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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 take 1, 04 -sev-eral -- comentar unga..Ses?s i on 34`x` `1 sLmmar?es pravda on unga session and tSTAT SeSSiohl raps' efforts to distract assembly from business-like discussion G-~ of prs-.ssirvg intl problems and dispel atmosphere of businesslike work. (350 text sent: tasse 0617 tassr 272305; 4 min: enginter Us. new york report on unga debates, summariizing speeches by danisl ortega.of nicaragua, aristides per*ira of cape verde; notes s.p*iches by nato reps echoing Washington's foreign policy direct ve, wets in striking contrast with stoats by majority. of Car- ~S uata sp?sak;ers who expressed genuine concern for fate of world and securit of mankind. 1400 text: tasse 0654 tassr 0338) american Gress comment on reean's " STAT .speech, citing christian science monitor, nyt, wall, street journal. (.350 t*.-x.t sent: tasse 1102 tassr 1015) 6t.,4 new york report "hypocrisy again," on reagan un speech. (rat toss 271'333) (mayak 272330; 4-3 min: .enginter 0910 1010 111-0 u- ' spsncu.h4 r00- bong 1300 t h a i 1100 i n d o 1330 1500) 5 S tars .,analyst vladimir bogachev "it takes not words, tassr 1035) tL- 6 leon.id..levch.enko.-on significance of session. (SQt enter !w. - ' (finnish -264530) _ ItS I T yurly soltan.on reagan-'s un address. (rpt enginter 271310) (german,0c00 finnish 271530 amharic 271530 1530 somali 271-600 h ind i 1-130 urdu 1200 ,jap 271200; anon viet 1300 1400) LL S 41 but act:ions," on reagan un speech. (rpt tasse 271645) (400 text: Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0/ Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 :;~V 8 Vladimir pozner daily talk on reagan's un address, asserts IAN 6161jthis was based on flasehoads that reflect present admin's utter (~ls contempt far intellig.ence of world community '~?'~ ?? - of nations in general and for i,aeT-icin P-Pl in particular. says if he were an american he would be overwhelmed by two feelings -- outrage and shame. (3 min :.,,~g na 2200) U-S (!. Cc, S y andrey s.hepilov on reagan's un address and u.s. admin's session,-~and un, draws attention to gap btwn deeds toward un citing reasons for gromyko nonattendance Of unga g current- unconstructive position of usa at geneva talks, it ,,,mac other anti-soviet actions inside mission. (engna 27230 i0 yevgeniy pstko on reagan's un speech, says speech gave rise to profound disappointment since it is aimed primarily at justifyin ~rsr~~evident to everyone that his `'r"'?''aititiy, t3 min: mayak 0330) Us' zlatorunskiy "the president shuts his a es " 2 8 S EP 1983 e I sewrhere. (arab i c 1500 1730) u- Qo V on reogan s un spsst.h, gives.: critical assessment of his speech, drawing attention to vs imperialist policy in mideast, central . -~ america and 12 glabov on unga session, soviet efforts to safeguard World .1I ~~II Peice, ' u. s. obstruction of disarm, milit buildup, milit expansion ~n g ac (4 e P . min. ,)AP 271200; anon: viet 1000) it 5 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 speech was devoid of feeling of admin's words and Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 glabai 13 andrapov statement an soviet and american foreign policies, and disarm issue. (text 2,000 text, fyi'd: tasse 1733 tassr 1634/.fyi'f/mayak 127Q0/fyi'd/ home 1700 1900 orbita 1800; 25-20 Q6d "Pod LIS min: spanla 2300 spanchile 2000 germaust 1800 persian 100 1800 ---- -?--? +~ nrin. purtioraz co d2300 italian 1-900 portuguese IF o a 2000 greekcy 1730 engafr 1790 portafr 18-30 serbo 19~ v gnpv I pp text sent: tasse 1657; 9-3 min: home 1950 orbita 2300 enginter S 201 frenchinter 2000 engna 2200 spanla 2300 portbraz 2200 2300 rdretrenguk 1900 french 1730 italian 1-700 1900 portuguese 2000 germaust 1$00 arabic 1730 greekcy 17-30 serbo 1900; 2.5 min: enginter 1700 1900 2000 engna 2200 enguk 1940 portuguese 2000; 2-1 min: orbita 1750 1904 2104 ma.yak_1830-.2.000 enginter 2100 frenchinter 2000 S'S, italian 1700 1900 persian 1800 engafr 1700 2000. portafr 1830 serbo 1980; breif: p.ortbroz 2200.2300 spanla 2300 french 1730; portion on u. s. foreign policy course, 220 text sent: tasse 1635 tassr 1633; portion on.soviet foreign policy course, 180 text sent: tasse 1640 tassr 1638; portion on geneva talks, 200 text sent: tasse 1643 tassr 1642; portion on deployment of new u. s. missiles europe.,_ 25~ text sent: tasse 1650 tassr 1649) LLS stmt and bri-af quotes by afp and bta. (9 min: orbita 2010) 15 excerpts jablonski speech at special mtg of heads of states and gouts in new york in response to indira gandhi's msg. (500 ,,cA1 text: tasse 1233) take 2of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 28 se 83 f' ].d291446 46SEi1283 andropov greetings msg to participants in 7th afro-asian conf in tashkent. (enginter 251100) (2-1 min: 261530/twice/turkish 271830 Somali 271600 amharic 271530 271200; brief: finnish 271530) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 tt S in western 14 ' int.l diary:" presented by vladimir patko: andropov's stmt I on u. s. foreign policy is center of world attention. summary of 3- Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 I1*- 17 tashkent report on afro-asian writers discussing problems of their countries, summarizing speeches by indian and sri lanka Gt4o'aS(a .d`a ,(u L& l,-'S, 18 corr's intvw with ldr of indian writers' deleg now attending Qfa ,asIw afro-asian writers conf in tashkent, giving his impressions of conf and h4A4ing soviet policies. (6 min: hind 1400) 19 report on int?vw with chmn of afghan writers union, currently taking part in tashkent conf of afro-asian writers, on role of writers in publicizing danger posed to world peace by u.s. imperiaJXi7. (3 min: dari 1500) _ 20 summary nikolay bragin pravda on 24th session of intl civil aviation organization (icao) in montreal where majority of delegations opposed use of organization for political purposes. 6JJ 0 ~ (3 min: miyak A250; anon pravda: enginter 1.310 1610 engna 2200 itali,.an 190 czech/slovak 1-500 polish 1400 romanian 1600) 21 summary undated article by (aleksandr sekolovic), doctor of science, published in yugoslav weekly kommunist, on wave of violence observed in usa and other capitalist countries. (4.5 min: ~r~aa I500 1600 portuguese 2000) US ( 28SEr1983 22 belgrade report on article by'yUgoslav academic on growing wave of violence in western countries. (400 text: tassr 0619) 23 (viktor pavlov) on 12th world energy conf recently concluded in new deihi. linking various economic problems of developing nations to shor-tage,~ of energy sources, points to their exploitation by western oil companies which control oil reserves in many parts of- world. cites assistance ussr is giving to india in d lopment of its energy resources. (7 min: hind 1400) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 /y Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 24 maksim ..niamov) on world energy , egress in delhi, noting problems-of -d*veloping.countries in energy field, and soviet efforts to help. unlike projects built with socalled western aid, facilities built with soviet aid become property of developing country., _s.ituation over tarapur atomic plant in india illustrated usa's attitude in this regard. significantly, Washington refused to take part in delhi congress under pretext I that isr was not allowed to participate. (5 min: enginter 1431) U- S 25 ourth in current program feature "intl communist and labor movt": consisting today of musical item, intvw with italian communis' mayor, and chronicle of events in communist world. (22 min: portugua 000) 26 nup stmts by participants in moscow mtg of econ experts of socialist countries and business reps from western europe, use and japan. (rpt enginter 261310) (finnish 261530) 27 intl diary: incl vitaliy sobolev on annual conf of imf and intl bank for reconstruction and development-in Washington and acute disagreements btwn two groups, unequal by their numbers and influence, creditors -- mainly industrial powers of West, and debtors -- the developing countries, underlines developing countries struggle in defense of their interests and economic sovereignty. (home 5) US -2 grammatik-ov on moscow mtg of secretaries of socialist fraternal parties, noting their identical ideas on world issues, C4- 610 C- socialist countries' efforts to free europe of nuclear weapons, c VC scoring u.s. scheme to destroy unity of socialist community. (polish 271300) (4.5 min: viet 1000 korean 1130) evict horizons magazine, incl reporton mtg held in moscow by friendship assns from socialist countries. (4 min: 2.aS_pi983 30 nikolay shishlin on importance of unity of socialist community re present complex situation in world. (3 min, sent: home 1500 orbita 1500) F Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 31 "two-lines of struggle on world political stage": (shahuafu) (LS ---- +w uisarm errorvs, Soviet contribution to world peace (5.5 min); bulatov on conspiracy by u. s. impists, certain asian power to win un seat for kampuchean coalition govt (6 mi (11.5 min total: mand 1600) U s-y way we see it": item with brief quotes from soviet papers discussing spread of neo-nazi ideas in western countries. recalls munich deal of 1938 which symbolized western concessions to hitler with aim of, persuading him to set his sights on east. points out that nazi attack on ussr signified beginning of end of hitler's empire. after war many nazis who survived 3 received help and refuge in western countries as they were regarded as valuable asset against--communism. today there are neofascist groups active in frg, italy, britain, franca and particularly in usa. papers quoted are za rubezhom, vechernaya moskva, moscow ne cli)z vestiya and others. (5.5 min: enginter 2045) LLS tak3-3 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 29 sap 33 radio magazine: soviet citizens comment on world issues; foreign impression of nationalities question in ussr. (15 min: amhar "c71330) anon reporter's intvw with soy ppl on their views on intl ` '-E situation, citing situation in lebanon, nicaragua, chad, others. 28~~p 198 3 35 anon reporter intvws mrs ,loan (craig), an arts lecturer from London who..h.as spent 10 months in ussr. She, thinks that east-west cultural exchanges are one of best ways to bring understanding btwn ppl, notes availability of culture to sov pp1 and how well educart'pd ppl are- td appreciate culture. (6 min: enguk 1900) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 ~? ?c"u ur inru UVPV 'r soy state cmtee for foreign tourism,- rap.lies to listener on sov pp.ls opportunities for foreign travel. outlines tourist opportunities in fraternal socialist countries in particular. ends by greeting listeners on intl tourism-;day and -invites them to visit ussr. (5 min, poor: fynihafr 271930) .37 "young listeners' club" program: intvw with ldr of sov youth body on..savietyouuths'.participation in struggle against threat of nuke war (jn); unidentified reporter on foreign students stud i-n\9 in ussr (7 min). (korean 0930) radio moscow youth club: item on students' social life in ussr; feature on 8th intl.youth political song festival held at black sea town on 20.th september with smple of entires. (18 min: A.panish 272130) VS europ:. 7,U~" ~ISSI G{ "talking : with you" feature: vyachesl.av rostovtsev answers listeners' itrs on _ u. s. fabrications about kal plane 40 mailbag:inccl.survey.of listeners' ltrs, dealing largely with li south korean plane incident; note on working and living conditions ((ofd 65 aboar -c 1yut-7 space station. (finnish 271530) k-&-7 plane in ident 41 summary.,vi.k.tor -gushch.in new times, 30 sop, "in sights -- C)W' ~ antiwar movt, " on kaI incident as part of u..s. undermining usa- ~,~(I ussr relations, says spy route of booing was laid in precise am accordance wi.th.adventurist political course ICoic?- US admin. (350 text sent: tassr 1400) of reagan and his 28ScP1983 (rpt arabic 231500) (finnish 261530) inciq u$S S ico(e(L nnish 271530) V 42 review. of soviet. and intl experts' opinions concerning It S J- (t S program on incident, compiled in form of answers from foreign listeners and soviet replies, establishing that plane was on spying mission, and quoting from ogarkov's news. conf. (14 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 soy answer.to deployment of u. s. missiles in Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 44 intvw with (dr joseph burkes), who is active in u.s. physicians for social responsibility movt and visiting ussr, re listeners' ~J~~~N~ltrs on south k.arean, plane provocation, explains incident was used rag-10as excuse by reagan admin to urge increased arms production and set back. process of peace. on question of chances of americans finding out truth about provocation, he replies there is reason to doubt much of what u. s. govt says about event. goal is to..get as much anti-soviet propaganda out of event and then let campaignldrop, like so many other campaigns. (engna 272300) oris maksi.na reviews british listeners' ltrs about south korean.plane incident criticizing usa for provocation, and stresg ussr was within its rights. (9.5 min: enguk 1900) S 6 1d2915O8 d isarm take.4lof several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 28 sop 83 2sSEp1983 / stmt by anza lama, dpty gen sec of world fed of lutheran churches, voicing support for andropov's letter on preservation of peace. (400 text sent: tasse 1851) 47 yuriy kosinskiy intl anti-war mtg of STAT public organizations that ended at geneva palace of nations, aft'h wu~& stressing that vigorous and urgent mobilization of all forces for struggle against nut threat, for a world without wars and for C l~~sdisarmament is priority task of all pple of goodwill. (400 text: tasse 2025 tassr 1400) STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 48 anon on soviet and world ppl's response to soviet peace proposals at geneva and unga, citing listeners' letters from franca, Fru~ India, britain, frg hailing latest soviet constructive proposals a1 or nuc disarm and assailing.u.s. for aggravating global situation (,c l~ d, Su -If-and escalating nuc arms race by pursuing massive nuclear armament ASV OJO.5 policy, also touching on various antiwar, anti-nuc mvmts and marches (tV to be organized in coming months in various parts of world. (6-3 min: enginter 1-310 1610 2010 frenchinter 2000 italian 1700 persian 1500 turkish 14-00 bulgarian 1-530 czech/slovak 1500 polish 1400 00 kor 1330 lao 1300 burm 1430 urdu 1300 bang 1500) u-S 49 "Tum"ries of mikhail solokhov appeal to world writers as contained in oct edition of (foreign literature) journal published from moscow, noting dangers of nuclear war and calling upon men of letters to intensify their campaign against G nuclear arms race and help preserve peace on earth.. (6-3 min: 0 mend 1600 urdu 1300 beng 1500). 50 -vladlen ku.znetsov "who dies it serve," dealing with d r-current disarm talks and efforts taking place in vienna and in .-geneva. (rpt german 271600) (6-4 min: frenchinter 272030 finnish I S w ~vw u'"'6 271530 (,t,S _ `~-,,,w~ 2 8 SE? i?83 -- nikolay grantsianov hailing appeal. to worker's -parties and pvaceloving forces in_eur-ope launched by sed,.dkp and saw as an important contribution to -peac:e efforts in world, and as an expression of, det,ermi,n*t-i-on of socialist and pr..ogressive forces..to-pr-evfnt deplogment of new u. s. medium-range nuc 0115015 miss-I1es, stressing appeal is in line- with soviet constructive- -~l posi-' in disarm talks in' geneva. (4 min: german 1600) lL S 52 sci-engineering: incl boric belitskiy replying to listener expressing concern at underground nuclear testing, pointing out l,C, Aussr has be-en working for a total ban of nuclear weapons testing (0 since 1955, mentioning that total. ban have run into difficulties becofuu e of resistance by western powers. (enguk 1900) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 53 anon on reagan-adin-in-planning to spend 450 billion dollars in next six years on nuclear w,$eapons and policies, pointing out this is a startling buildup that will increase danger of us war, quoting retured rear-adml gene larocque, director of WY- maintaining such sentim*nts these?days would probably be construed as pro-soviet propaganda by washington's hawks, stressing that whatever admiral's outspoken views regarding present u.s. military posture does not make him an unwitting tool of ussr as some washing" cold warriors have charged. (enginter 1310 1610) center for defense information, that it wouldn't matter how much these plans and weapons cost if they made u. s. more..secure, LAZ 54 "our mailbag": citing listeners' letters supporting 3 ussr peace initiative and calling for peace, also citing letter from a ,p2'ticipant in dukla battle. (czech/slovak 1600) 55 "youth": incl"report:on participation of soviet youth G in strugq-e for peace and against nuc war. (4'min: dari 1500) radio forum-for peace and security in europe." (rpt P german _ 1500) (german 0900) W;A i11' hafw.t- 57 soy3T" youth peace march activities. (4-5 min: mand 1600) take 5 d -a!fveral -- commentary list: Moscow consolidated 29 sep 83 1 d 291509 un:itud states 2 b SEP 1;,03 58.summary reagan speech carried on voa seen as a propaganda 5 Qa performance on .an intl scale, re so-called u. s. peace policy. (tass-e 51643) (4 min: finnish 261530) T7 U-S reagan signing proclamation declarirSTAT 24 act this year to be "united. nations" day in usa. (430 text sent: tassr 1843) A, S Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 STAT . . V n he .4.9a-=n Justi.fied his militarist course which represents a t hreat to world and is aimed at attempting to secure U.S. a dominating:posit.ion.in world without taking into account z:nter.esta of other pp is and states. (350 text sent: tassr 1957) 61 Leonid levchenko on unga stmt by nicaraguan leader Ortega accusing Wash i9 n tan of waging undeclared war against his county, a and y ~Jc Pursuing policy of force to threaten progressive countries of a4d X45' world. (r 2t en inter 271310) (german ~~dru~/ G"O burro 1030 hind 1120 Urdu 1200 ana mand 0700) Oro a .- S a unga , says such remarks constitute a conspiracy against -7/ mv~t h ,aDnia levchenko deploring reagan's attack on nonaligned A. mvmt W 'Ch continues to condemn and oppose u,s. Policies" especially its military intervention in Lebanon, central america and other parts 0?f world, as also its political and econ pressures in developing nations. (4 min: polish 1400 serbo 1600 1900 frenchinter 2000 p,ersian 1500.1700 turkish 1400 kor 1,730 lao 1300 carob -3330 IL0Q'bong 1:300 burm 1430) (y~ *ksa.ndr dani lov report on george bush's paper on u. s. , . -~~q~;t~, 1530) `. . ' GtJ~ policy as regards eastern and central europe, read at austrian sac i!ty fpr,'farsi n- of is P y. (~t Polish "'~~,:.z~.~,a-~,.};;;.~Y=:_.~;::..~~:..?:.~'_.,u~_...~ _Po13 261400)-(6 00) (b min, poor: .. . also 10r to the foreword. (8.5 min: engna 2200) ~tS 64 Prof... boric gillenson on anthology of works of american wr'i:ter albeit rhys Williams, who witnessed socialist rev in _russia, noting anthology has been published in russian by moscow progress publishing house and was compiled by gillenson who 28Sc?1983 -I( events, people: yevgeniy kachanov on congress hearings 65 time, U.S in U.S. regarding police mistreatment of blacks in america, giving case histories to illustrate. (orbita 0800 home 0800) It's Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 reagan's intvw with u s t i which Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 VS 66 mikhail taratuta recalling stress placed on human rights by ~b all past u. s. presidents, maintaining none has linked concept with such mundane concerns as a fob, housing and medicine, pointing out r1 (_ last two presidents have been quick to denounce user, but for more than 50 yrs it has had no homeless or jobless. (e_ngna 272300 ---aas ~-1.4nd~r an hum r~~y,-I~ Via la~hons lc S nt .en9'n*cft 4;-72-O1 u (?r9#,1+eti_ oTry0 1110 At& 68 chile: edua- do rotas' giving outline of 10 years of 1AS fascism in chile, noting tyranny has failed because of ppl's determination to strive for democracy, unity is needed to succeed in efforts to oust dictatorship, evaluating situation after 10 years of military regime, incl role of armed forces and catholic church, pointing out that chile's struggle for democracy did not begin in 1973 and will not end when pinochet is ousted a i-ther. (7 min, poor: spanchile 2030) anon on chilean comparty ldr Luis corvalan article in araucal\ian magazine.. (8 min, poorest: spanchile 2030) art director of cuban magazine on matters dealing with his b-,'4' (7 min: spancuba 0100) 51 71 report on raising of cuban cattle in ussr. (4 min: spancuba La t 28SEP1983 , I.I 72 lat-in american events from-soviet viewpoint by vadim bukharew: statement by yuriy andropov deals with some latin american issues. Q,rv'; 7Salvadoran la-bar union issues book that reports disappearance of thousands of salva.dorans. ; StlVu~~ ' despite the yankee support, salvadoran insurgents have managed to expand their actions. the united G b ,u.aq states has occupied honduras, which is now a u.s. parade ground. but the hondura'n people oppose the u. s. presence. honduran Lk "? opposition sectors issue document asserting that they will strive to el the u. s. troops. -(7 min poor: spanla 2300) A'S Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 7 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 73 ricart).o~ saxlund brings the latest uruguayan news: some 100,00 - people marched along mont.evideo streets last sunday, no ~) IM of actions that took place in montevideo last sunday. (3 min: violence reported, though some people were arrested. description viktor olin on further incursion into nicaragua by counter- revs based in neighboring honduras. (rpt enginter 272010) (enginter IS ~~jjy~y ?`~ 1!?1 1 11'YO) Vs r!3 75 report on exchange of telegrams between ussr supreme soviet , r ~~?~~~~ Q14W orazllian president on occasion of brazil's ind7*kando~ce day. (brief: portbraz 2200 2300) ,Da -- - -- ?.v......c~,~ary ti9ti: moscow consolidated 28 s L2 83 1 2915.10 wed europe 76 summaries:yulay yakhontov.pravda on results STAT e.lect.ions..whi;ch ,,took p?lace in. br. amen. (tasse 270737) (3 min: ~~~b irrginter X610 051.0 1110 german 0900 finnish 271330) 77"-~atol.iy ste anov an frg policy and deployment of u. s. missiles, peggod.:to res.ults.,of elections to landtag hessen and 1D,epo%reme min: Czech/slovak 1500) ~S ~~~51Ics l 1 ~(3 r- tLq .( suaunar.y .of-?.jo;int., appea-1. by dkp and west berlin's sod calling for protest actions against basing u.s. nuclear rockets u,S in fry (4 min: german 0900) U . youth.pr.ogram: inci intvw with dpty chmn buro of intl youth tourism "sputnik." vladimir ivanov on youth tourism between ussr and LA_ IL frg. A min: german 1500) 2 8 SEP 1983 tars political news analyst vladimir serov on mrs thatcher's anti-communist stand, stressing that patholgoical anti-communism has become mrs thatchers characteristic feature determining all her thoughts and actions. (450 text sent: tasse 1434 tassr 1350) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 /u Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 fsi inz.l ai y: inci sergey prav.din d cribing hunt for maze escapers in ulster, noting about half of these fighters for civil rights have been recaptured,. maintaining that mrs thatcher has poured oil on flames by saying in ottawa that they are to be made examples of, stressing,, that she, reagan and otehr never miss an opportunity. t hold forth about supposed violations of human rights in socialist, and some of developing countries as a means to concealing monstrous crimes at h ome. (orbits 0930 1245 1330) us 82 program for:b*.lgian,l.isteners:.public service strike draws attention to state of be-lgian *con, qutoing vadim nedbayev that serious state of belgian econ is reflection of upsets in capitalist econ, and affected by protectionism and high interest rates item on.. intvw.with b.elgi.an participant at moscow book fair; reply to listener's letter on belgiaum-ussr assn. (wench. 1730 ) 83 "the.li.stener.wants to know": inci remarks by soviet tourists giving .their impressions.of ,.ita:ly, where they explained soviet point iew abut. sp?y plane. (italian 1900) press con* helt by alvaro cunhal, gen s TAT 84 ctk~ portuguese communist party, stressing that ruling cabinet of socialist And social.democratic parties, defying will of portuguese voters, continues to implement reactionary course of previous rightwing coalition. (350 text: tasse 0821 tassr 272154) 2 8 SEP 1983 1 85 (Leonid- kartsev),..on_u. s. policy vis-a-vis northern europe, noting.. arny ..of ..amori,ca :s .citizens originate from -nordic countries, mentioning that in tnse intl situation nordic nations sharply sense danger threatening them as,a result of Washington's aggressive policy, pointing out u..s..and its nato allies keep silent about pbt?w I soviet peace initiatives, and u.s. negative attitude to a nuclear- p~"n~`'''`Nuty free north has remained the same. for 20 years, listing number of / t t (11 5 On'~ ions p,epIOu. s. bases on. foreign territory ,and touching on nato ac ')\" influence norway and denmark policies based on refusal to hand over their territories for deployment of nuclear arms in peace. (5 min; Finnish 261530) (C S Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 165 86 repar..t .an.. jo.ir-t communique on gilashvili-led ussr supsov LL delegation visit to finland 19-25 sop. (tasse 261549) (brief: r1j)l40 finnisw-.461530) 1J~ ~4G}" c1 GG 8 between president reagan and finland's president m_ koivisto, during which tyey discussed situation in europe, relations btwn east and 7 ni:kolay,.pakhamov on t - . STAT k_ o in arms control, near,east situation and situation in central america. (400 text sent: tassr 1030) (,,S 88 anon quoting finnish foreign trade minister jermu laine on importance of trade btwn countries with different social systems, citing finnish-soviet trade, and examples of joint coop, maintaining finland is expanding in every way its trade and other *con relations with socialist community. (3 min: enginter 1310 204.0 g e r ma n-#-500 , p.o r t br. a z 2200 2300 b u l g a r i a n 1-530 c z e c h/ s i o va k 1500 p 1 i s 1400 s e r b o -1-600) 87 intvw with jouko ja jano ja, chmn finnish comparty, while on visit to ussr at invitation of cusp cc, pointing to s'trengh of peace mvmt in,finland which is stronger than any other capitalist west european country, maintaining communists and ppl's PI democrats have, been instrumental in bringing abot peace mvmt, stressing support for 'no' to euromissiles and a struggle for-nordic. nuclear-from- zone, lauding soviet peace- proposals and (w'551'G citing finnish-sowirt re.lat?io.ns. as example to world of peaceful coexi$ nce: (finnish 271530) 90 soviet-finnish friendsh.ip. and coop. (rat finnish 241530) 2 8 SEP 1983 91 friendship panorama: viktor gorbatov on industrial coop between finland and us.sr, mentionign machinery for woodworking industrial with--stmt by designer at ivanovo machine-building ff plant on automatic machinery designed together with valmet of finland, giving.account .of other forms of soviet-finnish coop^(finnish 27153Q1 C Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 take 7 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 28 Sep 83 1d291530 africa 92 summaries prof. r. ulyanovskiy pravda on intl tensions caused by u. s. and their.. bearing on african countries. (tags* 5?x)(7-4 min: engaf 272000 mandsea 4-230) (* oPi&' (a t) a5 93 "east africa last week": (rpt Somali 261600) (Somali 160 a ric 271530 1530) 94 "wave of.friendsh-ip on radio". (rpt amharic 231530) ANN1V _ S SEP i9d3 - ~ 6 - 95 aleksandr serg.eyev on nigerian press on advertizing various methods for establishing what is referred to as harmonious N( coop between workers and private employers. (rpt noaf 271700) (frenchif 271930) 96 recorded intvw--with (f. k. oye banjo), nigerian to ldr who is a participant at conf in moscow of food industry workers from various countries, noting various contacts between nigerian an-d soviet to or.ganizati.ons, describing favorable reception he received and.noting.importance of peace for all working ppl. (3 mz : engaf 1700) (vladimir shilov) marking 25th anniv independence referendum ,w AJ IC- in guinea which led to guinea becoming first french colony to opt for full independence, noting since then country has adopted several social and econ reforms on its way to progress, maintaining that public sector plays a key role in economy, emphasizing soviet-guinean coop, particularly bilateral contacts in education and se-i*,nce. (4 min: engaf 1700 2000) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 /0 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 ia), noting batmIbi w 5. 0--.f S.c present situation-insouthern africa and lib struggle against apartheid.regime, noting despite all support south africa is getting from -west, l:ib :mvmt will continue to intensify armed lib struggle in namnibia,..and to intensify political activities inside country./-(6.5 min: engaf 1700 2000) 99 "south africa fights," item on death of yusuf dadoo, natl chmn of south african.cp, incl voice recording of tribute by moses mabidha, partyLgen.sec, and reports of numerous mtgs held in south africa in commemoration (2.5 min); report on police clashes with residents of crossroads camp, near cape town, and of other african townships, and demos by ppl protesting over housing (2 min); (victor matlo), anc spokesman in nigeria, noting anc has intensified' its campaign for release of nelson mandela (2 min). (7 min overall: engaf 1700) int.vw.with south afr.ican student studying at gynaecological dept of medical inst:it.ute in noscows discussing her studies, facilities _for studen:ts.in ussr, soviet pre- and ante-natal care, maternity benefits, coveying greetings to her family. _,-6ss (300 text sent: tas;se 1132 tassr 1130; 2. 5 min, . fyi comp, h"L IAdA" sent: maqak 1200. home 1300 .1500 orbita 1300 1400 1300; (3 min: pportbraz 2200 2300 enginter 1610 2010 frenchinter 2000 engna 101 tass stmt on cease-fire agmt reached btwn sides in internal conflict in. Lebanon being positively assessed in soviet union. 2200 italian 1700_german 1500 arabic 1500 1530 1730 czech/slovak 1500 romanian 1600 serbo- 1600-1900 hind. 1400 indo 133) 1500 mend 1600; one min: o r b,i to 1750 en g i n t er 1500 1700 1800 2000 21-00 frenchinter '2000; brief: portbraz 2200 2300 spanla 2300 engna 2200 enguk 1900 italian 1700 1900 portuguese 2000 portaf e s I -t- 1830 se o 1600 1900) 2 8 SAP 1883 1 T valentin lapin on cease-fire agent in lebanon. (rpt eng.jjr (finnisl 261530) uost4 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 Z'7 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 STAT qualaylat, leader of.nasirite independents mvmt al-murabitun, account of situation in country. (sent: arabic 1530) 104--"among our. l i?steners": inc l account of acts of user V-k to support palestinian ppl and ussr's position on question of mideast settlement, compiled in response to questions by listen (12 min: frenchmag 271930) 10., club of moscow radio fans: incl review of listeners' letters, asking questions about ussr, sending poems and expressing support for palestinian mahmud abu ash-shabab who is in,afr israeli prison. farabic 1730) 106 reportage. ; on_, ce.remony at friendship house in moscow to mark anniv of ,)aural abd an-nasir, mentioning arab and foreign students atten.ding, _?q-uot?ing stmts by samandar kamndrov, responsible sec of soviet cmte?e f-or- afro-asian solidarity, and egyptian charge d'affa..r-es. umar -baz, paying tribute to memory of an-nasir. 107 "discussing arab world": egyptian defense minister off to - 1500) vas %416 uua,,.I va?yvraY? Ta? II.P U u,-yarIb IUW %,afllj \L. J M A"10 94T CJ\~ p f- u 5 col A" tes its natl day (5 min). (somali 271600) s-0 avv 115111%F99 wit ? L77Y,,,.41111114 a V VT law Yt VT N i'D GisY sUOOL&bbaira Dy ussr to, iranian govt,on :an-t:i-soviet propaganda in iran at that time, reviewing. events that led to this outburst of anti-sovietism. (rpt ,p-4rsian 271800) (p.ersian 1700) 28SEP1983 anon- what increases icon problems. to turkey?" quoting turkish press on unfavorable econ situation in turkey and saying turkey's military expenditure is main cause of its *con problems, that by reducing this expenditure turkey could enjoy a better econ. (5 mid turkish 271830) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 takes 6 of severe' -- commentary list: moscc consolidated 28 sop 83 110 anon,on new plans of U.S. and nato militarist circles for near east and-north africa, maintaining nato militarist circles want to expand area of their operation to persian gulf and indian ocean, using.turkey as a "door" for nato, pointing out military bases-serving two different purposes are being established and airports are being modernized and expanded, claiming nato military exercises near.turkish-soviet border, britain, italy and franc* taking part in U.S. invasion of lebanon, all show militarist plan"f nato for expanding in aria and africa. (5 min: turkish 1400) Firan CLStct.. anon reportage on gatherings (1 GCS to mark 23d anniv independence of Cyprus, by. various friendship assns, quoting from personal.it.ies, inci Cypriot ambassador to.soviet union, on f'OLP. c y p* "Mr. ch ina= 112 anon on.prtsent nato maneuvers in mediterranean. (rpt serbo 291900 lbanian 1430 romanian 1600) LLS I 113 (bulatov.) on collaboration btwn pakistan military regime, U.S. impists aimtd --at destablizing situation in south east asia. pattv CCOVi- LA_ S situation in STAT pakistan re fierce clasnes of opponents of_ mi!litary re.gime..with police and army units in number of pakistani cities in Sind province. (400 text: tasse 2214) soviet. friendship. (7 min; greekcy 1730) 115 excer.pts.sovet.skaya rossiya cute'taipei, {(i1W4./J his u. s. on cooperation between cia, quoting.;..u. s. special agent chief in taipei (wang shining), counterpart, on continued u. s. arms sales to waiwan. (,lS quotes cia director on important role played by QSIG~ asian policy. (7.5 min: mand 0700) 28SEP1983 s_SIks I opening ceremony at moscow exhibition of chinos* painter xu beho.ng. Pi u.SS R- chinese ambassador spoke saying exhibition will promote friendship, mutual understanding between chinos* and siet people. (5 min, sent: mand 1230) 5-3 taipli in u. S. Cl Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 7 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 117 boric gan.notes that unga agenda includes granting of independence to Micronesia, a trust territory of usa. says usa has not observed trusteeship condition; it has been noted that Washington tried to turn..territ-ory: into its colonial appendage... especially LO alarming is the militarization of micronesia, contrary to un charter. micronesia problem resembles situat.ion in namibia, whichis also includes in unga agenda. (4 min; enginter 2045) 118 colonel (korchanskiy) krasnaya zvezda on u.s. nuclear arms r&kSr in far east, refuting nakasone's remarks on Japan's strict adherence 1, ,) to non-nuclear .principles, cites facts proving presence of american Burn"Snuc a arms in a an. (6 min; J P jap 271200) g ~`~ VI 114 time, eventsm, people:incl nikolay lutsenko on his meeting nfik"x}th Japanese official of league for protection of constitution in OU 0scow, :with.Whom he discussed antiwar movement in japan. ( 120 interview.wi.th , (ich.iro kurihara), Jap delegate to tashkent afro-asi-an writers conf, on exchanges with soviet writers, 'J'LPa(J jap pe)"Pe's understanding of soviet literature. (6 min: jap 271200) 0.D'tLS~G' 11' Ljr(W'S a t n communist 2 8 SEP 1983 d us 121 (yuriy ku.zmich-ov) on kampuchea's seat in unga still being held by representatives of regime toppled 5 years ago, because of machinations of usa..and.accomplices. criticizes so-called coalition government, which serves only as screen to mask pal pat clique, and expresses.supp-ort.for ppls republic of kampuchea to be represented at all international forums. (5.5 min; enginter 1431) Its Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 ~/ Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 122.ucvdated:izvesti.ya on socioeconomic successes, positive change z:. in kampuch.ea-with assistance from ussr, srv and other socialist countries_..sc.ores pol pot clique representing kampcheans in un. cites:british,-belgian and american jurists who say only governments elected-by people and which administers country should be allowed to.;r-epr.esant.th.e country in international organzations. (8 m i, ur 1030; 6 min: indo 1330) 14-S 12:: ammatikov on soviet people's interest in viet writers' association congress. (5 min: viet 1000) 124 anon on vietnamese cooperation with cema countries. (6 125 anon on everyday life in vietnam a STAT and viet.poop-le's en?thusi.a.sm toward reconstruction efforts, 9rpt enginter 271310) (engi.nter 1x10 finnish 27-1330 dari 1500 carob 1330 several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 28 S 5P a 3 tak 1 d291630 east. euroo.e 126 "sidelights on life in socialist countries": conf of socialist countries' communist and workers' parties' central cmtee ' secs l n moscow recalled, results of conf have- been approved by cp.su politburo (.b-riof); engineering fair held in czechoslovakia; tZe brief history of cema outlined and example of coop among socialist given, (.6 min: enginter 0720) 2 8 SEP 1983 1'27 ~gromyk.a dinner speech 27 sop in honor of czechos-lovak foreign minister bohuslav chnoupek. (tassr 271550) (5-3 min: 80hus liking - inter 1-310 enguk 1900-german 1500 turkish 1400 czech/slovak 2500 polish 1400 serbo 1600 albanian 1430 bulgarian 1590 urdu uSsL ------"1200 1300 beng 1500 indo 1330 1560 burm 1430 lao 1300 camb 1330 1'-ti~ usl mand 1.230; 2.5 min: Somali 271-600; 2 min: enginter 0810 1119 finn 271530 amharic 271530) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 128 ,joint soviet-Czechoslovak communique on outcome of ussr visit by czech-oslovak foreign minister. and talks with gromyka. ohus l` J v~+ (tasse 271744) (5-4 min: enginter 1-010 spancuba 0100 german 0900 dari 1.500 kor 1330 viet 1000; one min: engna 272300 german -6900 Guth L,S frenchaf 271930 b?urm 1030 thai 1100 lao 1030 1300 mend 0700; brief: C N home 0204 0400 0500 mayak 0300 orbits 0400 spanla 0000 s an p tuba JtCtalll_~010Olenginter 0700 0800 100 ' Spanish 277130 Finnish 271530 indo andsea 1230 viet 1000 1300 1400) 129 anon referring to gromyko-chnoupek talks in moscow ,i and to socialist countries' foreign policy, quoting gromyko lunch,rec speech. (6 min: persian 1500) Sow h_~' . ~. 130 zbi-gniew szalajda sotsialisticheskaya industriya on soviet aid for polich *con, giving factual historical roundup of polish crisis, and gradual emergence therefrom under martial law - thanks. to soviet credits which countered effects of western sano4t ons. (5 min: polish 1300) 131 acute angle: anon on counter-rev before martial law. ~d~(1 Sit supported by u. s. propaganda, focusing on rfe polish section chief z. najdeT, and .emigre solidarity activist ,Jerzy milewski, one-time .mbr-of polish labor party (illegal), quoting from milewski broadcast on voa ov:il.ine. of activity of "pomost" group in use,: focus on ,y- parl s s:o.li.4arity info bureay chief seweryn blumsztajn and his aide, u.5 3._ miroslaw cho je.c.ki, both mbrs of kss-kor, noth now cocp.era with u. s. subversion centers. (5 min: polish 1400). mar x./socia.lism 2 8 SEP 1983 (AS 132 further chapter in series "life, works and struggles (5 min: spanla 0000) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 Lt / VI pointing out it is not what americi r ,. say it,. is., -mentioning free education, full employment, hesit cart ..i.n-u?ssr, exp:iaining essential differences Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 133 mhat is communism?": vladimir afonin replying to question from =- flor.ida student asking what it is like to live in a socialist soc:iat c.ai.ita.lism..and ussr under socialism, btwn use- and claiming vivid proof of inhuman nature of capitalism is recent soth k uorean spy-plane 'provo.c:ation, stressing ussr has always promoted equal security -._for all nations and has always complied with principle of peaceful s, kdr ,'7owN~i-jt c-aaxaffcatpce. (engna 272300) 1 1 1 asking lieutenant general dmitriy volkogonov questions submitted b. -y liteners.on volkogonov's life and career. (19 min: Berman ee 0 of:39'th unga to include discussion of soviet initiative V -.7 regarding S1uJdomilitarization of cosmos. (rpt german 2715000 (german 0900) D anon on un di:scus:si.on on treaty on nonuse of force- in space. (rpt enginter 2? ?O) (engna 272300 spancuba 0100 finnish 271530 hindi 14S Lk SS(L v 5S K militaru (S 134 :"rendez-vous with moscow radio," with karina orokuronova 135 igar penchenko on resolution adopted life in ussr 28SEP1983 137 pr avda editorial devoted to cotton growing. (home 0300) committee recommendation to include(in agenda commentary list: moscow consolidated 29 sep83 ass corr intvw with vladimir listov, ussr minister of chemical industry, on new plant commissioned at tomsk chemicals works which will contribute to considerable increase in production of methanol in ussr. (tassr 240727) (350 text sent: tasse 0759) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 by general committ Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 (~.SS(Z nginter 261310) (finnish 261530) o. alaksandr volondina discussing labor protection measures in ussr (rpt enginter 271310) (finnish 27-1330 turkish 271830 vsa.leri?y Bergeyov on party-report-back campaign in approach to ideological work. (18 min: orbita 0910) 145 historian aleksandr ermolayev an growth in role of cpsu, despite claims by western theorists on gp btwn party and ppl. 139 aleksandr ruvinskiy on ussr central statistical directorate issuing report on progress of autumn field work. (sent: home 1500 orbit. 1500) 140 press conf given by cosmonaut valentine tereshkova, chmn sov women's cmtee-on experience in solution of women's question in ussr in conditions of multinatl state. (tasss 270812) (4 min: german 1600) primary orgaa_izat?i.ons incl break-down of party mbrship. (3 min: polls-h 1400 serbo t-600 persian 1500 turkish 1400 swahili 1730 mend - 1 ) 2 8 SEP 1983 ..education'whsre- more than 16 million communists and non-party aktivs study, quoting and-ropov (3 min) on necessity of non-formalist 1 lum talk: ivan zelenkov, dpty chief propaganda dsp-t of -cpsu cc on new school year in system of party ('5 n polish 1300) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 yuriy ragachev on ussr's industrial growth rate. (rpt U-941- U- 55 (L Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0 146 mailbag: incl note about kurds living in ussr. (german 1600:) 147 mai.lb,ag: incl note on function sof volunteer public order squads in ussr, explanation as to freedom of tourists to photograph tourist sites but not security and strategic installations; freeoafi)of religion explained. (enginter 1210) LLc SR- 1.48. red, amber, green: inc 1 report on case of drunken d-river causing accident, It-cal nikolay sorokin, head of dept of d irector.a.te of gai of ussr ministry of internal affairs, and remedies against drunken driving. visitors: two Belgian trade. unionists: enginter 1510; onal : tha i 1-2"00 L'LS5`L. 150 misc internal ussr items: 94: global 14 sov 14 democ 8 our 9 north 2 1a tam 6 mideast 7 afr 7 ascom 8 asnoncom 9 enginter 1100 1200 1300 poor-: persian 1800 mi-sse-d: french inter 1600 part missed: frenchma.g 271930 (ENDALL) 2.8 SEP 1983 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570003-0