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G Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570014-8 LL to r ocvc-caf ___ Ltl,lHUg/lb.91"y Lib 11l11bS- W lw#*uaz.u4&bed 9 act .83 IJ L046 united nations 1 stmt of soviet deleg made public at 4 act session by oleg troyanovskiy, deputy head of soviet deleg and permanent 31 -epresentative of ussr to un. (tasse 042326) (10 min: enginter aA r- 5~ Ss~orJ 10-10 191-0; 6-5 min: enginter 1410 18.10 2110 french inter 082100 So/ spanla 2300 german 1600 1700 arabic 17-30 persian 1-700 greekcy HuNd/sv~800 greek 1900 portafr 1828 amharic 1-520 bulgarian T6-30 polish 1500 serbo 2000-indo 133'0 15 Abur 1430 beng 15100 kor 12x0 camb romyko letter to un sec gen perez de cuellar, and text of br-~b 10-10 16.-0 frenchinter Q82100 italian 1800 portafr 084-830 dari -C') 081-500 swahili 1730-somali 081-600 czech/slovak 1600 hindi 1x30 Urdu 1200 300 viet 1000) 3 excerpts from soviet delegation's statement at unga session, cov-sring some of events and processes in developing countries, it D / - firs'. of all in young african states. (rpt enaafr 0717Q0) (3.5 t,~ -> et* G kampuchean govt for taking its rightful seat in un. notes so-called name of coalition govt is just to hide name of pol pot from world; also notes srv helping kampuchean people. (6 min: bur 1.030 U-4 4 Pravda corr interviews with unga delegates seeking their views on soviet initiatives made at current unga session. (300 5 anatoliy aleksandrov, re sihanouk's appearance before 38th unga session, scores reactionary groups trying to distort It situation in country and, with support from usa, for preventing Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570014-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570014-8 Iobal 6 intl observers roundtable with aleksey vasilyev, aleksandr lebedev and aleksandr zholkver discussing anti-war demonstrations in soviet union and their significance for world peace mvmt; attitude of u. s. and ussr to disarm; unga session and soviet initiatives for disarmament; gromyko letters to unga; western k05 media efforts to promote reagan's so-called flexible approach 544"to missile issue; u. s. foreign policy in aria, africa and latam; QS Q,~~SS~~CS u~u (kS u. s. policy in lebanon; unemployment situation in u. s. ; unemployment global as a~drv~u/ 7 andropov stmt on soviet and american foreign policies, and disarm issue. (#e 281733) (20 min: kor 0930; 16 min: romanian m Cla &.5 levy; 115 8 billy zamoyskiy on Italian judge releasing bulgarian citizen falsely alleged by agca to have been involved in attempt on pope's life, u. s. slanders against ussr. (rot G71~(enginter 2020 port 1800 spanla 2300) US "the'international communist and workers movement" feature: cc member vladimir zagladin comments on results of recent bloc ,neetin moscow. (6 min: romanian 1-860) 10 artem melikyan on conclusion of montreal session of in.tnatl civil aviation organization. (450 text sent: e a"v- tasse 1105 tassr 0903) 11 vladimir korolev on regular meeting of unctad council. (rpt enginter 081410) (enginter (7710 1010 frenchinter 082100 clari 1-50O portafr 081-830) 0--2, 0 9 OCT 1983 summary anon economic gazette on benefits brought to east-west relations by industrial compensation deals. (approx WP4 500 L/e-A "- ^"" Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570014-8 STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570014-8 13 ghanaian writer (arme aitse), who attended tashkent afro asian writers conf, talks about conference and predominance of iha~e~ j u& issue of peace. says nuclear war threat is most important issue .in world and african liberation is connected to issue of world a-Ifa ~QSiu -peacq.._, (5 min: engafr 082000) tJ l3vfs W ~w- Pvr4-u countries and continents": feature on yemen arab republic, looking at one mountain locality from historical and architectural ;point of view, with brief generalized description of country from colonial times to present day; description of life and activities of botswana livestock rearing family and describing botswana's ore mining industry; feature on portugal, noting important part tourism plays in country's economy, claiming that local population are badly affected by inflation and are therefo e i.nable to afford vacations themselves. (home O@90) 15 time, events, people: incl vladimir makarov, re taman civil war period, presents reportage from temryuk reminiscing on period of fighting, reflecting on region's current prosperity and agricultural achievements (5min ; vinogradova previews movie "it was the fourth year of the war" made at gorkiy movie studies (4 min-). (home 0900 orbita 0900) 16 "talking to you" feature: cyacheslav rostovtsev answers :Listeners' questions on un role in preserving peace; on soviet support to revolutionary struggles; on latam social revolutionaries. 1:14 ?iT : spanla 0000) take 2 09OCT1983 17 "questions and answers": incl note on brochures about soviet domestic and foreign policies published by novosti in portuguese ing 1983. (port 081800) 1~) several commentary list: moscow consolidated 9 oct 83 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570014-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570014-8 18 mailbag for north american listeners: inci replies on stringent safety measures at soviet nuclear power plants; wide WAA- esponse to moscow radio quizzes and forums; yugoslavia not being U S p (~u I member of Warsaw pact; life and career vladimir pozner, who J 0 th S american service; soviet belief that nuclear catastrophe is not :ved in usa for 13 years before working on moscow radio nor inevitable; freedom of soviet parents to choose bibilical names for the offspring; gagarin's space career. (engna 0001) 19 mailbag for british listeners. (rtp enguk 082000) (enguk u,~ 2000~^1 kal plane incident PoWjtjI1jieeing kal aircraft servici mss' i i? l r 14S STAT 21 pravda editorial "fighting for peace," lauding struggle and determination of peace-loving forces in world to prevent a new world war as a result of american militarism. (enginter 072110) (6-3 min: enginter 1440 18iA 2110--enguk 2000 german 1600 arabic 1730 amharic 1530 polish 1500 czech/slovak 1600 serbo 2000 hungarian 082Q 0 k r 1330 lao 1o0 camb 1330 urdu 1200 1300-burm 1430 C on increasing number of americans intrusion as being preplanned by u.s. special (tasse 081355) (3 min: spanla 2300 kor 1330) danilov clarifying why ussr is insisting on inclusion of nato bloc's nuclear capability at u.s.-geneva talks on euromissiles. (rpt enginter 081410) (enginter 6710 1010 frenchinter ~lL i._~I(~,n inn a.rf-wnruba 0100 hind 1130 dap 081200; anon: hungarian 082000) plies: replying to listeners' queries on I.-) Asa- 23 "moscow radio re 3~ - - a . - 4 . 4 , ( \ 1 k% in aenea. (10 min amharic 081530 somali x1,-600) ~'i'S A5' ~_ Approved For_Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570014-8 I,t.s (~~O talks. (rot Spanish 0-52230 on 7 t 1' t) ( Approved For Release 2008/06/10: CIA-RDP94-01353R002101570014-8 24 summary krasnaya zvezda on u.s. president reagan's s-called "new initiatives", claiming they are nothing more than a rebash of all pseudo-zero and interim options which have long since been discredited in eyes of world opinion. (400 text sent: tassr 0817) " G(,S 25 viktor tanin "flexibility washington style." on false pacifism (/l-S a?rr of washington and alleged flexible position of u. s. at geneva italian 20001 ~sSl ~ utv 26 question and answer program devoted to anon explanation of soviet stand at geneva talks based on questions put by listeners. (rpt polish 021400 on 3 oct ist) (enginter 0810 1610) ~ 5 11~ soma l 0081600 e n g a f 1-700) (,L S 27 vladimir pozner 'dailry talk' discussing president reagan's new strategic arms reduction proposals on principle of one new warhead deployed replacing two old ones. (rpt engna 082300) { ?a n 2300 ) (fig 26 mikhail vasiliyev recalling soviet proposal for a freeze on ulS all nuclear weapons, recalling andropov told frg parliamentarians that ussr wants a ban on build-up of all components of nuclear arsenals and on deployment of new types of such weapons, r- mentioning test moratorium proposed by ussr, pointing out an spiv Oai)mt to freeze nuclear weapons would immediately halt perilous nuclear arms race, scoring u.s. opposition to freeze. (3. 5 mj: eng inter 2010) (A 9 ?5- ` '0 9 DOT 1983 29 leontiy samokhvalov on disarmament and what it could bring Gecw