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Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101580013-8 '- 1 :n+:ernatior.al diary ~~ ~ ~ ~.~yacheslav kashchenko on relent cema mtg STAT C~-a-- ? S yr~g~ and ~t^t stressing need for peace. (1. 5 min: home? 1745) ~,~ aleksandr kuain on bilateral' econ coop btiSTAT c~~sr? and user. (2 min: home 1745} 1 anatoliy naymushin on enterprises flourish STAT Wit'r. aid of so~.~iet e~,uipment. (1. 5 min: home 1745) ~o STAT ?~alPriy prost3{ova ort huge antiwar demo. ,capir.ali~~t press baEts cruise deployment, demonstrators beaten up D at ce:^i=_o. (2 min: home 1745) alek~andr kur~lin Ian latests demos and STAT pr;~t_ats by antiwar rr.ovement. ( min: home 17451 Igor vyhukholev tokyo report on Japanese peace pro*::x=_ts. (2 .-!in: horrl3 1745) n3v~e1 ',taSDarCV cirz~~ (r r!in: hone 1745) ~~ on peace demos in several STAT 2 2 ocT -9a3 ;Lobel report an press conf given in tome by reps of Bulgarian investigation agencies revealing new, important facts re attempted .35s3331natlt}n of pope john paul ii. (350 text sent: tease 1623) talk based on British listener Lionel gay's ltr to moscow radio r.3pping Washington's policies orr various global issues while lauding soviet stand ~n them. (3 min: enginter X410 1$10 21#O Persian 1.500 l~Ct~-~-Turkish 14c30 pol,ish 1590 Urdu 1230 130 beng 1594) J, Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101580013-8 / Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101580013-8 lt~ ({achin) on boneless ppl in capist countries, noting soviet workers spend 3 percent of their income on housing, ~~h i 1 ~ u. ~. pp 1 spend one quarter of their inclr~e on their house. (7 min: mandsea 1230) ? (,~ S T~anon on how soviet union helps developinr~ countries to pro;ra~ducational undertaking. cos~~ie~nnin3 u. s. missile deployment plan and american policy in a~v~ QStc.. 1eb.3non and ~rideast while supporting reactionary regimes in ~{ ~a~~~ ~or1~S ;~nin: arabic 1500) Z(..-$ ~ l / ' is N~c s s M L~ S Irt vans. bagonolev, sci Corr, enthuses about radio images rec?i~~ed another scientist barsukoV adds his toughts (5~~; ,;~~i~;4r and dnepr battle veteran reminisces about action on bat;tle~s 40th anniv t. m'n); nikoiay agayants answers lis~anars' itrs: listeners write in support of andropov's peace-loving stmt; writer from mninsk asks about u. s. use ~ 5 of sfro-asian solidarity in caira, on dangers of u': s. missiles aru-b and there efract on mideast, citing cema stmt stressing importance Q~fc~ - G-Sl t,., of W-~rld~ce and coop. (~il~~: arabic 1530 frenchmag 20305 M~SSi~~ ~'~ time, avents and ppl: incl report on events few days ago when M l~ S ~.s~~ ?:-:-~>~r~a ,p.r_g craft ~s?nt its messagz~s back to zarth about planet G OS ~~ ~i1^~d~ ~1f nava~~slps off lebanon (5 min). (home 0900 orbnita 0900) f3u~ lge~~o.- ~~~ll (5 min: mandsea 1230) review of stmt of organization of afro-asian solidarity ~;indas: on the arab world: ir~cl review .of stmt of organization ~_~ ~-~2 2 OCT 1983 hS - f !'socialist countries and countries following socialist development path": Bulgarian textile tus give important service to textile far.tory workers; hungarian youth contribution towards building industrial protects; ship repari work in maputo. (11 :r,in, overall: amharic 211530) Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101580013-8 ~A.r~('~ '~o.ra ~u-u-y, Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101580013-8 id summaries anon krasnaya zvezda devoted to 50th anniv of Leipzig trial of georgy dimitorv. (300 text sent:??ta~se 0900 tasar 07~?5; 4 :yin: bulg 130) Y? intnatl communist nd workers movement: report on work done by parties of sar and chile. (B min: palish 1400) ~~ :rte talks about communists: anon on resistance shown by Lebanese co,rp.3rty during Israeli invasion of Lebanon, pointing out communist fit usa and israei are against aggression and far dust solution }o;~ nideast' prablem .(_~~~ irttv~s with french communist cn_ .aor cn rale of communists in treating social and ?econ issues of ~?Wun (5~ ~; anon on arrest of two senior communists fo~~ rro~a paragvay on 27 aug 1480, since that time there has been ;-, ,, ryt~~s of their c~hereabots (2~i~~ (arabic i530~ item re?,rie~.~ing stets by S- ~ ordinary soviet citizens who give their ^pinian of intnatl situaL?ion. (,rpt finnish 171630 an 18 oct 3 ~ 2 2 OC1' 1983 good evening a?rrica: incl iten on activities of intnatl ~~ tourist office in ussr which enables ppl to visit their own co,~ry. ~frenchafr ri'20303 Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101580013-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101580013-8 Take_:? ~~T =avoral -- co+?~mentar~ list: moscow consolidated 22 pct 83 id2...::~?3 ~oaJ S K,d~.~?- ~dwN~~y~ G =?I listeners' program. rpt persian 191700) (persian 1@00) ~,.1-S~ "youth program": incl feature on russian"language and its pop+~1. ity in uorid. (persian 1700) ~ I~ v '?'' aFricar? r*,ailbag: incl info on history and functions of un. (e n g ~?r\ 1704 ) plane incident G ur post. (r;;t serbo 2120003 (serbo 2000 Slovene 1930) nguyen ngo~ minh director of viet institute of~law ~tu,3i?s, on u. s. violation of intl law in sending plane over ~ov:.~ territory. (7 rain: viet 1300) 3i~armipeace .?t pravda editorial 'er,;inent culture figures in struggle for ;:,aac~~, stresses r?nle these personalities have to play in pror~agandizing ideas or' peace and progress. (orbits 0001) 2~ su+r.maries pravda adti-nr;a1 article, 23 pct, describing Q,fh~ ;?~+_alled nee: a:~erican arras init-iatives, saying they contain ti N~h~-frv~ -oth ~~(g new. (1, 5C0 text: tassr 2150; 9. 5 rin: engna 23?OS ~ --- -- t~~l.. :~%~ su+a~~aries yevgeniy grigoriev pravda on anti-missile opinion in ~e.L. 13;;0 text: tasse 0030 tassr 212335 mayak 03250; 4-3 min: ~~s~l~ ~~- .spa^? ~ 2a~~0 i~:alian iBGA Finnish 1630 palish 1400 Czech/Slovak ib00 3'? serbo 1790 2036 alb 5'QO bulg 1-fr30) ?~ 2 2 ~i. i 1983 , ur^~rar~~ yur~iy kornilov selskaya zhizn on u. s. ~S ~i:`3ri~,r. :450 text: tasse 0635 tassr 212354) ~i(~ +$ Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101580013-8 Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101580013-8 max, ~ ~~~o~ ~1 anon new guidelines for Hato mbr Q~,~~jy\~~~,:ring bloc and western press and personalities. t7-4 min: enginter ~'~ ~~ s-~P 12~orean Gr3O) prof (alrksandr yermolayev) an cpsu cc cmtee slogan ~. ~~.~ summary vadim ardatovsky izvestiya about implications of pr?ps in britain, West germany and Italy for deployment of cruise ^is~i:es. (350 text gent: tasse 1630 tassr 1527) 3^0 pap r?epart on ,?oint polish peace cmtee and polish sai?aI c,rtee r'or securit in euro e, citin s , y p g peech by ~ozef czyrek ~~n Jsngera of nuclear conflict, calling on all nations to work togetizer to prevent it. t35O text: tasse 0751) cnurtries nn ~~.'hase x2rritories new u. s. medium-range missiles are tL ~?z depluyad. (3+70 text sent: tasse 0024 tassr 211325) L~2 ro+.,ndup of intnatl comment on andropov's 28 sept stmt, "I.?~n~ Iive the peaceful +-~arxist-leninist foreign policy. " +:,rc~ .~ b 2C~15ti:;?0) (~-~3 min: rmanian 1600 korean 0930) 1rt account of rnoscow ress conf vn friday devoted to disarm ~W~Aa~~ (r?~t enar:a 212300) (enginter 0810 engna 2300) leonid levchenka referring to recent cema stmt points to G Lan~~istFnt soviet efforts to check nuclear weapons in europe and re3rFirrns sovizt stand on european missiles and cites andropov's 28 eF strfit. t~#-3 min: enginter 1410 1610 211-0 german 1600 Italian iCOO Finnish 1630 arabic 1730 turkish 1400 Persian 1"500 '..7Gi: poll=h 150 Czech/slovak it-OO hung 2(700 kor 130 bulg 1"630 urdu,f~fv~ 1?GJ beng 1500 indo 1330 1500 bur 1430 lao 1330) /s'~ 2 2 OCT 1983 Bernard lown's speech at mtg of physicians on Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101580013-8 3/ Approved For Release 2008/06/16 :CIA-RDP94-013538002101580013-8 37 i~tvw with kazimieras mackevicius head of soviet to deleg.stion to Sofia wftu cone held in conjunction with ~u(_,~Q.g.c.~ un-sponsored ~.~arld disarm week, noting socialist cpuntries' antiwar, d,~sar~ S 1L anti-nuc arms policy. (4-3 min: enginter I~fO 2ZiQ i~alian 1800 ~.fin~- arrr-s Finnish 1630 arabic 130 polish 1-540 Czech/Slovak 1600 bulg 1630 korea-n~La3O carob X330 lao 1200 indo 130 150$ bur 1430) U,K d'`_S ,~pc chairman romaash Chandra talks about week of action ~ ~~~`~ for disarm.