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September 29, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
take .1 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 29
jnaa session
i toss corrs sergey baybakov, valentin vasilets, and
vitaliy gan report on un general debate* summarizing speeches
~Y1w~a, (, M JA. by gandhi of india, khaddam of sVria, spiljak of
`` Yugoslavia.
and mubarak of egypt. (500 text: taste 0827 tassr 0618)
2 new york report summarizing nyt article calling reagan's
un speech a more exercise in demagogy. (550 text: tasse 1813
tassr 1648)
$ 9 SEP 1983
koch. (500 text sent: taste 0752)
3 toss political analyst robert serebrennikov "Washington's
anti-un syndrome." on Washington's malicious hostile campaign
against un latest slanderous attack being by new york mayor edward
4 toss political analyst boris chekhonin "nonalignment Washington
style," re reagan's un stmt. (450 text sent: toss* 0800)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
S andropov stmt on soviet and american foreign policies,
.~.~ and disarm issue. (tasse 281733) (25-20 min: spanla 0000 spancuba
tA/*4' 0100 spanla 2300 g e r ma n 0900 1500 1600' B a r i 1500--p e r s i a n 1790 18.00
arab 1-730 turk 284830 1400 greek 1500 1800 engafr 17-90 bur 1030
mandsea 1230 korean 0930 mend 0700 viet 1@60 19-10 min: home
0500 mayak 292330 orbita 0930 1245 1330 spanla 0000 spancuba
0100 spanchile 2000 portbraz 2200 2300 enginter 0720 1210
frenchinter 282030 engna 282300 italian 1900 Portuguese 2000 spanish
282130 Persian 1-500 arab 1500 turk 1400 greekcy 1730-engafr 282000
portafr 1830 swahili 284730 albanian 1430 bulg 1530? hung 2819QO
polish 1300 romanian 1600 serbo 1900 hind 1130 1400 -urdu 1200 /3y
1300 beng 1-500 indo 1330 1500 camb 1330 lao 1030 1300-thai 1100;
9-3 min: home 0194 e 3 0230 0400 orbita 0030 0100 0300 0400
mayak 0330 enginter 0810 1040 1140 1340 1619 2019--frenchinter
2000 engna 2200 Italian 1-900 enguk 1900 french 1730 italian 1_700
Portuguese 2000 german 0900/twice/ 1500 1609\germaust 1800 persian
1790 arabic 1590 turk 281830 1400-swahili 281-730 engafr 1700 2000
portafr 1830 frenchmag 284930 czech/slovak 1590 polish 1400 hung
1630 serbo 1600 1900 korean 1330 viet 1300 1400 comb 1320 lao
1830)1330 bur 1030 1430 thai 11-00 indo 1330; 5 min: enginter
0700 0800 1000 11-00 1300 engna 282300 greek 1500 mend 0709
1-230; 2-1 min: orbita 0200 mayak 0200 0430 persian 1500 1800
frenchafr 281930 polish M611400 korean 0930 1130 1330 viet 1000
1300 1400 hind 1t30 1400 urdu 1200 beng 1500; brief: spanla
-0000 -s p a n cb a 01-W)
#9SEP1983 U-5
6 aleksandr zholkver on andropov stmt being center of attention
of world public, quoting rabotnichesko delo, nepszabadsag, and
washington post; underlines way stmt points out usa's militaristic
course and serious threat to world peace, and soviet determination
to continue to do everything possible to defend peace on earth.
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
U 5
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
"intl diary" presented by Bergey pravdin: andropov has evoked
or have printed extensive summary. press agencies quoted on
worldwide response. many press agencies have published stmt in full
fferent aspects of stmt re various aspects. of intl situation.
ctk, ap, upi, kyodo, bta, afp quoted. press agencies praise
soviet peaceloving initiatives. (10 min: orbits 2010 2230)
6 time, events, and ppl: incl anatoliy doronin comment on
worldwide reaction to andropov stmt on u.s. foreign policy and
negative featp.es of this policy. (4 min, sent: home 0800
9 roundup favorable intl reaction to andropov's
stmt on militaristic course of u.s. admin, briefly quoting from
rabotnichesko delo, trybuna ludu, humanite, morning star, nyt
upi, ap, others. (5-4 min: enginter 2010 frenchinter 2030
portbraz 2000 2300 italian -1900 portuguese-2000 german-1500 arab
sergey (amelchenko) conducts reportage from moscow
ordzhonikidze machinetool works on warm welcome of day shift
for Ondtopov's stmt. (3 min: home 0600 orbita 0600)
report on soviet ppis response to latest andropov declaration
varioury--soviet citizens approved his declaration. (6 min: bulg
12 roundup of sov workers' college students opinion on andropov
stmt on / 1b issue. (7 min: mend 1600)
13 georgiy grammatchikov on andropov stmt on u.s. militarist
policies, stressing socialist countries' peace efforts, coordination
regarding foreign policy. (7-6 min, sent: czech/slovak 1.300
Poll" 140 viet -1300 1400) -00011
2 9 SEP 1983
14 press intvw with workers on sov ppls views of world affairs.
all interviewed express aspiration for lasting
peace, denounce reagan's new proposal as deception, terming it as
haviy g- othing to do with peace. (6 min: korean 1130)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-013538002101570004-9
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
report on intl communist and labor movt, incl soviet
Hord L,-{a s
take 2 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 29
14130+ 1332
15 feature "workers" movt -- information and commentary"
presented by bronislav myakota, political observer of all-union
radio and central television: a) zagladin comment on outcome of
moscow conf of cp secretaries on intl and iideological questions
(12 min, sent): b) intvw with roland leroy, french cp politburo mbr,
political director of humanite, mbr of board of franca-ussr assn,
on humanite festival held in franca. leroy has just been to moscow
(8 min); c) vadim volkhov intvw with henry winston, cpusa natl
chmn, on unemployment in usa and protests against it. winston
is also asked about poverty in america (8 min). (orbita 0900
writer (nodar dunbakte's) report on role of communists; intvw
with honduran cp sec gen rigoberto padilla on his party's stance
regarding situation prevailing in his country; and communist parties
news. "-R min: spanla 0000)
17 anon pravda on 24th session of intl civil aviation
C aNoai-'
organization (icao) in montreal. (rpt nikolau braein mayayk
28025 (3 min: finnish 281530 hung 281900)
.),- 2 9 SEP 1983 rte .A / - 18 vadim lobachenko report on 24th icao session in
montreal, incl quotes from head of sov deleg mikhail tomofeyev.
(sen ayak 0630)
boris gan on intl conf of workers of food and tobacco
industries currently being held in moscow in which
representatives of more than 100 countries are discussing trade
union action against use of trade as instrument of polit-econ
pressure. (3 min: enginter 2010)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
20 ,find ch kusnierik, wftu secy a, cssr deleg to moscow
intl conf of workers of food and tobacco industries, talks about
necessity of peace in world and poor working conditions of workers
in capitali~ountries. (5 min: czech 1500)
21 in world of science and technology: incl report
on science '83 exhibition in moscow. (rpt hungarian 271900)
(hun arian 1900)
2 2 washington report on criticism of reagan admin by participants
in annual session of imf and ibrd. (330 text: tasse 2040)
23 report on intl "east-west economic relations" mtg where
participants have voiced unanimous opinion that any artificial
(PA"". obstacles in way of development of econ relations btwn socialist
1j ~(,,, ? and capitalist states are inadmissible. (450 text sent: tasse
CvrC'.I 1713)
24 report on firm and d. gertner preparing for exhibition
metallurgy 83 to be held in moscow in october with
assistance from soviet ferrous metallurgy ministry, soviet
nonferrous metallurgy ministry and all-union assn metallurg-import
twelve firms from federal republic of germany, austria and
t -r IaAl D`- switzerland will take part. cites tars intvw with adolf schroeder.
d cti P b- Fir n, 5 +rkosc ~,.S 0 cic L, (i 4 Q .e,(-t- ? *ctS -4- 114 0
ueoud izwgb -uoAsfmj /gvmoosooaoOfimKe.. (, 54vtumL! tussuI-!A and c,imprehensive and meet with interests of both countries,
pointing out madagascar takes an active antiimpist stand and
with other progressive countries supports soviet peace proposals
and `yies)to help reinforce intl security. (engaf 1700 2000)
a5 recorded intvw with swapo ldr (kandindima nehova).
(rpt: .?ngaf 281700) (frenchaf 281930)
2 9 SEP 1983 - l
mongalo, mbr anc, lauding andropov's stmt on
U.S military policies causing tension in world, scoring
incising u. s. -south african nuclear collaboration, maintaining
soutr% africa's increasing acts of aggression against neighboring
'WC star.A-y, and its intransigence on namibia, is a result of
Al o4
, u. A -support, also scoring u. s. attitude to mideast and latam.
stra';ing that african's cannot isolate themselves from struggle
for p- e and disarmament. (4.5 min: engaf 1700) U9
ft rt,
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
tars stint on cease-fire agent rea4.t;ed btwn sides in
R e 5(-1-
.nt+iral conflict in lebanon being positively assessed in soviet
uniol (tasse 28113 (6 min: camb 1530: 3.5 min: thai
110x3 lao 1030 1300- burm 1430; 2.5 min: enginter 0840
1O2 11-1.0 german 0900 frenchaf M930 hungarian 28ta30s 2-1
min Finnish--281530 hind lt30 1400 urdu 1200 bang 15001 brief:
tasa:, 0600 tassr 282110 engna 289300 spanla 0060 spancuba 0100
finnish kt530 frenchaf 281930 kor 0930 mand 0700)
e, S
IC ease-fire holding in beirut althoughSTAT
thet-e are sporadic skirmishes in various quarters of beirut
and other districts of country, noting concern that fragile
:--eie might be disrupted any time since main reasons behind
C criiims explosive situation in country persist. (350 text:
tasye 1758)
2 9 SEP 1983
"window on arab world": incl anon on situation in lebanon
re cease-fire noting tense atmosphere prevailing since reasons
for crisis are still not resolved, quoting tass stmt that
ond i tion for peace in lebanon is withdrawal of u. s. and nato
(tee 5 ~j forces. (3-5 min: arabic 1530) Ws
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
70 yuriy soltan on developments in mideast. recalling
u.s imposition of camp david accords on egypt; reiterating
soviet demand for withdrawal of israeli forces from lebanon and an
end ':c foreign intervention in effort to resolve lebanese issue.
(4-3 min: enginter 13-10 enguk 1900- german 1500 turkish 1400
cze ,- - ak -1-500 polish 1400 kor 1330 indo 15e0)
(,c 5
7tport on meeting 28 sop between andropov and ali nasir
moha,,:,nad, prime minister of pdry, with gist remarks exchanged.
(900 +:ext sent: tasse 1348 tassr 1301 mayak 1400 home 1.500 orbita
1500 arabic #-500 1590 1730; 10 min: persian 1700; 7-3 min: home:
;Ad 1-300 orbita 1800 2100 enginter 16-10 frenchinter 2000
L d ~,-~
? d
P U54portbraz 2200 spanla 2380 engna 2200 italian 1700--greekcy
-tb U-5S11730 yerbo 1600 1900 bulgarian 1-53O; 2.5 min: arabic 1730; 2-1
min ., r b i t a 1750 ma y a k 1850 24'3 2230 enginter 1500 1600 1700
V200i:, 100 french inter 1-600 2000 2030 engna 2200 enguk 1900-i to l i a n
17O6 1900 Portuguese 2900 german 1500 1600 germaust 1804 persian
1500 1800-greekcy 17W greek 1800 czech/slovak 1500 1690
hungarian 1630 1900 serbo 1600 1900 mand 1600; brief: home 1950
mayo*0 orbita 2104 2200 2300 portbraz 2200 2300 spanla 2300)
summary anon krasnaya zvezda "pakistan in america's
strategy." discussing pakistan's military collaboration with U.S.
its participation in undeclared war against afghanistan, and
u ? recur:,: anti-govt demonstrations in that country. (7 miry: dari
5 ^
Ak 1500
tak ,\4--Sf several--commentary list: mw;cow consol idatra,+
roil ' program for chi soldiers: andropov stmt on intl issues.
st** (27 Iin: mand 00)
( 552 oA S- S
aid C AO.-
ws ~or
;Ar east
2 9 SEP 1983
74 tass political analyst boris chekhonin "dangerous
on dangers in washington's adventurist plan of reviving
militarism. (500 text: tasse 1936)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
(mzrt.,ail levchenko) "whither ck in-destiny community
1eaa jap'?" on danger for jap to subordinate itself to
u. s. asaressive strategy. (8 min, sent: jap 281000)
emb in moscow on ,dap govt's stand, actions re kal incident.
~bWlJy~( ,r,iy , sent: ,dap 281200)
W-1 6,03
76 gist of soviet foreign ministry's verbal stmt to jap
73"sov culture" program: incl intvw with winners of asahi
shimbun-sponsored speech context in russian on their
impx eye-inns of ussr. (8 min: jap 281200)
notice on radio moscow jap program pamphlet echo.
(4 miv jap 281200)
7y tmaksim sheryamov) re mainichi report that federation of
econo1r,ic organizations of japan has outlined plan to form socalled
pacific zone of free trade to be submitted to nakasone for
,ii.s.u.sion with president reagan, says this is another version of
pact-rlc community which tokyo and washington have been trying to
get t.hru lately, purpose being to drag countries of region into
new pro-imp bloc whose policies would be determined by u.s.-jap
aria but formation of new pro-u. s. group is facing many
obstacles. marcos feels caution should be displayed in approaching
rol.). indonesian observer said initiative for socalled pacific
community must be rejected. Papua new guinea prime minster said
it +.ould serve primarily u. s. interests. developing countries
are worried about propsect of losing *con independence and about
mil. aspects of planned communi y. (5 min: enginter 1431)
2 I SEP 1983
60 igor bestuzhev on australian govt's protest to franca
over nuclear tests in south pacific* points out that australia's
concepts, because they give smaller countries secondary
0`us _W_ condemnation of franca for its nuclear tests is shared by other
frm-t-11' co ries in recion. (enginter 1310 1610)
11 ~
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
f6VhLL5 l.Lv
.r,? i;4 gromyko dinner speech 27 sep in honor of czechoslovak
U L"Sf foreign minister bohuslav chnoupek. (tassr 271550) (5-3 min:
finniih 281530 hungarian 281900 jap 281.200)
a;.:an Communist
81 anatoliy veniamin on kampuchea, justifies presence of
vietn mere troops at request of kampuchean govt, criticizes usa's
kam,.-v_hean stand, and stresses that socalled coalition guvt
,,ep; r_;ar nobody. (7 min, poor: indo 1330)
CI/) re coming anniv of ussr developing its
8^ tyuriy
relations of friendship, solidarity and close coop with kampuchea
basedi un firm foundation of socialist internationalism, explains
ussr? aas one of first to recognize ppls republic of kampuchea
and t?; give it helping hand in most grim period of its
axiit4nce, cites examples of soviet help and assistance
to Kampuchea underlining its disinterested and selfless nature.
(ens nt r 1431)
,-st europe
i,3' belov on increases in production of commodities in
-socialist countries to satisfy residents' needs, on how these
Lncr _.as,es,have been possible. (5 min: mand 0700)
oint soviet-czechoslovak communique on outcome of ussr
4 Bo lrws la V
Usfi vis
Pub I ' SSMC c t e -x;
libxr.-A ion of country from nazis and lauding czechoslovak
2ttV- aSNN,/ ppl'' decision to follow path of socialist development under
(J~ O5J14 dr ah ip of c zech cp and in coop with ussr. (8-5 min:
D~ cze,:h Slovak 1600 polish t300 serbo 1600 1900 albanian-1430
bulca-Tian 1.530 kor 11-30)
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
G, intvw with ,fan musil. counselor of czechoslovak embassy in
mos": c'u. marking 45th anniv of agmt of munich. after which
,::esr slovakia was occupied by nazi germany, lauding soviet
by czechoslovak foreign minister and talks with gromyko.
4) (onn;_?isp 281200 )
Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570004-9
tors recalling saddest inci nt in european history which
way to war, re deladier and chamberlain signing munich
amt on czechoslovakia which opened way for nazi invasion of
czechoslovakia? quoting is figaro article by former french foreig
minister jean-francois poncet criticizing french and british
sell-out to the nazis# pointing out west continues with
anti-sovietism, they evidently still have not learned lesson of
inunvCT~ (8 min: french 1730)
take 7 of 7 -- commentary list: moscow consolidated $9 sup 83
p greetings msg to hungarian
re port on marshal ustinov's
VY forces day of hungarian ppl's republic. (150 text sent: hungarii
y . , 1630 1900
90 report on exhibition held in moscow marking hungarian arms
(7 miin: hungarian 1630)
91 stmt (alfred zanicki), head of dept of planning commissioi
of polish council of ministers about poland's participation in
coma, noting poland cooperates actively with other coma members,
its participation in organization was particularly important whet
usa and its allies applied sanctions. (5-3 min:
enginter 1310 frenchinter 2000 german 1500 arabic 1730 turkish
t400 greekcy 1730 albanian 1430 czech/slovak 1500 polish 1400