rpeort citing stmts by nicaraguan, indian, ethicpian and libyan reps on actions of u.s. authorities in preventing gromyko attendance. (450' text: tasse 0805 tassr 0745) for un, re lichenstein remarks. (rpt tasse 201902) (serbo 1600 (LS vladimir pozner re lichenstein remarks at mtg of un cmtee on relations with host country. (rpt but P-olitical and milit ambitions of washington, and econ interests of america, de.te*Omthing Intl situatio i. (3 min: home 1800 ~ V 7 new York report on opening of s~s?sion, with stmt by it sessio of unga. (5 min: hung 201630 enginter 202010) (engna an 191500) (enginter 1020) (rpt eng nter 201310) (german 0900 1SEP1983- 9 anon on socialist countries' proposals prior to next Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 10 anon on session and peace policy of soviet bloc. This 30) peace policy has been expressed in number of ininitiatives, uNy~ such as proposal that?warsaw treaty and nato should sign agmt on ii viaalen kuznetsov "un, ussr and disarm," says no unga u&l, 061)) also regard un as forum for uniting peaceloving forces. Is , Whole series of resolutions have been passed at un during last b),91 general assembly session to reudce danger of war, such as support for ussr declaration that it will not be first to use nuclear weapcpx,-) (5 min: hung 1900) inter 2030) - global 12 reports on 20 sep moscow conf o secretaries of central cmtee of socialist countries' fraternal parties. (tasse 201625) /!O C G (6-4 min: enginter 0810 1110 hung 2019 DO 1900 albanian 1430 bulg es eC(t 1520 czech/slovak 1-500 romanian 1600 p lish 1400 serbo 1600 190010ind 1400 camb 1330 lao 13'O0 viet 1000 ,nand 1230) US summary new times weekly comment on results of recent ipdc session held in tashkent, draws attention to negative role of usa. (300 text: tasse 1718 to sr 1539) 21 SEP 1y83 14 "way we see it" feature: incl talk by dr nikolay (lebedev) discussing soviet efforts to aid newly liberated countries with polit-econ-technological cooperation. this coop helps developing countries to set up key industries and withstand pressure for imperialist monopolies. It-also supports these countries' bid for new intl econ order, andropov briefly quoted on sov foreign polc;; principle to suppor4 countries which have liberated themselve from colonial yoke and who are defending their independence. (3 min:,nginter 2045) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 session has yet passed without ussr pr posing new peace initiatives, Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 ,,, uav yr miiiz rorce. Socialist countries reiterates soviet peace and disarm pro osal to stress importance osAL of preventing nuclear catastrophe and afeguarding peace. dfStx4+- Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 CO kers movt." (rpt portuguese exhib, incl reporters' interviews with reps from japan, usa bilateral trade. (3.5 min: report on distribution of sovi~t books in foreign Lt s S 19 radio magazine: ussr citizens opinion on kal incident; 2 youth program. (rpt persian 171700) (persian 1800) G G student explaining how students take plart in cultural events with 15 feature "intl communist and wor 141900) (portuguese 2000) 16 report on 1983 moscow intl sci 18 tass corn mikhail beglov on of mpic games in los angeles, stressing that cost of games will be immense. los angeles times quoted. not only cost of staging games will be high, but also cost for -anyone wishing to attend them. (engna 2200) an9o_a. 43 min: amharic 201530) A(, j,,JCr.ebucational institutes training speci lists for developing nations; press stmt by ussr red cross on south african aggression on 21 youth program: incl report on soviet peace fund, quoting from stints by sov workers explaining by they donated part of their wages to this fund (8 min); int w with mbrs of foreign youth delegs on their experiences in ussr ( min). german 1500) -3 21SEP1983 club: review of listeners' ltrs; intvw with moscow foreign students, actions of solidarity with oppressed ppls, etc. featur n folk?me-sic ensemeble. (spa ish 202130) 23 .questions and answers" progra#. (rDt Somali 031600) L5 / LtS Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 3. Wa_, frenchinter 202030 german -0900 Spanish Persian 1700 Swahili 201730 hungarian kor 1.130 1330 mand 1230 ,dap 201000 201 i4 r'0 . % ,.,.__.., .- - . .,. _ _-, ...,,,_ --- 24 mailbag: incl replies saying u deployment force because ussr has no policemen, roundup of soviet peace in in mad nuclear warfare theory, outlin senators on reduction of nuclear arms why cirme is lower in ussr than in we outlines soviet policy toward unity o soviet system of parliament represent, nationalities in ussr, and on aircraf- (er3g,inter 1210) 191655) (11-10 min: greek 201500 ,dap believes in reduction of nuclear arena k ta e 2 of several -- commentary list: 1d2=1348 kal plane incident ssr does not have rapid intention of being world itiatives to stress ussr vents and does not believe es andropov stmts to u. s. (1.5 min), explains reasons stern capitalist countries, plo and arabs in general, ition for small used by ussr in wwii. ~cscow consolidated ), .:,6 f 133 25 marshal of aviation pyotr kirsa washington" presenting facts which est that kal- 007 was carrying out spying 26 anon on cause of south korean p 3, lcoet- navigational route, says aim of 40-min takeoff at anchorage airport is to coi satellite, that plane's espionage com u. s. intelligence agency. (2. 5 min, s 27 anon on new facts and revelatio nov Pravda "facts expose ablish beyond any doubt ission for u. s. (t_taasse 201200; 8-3 min: 201900 finnish 201530 201900 1630 serbo 1900 200; 2. 5 min: greek 11 (4-5 lane's deviation from ute delay of plane's ncide with u. S. itted with approval of ent: kor 1330) &&-,- 21SEP1933 ns in connection with on.f irmed that ill-fated se it was working in hich crossed over it 2010 frenchinter 2000 german 1530 arabic 1730 greekcy hungarian 1900 polish 1-400 burm 1430) tl-S Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 kal plane episode, say.i,ng that it is c plane was on u. s.,.,spying mission becau coor?:nation with u. s. spy satellite to thrice. (5-3 min: enginter 1310 1610 1500 french 1730.italian 1700 finnish 173') bulgarian 1530 czech/slovak 1500 urdu200 1300 beng 1500 indo 1330 150 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 S `(,o(J`I- 26 daily world on new attempts of STAT V,, reagan admin to aggravate intl tension, re korean plane incident 11 S 7 1dj4U U' stressing that washington's pretences at concern over death of passengers are hypocritical and cynicall. (350 text: tasse 1647 Lt S 29 katia and pepe, focus on korean airliner affair, maintaining SI~1' G-S 04 espionage operation was coordinated, perfectly planned, stressing that U.S. secret services are responsible for violation of soviet aire. (4 min: spanchile 2030) (,L 5 30 the way we see it.,incl roundup oviet periodicals' comment on western presentation of ussr as being aggressive, quoting pravda, krasnaya zvezda, moscow news, k msomolskaya pravda and W~# sove t#aya rossiya. (enginter 0720) S. IC S' . k OttcL- ,_ 31 account of foreign and soviet press and other comment on kal plane incident, quoting ogarkov (brief) book by former french general upi, former lufthansa pilot, ma shal kirsanov in pravda, tass, and book by eisenhower's personal pilot. (7 min: engna 2200 32 g. sturua on kal 007 incident an anti-soviet campaign waged in usa with media at forefront of campaign, heightening tensions btwn two countries and creating anti-soviet phobias among (,t_S Vrr%5. americans, stressing that white house h s made full use of kal gu tia -- - 007 incident-to step up its arms buildup. (5-min: engna 21 Ep1983- talk quoting soviet legal expert aleksandr (zinevich) refuting various explanations offered by u. s. about presence of Pal 007 in soviet airspace and_saying that from a legal 5. ku" intl aviation convention standpoint, ac ions of soviet fighter pilots were fully justified. (4 min: engna 202---00),//-) U 1 kS Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 mikhail taratuta on similarity it a spying mission because of several acts including length of Ri21fn/ time it flew in soviet airspace, maintaining reason for provocation quite plausibly would be to frustrate world moves for peace as enormous profits are made in war industry in u /sue (5 min: e n g rig 202300) !- kd f.Gw- u,s 34 paula garb intvw with america businessmen mr. fred D~~N~N~(Iichter), from berkeley, saying that he suspected plane was on &S between nazi germany and present course of usa in connection with kal plane, noting while preparing incident washington carefully thought out all possible courses it could take, loss of life'could be used for political purposes by directing indignation at ussr, stressing that price ig lie may be much too high. take 3-of several Id221349 commentary list: m 36 reports on west german bundesta (3 min: engna 2200) Gc.S oscow consolidated 21 sop 83 I I SEP 1983 - 6 deputies appeal to ' ari dropov on question of limiting nuclear armaments in europe, klO~ar-~ and andropov's reply. (tasse 201155) (11-10 min, incl 1.5 min arye M eaI 9 d m pp in an ropov reply. german 0 00 1500 1600 greek 1500 f,jF- polish 1300; andropov reply only: 9-4 in: mayak 202330 enginter CUS ' 081;: 1010 1110 1310 1610 2010 french in er 2000 engna 202300 2200 portbraz 2200 2300 spanla 2300 spanchi a 2000 german 0900115nn urdLi arabic 1730 turkish 1400 portal 2000 s ahil?i 201730/twice/ 1730 somali 1606 frenchmag 201930 greekcy 1 30 albanian 1430 bulgarian 1530 romanian 1600 czech/slovak 1500 1 00 hungarian 2,01630 201900 1630 polish 1400 serbo 1600 1900 kor 0 30 1130 camb 1320 lao 1030 1300 m a n d 1-600v i e t 1-000 1300. 1400 burr,i 1030 1430 hind 1 1.30 1400 french 1730 italian 1700 1900 portugue a 2000 spanish 201900 finnish 201530/twice/ 1530/twice/ dari 1500 persian 1500 1700 1800 1000 " 1200 thai 1-400 in?do 1330 1500 bens 1500; 2. 5 min: somali 20-1600 amharic 2j)4530 camb 1330 burm 1(Q0 thai 11-00; 2-1 min: home 000 0104 0x04 0300 0400 0500 ' o r b i t a 0400 0930 ma y a k 0200 03-30 frencninter 2`02030 engna 202300 spanist 202130 Finnish 201530 frenchaf 20-1930 hungarian 20-1630 2011?0 kor 0930 mand 0700 viet 1000 1300 1400 mandsea 1230; brri : ma yak 0430 enginter 0.70 OQ00 00 1200 1300 spanla 0000 spancu a 0100 greek 1500) / L } _ I.ls / /) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 0 AOP4-that, above all, aerman and covicst not r disarmament and analyzing in detail an bun'tag dpty's appeal, underlining s &Kdr-opi/ A~ 7 valentin sakharov "the soviet un Q0^0- f P peace willingness," referring to andro ,i/iP ti'e steps on nuclear arms. quot 0L usa and britain, also ap, reuter and f Lt C, OIAAI~ f- A engint" 2010 engna 2200 Swahili 1730 ion proves once more its ov's recent letter on ropov's stmts, stressing who suffered so much from der to avoid a new round A's to andropov's reply to viet determination to take g press reports from frg, ante-press. (4 min: /J a.iD wS h P soviet peace initiatives. (6-4 min: 2200,4;.grtuguese 2000) o a ;} ~vrct- - P, .. hostility, maintaining most veritable Al are now established at white house, po i5 or ita 1500) eploy euromissiles, quoting affairs, andropov's reply to mphasizing failure of widespread support for oring those who pursuit rst path, that of mutual hampions of that course nting out one can frg and millions of other attention progress of by u. s. side. (home andropov's repiy:'to -bundestag dpty's-appeal quoting frg press us in arms-Thace. (6 min: german 1600) trud, pravda, sovetskaya kultura, intl bundestag dptys (1_5 min), new times, governments' opposition to protests an andropov's reply to bundestag group, s a-V and niut, introducing anatolig doronin discussing wide support given to idea of nuclear.freefe in usa on nationwide scale, Qjvyv-J stressing opinion that reagan's new nuclear program does not solve M-I problem of country's security, that provoking of arms race makes shry!Tln,by military expenditures. (home 1645) "I -~?~- Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 fish aims and mush mankind t w rd f Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 V0P?mand sea 4 cikSCLA visit 43 belov on sov proposal for disarmament submitted to unga l;~S dcsoCM in sep 1959, which drew worldwide supp rt, of aLSOJYK -k-c t o M%5si -e-s- his foreign tour, and his statement negotiate on arms control at geneva question of of nuclear weapons in europe. that u. s. was prepared even though missiles would year. (sent:.enginter 2010) . 1plotA begin t (kS 45`europe is there a threat?" (r enguk 071900) (enguk anatoliy yuryev on italian prim minister to britain, and his remarks to p ess abotu adopted by unga. (7 min: yuriy reshetnikov on vice-president george bush's final leg 2 us eduard kovalev on reports from broad on increasingly extensive mvmt of anti-war, peaceloving against stepping up of arms race, again new U.S. medium-range missiles on europ andropov's reply to bundestab dpty's ap to free europe from nuclear armaments, tactical, remained in force, stressing It). Cwt 9,41 0,a,wPuunuclear-free zones, underlining support -60 deployed by end of current !soviet-u.s. negotiations on limitation L*,1ect (sen ' tolian 1900) 4 zone in 1-4lkans. - (mayak 1900) public of western europe st threat of deployment of can continent, touching on peak, that ussr's proposal both medium-range and signififance of creating being given to nuclear-free 1 SEP 1983 intl diary; incl aleksandr zholk~er on anti-war.movt and ant,0A.A-activity of opponents of this mvmt who, under Washington's V3 FAUh pressure, are orientated toward increase in world tension and intensification of military preps. (sent: orbita 0930 1330) (,t. 5 report on'ptenary`mtg of soviet fro-asian solidarity cmte_, quoting address givn by mirza ib agimov, soviet chmn, on soviet public taking active part in ~nti-war mvmt. (300 text: ,gJ%hk) . asse 2042) ?dn Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 take 4 of several -- commentary list:l moscow consolidated 21 sop 8: 49 "interlocutor": recorded intvw with domingos coelho 4 da cruz, chmn angolan league of friendship and solidarity'with ppls abroad, re moscow intl mtg of reps of soviet public opinion and tropical african countries assns of friendship with ussr, des_r,.bing topics discussed, contrasting reasonable peace and isarrr, proposals put forward by ussr? to west's concern with talks only: noting role social associations should play in enlightening U"_j tka public opinion in their countries on dangers of a nuclear war, s ( `Ja~ ' touching on undeclared war being wateb agianst angola by racist LI`b south,a'f ca. (8 min: portaf 1830) 50 youth program: incl report on participation of soviet G youth #'n ussr peace fund. (6 min: weekly mailbag: devoted to res onse among czechoslovak listeners to soviet peace initiatives (20 min: czech3slovak 5. (sergey gribkov), executive of ate''' ay_ (rpt enginter 201310) (german x- 201500 h.uMgar ian 20.1900 ) yuriy '*oJtan on activities on on intl peace day'observed ppl do not want to put s. (250 text: tasse I SEP 1ca~' - q- ccasion of world peace day rn europe, denouncing (4-3 min: enginter 1-610 serbo 1900; anon: italian Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 ussr un assn, re intl peace 00 finnish 201530 greek LL S summaries igor melnikov pravda worldswide, stressing that millions of up with aggressive plans of militaris 065"assr 0230; 3 min: mayak 0250) 20 scp, citing manifestations in west ant:-soviet campaign launched: by. u. s. ger~',ar 15-00 finnish 1530 greek.cy 1730 17QCungarian 1900) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 gas pipeline 55 viktor fedorov on Siberia-west europe gas pipeline, describing obstacles, builders had to overcome, and concluding that u.s. discriminatory measures were answered by still greater determination and effort on part of soviet workers involved in pra~ett.~(8 min: Czech/Slovak 1600) united states eng iyt-gr 1020) 56 pravda exposes attempts by u. s. I' news media to conceal facts of 1. interference in affairs of otheer countries and Washington's responsibility for bloodshed in those ~ountries. (4. 5 min: Gc-S LLS Hr/ "way to see it": gennadiy petro- re reagan remarks that americans should be thankful to god th t they live in paradise of freedom. (r pt en inter 20 045) (enginter 0720) 5E tass analyst ivan ablamov ridicules attempts of rea!Vgan admi.r1 to present itself supporters of human rights while wasrington flouts rights and freedoms of ppls in world arena by ir,terfereing in affairs of other countries. refers to george WV=:J wl'una remarks on soviet bloc's constant violation of provisions of helsinki final act on hum n rights. (450 text sent: tasse 1645 tassr 1048) (._-S yevgeniy yegorov Washington report on reagan speech at 20 ,/io1,3ted in usa at present ti;!.e. (9 mirk: rinn; _5h i5?0) sep dinner in honor of superhawk senato Strom thurmond calling on americans to arms to teeth to save their families and country. (400 text sent: tasse 1934 tassr 0950) LA S 2 1 SEP 1983 1C? "imperialism in dock"l recalls period of mccarthyism in amerLCa and comb a;s it to reagan's current crusade against communism, giving'acc.p,un?t of how human rights are being Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 a U 61 ablamov in tass: u.s. uses high interest rates to squeeze indebte5-d-eveloping countries. (3.5 min: mand 0700) deprived in world of profit"1 valenti.n gubernatorov talk cn lack of civil rights and liberties in usa, illustrating this theme with account of how air traffic controllers' strike was s+_ppressed in 1981; tenants evicted for nonpayment of recent in newark, though they were unemployed; police breaking strikes of miners and teachers, natl guard doing same for meat packers and cooper miners; comprehensiveness of fbi files, which cover virtually all adult copulation. (9 mir -4 ome 1000) LL S t" 63 anon feature on america today, with particular attention paid to law on anti-subversive activities which was passed on sep 1959 and since caused lot of unhappiness to sometimes innocent ppl. reagan supports this law and leads y_~ crusade against poor and colored, against those who voice their d.isap anal for arms race. (7 min: polish 1400) C take 5 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 21 sep 83 1d221450 , 1 c ` P 1aR - / 1 - v Ca - reports -cn. gromyko mtg with canada,'s ambassador in 6L OL 10 9,&T- mosfvi,J ;eof-frey ptjrs:gn re his departure from ussr for home, USJr with Obi, t remarks exchanged on.occasion. (200 text sent: tasse LL wkw??- (,i,S5I' yak 1?0-0; 2-1 min: home _-800 orb ita 1800 eng inter 2000 nt W1 2100 frenchinter 2000 portbraz 2200 2300 spanla 2300 engna 2200 6r nt/~0engJX-1900 Italian 1-900 portguese 2000 serbo 1900) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 65 caracas report on opening of 9th session of latin american U,t n a7,tLAu- council oto_di.scuss way"s for developing trade and ec:on relations..btwn.latin american coutnries, cites opening remarks ' -r by president luis herrera campins of venezuela. speakers at session condemned washington for its econ blockade of nicaracua and advoca.ted establishment of coordinating cmtee which would be in'charge of developing business contacts btwn latam countries. (35cc text: tasse 064'0 tassr 201 125} second in series by valentin selivanov on u.s. interference ~ Q?nutuc-in central america "from gunboat policy to policy of aircraft care ill. " (7 min: portbraz 2300) 1--7 "dialogue" feautre: anon answers fb `a 7-1 LI (overall/26 mini: portbraz 2200 2300) CRS unity must be achieved, 2000 } (i / - democratic movement formed in Santiago. 93 people have signed a document asking for pinochet's removal. pascual barraza, manuel almeida, hernan correa, and others have demaned pinochet's departure and an interim government, all socialist groups come under this grouping. all the people governinc with pinochet, and pinochet himself must go. crimes and outrages must an emergency economic program must be drawn. A democratic without exceptions. (7 min: spanchile 2 1 c EP 1933 announcers on meeting held by socialists and communists in berlin. document signed by insunza, concha, rios, marEinez, leyoon and concha. correspondent in berlin reads out CW-U f (,t,S Oft she J-1 um\ent. point .document. (4 min: spanchile 2000) '70 announcers"on struggle that took place on i$ September, as O(LAn,do millers has said during e a ceremony held in moscow. milas eenounced cia implemented monetary policies in chile. the m:.arket has been overloaded with products of international com;,anies. millas thanked escucha chile and magallanes. (2 min: spanchile 2000) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 71 katia and pepe on solidarity in european cities with chilean people. Anti-fascist committe in hungary is interviewed It, nn,~ and says how solidarity is expressed irk hungary. every day a meeting is held. there is a square inlhungary that bears allende s name; many wreaths pay homage to allen~e. news from canada also e C-.c'`-~demcrstrated solidarity. more than 2,000 people marched in new it york. ether leaders have expressed so lidarity, like mitterrand,? Lomas barge, the writer mario benedetti, pablo neruu,:?s and others. a huge demonstrati by panamanian workers. (gorge mantes) party secretariat spoke at a demonstra on was staged in panama member of communist tion held in moscow. pinochet must be replaced by an interigovernment. the world is exores)sing solidarity with chile. eduardo rotas member of chilean (9 min: spanchile 2030) communist party on economic given. foreign debt nearing $20 billion. situation will get worse day by day. pinochet is Jeopardizing national security. christian democrats are proposing a broader political base. there are indications of an improvement. democratic alliance will assist in development of a better spanch la 2030) perspective... _ now-.c andi.t ions for a democratic stru;ggla. san Jose report on guatemalan p 2 1 SEP 1P93 13- atriotic forces developing an offensive started few days ago in northern regions of country, U/J LA_ f U 8 (A.A~ Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 scoring Washington and tel aviv for supplying guatemalan regi,re with modern weapons and advisers. (330 text: tasse 1919) LL S 74 "uruguayan chronicle": ricardosaxlund on 63 years of urug cyan communist party. party readiness to joint other political parities. uruguayan communists are ready to rescue uruguay and restore democracy. (3 min: spanla 23 0) (MORE ) //1 / Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 I` f,1l6#1S Dptnl 76 time, events, people: Intl lev. (!~D(_ Intl intvw with pans (pol.ak) (r t germaust 141800) (400 text: tesse 1728) pveral?l:"''germaust 1800) 21SEP1983 viktar olin discussing book published in dublin by Irish STAT Journalist (dermot walsh), on mystery surrounding crash of an aer t'.R(4i1~_ lingus airliner in 1968, claiming tha airliner with 61 passengers avsSI/t& or, board was shot down by british gro nd-to-air-missile. (sent: enginter 2010) . - , - _,,.,. _ .- - --_... -. Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 1d2?1508 West eunajL& 75 adn berlin report on exchange o opinion-s on berlin 21 sep between erich honecker and herbert mien noting that all politicians, all parties, all political groups and mvmts are today being measured by their deeds for preservation of peace and prey(ettion of a nuclear catastrophe, quoting honecker as saying that deployment of nuclear first strike weapons in frg would violate both patsdam agmt and treaties courltries, Intl basic relations treaty of frg with socialist with gdr, and helsinki bezymyanskiy marking 50th 'anniv leipzig trial, noting older ones remember trial of accused in case of r that half-blind dutchman admitted to s communists were blamed and there were leipzig trial was to set an example to be trial of century, stressing this it had intended, instead it became a tria themselves in dock of world opinion, t dim4 rVv. (home 0800) ichstag fire, mentioning arting fire, but any arrests, painting out all communists, it was to was, but not as hitler 1 of nazis, who found hanks to revelations of "good evening, austria": (vadin dzabarov) cultural activities on occasion of aus trian days in azerbaijan. 4,= report on visit of an austri n delegation to aremnia &rpt- gfrmaust 151800') (4 min`); report =air, ~~ (15 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 79 (vladimir zhelkov) on recent Court hearings in belfast, noting ulster poll (III 'E_ Fr ogram for belgian listeners: incl vladimir vladimirov on preps for belgian anti-missile demo in.october, noting it ,it will coincide with autumn forge,m neuvers, which are intended F-t,r to remind public opinion of soviet threat, noting despte this --- -y'-w-+a in west ((4T _ (french 1730) 81 "friendship quadrant": sergey ce are ever increasing scale in violation internationally recognized legal rules, painting out sentence was passed on basis of one testimony which was ne4er checked by court, that testimony was given by so-called supergrass, maintaining this tactic enables authorities to oal anyone they want to goal in ulste-rz,. (enguk 1900) anti-missile mvmt in belgium is growing (4 mi . review of listeners letters on disarmament, on aA 1 govt austerity policies, of servo on "science-83" exhibition in moscow, citing intvws with italian participants givii their views on benefits of soviet-it Tian sci coop: account of fruitful business relations btwn florentine giunti publishing group C soviet publishing houes. (14 min: italian 1900) la~ 2 1 SEP 1983 82 soviet-finnish friendship and coop program: roundup of links between two countries in various fief s: leonid (kartsev) on soviet govt submitting to presidium of supra a soviet for ratification ~iNla.nl ~" soviet-finnish protocol on extending reatyof friendship coop and mutual assistance signed durng koivisto's visit to moscow in ,dune, noting ussr and finland set an example to world how to (finnish 201530 1530) buiJ mutual 'Felations between states with different social systems, underlfnin.g. fi!nland's initiatives toward a nuclear-free ..a norL (6 min); intvw with sep.po islander of lohja osakeyhtioe who 3.Ook part in intl sci exhibition n moscow, noting importance of exhibition and interest shown on 1 hja's products, also noting high standard of soviet science{ and coop with finland Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 ,2 P3 DL pointing to recent reports about visit to Sweden of american military pilots, pointing out sweden e expanding contacts wit^ ~~~jship of nato apd u. s.. (sent: Finnish 1530) /(/ 1 a r4 =psu cc condolence msg to south 3. CL ~ yusuf dadoo, anc president and nati chan south african cp. Iity-swedish style" african comparty cc, ,dJvI1nnat:.ona1 executive cmtee ;of anc of sou h africa on death of ~ h? brief: m b W (200 text sent: tasse 1500 ta.ssr 1150: one min: Berman 1600: c?P A/ home 1300 orbits 1300 1400 mayakl 1400 enginter 1500 1600 1700 1800 frenchinter -600 2030 italian170O Finnish 1330 engaf 1800 2000or. to f -1.930 s wa h i l i 1730 hung pa T i a n 1630 1900 s e r:b o. 85 -anon paying tribute to memory of (rpt po of 201830) (engaf 1700 2000) yusuf dadoo, anc president. ac moses mabidha, south african cp en sec, paying tribute to yusuf dadoo, south african cp chairman, who died in london, r-ecalling his contribution to freedom struggle in OL- south africa, his love of soviet'union, calling on youth to follow in -F.otsteps.of dadoo and to mourn him by escalating struggle level than ever before. (5 min: engaf 1700) 8- anon "the results of george bush's t rip pto Maghreb countries:" outlining bush's visit to northern african countries, and his meeting and talks with leaders of morocco, algiera.. rn tuni'sia, scoring u. policy in nort--. a crira. (sent: frenchmag 201--1~30 engaf 1-700 2000) r_ l &_'s Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 take 7 of several -- commentary list: 2 1 SEP 1983 SS "east africa`last week". (rot somali 191600) (somali 1600) 0 S9 "east africa last week": anon on unveiling of lenins status in add is ababa (3.5 min), anon on east african countries views on r3t) J. Chadian issue (3 min); anon on ccm re & S intv with osman'laye, mbr of of econ commission for africa, and l-o-d ir,ector of intl seminar on toin planning and environment protection, giving impressions of seminar organized by ussr and un environmental program or african participants, also giving favorable views on visits to tashkent, moscow, bukhara and sa kand (4 min: frenchaf 2019301) Sl sergey aleksandrov on warsenin econ crisis in south africa, citing inc publication sechab1. (rpt engaf 201700) 92 highlights of aleksandr bovin C kaC~ c 1+ (fren a 201930) role j.. Chad. (5 min: engaf 2000) intvw with Konrad ariapabio), .society, re moscow conf of soviet and peace and coop with ussr, stressing h YF, t 5. 1 french missiles should be taken into ~iran e9 1-41 di5axM talks.---~(engaf 2000) wA .,- -4 ,%- ?4 anon on mali celebrating its 23d anniv independence on 22 moscow consolidated 21 sep 8-: ular congress in tanzania. izvestiya article on french sec-gen ghana-ussr friendship african public to discuss is belief that british and is grown and country has built ~P an5 ndu-trial, enterprises and is carrying out major aiJiJ"/ agricultural prb,ects, pointing out although it has a great potsntial development it still remains one of poorest nations in afr:ca due to drought and econ crises this steps are being taken to advance in capitalist world, despite national econ such as dam projects with other countries and ussr is assisting in mineral extract n. (3 min: engaf 1700 2000)1 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 G sep, noting size of its labor force h Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 95 oleg lavrukhin citing angolan nws agency that angolan armed forces continue their operations against unita terrorists. (rpt?-"ioaf 201700) : (frenchaf 201930) ~~SS spancuba 0400 german 0900 finnish 201.5 0 Swahili 201730 amharic 46a o6tJ LL c 00 window on arab world: incl anon I7 .,ass- political news analyst bor scoring reagan admin for; increasing di in 'Lebanon, quoting?le monde, washingt (450 text sent: tasse 1852 tassr 1510) (tass e 191502) (4-3 min: is shabayev Lt 5 erect u. s. military interferenc n post, financial times. 98 andrry (sh..pilov) noting presid nt reagan and leaders of u.s. congress have reached preliminary agmt on resolution prolonging presence of american marines in lebanon by 18 months, pointing to growing alarm among mbrs o congress over signs of a growing involvement of u.s. troops in Lebanese conflict, undeuiining reagan's satisfaction that so-called compromise res,-Lu.tion gives a free hand to presid nt to prolong pretence of u.s. troops in lebanon and gives congress control of u.s. involvemen in developments in that country. (engia 2200) valentin lapin STAT on notable worsening of situation with escalation of u.s. arme intervention.. (rpt rehash italian 201700) (enginter 0810 L10 1310 1610 frenchinter 2000 german 1500 italian 1-700 finnish '530 persian 1500 1700 turkish 1400 swali 1730 greekcy 1730 hungari n 1900 kor 1330) U-S noting events in lebanon indicate that us' a co'nti,nues to fan conflict in lebanon, mentioning s`:ellir,g of populated areas in beirut uburbs, quoting nbc and cb= or escalation of u. s. intervention, pointing out this is bigga_t u.s. naval involvement since?v.etnam. (3 min: arabic 15:4_frenchmah 1930) 1 SEP 1983 ~t S 101 nikolay (zagorin) on second stage of conspiracy against 96 tass stmt on situation in and around lebanon and u.s. 'II .r? 4( embarking on direct use of armed force Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 4 -- 1 02 volkiy on u. s. hegemonist poli cy, israeli aggressiveness in mideast, stating that israel must r* urn its occupied land to ma; way foytablishment of palestinian nation. (6 min: mand 0700) 103 aleksey zlatorunskiy on current session of unga saying UA that there are many important issues on agenda, stressing mideast proCiem will occupy important place i debates, pointing out soviet line supports palestinian rights whil that of u.s. and Israel oppthem. (8 min: arabic 1500) report on ceremony in moscow i IAS n which palestinian poet mahmcud derwish was prestented with in~l lenin peace prize for his ser'.ices toward palestinian struggle or freedom and independence, quoting address given by acad nikolay blokhin, and reply by derwish. (350-text: tasse 1356 tassr 1350, 7 min: arabic 1,500 1330) take 8 of several--commentary list: m scow consolidated 21 sop 83 d221542 105 second part of poem by mahmud farwish, palestinian nationali SS S-*st- 1 . ll l-p-han-or (9. rcLb 5 j4- poet and militant, noting poem writte last summer and chants palestinian he (arab' 1730) 106 radio moscow fans club: incl raise their voices for release of mah and prsoner of Israelis in al-ansar c in beirut, during siege, oism and resistance. isteners called upon to ud abu ash-shabab, club mbr mp, lebanon, listeners also praise radio moscow's defense campaign of abu ash-shabab. .o,nP awar1dwide mourning f shat-11a massacre (3 min): report of o (3 ;r i r) . (s oma l i 201600) r victims of sabra and inions of various foreign s over kal airliner disaster 1.15- 21SEP1983 tement carried in pravda. summary iranian tudeh party st .(rpt tasse 201840) (dari-1500 persianl15001700 1800) y?--- Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 1~_? "discussing arab world": tass Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 109 anon oniran-iraq war, stressig that war is contrary to interests of both .ran and iraq and Only benefit impists. (4 min, nt: persian 1700 1800) 110 anonon course of civil disob dience in pakistan. (rpt korolev, enginter 201430) (dari 15001 Iii vladimir korolev krasnaya zve da on pakistan's role in u.s. strategy in southwest aria saying taht despite mass mvmt and repression in pakistan, washingt n continues arming that country to compensate for its loss in iran and is using pakistan as a base for launching hostile acts against afghanistan, indite and Cr regional countries. (5 min: bang 1500) warfare unit in no china 112 special program "two-line struggle on world's polit stage": criticizing milit alliance btwn usa, japan, maintaining that developing political dialogue (laltov) on weiberger's visit to ,)ap, with china in present situation is urgently needed. (4 min, sent I m nd 1600) u,S / 5 - _5 PV- 215 YEaCim.ir- or'olLhv on natl construction in indochina and Ct S 1 a- 11 3d part of a book by jap writer on crimes committed by JAcp chemical tJo 0700 during wwii. (7 'min: mand S_S Cc 5 114 program for chinese youths: re art on activities of sov youths, of young ppi in other countries (9.5 min): talk about vocational education in ussr (4 min); ?moxin) on kamp's educational achients since 1978 _(4 min). (taal 17.5 min: mand 1600) ppijcies oF indochinese count (4 T;;^, thai 1100) lavrov on forthcoming asian (6 ir? sent: enginter 1431) ies. (rpt anon camb 191330) :1SEP1983 tur of u. s. president. Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 :if tars analyst vassiliy kharkov Ion weinberger intvw with jap la K) Ct S~U-~ daily iomiuri and threat posed to asia text sent: tasse 1833) 118 andreyev on joint jap-u. s. exelrcise at seat to start 25 sep, describing scale, major theme of protection, strait blbckade. (6 min: 14; reports on gromyko mtg with kampuchean foreign minister sep, and speeches at ensuing luncheon by gromy::o and hun sen. (tasse 201715) ( -6 min, with 5 min gromyko and brief hun sen speeches: enginter 0 10 11-10 spanla 0000 lao 0" 60,0 3,eo 1030 1300 camb 1330; 6-3 min, with 2.5 min gromyko and brief enginter 13.10 16-10 f enchinter 2000 portbraz L)5f 1'1' hun sen speeches: LL S' - 2200 spanla 2300 gnuk 1900 persian 150 1700 arabic 1-730 albanian-1430 bulgarian 1.330 t=ech/slo ak 1500 hungarian 1900 polish-140 serbo 1600 1900 burm 1030 1430 hind 1130 indo 1330 1500 thai 110 beng 1500 viet 1-000; 1.5-1 min, with brief gromyko: spanish 202130 turkish 1400 greekcy 1730 mand 07-00 viet 1000 1300 0100 german 0900 1500 1600 burm 1030 t 1309 bang 1500 lao 1300 camb 1330 mand by military preps. (400 i S jap 201200) 0 3. 1130; gromyko only, brief: frenchlinter 202030 enginter 0700'0800 1000 1100 1200 1300 1430 engna 202300 spanla 0000 spancube on talks between gromyko a in moscow. stresses sov-kampuchean fr for escalating arms race, for conducti provocations against ussr in far east. 1333E ) 121 I phnompenh,report, citing spk re o= s-,-dente pertaining to atrocities p kampuchean ppl by pal pat gang in year efforts of enemies of kampuchean rev t and traitors on kampucheans and preser intl bodies for reps of socalled coali ai 1100 hind 1130 urdu 1200 1230) nd kampuchean foreign minister iendship. denounces u. s. ng false propaganda on (6 min: kor 1130 kS 2 1 SEP 1983 port on continuing discovery erpetrated against scoring o impsoe gang of assassins ve seats in un and other tion govt of democratic kampuchea. (350 text: tasse 1942 tassr 1005) Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 F Approved For Release 2008/06/04: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101560010-3 123 ulaanbaatar report, citing montsamon article by jap monologist m. onuki in mongolian paper literature and art over merits of life and proQresls of mongolian batt3i-breeders. (350 text: tas_e 1__= take of 9 -- commentary list: moscow colsolidated 21 sep 83 en tr us ing 124 review of 38th issue of aktuality, devoted to coma coop and S ~r exchange of experiences between soviet andl Czechoslovak workers. (4 min: cz-cch 1500) C 125 report on events related to Sofia ays in user, mentioning cul'ur~arl--)vents. (20 min, incl music: bul arian 1530) 121 semon skravskiy on marxist-leninist U 12review of some soviet exhibits at bl~udapest intl fair. (4 min: harian 201900) marx/coCislism G G I 2 1 SEP 198i opPaKe t, impism.