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Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 take I of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 5 oct 83, 1d061349 unca session 1 statement of soviet deleg made public at 4 oct session by oleg troyanovskiy, dep head of sov deleg and permanent rep of ussr to un. (tasse 042326) (text, 5,500 text sent: tassr 0003 UAT i tassr 0001; 25-22 min: frenchinter 21-AG.hind 1400 beng 1,500; 1,500 text: tasse 0610; 18-10 min: enginter 1531. 204.5 portbraz 2200 spanchile 2100 arab 1730 serbo 1700 2000-romanian L600 hung -try, aNk 2000 indo 15OO mand 1600; 700 text: tasse 0644; B-3 min: orbita ,2100 enginter 0800 0900 1990 11-00 1200 1360 1400 14-10 1500 21-10 frenchinter 2100 portbraz 2200 2380 spanla 2700 enguk 2000 Italian 1800 2080 portuguese-2100 german 1000 1600/twi-ee/ arab L730 persian L500 1790 greek 16-00 greekcy *80 turk 4400 portafr 1830 somali 1.600 frenchafr 2030 swahili 1-730 albanian 1530 bulg 1630 polish 150G czech/slovak 16G0 hung 1730 mand 1230/twi-ce/ 1600 korean 130 camb 1330 lao 1300 viet 1300 1409 indo 1330 hind 11 lurdu 1200 1300 beng 1500 burm 1430 mandsea 1230) new York report citing text of gromyko ltr to un sec gen perez de cuellar, and text of draft resolution on "condemnation of nuclear war" to be included in unga agenda. X1,4,1 L,, tasse 0526 tassr 0240) I? See. C9 ow^ Of 3 new York report citing text of gromyko ltr to un sec gen perez de cuellar, and text of draft resolution on "nuclear arms freeze,' to be included in unga agenda. (680 text sent: (1-% 4 gromyko ltrs to un sec gen proposing inclusion of draft resolutions on nuclear war condemnation and nuclear arms freeze in unga agenda. (5-3 min: enginter 1410 2110 frenchinter 2100 CJ engna 2300 portbraz 2200 2300 spanla 2300 arab 1-500,17-30 dart 10 17-00; 100 text: tasse 0523 tassr 0227/garbled/; 2-1 min: home 0700 , S-G orbita 0700 1904; brief: swahili 7730 tasse 0555 tassr 0230) 7 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 15po persian 1700 greek 1900 tuck 1830.bulg 1630 czech/slovak Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 global f 5 andropov stmt on soviet and american foreign policies, and V,S 5W disarm 'sa e. (.tasse 281733) (20 min: korean 0930) p aO-fop ys CM lI- S 6 report on soviet ppls unanimous support for soviet state's eaceful foreign policy course reaffirmed in andropov stmt. 450 text sent: tasse 1125 tassr 1100) 7 anon roundup sov ppls reactions to andropov stmt hailing it as reflecting sov ppls desire for peace and denouncing u.s. ldrship for anti-soviet campaign. (greek 041600) (5 min: turkish LA s 8 reports on greetings msg from ussr cncl ministers to articipants in 5th session of world tourism organization general y.~ assembly in new delhi. (home 041200) (tasse 0614 tassr 0225 h ma y a k 0130 00 ) Washington report on reagan admin's continued attacks against (A S unesco, re state department stmt, terms this part of determined campaign of reagan admin against un. (350 text: tasse 1955 tassr 1420) 0 5 OCT 1983 Gcs 10 leonid levchenko on ruling of italian judge that bulgarian. arilines employee in rome was arrested on false evidence given by turkish terrorist agca. (rpt enginter 041410) (4 min: enginter A5 0-710 fr chinte.r 04-2100 german 1000 spancuba 0100 mandsea 1230) Itis 01 el P, G.s Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 time, events, and ppl: incl nikolay agayants commentary "the end of a fraud," on agca assassination attempt on pope and western allegations, recalls antonov affair and anti-soviet hysteria whipped p on orders from white house. (4 min: home 0-900 orbita Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 ,~l '~`~ 12 1olae :~sarmaiski y an 1 s and sla'ders .of t urk i s h m of asc i st terrorist agca who falsely implicated bulgarian airline official antonov. Cia agents and masonic ldr licio gelli played their role in fanning anti-soviet speculation. reagan himself praised Italian Pja(e`/ judges for sending to jail an innocent bulgarian. south korean plane provocation was just another link in these intl plots and OVwNiw a sl nd. (10 min: italian 2000) G-S w`A &%J VC4al1S yr arru-asian writers cone in tasnxent. (rat q UpL14 `Cs rgey negayev) interviews (mr lichan bihari), participant of afro-asian writers' conf in tashkent, a prose writer and public ~`.($lU figure from mauritius, discussing conf appeal, andropov's *IA stmt, m"cow book fair. (poorest: engafr 042000) W2tR/1.S 15 summary kommunist "developing world and energy problems," underlines way imperialism sabotages idea of new world economic order favored by developing countries. (350 text: tasse 1425 tassr 1052) 16 summary pravda on ussr's foreign trade and economic relations withindustrialized capitalist countries. (400 text: tasse 0823 tassr 0442) 17 "socialist countries and those countries that follow socialist policies": program by vladimir (korolev) on mongolia, bulgarian music and comments on u.iamaa oolicu in tanzania_ 14 ( 6LJLL . tke 2 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 1d061406 18 "talking with you" feature with vyacheslav rostovtsev. (r ortbraz 042300) (spanla 0000) i G "questions and answers" incl reply on soviet policy Nol,6'towardi nalignment. (somali 1600) 0 5 O CT .1983 20 announcers read listeners' ltrs commenting on radio moscow / #sograms and on international issues. (4 min: spanla C 2300) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 p r~S 21 extracts from angolan and mozambican listeners' ltrs in m rit t t f g ar ms ici s, c I-adio Moscow prog, a o en OLKS U'0, praising con p,Zi~~race and condemning unita's banditry and south african S 0. incu ns. (3.5 min: portafr 1830) "among our listeners" program: reply on soviet foreign policy, long history of support for just struggle of ppl for independence and sovereignty ussr always has been friend of arab ppl, supported just struggle against zionism and imperialism 3 min), reply on right of veto within unsc, explains that while imperialist powers use this right to prevent progressive measures, ussr has only used right of veto in defense of lofty ideals of just rights of ppls to freedom and independence (3 mi , (poor: frenchmag 042030) 22J-")youth program: a) ref to forthcoming 7 oct natl day of Lt ' JA, dr which is also commemorated in ussr. following is talk by a-, soviet student at berlin humboldt univ about her life and ~a~ work in gdr (8 min); b) report on youth festival of songs in Sochi which took place within framework of peace march of soviet youth. with music (5 min); c) info about "youth program" quiz aboutr~sovi t union (mi ). (total 14 min: german 1600) AT 1983 Q5 O 24 mailbag: incl replies on aims of war pact countries, on soviet inventions and purchase of licences by different countries to use these inventions. (enginter 1210) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 .kal plane incident Ow NIR S 25 summary anon pravda criticizing anti-sov campaign l attention focussed on superficial details of kal plane incident, maintaining washington keeps inventing new explanations in order to stimulate anti-soviet hysteria, but it has had little success in shaping world reaction to incident, pointing out there is no doubt that kal plane's flight over soviet territory was a planned provocation and a pretext for a large-scale anti-soviet campaign, briefly quoting andropov statement of 28 sep that guilt of organizers of provocation has been proved, that Washington was seeking a diversion from soviet peace /3 (vladimir gushin) on u.s. efforts to keep public If proposals, generally welcomed in world. (4.5 min: enginter 1720 Lt S 6- S it -. ..rte S. I Lo~!'Gw intl diary: incl pavel kasparov on antSTAT soviet orgy organized by washington pegged to downing of kal plane over soviet territory, stressing as more details emerge about flight it becomes more obvious that plane was on a spying missip-1T' (home 1745) summary moscow news on kal plane incident. (rpt enginter 5.br- 04?y@tQ) (enginter 1110) ~- ~ 0 5 O CT 1983 29 pravda editorial article "flexibility, washington style, or another deception," on so-called flexible position taken by u. s. at geneva. (tasse 031708) (8-3 min: frenchinter 042-100 enginter 0710 spancuba 0100 Berman 1000 persian 1600 turkish 1400 ga an 042000 jap 0412001 president reagan issuing statemenSTAT concerning soviet-u.s. talks on limiting and reducing strategic arms taking place in geneva. (500 text sent: tasse 1615 tassr 1723) P'' ~~ Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 31 valentin falin izvestiya on reagan's 4th oct statement in VS .11 which "measures to modernize u.s. nuclear arsenal are portrayed as actions to limit strategic nuclear armaments." (350 text: -'both siy s\ (sent: home 1900 orbita 1900) 32 anatoliy doronin on soviet-u. s. talks resuming in geneva ith meeting of heads of delegations, reviewing stands taken by ol_ish0) 33 aleksey vasilyev on sov-u.s. talks in geneva rejecting u.s. claim that soviet ground based inter-continental ballistic missiles are main destabilising factor. (sent: engna 2300 34 vasilyev on u.s.-ussr geneva talks on disarmament, saying that,tts. has no intention of reaching agmt. (5.5 min: mand 0700) 14-S take 3 of several -- commentary list:fmoscow consolidated 5 oct 83 35 roundup worldwide comment lauding andropov's stmt on u.s. (opoi oreign policy, particularly on disarm issue, quoting foreign V_ j personalities, and citing corr dispatches from various capitals and quoting soviet and foreign press. (enginter 0710 0810 polish 1400 s e r I7Q0 2000 v i e t 1000 1300 1400 Q 5 O CT 1983 Cab roundup reports of soviet press on soviet peace initiatives, quoting sotsialisticheskaya industriya, moscow news, new times, L pravdl an'i krasnaya zvezda. (rpt enginter 041110) (enginter 1110) 37 review of soviet press comment on nuclear strategems of u.s. and ussr, claiming reagan admin laid claims to world domination us P while ussr sought peace, disarm, quoting moscow news, za rubezhom, kaya pravda, and pravda. (7 min: enginter 2010) u S tass corr discussion with franciscoSTAT Javier chamorro mora, nicaraguan ambassador at un, lauding soviet initiatives aimed at consolidation of world peace. (350 text sent: tasse 1729) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 us Dt u 05OCT1983 42 anon on popular concern about worsening world situation in a nuclear context, noting support for andropov's constructive peace proposals as contained in letters from u.s. and canadian lisners about war and peace. (poor: engna 0001) .LLS IW~ joint communique issued by italian ccSTATty and french comparty general secretaries enrico berlinguer and georges marchais, voicing serious anxiety over aggravated intl situation resulting from threat of further escalation of nuclear confrontation as a result of u.s. militarist policies. (300 text sent: tasse 2114 tassr 2010) 40 tass intvw with metropolitan filaret of minsk and byelorussi on mankind faced with an irresponsible position of u.s. admin which evidently does not realise what possibility of war, especially a nuclear war, means under present conditions. (500 text sent: tasse 1638 tassr 1455) U5 41 speech by agadzhan babayev, president AT of acad of sci of soviet turkmenia, at closing of intl courses on measures against desertification for specialists of developing countries, stressing need to divert tendency toward a nuclear war WU which threatens very existence of mankind. (350 text: tasse 1847 tassr 1701) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 43 yuriy kobaladze on deployment of missiles at STAT greenham common, noting british civil aviation authority has announced introduction of a temporary military zone in air space over u.s. air base at greenham common, mentioning press reports that reason for this decision is in preparation for delivery of first W'01 es batch of cruise missiles, pointing out this decision has been (,t .. .05 taken despite opposition from overwhelming majority of british ppl, quoting guardian that an air bridge for delivery of cruise missiles and self-probelled launching installations is essential to americans in order to avoid confrontations with participants in peace camp which has been set up at entrance to the base. (2 min, sent: home 041600 orb i to 041600; 3 min: enginter 1.410 21-10 frenchinter 2100 portbraz 2200 enguk 2000 italian 1800 german 1600 persian 1-800 arabic 1730 czech/slovak 1600 urdu 1-300ig 1500 anon: greek 1900) 1L S notes from a publicist: boris tumanov on remarks by george bush admitting that british and french missiles must sooner or later LL S be taken into account to settle problem of limiting nuclear weapons L.U( m~SS;/e. in europe, maintaining that taking into account french and british nuclear weapons is more precisely the obstinate refusal of u.s. flu` C to calculate balance of power in europe on this basis, which freat~ dangerous impasse at geneva negotiations. (french 1830) 05 OCT 1983 (,S akh lent in db (f - ` ~ a, o g rg trade union federatiion) conf for peace and disarmament," informing about this conference which began in cologne, frg, on 4 october. sakharov summarizes the opening speech by dgb chairman ernst breit under the slogan "no ntfew nuclear missiles for our country." this slogan reflects the W4j" view of the majority of frg citizens. on 5 october a 5-minute monition for peace was observed all over the frg, organized by dgb. his speech, ernst breit emphasized that the plicy of deterrence which produces more and more insecurity can be stopped merely by disarmament. thus, disarmament has become a urgent necessity. all peoples of europe are bound to come out for disarmament and cooperation among people, as proposed time and again by the soviet union and other socialist countries. (5 min german 1700) r ( Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 (kr~drv o~ I *" 2 a-Adrwr Amiki-n on artivit -of -nonaligned L Z~ S1f Scountries for peace and against nuclear catastrophe, noting this can (y0AAL r (~,Y be seen in support for andropov's statement jointly expressed by '~nU..-muhammed and zhivkov in sofia, and gandhi's attack on reagan's & sp 4 1 at unga. (3 min: home 1745) (.e S 47 summary anon izv stiya on bush statement re french and bS M britis"uk missiles. (rpt french 041830.) (frenchinter 042100) 6 =n I W u S ws 48 anatoliy karpov, chmn natl peace fund in user, giving details of fund and outlining peaceful aims if pursues, above all to pr,~vent war. (3 min: engna 2300 german MO) lenirwrad. (turkish 1400) U--S CIVhuj&Au. s. anti-war organizations calling for mass support for week of action against euromissiles. (appro ppro 350 words: tassr 1355) ~O Lss~le6 on stmt by group ofSTAT 1j.-_~ 05DCTl 51sci-engineering: incl boris belitskiy replying to listener expressing concern at underground nuclear testing. (rpt enauk 28}0O) (enguk 2000) take 4 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 5 oct 63 ldC?1S 14217 52 doris maksina reviewing listeners' letters revealing unexpecte repercusions of kal plane incident, maintaining kal plane incident OjAJA/) has boomeranged, compelling more ppl to join nuclear disarmament S,koi"- O mvmt, maintaing it is now clear that kal incident was planned to jeopardize geneva talks, defuse nuclear disarm mvmt, discourage friendly contacts with ussr and to promote reagan's image as a cru_.ader, mentioning that listeners compare media's handling ~(AJwt of incident with their treatment of falkiands crisis, noting distortion and manipulation of media, scoring u.s. efforts to extend their military presence, resulting in increased tensions around world, underlining concern over relations between u.s. and ussr as a result of kal plane incident. (enguk 2000) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 I-S Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 53 youth program: incl report on peace marches in ussr. 54 report on ceremony of award of lenin prize to mikis theodhorakis in moscow 4 oct and on address by nikolay blokhin and theodf1 akis' reply. (10 min: greek 1-800 greekcy 1-900) 55 tass corr intvw with greek composer mikis theodorakis following his winning of lenin peace prize, stressing need for all ppl to struggle for peace. (400 text: tasse 1330 tassr 1345; 3 min: enginter 1-410 2t-10 portbraz-2200 2300 spanla--2300 italian 1800 portuguese 2100 arabic 1730 persian 1500 1700 greek 1400 turkish 1400 swahili 1730 albanian 1-530 bulgarian 1630 polish 13,30 hungarian 2000 kor 1330 mand 1230 camb 1330 lao 1300 beng 1500 urdu 1300 bury 143 indo 1330) (Lcd~ IS - report giving ref to growing worldwide antiwar mvmt,' followed by quotation from statement by greek composer mikis ayk1v theodorakis at 4 oct festive mtg in G(QC~/ ~~ moscow when he was presented intl lenin medal for his activities for s~ngthening of peace. (3 min: german 1600) 57 yuriy baranov "we have received your letter": answering list ncr's letter on lenin peace prize. (8 min: spanla 0000) 5fi summary anon pravda on usa subversive propaganda entitled "mol cfll and the mountain." (3 min: czech/slovak 1600) 1.1. S (A .S 60 aleksandr danilov describes newsweek article about cia. (7 npolish 1500) 61 anon 55 summary alexander yakovlev, director of institute of world ecor, and intl relations, article in izvestiya on us. s. govt's provocative foreign policy. (350 text: tasse 1721 tassr 1722) CAS 5 OCT nyt article sharply criticizSTAT washington's anti-soviet policy. (tasse 031605) (frenchinter 042100 turk ish 04-1830 dari 1500 persian 1-800 arabic 15,30 hungarian 042400 serbo 1700 2000 ,dap 04t200 hind 1?30 urdu 1200 thai 1100 indo u-S Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 LlS - V 62 vladimir pozner "daily talk" discussing u.s. media and what ~3v rAn it~di~ to brains. (rt enana 042300) (engna 2300) 5) V6 I Aalfnl, 63 igor dmitriyev on u.s. milit spending, outlining extent lt~S of milit budget which is detromental to ordinary americans who reJect/g1/t's claims of soviet milit threat. (engna 2300) Lk 5 64 vladimir pozner intvws american baptist jack moore, relating his impressions on second visit to ussr, recalling his first visit when he wanted to assess how much religious freedom ppl have in ussr and found that situation was quite opposite to what he had been led to believe, suggests americans believe there is lack of freedom in ussr because govt does its best to keep anti-soviet alive. (5 min: engna 2300) us 65 nikolay ognev pravda "a block is being brought back to life," on conf held in guatemala's capital of defense ministers from t{und 4,3+I hondu el salvador panama and pentagon. (350 text: mayak 0350) e- l Stlu a r CA--5 66 viktor olin on discussions to take place at unga re threat to peace in central america, saying source of such threat is 0-1" u.s. policy which is one of interference in central american affairs, by nicaraguan situation. (3 min: enginter 2110) (!OA CL as C 67 chile: anon on situation of homeless ppl who occupied land in sarltiago areas. (7 min: spanchile 2100) 66 report on visit paid by chilean musical group (los jaiba,.. to ussr. (14 min: spanchile 2130) 1 /-05ocM take 5 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 5 oct 83 ,I d061438 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 70 intnatl diary: incl aleksandr zholkver bonn dispatch on development of anti-missile deployment movement in frg. are in favor.of that opening, remarks that there 69 chile:.eduardo rojas on cruel repression by police forces, explains pinochet has been forced to implement political opening through minister jarpa because some milit sectors can be no solution while pinochet remains in power. rojas refers to upcoming march for democ and sixth natl day of protest, and notes that ppl hope unity will prevail and will lead to overthrow of pinq~e`~. (7 min: spanchile 2130) (rpt: home 01727) (orbita 1030 1405 1430) '~/1~ tIdJ 72 vladimir ostrogorskiy dealing with recent stmt by u. s. amb to frg arthur burns in balse. (rpt a vrtr'an 031600) (german m S5 11 0 1000 ) 73 talk by bright (radlow), mbr of secretariat of socialist german workers youth fed executive, on various peace initiatives in frg. r.t erman 0600) (german L SST- 1000) S anon report on facts about finance scandal in frg, quoting (rpt +ust 042000) (germaust 2000) "good evening austria," program for austrian listeners. 1~~0 5 OCT 1983 76 intnatl diary: incl yuriy koboladze on laSTAT tb -_ TIky LUIIr in orignton. (rpt home O1j1727) (orbita 1030 1405 JAA 71 s. sosnovskiy on indignation in frg over STAT polit reprisals against tv journalist Franz alt. (approx 360 words: tassr 2120) undated spiegel article on donations by industrial and bank magn" s to dcdu-csu and fdp parties. (3 min: german 1600) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 77 glance at british scene: igor klimov reviews civil rights in ulster and drawing comparison btwn cuba and ulster, maintaining london's policy re civil rights does not meet interests of single group of population in ulster but only maintains its stronghold over ppl and undermines their basic rights of jobs and good living standarr. (enguk 2000) 7F program for belgian listeners: vadim nedbayev writes l lu _1 that growing number of belgians are concerned by plans to install lu- missiles in europe,recent protests recalled, and opinion polls N-v;sS1I_S oted, andropov stmt quoted in); listeners ltrs on disarmament ~Q s~~PSt~~ ... (3 min). (french 1830) ndrey shapilov reports on agca's false testimony against Ni N~ ant nov. (rot engna 032300) (engna 0001) 80 feature "friendship quadrant": account of courses of univ of italian culture in moscow; music; italian orthopaedic doctors attended seminar at kurgan; stmts by italian doctors quoted. (12 min: Italian 2000) L D p 5 OCT 198/3- V,! tass analyst geliy skobelev "dangerous precedent" on conclusion of another summit conf of french-speaking african countries and france in vittel, france.' says such mtgs have been held since 1960 but rarely had they achieved so few results as latest one, where participants failed to reach agmt on ways of settling internal conflict in chad which has aggravated critically as result of largescale imperialist interference in affairs of that country. (400 text: tasse 1742) 82 aleksandr fedorov on oau addis ababa summit in June and its consideration of western sahara issue. (rpt engafr 011700) (frenchafr 042030) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 G u-1 (~'aen-+ 83 intvw with two participants in soviet-african public opinion conf in mosco-y, who give their impressions of conf. they are two guinean and one benin official. (9 min: frenchafr 84 grigoriy yefimov on preps in mozambique for foundation to conference. workers' mtgs are examining draft program of to organization to be set up. production councils operating at every enterprise in mozambique will constitute backbone of future to organization. in angola to moot played an outstanding role 1/l.cLd ~~~.5 c in restoration of economy which colonialists had plunged into chaos. tanzania and madagascar too have powerful to movt. tus of socialist african countries act as strong support of rev democratic parties in building of society of social justice. engafr 1700 2000) take 6 of several -- commentary list: moscow consolidated 5 oct 8: l.d0F x;16, / I 0 5 OCT 1983 t 85 "interlocutor": intvw with leonid (setunin), an afric.anologist, describing his visit to angola, extolling its socialist achievements in econ sector since its independence despite undeclared war against it by south africa. he gives glimpse of his recently published book "development of ind-o,pendent angola's economy." (7 min: portafr 1830) anon on role played by Somalia in imperialist plans for undei\mining african unity. (sent: engafr 1700 2000) 07 summary izvestiya on steps being taken by young states in southern africa to resist south african blackmail and pressure. (rot engafr 041700) (frenchafr 042030) Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570010-2 88 aleksnadr volkov on reagan admin's cooperation with racist .0_X VS regime in pretoria ignoring protests of world community and resolutions of unga, incl cooperation in nuclear field. american policy is full of contradictions. american laws prohibit export of nuclear fuel to south africa, howefer its shipment to racists goes on unhampered. african group at current unga session had plenty of reason toresolutely denounce u.s. coop with south african racist regime in nuclear field. doesn't white house policy run counter to treaty on nonpro of nuclear weapons which among others ears signature of usa? (engafr 1700 2000) CL S 69 program "solidari.ty with struggle of ppls ofsouth 3 Q.tTV - CkLk c U-S by (vladimir voyevodov): (vyacheslav tetyokin), executive official of soviet afro-asian solidarity cmtee, re dayof struggle in defense of prisoners in racist goals to be marked by progressive world public 11 oct, says that sov ppl had all along championed immediate and unconditional release of political detainees in south africa. at rallies and mtgs more donations would be collected for soviet peace fund to help prisoners in racist goals