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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 39' 1 andrey ptashnikov "I ic- Czech/slovak 011600) (5-3 min: list: moscow consolidated 3 oct 83 W "J- 41 ()Ct 83 GT J-7(4% b-C- 3(o 39 1 on proceedings. (rpt STAT enginter 0710 1010 finnish 021630 dam' ! ' spancu a 0100 german 1000 jap 021200) l~-s I / ~ g OCT 1983 global G 3 weekly prog "life of fraternal parties": 1) major contents of magazine "peace, issues of socism" issue no. 10 (3 mnin); b) british cp newspaper article on surging antiwar movt 5 min); c) introduction to an italian city mayor (3 it i b . r n in a t k- %-k U Ct wh is cp mbr in italy (4.5 min); d) communist papers in cssr, of ~V fra ce support andropov's 28 sop stmt on intl issues; indian cp ;LS S., launches movt to support irnaian ppl's pty; others (4.5 min) Uft 021630 erman 1000 amharic 1530 Somali 1600) 'b;sv.n LS !`~' Pal undermining activities in afghan, saying reagan's authorities is G. h std main organizer of undeclared war agst afghan (6 miii); b) (kalin) us on u.s. opposition to nonaligned movt citing reagan's recent un ~uti4~`~wspeec (6. min). (mand 1600) ?Vn (AS take i. of several -- comment, r unga session 1L3 valentin vasilets new York report on gdr foreign minister oskar fischer speech. (to 15.5 min: mand 0700) 4 "2-line struggle in world polit arena": a) anon on increasing U.s-a. androipov stmt on soviet and american foreign policies, and disarm issue. (tasse 281733) (20 min: enginter 0610; 18-13 p;?o~ru~d~min: Spanish 022000 frenchmag 022030 romanian -021700 1700 02-1200; 9-5 min: enginter 07-10 1010 engna 0001 finnish tLS Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 (300 text sent: tasse 1940) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 6 karim -" ,uwwah, lebanese cp cc poi-=ouro mor, intvw with moscow..rad.io rep in.lebanon andrey popov, praising recent andropov and saying in stmt soviet stance in defense of world peace and rights of small nations. threatened by american aggression b-es, is fCher confirmed and stressed. (arabic 1500) II prai andropov stmt. (4.5 min: finnish 021630) soviet citizens at microphone express support for andropov's t. (6.5 min: poliish 1400) G (portafr 021830) 10 feature on communist and workers movt. (rat finnish 251530) (finnish 02163G) a- ~, 11 program "the international communist and workers' movement": 1) information about soviet writer from georgia (nadar bumbadze) and quotation from his work explaining what it means Co to be a communist (5 min). 2) item dedicated to 25th anniversary of prague-based "problems of peace and socialism" magazine, C 2c c.(~-~ emphasizing its importance and quoting congratulations on the event ~-- (3 min); 3) brief miscellaneous information about the communist and workers' movements such as the french cp cc plenary session; local conferences of dkp, frg; the appeal of the british cp to U,,~ participate in anti-missile demonstrations; and others (4 min). (total 12 min: Berman 1700) intl labor and communist movt: feature with commentaries by italian prefect, honduran comparty sec gen rigoberto padilla 2200 9 - and so author. (13 min: portbraz 0 S 413 0 s UG': 13 prof aleksandr yermolayev on strengthening of comparty's G 9 'anon on soviet foreign policy. (rpt enginter 301310) role, its leading role in revolution and socialist construction, and its ties with masses, rejecting various bourgeois theories. (10,m`in: albanian 1530) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 soviet weekl incl views of a moscow worker and a student Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 14 interv' .i) with soviet professor gr oriy morozov, vice-chairman of the soviet association for united nations, on plenary session of world association of associations for united nations which begins in geneva on 3 oct, outlining significance of plenary session in current international situation. (4-3 min: g e r maK_180 i t a l i a n 2000 v i e t 1000) take 2 of several -- commentary list: rrno cow consolidatcd 3 out 83 i'' WI, 15 report on moscow press conf given by alex la puma, gen sec 4)i2) n C6 of assn of asian-african writers' on results of work of conf held d~~F rU - 0-50- in tashkent, also quoting bhisham shani, indian writer and pakistani poet faiz ahmad faiz. (400 text: tasse 1300) P ei ct5 i& 0:-f6 - 0 .SIG 16 literary broadcast "writers at the microphone" reviews 7th afro-asian writers conf held in tashkent, quoting georgiy markov's address, faiz ahmed faiz, a pakistani writer, named plo fighter-oiett angolan writer and david kugultinov, inci 1 min Rvote rashidov speech (sent) (30 min, sent: home 0615) 17 highlights of speech at tashkent afro-asian writers conf.4y bek writer (sarva asimov). (engafr 1-700 2000) writers conf which called for efforts to strengthen peace, referring to afro-asian writers role in anti-imperialist struggle, intvws two delegates on success of conf. (4.5 min: W STAT 3..-W 19- viktor pavlov on results of delhi world energy conf, noting troubles of many developing countries bear an immediate relation to current energy difficulties, mainly due to american oil policies, pointing out participants at session stressed need to increase output of other energy materials besides oil, and there exists broad opportunities for coop between socialist and developing cou ies in other fields. (enginter 1531) 0 3 OCT 1983 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 c Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 I irec for of leningrad-t ad central institute of m chant marine, on efforts to improve communications and navigational means to ensure safety of navigation. (400 text sent: toss* 0903) 21 toss intvw with nikolay ananyev. deputy head of intnatl dpt of central cncl of soviet tus, re 38th anniv of wftu foundation, pegged to role of aucctu in struggle for interests of working ppl. (400 text: tasse 1424 tassr 1216) 22 toss interview with vladimir nazarov, director of russky yazyk publishing house, on agreements reached between ussr and other countries at recent moscow intnatl book fair. (400 text: toss* 1301) 23 the soviet way of life: incl publisher lists matters that may not be published works of poort qualityi writing harmful to pe e, pornography. (enginter 1810) 24 t ime, C events and ppl: incl yuriy kazakov on symposium being held on world's oceans, intvws sec of sympo um on work that will be done. (home 0900 orbits 0900) 25 sunday magazine: incl intvw with chairman of ussr state cmtee of foreign travel on world tourism day, 27 sop. (3 min: STAT 26 lawyer vladimir (dimichenko) compares rights in ussr with those in other countries, constitutional rights summarized, stressing there is much talk in west about persecution of dissent in ussr, but this is just provocation, as in ussr it is understood right --must include those of job and housing. (engafr 1700 2000) 27 ppl and events: incl interviews with two muscovites about world developments, they were critical of u.s. actions in various parts of world and stressed need for lasting peace. (eng#O 1700 2000) 0 y OCT 1989 (LS 28 moscow mailbag for north american listeners. r t (,(,s en g 01) (e n na 0001) (J~Ianf~l, '. . CLS Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 8 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 take of save 1 -- commentary list. nosk j consolidated 3 oct 83 kal plane incident D6 "o W1 Af6 O'f- 29 summaries anon izvestiya providing more details about incid (enginter 301310) (11 min: engna 28001 4 min: viet 1000) Al 0 101~ 30 art two of an unrehearsed discussion focusing on incident. (rat enona 010000) (enginter 11'10) '-) ' Ict i 31 recorded remarks by mahmud barialai, sec of pdpa cc, expressing afghanistan's views on recent impist propaganda on kal incident. 32 roundup worldwide comment lauding andropov's stmt on U.S. foreign policy, particularly on disarm issue, quoting foreign Qr~dra~u personalities, and citing Corr dispatches from Vienna, lisbon, l 2$ Sep eneva, mexico, tokyo, beirut, Sofia. (6-3 min: enginter 4710 St1 0720 1010 1440 19-10 21-10 portbraz 2200 spanla 2300 enguk X000 ("'dam italian 1.900 german 1600 persian 1-700 arabic 1730 greek 19DO pu SW Swahili 4730 albanian 1530 bulgarian 1630 romanian 021700 Czech/Slovak 1.600 polish 13090 hu.ngarian 2000 serbo 1700 2000 kor A? JAAIJ; 0930 1130 viet 1-000 camb 13300 lao 1300 urdu 1300 1500 IZ indo 1330 -1,5Q0) 0 g OCT 12:-'4 G(.S soviet press on soviet peace moves, quoting intl affairs, sotsialisticheskaya industriya, unnamed monthly ahd`r?P devoted to world economics and intl relations, andropov's reply ~cP17 i ~R9 ..w PA to fra parliamentarians (brief), and moscow news, surveuina peace t forward by user, and u. s. position. (enginter 2010) uS - / 34 roundup world press reports on transportation of u. s. missiles to Europp, . str.e?s-si-ng soviet peace aims. (4 min: greek 1900) uS ,,,,,ss~lcs It S Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 ") Q Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 '- -? - io, oay? urorwardness, on intvw given by general rogers, nato supreme commander in ~. S J d1D europe, in which he stressed need to deploy pershing-2 and cruise W_ &A____.- missiles in western europe. (300 text: tassr 0222501 3.5 ~,ePlo~ min: mtss~le~olish 00) 441 article by fray, director of intl relations cncl, carried in Washington post, charging u.s. admin 1"5 with using so-called soviet threat to justify its military arms a -rY!~S LLP k(6-Ituiidup. (tassr 021125) (350 text: tasse 1847 tassr 1700) STAT (_ S 45 viktor afanasyev pravda editor-in-chief giving his impressions of edinburgh conversations in which he took part devoted to an exchange of views on major porblems of present-day Intl situation, 4~r~ S above all questions of preserving peace, ending arms race and achieving disarm and detente in europe. (400 text: tasse 1045 00' N tassr 922?254 8 min: enginter 1720 2040 enguk 200)) 46 aacad pyotr fedoseyev, chmn sci cncl for peace and disarm studies, in kommunist, stressing that whole broad gamut of socio-econ problems faced today by ppls of individual states a`' and by whole of mankind imperatively calls for an end to arms race ~- and converting war production to peaceful uses. (450 text: tasse 2006 tassr 1335) 7.---- 0 S OCT 1983 47 summary anon kommunist on arms race and third world, O-Xrr'S criticizing arms race and cost of such to third world countries economies. (300 text: tasse 1025) arms 48 summary anon pravda on how arms race started. (`pt enginter LLS 0220 (enginter 1110) (A.S u take 4 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 3 oct 83 49 viktor shlenov referring to british and german press reports pnkasiltson arrival of first pershings and cruise missiles, repeating soviet IL .~ / o Il ~s~P / .roposals on question or missiles and andropov's latest statement nter-measures. (3.5 min: italian 1800) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 50 vladimir pozner 'daily talk' rejecting west's call of being democratic when it rejects demands by western nations to halt rms re. (rpt engna 022300) (engna 2300) "" rn~SS1 ( (subramaniam swamy), on andropov's stmt on state of world affairs, ~r~Pv h iling soviet continuous efforts for detente and disarm despite ;AY Ue J*icLt&- St~o\x astern nations pursuing dangerous and adventurist policies. W manifestation of soviet working ppl in moscow 1 act protesting G +tAi against u. s. admin's militarist course, re deployment of new medium-range missiles on european continent, touching on anti-war 3 M~SSI demos in some west european countries. (400 text sent: Lk S 53 stmt issued by participants in antiwar demo held in moscow. ay-;h wwt (tasse 011103) (3.5 min: Finnish 021-630 spanla 0000 spancuba TAe 1r\ 0 % 4- C 54-4bie, events, and people: incl correspondent report on antiwar demo held in moscow i act* citing intvws with some partipants. (home 0900 orbita 0900) report on mass antiwar demo held in moscow. (mayak 011200) as c.. (engnft-Q001 ) Lass political news analyst vladimir seron on anti-war anon on 1 act anti-war rally in moscow, citing intvws with participants incl some americans, also quoting freda brown, president of widf, stressing soviet govt has consistently put forward realistic proposals, and ppl understand this. (enginter IL S / 0 $ OC)' M3 57 aleksandr zholkver on antiwar mvmt in europe citing situations in frg, spain, vienna and other cities re protests C_#d(W' -against deployment of new u. s. missiles in western europe, also quoting western papers on beginning of deliveries of new a pww o_LL f- u oWx c- (X-.S LL- w G Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 ::c3 sovil culture: incl summary she olov peace appeal to all writers in world to work for peace and against nuclear arms. n, I-./1 (itali&Tr-~2000 greek 1600) G" LkS citing nyt article sharply STAT criticizing washington's anti-soviet policy, in light of andropov's avvtapoJ atest stmt on u. s. militaristic policy. 1.550 text: tase 1605 italian 2000 enginter 2110 greek 1900) Z~ S~f tassL"37 c is 60 tass political news analyst robert serebrennikov on extent of u. s. crimes throughout world, touching on u. s. policies in latam S L-a+ ~ -~ and mideast. (400 text: tasse 1315) (k 61 yuriy reshetnikov on washington's anti-soviet campaign. kc (send! eginter 1810) 62 anon: "the nonaligned movement and u.s. imperialism": S avLdru~~~ ecalling andropov's stmt explaining what u. s. ethics mean and a -b% Sept" eaganls unga address, noting having failed to foil movement, >e reayan called, in his speech on its members to follow u.s. course. 64 (kashlev) on corruption, other scandals in u.s. govt 63 "our correspondents reports." (rpt engafr 021700) (portafr 'S. ""b LS CL S agencies, citing reagan's 1980 campaign "debate" scandal, others. LAS A- S $1 OW 03OCT1983 ZCS 65 summary anon izvestiya on concern expressed by ordinary americans re u.s. militaristic ambitions. (350 text: tassr 1755) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 amnerica- 66 review of soviet press articles on u.s. deeds in latam. ~olom boo` t.k L Lo 5r& tcU- Certra1 LA- (rpt inter 022020) (enginter 1110) IS ass political news analyst nikolay chigir on escalation of u.s. interference in latam affairs. (450 text sent: tasse 2022 tassr 1337) 68 "your opinion" feature: colombian, mexican, costa rican, peruvian, german listeners on situation in central america and nicaragua's plight under u. s. aggression. (12 min: spanla LS 69 valentin mashkin on conf held in guatemala pointing out mtg is plot against nicaragua and ei salvador. (4 min: L)LDWI.- b &oIL- portbraz 2~Q0) tit ~ C (Lk a cats-~-, 6OQ 70 leonid levchenko on nicaragua appeal to include in unga session agenda discussion on central american situation, accusing Washington of unscrublous u.s. interference in nicaraguan affairs and its overall policy in region threatening peace and stability. (4-3 min: enginter 1.410 spanla 2300 german 1600 persian 1500 1700 swahili 1730 czech/slovak 1600 serbo t-300 korean 1330 lao 1300 camb 1330 urdu 1300 beng 1500 tk S /7 commentary 11*.,i;: inoscow cunso.iduL.Pd :? ocis 83 OCI 13$3 71 hernan del canto on disastrous chilean econ situation. Points out although pinochet boasts that his govt is the one which has done most for chile there-is no. such econ reactivation. i : spanla 2100) 72 anon on why chileans protest and demand homes. (9 m panla 2100) 7 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 e Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570008-5 73 anor n pinochat's recent polic to create mass hysteria over various issues such as the socalled appearance of virgin .merry or ufo's in order to distract ppl's attn from current situati in country. (3.5 min: spanchile 2130) 74 pedro correa points out that chileans seek unity with the purpose of returning to democracy and that current govt's crisis has been caused by chleans struggle. (7.5 min: 75 intvw with cuban union of young communists second sec conrado martinez corona on conf which ended in moscow recently. (4 mi in spancuba 0100) 76 report on exchange of greetings telegrams btwn ussr cncl of ministers and Jamaican prime minister edward seaga, on Jamaica's 77 tass corr igor ignatyev on opening o TAT cone on situation in nicaragua and central america, citing nicaragua's foreign minister miguel d'escoto brockmann's address, condemning u.s. policies in central america, in particular nicaragua's internal affairs. (400 text: tasse 1415 tassr 0945) L